The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 08, 1903, Image 1

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    The Alliance Herald.
The Herald has the
$ largest oiroulation
v up riT alliknoe paper
T to, '
Sili . ,.
From us. One car of
Northern Minnesota, Ear
ly Ohio pure seed pota
toes are now here .
For they are going-fast
Grocery Co.
Take Warning.
It coming to our knowledge that parties
being infected with scarlet fever, have, in
order to avoid quarintine, concealed the
fact, thereby scattering the disease and
"endangering life, we deem it necessary to
give this notice and say from this time on
the law will be enforced to the letter. The
fine in such cases is from Sioo to $200.
Aayone found covering up a contagious
disease without reporting same to health
officer or family physici an will be subject
to a fine. A special policeman will look
.after this matter in the future.
H. H, Bellwood,
Health Officer.
By order of
Louis Buechsenstein, Mayor.
Retail Clerks Organize.
The clerks of this city met Tuesday
evening and organized a union which will
be known as the Retail Clerks Internation
al Protective Association. This organiza
tion is affiliated with the American Federa
tion of Labor. Percy Cogswell of The
Famous is organizer for this part of the
Will Remain in This Country.
George Richardson, a ranch owner of
the sand hills southeast of Alliance, has
returned from the east where lie-'bnr been
assisting his family to start on their long
journey to England. Mrs. Richardson
and daughters Kitty and Hope and grand
son Noel sailed Friday, April 24, on the
White Star Line steamer Cedric from New
York to Liverpool. The Cedric, by the
way, is the la;-gc3t steamship afloat having
38,200 tons displacement. Mrs. Richard
son and the girls will remain in England
for an extended visit and will take posses
sion of property bequeathed them there.
Mr. Richardson remains here and wishes
.it understood that he has faith in
western Nebraska and that his interests
are here. On the expiration of his lease
to Sisco & Wells he expects to restock the
Sandholm ranch and resume control of it
under more advantageous conditions than
heretofore. At present Mr. Richardson is
occupied with business at Cedar Rapids,
Boone county, this state.
Lace Curtains
At bargain prices
for two days,
Fine lace curtains of
this season's patterns
will be sold at only a
little above whole
sale prices, viz:
$1.00 curtains, 79c
$1.50 curtains, $1.19
$2.00 curtains, $1.58
$5.00 curtains, $3.92
Di. Horn Returns.
Rev. Dr. Horn returned to Alliance
Thursday from his tour nrouud the world.
He was accompanied home by Mrs. Horn
and son who met him at Columbus, Ohio,
where they have been visiting for several
weeks. Dr. Horn is the picture of health
and tells us that he has missed only one
meal during his absence from Alliance
and that was during a storm at sea. He
left here October 16th last and has travel
ed thirty thousand miles. He met with no
accidents but has had many thrilling ex
periences. Dr. Horn is welcome homed by his large
congregation and a host of friends. A
reception will bo given him this evening
at the M. E. church, Mr. Muirhead mak
ing the welcome address.
Whitfield Family Poisoned.
W. M Whitfield, his wife, five children
and Mrs. Ginnof Edgemont, who is visiting
them, were poisoned Sunday evening by
eating canned beans. They were all ill
during the night except the oldest daugh
ter and the baby, who had eaten none of
the poisoned food. As the hours advanced
all grew worse and sometime Monday fore
noon Mrs. Ginn went into convulsions.
Physicians were hastily summond and for
a time it was feared she would not survive
but by the close of the day all were out of
danger and are now completely recovered.
Elect City Teachers.
The schsol board held a session Monday
night and re-elected the following teachers:
Misses Susie Frazier, Inice McCorkle,
Lulu Duncan, Katherine Duffield, Bess
and Fay VanBoskirk, and Messrs Carson
and Hayes. Five more are to be elected.
Another meeting will be held tonight.
Salary Should be Increased.
Postmaster Tash has submitted to the
Department an exhibit of the volume of
business transacted in the office for the
month of April. It shows the approxi
mate population supplied by the office to be
8,ooo and that he is handling the business
of a second-class office with 'third-class
facilties and compensation. Nearly eight
hundred mail sacks were received and dis
tributed, made up and dispatched during
the past month. Mr. Tash and his assis
tants are obliged to work from twelve to
fourteen hours per day and the present
compensation is certainly inadequate.
The Maypole Party.
Much praise has been bestowed upon
the Maypole party given, by the younger
pupils of Miss Minnie Morris' dancing
classes at the opera house last Friday even
ing, many declaring it the best entertain
ment of the season. It certainly reflects
much credit upon Miss Morris' ability as
an instructor and upon her pupils ability
to interpret the Terpsichorean art It had
a very good attendance. Moore's orchestra
furnished music for. all the dances by the
class, Miss Mcrris plajing for the others
We give the program:
Song "I Got Mine, Boys."
Minuet Virginia Broome.
Wirth Helen Broome, Leota Mollring,
Gwendolin Johnson. Alice Morris.
Two-step Class,
Varsouvaiana Glide Nellie Elmore, Vir
ginia Broome.
Spanish Yorke Francis Lockwood, Gwen
dolin Johnson.
Tambourine Dance Virginia Broome,
Ruth Morris.
Song and Dance "Won't You Play House
With Me?" Larnia Johnson.
Waltz Class.
Fisher Maiden Josie Hampton,
Butterfly Dance Alice Morris.
Manitou Class.
Cream City Minuet Kate Feather, Lar-
ma Johnson.
Umbrella Dance Helen Broome.
Mirror Dance Leota Mollring, Alice
Double Skirt Dance Helen Broome, Leota
Mollring, Alice Morris, Gwendolin
Maypole Dance Class.
Each number is deserving of special
mention but space forbids. The umbrella,
mirror and double skirt dances were es
pecially beautiful. The mirror dance is
Miss Morris own production and is quite
ingenuous. A frame was draped at top
and sides, the two girls were much alike
in appearance and were dressed so that
one dancing back of the frame facing the
audience and the other dancing in front
with her back to the audience gave the
impression that the one in front was danc
ing before a mirror, their movements be
ing in perfect unison. The song, "Won't
You Play House With Me?" was heartily
enjoyed and the young singer understands
well the art of "singing to' her audience.
One little tot, LaVaughn Moulton,
who is scarce three years old, waltzes and
two-steps in a manner that grown folks
might congratulate themselves upon. After
the conclusion of the program many of
those present spent two or three hours in
Eight Pages Home Print.
This week's paper contains eight pages
all home print without plates or patent
medicine ads. The pages are also cut so
that every advertiser is strictly on the "in
side" of the best advertising medium in the
city and county.
Expected to be Held in the City
Next Week by Stockmen.
Pertinent Addresses, Theatricals, a
Ball and Races Will Make Occa
sion of Profit and Pleasure.
The arrangements aro all completed . for
the entertainment of the visiting stockmen
next week,
Tho-South Omaha delegation will come
in a special car. There will be twenty
five or thirty in the party and they'will
arrive on Tuesday morning and stay until
Advices received from outside points
indicate a large attendance and it is re
quested that all who can furnish rooms for
the visitors notify II. J. Stcen at the hotel
Charters or Mrs. Johnson at the Ilila
Grande, at once, as it will be difficult for
them to handle the crowds unless everyone
helps and does his share.
One of the features of the meeting will
be a band concert on main street each
evening at 7 o'clock by Moore's cornet
The comedy at the opera house on Mon
day night, "The Old Dominion," played
by the Sheridan dramitic club, conies
highly recommended and will draw a large
The regular business meeting will be on
Tuesday afternoon at the opera house and
in the evening there will be papers read
by R, M. Hampton, W. G. Simonson,
Robert Graham and others, after which
will follow a general discussion of ques
tions of interest to all stockmen. All
stockmen, whether members of the associ
ation or not, are invited to take part in
this meeting.
Wednesday morning at the opera house
Dr. Thomas, the state veterinarian, will
read a paper on the hoof and mouth disease
among cattle, and answer questions .per
taining to cattle and horse diseases. Pro
fessors from the state experimental colleges
will also make short talks.
Wednesday afternoon the fun will be 'at
the race track commencing at 2 o'clock.
The entries to all races will be free, and all
cowboys are invited to take part. The
judges will be picked after the crowd gets
to the track and the races will be in charge
of the followiug committee: Fred Moll
ring, E. A. Hall, W. O. Barnes, J. S.
Mekiney, Sheriff Reed, Chas. Brcnnan,
F. W. Lester, and A. Blackburn.
In the evening the visitorswill be enter
tained at the opera house, with a dance.
At 8.30 sharp the children's class from
Miss Morris' dancing school will open the
ball with a short program, consisting of
fancy dances and specialties, after which
the regular dance will begin.
Considering the fact that it would be
impossible to entertain all the town peo
ple and visitors at the same time in the
hall, the committee have decided to have
admission to the ball by invitation. Each
business man in town interested in the
entertainment will be furnished tickets of
admission for himself and also three in
vited guests and it is requested that our
out of town guests be the first to be invited.
Invitations must be presented at the door
with the owner's name written on.
The following committee will have
charge of the ball: W. B. Tagg, chair
man, E. C. McClure, Geo. Burke, C, E.
Marks, W. D. Rumer, Geo. Darling, F.
M, Rumer. Stanley Ray, F. M, Broome,
J. R. Jbhnson, Glen Hampton.
Members of the reception committee
will meet all trains, to welcome our guests
and show them around the town and make
them feel at home The reception com
mittee is as follows: Mayor Beuchsenstein,
Jake Kridelbaugh, Capt. Akers, R. M.
Hampton, C. A. Newberry, W, W. Nor
ton, H. J. Steen, Karl Swanholm, G, L.
Turner, Geo. Clark, F. E. Holstein, II.
II . Bogue, Ed M oaring, B. F. Lockwood,
Marcus Franklc, Fred Raymond, T. J.
O'Keefe, II. J. Ellis, Wm James, J. E.
Joder. Thomas Olsen, D. W. Butler. J.
Zbinden, A. D. Rogers, L. F. Smith.
The secretary will distribute the buttons
Monday morning to the business men and
will have the badges for the committeemen
at his office in the bank building.
The committee has decided on blue and
white for the colors for the stockmen's
meeting and it is suggested that nil deco
rations b of these colors
Wednesday, May 0, a girl to Mr. and
Mrs. A. Smith of South Alliance.
Friday, May 8, a girl to Mr. and Mrs. L.
S. Mastrude of Duncan's addition.
Mat Brcnnan Improving.
A letter from Mat Brennan who is at
Pheonix, Arizona, states that his health is
steadily improving. He has gained ten
pounds in weight and has quit taking
medicine as it no longer agrees with him.
New Council Meets.
The first meeting of the officials whom
the. people have chosen to look after the
city's interests for the next year was held
in the council chamber Tuesday night.
Tho old board convened first to dispose of
some unfinished business, The now board
composed of Mayor Buechsenstein and
Councilmen Mollring, Smith nnd Snow
took hold of the reins and with little cere
mony proceeded to business.
Their first official act was to approvo
the bonds of F. M. Knight, city treasurer;
L, A. Berry, police judge and J. P. Hazard,
city engineer.
The next matter taken up was that of
appointments and the following were
made. R, C. Noleman, city attorney;
M. A. Shay, marshal and street commis
sioner; Albert Wiker, night policemnn; A.
F. Mollring, water commissioner.
The Mayor named the following com
mittees: Finance Mollring and Snow.
Fire and water Smith and Bowman,
Ordinances Snow and Mollring.
Streets and alloys Molliring and Smith.
License Smith nnd Mollring.
Health Bowman and Snow.
Printing and claims Snow and Mollring.
C. A. Snow was elected president of the
The petitions for saloon license of H, S.
Tyler, Coffey & Dowd, F. J. Bctzold, Bar
ry Bros,, William King, W. N. Corneal
& Co. and II. C. Armstrong nnd druggist's
permit of J. S. Mekiney and F. E. llolsten
were granted.
M. F. Nolan asked the city to provide
for drainage from his premises. Same
was referred to the committee on streets
and alleys. Two petitions for sidewalk
and petition for numbering the houses
were referred to the same committee.
Tint At.LtANcit Hkkai.u was designated
as the official city p.ipcr
Snow and Mollring were appointed to
audit the books of the city treasurer.
Tt appearing from the report of C. C.
Smith et al. that the grand stand is tho
property of the city, the marshal was
directed to look after it.
Mrs. Oliver Hawkins.
Mrs. Hawkins, wife of Engineer Oliver
Hawkins, died at her home in this city
Wednesday afternoon, May C, 1903, of
paralysis. She had been very ill for the
Tast five weoks. Mrs Hawkins was btfrfT
at Clinton, 111., Feb. 21, 1869, and when
a child moved with her parents toCreston,
Iowa, where she resided till coming to
Alliance ten years ago. The funeral took
place this forenoon from the Catholic
church, Rev. Father McNamara of Chad
rou conducting the services in the absence
of Father Galvin.
Mesdamcs Geo. and Lizzie Adams of
St. Joe, and B. and Henry Reynolds of
Sheridan, Wyoming, sisters and brothers
of Mrs. Hawkins, came to attend the
funeral. The bereaved husband nnd rela
tives have the sympathy of everyone in
their affliction.
Mrs. Brennanstall.
Mrs. Elizabeth Brennanstall died at the
home of her daughter Mrs. C. C. Smith in
this city Wednesday night. The deceased
was sixty-nine years of age and her health
had been failing for several months.
Funeral services were held at the resi
dence last night by Rev. Dr. Horn and
the remains taken to Crcston, Iowa, for
interment, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Junior Normal Instructors.
The instructors selected for the Junior
normal to be held in Alliance commencing
June 8, are: W. H. Bartz, Alliance: S.
H. Martin, Rushville; A. A. Rued, Super
ior; P. E. McCoy, Norfolk. Miss Schlee
of Hastings will have charge of the Model
William A. Hood of Canton and Mrs.
Eva Murray tf Omaha were united in
marriage Tuesday by county Judge Spacht.
Mr. Hood is an old settler and a substan
tial stockman of Liberty precinct. Mrs.
Hood is well known in Omaha, having
been connected with a large dressmaking
establishment there for a number of years.
Tiik Herald wishes Mr. and Mrs. Hood
many years of happiness and prosperity.
AValuable Colt.
D. A. Foley is congratulating himself on
the right of ownership to a young colt
which is probably the bost bred animal in
the country. The dam is Lulu Labasco,
2 18! by ConaTOT,2'i2,i. It is certainly
a vatuable colt. Will Tuttle has already
made application for the job of training it.
The Official Paper.
At the meeting of the new city officials
Tuesday night The Herald was desig
nated as the official publication of the city
for the ensuing year. We thank the new
board for such recognition and promise
that all proceedings of the city council will
be promptly and accurately published as
are the proceedings of the county, of which
The Herald is also the official organ.
It's Like Heading a Good Book to
Sec The New Dominion.
Mr Edgnr A Martin, tho young actor
who will present the part of tlid Gorman
gentleman "Baron Von Hohenstauffen,'
who endeavors to win "Flora Mny Ran
dolph," the pretty Virginia girl, Uthothctnc
of tho story, comes to us it is said, fully
equipped for this groat character part nnd
he will be assisted by the best local talent
our little city has to offer.
It is said Mr. Martin has the ability to
so thoroughly train and rehearse amateurs
that their work under his direction always
attains satisfactory results. The chosen
cast are: Mrs. Wm. Frackclton, Mrs. J.
H. Bradfiold, Mrs. F. C. Williams. Mrs.
H. S. Martin, Mr. Ayen, T. A. Morris,
Mr. Long, E A. and II. S. Martin.
A play that is a connection of love,
laughter nnd pathos has always been a
popular play, a sweet, simple, littlo story,
during the telling of which laughter and
tears follow each other as cloud's shadows
chase across tho Big Horn mountains when
bathed in glorious sunshine.
Commcndflblo Changes.
Tho action of the city council in separat
ing the office of water and street commis
sioner and appointing a night policeman is
of apparent benefit to the city Tho duties
of the water commissioner are sufficient to
occupy the entire attention of one man.
Tho salary is $65 per month.
The marshal will also bo obliged to act as
street commissioner. His salary is fixed
at $75 per month nnd nil fines collected
shall be turned into tho city treasury. It
has frequently been said that whenever
you want tho marshal he cennot bo found.
When there is only one marshnl you can
not expect him to bo on duty twenty-four
hours iu a day, hence tho need of a night
policeman. His salary will bo fifty-five
per month. Thissorvicc will cost the city
but little morn than heretofore nnd the ad-
vantngos to bo derived therefrom arc many.
'I he appointment of R. C. Nolemnn as city
attorney, M, A. Shay, marshal and street
commissioner, Albert Wiker, night police
man and A. F. Mollring as water commis
sioner, shows good judginent on the part
tho mayor. All the appointees" fire com
petent men and Tiik Hkralii belioves
they will give a good administration.
W. M. Foskot, Hemingford's popular
auctioneer, was in the city Wednesday
Another consignment of war widows
arrived in tho city yesterday to file on
II, A. Allison, a well known stockman
from the hills, east or Alliance, was in tile
city Monday.
The Ladies Union of the First Presby
terian church will meet with Mrs. E. S.
Jackson Wednesday, May 13.
Father Galvin want to North Platte
Monday to accompany Bishop Sentinel! on
his visit to various parishes in that section
of the state. He is expected home Sun
day. Chairman W. B. Tagg is doing lots of
hustling for the success of the stockmens
meeting next week and if every visitor
does not leave with kindly feelings for Alli
ance it will be no fault of Mr. Tagg.
Dr. Horn has distributed a few. souvenirs
among his friends and he has the thanks of
the editor for a coin which lie secured from
excavations within a few yards of the great
pyramid of Egypt. The coin is said to be
1700 years old. He also gave us a shell
which he picked up from the Sua of Galilee.
Sunday at the Baptist church, G.C. Jef
fers pastor; Subject of morning discourse
"Jesus' Appearance to Mary." Evening
sermon, "Serving God with What We
Have," Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Jun
iors meet at 3. C.E. meeting at 7:15, Sam
Smyser.jr., leader. Midweek prayer ser
vice Thursday evening. A welcome to all
James Bellwood has purchased the
United Presbyterian parsonage, paying
$1,275 therefor, and will be given posession
of it June 10. The residence has been for
sale for sometime, as the people of that
church desire to build a parsonage on the
vacant lots just west of the church and ex
pect soon to begin the erection of a two
story frame 26x28 feet with a 12x12 foot
one story addition, which will cost in the
neighborhood of Si, 500. Mr, Bellwood
will use the property for his own residence.
Latest Improved Fountain.
L. A. Suprise has installed in his place of
businoss an up-to date automaticcarbonate
soda fountain, the virtues of which he
takes pride in showing to his patrons. It
has many advantages over the old makes.
Third Quarterly Meeting.
The third quarterly meeting for Lake
side charge will be held at the Luella
church on May 10-17, 1903. A two days
meeting will precede this, commencing
Thursday evening. A cordial invitation is
given to the public to attend. Neighbor
ing pastors are expected to be present.
' Chas. H. Burleigh, Pastor.
Is here and it usually
brings good results
to all
Will also follow if
purchase your Easter
fruits and vegetables
for Sunday of . .
Lee Acheson
'Phone No. 4.
Business Local Column.
Advertisements in this column will bo
charged at the rate of 10 cents per line
first insertion and 5 cents per line each
subsequent insertion.
Advertisers should remember that The
Herald's circulation Is much larger than
any other Alliance paper and has tho lar
gest circulation in the city nnd county,
Dr Allen, dentist, opera house.
Thornton pays six cents for hides.
Sec F. E. Reddish for loans on real es
tate. For storm windows and doors neo Forest
Lumber Co.
Take hides where you will got the most
for them at Thornton's.
Wantbii--A girl for general house work.
Inquire at Tiik Hkrald office,
For screen doors and windows call on
Geo. G, Gadsby.
Buy your groceries at Whitfield's nnd
get tickets on piano.
Forest Lumber Co. make a specially of
manufacturing dipping vnts.
All kinds of screen doors and windows
made to order by Geo." G. Gadsby.
A large bottle of sewing machine oil and
a pocketbook for 15c at Geo. Darling's.
Do not forget that Saturday is the day
Dr. Barnes is to examine your eyes. Of
fice at Eagle pharmacy.
Spring rye for sale at forty cents per
bushel. Three milc3 north and one and a
half mlies cast of Lawn. Henry Siijmek.
Dr. Barnes, the eye specialist, will visit
this place Saturday, May g. Examination
free. Office at Eagle pharmacy.
Wanted Cattle to herd for the summer.
Plenty of good range and water. Four
miles southwest of Lawn. Jos. Kapeb.
Five hundred bushels of seed corn for
sale. Samples seen and orders taken at
Alliance Grocery. C. W. Lammon, i mile
south and 5 miles west of Alliance.
' , J- M
This Space
Belongs to A. Black
burn who is too busy
wrapping up goods
to write an ad. now
but later he will give
you a pointer.