-WWJ?- -33? 3 X-C ZPbe Ifteralb. PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. 1 Br T. J. O'KISKFK. Ml 5" Kntered at ths postoffico at Alllnnae. Nebraska, for transmission through the mails, jeoond-clnn inattor. ADVERTISING KATttS: Display, per singlo column inch per month '5 Business locals, par lino first insertion .lb I'arh subsequent insonion, por lino .05 Legal notices at statute rates. C Tiik Hhrald is the Official Publica tion of Box Butte county and its circula tion is noarlJtuic that of any other Al liance papor. Subscription, $1.51 P" ynr in advance. C. Bingham sold a piano Saturday which was shipped to Texas. Frank Connor, who has spent the winter with John O'Mnrn, is quite ill. K. M. Hampton spent a couple of days this seck in the IMatto river country. Wf r v s- fclmor Roland came down from Homing ford Tuesday, returning Wednesday. Louis Buechsenstcln went down to Bayard Monday, returning Wednesday. fW StSks Si -Sv Father Dcvane of Sidney was the guest of Father Gnlvin Tuesday and Wednesday Hev. C. H. Burleigh, our excellent cor respondent at Lakeside, was in the city Monday. i. F Smith went down to Scottsbluff Wednesday expecting to be gone a couple of days. W. R. Akers will deliver his loatura on Jerusalem at the M. K. church next Sun day night. H. H. Johnson shipped a car of potatoes from Alliance Tuesday. Ho alo shipped ,1 car from Barea. ' 1 li.-Ladles' Missionary society of the nited Prebyterlan church will g! a luar Tuesday, April 7. rapt. W. M Evans, a well known c(U .p ot Lawn precinct, transacted biutnett in the metropolis Monday. Mis Mekiney writes from Omaha thnt shf is improving rapidly and oxpcl fo n tin 11 home in a couple of days. C Kills dough who has charge of the branch store of Clongh & Collins, nt Miua- t.ire, writes to send him Tiik Hrralu, . Henry Licbtc and son Fred wer down from Dunlap Tuesda-, . The liittur filed on a homestead adjoining their ranch. Pr Froy, who accompaniod her lister's remains to Trenton, Missouri, for inter ment, returned to Alliance Wednesday. J. F. Fleming, the clothier, gives notice of his removal sale in this iwue. He ex pects to move into hi new store by May 1. 0 II Tulley and l. rant Hale dorve up from Lakeside Monday returning Tuesday. Charlie is juit as "fat and sassy" as over. A. S. Heed was at Kushvillo this week where he had business connected with his duties as administrator of the estate of W. K Hall. F.dgar Sweezey and Mr. and Mrs. Wes ley Hubbell extend their heartfelt thanks to all who so kindly assisted during their late bereavement. Our llomiugford correspondent states that II. H. Green has decided to close out his hardware stock, giving as his reason that too many send away for goods. A M. Miller was down from Ileming ford Tuesday. Mr. Miller said he wnB obliged to shut the mill down for several days on account of scarcity of coal. Theron Batten, the affable and excellent tousorml artist at Mounts', will leave the fir' nf the week for Deadwood where he will hold down a chair in one of the hast shops. Mrs. II. H. Funk and Mrs. Lora Kuittn came down form Hemiugford Friday even ing and spent a couple of days, the former visiting Mrs. Hayes and the Intter Mrs, Mounts. . Kov. N. C. A. Garness of Homingford held Lutheran services in Alliance Tues day night. Mr. Garnesswason his return f loiu his missions at Broken Bow and Ravenna John A. Wilson has tired of the duties of postmaster at Box Butte and forwarded his resignation to the department. Unless someone else will take the office it will be discontinued soon. Judge Berry added twenty-five volumes of the latest Northwestern Reporters to his already splendid library, this week. He also purchased a new transit for use in his surveying business. Our county surveyor. J, I'. Hazard, finished a term o school in the Fenner ediker district in Sheridan county last week and has returned home to Alliance. He is now ready for any work in his line. A letter received from Mat Breunan Wednesday states tint he lias gone out a few miles from Phoenix, Arisona, and will try camping out a while. Mat's many friends hope that his health will improve. Mr. E, C. Horn left Tuesday morning for Columbus, Ohio, to visit relntivej there and at other peiats in Ohio. She expects Dr. Horn to join liar there about April so and after a visit of two weeks longer both will return to Alliance. vJ ft IT'S DOLLA - ,t r;4TVjOTJKait?lkJWit?SlWra!JBtr7- ,''7sr vr atKrwjkt.ii . To Doughnuts, if such a ratio were possi ble, that we are showing: the finest & assortment of SMSWBBSSSMSSSSSSMSSBBBSeB""- ---- " New S pnn Wearalble stuju. miAmfmmfMvmvm For men that was ever brought to Alliance. In making our selections the first thought is QUALITY. The line must be good, such as we can recommend as high in style, honest in make and reliable in ma terial. Whatever the grade, it must be of such nature as will help to maintain our reputation for selling the BEST G-OODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES '0' ' ' IP . ' Ai v l .i 4 N v r,r .1. v,r vjr JAU " l if ' ij ' 00 ' y it I' l l i' r . - ?,r ii ' i 4' ! t iji I ! r J TT T it ' ?,T it - We" are doing: more toward giving' you gger values, o-iaa iftMWViAAfWVWMV we did last season. And we know this Is saying a good-deal. We were fortunate this spring In cios ing out some good bargains from the manufacture rs oooeco jj) coeoso THESE PRICE, Prove our Claim that WE SELL CHEAPEST. MEN'S SUITS. Fine STRIPES in the new Cheviots, only $5.95 See those Blue Sere Suits $7.50 Beautiful Vcnitmn stripes at $9.50 These are finely tailored with non-breakable fronts and are regular $12.50 values. A large assortment, comprising all the new colors, cuts, weaves and materials in our $10.00, $ 1 2. 50 and $ 1 5.00 grades. SHOES! SHOES! MEN'S PANTS. Good line of every day Pants - $2.50 value in Corduroy - - - Carhartt's Black Cheviots - -Big lot of Boys' Knee Pants $1.50 1.75 2.25 25c $ 1 op pairs Men's Satin Calf S4 pairs Marine Calf - -1 20 pairs Casco Calf - -Boys' Shoes good ones -Douglas Shoes - - -Weber's Union Make HATSj HATS ! Men's Hats .... Drummer's Samples including hats worth up to $3. 50 onlv THE II AWES HAT -' -One lot of Stetson Hats .. Aji T 'V o ... ii 4jt it S W1 SWSWSS S S IS SSStSS SM.M t WM FURNISHING GOODS. U Good Underwear - Good WORK SHIRTS - - - -Seamless Sox, fast colors, 3 pairs WORK Sox ENGINEER'S Gauntlet Gloves -Good Goatskin Gloves WHITE SHIRTS COLORED DRESS SHIFTS - 45 c 25c 25c 5c 85c 25c 25c 50c $1.50 i-95 2.00 95c 3-5o 2.56 39c $1.00 3.00 3.85 BIO- --A-ILfCriES IILT BOTS' CTLOTZHIIIfcTGh TRUNKS- VALISES ALLoLw's"rDSPRichs . ii ii ! Wc nive piano tickets awav FREE- it will pav yon to icincniber 'V It 10 Wv ii 4s-- oe t 4i ' ii 41 t ' 4 ' ' ii ! ' ! i' 'if r rjr '! ! ii ii ' ' 4i t v -! ' 5jr famous Qm ouse I 4s- 4- 4 I- 4 iiiitiiiiAiitAitAiiiiiiiiiifiiiiti.i iiiti ii. i' ' k J" v ' ! - '! l- Distributors of the World's Best in the Clothing line at prices that won't make you bleed inside WE CARRY IN STOCK THE CARHARTT OVE.-.ULOTHES. Miss Edith llinman went to Denver last Saturday for a two weeks' visit. The Ladies' Union will moot at Dr. Bogue's on Wednesday morning, Apirl i, for an all day quilting and will be enter tained at lunch by Mrs. G. W. Ragan. Alike Littleton, formorly in the saloon business at this place, died at his home in Hot Springs March 15. He loaves a wife and family. He was a member of the Alli ance lodge of the Modern Woodmen of the World, carrying a $2,000 policy. The next sewing class and Lenten tea of the Episcopal church will be given by the president of the Guild, Mrs. W. G. Simonson, at her residence Tuesday at 2:30 p. tn. As it will be the last of the teas a large attendance is expected. The Endeavor society of the United Presbyterian church will give a box and game social next Tuesday evening at the church. Not the boxes, but the eyes of owners seen through loopholes in a cur tain, will be auctioned. Principal H. II. Funic was down from Mr. Funk has Homingford Saturday secured Chancellor Andrews to lecture in Hemingford public schools May 18, and the school will give an entertainment the evenings ot May 20-21. Clem Mollring left Wednesday for New castle to remain permanently, having pur chased an interest in the Mollring store at that place. Clem's many friends here re gret his departure. The Herald will keep him posted on the doing of the" city. Sheriff Reed and Deputy State Veteri nary liostrom went up to Hemingford Monday to inspect some diseased horses of which complaint had been made. The veterinary pronounced the disease irregu lar distemper and stated that it was not contagious, J. F. Thornton returned Friday from his trip to Omaha to select a stock of groceries for the store ho is expecting to open about April 1 in the building oppok site the Charters hotel. The building is now Leing repaired and fitted for occu pancy. Powell Jesse, a thrifty young bachelor ranchman living ten miles oast of Alliance, called Wednesday to have his name en rolled on the list of the official paper for a year. Mr. Jesse has had no loss out of his herd of 150 head of cattle this winter and has an abundance of feud left. D. A. Paul of Hemingford had Ihe kind ness to present the editor of this paper with a nicoly dressed young sheep this week. We appreciate the gift and thank him for it. as does also the 1 ousehold which enjoys the top-o'-the-market mutton that has been placed before them since it was received. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pinkham departed Sunday for Alvo to which place the Hur liugton company has transferred Mr. Pinkham. They have been residents of Alliance a good many years and have many friends who tegret their departure. The HiiKALD will keep them posted on the do ings of their Alliance friends. Karl Swanholme of Wahoo arrived here the latter part of last week to take charge of the Hanson dry goods store and the O'Dounull grocery, both of which were re cently purchased by him. It is probable that he will also purchase the men's fur nishing store from Mr. Rumer. Mrs. Swanholme is expected here from Wahoo soon. A. P. Kuchera, one of the pioneer set tlers of Hox Butte county but now residing in Kansas, requested a friend here to send him a copy of the best paper published in the county. Of course. Tub Herald was forwarded and now he writes thanking the parties for selecting such an excellent pa per, saying that according to The Herald the people are prosperous up in I3o Butte and reading the paper makes him feel at home among Box Butters. - Sunday at the Baptist church, G. C. Jeffors, Pastor Subject of morning dis course, "Friedship of Jesus." Evening sermon, "Light in Peter's Prison Pen." Sunday school at 10 o'clock Juniors meet at 3. Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:45, J. W. Baumgardner, leader. Midweek prayer service Thursday evening. Annual reunion and roll call next Tuesday even ing, March 31. All members of the church and all who regularly worship with us are expected to be present. A welcome to all services. ltni'OKT 01" TIIK CONDITION OK The First State Bank, niAirmt no. us, Incornorntt'd, nt HcmliiKfor.l, In the State of Nebraska, at the clows of busine-H March lb, 1)103. Itl-SODIICKS: I.oaiikniul discount 8 -I'tavnr pvenlratth, hpciired nml uiimicuhhI .'"" " 5 of 1' nrullurn nuri hxtuics .. 4m)uij ('urrput expenses and UXim nam" N.-.'-M Duo from iiittlnual. tanks. . . . " 1ST1! Totnl rah iu hand ''ut.r &3,7:H.3 Total. LJMiIl.tTIEs: Caultal Ktock jmld 111 Surplus fund UudMdott jirotlts. . . .", 100.00 ... 1 .000.00 l.OOJiM Individual ileiOklthMiUJt'Ot In rhct'k.. IS 19h IT DimiHiid coitltlnitOfiofdeiMwlt Vi Tiiuo MrMllciilM of ilopfMt lolsis CHklilor's checks eutnUildiug luSOO l,tal fc8.T21.37 hTATKor.NKUltASKA.e I. Keith I.. Pierce, cashier irf tlie mImh. wwed ImiiK. do miIwiiii; r iUt Uw Xvo HwUmwtt is wrrci umiI h tru com- i.r tu r ltt mart to ih am liwkWJwRpa. r Arrwri " l" l',mCKt CWHw . II. it, Gkkkk, I ... Jam 1Hhy Dirtmlooi. iHi A H,el' ,,H' -.A- HUM'1"'! fiu,4 Nirtwry Public, jN J? V