The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 20, 1903, Image 1

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The Alliance Herald.
v Official publication .;.
V .'.
$400 Piano to be given
away with groceries to
the organization or per
son having most votes on
July 3, '03. one vote
with each 25c purchase.
Velvet Flour-Best in town $ I 10
Sorted Unions 75c bushel.
2& lbs Prunes I no
2 cans Ilest Tomatoes 25o
Kancy Kvaporated Apples H'ie lb
1 pound .lu pan Tea 3.V;
3 lb can Poaches 15c
:i Ibcan Cal. I'luins, loe
Kresh Egfts per dor 15c
Hutterperlb :c
Peas Early June 10c
Salmon, Clood (!an 10c
More bargains by calling and see
ing us before buying we want
your trade.
Raymond & Quivey
Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house,
Co-Lon-Co ask Holsten the druggist.
See F. E. Reddish for loans on real es
For storm windows and doors see1?oresti
Lumber Co.
For screen doors and windows call on
Geo. G. Gadsby.
Buy your groceries at Whitfield's and
get tickets on piano.
Miss Nora Lammon will do dressmaking
by the day. Phone 197.
For Salu United Presbyterian par
sonage. Call at residence.
.Forest-Lumber Co. make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats
All kinds of screen doors and windows
made to order by Geo, G. Gadsby.
A large bottle of sewing machine oil and
a pocketbook for 15c at Geo. Darling's.
About 90 per cent, of the American peo
pie hae catarrh. Co-Lon-Co will cure it,
at Ilolsten's.
No person ever used Co-Lon-Co for ca
tarrh, stomach trouble or kidney disease
but was cured.
For that old stomach trouble of what
ever kind use Co-Lon-Co. For sale . at
Ilolsten's pharmacy.
Chronic and muscular rheumatism read
ily cured by using Co-Lon-Co. For sale
at Ilolsten's pharmacy.
When you want a good rig call up the
Checkered Front livery. Try their new
closed carriage. Make a specialty of turn
outs for wedding parties.
Cattle taken to run by the season or
year. Correspondence solicited. ' Refer
ence Commercial Bank, Chappell, Neb M. Dblatoup, Hutchinson, Neb.
For Sale or Lease The J.' Hagerty
ranch four miles east of Bridgeport; over
400 acres under irrigation and plenty of
good range. Would also sell horses, mules
and cattle and farm implements. 3-12-Sw
Cow for Sale.
I have a fine Jersey cow for sale, will be
fresh in a short time. Cow can be seen at
my place at any time. A. S. Ekk.
Will be
Day at
See our
Principal Hays was too ill .Monday to
attend to his duties.
E. C. McClure returned Saturday from
his trip to Chicago.
Clarence Zurn is visiting friends in
Crawford this week.
Miss Grace Wells, daughter of M, E.
Wells of Sheridan, is the guest of Miss
Martie Colburn.
H. C. Richards had the misfortune to
lose his splendid gray driving horse which
died Sunday night.
Mrs. Ayers, wife of the station agent at
Bridgeport, has been the guest of Mrs.
Newbauer for a few days.
Albert Swift, government inspector of
the postoflice money order department, is
a guest at Hotel Charters.
George MollriDg visited a day or two
with his brothers this week while en route
to Newcastle form Nebraska City.
Mrs. Thomas Kegan and daughter, Miss
Mid, returned from their trip to Chicago
for their spring stock of millinery Satur
day. W. D. Rumer returned Monday from
accompaning Mrs. Rumer to Fairfield,
Iowa, from which place he made a trip to
A. Hedgecock of Hemingford was in the
city Monday leaving the next morning for
a trip to California. He will be gone
thirty days.
In addition to making the postoflice
quarters more commodious the postoflice
room has been calcimined in shades of
brown and yellow.
James Strong, brother of Mrs. Bessie
Gregg, returned to Lakeside Tuesday. Mr.
Strong remained in Alliance for ten days
receiving medical treatment.
Funeral services for the infant child of
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rochford of Lake
side were held at the Catholic church Mon
day afternoon by Father Galvin.
The Misses Fay and Bess Van Boskirk
and Miss Laravea are among the number
of Alliance teachers that have recently
been off duty on account of illness.
Editor Scroggins of Bridgeport was in
the city Saturday on his way to Omaha.
He has recently established a new paper,
the Platte Valley News, at Bridgeport.
- The Woman's Industrialfltsociety- of the
Baptist church will serve a"fnissionary
tea at the home of Mrs. Mclntyre next
Wednesday afternoon at 4:30. A program
will be in connection.
Herman Wildy was in the city Wednes
day, leaving at noon for his home at Guern
sey. He returned from his Illinois trip
Monday, visiting relatives at Hemingford
that day and. Tuesday.
John Mornvek, one of our stockmen
friends from Liberty precinct, transacted
business in Alliance Tuesday. Mr. Mo
ravek reports his stock doing well, having
lost only three head out of his herd of 250
this winter.
The recently organized JIawthorne
dancingclub gave their initial ball in Hell's
hall last Friday evening, there being fifty
or sixty in attendance. The officers of the
club are S. B. McDonald, president, James
Moore, treasurer aud Miss Kridelbaugh,
J. F. Fleming has purchased the lot next
to Harry Martin's building north of the
Hila Grand and has let the contract for
the erection of a one story ..brick building
thereon. Geo. M. Fox and Geo. D. Gads
by will do the work and expect to have
the building completed in about six weeks.
Mr. Fleming will move his stock of cloth
ing theroin.
George M. Burlingame of Palmer, who
is here visiting his son George, has been
so favorably impressed with Alliance's
present and future prospects that he re
cently made two investments in city pro
perty, one being the Corneal building just
north of the Hila Grand, which he pur
chased of Mrs. McManus of Dallas, Tex.,
paying Si, Coo for it; the other was the
purchase of Miss Ella McCullough's build
ing occupied by the Alliance Meat Market
for which he paid $2,000. He talks some
of erecting a brick building there noxt
summer in place of the frame one now
The sewing class and Lenten lea of the
Episcopal church was entertained by Miss
Pease, Tuesday, and like everything else
undertaken by her, bore the stamp of suc
cess and elegance. A large number attend
ed and the parlors were decorated with
shamrock and green draperies' The re
freshments were dainty and in the color
emblematic of the patron saint of Ireland.
Each one of these occasions seems to vie
with the others in point of sociability and
numbers and the linen sale which will be
the outcome in Easter week will be abun
dantly supplied from the handiwork of the
ladies. These gatherings are a distinct
feature of Lent in various parts of the
Episcopal church, especially so in New
York and Chicago. The next one will be
at the home of Mrs. J, C. Colburn, Tuas-
1 day next.
lilts Very Suddenly Saturday .Morning
1'rnin Demon lingo of the" Lungs.
Mrs. Mary Brenunn died very suddenly
at her home in this city Saturday morning
from a hemorrhage from the lungs. For
several years past she had been very frail
but at the time of her death ahcscemcd in
her usual health. She had had a slight
hemorrhage the night before, and another
during the day before her death, but as she
had often had them no grave alarm was
felt. Friday evening she seemed in very
good spirits, chatting whit those who spent
the evening with her and telling stories and
she sang one song for them, "I'm Going
Home," which now seems a strange coinci
dence and almost prophetic. About 3:30
Saturday morning she called her son Fred,
who slept in a room adjoining hers, telling
him to hurry and bring her a drink of
water, which he did, but she was able to
take only a swallow of it and fell back upon
her bed. Hastily summoning a young
woman who made her home there to watch
his mother, he ran for a physician but be
fore they could arrive Death had claimed
his own. It was only twenty-five minutes
from the time she called for help until the
end came.
Mrs. Brcnnan came here with her fami
ly in 1888, hoping to benefit the health of
a son who died shortly after their arrival.
The ordinary words we use in speaking of
one who has been loved as a kind, helpful
and charitable friend will seem poor and
inexpressive to the many who have known
and loved Mary Brennan for the true piety
and christian virtues that so endeared her
to them and to whom her sudden death is
a great shock and grief. Much more so is
it to her children who, though knowing
how frail she was, did not expect to be
called upon thus suddenly to part with the
loved mother.
Mrs Brennan was sixty-four years old.
She was born in Ireland but when five
years old her parents moved to Canada,
where she lived until the time when as
Miss Mnry Fitzgerald she w.'.s united in
marriage to Martin Brcnnan, removing to
Bay City, Mich., where Mr. Brennan was
engaged in lumbering. She lived there
until some time after the death of her hus
band in 18S7 when she came to Lincoln,
Neb., a few months later removing to this
county. Of the children born to them
William, Edward, Michael and Mary are
dead, those living being John, Richard,
Mrs. C. A. Newberry, Charles, Martin,
Frank and Fred, all of whom reside in this
city or vicinity and are re.ipecled and
valued members of our community. All
of them were here at the time of her death
except Richaid and Maitin who , ere en
route to California in the hope of benefit
ing the latter, whose health is very poor.
Tliey were at El Paso, Texas, at the time.
It was decided to take the body to Bay
City for interment, as Mrs. "Brennan had
frequently been heard to express the desire
that when she died her body might be
laid to rest beside hur husband's in the
Bay City cemetery. A brief service was
conducted at the home at to o'clock Sun
day evening, by Father Galvin before the
bod was taken to thu depot. The pall
bearers were John Reardon, J. J. Hill, E.
O'Dounell, F. B, O'Connor, Daniel Dunn
and John O'Keofe, sr. Her sons,
John and Fred, accprnpanied the remains
to Bay City where funeral services will be
held at the Catholic church, of which she
was a devout and faithful member. Mass
es have been said for her at the church
here each morning since her death and a
mass was said Wednesday morning at the
same hour as the funeral service at Bav
City. A telegram was received from the
absent sons saying that Richnrd would
join his brothers at Chicago and accom
pany them the remainder of the journey.
Martin will go to Phoenix, Arizona, toawait
brother's return. Wc join the many
friends of this family in sympathy for their
great affliction.
Card of Thanks.
To those who so kindly assisted us in
the last offices and to lighten the affliction
of the loss oi our dear mother,- we return
our sincere and lasting thanks.
John Brknnan and Bkotiikrs.
Mkc C. A. Newhkrky.
Representatives of two jail manufactur
ing concerns were present at the commis
sioners meeting Wednesday and submitted
bids for furnishing steel cages for the jail.
They would cost upwards of 53,000 and
the commissioners' did not desire to make
such an expenditure without a voice of the
tax payers of the county hence it is not
probable that any will be provided until
the proposition is voted upon.
The Ladies' Union of the First Prosby
terian church will meet next Wednesday
afternoon, March 25, at the home of Mrs.
J. E. Joder. ,
Mrs. J. P. Colburn returned Tuesday
from Chadron where she had been to at
tend funeral services for her brother's little
The First Presbyterian church holds
services in Ball's hall next Sunday at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Mrs..F. A. Waanderof Everett, Wash.,
is the guest of her cousin Mrs. H, C. Hoi-loway.
A son was born to Mr. and Mr. John
Mcrton Wednesday.
. Albert Pearson's little daughter Alice is
quite sick with lung trouble.
The Nebraska Hide and Leather Co.,
are new advertisers in Tiik Hhrai.d.
Mrs. Humphry will hereafter assist her
husband in his undertaking establishment.
Miss Noreen Hagerty arrived from
Omaha Wednesday to make her parents n
Mrs. William Bignell spent a few days
in town thjs week the guest of Mrs. C. A.
Daniel Dunn has requested that his
name be placed on The Herald list for
the next year.
Geo. E. Dorrington of Falls City is
spending a few days with his mother, Mrs.
F, Mi Dorrington.
Mrs, J. W. Christy of Hemingford came
up from Mullen today where she has been
visiting relatives.
The Famous has a largo ad in this issue
which tells of some splendid bargains in
B. V. Reeves, the painter, paper hang
er and decorator has contracted for space
in the official paper.
C. A. McGogy, a well known stockman
residing near Marsland, isanew subscrib
er to this family journal.
J. P. Reardon left this morning for Den
ver where he has bec'n offered a position
with the D. & R. G. raiload.
Mrs. L.Johnson returned to Lusk, Wyo.,
Thursday after a pleasant visit with Mrs.
Ellis Johnson ol the Hila Grand.
County Superintendent Baumgardner
was visiting schools in the northwest part
of the county the first of the week.
Mrs. L. N. Worley underwent a surgical
operation Wednesday which she stood very
well and so far has gotten along nicely.
A dance was given at the home of Mr Mc
Coy southwest of town St. Patrick's night.
Several from town attended and a pleas
ant time is Reported.
I he Irish Patron .Sutut. rr1
The national apostle aud patron saint of
lUe'.IHsh, Sattit Patrick, Is nn unique per
sonality in the history of christian civiliza
tion. Each recurring year on the 17th
of March, every true child of the Gael
feels his heart expand with enthusiasm
while celebrating the feast of his own
gloriously national patron.
From Armagh to Melbourne and from
Cork to San Francisco St. Patrick's mem
ory is kept perennially green in impressive
church servicos, impassioned oratory,
heavenly music and'songand the "wearing
o' the green." And although St. Patrick
may sometimes have to deplore the faults
or follies of some of the Irish, still hi may
proudly boast that they have as a race re
mained faithful and loyal to their country
and their creed. Fidelity to God's revela
tions and loyalty to the church ware the
characteristics of St. Patrick. The same
two traits distinguish St. Patrick's follow
ers in the twentieth century.
St. Patrick is looked on as the national
patron of the Irish. The national spirit
and tl e religion Patrick brought the Irish
have gone hand in hand through the cen
turies, through prosperty and persecution
till now even the bitterest enemies of Pat rick
and the Irish are forced to admit, grudging
ly it is true, that the claims of the Irish na
tion are just and must be conceded. In a
few years the Irish will own Ireland again,
and the day of peace and protpority will
at last dawn on the Emerald Gem of the
western ocoan.
As in the case of the immortal Homer,
many cities lay claim to be the birth place
of St. Patrick. The more probable loca
tion of his birth is near Boulogne-sur-Merin
Brittany on the northwest coast of
France. He came to Ireland in A. D. 432.
with the sanction and aid of Pope Coles
tine. The history of the conversion of
the pagan Irish, who up to Patrick's time
practiced the Druidical religion, reads like
the triumphal march of a conqueror. Be
fore his death. Patrick had the singular
happiness of seeing Ireland converted to
Christianity, the dioceses organized,
churches established, monastic institutions
provided for the religious, and the island
known as the island of saints. It is rather
too late to start to prove that St. Patrick
was not a Catholic, as some would be
glad to do. Such people are fifteen hun
dred years too late, An Irishman may be
corrupted but he will not be "converted"
from the faith of St. Patrick and the tra
dition of his race.
St. Patrick was a "self-made mau," not
in the sense though of our modern pluto
crats. Zeal for God's glory, devotion to
his mission among his people, immense
self-sacrifice made Patrick's name to be
held in benediction, as it will be till the
end of ages. St. Patrick garnered souls
instead of dollars, hence his memory has
flourished like the palm tree, and multi
plied as the cedars Lebanon,
Mrs. Ed Sweezey died last night,
ticulars later
Of Interest to llor.sciicn.
Advices fronif Washington inform us
that maladis du coit has again broken out
in Nebraska and South Dakota and a quar
antine has been ordered by the secretary
of agriculture agains. all horses shipped
from the counties of Box Butte, Dawes,
Sheridan and Cherry in the first named
commonwealth, Custer nnd Fall River in
the latter and the Pine Ridge and Rose
bud Indian agencies. It is a violation of
the law to transport any horse affected by
this disease in any public conveyance or
atong any public road or trail, and there
fore according to the orders issued by Sec
retary Wilson any one who desires to
move horses from the scheduled district
must first obtain a certificate from a gov
ernment inspector that the animals are
free from this disease, which is very read
ily transmitted, Notice of this order has
been served on all the railway companies
doing business within or near the affected
area and additional inspectors of the bu
reau of animal industry have been sent
out with instructions to enforce the ruling
to the utmost. An outbreak of maladie du
coit is a most serious affair, and everyone
interested in horse breeding in Nebraska,
South Dakota and adjacent territory
should do his best to extirpate the scourge
from the land. The particular part of the
country now in question contains many
horses, few of them of great value and
most of them unbroken, but being for the
major part in poor condition they arc all
the more ready to contract the infection
and nono bnt the most stringent measures
will prevail. The Breeders Gazette.
Innhkc Must In the Pen.
Tliu Lincoln Evening Nowb of jester
day says: August Jnhnko will spend the
remainder of his life behind prison
walls unless executive clemency inter
venes. Tho supremo cotnt last eve
ning affirmed bis conviction in the dis
trict court of Box Butte county of incit
ing and plotting to kill Michael Sirek,
his uncle, holding that the evidence
amply sustained the verdict and that
thoro was no otror in tho trial by the
lower court. Counsel for Jahnke cited
some 300 alleged errors in their appenl
hut Judge Holcoinb, who wrote the
opinion for the court, decides against
them on every point. Tho coutt holds
among other things that the man who
plots and contrives to procure 11 killing
is guilty and may be given as heavy a
punishment us though ho had actually
done the crime himself, and'that it was
not error for the com t to give, up in
structions felatfve to'tlie lesser degrees
of homicide.
A Coward's Weapon.
An anonyinous"letter is a "maverick,"
the pioduct of it cowaid, and the
w .
weapon of a sneak. It is chiefly used
to bow discoid in families, slander the
innocent and striko in the dark. Tub
IIuk.u.i) will never publish such. We
have been importuned time snd again
to do so, but "No sir. we will publish
if you will sign your name to it, not
otherwise!" What a man is ashamed
or afraid to own to he ought to be
ashamed or afraid to utter.
A well filled house greeted the iTentli
cavalry band Monday evoning and the
program certainly was, highly appreciated
if one may judge by the rajeatod and
hearty encores, and the music wbs renlly
vary good. Tho opera house is too small
for that sort of music to be played in and
be enjoyed to the fullest extent. Mr.
George II. Kelley is the director. The
band consists of twenty-eight pieces, most
of the members Iwing colored.
District Court.
The spring term of district court will
convene April 21; jury 22. Judge Har
rington will preside.
rlrcinun's Hull a Success,
The boll given by tho Alert Fire Depart
ment St. Patrick's night was a grand suc
cess in every particular About seventy
five dollars was the net proceeds
The assessors present at the annual
meeting Tuesday wore Emory Abley,
Nonpareil; W. F. Walker, Dorsey; E. E.
Ford, Lawr; A. L. Kennedy, Snake Creek;
John Pilkinglon, Lake; Virgil Putmau,
Boyd; R. II. West, Box Butte; J. J. Pier
son, Wright: W. C. Phillips, Liberty; T.
L. Hopkins, Runniugwater; W. O. Barnes,
1st Ward; C. W. Brennan, 2nd w"rd.
J. S. Mekiney returned from Omaha
Saturday, his wife being at a hospitable
there where she had undergone two surgical
operations and was gutting on well enough
that it was considered safe for him to re
turn. She was reported to be still improv
ing yesterday.
Special services were held at the Catho
lic church St. Patrick's day. Father Gal
vin delivered an instructive sermon on the
patron saint,
W. C. Phillips, The Hbkald's efficient
correspondent at Canton, was in atten
dance at the assessors meeting Tuesday,
Geo. Darling tells about his grand sale
of grand furniture in a half page this week.
It will interest you.
Samuel Allum of Beroa is a new cash
subscriber today.
Theron Batten wnt to Hemingford
Com me nee the
New Year right.
Buy your Groc
eries of . .
Lee Acheson
where you can al
ways get the best
goods for the least
money. All orders
receive prompt and
careful attention...
'Phone No. 4.
Piano Voting Contest.
The result of the count of votes on
Thursday, March 20, 1903, is given below.
A ticket on this splendid $.100 Kingsbury
piano will be given with every twenty-five
cent purchase at the following places.
The Famous Clothing House.
Acheson & Joder, hardware.
Lockwood & Co., furniture.
W. M. Whitfield, groceries.
Keelorct Smith, Checkered Front Livery.
Clough & Collins, harness and saddlery.
M. A. Standee Palace Market.
Zbinden Bros., flour and feed.
Alliance Grocery Co.
Boguo's Dry Goods Store
Ilolsten's Drug Store.
The Alliance Herald.
The place to deposit all v6ts is Hol
sten's drug store. Contest closes July 3.
No. votes,
II. of It T. (UrotliurluHxUr Train-
iwiO ., i;i
0. II. C. tOrtlurof It. emulators) imi
Modern Woodmen . , sT
Odd fellows , 73
uiiecuiees no
lloyiil nighlsincluis .......... turn
Uplseopnl church ,.... W5
M. K. church ,.., 353
Ituptlst church lm
t'jitliollc church ,.;., .... M
Klrot Presbyierlnn church. .....M.... M7
Alliance High School. ...... ..,.,.",.... 01
MIhsHusIu IValer. ..,..?.... 381
Miss Miuiili) Morris.... ,..... ,.'..... M
Miss m:rulco UrlilQlliURhw -,-.;.... W
.Miss 'Alice IIckiiii ,.;,;. .'.rfttrfH . H2
.Miss Lulu Duncan ............. 7
Mnliel l.aylou 15917
Ml-s Iiilco Met'orkle M
Miss Imv. Heck ,.,.'..... 03
L. T. Poolo 3
II. C. Armstrong ,. .... -4
Cieo. .1. llurkd 5
.1. It. Pliulun ,.
A. Il.Tolllir 1
For Salk One Norman stallion and
two Shire stallions; would trade one for
another good horse as I can't use him any
lqlgcr. Also a bunch of yearlings and two-year-olds
for sale. E.Mabin, Owner, three
anda half miles southwest of Hemingford
- We have lots of
good things to eat.
Canned Goods
are the best that
monev can buv . .
Our Cream Patent
is second to none. 8
A new car o'f this
brand will arrive
next week.
tax , '
Call and see us
before you buy.
A. Blackburn.