HEMINGFORD. IKelth L. rioho U fully nuUiorltwl to -licit itutoort)tluiiH unci Job work nntl eollwt and recoltit for nmo, mid trnnsnct nil otlior buklnus.0 In connection with III poMtlon ns nn AOcrcUlleUrepriMciitnthcof this pii)cr. Clmncollor Andrews is tho man who wns dismissed from Brown university because ho advocated the double stand nnl hi 1800. Ho 1h n intin of forceful clmrnctor, it good spouher nntl nn au thority on uiluoiittotinl matters. Next Wednesday evening, May 20, Is the ovoninff on which ho will deliver his lecture, "aolf Culture" Frank Itavntt wus in town Wednes day. Kuiniut Johnson was In Hoinlngford Tuesday for a few hours. Hoiin To C. 1!. Wlltsey, a hoy, Tues day, May Vi, Miss Clraue 'Wheeler went to Alliance Tuesday evening and Mrs, Johntion went Wednesday evening. The wishbone social given by the Christian Kmleiivor society at the resi dence of 15. E. Johnson Tuesday even ing was a very pleasant nlTalr, there beluga large attendance. Ico cream and calto wore served, games were played, making altogether u most en joyable evening. The roof of Olc Moe's house was blown partly olt Friday evening during a severe squall qf wind. E. C, Stewart went to Alliance on No. 40 Tuesday evening. Alex Wlldy and family arrived from Illinois Wednesday. Harry Wildy, who was thrown from a horse ami hurt last week, Is some better. Mrs. A. J. Dunham Is quite ill with pneumonia. The Ladles' Progressive club gave a farewell reception .Satur day at Airs. A. M, Miller's residenco in honor of Mrs. N. E. Gardner, who will move away In a short time and Mrs. Wm lodeneo who will rebidu In the future on their ranch northeast of Hemlngford. Mrs. Iodence Is one of the founders of tho club. Mrs. Elmore is quite 111 at the hotel. C. il. Wlldy went to the ranch Wednesday to be present at the spring louud-up. Aruott MeCandless of Wymote, visit ed with rolatives a couple of days the first of the week. k John Kroeslng departed for I'incher Creek, Alberta, Canada, Wcdnesduy, Ho and one of his neighbois, Mr. llache, loaded three cars of horses, cattle and miscellaneous moichandise which must go via M. Paul to make connections there. Mr. Kroeslng's brother went up there about a year ago and writes that he Is well pleased with the change. Several former set tlers from near Lawn tiro located at Pineher Creek. E.okiol Mabin sustained a ver seri ous Injury when returning homo Tues day with a load of coal and grain. The front axlo broke when near home, throwing Mr. Mabin Into the wheel. Uo was badly bi ulsed and his leg was broken in two places. Miss Georgia Miller is quite sick with the measles. Arthur Hass was in town Wednesday on his way home from Alliance. W. A. Hood and wife were in Hem lngford Saturday. Mr. Hood expects to make his home in Alliance hereafter and leave the management of the ranch to ono of his sons, who of course would not be censured If he followed the example set by his father. City Attorney Everett spent the week at Mullen. V. J. Lyon Is located at Colony, Kan sas, as agent for the Missouri Pacific railway. llev. Gardner delivered an eloquent sermon on the subject, "Divine Pot tery" Sunday morning at the Congre gational church. It was especially for children but contained many good things for the older ones. Memorial day will be appropriately observed hero as usual. A cordial in vitation to all the neighboring com munities to attend is exteuded. J W. llroshar was up from Cunton Tuesday. Andrew Olson, who has been 111 for several weeks is Improvlug. Interest In the fall campaign for county offices is beginning to bo mani fested. The republican nomination for county superintendent seems to be the one around which the interest centers nt present. Mrs. Ford and Mrs, IUis tin arc candidates for the nomination. The fusionists will probably nominate a lady for this oflica and It looks us If tho can vans may be exalting. A great many bees in the bonnet w ill develop soon and tho candidates buuome thiol; and vociferous. It Is well that this is al ways so. Uy u process of ollminHtlon the host man or woman is usually se lected, though of course this process is a little hard on those eliminated. An intellectual treat has been pro pared for the patrons of tho Hemlng ford bdtools in the lecture to be given on the evening of May 20. It is to be hoped that the people of Hemingford, Marsland, Canton, Dunlap, Lawn, liox Uutto and Alliance will be here and give the distinguished New Englaud educator, E. Benjamin Andrews, a crowded house. Alex Mulrhcd was tho guest of A. M. Miller over Sunday. Claude Illchards. who was for some time night operator here, spent two .days nt Hemingford the first Of the week. He and n friend expect to take a trip to the south this month, ilrst go ing to St. Louis and New Orleans and then via Galveston to Cuba. They will finish by visiting New York city and state. Mr. Richardson is operator on the Union Pacific. It will be n fine 'trip and one that wilt be instructive itH well as pleasant. S. L. Hacey and wife came up from Alliance Sunday afternoon and visited with friends in the city. The fellows who burglarized tho stores lioro w'cjro arrested at Newcastle and the razors stolen from II. H. Green's store, or a part of thein recov ered. Tho marshal kept tho booty but for some reason inexplicable to the people here, turned them loose Satur day evening. That nlpht they robbed a store at Newcastle, getting eleven revolvers, it is thought they went on west from Newcastle ami may be re arrested. Hert and Susie Hopkins were in from the ranch Tuesday. Almcda and IJnrl Fosket went to Al liance Saturday evening, returning Tuesday morning. James Hunter attended the stock as sociation at Alliance Monday and Tues day. Chancellor Andrews of our state uni versity, will give tho graduating lec ture to the Hemingford High School nod Eighth grade classes Wednesday evening, May -'(). His subject will be "Self Culture." Chancellor Andrews has not only a state, but n national reputation and those who wish to hear a logical lecture that will give their inindssomethiug to feed upon for weeks to come will not forget the date. To defray expenses nnd get necessary ar ticles for the school an admission of twenty-five cents will bo charged, or a season ticket nt tlUrty-llve cents which will entitle tho holder to u seat at the lecture and two entertainments given by the school. Tho lecture alone Is worth 'he price of the season ticket. Tickets may bo purchased from mem bers of tho class or at tho drug store at Hemingford, Tho ilrst entertainment will be given by the Intermediate and prltunry rooms Monday evening, May Is; the tceoiid by the high school Thursday evening, May 21, H. II. Fr.N'K, Principal C. J. Wlldy has charge of "Dud" Shirk's hirnlturo und unuei taking business during "Dad's" lllnes. For lumber, posts, lime and shingles see Wildy. C. J. Wlldy has just received another car of Hour the be&t and cheapest this side of the Missouri and quotes: Snowllakc 81.0.1 Golden West S1.00 Gold Leaf 51.00 Gem 00 cents Every sack warranted. Wlldy's Is tho proper place to do your trading. Ono hundred pairs of shoes given away. With tho purchase of ono pair of men's or ladles' shoes wo will give free one pair of children's, missus', boys' or small size ladies' shoes. C. J. WlMIV. NOTICE Alliance, Neb., May n, '03 We invite you to call on us and see our goods. We cany strictly good merchandise. We do not handle low grade goods to quote cheap prices, but are never under sold on good quality goods. For a few days we offer Regent Shoes, $2.95. ' You all know what they are- worth. Crown and Henderson shoes (closing lines) $2.50 and $2.95, worth $3.50 to $5. Men's calf shoes, S&1.23. Riding boots, $2.75 to $7. Men's $10, $12.50 and $15 suits in one lot at $8.88. A good suit at $4.95. We have a nice line of shirts, ties, hats, underwearand glovers, irig. We v-auiornia ciotmng, LL muslins, lA " 1 f 1 . 1 cocs, 36 cents. Twenty per cent, discount on ladies' suits, skirts and waists. We have a swell line of summer dress fabrics and waisting-. Buy your lady a mackintosh at $75 to $5. (Closing these out.) W. W. NORTON MARSLAND. Mrs. John Ksy and tho drove down from the ranch children Wed res- day. C. II. Iliohey drove Tout Spencer to Hemingford Wcdncsdny evening. W. C. Cavitt sojourned In town a couploof days in the interest of the McCormlek Co. P. L Wilson made a business trip to I A rd more Monday. The Misses llroshar of Canton were In town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Enyeari wore over Sunday visitors at J. O. Bennett's, having come down to attend quarterly meeting John Irion accompanied John Kay homo Saturday and will visit for a few days in the vicinity of Belle. Mr. Hucko of Collins Chapel attend ed church here Sunday. L. Dyers made a business' trip to Ardmore recently. Mrs. Pettlt, who has been visiting Mrs, Wirtz, was called homo by the death of her mother. Mrs. C. E. Council accompanied her husband to this place to attend church. This was her first visit here. George Lemons moved his cattle down to Snake creek last Friday where they will be in summer pasture. Elder Scamahorn preached u good sermon Sunday morning, his theme be ing "Growth," and from tho frequent uso of the expression "I have read" one would infer that reading is a great means of growth. He occupied the pulpit ugain in the evening. Mr. Larrlo of Buffalo, Wyo., who was here looking after his cattle, moved them to the Furmau ranch where they will bt summered. Mesdames A. Byers nhd J. C. Ben nett und L. Snow were all on the sick list the latter part of the week. Mr. Slyter of Crawford made atrip to this place Monday. J. T. Richardson, George Squibb and August Hhodes transacted business in Craw ford Mondaj'. W. Babcock, a painter from Heming ford, was In this place Tuesday. The graders have completed the switch work here and have pulled on west. Throe loads from this phico went out to the Lemon district Friday night to attend an entertainment given by Miss Lillie Dickey "h school. The exer cises were line aud beyond anything we have ever witnessed in n country school. Every number was perfect, there' being no mistakes throughout the entiio program. Miss Dickey de serves much credit for the able manner in which bho has conducted the school and we will say that she is much loved by her pupils and highly esteemed by the patrons. The mem bers of the school board are a unit in their desire to havo her return another year. Dr. Hartwcll of Crawford was in town Tuesday and we understand he lifted the quarantine from the section house. C. Il- Itlchoy drove to Hemingford Tuesday. J. Sulleuberger went out to A. S. Enycart's Tuesday. Look at our boys' cloth' carry the best grades of blankets, etcv cents. Cali-, tm THE FAMOUS BEST H H H I I UUUD5 m BM And we don't think HIG-H GRADE at these prices. This is an Of fine goods sucli as lia's never before been shown in Alliance and surrounding country. We carry more Standard Goods with the Union label than any house in Northwestern Nebraska. The World's Best is at CUT PRICES lead! Your money back within 10 days on any article quoted below if you want it. This sale lasts 15 days only. Don't kick on the 16th day. csapriafsras&HnsOTTHTra-s Men's Suits Black, all wool worsted, tailor made, 100 pairs new spring styles in pants at $3 and $3.50 values. ufVMnm Lion Brand Shirts regular "5 Hd. gc Men's Straw Hats, New Styles, EZ fy Men's and Boys' work shirts 19c Men's Blue Serge suits New spring stiff hats others ask $2.00 our.price, QQsy Genuine Box Calfskin Shoes $1.95 You cannot afford to miss this sale. Your dollars go the farthest and you get the most change back here. ALL NEW GOODS. No old goods nor rusty prices in this store. "We are the agents for the best lines in America. See the goods and then come to the "ONLY" exclusive distributors of Men's and Boys' clothing, etc., CLOTHING f-jr ir3,s nr UI1U rtC; U N. B. If you will bring this ad with you we will present you free of cost a beautiful battle scene in 7 colors suitable for framing with purchases of $10.00 and upwards. DIM UIIII llll HflB VHH ever again will you be able to buy this STANDARD MERCHANDISE 1 Unloading Ponder! and zrjSKsssnii Two stvles in black Stetson 1 fats $2.85 White Shirts, Linen bosoms $12.50 values, Spring suits $9.85 um RwrramMmi One big lot of Pants for men P I ? Worth up to $2. 50 a pair. 14 off 25 per ct, off ON Boys' Suits Men's work sox, three pairs for 10c Men's Bannockburn Cheviot suits, the $12.50 kind now $8.85 All Wool. Hanan's $6. 00 and $7. 00 shoes $5.00 HOUSE, A 11 Inaugurators of SU . . . . THE FAMOUS IIIIII Never Undersold & here Reflect President Suspenders O O 3i tjt; Silk Front Shirts $18.00, $20.00 'and $22.00 Imported Worsted suits $14.85 Bovs' knee pants, sizes 7-15,. lie Men's silk Ties 14c Men's Goat Skin Welt Gloves worth 75 cents, now 39c Our guaranteed Rail Road hat $150 Men's.satin calf shoe, 2 styles $139 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Low Prices We Do as We Advertise Sale i '.V -vj