ftbe Iberalfc. PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. JARVIS 1877 BRANDY SOLD IN ALL BEST PLACES. Bv T, J. O'KEEI'E. k l X i 4 ". Entered at the postoffice at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mails, ai .second-class matter. ADVERTISING HATES: Display, per single column inch per month 50 Business locals, per line first insertion .10 Each subsequent insertion, per line .05 Legal notices at statute rates. t8T Tmk Hkralu is the Official Publica tion of Box Butte county and its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. Subscription, Si. 50 per year in advance. Instructions to Assessors. Basis of valuation for the assessment of the year of 1903 adopted by the assessors of Box Butte county March 17, 1903. As sess all property at one-fourth of its actual value. For a limited valuation of personal prop erty, take the following as a standard, of value: Extra mares SGo Fair mares and geldings 40 Bronchos and ponies 10 American mares, two years old 20 American mares, one year old 16 Good unregistered stallions on the stand 192 Best registered stallions 400 Common stallions, three years old. ... 90 American colts 8 months to 1 year. ... 10 Fair mules 40 First-class mules 50 Two-year-old mules 28 Yearling mules iG Mules, S months to 1 year. . ; 10 First-class male ass 400 Female ass 50 Cows, two-year-old steers, and over and bulls 20 Yearling heifers 10 Three-year-old steers and work oen. . 28 Calves, ovor eight months to one year 8 Two-year-old heifers and one-year- old steers , Hogs, per 100 lbs weight Goats and sheep, each 16 j Last year lambs Bicycles First-class, $28; second class $20 For a limited valuation of real estate take the following as .1 standard aud assess from this as a re.il value: Value all hay land at $800 to SiGoo per quarter section. Laud within one-half mile limit from Alliance, per quarter section S500. Land within one mile limit, beyond one half mile from Alliance, S400 per quarter. Land within two mile limit, beyond one mile from Alliance, S300 per quarter. Land within two mile limit from Ilem ingford, value at $250 per quarter. All lands beyond the above described limits value at fe2oo per quarter, plus such sum as in the judgment of the assessor should be added for improvement on the tract assessed. Acre property adjoining Alliance value at ?I5 to $40 per acre Acre property adjoining or in Hemiug ford at from $2.50 to $5 00 per acre. Assess town lots at one-fourth their actual value. Assess all lands subject to taxation that mav have been omitted by the clerk in making the assessor's book. Aoid using fractional parts of a dollar in valuing property. Arrange names in personal property list alphabetically, placing the names of those in the same school district together as nearly as possible. Do not omit school or road district num ber and don't assess banks, corporations, partnerships nor females with poll tax. You will grontly assist the work of the clerk and the board of equalization by re turning your booLs on or before the first of Juno. Low Kates West. S25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Se attle. f'JT.yO to San Kranulsco and Los An geles. S22.50 to Spokane. 5'i2 25 to Salt Lake, Hutte and Helena. Proportionately low rate,s to hun dreds of other points, including Hip Horn Uusin, Wyo , Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon. British Columbia, California, ete. Every day February 1.1 to April 3D. Tourist oars daily to California. Per sonally conducted excursions three times a week. Tourist cars daily to Seattle. Inquire of nearest Burlington Route Agent. ww Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship existing between Ed S Wildy and Charles M. Lotspeich, under name of the Alliance Meat Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Charles M. Lotspeich con tinuing the business, collecting all accounts and assuming all obligations. Eu S. Wildv. Charlks M. Lotspeich. Dated Alliance. Neb., Keb. 21, 1903. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore oxisting between J. 1 Thornton and E. O'Donnell under the firm name of Thornton & Co., has been dissolved bv mutual consent. E. O'Don nell will continue the business and will collect and pay all outstanding bills against t' - l, lf, Thornton. T u i' -.n.r, l'a'cd March 4, 1903. PJMAJMlStULASAAMV UTt"iV4 VfViY'&Tivre The Central Nebraska Real Estate Comp'y - LOCATED AT " --' Lincoln, Omaha andTlicdford A1H4 NOW Itr.AtlY TO SI t.l. VOP j Ranch, Farm or Our means of securing purchasers are extensive on account of the number of agents that are giving their entire time to looking for purchasers. If you list your property with us for sale, we will sell it, or if you want to exchange for other property. We make a specialty in this line. We have .... FINE FARMS, ELEGANT CITY PROPERTY As well as various kinds of business, to exchange for your property. We propose to do a hustling business and guarantee satisfaction. For further information, correspond with J. H. EDM1STEN, rrri,v'ri'-vrs"ra,'(ii Notice to Creditors. In t'ouiity Court, within and for lto llutto county, Nebraska, February 14, 1!K)X In tlio iiuitturof tlieestntoof Klvlrit Iiass.rteeeasen'. To the Ori'iHtof, of sulil Estate You are hereby untitled that I will sit tit the (entity court room in Alliance In said county, on the l.'itb day of August, HHKt, at II o'clock it. 111 to receive aud examine all claims siKnlnst Mild estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims ajjaliist wild estate Is six months fiomthc lull day or Fchinury. A. I). 1 W.I, and the time limited for payment of debts Is one year from s.ild 14th day of Kebiuary, lin. Witness my hand and the sPul of saldcotiuly court this Hte day of I'ehruary, U Kl 1) K. 1('HT, ( true copy.) tBAi. J Comity .Indue. 1177 Sliciiff'.s .Sale. Hy virtue of an execution Issued on trans cript liv the flurlc of tlio district ctiuil of llox iiuum-iiutiiy, aiMiniHitn, upon a decree icnuttreti In the district court or ijincuHter county, Ne- , braska, wherein Wludiou havings Hank w;as , 47, ,..,t r tlietkh principal nieildlan In We plalntHT, and iwint.t Knima . I Cornell, tie- hniska. In box Unite county, Nebraska, at fondant, I will, on the. 7th day of April, pullc auction l. the hiulu-M bidder foreash. A. D I'.IU, ut 10 oclncka in mi said day lit the t() satisfy said or lei- of sale, intlio sum of west front dour of the i-imrtliouic in Allinucti I s7i;(i:suK"llrt 1 !-i mid Inteiest. costi and lic it! said county, sell tti follow Iiik descilbod cruiiiir cos'ts. : lima.iml .ii7 (II 1 centered 1V real estate, to-w It: the -northwest ' or wutioii 1 4, township. MI, mirth of range 4!1, west of tliel'th principal meridian 111 uux uuiuicuunij, .c lil'tifka, at public auction to the highest bidder tor casn. to saiiHty sain juugmeiu in iiik sum of t-o77.(K) and InUrest. eostw and accruing . costs subject to tuxes In the sum of f.ri7.!w, anil 11 inortuuzc lor tne siim 01 ijnw.uj. Tim alKive mentioned Judgement was duly assigned to lleiuy A. Clifford who In now theownei theteof. mx ltnni), ' Sliei Iff of S.1I1I County. K'liiKl'ATiilcK . II M.Kit. Atty for I'laiutilf Kirst imhllcatioii, March u Notice. In the County Court of llox Hutto Coiiuiy ' Nebraska. Vn. I'lUNfis, l'lalntllt vs. , IIkniivK. Fnxsris. Defeiidtint. To Henry V.. Ki uucK noii-rusldent de fetidaut: You are herebv notilled that 011 the 3rd d.ty ' of March, HXH! Ylola I'mncls Hied a petition against ou in the district coin I of lto Hutto , county, NeliriiKkn, the object and prayer of which are to obtain 11 divorce from you 011 the ground thntjou wilfully abandoned the plain- 1 tilt, without j:ood cause, for the term of two ye.irs last past. You are required to answer 1 s.ild petition on or before .Monday, the 13th 1 day of April. 1WX - ioi.a i'ium'is. rinuiiiu Uy Win. Mitchell, her iiltorncy. l'Iis,t publication. March 11. I 14.V Sfterff's Sale. Hv virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of tlio district i-oiirt of llox llutto county. Nebraska, upon n ilwrec romieieii ny aui foiitt in fnor or Virgil Young, plalntlll. and against .lob Math.iway company, a linn cotidiliun Tbev liael)uen inatiued orco-i.artiicrshlp uniiicorpor.ited.coinpiM'ii or conniiioii. 1 ut n.ie uut-u niaiuiLU .lob llatimway. mid n;iim c .1. Austin, Km-, before bottling, and have (hat rich, ma C.J Austin, H. it. Austin, husband of ' KmtnaC .). Austin, a inenihei of defendant npe iinvor so Iitghlv appreciated by tlrtn of .lob Hathaway and Cotnpiny. and hus band of Knima C. . I Atlt.tlntlff011d.111t, W H. epictltos. t.anuiiig, trustee. 'I hnmiis Kralim, beueliciary .... , ,, . ' , . , .. , . of W 11. JjuiiiIiik. trustee, defendant, the' I lie fo'lownig bntiids wo consider Lnultablo Land Comti.iiiv. William I'anott. mid .lanet l'nrrott or Mis. I'.irrotl llrst nuiue iiiiknoun, wlfeof tlureiidant William I'arrott, , lnntt I'anott and William I'aiiott or Mr. I'arrott, llrst name unknown, or Mr. Doe real name uiikiiovMi, husband of .lanet I'ariolt, defendants, I will, tin the nth day of April, A. I) . t'.HCl. at 111 o'clock a 111. 011 said iliij.al th west front door of tlio eourtliniihO in lll iilico ill said oomity, soil llie folowiug U'm-crilH-d real estate, to-w It: northeast 14 of sectlonSO, townshlpi'il, utiitli i.tnge 47 west of the tlth piiucip.ll meridian in box Hutto coun ty. Nebraska, at public nuction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said older of snle In the Mini of tdfrMriuiidliilcrfst. costs uud uuOru Ing costs $:)u:i. V. II. Lanulng on his cross pi'llllon recovered asu second If in on said premises the sum of j MW.70. Subject to taxes 1 lJ.'s. I 1HA HKK1), HlieilfTof Said County. WHIIiam Mitchell, Au'y for I'laiutilf. ! I'lrst publication, March 13. I 14V) .Sheilfr.s Sale. Hy virtue of an order of sale Issiietl by tlio J cleik of tlio district court of Ho Hutte county, ilium a tlcciee rendered by said court i 111 favor or William I. Hld.rell, philiitth", and against Itudolphus tl. ArUigast and Itonlit A rluii'twl flitfiiiiflinits I u It? ,111 f lie 'ilt b it a v of I prll A. 1). r.KKl.at 10 o'clock 11. in 011 said day, at the west front door of the courthouse, fn Alliance In said county, sell tliu following described real estate, to-w it: the northeast t of section 10, township ;il north, range 51, I west of tub principal ineildiau In Ho Hutte 1 county, Nebraska, at public auction to the ; lilgliest bidder for e.ish, to satisfy said order, of sale In the sum of J7B1.S0 and Interest, costs and accruing costs, subject to taxes 011 , said land to the amount of .Vi.7'.i, ' IKA lti:iCI). ! Sheriff of said county W. II. I'aiiiilug. Att y forplalntlir. I'lrst iitibllcallon March 31. n-.'i .sherlff'H sale. Hy vlrtuo of an order of sab) Issued by the 1 cierit 01 llie oisirici court tit iox iumiu iihui- ty, Nebraska, iiixin a tltfrec rendered by said court In fuwirof the McKliiley-Itniiiug I.naii uud Trust Company, plalntlll'. and against Ira H. Hnggle.r.lla. A. llrlKcleiini W.ll. Carimhan (It fHUlnnts. 1 will. 011 tlio 7th tiny of April, A. , 1WI, ut 10 o'clock a. m. oil said dn at the west front door of the court limine in Allianoi In said count sell the following dtsflihtl ital eslnte. to-wtt: the southeast '4 of section P. of towushlii i", 1101th of niiiga 4s went of the 0th principal incrldiaii in Hox Hutte county, N- hrufcka. at public aucl ton to th highest bidder for (Wish to satisfy said ordr of sale in the sum of $n&ii, and interest. conU and accruini; cots also subject to tuxes amounting to the .uu, or em 1IIAIIEEn, .sherltr of ,.ild County. V.(i, !imonsok, A"ornv for I'lalntltr. lrst put Mention, Mi'i'lu S City Property, President of the Company TllBDFORD. NlMlRAhKA svr5"rr-vrr r'v v No. 1457. .Sheriff's Sale. Hy vlitneof an older of sale Issued by the clerk of the district com t of llox llutto coun ty, Nebraska, ukiii a decree rendered bv said court In furor of VIikiI Young, plaint HV. and against .lull llutlmuni and Company, a linn or co-p.irtnershlp tinlncorpoialed. comx)sod of. lob lliithannj and limnia C .1 Austin, Knima C . I. Austin. It. It Austin, hush'itid of I'.uini.i C .1. Austin, member of defendant linn of Job Tintlinnuy and CompHiiy and litis Imnd of Uniuia C. .1 Vtistlu. defendant, V II. l.iumlnir, ttusteM. 'I bonus I itiniu. henellclari ofW.U Lannliiir, trustee, defendant, Drake Hales and Comua ij, Wl'll im l'nrrott and Ju liet l'airolt or Mrs I'ariot, lln.1 name un known, nift nf I'l'feiuhiiit William l'nrrott, Janet I'.irn. ti mid Mr. Ctirutt or William I'nitott, (bi iiime uiikiiouu, or Mr Doe, real t arn nil.liou n. husband of Janet l'arir it. del ndatils. 1 w 111, oil the 14th dajofApid A.I) It'll in luoViiM-ic a m on said dn v. it the wist mint floor of the court house In Alliance, In said county, sell the fol low Iiik described real estate. tn-wlt: North i.t. i. r section "!. town -'. north of r.iniro w, II. l.iiniiiinr, cross ntit!onei nsa s,vond lt-lii on s.ild , teml-es. subject to tnves $2". si. Ii. A Hi. 1 I), s'e-iltT or Mild County. Wllll.i.n Mit li II Ut v for l'lalntllt 1'ilst til I ti i alum March 1.1. IWI IIK'.II tlMKirS. The uso of a niodi'tate ijimntitx of our old. melltiii .mil fiiio WHISKIES "" ! - ...w.... ..v. ,..v.v... excellent: Wedding Boquet Whiskey. Calilo'iiin Wines . . . Our wines fur table use ate woithy of more than a trial. They arc jjood for use all the ti me. The RED LIGHT Saloon. OM.1 LNION 11AK IN TIUJ C1TV. Wm. James, Exclusive Dualer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone ISo. 5. Alliance, Nebraska, ------ W. M. FOSKET, ."ULCtlorLeer Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, or BY THE DAY. 1 a J 4 I I I 4 I I I & a I I 1 J, I&" Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me IIkmingtoru, Net). QSS iiyMi A HARROWING I SELL 64 tooth Steel 1 1 arrows, q6 tooth 102 Cultivate I SELL Walking, Riding and Disc Cultivators I SELL Listers, Breaking Plows, Stirring Plows, Seeder Attachments While my tongue is waggin' . Let me show you FARM WAGONS, TRUCK WAGONS, .xxw ROAD WAGONS, BUGGIES, ETC. C. A. L Professional Cards. ITTOUNKYrt. WILL1AH MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT HW, NEBRASKA.1; ALLIANCE, L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Oi'kicb I'iionu IK). HKsinn.vci: l'lIONKim R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ; 1 Uitom's 1, 2 and 3, Tlrst National bank build" Ing, Alliance, Neli. Notniy In olHce. W. G. SIMONSON... Attorney at Law.... Olllco (Ip-stulrH Over I'ostolllco SMITH P. TUTTI,I I1IA E. TAhll. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North .Main .!., Al.MANCK. NKII, 1'inslCIANS. 11. 11. nn.i.woon, M- ' w.h. iiki.i.wooh. m. i. Bellwood & Belhvood, PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. Ilolstcu lluildliis, - AM.IANOK, NKII, L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Olllco in I'lrst National Hank block. Alli ance, Nebraska. J. E. MOORE, M. D. n.irrciiKit. iii.ocu, ai.i.ianci:, NKH. CuIIh answered from olllco day or night. Telephone No. tC G. VV. MITCHELL. M. D PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Olllco in !,ockwood? Huildlug. . . S ALLIANCE, NKH. Ttdephone No. 37P. JULIA V. FREY, CSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. (Hllce two bto'ks north of 'limes building, Phono S. Hours, h tu 1,' a. m.. 1 :30 to 5 p. m. H. B. MILLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ... Olllcu mid residence threu iIimiis uoitbof Idaho street on Hlg Horn luetme. TeIeH)ne No.uM. Alliance, Ntils BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE ARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb. tooth Marrows, Disc Marrows my acquaintance NEWBERRY JM.M,MfcWl:SAfAj!LJLft SAVE O.' 1 1 o a, YOUR i e o of j FUEL! Bcbe8on 3. HARDWARE.. irrsrsTsrrVtrsTrtri'r Harvey's Bowling Alleys 1 1 cathful exercise and amusement for ladies and gentlemen THREE FIRST-CLASS F. T. HARVEY, Proprietor. East Side of Main Street. s9eaoeoee9eoseoeoeeeeeo8io0e$oa3e0cceeooo89 , ft m m l . n rn r 1 ' c J r fy? xJ1uT 2 Lb,nkiibp(?k1; rir j J ee99eoeoodoooeoo60oitoeesO(iS40c9a V. A. Hampton, President A. S. Hkku, Vice Prenident First ' National Bank, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Dikkciors- V. A. Hampton. A. S. Heed K. C. Hampton. R. M Hampton. LAMBEflSON ARE PROPRIETORS OP THE Finest "Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Ajrent ftir FKED KKL'G HUEWIXU CO . SKLKCrCAUINET, EXTRA 'TALE and Other Popular Rruuds,. . . Tla;xiilw7- arrsucLe Solicited. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Come and See I's. Phone 206 TALE Steel Marrows, And be more comfortable by using GOSPER'S METALIC WEATHER STRIPS. ON DOOKS ANt WINDOWS. BEST ;. MARKET. You can find it with .1 lot of other good things in Stoves, Enameled ware, etc., at Si $Qbevfsf an vir'8"TsrTrrt'yT8ViT5r ALLEYS. The placing of a few dollars monlhh in the ... ALLIANCE ... National Bank I e o will soon enable you to bu a comfortable home. 2 ' c 9 V M. Kmuiit, I'resldeiit W. H. I'OltniN. V. President .... . . . O. II. eoNNirrr.t'ashler R. M. Hampton, Cashier G. Hampton, As&'t Cashier. 4226 & STETTE?