V . a2r-j. ,jii laYA-ifciJi..li f 12& COMPETITORS A w V 4 j?.- We are the only merchants in Alliance ADVERTISING- a CASH business that DO a CASH business. "We are not, making spasmodic stabs on a few staple articles for a short time, but have established permanent Cash prices on every article we offer for sale. Read the prices quoted herewith and the next time you scratch your head and groan at the prices you have been paying for merchandise, REMEMBER, SWANHOLM SELLS IT FOR LESS. WE HAVE NO "' wi"M"""""""""""""i"" mmmmmHmmammmmmmmammmmmmmmmmKmmmmmMBmmmtmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmMmmmmmamammunmmmmrmamm MaaHnMMMHBMMBMMHnmHiMMnHMBMMiiHnaaM - . 'tf'fri Grocery Department w.uiiiii miiwiiMiiiiiiiiiiMiMw irnn nm 17 11)8. sugar for Si 00 Canned Corn qc 15c Tomatoes per can . . .".. ..... nc 15c Culled corn 3 for 25c 15c Pumpkin 3 for 25c 25c liRB plant 3 for ..... 50c 25c Strawberries per can ... . 19c 200 Apricot per can 15c 15c Hlackbcrrics per can 10c 15c Raspberries per can 10c I2jic I'ears per can 8-ioc I2lc String licans per can ... gc Oil sardines 5c Mustard sardines 10c Salmon per can i3-i5-2oc 15 Saucr Kraut per can 10c 4 pnekaces Soda v. ,.; . . v 20c Search Light Matches 3 for 10c Quaker. Oat Meal per package: 10c ioc Gloss Starch 4 for 25c ' ioc Corn Starch 4 for 25c 15c Cold Water Starch , ;. ioc 5c Yeast Foam 3 for ioc 5c l'earline 7 packages for 25c All Best laundry soap 7 for 25c Goc Jclley per pail ,. 48c FLOUR. Patent Si 00 Straight Grade goc Dry Goods Dep't S10.50 S 8.75 7.50' 1. go 375 5.00 S $ s s S15.00 Ladies tailor niadosuit Si 2.00 Ladies' tailor made suit S10.00 Ladies' tailor made suit S 3.00 Ladies' percale skiits' S 5.00 Ladies' skirts S 7.50 Ladies, Skiits Sio.od Ladies' fine silk and et- amine shuts $12.00 Ladies' fine silk, circu lar flounce skirts $15.00 Ladies' skirts, best silk, latest style 75ccnt Ladies' shirt waists 75cent Ladies' percale waists S 1.25 Ladies' basket weave, duck and pique waists S 2.50 Ladies' fine silk waists $ S 5.00 Ladies' Fine silk waists elegantly turned $ -' 35cent. Lace lisle hose 25cent Boys' leather stockings Standard prints at 3)4 cents yard, fancy prints 4K to 6 cents per yard. L. L. muslin 4 cents per yard, Bleached muslin 5 and fi cents per yard, Hope muslin 7 cents per yard, Lonsdale 7U cents per yard, nine quarter unbleached sheeting 17 cents per yard, nine quarter bleached sheeting 20 cents per yard. S 7-75 S 7-75 Sn. 00 390' 39C 85c $ i-75 3-75 igc 15c per Clothing Department. 57.50 Cheviot and cassimcre suit S3. 75 S10.00 worsted, cheviot or trico $6.75 $12.00 all wool in any kind of fa brics S3. 50 $15.00 suits of all kinds $1 1.00 $18.00 suits, the finest made S12.50 $20 hand tailored, perfect fitting S15.00 Towers Fish brand slicker $2. go $4.00 Stetson hats S3. 20 $5. 00 Rtctson hats v $3.90 $1.25 Black sateen shirts . goc $1.25 Ideal, Lion brand and Ak- clson Bros, dress shirts $1.00 15c Linen collars, all brands t ioc 15c Black and brown sox, gc 50c Overalls 39c ' Socjackcts 39c $1.00 Union made ovciall and jackets 75c $1.50 Brotherhood gauntlet gloves Si. 10 Si. 25 Brotherhood medium gloves goc $1 Brotherhood shot t wrist gloves 75c $1.50 Busby gloves qoc ' ioc Rochford sox 5c Boys' clothing, the largest line in the city. Enough said Shoe .Department. 3 75 4 00 3 25 Keith's Celebrated Patent Vici guaranteed not to crack Men's Velour and Calf the regu lar S5.00 kind, our price . . . Men's extra heavy Calf worth $4.00, our price ..... . Men's Vicis and Colts in several different styles, regular credit price 3. 50, our price 2 75 Men's Box Calf yelts for 2 25 A complete line of Ladies', Men's and Children's shoes at 25 to -35 per cent cheaper than any credit store can sell them. Ladies Patent Leathers .. .. $1 Ladies' Oxfords, new styles in endless vajrety at 1 Ladies' Undressed Kid Top, silk lined, made of selected stock . $2 25 Misses and Babies shoes and Oxford shoes a specilty. 95 25 K '.vy Do More than we advertise. "Were we to quote all the bargains in our store- it would require the entire space in this paper. Swanholm Sells it for 1&SS . '. . . -. SlAO m Go's Cash Department Store U 5)3 & v - waat!irt atear brvs 3Wft hi rm nrns &ag&&S&tS8B&Saa8SWl!!SIS W t .7" . - itf mi:wws&1' Mrs. Thos. Reean,... rt00O0OOCVO0V; JiC000OYO0 VOVO , 0 0 i t 0 Has a Large and Complete Assortment of a WULLIINERY, 9 & f T ADIES' TAILOR MADE Suits, J Shirt Waists. Huslin Under- LT wear, . Fancy Notions, Chil dren's Headwear, Battenberg flaterials, Embroidery Materials, Stamped Linings, Hair Goods, etc. Opera House Block... 0 0 0 0 -K 0 i 0 $a5.7.r to California and Hack. la bur llUKtuu Ho nt?. , For Hit' jroiieriil iiM.umllav of the Pres byterian church in the IT. S.'A "tit Los Aajjelotj Mny -1st to .1 11 lie 2nd. Tickets on aalf May 1:.' to 18 inclusive limit. (I for return to July If., liio:t. Stopuvors allowed Ht many points of Interest. Ahlc the ticket nirunt for particulars. txvMwaacrMmmaKjta 0 000000000000000000 0 Dray and Transfer Line. Phone 139. W Mb HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worrj about what to do with your Household Goods , S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store ther in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and shir them wherever desired. Charceu nisonable. The only spring dray line in tho city, S. A. Miller. The Imported SHIRE HORSE, "Weston Tom" III (S580) Hred hv William Ward, Weston, Spalding Line, England and imported by L. Banks Wilson of Cre6tou, Iowa, Will muko tho season of UW3 at my much live nillos west and imu-half mllo north ofllum timfonl. Terms-Sio to Insuro living colt. All manw bred ut owner'?. rUk. I reserve rlcht to reject uny niuro. U owner part with ninro she will bo twuldered In foul mill Wvt, duo at once. 1'urtlusllvliiK ut 11 distance can lmioiuam, jrou rorsl, cicjIi, oxtru. LUKE PHILLIPS. To Breeders: .My mcTi knoun lluiuhlctonlan stallion. Eycntlnie, 'will make the season ut the Checkered Front Hycry bant. Terms: $10 to Insure In foal. Ouncrs disposing of marcs before fooling will be holding for fws. " Ww. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone Alliance, Vo. 5. Nebraska. FRIESLAND, The Imported German Coach Stallion Will stand for the season, of 1903 at Smith & Heeler's livery barn in Alii ancer Friesland is a beautiful, imported bay horse of a gentle and kind disposi tion. Any lady or child can drive , nun. Weight, 1450 pounds; lbyz hands high; good style and splendid action. TKllMS: $10 for llvlnjr oolt, payablo whin colt Is foaled. If not paid when due, 10 per cent Interest will lie chanted. If owner should dispose of maro sho will he considered In foal and fees duo at once. Care u 111 he taken to prevent .iceldents hut owner will not ho resiwsslhle should any occur. IRA REED, Owner. For a Full Coffijli OLD RYE ----- - -- W. M. FOSKET, -uictlorxeer Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, or BY THE DAY. made of carouflly selected gram in a distillery where every detail of the making is watched by thoso jealous of its reputation is our Marriage Wreath. It is a WHISKEY that can be used safely in the home, in the sick room or at the club. Of fine quality when made it has acquired "an exquisite flavor, while growing old. THE RED LIGKBT. i Line of. AND Staple -k Fancy Groceries i ruft n m UOM S. Finest Teas ' rt Vimni JJUJbl 11 nn Cattle taken to ruu by the season or j ear. Correspondence solicited. Refer ence Commercial Bank, Chappell, Neb Jno. M. Delatouk, Hutchinson,' Neb. For Sale or Lease The J. Hagerty ranch four miles east of Bridgeport: over joo acres under irrigation and plenty of good range. Would also sell horses.-mules and cattle and farm implements. 3-12-8W Achcsnu At JoJcr, The hardware men, sell the oDly cattle dip, Car-Sul, for lice, itch and mange. ace tnem it you want to clean up your cattle. 3- s mil" ours That Can't dg Real In Town..., & -?7& in Queensware, Tinware Enameled ware CALL ON. "0XTS ot "Saw A. D. RODGERS. Notice of Snlc Under Chnttcl .Mortgage. Notice Is hereby clven Unit hv virtue of 11 chattel inortBiiKf, dated on tho ltldavor SVtt 'r ".V-'1 "ml ,Iu,y 1U'(I for S& 1 the oIHch of the county e eric of llox Jlutto 1Mr,..Vil,.0Xw:uu,(I 'T J- " I,l,'' to William Mounts to secure the imment of SK.OOnnd !,,,., ,U.r '?,yllll' beu", ,l,ll,' hi tho pay ment or t..ild sum, und no suits nor other rr1L,IV?r. ,.,il,I,w l,!,v,,,K ''f'l Instituted t5 K I ' 'Ur""-V "1".t thereof, thero v in',1.' L',V'1 lir"',r'y therein described, M. V ' . &orr" ',"ie. weight NX) pounds. 7 years old. two v.hii. I,d fL.ut ami white stripe lu face, branded t, on left she der re e.V'vY. hw ll '"!l ono w nuir J. m.brand- t lonoriluast coiner of Intersectlo'.or llox 1 , , nWjronUi.ic uvenues In tho c Ityof , All!:ii.ii-, III llox Hutto county, state of Ne braska, n the 30th day of S.'.y "xm I nt t o'clock p. m. of said day. ' l ' i """'"" .mi cms, AlortKUKce. Qv &iT Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me IIf.mikcforr, Nku. BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Proprietress S2E31 Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms "1 Fire Insurance. Hemingpord, Nhukaska. Altoiit for the I'uledonlau. of S'otlaud. wlik'li liiMiiet. town property only, and tho Colum bia, which injures town und farm property and live stock, itoth urn rolltibloold llnocom-panlus 5 i i Staple and Fancy j Groceries Ranch Supplies. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING Our Prices are Right. J as. Graham. PHONE 50. T FINE BOOTS and SHOES MADBTOOltDKlt. UHl'AHtlNO A SI'ROIAlrr. nitDKltS 0AU.KD I'OK AND DRLIVEURD R. fiivi-'.EiV, ZBINDEN BROS,, DFALKKS IN Flour 1 Feed "Home ic Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It.... PHONE 06f WBST SIDi: MAIN STUCRT Contractor and Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. G. GADSBY, llrlok Shop Woat of Alliance National Hank, Alliance, Nob. Petition to Sell Heal Kstntc. I"vl,i.(dn'1.Ntl'iL,t..l,MU't of ii0K lu" county, of T M ' ,"lVl!h.',"utU,r V,f thv "PPUcatlot TliNcuiuy came on to bo heard thK "4th day of April, linn, the petition of TU "il1 Kliardlan .if Theodore Vctertou. I'ninlV ood" AkiuHikmI, l.ddle Hood imd llniile o ' minor heirs, towll the houihwist "11 1 souU . Sm.1..',1?" li ?Vn0t tA'elUHl ,5 ,n ownLlilpS3or rat Ki! ii, In Jtov Hutto county. Nebraslca In h ,',' S ! S,'1. i,".',",or l,,"T' lvo 1 one. f liitureitund tliu court havinc fullyfonsidere I he miiiio una It apuwirliiK u t e S rt from the petition that it w mild be benellcliil 1 to wild wards that their Interest in rial V" t behold, now therefore it is hereby order vd und directed that the next of kin iml all th mm I!,,l", ,,,t.or";''. U appear berore the district court or Hox ilutto countv Ni. braska at t lie district court scHinlii the .ViurN b!IU2? m rf luliIM'-,U)X H,,Mo "! ty Ne ?ai: U. at Itio clock a.m. on ( he mil flay ;of. lune "nntftrrti!!;rhy ;i "? l" Mra XyiHifoTuyfVlX,,,W8Ure,,TO .1. .1. llAItHINiJTOX, JuAjsv. .shcrirrs Sale. andacalnst l'oiur K hhonniiiivi ii. h! or' ton, T. O. Conuoi and Mr. Vonuor ids wiVn Wioite o'r 'USsVjt'ffi4! ;.: KSlVta1.1, Mia" ",' ty n irflKKU. at public awl ion to the hlcliMt r,i,,i.- ofriil 2,irr?,1 or,lar "f um ?...?,'.?? .?.".Vl ..,,ltf't. co&t8 and accrulfuJ mTrT,JW,lH),1 wnpuiitlnB to tho & 4 JK r OpfHiite J.-;ki ill.tlll-t .'ll. IKA HERD. . swn-v'-'' .-, ,,.. Smith First .1 li'rii... .-(SiU dBtX "'-HiiKtiMffifftl'i'' tirr of f.irn.