The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 20, 1903, Image 7

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    The Grip Leaves Thousands in its Path
Weak, Nervous, Dyspeptic, Catarrh Wrecks.
T. J. O'Keefe, Publisher.
i --
"ForGriA IL APtQ. !IIIi5TL-- 7 7 w"0
7 ffifl M - N'yJ&M i iATI P2s tr I ATSnriW'A: if
1P .f 1005.
debility, nervous
ncss, adyscjsia
and 'Other ca
tarrhal mdit'
io n s resulting
from the Grift, in
the entire Mater
ia Medicaillimie
found no -remedy
that equvlsJvru
na for prompt ac
tion." Dr.. S.Ji.
llartmnn, Presi
dent The Jart
man Sanitarium
From uV.
ing the
Grip rA
claiming a
million vic
tims or more,
the efficiency
of Peruna in
quickly reliev
ing this mat
ady and its after-effects
the continent,"
LIKE AiDEMON grip has crossed onr
country, Heaving behind scores of
physical nvrccks.
Victims'of catarrhof the head.'cntnrrh'crf
the throat, catarrh of the lungs, 'Catarrh of
the stomach,' catarrh of the kidneys, catarrh
of the. pelvic organs, are to be 'Counted by
hundreds of thousands. Grip is epidemic
catarrh, and sows the seed of chronic ca
'tarrhwvithin the system.
Thisiisso true'that few grip'suffercrsure
able'to make a iom,plete recovery until they
have used Peruna.
Never in the ihistory of medicine lias a
'remedy received such unqualified and un
iversal eulogies. as Peruna.
.A New York Alderman's "Kxperlence.
Hon. Joseph A. Flinn, alderman Fifth
District, writes from 104 Christopher street,
New York City, as follows :
"When a pestilenceovertakes our people
we take precaution as a nation to preserve
the citizens against the dread disease.
" La grippe has entered thousands'of-our
ihomes this fall, and I noticed that the
people who used Peruna wero quickly re
stored, while those who depended on doctor's
prescriptions, spent 'weeks in recovering,
leaving them weak and emaciated.
" I had a slight attackof la grippe and at
once took Peruna, which 'drove the disease
out of my ystcra in a few days and did not
hinder me fiom pursuing my -daily work.
" I -should like to see our Board 'of Health
give it official recognition and have it used
generally among our poor sick people ia
Greater 'New York." Joseph A. Flian.
D. L. Wallace, a -charter member of the
International Barber's Union, writes from
15 Western avenue, Minneapolis, Minn.:
"Following a severe attack -of la grippe
I seemed to be affected badly all over. I
sufferedivith a severe backache, indigestion
and numerous ills, so I could neither cat
nor sleep, and I thought I would give up
my work, -which I could not afford to do.
" One of my customers who was greatly
helped by Peruna advised me to try it, and
I procured a bottle the same day. I used
it faithfully and felt a marked improvement.
During the next t vo months I took five
bottles, and then felt splendid. Now my
head is clear, my nerves steady, I enjoy
food, and rest well. Peruna has been worth
a dollar a dose to me.' D. L. Wallace.
Mr. O. H. Perry, Atchison, Kansas,
writes :
"Again, after repeated trials of your
medicines, Peruna and Manalin, I give this
as my expression of the -wonderful results of
jour very valuable medicine in its effects in
my case after repeated trials.
''First, it cured me of chronic bronchitis
of fifteen years' standing, by using two
bottles of Peruna iu January, 1894, and
no return of it.
"After I was cured of bronchitis I had la
grippe every winter for several winters.
But, through the use of Peruna, it got
gradually weaker in its severity, until it
dwindled down to a mere stupor for two or
three days. Now the stupor docs not
trouble me any more." O. H. Perry.
A Congressman's Experience.
House of Representatives,
Washington, D. C.
Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Gentlemen "I am more than satisfied
with Peruna, and find it to be an excellent,
remedy for the grip and cattarh. I have
used it in my family and they all join me
in recommending it as an excellent remedy. ' '
Very respectfully,
George H. White.
If you do not receive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full
statement of your case, and he will be
pleased to give you his valuable advice
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Remember 1hi5;wherorou'bir Wet
Weather Clothing and look for.the
name TOWER on the buttons.
This sign and this name have stood
for the SESTdurintf sixty-seven
- , .years of increasing aales.
If your dealer will not supp&you write for
free catalogue of black or yellow water
proof oiled coats, slickers, suits, hats, and
horse goods for all kinds of wet work.
A woman's minds Is on something
higher than dress when she wants a
new bonnet.
Mrs. IVIimlows !ootlilii(i syrnp.
Tor children teettilnK, nofttns ho Kiimi, reduces In
flammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. Mcabottlft.
More men are wise in their own
conceit than in the opinion of those
who know them.
a Bbl.
T..iircat frravrriofflfcd I'otulotnln America.
'1 be "Ituraljtew Yorker" el veNnUer'nKar.
Ir Wlacontln a jlcld or T414 bu. per a. 1'rlrc
nlrtclimp. AlnnnnothBctdhanLandtHnipleof
Tro.latc, Hptltz, .Macaroni Wheat, 18 bu. per
a., i.iunt tiover. no .upon recti) 01 tue potir.
A light heart sometimes means a!
light head.
Pico's Cure Is the best medicine wo ever used
for all affections of the throat and lunps.Wu.
O. E.ndslkt, Vanburen, Ind Feb. 10, 1900.
Have something to do, or you will
be a nobody.
fast to ljht and washing.
Genius consists In making tho other
fellow do the work.
Use Ited Cross Bnll Uluo nirl muko them
white again. Large 2 oz. package, 5 cents.
The mnn who Is his own best friend
has few others.
One of the essentials of the happy homes.of to-day is a fund of
information as to right living and the best methods of promoting
health and happiness. With proper knowledge, each hour of
recreation, of enjoyment and of effort may be made to contribute
to that end and are of not less value than the using of the most
wholesome foods and the selecting of the best medicinal agents
when needed. With the well-informed, medicinal agents are used
only when nature needs assistance and while the importance of
cleansing the system effectually, when bilious or constipated, has
long been known, yet until within recent years it was necessary
to resort to oils, salts, extracts of roots, barks and other cathartics
which were found to be objectionable and to call for constantly
increased quantities.
" Then physicians having learned that the most excellent laxative
and carminative principles were to be found in certain plants,
principally in the leaves, the California Fig Syrup Co. discovered
a method of obtaining such principles in their purest condition and
noanttnrr fhem urirh niPflRflnt and refreshing liauids in the form
most acceptable to the system and the remedy became known as
Syrup of Figs as figs were used, with the plants, in making it,
because of their agreeable taste.
This excellent remedy is now rapidly coming into universal use as the
best of family laxatives, because it is simple and wholesome and cleanses
and sweetens the system effectually without disturbing the natural
functions and without unpleasant after effects and its use may be discon
tinued when it is no longer required.
All who would enjoy good health and its blessings should remember
that it is the one remedy which physicians and parents well-informed
approve and recommend and use and which they and their little ones
alike enjoy, because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and its
beneficial effects.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all reliable druggists, at the regular price
of fifty cents per bottle, in original packages only, having the name of
the remedy Syrup of Figs and the full name of the Company
California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package.
vt Kesaa
f2 l
-v: -
I Boaa San Fr&nciscoi Cat.
1 mw loulivllU, Ky. Nw York, N. V.
Senntor Jones of Arkansas Is confin
ed to his bed in Washington by nu at
tack of grippe.
Mlnlstor Squlros declares that Cuba
Is tho moat oxpenslve country in tho
world to llvo In.
There nro three superintendents to
every eight windows In tho IcgCslatlvo
wings of the Kansas capltol,
Vcsuivlus has ngaln becoino ncttve.
Tho volcano is throwing up ashes and
oxploslvo lncandoscent globes.
The Tribune announces that tho
German emperor will visit Homo In
May and that tho czar Is coming In No
vember. The genoral assembly of North Car
ollna has appropriated ?10,000 for a
state exhibit nt the Louisiana Pur
chase exposition.
Mrs. John Churchill, widow of John
Churchill, owner of Ix)iilsvllle's fam
ous raco course, Churchill Downs, wus
found dead In bed.
A. D. Mead, .deputy treasurer of
Walsh county, North Dakota, has been
arrested, charged with embezzling be
tween $2,000 and $3,000.
Arthur W. Thcnholm has been ap
pointed general manger of tho Chicago,
St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha to suc
ceed tho late Walter A. Scott.
James Mooney of near Stanhope,
Ky., Webster county, unearthed $1,000
In gold whilo digging post holes on
the farm of William Gardiner.
Reports from tho ranges In Indian
Territory Indicate that cattle Iosscb to
stockmen as tho result of tho recent
blizzard have been very heavy.
Tho Siangcll copper fields, which aro
on tho south side of the boundary be
tween Norway and Sweden, have been
sold to an American for $1,000,000.
An Increase of 5 cents an hour will
ho paid the enrpenters In Chicago In
tho building season thin year. This
Is In accordance with the agreement.
Ex-President Steyn la convalescing
at Clarens, Switzerland, and ns soon
ns his medical advisers allow him to
travel he will return to tho Orange
Ttlver colony.
S?norIta Iteneo Abreu, aged 11, tho
daughter of Dr. Abreu, a well known
surgeon of Havana, Cuba, Is dead from
pneumonia at tho convent of tho Sa
cred Heart, St. Louis.
Ten thousand miners of tho Flat, Top
and Norfolk coal Holds of the Norfolk
& Western In West Virginia will bo
given a voluntary Increase of 10 cents
on n ton, beginning April 1.
When President Roosovelt visits the
Rocky mountains this spring he has
expressed the desire to climb Mount
Shasta, the giant of tho SIsklyous,
which towers 11,410 feet above sea
In a special message to tho Rhode
Island senate, Governor Garvin declar
ed bribery common In this state and
that many members of tho legislature
occupy seats obtained by purchased
Not the least notable feature In con
nection with the swearing In of new
United States senators In Washington
last week was the cordial reception
given by the ladles' gallery to Reed
Smoot of Utah.
At Illack River Falls, Wis., Gront
Olsen, a justice of tho peace, who was
recently convicted of working up llctl
tlous cases to Increase his fees, was
sentenced to five years' Imprisonment
In tho state penitentiary.
The Tennessee hous-e of representa
tives has ndoptcd a rosolution re
questing the governor to Ignore the
request of the governor of Wisconsin
to appoint delegates to a convention
to sottlo the race question.
William Crozler, editor of tho Amer
ican at Manila, who, with a reporter
f tho paper, was arrested March 2,
on the charge of libeling General Da
vis, commander of tho American
troops, has been convicted.
Arthur R. Ponncll, tho young lawyer
who figured so prominently In tho llur
dick murder mystery, was killed In
Delaware Park, Buffalo, N. Y. Ills
automobile ian over tho edge of nn
embankment surrounding an old stone
Tho American Seeding Machine
Manufacturing company, with an au
thorized capital stock of $15,000,000,
was Incorporated nt Treton, N. J. Of
the capital stock, $7,500,000 Is prefer
red, drawing 7 per cent cumulatlvo
James Sparks, a vetoran of the
Black Hawk, the Mexican and the civil
wars, died at HartvIIIe, Mo., aged 100
years. He was one of tho first set
tlers In Wright county, Missouri, and
was a Justlco of tho peace for forty
two years.
The Vancouver Athletic club has of
fered a purso of $25,000 for a twenty
round contost between J. J. Corbott
and J. J. Jeffries. Tho club's managor
declares he has assurances of tho civil
officials that a twonty-round contest
would be permitted in that city.
The His of Women Act upon the
Nerves like a Firebrand.
Tho relation of woman's norvc.3 mid genemtivo organs is vory
closo; consequently nino tenths of tho nervous prostration, norvous
despondency, "tho blues," sleeplessness, nnd nervous Irritability of
women arise from somo derangement of tho organism which makes
her a woman. Herein we prove conclusively that Lydia E. Plnklmm'a
Vcgctublo Compound wdl quickly relievo all this trouble. ; r
Details of a Scycrc Case Cured in Eau Claire, Wis. '
" Dkah Mits. Piniuiam: I have been ailing from female troublo for
the past llvo years. About a month ago I was taken with nervous prostra
tlon, accompanied at certain times before menstruation with fearful head
aches. I road one of your books, and llndlnfr many tcs'tlmonlals of tho bene
ficial effects of Lyriia K. IMnklium's Vogotnll6 Compound," experi
enced by lady sufferers, 1 commenced its use nnd am happy to stato that after
usiug a few bottles 1 feci like a new woman, aches and pains all gone.
" I am recommending your mcdlclno to many of my friends, and I assure
you that you have my hearty thanks for your valuable preparation which has
done ro much good. I trust all suffering women will use your Vcgctablo Com
pound." Mas. Mxnmk Tietz, 020 First Ave., Eau Claire, Wis. (May 28, 1901).
Nothing; will reliovo this riiotreHsing condition so
surely as Ijydia E. Pinkhum's Vegetable Compound; it
Boothes, strengthens, heals and tones up tho delicate
femalo organism. It is a positive cure for all kinds of
female complaints; that bearing down feeling, back
ache, displacement of tho womb, inflammation of tho
ovaries, and is invaluable during tho change of life, all
of which may help to cause nervous prostration.
Read what Mrs. Day says:
"Dkah Mns. Pinkiiam : I will wrlto you a few lines to let you know of
the benefit 1 havo received from taking your remedies. I suffered for a long
tlmo with nervous prostration, backache, Bick headache, painful menstru
ation, pain In the stomach after eating, and constipation. 1 often thought I
would loso my mind. I began to take Jydia E. Pinkliain's VcgotnblO
Compound and was soon feeling llko a new woman. I cannot praiso it too
highly. It does all that It Is recommended to do, and more.
"I hope that ovcry one who suffers as 1 did will give Lydia E. Plnkham'fi
remedies a trial." Mas. Mauie Day, Eleanora, Pa. (March S3, 1001.)
Free Medical Advice to Women. :
Mrs. Plnkham invites all women to write to her
for advice. You, need not bo afraid to tell her tho
things you could not explain to the doctor your let
ter will bo seen only by women and i absolutely con
fidential. Mrs. Pinkbam's vast experience with such
troubles enables her to toll you just what is best for
you, and she will charge you nothing for her advice.
Another Case of Nervous Prostration Cured.
k " DnAit Mas. Pinkiiam : Allow mo to express to you tho benefit I have
derived from taking Lydia E. Pinkbam's VogctulMo Compound, llcforo
I started to take It I was on the vcro of nervous prostration. Could
not bleep nights, and I suffered dreadfully from indigchton and headache. I
heard of Lydia 13. Pinkbam's wonderful medicine, and began its Ubc, which
immediately restored my health.
"I cun heartily recommend It to nil suffering women." Mns. Uehtiia
E. Dkibkihs, 25J Lopldgo St, San Frnnclsco, Cal. (May 21, 1001.)
Snfinn FORFEIT If rantiot forthwith prodneo the ordinal letters nnd tlgnatoret of
Dill II I aUjTo tcitiuioula!s, which will iroTe their nl.fcolnto cenjlnnnoti
WWW W Lydia K. I'lnUliain Medicine Co., Lynn, Main.
In your town. Rmnll capital roqalroil nnd
blK return! oatbelnvettmeDtaMuroil.Wo
mtkn all klndi of Laundry machinery.
Write us. Paradox Machinery Co., IBS C Division St., Chicago.
New Rival
Leader" "Repeater1
F you are looking for reliable shotgun am
munition, the kind that shoots where you
point your gun, buy Winchester Factory
Loaded Shotgun Shells: "New Rival," loaded with
Black powder; "Leader" and "Repeater," loaded
with Smokeless. Insist upon having Winchester
Factory Loaded Shells, and accept no others.
For each man who pities you be
cause of your mlsfoitune a thousand
will hato you because of your success.
CntLrh Cannot He Cared
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot
reach the sent of the dUease. CuUirru is
blood or constitutional disease, and in order to
euro It you must tuko Internal remedies. Hull's
CntoiTU Cure is taken Internally, and acts
directly on tho blood and raucous surfaces.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was prescribed by ono of tho best physicians
in this country for years, and is u regular pre
wrlptlon. It Is composed of tho best tonics
known, combined with tho best blood purifiers,
artlnc directly on tho mucous surfaces. The
perfect combination of tho two ingredients Is
what produces such wonderful results in curing
Catarrh. Send for testimonials, frcn.
F. J. CHUNKY & CO.. Props., Toledo, a
Sold by drui'Kists. price 75c
Hall's Family PUN aro tho best
Never try to dispose of wadding
presents If you would piosorvo your
confidence In friends.
Try One Package.
If "Defiance Starcn" does not pleaso
you, return It to your derlor. If it
does, you got onothlrd more for tho
6nmo money. It will give you satis
faction and will not stick to the iron.
A museum curiosity Is a man who
can talk faster than his wife.
Tho more a man is wrapped up In
himself the colder he is.
Rtopn tho Cough and
AVorkH Off tho Colli
Lnxntivo Brouio Qulniuo Tablets. I'rIce26V&
Sarcasm has many admirers, hut no
Then use Defiance Starch. It will keep
them vhlte--l6 or for 10 cents.
When a woman is unahh to givo a
plausihlo excuse for the inoxcusaulo
she simply says It's "because."
SLIk! P UlcKrellfamlcurcaworil
Mbo. lloolcdf trmlinonUloaml 10 DAYS' treatment
t&SS. Dr.H.a.OBXi HBOHB.BoxK,AUanU,0
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 121903
If n woman were to cast her first
hatch of bread upon the wators It
would he pretty tough on the Innocent
little fishes.
HH ., CUItl Willi III till nils..
13 IieJt Cough Syrup. Tute (looj. tlto
Fri in tltne. Sold hv druiruistj