.1JJW9JWW w Zhc Iberalb PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. r JARV1S 18 7 7 BRANDY SOLD IN ALL BEST PLACES. By T, J. O'KEEFE. PWV ii I t ir i t K' Entered at the postoffico at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mails, as second-class matter. , ADVERTISING RATES: Display per single column inch per month . '5 Business locals, per line first insertion . 10 Each subsequent Insertion, per line .05 Legal notices at statute rates. 3T Tub Herald Is the Official Publica tion of Box Uutte county and its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance. CANTON. Scott Hood is clerking for John Mo ravek at this writing. A. N. Oleson has boon having a hard tussle with the mumps the past week. It. C. Curtis was trading In Hemlng ford Saturday and returned homo Monday. Mrs. 11. Stewart nnd daughter, Miss Dottle, were- visitors nt the home of Mrs. Zimmerman Wednesday. Mrs. Ueorgo Zimmerman Is having quite a lot of work done on her home stead which she took a few weeks ago. I)nn McCormlck, who camo up from Ravenna some tlmo nco. has taken charge of the cattle department tit Jim Novotney's ranch this season. Mr. Post camo up from Cnrponter Friday and la holding rellgiouB servi ces nt the church this week and will continue nil week nnd oyer Sunday. Yes, the third marriage we predicted some time ago has tnken place, the con tracting pnrtlcs being Miss Mary Meek of Mallnda nnd Con Bass of Montana. Mr. Pierce of Hemingford passed through Cunton Sunday cn'routo for (1. II. Clayton's much to take Mibs Jlcese to her school which began Monday. W. A. Bundall was In Ucmlngford Saturday with a big load of potatoes and millet seed which he" exchanged for seed wheat, of which ho will sow an extensive crop. V. A. Mood was up from his ranch on Snake creek Thursday. He dropped into our place of business and made us n plea Mint visit while on his way to other points In the precinct. W. S. Nicholson of Whistle Creek, Sioux county was a visitor at literary Saturday night, also Mrs.'Homrlghbu sen and daughters, Mtbs Ethel Mehr kins und Amos Plununsky, till of Lawn. Quite a number of people ure'gettlng a move on themselves this week, W.A. ltandall moves onto the Bass pluee and Arthur Bats moves on his place vacated by W. A. Ruudull, known us the Hood place. The April fool wind that blew a reg ular hurricane the tlrst day of April, blew the tops oir sod houses, blew hay racks oil wagons and demolished them In great shape a few miles south of Canton. Our literary closed Saturday night for the season with a good program well carried out. A good paper was gotten up by two able editors, II. L Shctlcr und Miss Emma Knpcr. The items were good In every particular. Spring is here again nnd our farmer ranchmen are turning the soil for a big crop this season. Some have quite n lot of grain sowed already. Those who have begun the work already are the Bass brothers, W. A. Randall, John Moravck, .1. W. Broshur, (leorge E. Zimmerman and .lames Novotney. Low Kates to St. I.outs nnd Ucturn. Front April 2U to 30, inclusive, the Burlington will sell round trip tickets to St. Louis at one fare plus $2. Tick cts limited for return to May I, A good tirae to make a cheap trip to the exposition city. Ask the ticket agent for details. I ou Hates to Uucoln and Ucturn The Burlington will sell round trip tickets to Lincoln at a fare and one third April 15 and lit. Ask the tlckes agent for particulars. ODDS AND ENDS. Dr. Samuel Smiles, tho auUtor of "Self-Help," has just celebrated his ninetieth birthday. Out of 1,000,000 soldiers of the civil vnr whoso hights were recorded, 3,613 were over six feet three. Inches lu hlght. One of the Bueno3 Ayres newspapers has a consultation room In which thb poor can get medical aid and medi cine free. Hewitt How did you get your Ger man friend down on you? Jewltt I gavo him a French clock for Christ mas, Judge. ConTeniloii or China. In dividing the profits of Chrlstlan lxlng China it Is believed that Russia k consent to take tho territory and permit the other nations to have tho converts. Milwaukee Sentinel. llalns Every Seven Tear. Payta, In Poru, Is the driest Bpot on the face of the earth; the average in terval between two showers of rain is I T.evm years, j t t,MAftJLMAAAAMrr lie Central Nebraska LOCATED Lincoln, Omaha ABB NOW UKADY Ranch, Farm or Our means of securing- purchasers are extensive on account of the number of agents that are giving their entire time to looking for purchasers. If you list your property with us for sale, we will sell it, or if you want to exchange for other property. We make a specialty in this line. We have FINE FARMS, ELEGANT CITY PROPERTY As well as various kinds of business, to exchange for your property. We propose to do a hustling business and guarantee satisfaction. For further information, correspond with J. H. EDMISTEN, President of the Company TnisDFORD, Nebraska- rfcvrivrr4rr(ivrrrT8vserTsr Notice to Creditor?). In County Oourt. wllhln and for Box Butte county, Nebraska, February 14, 1003, In tliu mutter of the rotate of Klvlrn Hass.deceascd. To the Creditors or mild Kstuto: You tiro hereby uollllcd tlmt I will sit at tliu county court room In Alliance In said county, on the 15th day of AtiKunt, W03, ntu o'clock u. in. to receive und examine alt claims against said cutiito, with 11 view to their ndjustmeiit and allowance. The tlmo limited for the pre sentation of claims uuulnxt wald t'stato Is six months from tliu 14th clav of Kebruarv. . II. 11X13, and thotlmo limited for payment of deht Is one year from wild Hth day of February, trial. Witness my hand and the seal of said county com t this 14th day of February, ItXKI. I). K. Hl'AOUT, (A true copy.) (heai,. County Judge. iirT Sheriff's Sale. Hy virtue of un execution Issued on trans erlptby thocli-rU of tlindUtrlei court of llox iiuiKH'ount)', ?ri)rni;i(, upon a ucerenrenuereii by the district court of Lancaster county, Nb- 1 hruskn. wherein WlntUoii Savings Hunk was plUlnttfT, and iiKiiliiHt Kmma .1 Cornell, de fendant, 1 will, on tho 7th day of April, ' A. 1). MMI, at 10 o'clock a. in. on said day at the ' west front door of tliu courlhouxu in Alllanco 1 in Mtld county, nell llio follnuliw UeMTllK'rt real estatn, to-wlt: the northwent '4 of cctlou '4, tinhlp2t), north of ranx" 41), wrst of the nth . prlncliial meridian In llox Bultn county. Ne-I lutifka, nt public auction to the hluliest bidder for cash, tu tatif.v wild Judgment In tlio mini of KiTT.DO and Interest, costs and accruing ' costs Mibjeet to taxes In the sum of $!7.IK and a niortKngu for the sum of $ku),0U. . Tim nbove mentioned Judgement was duly assigned to Henry A. Clltford who' Ik now the owner thereof. , IltA HEED, Shcrlir of Said Countv. ICiiikpatiiiuK t IIaiieii. Atty for l'laliitilf First publication, March a ! Notice. In the County Court of llox Uutte County. Nebraska. Vioi.a I-'iukl'Ik, lUalntllT vs. , IIk.miv K. Fhancih, Defendant. To Henry l Francis. nun-retilunt tie- , fuiulam: Yoa arc hereliv iiotlllcd that on tho 3rd day of Jlanxli, I1X Viola frauds tiled u petition , aRulnst you lu iho district court of Ko lttuto county, Nebraska, tho object mid prayer of which arc to obtain a divorce f 10m you on tho ' Krouud tlmtou wilfully ahauilonedtheiilulii- , tltf, without Kood cause, for tho term of two yean last tmst. You are required to answer , Mild petition 011 or before Monday, the 1:1th day of April, liHCT. VIOI.A FlttKCIH, I'lHllltllT Hy Win. Mitchell, her attorney. ' l'lrht iiiihlicatlnii, March 0. ', - ' 14.V1 I Sheriff's Snle. Hy virtue of au order of s.tlu iHsued by the clerk of tho district rart of Mux Hutto county. 1 Nebraska, upon a decree miideml by haul court In fmor of Vlrll Voiinc. plalntlir. and UKalust.lob Hntluiway ContKUiy, a llrm orco-jiartnurslilp, uiiiiicorpuratt'l,compocil of Job llatbaway, and Kinma C .1. Austin, Km ma C.J . Austin, II. It. Austin, IiusIhukI of KniiuaC. .1. Austin, a member of defendant firm of Job Hathaway mid Compiny, and hus band of Kmma C. J. Auxtlii defendant, W. It. I.annlni;, trustee, Thomas Kralun, benellclary of W II, UiiiuiiiK. trustee, defendant the J Kitiltnhlo ltud Company, William I'arrott, and .lauct I'arrott or Mi-s. I'arrott llrstnalnu iiukiiowu, wife of defeiuluiit William I'arrott, 1 .lama I'arrott and William I'nrrott or Mr. I'arrott, timt name unknown, or Mr. l)ou real j name unknown, husband of Janet I'arrott,' -defendants, 1 will, oil the 14th day of April, 1 A. D , 11H3, nt 1(1 o'clock a. in. on said day. at tli west front door of tho courthouse la Alll- . ance lu Mild oouuty, mil the folowint; de crilK'd ri-al estate, to-wllt northeast )4 of ! section 30, township ill, north runire 17 west of 1 the tit It principal meridian In llox- Uutte conn- ty, Nebraska, at public auction to the hlchost j bidder for cash to satisfy nald order of salo In I thomim of fltt-Mrtnml intercut, costs and accru- I inj; costs :.tX W. II, JuiiiIuk on his cross I putltlon recovered as u sts'oiiu leln ou said promises the sum of -5'.n,70. Subject to axes IltA ItKKI). SherltT of Said County William Mitchell, Aify for I'lalntltr. First publication, March 13. - Sheriffs Sale. Hy virtue of an order of sale Issued by the cleik of the district court of Ho llutte county. uiKin a dwrve rendered by said court In favor of William I., lildwell, plaint! IT. and airalnst Uudoliibus (I. ArlmL'tist anil Itonla Arboast. defendants, lwlll, 011 the'Juthday of Am II A. I). IHOILat 1(1 o'clix-U a. m. on said day. at tho -west front door of tho courthouse. In Alllanco In said county, sell the following descrllied real estate, to-wlt: tho northeast ! of section 10, township 'M north. rnnt-'O SI, wet of tlth prliK'liwil meridian lu Ho Hutto county, Nebraska, ut public auction to the niHiicsi niuoer loreasu, 10 sausrysaiu oroer . of salo In the sum of J?.i.vo and Interest,' costs ami accruini; costs, sunjeeno taxes 011 said laud to the amount of f.VI.7!', IKA ItKKI), SherllT of said county. W, H. FitnuliiK. Atty for plaintiff. First publication March . Iff fjhcrlfrs- Sale. Hy virtue of an order of salo Issued by the clerk of the district court of llox Kutto coun ty, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said court lu favor of the .MuKlnley-liniiiu),' I.1V1I1 und Trust Company, plulntltf, and acalnst Ira 11. Urln;le,Klla. A. Ilrlwleand W.ll. Caruahau defrudauts. 1 will, on tliu 7th dvy of April, A. , IMKi, at 10 o'clock a. m. on said day at the went front doorof tbo court house in Alliance in suid Couuty, sell the followlutt dcwrrilxl real estate, to-w it: O10 southeast H of vectlon P. of township ZJ, 1101th of ruiiKo IS west of the Ctli priiiclhal inerhllaii in llox Uutte county, Ne brueku.ut public aucl Ion to th hlRhetit bidder for cuvh to satisfy taidintar of sale In the eum of iHtt-ii, und IntereMt, coats aud accruing costs also subject to taxes amouiitiiiK to the fiinol ?W.0(, M5. i;ki-:d. u rlif of Said County. W.lj. simo.nson, Attorney for PJulnUtT. Mrst publlcu' n, MatcbtL Real Estate Gomp'y AT nrciiT andThedford TO SV.hU YOU City Property. No. 1457. Sheriff's Sale, lly virtue of tin order of salo Issued by tho clerk of the district court of Uox Hutto coun ty, Nebraska, upon a decree, rendered by said conn In favor of Vlrjfll Youinr. plaintiff, and iiKinsi.ion iiatimway and Company, it llrm or eo-partner.slilp unincorporated, com raised of Job Mathawav and Kmma r. .1. Austin Kmma C. .1. Austin. II. It. Austin, husband of Kmma C .I.Austin, n mtmber of flcfeiKlnnt. wnma i' . 1. Austin, number of defend llrm of Job Hntlmwuy nnd Company and h band of Ihnnia C. J. Austin, defendant, W. iJinuIuK, tiustei'.Thoinus rrnnm, henetlcl Iius- II. Ilf,!....,. of . II . Ijiniilnir, trustee, defendant, UniUu IIiiIkh and Company, William I'arrott and Ja net PurroUor Mrs I'urrot, first imino un known, wlfo of defendant William I'arrott, Juuet I'arrott ami Mr. I'airott or William I'arrott, tlrst name unknown, or Mr. l)oe, real name unknown, husband of .lanet Parroit. defendants. 1 will, on the 14th diiyorApill, A. D.itKn ut 10 o'clock a.m. on said day. at the west rpiiit door of tint court house In Alliance, In said comity, sell the fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt ; North wet t of section jii. town i'H, north of range t,, si 01 inei.in pnuciiai nieiKlian in ise brasU. !u llox Untie county, Nebraska, at piidllc miction tu the hluhcsi bidder for cash. toKitlst.v suid order of sale, 111 (ho sum of till ifl us llrnt It-ln and Interest Costs and 11c ''Milng costs. .sMOuud MUT'OI t covered by , II. I aiming, cross petitioner, us a second lelnoii ..ltd prcmist s. Miliiect to taxes f'JS s0. iitA iu;i:i), ,,., -herliT of Said County. llllam Mitchell, tt j for Pliilntilt. rirst iiniillcntlim, Murch R HIGH SiMRlTS. The use of u moderate itiantitv of our old, mellow anil fine WHISKIES will improve the mental ami physical condition. Tliey have been matured before bottling, and have that rich, ripe flavor so !iir.ily appieciated by epicures,. The followini; brands we consider excellent: Wedding Boquet Whiskey. California Wines . . . Our wines for table use ate wot thy of more than a trial. They are good for use all the time. The RED LIGHT Saloon. ONLY UNION HAK, IN THH CITY. Win. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone ISo. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. Nebraska Hide im c .-z-j.- '7- Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leatherand Saddlery Hardware Established 1878 L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. v.,,,i, VvxA''Av' 3 J If A I SELL 64 102 Cultivate my acquainance. I SELL Walking, Riding- and Disc Cultivators I SELL Listers, Breaking Plows, Stirring Plows, Seeder Attachments. While my Let me show you Profsslnal Cards. ATTOItSEVS. WILLIAn MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT Lft.W, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Ofkick 1'iiom: ISO. Hksidl.nck I'iionk 203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ltooms 1,2 and 3, First National bank build! Invr, Alliance, Neb. Notary In office. W. Q. SIMONSON... Attorney at Law.... OHIce I'p-stalrs Over I'ostofllco SMITH 1. TUTTI.E. IltA K. TASII. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL -ESTATE. North Main St., - AI.MAN'OK. NF.H. PHYSICIANS. II. II. IIF.I.IAVOOU, M. I). - W. S. 1IKI.IAVOOI). M, I). Bellwood & Bellwood, PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. Ilolstcu HulldlitK. - ALLIANUE. NKH, L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office In rirst National Hank block. Alli ance, Nebraska. J. E. MOORE, M: D. I-MTTCIIKIt Hl.OCh, ALLIANCE, NLH. Calls answered Telcpliono No. l!2. front office day or night. G. W. MITCHELL. M. D, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office In Loekwood ) HulldiiiK f ALLIANOK. NEH. Telephone No. 3TH. JULIA V. FREY, OSTEOPATHIC PHY8ICIAN. Olllcu two blocks north of Times hulldlni;, Phono 25S, ' Hours, 8 to 12 u. ni 1 :30 to 5 p. m. H. B. MILLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ... OH I co and residence three doors uorth.of Idaho street 011 HI); Horn avenue. TCleiHiuu No. 20. Alliance, Neb. and Leather Co. Always Reliable. sssWVWk j: h V. . A. cjiy. Nebraska. HARROWING tooth Steel Harrows, 96 tooth tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows tongue is waggin' FARM WAGONS, TRUCK WAGONS, ROAD WAGONS, BU GGIE ETC NEWBERRY 1 " " 7 I Harvey's Bowling Alleys Weathful exercise and ladies and gentlemen THREE FIRST-CLASS ALLEYS. F. T. HARVEY, Proprietor. East Side of Main Street. oeeeecac0v9Se0009ssoaa9 The placing of a few dollars monthly in the S ... ALLIANCE ... iNational Bank will soon enable you to buy a comfortable home. M. IvNinilT, President V. II. Coitni.v. V. President .... O. II. CONNl.TT.Cashlur. V. A. Hampton, President A. S. Reed, Vice President 4226 First ' National Bank, ALLIANCE. Capital, $50,000. Directors: W. A. Hampton. A. S. Reed LAMBE?SON AKE PROPRIETORS OP THE Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for KREl) KRUli UttEWING CO., SELECT CAHINET, EXTRA PALE and Other Popular Hrands. . . FeuTCiil-y Trade Solicited. fioods Ilelivered to any part of the city. Come and See Us P hone 206 TALE 1 Steel Harrows, Tfl lAP.k' IIP w more and more the quality of our goods without making a corresponding increase in pri ces is our constant aim. We buy HARDWARE from those who haye the best to sell. Our favorites among the manufacturers are those who give us the best value. The makers of the "sell-by-appearance" kind of goods never get our orders. The quality of these goods is what sells them. Acheson & Joder. Is amusement for R. M. Hampton, Cashier Hampton. Ass't Cashier. t NEBRASKA. m Jk g ei ij in 11 f pi ij - Surplus and Profits, $20,000 E. C. Hampton. R. M Hampton. & STETTE? n i 1 -h x&z A y fc w ;