The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 27, 1903, Image 3

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A Stealthy, Insidions, Weakening Enemy to Women Many Thousand Women Suffer
mere arc a multitude of women, es
pecially housewives, and nil other women
obliged to be on their feet constantly, who
are wretched beond description, simply
because their strength and vitality is sapped
away by catarrhal discharges from the
pelvic organs. These women get up in
the morning tired, drag themselves through
their daily duties tired, only to go to bed
at night as tired as before.
Mm. Kva linrtlio, isa Kut 18th Street'
N. V. City, N. Y., writes: " I miilercd for
three years with what is Eenernlly known as
Icucorrliea, in connection with ulceration of the
womb. The doctors advocated an opetbtion which
1 dreaded oryrmich. unit Mroiuly objected to ko
under it. Krndine of thotalueot l'cruna, 1 thoucht
it best to cite tliw well-known remedy a trial, mi I
bought three bottles of it at once. Now I am a
chanted woman. Pcruna cutcd me! it took nine
bottles, but I felt o much inifrnted I kept takine
it, as t dreaded an operation so much. I am to-day
in perfect health, and hna not felt to well for
fifteen ears." Mrs. i,a llartho.
Miss I.oulso Million, 3 Glen ISuIllo Strrot,
Toronto, Out, t'un., Socretary of the Kind's
Daughters and Secretary of Ittly Muccn
leM rite : " If all women knew of the benefits
tobcdericd from Uklne l'cruna we would hate
many happier and more healthful women. My
health has never been too robust, and I am easily
fatuued and can not stand much. About a tear
ago I was so mil down that I had to take to my bed,
and became weaker and weaker. A friend advised
mo to try I'eruna, and I have great leason to bo
grateful, for in two weeks I was out of bed and in a
month I was perfectly well, and I now find that my
health is much more robust than formerly, so that
I take I'eruna once or twice a month and keep
well." Louise Mahon.
I'eruna is such a perfect specific for each
case that when patients have once used it
they can never be induced to quit it until
they are permanently cured. 1 1 begins to
relieve the disagreeable symptoms at once.
The backache ceases, the trembling knees
are strengthened, the appetite restored, the
digestion mado perfect, the dull headache
is stopped and the weakening drains are
gradually cured. These results certainly
follow a course of treatment with Peruna.
Barbara Alberty, corner Seventh and
Walnut streets, Appleton, Wis., writes as
follows in regard to Peruna:
"For years I have suffered with back
ache and severe pain3 in the side. I
doctored so much that I became discour
aged. A school friend told me how very
much Peruna had benefited her and I sent
out for a bottle, which did more to relieve
me than all the other medicine 1 have ever
The Beaton Why more wheat Is
aronn In Western Canada In a few
short months than clccwuerc, U
bci'mjue ejetatloii Krowatn pro
portion to ll) sunlight. The more
U fjiMaVatMMl nortncriy lauiuuu in wiui u irraiii
2aHjaNHH wlllconietopertectlou, the better
ltia.Therefnro G2lb. per Inuhcl It at fair a Mandard as
r-Oltis. In the Kant. Area under crop in Western Canada,
1903, 1,037,330 Acrtt. Yield, 1002, 117,822, 7M But.
the only charge for which la I0 for ranking entry.
Abundance of water and fuel, building material
cheap, good cras for patturo and hay. a fertile soil,
a mifflclcnt rainfall, and a climate k'l lug auaeetired
and adequate season of itroMn.
semi to the follonlng for an Atlas and other
literature, and alto for certlrkate KtwnK J on re
duced freight and pjtseuger rates, etc., etc.:
Superintendent of ImmlKratlon, Ottawa, Canada,
or to W. V.ltcnnett.801 hew York Life Ildir Omaha,
Neb., the authorized Canadian Uo eminent Agent,
2IO Kinds for. 16c.
ItliafactthatSalzer'sseslsare found lni
more gardens anil on morararms man.
any otner in America, -inereuag
reason for this. We own and op
erate over 5000 acres for the produc
tion of our choice seeds. In order to i
I ineioiiowingunprecrufnieu oners
Fop IB Cents Postpaid ,
zs ttrti wosdtrlDI osiobi,
tft ftOrtt tlrg ist f tbti,
1ft rlt mtues t artctlel,
2B rare lutrUas radUli,
1& florluu.l btaaurai nowrr bbmi,
In all no kinds positively f umlshins
liutiielsof ciiariulrur (loners and lota
xuisieBaia v vn. nj
and lots of choice vrKetablrs.toseth-J
er with our great cataiogur telling an t
about Macaroni Wheat, lillllon llol.l
tar tlra. leotintn, llromus, 8peltz,v
ric.,iuiior uiuy iw, iubuuuvbhuu
lb nonce.
Onion seed at bot 60c. a pound.
La Crotta, Wit.
cartridges and shot shells
are made in the largest and
best equipped ammunition
factory in the world.
of U. M. G. make is now
accepted by shooters as
"the worlds standard" for
it shoots well in any gun.
Tour dealer sells it.
Tho Union Metallic
Cartridge Co.
Bridgeport, - - Conn.
niffliiHni7i7B'tgTr"riiiiiiii nun
BJ'Bx-riS B quick relief and cures worst
rates, lloolf of testimonials and 10 DAYS' treatraenr
PUHK. Dr.U.U.OKEliN'aSON8,.BozH.AtUnta,Ca
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 131903
cqecs wuat ux cist ftiLs
Heat Coach C)mp. fanes Good. Ui
m unio. noiu nr druxiitta.
fi y'rwjra f w TaTTrTTyTiBaMarTi
Needlessly From This Cause.
U Wlbb riMBP
jixh'-jevcn veoo experience hove mode
TOWER'S Jlicten Cditi aM HaU
toofl thtworW over Thy are madcin
WacK orjtltavfor atl kirvb of wt work.
arrf otry oarinent bearnjthe JION 0P
THE rfitt iJ Ouorantced to oive sat
isfaction. All rclcweccaJera x them.
All ores
The man who is his own best friend
lias few others.
Very few people can bo delightfully
improper successfully.
Ask Toar Dealer Tor Allen's Foot-Ease.
A powdor. It rests tlio feet. Cures Corns,
Uuuions,Bwolleu, Sore, Hot, CallouH,Achlnp,
Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Kails. Allen's
Foot-Easo makes new or tight shoes easy. At
all Druggists mill Shoe stores, 25 cents. Ac
cept no substitute Batnplo mailed Fncs.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. Y.
Americans are going to put up
seven thousand miles of barbed wire
fence. No, it will not be around the
Philippines; it will inclose ono littlo
cattle ranch.
PIto'a Cure cannot do too highly spoken of j
acoueh cure J. XV. O'Ukie.n. 3J3 Third Ate.,
N., Minneapolis. Minn., Jan. 6. 1KXL
"Worry is not to be encouraged, but
tho man who never worried never ac
complished very much.
Mm, Wlnlonr iwiotlilnjr Hyrtip.
For children trethlnid toftens the umiu, reduces In
Dvtnujailun, allays pain, cures wind colic. 23c a bottle.
Today tho prophet wags Ills head
and people heed him; tomorrw, ah,
tomorrow, "None bo poor to do him
Any woman who speaks 111 of her
i neighbors gives them license to got
back at her.
St. Jacobs Oil
Is the greatest remedy in the world for all bodily
Aches and Pains
for which an external remedy may be used.
Price,-25c. and 50c.
taken. I used it faithfully for two weeks
and it completely cured me. 1 havo not
had any wins since, anywhere, but feel
like a new woman. I am truly thankful
for what Peruna has done for me." Bar
bara Albcrty.
Mr. Knte Mann, Htm llathurat Street,
Toronto, tint., Can., Vlcn l'r-ldont of tlio
Ladles Aid Society, writes t l am pleased
to iiie praise to I'eruna for the blessed relief I
found through Its ur. 1 stifterrd for years with
backache and dimming down pains and often had
to go to bed and May there when I was to busy
that I could illy be spared. It was therefore a
simple rodsend to me whrn I'euinn was brouiht
to my notice. Exery drop seemed to she tne new
life, and every dose made tne feel much better,
and 1 promised lmself that if I found that It cured
me I would advocato it so that other suffering
women should know of it. I hn been in perfect
health for one ear, 1 enjoy wotk and pleasute be
cause In such hue health, and no trouble teems too
heavy to bear when jou bio in good health. I'eruna
has simply been a household bletslnt, and 1 neter
will be without it again." Mrs. Kate Mann.
.Mrs. Anna Martin, 47 Itoyt St, Brooklyn
N. V. , writes: "I'eruna did so much for mo
that I feel It mv dut to recommend it to others
who may be similarly afflicted. Abuut a jear ago
my health was completely broken down, had
backache, dirriness and irregularities, and life
seemed dark indeed. We had used I'eruna in our
home as a tonic, and for colds and catarrh, and I
decided to try it for my trouble. In less than three
months I becatno tegular, my pains had entirely
disappeared, and I am now perfectly well." Mts.l
Anna Martin.
Mrs. Wm. Hetrick, Kennard, Washing
ton County, Neb., writes:
" I am fifty-six years old and have not
felt well since the Change of Life began,
ten years ago. I was in misery somewhere,
most of the time. My back was very weak,'
and my flesh so tender it hurt me to lean
against the back of a chair. 1 had pain
under my shoulder-blades, in the small of1
back and hips. 1 sometimes wished my
self out of this world. Had hot and cold
spells, dizziness and trembling of the limbs,
and was losing flesh all tho time. After
following your directions and taking Pcruna
I now feel like a different person." Mrs.
Wm. Hetrick.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full'
statement of your case, and ho will bo
pleased togiveyou his valuable advice gratis.
Peruna can be purchased for 51 per
bottle at all first class drug stores.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Bituminous Coal.
It will perhaps surprise somo pboplo
to know that tho production of bitum
inous coal was eight times as great
ns tho production of anthracite dur
ing the year 1902; for, In that year,
owing to idleness at tho mines, tho
hard coal position fell to whero it was
in tho year 1885. While thero is n.
great deal Bald and heard of tho an
thracite Industry because it is concen
trated in tho hands of a few persons
and worked ns a nue at a profit, there
Is a vast extent of tho country which
takes tho soft or bituminous coal
takes it to tho extent of 250,000,000
net tons.
Ambition Is often tho assassin of
Should be in every homo. Ask your grocer
for it, Large ii oz. pockuge only 5 cents.
American Girls With German Titles.
Twenty-six German titles are worn
by American grlls who havo married
abroad and twenty English peerages.
There are three French duchesses nnd
flvo French countesses of American
birth. Seventeen Italian noblemen
and six "Russians of title" have laid
their coronets at the feet of American
brides. Holland has two baronesses,
American born; Bavaria, one countess,
and the sovereign Princess of Monaco
closes the list.
"Thompson' tyi Watir
Superior quality nnd extra quantity
must win. This is why Defiance
Starch is taking tho place of all
To Cure a Colli In Ono tiny.
Take Laxative Uronio Quinine Tublets. AH
druggists refund money if it falls to cure. 25c
"Give a man a drink or two of
whisky," ho said, in announcing the
warning, "and ho is bound to havo
some kind of a grievance."
Practice Is said to mako perfect,
yot few doctors or lawyers aro mod
els of perfection.
Amateur photographers are willing
to take anything except advice.
Springfield siitTorctl n firo losa ot
A caso of smallpox has appeared at
In a shooting scrape nt North iMntto
threo men wore wounded.
Location of tho library slto in Hast
ings hns stirred up quite u light.
Air. nnd Mrs. Anderson Miller of
Rlchnrdson county last week cele
brated their golden wedding.
Thomas Jounlsou, tho brnkcmati
Injured In tho 13. fc M.wiock south of
Nebraska City, died at tho Nebraska
City hospital.
Tho Great Western Cereal mlllH
closed its plant In Nebraska City
pending tho settlement ot tho wngo
scale demand.
Columbus is soon to have n brick
and tllo manufactory guaranteed to
cost not less than $10,000 and to turn
out nt least two million brick tho first
Tho nurserymen of York report
that tho spring deliveries of nursery
stock UiIb year will bo tho largest
they havo ever had, York has threo
Pnul Schindlcr, a Gcrmnn bachelor
about 35 years of ngo, and living on n
fnrm alono nenr Hong, Gago county,
was found dead in his home. Belief Is
that ho suicided.
Tho park commissioners of Nebras
ka City, are going to organize tho
school children for the purpose of
keplng tho pnrks nnd streets supplied
with Howcr beds during tho summer.
As n southbound freight on tho
Union Pacific was pulling out of Blue
Springs the engine struck n man wln
was walking on tho track, killing
him Instantly. Tho mnn waB not
H. E. Warrell, principal of schools
at Ogalalln, has resigned his position
to eugago in other business. Prof.
Clinton M. Barr of Cozad has been
employed as principal to complete tho
school year.
Tho depot at RIverton wns robbed
whllo Frank Blrdn'cll and Russell
Rutherford, tho agent nnd assistant,
were at dinner. Tho thief secured
$7.87. Ho entered through tho win
dow and rilled tho till. John Wilson
was arrested and confessed to the
An eighteen hundred dollars plpo
organ was Installed In tho Methodist
church at Ynyno tho gift of Mrs. J. II.
PIngry of Wayne. Tho presentation
was mado by tho donor's son-in-law,
E. T. Renneck, in her behalf, and tho
response by J. D. King In behnlf of
tho church.
Omaha pnssenger No. 12 ran Into
tho rear end of an extra freight about
threo miles west of Minden severely
Injuring Traveling Engineer C. A.
Dixon. Tho way car and ono freight
car wcro consumed by fire. Tho
freight train had broken In two. A
dense fog prevailed.
By tho will of John Collins, n Da
kota county, Nebraska farmer, threo
of his sons nro disinherited nnd the
third his fnvorite, John C. Collins, of
Hubbard, Nebraska, receives tho en
tire estate of $20,000. John C. is thus
rowarded because he remained with
his father in his old ago.
Lake Erlcson, In Greeley county,
which has afforded tho pleasure seek
ers for miles around such a fascinat
ing hunting and fishing resort, is now
'wiped off the map. A break in the
dam relieved it entirely of Its water
and tho cost to repair It will probably
bo moro than tho owners will caro
to expend.
Arrangements havo been completed
whereby tho teachers of Cass and
Sarpy counties will unito and hold
their regular annual institute In
Plattsmouth beginning August 17. A
strong corps of instructors has been
selected and the Indications now nro
that tho meting will be a most suc
cessful one.
Tho four men charged with shop
lifting In connection with James Carr
and George Niles and who escaped
from arrest by skipping to town were
caught nt Gothenburg by Chief Mal
colm, assisted by tho Gothenburg po
lice. They wero brought back nnd
had a hearing, and were sentenced
to Jail for three months.
Settlers aro coming and going in
In northeastern Nebraska at an un
usual rato this spring. Tho cheap
lands toward tho middle of the state
are being bought more readily. "Siut
there aro many ownors of good land
in the northeastern corner that want
to go to othor states. Within a fort
night elghty-ono cars of emigrants
pased through Sioux City in a single
day, and many of these came from
Six cars loaded with coal attached
to a Union Pacific freight on routo
from Manhattan, Kan. to Beatrice,
Jumped tho track at Taylor's Biding, n
few miles south of Blue Springs and
wero badly damaged. Tho track was
torn up for fifty yards.
The Platte Valley Tolophone com
pany was organized at a mooting held
at tho Anderson school house south-
, east of Buda. This compnny will
start with about twenty-five subscrib
ers and will cover a territory of about
ten miles.
ttstlic pontic and effective action of Doan's Kidney Pills in Kidney.
Ulnddcr, and Urinary troubles that make them famous, with
Men, Women, and Children.
Mt. Pt.KAflANT, Ohio. 1 received the
ftnmplo of Doun'8 Kidney Pills, nnd never
hml nny mcdlcitio do mi; so much good in
po llttb time. I hnd Congestion of the
Kidneys nnd Bladder bo Rovcro it caused n
pressure) on the lungs like Asthinn, but
through tho use of Dorm's Pills I ntn free
nnd easy now. Gko. W. Smith, Veter
inary Burgeon, P. O. Box 41, Mt. Pleasant,
Aged people Unci Dunn's Kidney Pills n
grcnt comfort for declining years.
They euro incontinence) and urlnnry
weakness peculiar to children.
Baxteu Srui.Nos, Kansas, T received
llio frco sntnplo of Doiiii'h Kidney Pills.
For live years I lmvo lmtl much pnin in my
buck, which physicians said moso from the
kidnej'8. Four boxes of Doun's Pills have
entirely cured tho trouble. I think I owo
my life to these pills, nnd I want others to
kn6v it. S.vdik Davis, Baxter Springs,
Tired Mother's Touching Story of
Anxiety and Suffering.
Cutictira Brings Blessed Cure to Ke.
Tortured Baby and Peace and Rest
to Its Worn Out Mother.
It is no wonder that Mrs. Helena Rath was taken sick.
Single-handed, she did all the housework and washed, cooked uid
mended for her husband, Hans, and their six children. After a
p'.ucky fight to keep on her feet, Mrs. Rath had to yield, and early
in 1902 she took to her bed. What followed she told to a visitor,
who called at her tidy home, No. S2 1 Tenth Ave., New York City.
"I hired a girl to mind the chil
dren nnd to do whatever else bho
could. I couldn't btay in bed long.
Sick as I was, it was eusier for mo
to crawl around than to lio nnd
worry about my littlo ones. So
I got up after a few dnys, and let
tho girl go. I had noticed that shu
had 'sores on her face, handH and
arms, but 1 paid no attention to that
until Cliarlio, my youngest, began to
pick and scratch himself. Ho was
theu ten months old, nud the girl
had paid moro attention to him than
touny of tho others. Cbarlio was fret
ful and cross, but as ho was cutting
teeth, I didn't think much of that.
Even when 11 rash broke out on his
faco I wasn't frightened, because
everybody knows that that is quite
common with teething babies. Sev
eral of my others hnd it when little,
and I thought nothing about it.
"But the rash on Charlie's poor
little faco 6prcad to his neck, chest,
and back. I had never been any
thing qulto like it before. The skin
rose in little lumps, nnd matter
came out. My baby's tkin was hot,
and how he did suffer I He wouldn't
eat, and night after nig t I walked
the floor with him, weaW as I was.
Often I had to stop because 1 felt
faint and my back throbbed with
pain. But tho worst pain of all was
to Bee my poor littlo -boy burning
with those nasty sores.
"I believed lie had caught somo
disease from the girl, but some of
the neighbors said ho had eczema,
and that is not catching, they told
me. Yes, I gave him medicine, nnd
put salves and things on him. I
don't think they were all useless.
Once in a while tho itching seemed
to let up a bit, but there was not
much change for the better until a
lady across the street asked me why
I didn't try the Cuticura Remedies.
I told her I had no faith in those
tilings you read about in the papers.
She said she didn't want me to go
on faith nor even to bpend any
money at first. She gave me somo
Cuticura Ointment I think tho
box was about half full and a
piece of Cuticura Soap. I followed
The agonizing, itching, and burning of the skin as in eczema ;
the frightful scaling, as in psoriasis ; the loss of hair, and crusting
of the scalp, as in scalled head ; the facial disfigurements, as in
pimples and ringworm ; the awful suffering of infants, and anxiety
of worn-out parents, as in milk crust, tetter and salt rheum, all
demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully
cope with them. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent
are such stands proven beyond all doubt. No statement is made
regarding them that is not justified by the strongest evidence.
The purity and sweetness, the power to afford immediate relief,
the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety
and great economy have made them the standard skin cures, blood
purifiers and humour remedies of the civilized world.
CUTICtmA ItEMr.niri?arofolilthmiiRhnutllmc!vllliwl worM. l'ltlfHS: CuUeuraltrsolT
ant, 50c. per bottla (In tlio form of Chocolatn CoattM 1'ills, UHc. tor vial of GO); Cuticura
Ointment, W)c. per box, and Ciitliiu.i SoHp.lSc. per tablet. Svml frtnugroat work." Humours
of thelllootl. Skin, anil Soulti, mill How to Cure Them," Opaes, 300 Iimaou, wltb Illustrations,
Tedtlmonlals ami Direction in all language. Incluillnc fupaiie umt Cliliie3e. IirltUh Depot,
-T-'-iSChartfrhoiiso Kn., Loudon, I'. ('. Krunch DMot, IS lint-da luPalv. Paris. Australian Depot.
K. Towns & !o Sjduey. PoriKK DKUU AND ClIllMICAI COWOKATION, Solo Pro
prietor, Ponton, V. S. A.
Havo something to do, or you will
be a nobody.
A woman lays out an echo by get
ting in tho first words as well as tho
Aching Imeks nrc eased. Hip, back, and
loin pains overcome Swelling of Uiq
limbs nnd dropsy signs vnnisli.
They correct urine with brick dust sedi
ment, high colored, excessive, pain In pass
ing, dribbling, frequency, beil wetting.
Doan's Kidney Pills dissolve nntl rcmovo
enlcull nntl gravel. Relieve heart palplta
tlon, sleeplessness, hcndiuhe, nervousness.
nt tm.
bS'Ll .i; -
Foarra-Miuciiii Co IlulUlo, N Y.
I'lenau send tin liy mall, without charge,
trial box Douu's KMuoy Tills.
Notno ........-.. ..........
Post-afllco. - i
(Cut nut rntinnn on dottrd linn anil mall to
roiUT-Miitmrn un., uulTslo, N. Y.)
"Medical Advice Pree Strictly ConfldenthuT
the directions, bnthlnp Charlie hnd
putting that nlco Ointment on tho
" I wouldn't ltnvo believed that
my baby would havo been cured by
a littlo tiling liku that Not all of a
Hiulden, mind you. Littlo by little,
but so surely. Charlie nnd I lioth
yot more penco by day, and moro
sleep by night, 'j'lio tsori-rt sort of
dried up nnd went away. I shall
never forget one blessed night when
I went to bed with Charlie betddo
me, ns boon ns 1 got tho bupper
dibheii out of tho way and tho older
children uudrcbscd ; when I wolto
up the Bun waa streaming iu. For
tho first time in six months I had
slept through tho uigbt without a
" Yes, that fat little boy by tbo
window is Charlie, nnd his skin la
as white as a bnow flake, thanks to
the Cuticura Remedies. 1 think
everybody should know about the
Soap and also the Ointment, and if
it is going to help other mothers
with sick babies, go abend and pub
lish what 1 have told you
"All that glisters is not gold."
No chromos or cheap premiums,
but a bettor quality and one-third
more of Doflanco Starch for tho same
price of other starches.
VCA MKJf 'ml
mOir -i