The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 01, 1903, Image 2

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T. J. O'Keefe, Publisher.
Boxer troubles aro growing In
Southwest China.
Tho International Sunday school
lesson committee adjourned to meet
at Buffalo, in Juno, 1904.
The -vages of 600 men In tba Mich
igan Central shops we'ro Increased
from 16 to SO cents a day.
The storehouso of tho Grief Broth
ers Barrcll Manufacturing company
at Cleveland, O., wob destroyed by flro.
Governor Bliss of Michigan has
given uotloo that ho will not Interfere
In tho matter of Sunday baso ball In
A dispatch to tho Dally Express
from The Hngue says that Queen
WUhclmlna 4s expecting an heir to
tho throne.
Tho good ronde association of Iowa
was formed at n state convention
which adjourned at Des Moines after
electing olllcers.
Stewart 1 Mooro, genernl freight
agent of tho Northern Pacific rail
way, died suddenly of pleurisy, at his
homo in St. Paul, Minn.
Flvo of tho largest coal companies
Bt Jellioo, Tenn., havo voluntarily
granted n 10 per cent Increase In
wages 'to their employes.
Stephen II. Mollory wa8 olected for
nnothcr term in tho United States sen
ate 'by tho two bonnes of tho Florida
legislature in separata session.
Andrew White, former ambassador1
to 'Germany, has declined to sorvo as'
ono of tho United States commission
ers at tho forthcoming monetary con
ference. Archbishop Falconlc, the papal
nuncio to tho United tSates, will tour
through California and tho southwest.
Ho expects to leavo Washington on
tho 21st instant, and will be away
about n month.
Tho Santa Fo system will soon In
stall oil burning locomotives on tho
81lgmon-"WinBlow division in Arizona,
adding 146 miles to tho mileage now
covered by oil burning cngincB on tho
Santa Fo system.
lit seems qulto likely now that tho
trotfblo that has arisen within tho
membership of tho Red CrosB society
will bo brought In somo form to tho
attention of congress soon after it
convenes next fall.
fl'ho latest news from Manchuria is
to tho effect that tho second evacu
ation by tho Russians was to bo duly
cfTectod, beginning on tho 8th Inst.,
when Nowchwang was to bo handed
over to tho Chinese.
Tho Bolivian government has ad
vised tho State department of tho de
parture of Scnor Guachalla, tho Bo
livian minister, who goes to Brazil to
represent his goverment in tho settle
ment 'Of Aero dispute
Ten workmen engaged in making
a tunnel on tho Mexican Central ex
tension at Tuxham, n tho stato of
Jnllsdo, lost their lives In a cave-in,
caused by several earthquako shockB
coming tin rapid succession.
ill. 11. Rogers, tho Standard Oil mil
lionaire, was operated upon at Now
York for appendicitis. Ho withstood
tho operation well, but .on account of
tho patient's age GO years Jils con
dition is considered grave.
Tho famlno .In Kwang SI province
Is killing tens of thousands of per
sons, and women there aro selling
themselves into slavery to escape star
vation. Tho American consul at Can
ton has Inaugurated a relief fund.
Miss Elizabeth W. "Lampion, who
for twenty-eight years had been a
teacher In St Louis schools, 1b dead
of pneumonia. Miss Lampton, who
-was well known as & writer of chil
dren's stories, was a cousin of Sam
uel Clemens and of Colonel Henry
Secretary Root has directed the
court-martial of a number of army of
ficers in Alaska who have been
charged with making use of commis
sary supplies for their individual prof-
It It appears that they have been
purchasing supplies at cost and sell
ing them at great profit
The United States supremo court
has denied tho petition of tho solicitor
general to chango tho date of assign
ment for tho hearing of tho caso of
U. S. Joincs, involving tho right of
c'.izenship in tho Choctaw and Crick
it saw Indian tribes. This decision In
sures tho postponement of tho caso
until tho term of court beginning next
Major General Davis has returned to
Manila from the Jolo a.'chlpelago. Ho
later went to Signaporo three days
before Genoral Davis arrived. Tho
sultan's absonce compels a temporary
abandonment of the negotiations for
the abrogation of tho Bates treaty.
Sir Thomas Llpton announces that
Shamrock I and Shamrock III will go
to the United States, where the races
will bo continued. The date of their
departure has not yet been fixed, but
It will be earlier than probably expected.
A Story of Cromwell's Tlmo
Author of "Tho Bow of Orans Ribbon," "I, Thou and tho Othor On,
"Tit Mld of Maidart Larte," Etc.
(Copjtlslit, 1901, by DodJ. Mead & Company. All titbit reserved.)
CHAPTER IX (Continued.)
"This Is all very flno Indeed," said
Mrs. Swaffham, almost weeping in
her angor, "but you need not praiso
this man to mo. Ho has slain tho
King of England, nnd turned out tho
English Parliament, nnd pray what
next? Ho will mako himself King
and Elizabeth Cromwoll Queen. Shall
we Indeed bow down to them? Not
I, for ono."
"Bo at peace, Martha," said Gen.
Swaffham, "hero aro things to consid
er of far greater import than tho
Cromwell women. How tho nation
will tako this affair remains to bo
"I look for mcasurelcsH wrath and
vain babble, and thrents heard far
and wide," said Doctor Verity. The
neoplo havo been given what they
wanted, and twenty to ono they -will
now nay-say all they havo roared for.
That would uo like tho rost of their
For once Doctor Verity was wrong.
This master-stroko of Cromwell's
wont straight to tho heart vl London.
"Not a dog barked .against It," said
Cromwell to his friends, and he was
to all intents and purposes right
Those who called It "usurpation" con
fessed that it was an usurpation of
capability, In plnco of one of Incapa
bility. CHAPTER X.
Rupert and Cluny.
When tho Joverys arrived in Paris,
they went immediately to tho beautiful
Hotel do Fransac, which Sir Thomas
had rented for their residence whllo
In tho city.
Ono afternoon Matilda stood at a
window watching tho crowds passing
incessantly. To tho right was tho
palace of tho great King Louis, and
not far away tho palace of his Emi
nence, tho great Cardinal Mazarln.
Sho was dressed for her lovor, and
waiting his arrival, her soul flashing
from her watching eyes, her wholo
"Take your life
sweet body at attention. When to or- i
dlnary ears thero would have been
nothing to give notice, Matilda heard
a step. Sho let Jane's letter drop to
her feet and stood facing the door
with handB dropped and tightly
A moment later the footsteps wore
very distinct; they were asoendlng the
stairway quickly, peremptorily. A per
fectly ravishing light spread itself
over Matilda's face. Then the door
flew open and Prince Rupert entered;
"entered," Jiowever, being too small
a word, for with tho opening of tho
door he was on his knees at Matilda's
feet, his arras wore round her waist,
she had "bent lier face to his, they
were both near to weeping and know
it not, for love must weep when it
snatches from some hard Fate's con
trol the hours that years have sighed
Rupert loved Matilda. All the glory
and the sorrow of his youth were in
that love, and as he knelt at her feet
In his princely, soldierly splendor there
was nothing lacking in the picture of
romantic devotion. "Adorable, ravish
ing Mata!" ho cried, "at your feet I
am paid for my life's misery." And
Matilda leaned towards him till their
handsomo faces touched, and Rupert
could look love Into her eyes, soft
and languishing with an equal affec
tion. For a little while their conversation
was purely personal, but their own
interests wore so blent with public
affairs that it was not possible to
separate them for any length of time.
"We havo sold all our cargoes," ho
aid triumphantly, "In spite of old
Cromwell's remonstrances. What can
Cromwell do? "Will ho go to war with
Franco for a merchant's bill of lad
ing?" "I will tell you something, Rupert.
I had a letter to-day from my friond,
Mistress Jane Swaffham, She sayB
her lover, Lord Cluny Neville, must
be In Paris about this time, and that
he will call on me. He is on Crom
well's business; there is no doubt of
"What Is the appearance of Neville?
I tiink I saw him this morning."
Then Matilda described the young
lord, and tho particularity of her
knowledge regarding his eyes and hair
nnd volco nnd manner did not pleaso
Prlnco Rupert.
"A very haughty youth," said Ru
port when tho conversation was re
sumed. "He was with tho Cardinal
thiB morning. And now 1 begin to
remember his business was such as
In a manner concerns us. 'Twas about
a merchant ship which that old farmer
on King Charles' throne wants pay
ment for. My men took It in fnlr
fight, and 'tis against all usage to give
back spoils."
They talked of these things until
Rupert's engagements called him
away, then they rose, and leaning to
wards each other, walked Blowly down
tho long splendid room together,
She went then to And her uncle and
nunt But she quickly noticed in
them nn air of anxiety and gloom, and
It annoyed her.
"Is anything particularly wrong,
aunt? Have 1 been making some
trouble again?"
"Sir Thomas 1b very unhappy, niece.
Ho has heard news that frightens
him, and wo arc longing to bo in the
peaco and safety of our own home."
"You aro going to lose a little gold,
and so you aro wretched, and must
go to tho Clty-of-tho-Mi8crable."
"1 am not going to loso a penny."
"WelL then?"
"There may be trouble because of
this very thing, and I do not want to
be In Paris with the two women I love
better than myself if Cromwell and
Mazarln come to blows. 1 might be
taken from you. I should very likely
bo sent to the Bastile; you would not
wish that, Matilda?"
"Dear uncle, shall wo not return by
Tho Hague?"
"No. Lord Neville has promUed to
do my business there. It is only a
matter of collecting a thousand pounds
from my merchant; but he is going to
tako charge of your aunt'B Jewels, and
from my hand."
you had better trust yours also with
"I will not trust anything I possess
to Lord Neville. Nothing!"
"It Is enough," answered Lady Jev
ery. "Matilda cannot wish to put in
danger your liberty or life."
"My hnppinesB is of less eouse
ouence, aunt"
"Certainly It is;" and there was
such an air of finality in Lady Jov
ery's voice that Matilda rose nnd went
to her own apartments to continue
her complaints. This she did with
passionate feeling in a letter to Prince
Rupert, in which she expressed wmi
out stint her hatred of Lord Neville
nnd her desire for his punlsnment
Rupert was well Inclined to honor her
wish. Ho had seen tho young Com
monwealth messenger, and his hand
some person and patrician manner
had given him a moment's envious
look back to the days when he also
had been young and hopeful and full
of faith In his own great future.
Ho had not long to wait' for an
opportunity to meet Neville. While
ho was playing billiards the following
nfternoon with the Duke of York, his
equerry arrived at tho Palais Royale
with his horse. Novillo had taken tho
northern road out of tho city, and it
was presumably tho homeward road.
Rupert followed quickly, hut Novllle
was a swift, steady rider, and he was
not overtaken till twenty miles had
been covered, and the daylight was
nearly lost in tho radiance of tho full
moon. Rupert put spurs to his horse,
passed Novillo at a swift gallop, then
suddenly wheeling, came at a rush
towards him, catching hlfi brldlo as
they met.
"You will alight. I havs a quarrel to
settle with you."
"On wnat ground?"
"Say it is on the ground of your
mistress. I am Earl do Wick's friend."
"I will not fight on Mich pretonso.
My mlstross would deny me If I did."
"Fight for your honor, than."
Neville laughed. "I know Vatter.
And before what you call Honor, I put
"Then fight for the papers and
money in your possession, I want
"Hal I thought so. You are n rob
ber, it seems. But I warn you that I
am a good swordsman."
"Heaven and hall! What do I caro?
If you do not alight at once, I will
slny your horse. You shall fight me,
hare and now, with or without pre
tense." Then Neville flung himself from his
horse and tied the animal to a tree.
Rupert did likewise, and the two men
rapidly removed such of their gar
ments as would Interfere with their
bloody play. They wcro In a lonely
road, partially shaded with great trees.
Not a human habitation was visible,
and thero were no seconds to see Jus
tice done in tho fight, or securo help
after It, If help was needed. But nt
this time the lack of recognized for
malities was no impediment to tho
duel. Report quickly found that he had
met his match. Neville left him not a
moment's breathing space, but never
followed up his attacks, until at last
Rupert called out Insolently, "When
nro you going to kill me
The angry Impatience of tho Inquiry
probnbly Induced a moment's careless
ness, and Rupert did not notice that In
tho struggle their ground had Insen
sibly been changed, nnd Neville nbw
stood directly in front of a large tree.
Not heeding the Impediment, Rupert
made a fierce thrust with the point
of his sword, which Neville cvndcd
by a vault to one side, so that Rupert's
sword striking the tree, sprang from
his hand at the impact. As it fell to
tho ground, Neville reached It first,
and placed his foot upon it. Rupert
stcwd still and bowed gravely. Ho
was at Neville's mercy, and ho Indi
cated his knowledge of this lact by
tho proua stillness of his attitude.
"It wns an accident," said Neville,
"and an accident is God's part in any
affair. Take your life from my hand.
I hnvo no will to wish your death."
He offered his iiand bb he spoke, and
Rupert took It frankly, answering:
" 'Tis no disgrace to take life from
one so gallant nnd generous, and I
nm glad that I can repay tne favor of
your clemency;" then he almost whis
pered in Cluny's ear three words, and
the young man started visibly, and
with great haste untied his horse.
"Wo would better change horses,"
said Rupert; "mine Is a Birb, swift
as the wind."
But Cluny could not make the
chango proposed without some delay,
his papers and jewels being bestowed
in his saddle linings. So with a good
wish the two men parted, and there
was no nnger between them admira
tion and good-will had taken Its place.
Neville hastened forward, as he had
been advised, and Rupert returned to
Paris. He knew Matilda was expect
ing him, nnd he pictured to himself
her disappointment nnd anxiety at his
non-appearance. Yet he was physically
exhausted, and as soon as he threw
himself upon a couch ho forgot all his
weariness and all his anxieties in a
deep sleep.
Early next morning he went to Ma
tilda. "How could you so cruelly disap
point me?" sho cried. "You see now
that our time is nearly gone; in a
few hours we must part, perhaps for
ever." "My dearest, loveliest Mata, I was
about your pleasure. I was following
Lord Neville, and he took me further
than I expected."
"Lord Neville again! Tho man is
an incubus! Why did you follow
"You wibhed me to give him a les
son. He was going homeward. I had
to ride last night, or let him escape.
By my troth, I had only your pleasure
in mind."
"Oh, but the price paid was too
great! I had to give up your society
for hours. That is a loss I shall
mourn to the end of my life. I hope,
then, that you killed him. Nothing
less will suffice for it"
"I was out of fortune, as I always
am. I had an accident, and was at
his mercy. He gave me my life."
(To be continued.)
Work at High Pressure Robs Them
of Vitality.
"Nervous persons need not apply,"
is an admonition which should be
heeded by all girls who are seeking
positions as telephone operators.
The biblical phrase, "Many are called,
but few are chosen," Is especially ap
plicable to those who are ambitiouB
to respond to the "Hello" of the tele
phone subscriber. Not one applicant
in five is nblo to stand the strain, and
no class of women who earn their
living has the record for fainting that
has been won by the 'phone girls.
The girls work at Tilgh pressure and
this robs them of vitality.
But the blustering male subscriber
or, more frequently, the chance pa
tron Is responsible for most of the
hysterics nt the switchboard. Tho
girls take a complaint seriously. It
Is a reflection on the service they
render and they cannot always pass
It by as a joke. In splto of tho num
ber of telephones In use In New York,
thero Is hardly an Irascible patron
who Is not known to the whole force.
A girl answers tho call of such a
man with misgiving, and more than
one operator has been taken away
from her post unconscious while the
brute at the other end of the line
was pouring his spleen into the
Carries Religion With Him.
Edwin S. Robbins, a manufacturer
and business man, who has manifold
interests to demand his attention, at
his home in Greys tone, Conn., spends
ovory Sunday evening of his llfo in
addrcjuhng religious gatherings In
tbeHtlcular city where his business
rurP take him.
Muscovite Goods to Enter China Free
Insists on Customs Suspension In
Large Part of Empire Other Na
tions Shut from Province.
burg correspondent of tho Dally Mall
hears from an authoritative source
that China has accepted the Russian
proposals In so fars as it regards tho
duties at tho lake bounties. After
tho negotiations with the Tsung li
Yamen, tho correspondent continues,
the Russian minister formulated the
following conditions:
(1) Tho importation of Chinese
arms Into Manchuria shall be taxed
according to the discretion of the Rus
sian customs authorities and China
shall agree to construct at Galgan a
manufactory to supply material for
tho projected Russo-Chlnese railroad
to Pekln, which will pass Into tho
vicinity of Kalgan.
(2) China shall establish in Rhardln
an administrative body to Insure the
rights vested in the gold mines which
aro now being worked by Russian en
gineers. (3) All Russian goods sent to Cen
tral China shall be entirely free of
any Chinese customs charges.
(4) Russia and China shall jointly
agree henceforwarad to close the door
in Manchuria to the goods of all pow
ers. This agreement, concludes the cor
respondent, will come into force af
ter the oponing of the Manchurian
The Tlmees' correspondent at Pe
kin says he has ascertained that the
fourth demand In the first Russian
document, namely, that the present
status of tho administration of Man
churia is to remain unchnnged, does
not apply to Manchuria, but is a de
mand that the rminlstratlon of Mon
golia shall not be changed. The ob
ject of this is to check tho suggested
alteration In the government of Man
churia by which it was contemplated
to transform Mongolia Into a Chinese
Tho foreign office, continues the
Times' correspondent, has formally
agreed that Russia is to retain 2,100,
000 taels, receipts from tho New
Chwang customs, now in possession
of tho Russo-Chlneso bank as an in
demnity for repairing nnd protecting
tho Shan-Hal-Kwan New Chwang rail
Professor In Haravard Medical Col
lege Makes Discovery.
BOSTON, Mass. Tho Globe an
nounced that Dr. William Thomas
Councilman, the Shattuck professor
of pathological anatomy In the Har
vard Medical school, has discovered
the germ that causes smallpox. The
discovery is pronounced by physicians
who have been made aware of Dr.
Councilman's discovery as one of the
really great ones In medical history
and the most important made in Bos
ton, rivalling tho discovery of ether
as an anaesthetic.
The details of tho investigation,
how each successive step was taken,
how valuable scientific information
concerning tho protozoa, the organism
that produces that highly contagious
disease, will, on Tuesday evening, be
furnished to medical men by tho dis
coverer, who refrains trom making a
public announcement of it until he has
enlightened the scientific world. Tues
day's meeting of physicians will bo
held nt the Harvard Medical school
under the auspices of the Boston So
ciety of Medical Science and the no
tices merely state that Dr. Council
man will havo an announcement to
make upon small pox.
Indians' Land Suit Delayed.
GUTHRIE, Okla. Associate Jus
tice Halner has postponed to May 23
the hearing of the case wherein mem
bers of tho Kaw Indian tribe seek to
prevent tho allotment of the lands in
their reservation. The case will be
heard at Newklrk Okla.
Looking After rood Supply.
LONDON King Edward has ap
pointed a royal commission to inquire
into the question of Importation of
food In time of war nnd other similar
subjects. The prince of Wales is a
member of tho commission, and Lord
Balfour of Burleigh is its chulrmnn.
Seeks New Postal Lawyer.
WASHINGTON Postmaster Gon
oral Payne had a talk with Attorney
General Knox about a suitable man
to put In charge of the legal division
of the postofflco department. As
General Tyner, the assistant attorney
general, has been removed, and Mr.
Chrlstiancy, the officer temporarily In
charge, is to remain away pending the
investigation, it becomes imperative
to provide another man in the place,
at least temporarily.
- g iPafec,E5,V! $&
When the back aches
and pains so badly,
can't work, can't rest,
can't sleep, can't eat.
It Is hard to bear.
Thousands of aching backs have
been relieved and cured.
Peoplo are learning that bnckncho
pains como from disordered kldneyB,
that Doan's Kidney Pills euro every
Kidney 111, cure Bladder troubles, uri
nary dorangemonts, Dropsy, Diabetes,
Bright's Disease.
Read this testimony to tho merit of
the greatest of Kidney Specifics.
J. W. Walls, superintendent of
streets of Lebanon, Ky., living on
East Main street in that city, says:
"With my nightly rest broken, ow
ing to Irregularities of the kldneyB,
suffering intensely from severe pains
in tho small of my back and through
Uie kidneys, and nnnoyed by painful
J passages of abnormal secretions, life
j was anything but pleasant for me.
No amount of doctoring relieved this
condition and for the reason that noth
ing seemed to give me even temporary
relief, I became about discouraged.
Ono day I noticed in the newspapers
the case of a man who was afflicted
as I was and was cured by the use of
Doan's Kidney Pills. His words of
praise for this remedy were so sin
cere that on tho strength of his state
ment I went to the Hugh Murray
Drug Co.'s store and got a box. I
found that the medicine was exactly
as powerful a kidney remedy as rep
resented. I experienced quick and
lasting relief. Doan's Kidney Pills
will prove a blessing to all sufferers'
from kidney disorders who will give
them a fair trial."
A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney
medicine which cured Mr. Walls will
be mailed to any part of the United
States on application. Address Fob-ter-Mllburn
Co., Buffalo, W. Y. For
sale by all druggists. Price 50 cents
per box.
On the Lat&n.
Libby Luncheons
We sell tho product In key-openine cans.
Turn a ki-y and you find the meat exactly
as it lelt us. We put tbrm up in this way:
Potted Ham, Beer and Tongue
Ox Tongue (Whole), Veal Loaf
Deviled Ham, Brisket Beef
Sliced Smoked Beef, Etc.
All natural flaror foods palatable nnd
n holcsonic Your grocer should have them
"How to Make Good Thlnir to Eat" wlU
be t:nt free to any address lor the askinir
Libby, McNeill & Libby
Chicago, Illinois
Shocks Microbes to Death.
Dr. Samuel J. Metzler, a Berlin phy
sician, has come to tho conclusion that
all microbes may bo killed by a series
of violent shocks. He seems to have
proved his theory at least to his own
satisfaction by attaching to tho waist
of a girl a number of bottles of boup
filled with microbes and making her
skip and danco until she was almost
exhausted. By that time the microbes,
were well nigh exterminated.
Accurate Uncle Sam.
Tho postmastor at Eloise, Fla., be
ing short one cent in his cash at his
last settlement with the government
made up the deficiency out of his own
pocket: but in checking his accounts
tho auditor for the postofflce depart
ment found an arithmetical error
whereby Uncle Sam had been overpaid
to the extent of a cent. Thereupon
the department sent tho postmaster a
draft for 1 cent, which ho has just
It is the OODOrtunitV that mnkng
'everything tho rich man and the
Men are generous to a fault when
they ore In love.
Union prices marriage fees.
After Four Months In Bed.
Powersvllle, Ky., April 27th. Mrs.
J. J. Monaon, who has been ill fop
over eight years, says:
"Yes, It Is truly wonderful. I am
36 years of age and for the last eight
years I have suffered with acute Kid
ney trouble.
"I tried all the doctors within
reach and many other medicines, but
got no relief till I used that new rem
edy. Dodd's Kidney PIUb.
"I was confined to my bed for four
months this winter and had such a
pain in my side I couldn't get a good
breath. 1 had smothering spells, was
light-headed and hnd given up all
hope, for I didn't think I could live
"After I had taken a few of Dodd's
Kidney Pills I began to Improve and
I kept on till now, as you can see, 1
am well.
"I have been up and doing my own
work for sometime now and haven't
felt pain or weakness since.
"I praise the Lord for my wonder
ful restoration to health and will
always recommend Dodd's Kidney
Marconi should next proceed to fill
a long felt want by inventing wireless
i a- "-"WSrl
4S. 1i Hr timL "