wmmmmtmmmmrtmmmmmmmmmmm psFnTrmswusimviafaaKKVBmvviJJKSi yjmegmwmwi t mrmwxmmima'SipmzmmnKrarmnxi f f t 1 WSwanholm Co i, j(S, -a w iUinllilEll S T 0 a We want to covince you that it pays to pay CASH for Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Groceries and Heats. We have purchased the Thornton & Co. grocery stock, Hanson dry goods, Rumer clothing stock. We propose to make prices that will get your patronage e ks nrmnMHA"m ttlv ihhqbumb1 bsmm SWANHOLM CO., ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. I tarn '"'Off' 'jzsnKXtKafmma KM I MS&i--'xk'.M..A M-:k--; M &l&.Wr&' k &- :--:ic G R A FURNITUR Smg32SgmESmEiingiESS3ra ' 'S ALEV m. J-J O "CU" DEB ZL-i JJ G in e .a. nsr z ztr a-. 4VD SALE 3 GRAND FURNITURE VMM C IWNNfUUiAlEUktU 'WMKiUT AaUOnMUM! -..1 And by THIS we mean that we have the largest and nicast stock of furni ture ever shown in the city, and it is for sale at prices that will astonish you. We have just received a car load, and a big one, too, containing twelve tons of choice goods. You cannot afford to miss this sale. We bought last October at prices then in force and saved big money. Now we are going to give you the benefit of our close buying. Combination Hook Cases and Writing Desks, and Library Book Cases. A combi nation case 60 in. high with a line golden oak finish. Sale price Dining Chairs in assorted kinds, styles and finishes. Sale prices ranging from $5.50 per set up. m v 1 wi See our line of Morris Chairs and Rockers. A solid oak cane seat, Ladie's Sewing Rocker, sale price - $2.25 s A solid Golden Oak, Velours upholstered Morris chair, sale price m "jatiwi.'SMBf rarc.u F ff W Bill ill I ifa 5ttia A , WlJWM; Mil I When tables are considered we are In It. Our line comprises the best finishes and latest paterns. An S ft. Table with j.in. leg, fine Golden Oak, sale price $11 .5o rZfflE'W.J .5i.tt rziVLij. i" 1 Vi r.v - 1 M i.- x-. ca Nobody can touch us on iron beds. We bought at the right lime, and are not losing any money on these, though we are selling them at less than others can buy them for. An iron bed, 52 in. high, 4ft. 6 in. wide, white or green color, (PO QC 'flhgHKfi! ;a isS r7lTcJ.2t5t r I Mt'fCi'fj v- - -i i 'GJIi,- Vf ;S ILLU y:?- El. flUtt-" i-."M. r O ! F4 "-. ii ifn& sale price fpljerf-rvl I T--H?sMra lt our CarPet tlepart- Jl I''rZfFy'Sllli nnt. We can show vou lfr? Ml: the latest and nobbiest' f ' Hne on exhibition in the mm$J Cit- All carpets sewed 4-WWWSA by macl"ery which gives &&WmMKA "'iiform strength and ,yY77TmrnrTcft u not give. In addition to the above we have some new things in Rattan Furniture, Dressing Tables Bed Rosts, Buffets, CWna Closets, Couches, Library Tables, Chiffoniers and Center Tables. DON'T FORGET YOUR TICKETS WITH EACH $1.00 OA H PURCHASE Geo Darling, The Furniture Man, gWWPpgpp -W WWsW :W -W-W '" --W -W "; '-" -HT-S"' '"T3T wrc1'vr1lra, -jwfT3"aK7j3r5i-5! wswasjg -c?(w 4 Su-i Lto A i f I k .. ff- i- P5