s. The' Bishop with an pntd to -f THE FAMOUS THE FAMOUS THE FAMOUS THE FAMOUS I dr' ue si am ls-i1 OVERALLS 35c A CLOTHING SENSATION Boys' Pants rzzvmxx&ZMmBzs&xzz&msmzi BESzsnimBea cmnaMesKiiStEmoz2 F PRICES TALK, THESE WILL SCREAM! R3 Ft A & S3 A I M CII4 i T H fi 1 1 T A O f2 1 1 M P M 7- . ls m j - ti j i-n ii ,--- i " 1 w i n m j u r t-i ii i . J ''A GOOD MEAT ISEEDETH ISO SAUCE" gj&BiffiiflgaMsajiagsr-Tgg ZSSTSSS33SS!S3S. ttmvTFmmswijumiT All of our 50c, 65c, 75c and 85c Knee Pants, Your Choice 39c it Now. is the Time to' Busy lhat 4th of July Outfit ik it All new goods that are Clean and Fresh, such as have mt been handed clown from one generation to the other ATT A TVTfTITrn-Tr rTTAT VT1V KlTiVT.Tr. T7Tm raT?I?VTni? ff FT33" Br"' P 11 Gw JH. ,r". ,iCx fl ,! Brass fl C 0 . fW D 4r-tw mro V l J AJ J. Jl L J. . n 1J -Ti-J-J L J. -L . kJX J. J-JJJJt J.' JL X . UUIU V JLxJLI r . H B B fl i 1 H (" " ft' B T T H " n 11 e- s. KV U U , ' " --' k h Rn h I rami Bfr- 'J Y and WORKMANSHIP are all to be found in our i-i t.'agwawaBgr.'aaiinicaQgJigiiawwiwiii.'JiJwi wan u wuih1 huh taaBsmtimmiswswaisfxatssf&Bis B tl l) B nn wnm 'bj' -atif Hr; Clothing , Soaps A good Bcrvicpable wool suit in nttit stripe, at . A Sc rue suit, worth Jto.oo, nicely uindc, nt Ultio T v(!ud, in the celebiatcd II. & S. make, worth $10.00, jidw Gooil, substantial, fast color Cnstd mores, Sia.oo kind, go nt .... Faticv Scotch Tweeds, bountiful pttt toins, were $15.00, now...,,,. Elegant $12.50 I Iocktutuu& . .--. . $ Bcautiful.taitorcd Hind Sert(C8, al paca lined, $18.00 goods nt Our fine hand mado lino of the rich est fabrics, such as weie bought to retail nt $18,00 and $20.00, can now be had nt 45 5-95 6.95 7.50 10.00 11.95 15.00 Furnishing Goods A good White Linen Front Shirt Fine Silk Front l'tifi Hosom Shirts ..... ... Elegant lino of Shirts, two Collars ......'. j v Our Engineer's Long Gauntlet GlGvo !., .,'.. IJIH OVERALLS ,. ,.Y---V. CAI'RA GOAT GLOVES-' w.. ',.,. a. RocWord Sox, 3 pairs for White India Linen Handkcrchlofa . Hlnck Fast Color Underwear. .., Dei by Uibbed Ualbriggnn . . . Men's Work Shirts , Elegant lino of Silk Ties Good Ruin Coats Fine Covcit Cloth Mackintosh .1 K 25 59 .50 .85 50 25 .10 .05 50 25 15 1.50 3-oo Men's Biir Barsraios in Fine Pants just arrived. 'ZS2&M53gSZK2S3ii toys' Clothing Boys' $f).oo Suits now . . Hoys' $5.00 Suits now Boys' S4.00 Suits now . . . ....". .Boys' $3.50 Suits now Boys' $3.00 Suits now . ..,..,. ..; Boys' $2.50 Suits now .... Boys' S2.00 Suits now' Boys' $1.50 Suits now :'. .. .. Boys' StriCw Hats Boys' Golf Caps - BARGAINS IN BOYS' SHOES Boys' BIB OVERALLS, Blue Donifn, Copper Riveted, sizes 4 to 12 r ' .... ..... . . , -.. i-v,,,; $4-5 2-7 i 3.00 4.65 ' '2.25 I.85 I.50 I.IO . . .25 19c 2nSKa3I!HEEn& snnfiriiyiigamgggii 5S 8 UUr L?. zaJIMWlltt :'nSiXii!MX2tX Hats-and Haiufn's $7.00 Patent Bals Hannn's $6.50 Vici BrIs Ilanan's $6.00 French Calf Bftls. .. Weber Bros.' Union Made Waited B at Calf skin, a good wearer guniantjied , , " Fine Velours at ... - U .... Our Patent Leather and Enninal Ct)It and Kids, in Oxfords and regular stylos', 'nrcthe host in the mm kct at ... . , .... Vici Kid Welts at , . . .. Box Calfskin at ... Fine Calfskin Shoes, neat stjlcs, at '.. Our Satin Calf Shoes at aic the best on the maiket. 3' 50 3-oo 3.00 2.00 i.50 Straw Hats range in in price from 10c to aPanama at $5.00 Large Line, High G-rade Duck er Basswood Trunks. wjurraMU-tirrarrrargaiMwe Tlie above bargains, arc here. Our efforts to please you is our constant aim, and in spite of the lateness of the season and other unfavorable weather conditions, we are pleased at th? increase that our business shows over last year. This new store has been in Alliance just a little over one year and we are justly proud of our first year's business. In that time we have forged a LEADERSHIP and we have clinched it. yt Agents for the World's Best in Men's and Boys' Wear! tig Appa re You G-et the Most Change Back Here H REMEHBER nrnwranMNHMMiMs um The Fact that It Pays to Trade at TH E- FAMOUS Clothing House ft? x&& Two Doors South or Pose Office, Alliance, Vet?. rnrnT?ivvxazx!ramr!mrmirTnPiTfwwmwxm ir k & it k it V -& III i Jf.iftW&1iiJi7iAYh.tffrirtfliCTMHMii T We Make the Exact Change mmtimmmmmmmmmsm ftlZ" i i&? t j"RI fSs7t3?S5fwti HEMINGFORD. llvollh I, rii'ivt 1h fully uutliorlzwl to m llcltMitwoiliittuuii n ml job work ami rolli-ct uml raoelut fur miiiu, iiml tnumict nil oihwr buMiiohti In couiuctl(in wltli liln intuition as an aoormltieU it'ii'oMiHHtivo of tfita p.ipr. Mrs. V. K. lleruonll lias uni1 to the ranoli nt Ilouht. The 111k Double Stoi-i Ik the rijrUt plac-s ti. buy the right goodb nt the rlhtpriiv .hie UcruOnll bnlVwrod the lows of the mine injured in thw Burlaw uollnr. Mib Aliiwdti I'oket wuina up from Aliiuneo Tuvul;, returning the siunu dny. r.ju't forget to get' that pair of hhiiHH for the uklnff of it. Wiudy. Sumu of tha younger girls uttendlng the nur-nml at Aliiuneo from thlh plncu are Nolliuand Btla Carter, Kettio Uh ri.', .1hu Uiisttu nnd Clara Xugol bclinulilm ,Mts. A. U. Millott is bpunding the week at Hot Springs. Are you losing cattle with the black leg? If .m, save theiu by calling at" Funk's Pharmacy and getting u bottle of those Blaek-leg-olds. Mrs. W. A. ltnndaU wat, in Ileming ford Tuesday. Quite a number from this Vicinity will celebrate iu Alliance thib year. The colored troops will camp the day before aud after the Fourth here. It may be interesting to note 1 ho differ ence in their appearance before and after eelobrating. When yon are in Hcmlngford don't forget to call and see us. If wo are acquainted we will be glad to see you and if we are not acquainted we will bo glad to make your acquaintance. FfNK'S I'llAltUACY. Mr. and Mrs. Kid well entertained a few friends at dinner bunilay. Isaac Uookey has had bomu extensivo repairing done on hl& buildings. Mr. Thompson, the new Congrega tional minister, is a pleasing gentle man to meet aud one who ought to be uble to build a strong church of this denomination in the community. We understand that he has spent several years as u missionary in China, leaving there immediately after the Boxer uprising with u baby only two months old to cure for, his wife having died in the Chiuese interior, 'Say, follow, where did you get all those nice lireworks for the Fourth?" "Why, at Funk's Pharmacy. He has the nicest line in town. Joseph Kaper went to Western, Sauuders county, Wednesday eveuiug for a few days' visit. We would not be very greatly surprised if there were two of Joo on his return. A person never can toll. Calviu J. Wildy 1ms un up-to-date method of haudllug heating stoves but one to be lot ulono strictly. He endea vored to bulanco a stove on a single iron rod. It slipped and he slipped, he alighting on his neck and back. Cal will not be around town for a week or ten doyB. Mr. and, MlS. .T. C HenuKl were down from Marblaud Monday, Laura and Glen Mounts accompanied Mjjs Oraee Wheeler home from Alli ance Monday for a few days' visit. The rtevimth Dnv Adventlsts are holding a big eampmeutiug at Hot Spring. Many of the denomination frtlin this vicinity are in attendance. The meetings will continue all this week and thl Tuesday uf ne.t wejsk. Little Iterance Fenuer, daughter of It, It. Fonner, has been quite ill thit wok with whooping euugh. Dr. ltell wood of Alliance was united and re mained noarly ll day with bar. For a time her lifo was despaired of but at tills writing she is believed to be out of all danger. 4 Fred Nwelaud anil wife were in town Wednesday. Mr.. Ilustln spent Monday In Liberty pmeinet, the gue'st of '.Miss Pearl llrofaliar. sale or A new Mt)tr.Qv tfade. Wimjy. organ fo.r Thrn now pihr s gllllih iuv or silo at bur- I oh u Moravok was in'from the ranch Wednesday. , Heorge l'endrlch shipped a ear of eattlu to Otnliha Monday. This Is the llrst load shipped from here this sea son. W. F. Walker and 11. II. Funk went to Alliance to attend the Uoberson lecture Thursday evening and missed No. lion which they weie intending to return. As a result they drove buck. Remember the host sack of dour In Nebraska for Sl.O.'i, Ask for prices In larger quantities. Wildy. Warnie Millott has been employed by 11. II. Funk as clerk. Warnie is a steady, industrious young man and will, we proplH-iy, give excellent satis faction. amies cousin, Rupert Walker, has taken the place us helper iu the creamery Rupert may be a little small In stature but he is all there when It comes to work. Wo ure always glad to meution boys who rus tle around and get jobs. They will make men of resource. James Kcunedy'a sale, owing to the small crowd, did not take place as advertised last Monday. If yon want the right kind of paint or oil at the right kind of price, call at Funk's Pharmacy. Mrs. Matilda Hood will bell eighty five head of grade cattle at her ranch, notice of which appears olsew here In this paper, next Tuesday. June 30, ut 9:30 o'clock The crowd should gather ea.rlv to allow the sale to begin as early as possible. A free lunch will be given at noon. If you want some stock which is way better than the average, attend this sale. Stuff will all be disposed of to bona tide bidders accoidiug to teruu of sale, as we un derstand it. Mrs. Elmore last week. returned to Alliance Claude Humphry of Alliance chargo of the Piper funeral. had Clyde Rhodes left for Sher'l"n H-t wck. Alliance and 1 Krilfst OUu, the dniy liiu. u .igin o up o t.l on P. E. Council and wife an 1 Dr. ElU nor attended the Roberson lecture in Alliance. Dr. Eikner is enclosing with a barb .wire fonee two tt acts of land fronting on Ilox UuUe avenue on the west side of the avenue and lic-lwetu Niw'jfUia avenue and Custer fctieet. The doctor expects to llx these u'p as pm-Ls with il rives ami pleasant walks for moon true lovers to walk rmj ttn-y injoj evening strollr. Ha w ill In thu eud. so we" are creiitablyiufornud, donate them to the city. ' Mjs. Muirhead fcpent neve-nl days, lien with, her preuu tills wtok. Rev. Dr. Horn, traveler and lecturer, will address the punple on the general subject of Ills travels next Tuesday evening, June M. Dr. Hot n is u tal ented man, fully able to describe the varied scenes and experiences through which he putbed on his world encirelitig trip. Education derived from books otinnnt be compared with education gained fiom travel and rubbing up against men and tilings in all patts of the globe. All cannot travel and at tain this education at first hand; but all ought to welcome the opportunity to hear a great favorite lltce Dr. Horn tell them of those things in his own inimitable way. It wUl be the next thing to making the trip in person. MiS Carrio llushncll uccompanied friends to Hot Springs last week. Tito Columbia, Fire Insurance Co. of Omaha lias paid John II. Shirk Si 5 as damage on His store, scorched slightly in fire of May Ul. The payment has been prompt and in full of all claims. The Columbia is an old Hue company and has many thousand dollars' insur ance in force on cattle, horses and sheep in tlie county as well as consid erable on farm and city property. Prompt adjustment and the payment of all just claims will be bound to gain for tho company u large business. Edward Tillin Piper died at tho Fos ket home in this village Wednesday evening, June 34, 1903, shortly after 9 o'clock, lie had been lu falling health the past two years and during the last three or four weeks he grew weaker and the end, which eame peace fully, was not unexpected lie was born in Relmont, Ohio, in November, 1815, and w as almost eighty-eight years of ace. Ho was married early In life to Miss L.ulia Denton. There are four surviving children: Mrs. Win. Fosket and K D. Piper, both of llemingford; Mrs. Hill, who lives in Illinois aud Mrs. Decker of Portland, Ore. He en listed as a private during the civil war aud entering the medical branch of tho service, became a surgeon. After his honorable discharge from the army he moved to Dennett, Neb., where he lived until coming here to reside. He had made his-home for tho past several years with Mrs. Win. Fosket. Mr. Piper was a member of the Li, A. II. and ho was proud to be enrolled in the or ganization, requesting that his (Srand Army badge be buried with him. It pleased him very much last Memorial Day when the veterans came iu a body to' shake hands with him.' Ho hail lived long beyond the time allotted to mnn Rnd fifntn oniim not so mich from dtM" !.! .- hi ' :r II - if- . f'l'i si i i i ii l .tee !k . f . it. I l.iilil n".s T.i the !ill ll lee iv-i emi- statitatd loving attention fiom Mrs. Kosket and H I). Piper. As he had done unto otheis, otheis did unto hlin. Those who knew him In hihycyiugrr days before his Hplendid powers of mind aud body begun to wane bet ap preciate the nubility of, his diameter unit the breadth aj.u jcnpn ot in-, life. Tho remains were taken ti lleutfett, where iiiiiuy of the- mtnt pleiisHiit h Foelutlous of hie life were formed and there tei.dVift 1-iJ t) rtsi b, li.s u'd friends and neighbors, E. D '.pM-ifi-i compunylng. We wish to ostein! onvi,i)l hwt felt thanks to the peopK of llemiuif ford for help and sympathy during thel sickuc&s ana cujiitn oi our ueioveu i.i titer. E. D. l'JPJ?it, Mns. Wy. Kosket, Achcson k JoJcr, The hardware men, sell the oalv cattle dip, Car-Sul, for lieu, itch and ni'nge. See them if -you want to clean up your cattle. ' Foil hai.h A full-blooded liaTKmay bull, four years old, price STfVanda high grade (S.ilowuy bull fifteen months old, price $10. One, not both for sale. My range is on and near 3.V27-.10. O. D. JtougK. r.-S9-3t Cattle to summer I will take cattle to pasture for the summer at my ranch three miles west of Malinda. Plenty of good range and water and cattle will be salted regularly. Terms, $1,25 per head from May 1, to November 1. Jos. Nkruo, Malinda, Neb. For Sale Ffteen head of two-year-old colts; also one Shire stallion, six years old, and one Norman stallion nine years old. Will sell this stock right. E. Mabin Homingford, Neb. For screen doors and windows call on Geo. G. Gadsby. WOODRUFF'S SURE HAY FEVER CURE. GIVES INSTANT RELIEF. Discovered in 1000 FincT Soto in 11001 After thlrty-threa years' of suffering with Eay Fever in .LaecaouUf lut.Weud ruff discovered this valuable remedy, and is now entirely free from Hay Fever. Others have tried It with the same re sult. Outward appli cation and inhaling only. Price soc by tnail, rOSTAGl l"AI0. THE WOODRUFF CO. Tor sale by D. V. Butler at Eagle Pi artnacy, Alliance. Neb BSf ifff Lower Itatcs West. The Darlington offets round trip tickets as follow-: Denver and return. fS.50, July 1 to 10. Colorado Springs ttud return, $1 1. 00, July 1 to 10, Pueblo and tetitrii. li.J.'i, July I to 10. Ask agent for particulars 1 W1H1IIII I1B IIIIMI IIIMII I II ,11 mmilPB.HIWM llMHHi ZB1NDKN BROS,, . . DCA1.HK8 fN .. Hour 1 re ed (4 ionie x TJkr Comiort" i Flour Is Our J.e.tdn. Tiy II 'PHONE tOS. VlT HIDi: MAIN sTunnr . . Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone ISo. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. I Q' Kates to California. The Hurlington offers round trip tickets ns follows: han Francisco and return, Sl"'i, Av.gust I to 11. Los Angeles and return, $15.7"' Au gust I to H. Ask the tiei-tet agent tor pirdeii'urs Staple and Fancy a ft MlVhl m WMWi Ifc IB 1 ft i"15 iril O Q up-i SR'- '" j HaHsVlaH w 1BV 1 fw'gV OLD RYE made of careuflly selected gram in a distillery where ccry detail of the making is watched by those jealous of its reputation is our Marriage Wreath. It is a WHISKEY that can be used safely in the home, in the sick room or at the club. Of fine quality when made it has acquired an exquisite flavor, while grow ing old. f-yrj-p Ranch Supplies. "iKMjmam i0iwMrnm inmrMMsrawtM man niK Bv..sr OF EVERYTHING- wsifs "i sr 11m srii usaeaii nim 111 1 ijiiihili . m ksms Our Prices are Right. Sauc .s a 1tu dxt&x. J as. Graham. PHONE GO. O AAAAAAAAA A AAaaa AAA AA.Uit I For a Full in me or... Staple ND k Fancy 1 Groceries I Best Co II CCS, 1 fal Tens, l icnop s 1 j mat Can't lie Real In Town.,,, Queensware, HI Tinware and " ' Enameled ware 1 CALL " A. D. RODGERS. 1 A s. i $1 H TV, w w wr-