The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 27, 1903, Image 7

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! S
Those who doubt, who think because other Kidney Rcmcdlcn do them
no good, who feel discouraged, they profit most by tho l-Veo Trial
of Doan's Kidney Pills. The wondrous results stamp Doan merit.
Latest Quotation from South Omaha
and Kansas City.
Peruna is recommended by fifty members of
Congress, by Governors, Consuls, Generals,
Majors, Captains, Admirals, Eminent, Physicians,
Clergymen, many Hospitals and public institu
iions, and thousands upon thousands of those in
the humbler walks of life.
(ATTl.K--There whs n fnlr run of ent
ile liere, mid tho tnmket in a Whole wim
lit ry eRtlsfnrtory condition, l'nckors
reenir-il to bo ntltn nnxUiim for supplies,
sn that ii fiilrly curly elournnre. whb
iiihiIc Tlie hoof, steer innrkct, tlioitKli.
ws' not quite n brink ttn It was tho tlity
before on the Rood cattle The hoavy
waUhts In particular 1U1 not cell very
well, anil on tlmt class salesmen were
chIIIiik the market a llt:lo lower. The
row inntketVnH nrtl nml slroiiKer on
cutters nml the better grades of corn
feils Kor tlm week the imitkot on tlmt
tluM of rattle Is fully 26c hlKlter ami In
sjne plflces more. Cnuncr, however,
have been rather neglected nil tho week
and hue nn shown any Improvement.
Hulls were not any more thnn sternly,
with tho demand Indifferent. Veal
ruhes sold freely at steady prices. Sup
plies of stock cattle wero limited, and,
us Is Keneinlly tho cee toward the closo
of the week, tho inarckt wns, If ntiy.
tbliKf. a shade lower, as speculators wore
nfrulil to et many cattle on hnnd for
fear of being- obllKed to carry them ocr.
110U8 There wns not an excessive
run of hogs at any point, and ns a result
ljilces Improved n little under tho In
muiice" X fl good demand, At this point
the market was rather siow. Sellers lielTI
for a f-SlOc advnlifte, and that win tho
way the bulk of the Iioks sold. The blj?
end of the receipts sold from J6.93 to J7.05.
The heavier weights sold mostly from
I'.OO to $7.03, and an high us 17,15 was
pulil for prime heavyweight. The me
dium lions sold lamely from JG.M to $7.00,
whllo tho light hogs sold from eG.95
dow n.
SHKKI'-Cholce western lambs, C.00
C.2i. fair to Rood lambs, J5.Cr4i6.00; choice
native and Colorado lnmbs. in.00BC.25;
choleo yearling. tt.r.Otfo.TS; fair to Rood
yearlhiRS, tn.OOfiri.rrO; choice wctherc, 94.75
MG.25; fair to Rood, tt.40Q4.TG; choice ewes,
U.2KiM: fair to sood, t3.ZTii.W, feeder
lambs. Jt.00fiti.00: feeder yearlliiK. tV"
14.00; feeder wethers, J3 75'a4.O0; feeder
ewe, 12.lig3.00.
CATTLE Fat cattle slow. steady;
cows and heifers, steady to lower; stock
ers and feeders, active, steady; quaran
tine, slow; choice export and dressed
beef steers. SUOacss,: fair to Rood. $3.40
14.M; stockers and feeders, J2.2C5j4.40;
western fed steers, $?.75fiS.O0; Texas and
Indian steers, JX00S4.00; Texas cows, $1.00
SfJ.:;-. native cows, $2.0OH.0u; native heif
ers. $2.25$ 4.25; canners. $1.00Hj2.2.'i; bulls.
$2.234.25, calves, $2.C0fi6.00.
HOGS Mai ket opened strong lo Gc
lilRher, closed weak; top. $7.20; bulk of
sales, $7.0037.K.; heavy, J7.101j7.2n; mixed
packers, $C.$7.12&: Hslt, Jfi.70S7.Ou;
yorkers, $6.9rif7.(0; pigs, J3.efifiG.70.
SIU3E1' AND LAMHS-Murket steady;
native lambs, Jt.oogc.cri; western lumbs,
$3.55156.50; fed ewes, $3,15ij6.00; native
wethers, $3.5005.55; wpstem wethers. $3.40
05.70; stockers und feeders, $2.503.1.C5.
Aching backs nro rased Hip, bnck, and
loin pnltiB overcome .Swelling of tho
limbs anil dropsy signs vanish.
They correct urine with brick dust scdl
ment, high colored, excessive, pnln In pass
lng, dribbling, froqtieney, bed wetting.
Dunn's Kidney Pills dissolve and remove
calculi and gravel. Relict o heart palpltu
tlon, sleeplessness, headache, iicrtotiBncss.
Sai.rm, 1n., I'eb. .. 100.1.- "1 received
tho trial package of Doan's Kidney Pills
and I nitiBt confess they did me wonderful
good. It seems si range to say that I had
tried several kinds of kidney medicines
without doing inn any good. I had back
ache, pnln In my bladder nud scalding
urine, and tho sample package sent mc
Btonpctl It all in a few days, and with the
package I am now tiding from our drug
etoro 1 expect to he cured permanently. It
is wonderful, but sure and certain the med
icine docs its work. I was In constant
misery until I commenced the use of
Doan's Kidney Pills. "-Cti ah. R Cook,
P. O. Hox 00, Salem, Washington Co,, 111.
Moitii llAn.TOMu.t.K., Ii,k, Fob. 8,
1900 "I received tho trial pnehago r
Doan's Kidney's Pills nml havo bought
several boxes of my druggist. They havo
done mc much good. I was hardly ablo
to do any work until 1 begun taking them;
now I can work all day nml my back docs
not get the. least bit tired.' llliti) Oit.VV.
fw-- -Pills YZjSm
-A-sritiftt, ;."-ViSr
lVpTIH-Wll MM Co., RurTalo, It, Y ,
IMeoso nend mo by mall, without charco.
.trial boi Donu's Kidney nils.
Timt Cifllco .
(Cut out coupon on dotte.1 llixn nl mull to
t iwir-uiiDiirn uo., liutraio, w, t.)
Medical Advice Tree Strictly ConlldenUal.
j ir-L J-. mm-M-r
Your Health.
Mull's Grape Tonic Cures Constipation.
When the sower of o city becomes stopped -ip, the refuse backs
into the streatB where it decays and rots, spreading disease-
creating germB mrougnoui mo enure cuy.
An epidemic of sickness follows. It is tho
same way when the bowels fall to work.
The undigested food backs Into tho system
and there it rots and decayB. Prom this
I festering mass the blood saps up all tho din
'easo germp, and at every heart Deat carries
them to everv tissuciust as the water works
of a city forces impure water Into every
house. The only way to cure a condition
like this is to cure the constipation. Fills
and the ordinary cathartics will do no good.
Is a crushed fruit tonlc-taxativo
which permanently cures tho affliction.
Thn tnnie nronertles contained in the grape
co into every afflicted tissue ond creates
strength and health. It will quickly restore lost flesh and make
rich, red blood. As a laxative its action is immediate and posi
tive, gentle and natural. Mull' Grape Tonic J$ guaranteed or money back.
Sena toe. to Llghtnlnu Medicine Co., Rock Island. 111., for large
samplo bottle. All druggist soil regular sized bottles for 69 eta.
jk li T
Hot Stuff for the French.
A member of tho staff of Figaro, a
spralghtly Paris newspaper, was sent
to the United States to make "psycho
logical and anulytlcul" studies of
America and Americans. Tho Gallic
journalist baa published bis observa
tions on our economic, social and po
litical institutions. A day or two ago
ho gave tho readers of Figaro his views
about our great national sport, Lo
foot ball." He saw the game between
Harvard and Yale and describes it
with a realism and a minuteness of
detail which are said to be very Im
pressive. The Gallic observer appears
to have been startled by the ferocious
cries of "Kill him! Kill him!" from
excited partisans of the rival teams.
He explains that those who Incite to
murder are not really assassins at
heart. "It may well bo ashed," he adds,
"whether a paBtime which elicits such
brutal frenzy can be good for civiliza
tion." It would be Interesting to have a
record of the Flgar man's Impressions
of whnt In sporting parlance is de
scribed as a "hot base ball game." "l.e
foot ball," It is conceded, Is not child's
play. But If the Paris journalist wero
to hear some of tho blood-curdling de
mands lor vengeance upon tho umpire
of a base ball contest, If he were to
sec that unfortunate person attacked
by a mob of bloodthirsty 'rooters," he
would possible conclude that "Lo foot
ball" Is not such a savage pastime
after all. Baltimore Sun.
fchea Answering Advertisements Kindly
Mention Tiiis I'apcr.
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 91903
FiaTaT ifMayf 1M JJiBTaT7M
Ijl CMtSJCUIE U ELSE, Jll. 151
Q IlMt lougb ifyrup. fulti Good. Ota fJJ
Prl Id time. Bold br drugzliU. r
LVVr O Y qiilclcrel!efandcureHom
re. Jtoulcof triilmontiiltkod 10 DAYS' treatment
P&B2. Ur.Q.U.ORH B BOMB, Box K.AtUnU.O
bmi hbb BrA bold nadtr
3 C C la?r larre wMrronti.
ArwfftUUfii frre.'
J. i, B. G&LOOHT A 60S, BtrbWhod, S..
05m.:ulThomp3on-8 Ey WilM
Just in Time.
Broadland, So. Dak., Feb. 23d. Bca
dlo county has never been so worked
up as during the last few weeks.
Every one Is talking of the wonderful
case of G. W. Gray of Broadland, tho
particulars of which are best told In
the following statement which Mr.
Gray has just published:
"I was dying. I had given up all
hope. I was prostrate and aB helpless
as a llttlo babe. 1 had been ailing
with Kidney Trouble for many years,
and it finally turned to Blight's Dis
ease. All medicine bad failed and I
was in despair.
"I ordered ono box of Dodd's Kidney
Pills and this first box helped mo out
of bed. I continued the treatment till
now I am a strong, well man. I praise
God for tho day when I decided to uso
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Everybody expected that Mr. Gray
would die and his remarkable recovery
Is regarded as little short of a miracle
by all who know how very low he was.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are certainly a
wonderful remedy.
If the wife is the better half and
tho husband is tho better half, then
whero on earth doos tho mother-in-law-
come In?
Use lied Crows Ball Blue. It makes clothe
clean and teet us wheu new, AH grocers.
When the poor pianist has music
on the rack tho hearers are in the
same fix.
Agreements Between Other Claimants
"nd Venezuela.
WASHINGTON, D. C Among tho
callers on Herbert W. Boweu, Vene
zuela's representative, Friday, was
Ferdinand Van Dorheld, formerly
charge d'affaires of Belgium to Vene
zuela, who came with the Belgian
minister, Barou Moncheur. Mr. Van
Derheld has been designated as chnrgo
d'affaires to Chile, but has stopped In
Washington to give what assistance
he can to Baron Moncheur in drawing
up tho Bcuglun protocol with Mr.
Tho representatives of tho various
peace powers are having cable ex
changes with their governments to
guide them in the drafting of the
protocols for the settlement of the
claims of citizens of their countries
against Venezuela. None of those
protocols are yet In shnpe for signa
ture. Minister Bowen, accompanied by
airs, jjowen, mnue -a iormat call on
the various diplomatlo ofllclals with
whom ho lias been conducting negotiations.
Affectina Pension Laws.
WASHINGTON, D. C Representa
tive Sulloway on Friday introduced a
bill reciting "that in the administra
tion of tho pension laws and enlisted
mnn In tho military service of tho
United States during the rebellion
shall bo held to bo entitled to a pen
sion for any disability contracted by
htm during any and all enlistments
recognized by tho war department as
valid, provided his disability or disa
bilities wero contracted during the
performance or military duty, within
the meaning of tho pension laws, any
ruling or decision of tho secretary of
tho interior to the contrary notwithstanding."
Was With Roosevelt.
DENVER, Colo. Sherman M. Bell,
a member of Roosevelt's rough riders
during tho Spanlsh-Amorlcan war, has
neen appointed adjutant genoral of
tho Colorado National Guard by Gov
ernor Peabody.
Says Sun Is Inhabited.
LA PORTE, Ind. Aloxandor Young
of La Porto makes the announcement
that from observations inado by him
ho is confldont that tho sun is inhab
ited. He claims to havo soon on tho
sun's surface mountain sldus with
groat and proclpltous rocks, which
glow with prismatic colors, blended
with the greenness of a perennial
vogotatlon and with a floral radiance
mora beautiful than that of tlin earth.
Sends the Following Grand Testimonial to
the Merits of Cuticura Remedies in the
Treatment of Humours of the -"
Blood, Skin and Scalp.
"I wish to give my testimony to
tho efficiency pf the Cuticura Reme
dies, in what sccmB to me two some
what remarkable cases. I had a
number of skin tumours small
ones on my arms which had never
given mc serious trouble ; but about
two years ago ono eamo on tny
throat. At first it was only about as
large as a pinhcad, but, as it was in
n position whoro my collar, If not
Just right, would irritato it, it soon
iccamo very scnsitlvo and began to
grow rapidly. Last spring- It was
as large, if not larger, than a bean.
A little unusual irritation of my
collar Btartcd it to swelling, and In
a day or two it wns aB large as
half an orange. I was very much
alarmed, and was at a loss to de
termine whether it was a carbuuclc
or a malignant tumor.
.lWfeiHUfflL i i .,
rvf fiES ( vP1! v (if
" My friends tried to persuade me
to consult my physician ; but dread
ing that he would insist on using
the knife, I would not consent to
go. Instead I got a small bottle of
Cuticura Resolvent and a box of Cu
ticura Ointment I took the former
according to directions, and spread
a thick layer of the Ointment on a
linen cloth and placed it on the
swelling. On renewing it I would
batho my neck in very warm water
and Cuticura Soap. In a few days
the Cuticura Ointment had drawn
the swelling to a head, when it
broke. Every morning it was opened
with a large sterilized needle,
squeezed and bathed, and fresh
Ointment put on. Pus and blood,
and a yellow, cheesy, tumorous
matter came out. J n about three or
four weeks' time this treatment
completely eliminated boll and
tumor. The soreness that had ex-
CUTICt'RA IIEMED1KS arc aold tbrcutfiont tb rltUlud world. PRICES; Cotlenra RcmItcM, Me. ptr
bottl ( In t he form of CbocoUla Coated PUla, He. vr tUJ ef M), Cuticura Ointment, Mo. per box, ajd Cuucmxa
Soap Me. per . Seed (or tba rreat work. Uurnoura of lh Wood, Sals a4 Scalp, and llowlo Cats
Tnem," M l'n, too niaeajca, wltu llluttrattoca, ToaUruonlala, and Direction in all U(uaea, lncladlaa
Japantaa and CuioeK. Biilith Depot, 7! 9 CLaxterbouM r4.. lxndon, E. O. rreneh Depot, I Ruo da i
ralx, I'arlt. Auttralllan Depot, K. Towu A Co., Sidney, retina Daos aiD QauucaL Ooar-oaaiioa,
Sole Proprietor, Uoaton. U. B. A.
tended down into my cheat wan all
gone, nnd my neck now socma to bo
perfectly well.
" About five or six years ago my
Mstcr had a similar experience. Hlio
had two large lumps come under
her right nrm, the result of a sprain.
They grew rapidly, and our" physi
cian wanted to cut them out. I
would not listen to it, and die tried
tho Cuticura Remedies (as I did a
few monthn ago) with magical effect.
In six weeks' time tho lumps had
entirely dioappearcd.and havo never
" 1 havo great faith In the Cuticura
Remedies, nnd I believe they might
be as efficacious in similar cases
with other people, and thus savo
much suffering, and perhaps life. I
have derived so much benefit from
tho use of them myself that I am
constantly advising
others to use them. Re
cently 1 recommended
them to an-ofUcc boy for
his father, who wan dis
abled with salt rltouin.
Tho man's feet were
swollen to an enormous
size, and ho bad not
worked for Bis weeks.
Two bottlcn of Cuticura
Resolvent and two boxca
of Cuticura Ointment
worked a perfect euro.
You never saw a moro
grateful maninyourlifc.
"I am very much in
terested in another coho
where I havo reeotu
mended Cuticura just
now. My houscmaid'H
mother has a goitro
which had reached a
very dangerous point.
The doctors told her
that nothing could bo
done ; that she could llvo
only two or three weeks,
nnd that she would die
of strangulation. Slio
waB con lined to her bed.
and was unable to speak, when her
daughter, at my suggestion, tried
the effect of the Cuticura Ointment
und Cuticura Resolvent. Strangoto
say, she was very, shortly relieved of
the most distressing symptoms. Tho
swelling seemed to be exteriorized,
nnd fihu is now ablo to be around
her house, and can talk as well aa
'It seems to me that I have pretty
good grounds for bclioving that
Cutioura Remedies will proofs suc
cessful in the most distressing forma
of blood nnd (.kin humours, and if
you wish to use my testimonial aa
herein indicated, I am willing that
you should do so, with tho further
privilege of revealing my name and
address to such personB as may wish
to substantiate the above state
ments by personal letter to me."
Chicago, Nov. 12, 1002.
"With the old surety,
St. Jacobs Oil
to cure
Lumbago and Sciatica
There ia no such word aa fall. Price, 25c and 30c.
Avoid people who take more interest
In your affairs than you do yourself,
Aak Your Dealer 1'or Allen's Foot-Kc-sc
A powder. It rests tho feet. Cures C'orne,
Bunions, HYolleu,Sort,Hot,Cal!ouH,Aeliinf:,
BwoatinKFeetnnUIncrowiiiKNalU. Allen's
Koot-Kase makes new or tight ekoeaeaiy. At
all DrugK'ttx end Shoo stores, '.'5 cents. Ac
cent no huhstltute Kample inatlod Fiiee.
Address Allen S. Olmbted, Loltoy, S. Y.
A wise woman defies Timo the
while she wooes him with a smile.
for The Hew York KveoinsNowi, the dollar-a-yaar
dally, Kar to get eutwcrlptlooa. 1 got 43 myaelflti
lSmlnutea. Keep potted! Latest market, faiulon,
atorlea. poltllcs, etc. Joseph Howard. Jr., Uo moat
fumotuuewf paper man lu America wrf tea ciclualtejy
(or ualo New York, lloward'a column aloos Is norta
more thau i tie eutlre prlco or tbe paper. Only ouo
dollar per yrnr (or a Metropolitan dally newtpapor.
Addrena W A LTI'.li 8COTT, KditorandPropilelor,
flaw York Evening Newe. 187 Broadway, How York.
PfiTTTi'P"RV J "' TOnr Poollry, bl.
tUUUlIVI ter. eggs. cal. tilde, elo.
Quick relurna and tbe highest prkae that location,
(aollitlet aud experleneecan give. Write (or tags
and price. MOIIKKT PUKV1I4.
Ketublleriea ISTO. Oiuabtt, et.