HEMINGFORD. IKolth L. Plerco Is fully nutlinrlrrd t fco licit RUlMcrt)ttons nnd Job work niul collect and receipt for nftmo, and irunsact nil otlior business In connection with Mt iimltlon ns an accredited representative aftld patter. Tho third quarterly meeting far Hcmingford clmrpo will be liuld nt Mnrslaml Saturday nnd Stindny, Mny 8 and 0. Quiirtcrly conference will be held Saturday afternoon at 3 o.cloclc. Rev. J. A. Scamahorn, P. B., will be present. U. P, Oilman was up from Alllunce. Tuesday. P, 11. Fitch wunt to Alliance Monday night, returning Tuesday. MIm lllanch Foskct went out to, tho ranch, Saturday, to visit a few days with her1 brother. Marshall Sheldon vUlted Alliance, Monday. L. 8. Wright Is tho proud father of a daughter, born May 1, which date Is also tho unnlvcrsary of Mr. Wright's birth Ttiis little lady will bo called Luclle. E. P. Waldon, while returning homo Friday evening, had the misfortune to bo thrown from his horse Into a wire fenco nnd sustained some very serious cuts on his leg. The cords were laid baro and tho bones wcro scratched. Tho horse becamo frightened at some broken wire In the road. Mr. Waldon came to town nt onco and Dr. Kikncr dressed tho Injury. At present the patient Is doing nicely but wlro fence injuries arc always regarded as very dangerous and great care needed to keep them from becoming serious. The stores of II. L. Ilushnell and II. R. Green were burglarized Sunday night, tho robbers getting about 830 worth of merchandise and a few" cents in cash from each. They effected entrance by prying tho windows up In the. back storo rooms. They visited Mr. ItiiBlineU'B place again Monday night. During Saturday and Sunday they took up their abode at the school house, being seen their Sunday by two boys who were after a ball and mitt. The janttor found several skeleton keys and other tools and also some cigars and tobacco, llushnell's brands, hid away In tho building. They got into tho school house by way of tho coal chute. There Is no clow at present which would lead to their apprehen sion. It is to bo deplored that the law is so impotent to reach fellows of this class and that Nebraska's law makers have been so far unable to provide for an effective constabulary. This is but one Instance among half a dozen in the last three years of burglary here and yet no ono has ever been arrested. The wonder is that the cases aro not more frequent and the value of stuff stolen greater. Frank Conklin returned to tho Black Hills Monday. Hls'chlldren wllj, attend the Norwegian bchool In pro gress southeast of iierc before going to the Hills. B. L Fenner and wife visited in Hcmingford Sunday, Contrary to previous expections Rev. Gardner did not preach his farewell sermon last Sunday. He will preach both morning and evening next Sun- uuj uui uucaiuuv pay ucuunuiy mui this will be his last, as ho may remain a week or two longer and expects to serve the people as long as ho remains. Mrs. Leora Rusttn, Mr.' and Mrs, Sherwood and Mr. and Mrs. MUlctt attended the annual fair of the King's Daughters at Maryland last Saturday. Anton Uhrig has bought the proper ty owned by Isaac llickell. Mrs. B. B. Ford went to tho ranch, Saturday, Rev. Gardner will dispose of a buggy, harness and household goods at public auction Monday, May 11, at 1 o'clock. John Cirtran was up from tho ranch Tuesday. True Miller was in from the ranch Monday, patronizing our mill. A wish bone social will bo given by tho Christian Endeavor society at Mrs. B. E. Johnson's on Tuesday next. Every one is cordially Invited. The program committee has arranged to have a thoroughly enjoyable enter tainment next Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Harold Pardee of Alliance visited friends in the city Sunday. Win. Foskct went to Alliance Tues day. James Frlel was on tho sick list last week. Mrs. Anna Plerco has been quite 111 with the grip for several days. Miss Alwilda Church was quite ill Monday Alonzo Sherwood suffered a partial stroke of paralysis Monday, At pres ent he lb much better. We would suggest that Mr. Shorwood cease living the strenuous life he Is so used to and settle dowu to quieter ways. Ho has always boon a great worker and the disease scums to stick to him. Miss Combs returned to Chariton, Iowa, Thursday. She was oallod home by the serious illness of her sister. Rev. Gardner and wife and Rev. Connell and family were the guostfa of Mrs. Ward Thursday evening. C. J. Wlldy shipped sixty-two cars of Box Butte potatoes of 000 bushols each, which at thirty cents a bushel amounts to SI 1.1 00. f .1. Wlldy has charge of "DatV Shirk's lurnlture and undertaking business during "Dad's" Illness. For lumber, posts, lime and shingles seo Wlldy. C. .1. Wlldy has just received another enr of flour the best ami cheapest this side of the Missouri aiid quoted Snowllake Sl.fiO . . Golden West 31.00 Gold Leaf $1.0(1 ' - Gem 00 cents - Every Sack warranted". Wild.v's Is the proper place to do your trading. .. MARSLAND, ' Mr. Larrlc, a prominent ranchman of Buffalo, Wyoming, and who has Several hundred head of cattle at the Kcndrtck nnd Wood ranches cast of town, has been at the Commercial for over a week locking after his Interests. W. II. Lyttlc, a former Mnrsland boy, more familiarly known ns'IInrry, was a very welcome visitor with relatives and friends the first of the week. He Is now running a barber shop at Edge mont, S. 1)., nnd had been down to Alliance to visit his mother, Mrs. James Dickoy. Mr. Heekcr, who has the contract for putting In the new switch tracks at this place nnd who will bsgin worlc in the near future, was hero several days last week. Mr. nnd Mr. P. L. Wilson went out to the McCoy ranch Thursday, return ing Friday. The children of the day school en joyed a vacation Friday, It being Dewey day. There was considerable damage done to vegetation by the recont storms and cold snaps. The mercury ran sev eral degrees below freezing point. Every green thing received a severe check in its growth. There was also somo loss In stock. Ira Reed of Alliance sends word that ho and his brother Emanuel of Perry, Iowa, will be in this vicinity about tho middle of Mny to buy horses. J, T. Richardson has been on the ailing list. The little six-year-old daughter of Mrs. Hunsaker, who has been very sick with scarlet fever, Is much Im proved and the quarantine uguinst the home will bo raited in a few days. We have all felt very sorry for this family of newcomers, whose little girl was sick when they moved In nnd who by tho quarantine placed on their house havo been compelled to bo entirely alone In their sickness. However, the hym pathy of the ontiro village has been with them. P. L. Wilson transacted business in Crawford Saturday. Mrs. Mellin and children of Belle came down from the rancli Friday to bo here at tho early opening of the "world's" fair Saturday. Charley McGogy's peach crop was injured, by the. recent freeze. We are sorry, as 'we had un interest in that peach pach bf Charley's. Robert Noice was quite a loser of stock In tho'recent Btorm. Tho very warm days preceding the blizzard warranted him in beginning his spring dipping of stock. ,The sudden .change In temperature caused the loss of about two hundred head of cattle, so wo are informed by good authority. The public sale of McConnell & Imel which was billed to take placo on April 38, but was postponed until Saturday, May 2, was well attended. Mrs. Dr. Cross of Crawford was called the second time to minister toMrs. E. T. Gregg, who is quite sick. "Paris Green" Cooper, the popular auctioneer of Crawford, cried tho bale of McConnell & Imel, Saturday. Campbell McMillan of North Table waB very badly hurt on Thursday last while helping to drench a sick horse, the animal throwing itself in such a way as to pin htm against the side of tho barn, crushing In some of his ribs and otherwise hurting hlra. Dr. Hart well of Crawford Is In attendance nnd the patient is getting along nicely. Mrs. Ketcham of Crawford was a visitor at the Gregg home last Satur day and Sunday. Mr. Coll of Highland Centre shipped a car of sheep from this station Satur day. A car load of vehicles was unloaded at this placo Sunday and stored in tho Woodman hall. We understand that the consignment was to Bruce & Holllbaugh aud that they will bo bold peoplo throughout tho county, Nick Jorulcmon of Highland Centre was trading in town Saturday and visiting his parents. Mrs. Hoffman loft Monday for Sheri dan, Wyoming, haviug received word that her daughter, Mrs, Adam Prlob, a former Maryland girl but lator a resi dent of Hemlngford and now a resident of Big Horn couuty, was' very ill with what ib thought to bo dropsy of tho heart. A council, of phyuloians pro nounce her ease vory dangerous. Mrs. Hoffman was accompanied by her twelve-year-old granddaughtor, Mary Rhodes. At Sheridan thoy will take a conveyance and travel fifty miles inland. Tho May fair Saturday was hircelv attended by people from the surround ing country. Over $M was taken In. Mrs. Paul and Miss Hartruugh of Crawford were visitors at CO. llolli liatigh's the latter part oTf thewook and took In the May fair Saturday. These visitors passed nice compliments fin oir ladies for their fine disn'ny of arti cles on snlc nnd the artistic arrange ments of the decorating committee. A. E- Hcnnett. one of our cuttle boys who did not pet In with tin crowd nt the denot to see the president, hnd n Httlo jfathcrlnjr nil by himself at the railroad crossing two miles east of tdwn. Helng put In tho brcaksattond Ing bin herds he saw the president's train nsccndlncr from the valley nnd quickly as his long legs could carry him he tumbled down to the tracks. The president saw him and quickly raised a window and waved, and bowed. and grinned at Art just an though there were a whole refflment of him, We'll venture to Bay that he recognized one of his rough riders nnd we'll further venture to say that he made a cowboy vote. The bean guessing contest afforded quite a rlpplt of pleasure at the fair Saturday evening, and Mrs. Anna Wtrtz. our etlielcnt night operator, came within three beans of guessing tho right number contained in the glnss can. I guess our little operator "knows beans." Mayor Sherwood of Hemihgford and his wife spent Saturday In town, having come down to nttend tho fnlr. Alex Mulrhead. treasurer of Box Butte county, was down on official business Saturday and Incidentally took in tho fnir. While tho honorable gentleman from Alliance Is" an adept in tho counting of dollars and dimes, he wasn't In It with our little operator in counting beans. Misses Bertha and Ruby McCoy were down from Pine Summit Saturday, to attend tho fair. Miss Ruby would give a French modiste a close rivalry in tho creation of beautiful flowers,as was evinced by the beautiful collection presented to the ladles and which found ready sale. Many compliments were passed upon them and they weut out through the country In all directions. There was considerable disappoint ment among our people Saturday when It was learned by telephone that Mrs. R. II Blauchuid of Chadron, an excel lent photographer who had been engHgod for the day, was quite 111 and unable to come. Among those who expected to have work done and were present were Miss Lillle Dickey aud pupils from near Belmont. Mrs. Ruhtin, ono of the successful teachers iu the Hcmingford schools and one of tho most enthusiastic educators of Box Butte county, came down on No. 41 Saturday to attend the fair, returning on No. 40. As this' frieght seldom 3top here we'd say (if wo were not afraid of offending tho little lady) that a whole car of sheep had to be taken on, hence the stop. We have heard several persons say that they intended to keep as a souve nirlust week's copy of Tiik Hkuaui Which gave an account of the presl-. deutial visit. - - Mr. Millett of Hemlngford, balllff'at the recent session of Box Butte county court, and his estimable lady came down to the fair Saturday, this being their first visit to our little city. Peter Spracklen and Miss Russell, a Box Butte county teacher, patronized the fair Saturday. Come again, ladies. A. Byers, one of our hustling mer chant, has a standing contract with Herpclshcimer, the great clothier, for clothing for borne of his customers. The pantaloons are made by the circular saw device. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wood wero up from the ranch Saturday and with the other hundred and ono people dined at Woodman hall. Mrs. Ben Miller and family and Mrs. George Lemon and family all came down from Belmont to patrpnize the fair. J. II. Walker nnd granddaughters, the Misses Hazel aud Hnllie Furman, came in from the ranch Saturday after noon and proved themselves good customers at the fair. J, B. Burk of Harrison was In town Monday. Rev. Scamahorn, presiding elder in the M. E. church, will hold quarterly meeting services at the Methodist church next Sunday morning. He will be assisted by Rev. Connell of Hemlng ford. J. C. Wood and McConnell & Imel each shipped a car of hogs to the hills lafet week. C. II. Rlchoy, proprietor of the Com mercial, turned his boarders over to tho fnir ladies Saturday. They appre ciate the favor. Mr. Nikont of South Table purchased a valuable stock horse at McConnell & Intel's sale, paying S3. 50 for tho animal. Of course the fair would not have been complete without the presence of Cupt. Evans of South Table. He with his ustimablo son Charles both dined with the ladies. . Miss Hazel Furman enrolled as a pupil in the Marsland school Monday. m THE ! FAMOUS i BliST R GOODS And we don't think HIGH G-EADE at these prices. This Unloading Sale Of fine goods such as has never before been shown in Alliance and surrounding country. We carry more Standard G-oods with the Union label than any house in Northwestern Nebraska. The World's Best is here at CUT Read! Your money back within 10 days on any article quoted below if you want it. This sale lasts 15 days only. Don't kick on the 16th day. vxjrfsrraiTO:nwHsw2rsa?ce! Men's Suits Black, all wool worsted, tailor mack ade' $8.85 ioo pairs new spring- styles il,pant5i,t $2.50 $3 and $3.50 values. Lion Brand Shirts regular i..5 kind, figc Men's Straw Hats, New Styles, Z Men's and Bov's work shirts 19c Men's Blue Serge suits $5.95 New sinner stiff hats others ask $2! 00 our price, Qfif Genuine Box Calfskin Shoes $1.95 You cannot afford to miss this sale. Your dollars go the farthest and you get the most change back here. ALL NEW G-OODS. No old goods nor rusty prices in this store. We are the agents for the best lines in America. See the goods and then come to the "ONLY" exclusive distributors of Men's and Boy's clothing, etc., THE FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE, v r&.S,x TV Ofie PriCe lO you will bring this ad with you we will present you free of cost a beautiful battle 2ne in 7 colors suitable for .framing with purchases of $10.00 and upwards. N. B. If scene ever again will you be able to buy this STANDARD MERCHANDISE is an j PRICES Ponder! and sryrsx-; Two stvles in black Stetsoi ""- $2.85 White Shirts, Linen bosoms 25c $ 1 2. 50 values, Spring suits $9.85 One big lot of Pants formcn $1.39 Worth up tot$2.50 a pair. 14 off 25 per st off ON Boys Suits Men's .work sox,' three pairs for 1 I r Men's Bannockburn Cheviot suits, the $12. 50 kind now $8.85 All Wool. Hanans $6.00 and $700 shoes $5.00 A It Inatigurators of All . r . . THE FAMOUS Never Undersold II & Reflect President Suspenders Silk Front Shirts 39c $18.00, $20.00 and $22.00 Imported Worsted suits $14.85 Boys knee pants, sizes 7-15, lie Men's silk Ties 14c -SK'' Men's Goat Skin Welt Gloves worth 75 cents, now 39c Our guaranteed Rail Road hat $1.50 Men's satin calf shoe, 2 styles $ 39 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Low Prices We Do as We Advertise t 4 4., jfft Ui