i Trmw rnw, m Gbe Deralb. PUIILISHKD FRIDAYS. Uv T. J. O'KEKI'B. f Entered at the postoITice nt Alllnnco, Nebraska, (or tmnsnii.-wion through the mails, as sccond-c)ns matter. ADVERTISING RATES: Display, per single column inch por month .50 Business locals, per line first insortion .10 Iiach subsequent insertion, per line .05 Legal noticos at statute rates. tj Tub Hbrai.1) is the Official Publica tion ot Hox Hutto county and its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance. Annual Reunion. The people of the Baptist church hold their annual reunion and roll call at the church last Tuesday evening, one hundred and forty members and regular attendants of the church's services being presant and seventy-five per cent, of the members being present to respond to the roll call, yuite a number of those unable to bo present sent messages to be read in response to their names. The reports by the heads of the various departments of church work were certainly very encouraging. The re port of treasurer shows a balance of $2.50 in the treasury after paying the pastor's salary and every expense during the jear, besides paying $415.40 on the parsonage debt. The Vomen's socioty received $112.7$ during the jear, gave S99.OS to church work and have J14. 70 yet remain ing in the treasury. There wore fifteen additions to the church in the year then closing. After the program, refreshments were served and a pleasant socinl hour was spent. Ilouston-Rotlgurs. A quiet wedding took place at the Bap tut parsonage Weduenday uvuning when He Jeflers pronounced the words uniting Mr Wiliiam A. Houston and Miss Zella 1 t ls-t r;. in marriage. Mr. Houston is from Alva, Okla , and made quite a favor able i'iipnBsiou upon those who mat him during his short stay here. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Eodtjcrs, who recently moved here from Missouri Mr. Kodgers is a brother of lur teemed townsmau, A. D. K exigent. Mr. and Mrs. Houston leave today for their home in Oklahoma, Htmir-Supper. The ladies of the t'nited Prosbj terian church will hold a bazar on the afternoon and evening of Tuesday, April 7, in the courtroom. They will serve a chicken pie supper in connection from 5 to 8 o'clock. The proceeds of both bazar and supper are to be used to puichase pews for the church. Everybody is invited The p.unting of Ml. Kainiur as seon from Taromn, Wash., whicli is displayed in George Darling's show window, was painted by Mrs. W M. Howie and is to be sold at auction in the evening at the United Presbyterian ladies' bazar to be held at the courthouse Tuesday, April 7. The proceeds of the picture will be placed in the ladies' church seating fund. We regret to learn of tho bcreavment of a former popular resident of this city, T. r-wvv- w. rr- E. Kelley, in the death of his brother liv iug in Omaha. Mr. Kelly is now court reporter iu Wyoming, being at Buffalo at tho time of his brother's death. Three weeks ago Tiik I1kkal.ii had its entire subscription list linotyped and in making transfers some namus were inad vertantly omitted. Subscribers who fail to receive the paper regularly will please notify the office. 1 . S PIHs, John and Art Wikor and Ld O'Donnell returned Monday from a hunting trip on the river about forty miles southeast of here. They oujoyod the out ing but did not get much game. J H Taggart, P. V. S. I am prepared to treat any and all disease known to the horse or cow. Satisfaction guaranteed. Leave orders at Weitz's or Spry's barns. Wm. James received a letter Saturday from M. K. Mullins who is at the Soldiers' Home, Grand Island, stating that Mrs. Mullins died there a few days ago. Miss Alice Meredith left for her home at Quincy, 111., Suuday, after a visit of several weeks here with her cousin, Wil liam Mitchell, and wife. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Austin moved out to the Worley ranch ten miles southwest of the city this week, expecting to spend the summer out there. Mr. and Mrs. Sears came up from Hy annis Monday and Mrs. Sears will remain to close out her millinery stock. See ad in another column. Mrs. Alexander of Hemingford was in the city a few hours Tuesday while on her way home from isiting a sea at Port Col lins Colo. W. Johnson is having a 24x24-1001 cottage built iu southeast Alliance, Charles Brinkman having the oou tract. M. A. Shay is having a barn built on his property, thereby adding to its conve nience and value, Mrs. B. L. Burris is enjoying a visit from her sister, Mrs. Jennie Harris of St. - :rsville, Ohio. Dr. V. I. Seymour coming. V. H. Maple is still on the sick list. Sheriff Heed went to Marslnnd today. Joseph Kapor ua in from Lawn pre cinct Monday. Mr. J. A Heist was quite ill a couple of days this week. J. I. Wilson shipped a car of horses to Boston Sunday night. Miss Ada Simpson visited in Crawford with her brother Sunday. Thomas Regan was a Crawford visitor a couple of days this week. Miss Virgil Caven visited the first of the weak with friends at Crawford. Wayne Zediker has gone to Grand Island and Alda for .1 few weeks' visit. Engineer Gcorgo A. Heed has purchased Prank Putman's residence property. Mr and Mrs, P. E. Holsten returned Saturday from their trip to Omaha. J. M Sanford, a well known insurance solicitor, arrived in the city yesterday. Pather Carroll of North Platte was the guest of Pather Galvin Monday and Tuesday. Geo. Mollring came down from New castle Monday and remained till Thurs day. Glenn, the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. W ,C. Mounts, is down with scar lctina. Dr. Seymour will be in Alliance Thurs day and Priday, May 21 and 22, Charters hotel. The junior normal school in Alliance will commence Juno 8, and continue ten weeks. The Indies' aid of the Mathodibt church will meet with Mrs, Pearson next Wednes day afternoon. Mrs. I. union came in from Elmore's ranch yesturday and is visiting relntivcs and friends. "Young" t'oibett knocked out Terry McGovorn in the eleventh round Wednes day night at San l'mrfcisco. Enormous stock losses are reported on the table south of the Platto and In the country adjacent toSidney. W. A. Kandnll was in from Liberty precinct Monday. His slock has dono well this winter lmvinp had no loss. P. Dowler called to day to subscribe for The IIkkai.i niul also ordered It sent to his brother, Webster, at Danbury, Neb, A. S, Alexander, county attorney ot Banner county, came in from Omaha Monday where he purchased an outfit for a new paper, to be ostnblished nt llarris burg. Mr. Alexander will be editor and proprietor Sunday at tho Baptist church, G. C. Jeffers, Pastor: Subject of morning dis course, "Jesiib' Tost of Love." Evening sermon, "Before Whom Do We Stand'" Sunday school at to a, m. Junior meet at 3 p. m. Christian Endeavor at G 45, Prank McParland, leader. Midweek prayer service Thursday evening. A welcome to all services. Churches anil Politics. Aluanci:, Nub., Aniil , '03. Editor of Tun Am.ianch llun.u.n, Dear sir: Perhaps it would ho a good idea to call the attention of the voters of Alliance that some of tho churches of Alliance next Su11tl.1v arc to be opened for politics only. A little bird flew around giving information to that effect timing the past week. 1 wonder what the elders of the dif ferent presbyteries and conferences would think if they knew that the Holy scriptures are to be pat tly omitted in Alliance to give way to Alliance poli tics. Those people who go to church for leligion only, to worship and prav, will have to go way hack and sit down so that tho building can he used on the Sabbath for political purposes. Is it any wonder that thete arc so many people indiifcient about attending places of worship when they do not know whether they are going to hear a sermon from Holy Writ or a harangue on politics? It seems nowadays that if some preachers differ in politics from some in their congregations that thev want to take advantage of their posi tions in the pulpit where the members cannot reply. Is such to be the case next Sunday? If so, then I think that those preachers hail better leave, whether there is .1 large salary attached to the call or not, if thoy want the re spect of the community. Think of it, citizens, and he present to hear "Akers vs. Bucchsenstein" or some other topic familiar to Alliance citizens. I would like before closing, as it is the last opportunity befoie election, to ask when Mr. Akers got such a change of heart. He was chairman of the con vention which nominated Mr. Sexton for mayor and during that whole term the saloon keepers paid twcntv-five dollars for each saloon as a bribe so they would not be molested for gam bling. Mr. Akers might explain who got this monoy, also why he would support anybody for mnyor, even Fred BeUold. in preference to an one who was the choice of J. R. Phelan, and why he would not vote for a railroad candidate. Now he expects to be olect od by the railroad lwys votu. If he knows, probably all will be explained uoxt Suuday at church. Easter lin nets and the but duds you have will bo in order. There will bo politics in stoatl of religion, so you nuod not be afraid to coma as if you wore going to a picnic or a frolic, so says rumor. Yours, otc.j JoHSPlLKISOTON. IT'S To Doughnuts, ble, that we assortment of New For men that was ever brought to Alliance. In making our selections the first thought is QUALITY. The line must be good, such as we can recommend as high in style, honest in make and reliable in ma terial. Whatever the grade, it must be of such nature as will help to maintain our reputation for selling the BEST G-OODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES We Ti"K Y V we this ml 11 THESE oooeoo Prove our Claim that WE SELL CHEAPEST. MEN'S SUITS. Fine STRIP MS in the new Cheviots, only See those Blue Serjre Suits Beautiful Yenitian stripes at 4&Q EA These arc finely tailored with, non-breakable fronts and are regular $12.50 values. A large assortment, comprising all the new colors, cuts, weaves and materials in our $10.00, $ 1 2. 50 and $ 1 5.00 grades. MEN'S PANTS Good line of every day Pants - - $2.50 value in Corduroy - - - - Carhartt's Black Cheviots - - - Big lot of Bows' Knee Pants - - ? BIG- 'V'-A-X-fCriE TRUNKS- Wo give piano tickets away FREE it will pay ou to remciubei rV 1 1 10 w- Distributors of the World's Best in the Clothing line at prices that won't make you bleed inside - WE CARRY IN STOCK THE CARHA.RTT OYERCLOTHES.' DOLLA ' t. iSftHW" ,ynv.SZ ,,v. if such a ratio were possi are showing the finest Spring Aeara1ble are doing more Ti ir CfiTknmTKrr irmt Ct i u !, JHJW ;ger values, than did last season. And we know this Is saying a good deal. We were fortunate spring in clos ing out some good bargains from the manufacturers. . PRICES Good Underwear - -Good WORK SHIRTS .95 Seamless Sox, $7.50 WORK Sox ENGINEER'S Gauntlet Gloves Good Goatskin Gloves - - WHITE SHIRTS - - . . COLORED DRESS SHIRTS SHOE 100 pairs Alen s Satin Calf - - - 84 pairs Marine Calf 120 pairs Casco Calf - - . . Boys' Shoes ood ones - - - -Douglas Shoes - - - - . Weber's Union Make - - - $1.50 1.75 2.25 25c HAT Sj H ATS! Men's Hats .... Drummer's Samples including hats worth up to $3. 50 onlv THE HAWKS HAT -' -One lot of Stetson I lats XIN" BOYS' VALISES 5amoxs Clottvuva RS vnFMyflprn'yijfsuH-'iaa tt.MGR oooeco FURNISHING- G-OODS. 45c 25c 25c 5c S5C 25c 25c 50c fast colors, 3 pairs - - S ! SE O E S ! 51.50 '95 2.00 95C 3-50 2.56 39C $1.00 3.00 3.8.:; CLOTHIIKG- A L L KINDS . LOWEST PRICES OUSfc HEMINGFORD. IKcltli li. 1'ierco Is fully nutliorbcd to so licit subscriptions mid Job work mid colloct, and receipt for Mime, itnd tmnsnet nil other business In connection with his position us an iiccredlted representative of this pupur.J Sheriff Ira Heed was In the city Mon day. C. A. Posvar was iu from Lawn Sat urday. Joel Sheldon was in Hemingford Sat urday. Dan Watson wab in from Marplo Monday. I'Vedoline Abley and wife were sick this week. Mrs. A. II. Tierce has been quite ill for 11 few days. Mrs. Wildy is visiting with Mrs. Fred Xeelam! this week. Ed Wildy came to Hemingford for a few days' visit Tuesday. Emmet Johnson was transacting business in town Monday. Joseph Eaper and U. E. Johnson went to Alliance Monday. V. A. Ilader, a traveling oculist, is doing work here this week. The Congregational ladies will give their annual bazar April 11. Mrs. O. Ividwell entertained u number of ladies Thursday at dinner. The Congregational people are re pairing their church this week. Editli Smith closes a term of school in the Hunter district this week. II. II. Funk and wife spent Sunday with John Armstrong and family. (J. W. Locrand wife were under tho weather the fore part of this week. l!ud Kinsley and Ed Mabin left Tues day for the west to seek employment. Mrs. Vincel, mother of Mrs. Slater and Mrs. IJoland, is visiting here at present. Potatoes are being shipped at tho rate of a couple of cars a day for the last fow days. The ladies' aid society of tho Nor wegian Lutheran church met at Itov. (Harness' residence Tuesday. l.ieyeles were much in ' evidence Sun day. It appears thntqiiiton number of the boys and girls havo wheels. Miss (.race Wheeler returned from Denver Wednesday where she has stud ied music during the fall and winter. P.rush Hall shot himself in the foot with a rifle Saturday and is conllned to the house. The injury is very painful. A student of theology from Minne apolis, A. T. Johnson, will assist Rev. Harness in his large Held of missionary work. The ladies of the Congregational church will give their easter fair in the postotlice building. Saturday, April 11. Lunch served. Everyone welcome. Mrs. Frank Conk-ling was brought home from Chicago, arriving here Sun day morning. There does not seem to be any particular improvement in her condition. Rev. N. C. A. (larncss held confirma tion services at Nonpareil church last Sunday at which two children were confirmed. Services were in the Eng lish language. Rev. N. E. (Jardner announced his resignation at the Congregational church Sunday morning to take effect May 1, 190:t. Mr. Gardner will not leave immediately but expects to re main here until he can make his mind tip definitely as where he would rather go. We have material for a first-class ball team in and around Hemingford. Wo havo three different men who are excellent pitchers and if organized and in practice we might be able to achieve laurels as did tho club of flvo years ago. I would suggest that those interested meet and form a an organization, buy an outfit, lay out .. diamond and begin practice. RENO. J. F. Wilson commenced work on tho section Wednesday. Mrs. O. E. Hooker has been quite sick for several dayb. W. (. Wilson expects to dip cattle at J. C. Uerry's Saturday. IJ. E. Hetebenner spent Wednesday visiting Mrs. J. C. Herry. M. E. Youngand wife visited at Mrs, Ilert Hetebenner last Tuesday. W. 11. Tagg and R. M. Hampton spent Wednesday in Reno, on business. Volley Wilson came down from Alli ance Monday aud returned Thursday. J. C. Hurry is giving his house u coat of paint, which greatly improves its look. Mr. Howl movod hit, furnituro and stock from Mr. Hulz'b ranch to Mr. Herrian's. W. C. Monltonruluriiwl to Houo Sun day, after an absence of a few days, during which he was transferred to Adoliu. Mrs.Moulton, our operator's mother, visitcMl him a few days last week, but returnod homo sooner than bho expect ed on account of him being moved. X J, t