The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 27, 1903, Image 1
63 The Alliance Herald. .s OFFICIAL PUBLICATION A J OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY V AND ONLY DEMOCRATIC A w PAPER IN THE COUNTY. A A the Herald has the A J LARQE8T CIRCULATION A Y OF ANY ALLIANCE PAPER A ' PRINTS ALL THE NEWS. A A A VOLUME X, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1903, NUMBER 10 i h t Y E $400 v. lano to be given away with groceries to the organization or per son having most votes on July 3, '03. one vote with each 25c purchase. F R Velvet Flour 8 1 10 25 lbs Prunes 100 Scansllcst Tomatoes 2je. Fancy Kvuporuteil Apples S'i lb 1 pound Japan Tea 35c 31bCAn Peaches ISc albciui Cal. I'luins. ........ HV Knsh Kicks tier (loz 20c Mutter peril) 25c I' Early June 10c Salmon, dooU ("nil 10c More bargains by calling and see ing us before buying we want your trade. Raymond & Quivey pr. Allen, dentist, opera house. Those neckties are dandies, at Norton's For Sai,k Two small ranches, L. A. Bkrhv. The suspense is over, it's here. Lock woon's. For storm windows and doors sec Forest Lumber Co. Don't worry, it will get here. Geo. Darling. Good milk cow for sale. Inquire of J. J. Fierson, Alliance, Neb. It's here, has been quite a while and plenty'of it. Lockwood's. For Rent A desirable furnished room. Inquire at The Herald office. Wanted To buy a good Norman mare, weight about 1400 pounds. S. J. When it comes we'll tell you all about it. 'Tis surely coming. Geo. Darling. For Sale White Leghorn cockerels for the next thirty days. Hiram Wilson, Sec. 31, Tp. 27, R, 47. , When you want a good rig call up the Checkered Front livery. Try their new closed carriage. Make a specialty of turn outs for wedding parties. Notice. To whom it may concern: My wife Elizabeth Keeler has left my bed and board and the public is hereby notified that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. E. H. Keelkr Rye For Sale Can be sowed in the spring and will make two and three crops in one season; the best thing for hay in the country. C. A. Posvar, five miles west of Lawn. o-8t I will give painting lessons till March 1 paint on any kind of cloth, twelve lessons for $5, and will furnish paints and brushes. Mrs. Zeiirung, 'Phone 194. For Sale One Norman stallion and two SWre stallions; would trade one for another good horse as I can't use him any longer. Also a bunch of yearlings and two-year-olds for sale. E.Mabin, Owner, three and a half miles southwest of Hemingford. New line of K5JtA- Spring Walking Skirts . .. Just received at BOGUE' I212IIJHHE3 REMEMBER, This is the only Goods store in Dry the City that gives tick ets on the $400 Piano Tickets with every 25 cent purchase. i& on third and fourth A son was born to Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Thompson Sunday. Buy your groceries at Whitfield's and get tickets on piano. Miss Nora Lammon will do dressmaking by the day. Phone 197. Mrs. F. A. Graham has taken a position as clerk at W. W. Norton's. Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of manufacturing dipping vats. Dr. Collins of Pawnee City visited his son Ed in Alliance this week. A daughter was born to born to Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Raymond Saturday. Mrs. F. W. Sharp returned Monday from a visit the eastern part of the state. The Masonic order put down an elegant new carpet in their lodge room Tuesday. John Hrennau was at Chappel Tuesday paying taxes and attending to other busi ness. F. A. McCreary, a prominent merchant of Scottsbluffs, was a visitor in the city Tueday. Fred D. Wolt, a well know business man of Gering, was registered at the Charters Tuesday. Mrs. Harry Paup and children left last week for a visit at the old home in Blythe aale, Mo. J. A. Heist was down town yesterday the first time in a month, having had an attack of the grip. Mrs. II. K. Schars, who had been visit ing her parents at Kearney for several weeks, returned Monday. Miss Pearl Bartz is teaching the depart ment taught by Miss Bess VanBoskirk dur ing the illness of the latter this week. Mrs. F. M. Raymond has charge of MissStratton's work in the high school dur ing the lattcr's absence at Lincoln this week. The ladies'-Catholic club met with Mrs. C. H. Counett Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Drothe will entertain the club Wednesday, March 11. Miss Charlotte Mollring entertained a number of her little friends last Fri day afternoon at a party given in honor of her birthday. The managers of the opera house have decided to dispense with the orchestra for the future as they think it shaves their profits too closely. Fred Munger, a pioneer citizen of Alli ance, came down from Deadwood Tueday morning for a week's visit with his son-in-law, Charles Bauer. Herman Schultalbers, one of The Her ald's stockmen friends from the north part of the county, transacted business at the county capital yesterday. Mike Elmore came in from Omaha Wednesday and in company with Simon Spry drove out to his ranch yesterday. He returned to Omaha this morning. E. F. Moon, the genial editor of the Scottsbluff Hearld, sojourned in the city Tuesday night. Brother Moon is meeting with good success in that thriving town and he deserves it. Capt. W. R. Akers went to Marsland Sunday morning, delivering his illustrated lecture on Jerusalem there in the evening and it met with the interest and attention it merits and always receives. W. M. Patton was up from Lakeside Wednesday. Mr. Patton has disposed of his ranch interests and will join his family in about a month at Santa Rosa, Cali., which will be their future home. Mr. Patton called to subscribe for The Herald which will keep him posted on the doings of northwest Nebraska for the next year. The firm of Wildy & Lotspoich of the Alliance meat market dissolved partner ship Monday, Mr. Lotspoich continuing the business. Mr. Wildy left today for Guernsey, Wyo., to take charge of H. B. Wildy's general store during the latter's absence in St. Louis, and he will probably spend the summer looking after his stock intercuts. Sunday at the Baptist church, G. C. Jelfers, pastor. Subject of morning dis course, "The Seven Words From the Cross. The Lords supper will imme diately follow. Evening sersom, "Chris tian Bantism." Sunday school at to o'clock; Juniors meet at 3. C. U. meeting at 6:45, Mrs. Robbins, leader; mid-week prayer service Thurrday evening. A wel come )o all services. Here's a few others who baliave The Herald is worth Si. 50 a jear in advance and had their names enrolled during the last ten days Robert Garrett, W. D. Davidson, Oliver Hawkins, W. II. Maple, W. A. Fuller. L. King. N. A. Krensk, Carl Weitz, J. II. Dus.inan John Cusick, M. A. Shay, Harry Paup, Mrs M. J. Var million. Dr. E. E. Barr, Whitman; John M. Delatour, Hutchinson; Miss Mary Rad, Columbus; H. Basse, Hemingford. Additional local pages. Advertisers Should Remember That when they place nu advertisement in Tim IIukald Unit it in road by nearly twice as iiuuiy people as an ml 111 any other Alliance paper. In othur words Tim Hukald's circulation is nearly twice that of any other Alliance publication and by circulation wo moan a paid nj) bona fide subscription list. Tun Hi.kald has averaged more new subscribers KACH DAY than all other Alliance papers combined hnve nvcraged EACH MONTH during the last year. These statements may sound strong but we challenge anyone to refute thorn. Tint Hukai.h has the largest circulation in Alliance, Hemingford, Mut stand, Lawn, Canton, Box Butte, Dunlnp, Lakeside, Reno, and in Sheridan county. Subscribers Should Remember That Tin! Herald is reliable. That its home news service is unexcelled. That it is the official publication of the county. That it is the only paper that keeps a corps of good correspondents from neigh boring towns. That when there are any special articles such as Dr. Horn's letters, etc., insight that Tin; Herald will get them. That Tins IIukald is the only independent newspaper jn Alliance and is not ( afraid to publish the truth. 0-w "O, Ilnsc Ingratitude." Most every paper in the district, except the Alliance Times, has commented on the Alliance Grip changing its political coat since the announcement of Bruce Wilcox's nomination for the registership of the Alli ance land office. The Times has not even mentioned the fact. Doubtless Bro, Ellis' heart is too full to speak of the matter and he is thinking of the base ingratitude of the owner of the Grip. It was only a year ago that Ellis went to Phelan and offered to turn the Times over to him for a mouth piece, to take the place of the Grip, if he (Phelan) would, sell the paper to the pro prietor of The Herald but Phelan re plied 'Yes, but what if you would sell out, I wouldn't have any then." This and other things that have come to pass gois to show that Bro. Ellis has always been ready to do the "right thing" with him and now to be dropped like a hot coal, the same as sev eral other Alliance men were, is indeed cruel and hard to beat. But the Times continues to play second fiddle for Jay R. Pea and beg for at least half of the land office printing. M. A. Shay is able to be around again after a severe attack of the grip. Isn't "It" disappointing sometimes. Our "It" will be here before long. Geo, Darl ing. For Sale Our Shire stallion "George." Also some good driving horses. Spry & Soder. Mrs. John Pilkington has been seriously ill for several days and her condition to day is not improved. Mrs. W. T. Johnson who has been daugerously ill is improving and there is good prospects for her recovery. Mrs. W. A. Hampton returned from Omaha yesterday. She was accompanied by Master Michael Elmore who will visit his sisters. W. A. Coleman, who is working on one of S. C. Reek's contracts at Hyannis.came up the latter part of last week to spend a day or two in the city. The Alliance Grip has at last got a seat in the republican wigwam. It has been knocking at the back door for a long time. Scottsbluff Republican. "Uncle Zed" Goodwin has been having a hard tussle with the grip but is able to be around again It is seldom that you see a man of Uncle Zed's age who is so strong and vigorous as he is. ooeoooaoocosesooesoeaeeeeceeoooaocoQGoesaesssoasso GUESSING v o u Twenty dollars in gold will be given to the person guessing the name of the business man or firm whoso advertisement will appear in this space Friday, March 13, 10.03. The advertiser will be a resident of Alliance. The drawing will take place on Saturday, March 14, 1903, at 1 nVWL-11. in. nnd will hi conducted bv disinterested persons. All ..." .. .. ... 0 contestants must oc paui uu hunscriDcrs 10 x im .vi.i.iAHi;ii 11 r-KAi-u iiu w ft .. f ! -I. I... 1 ln fnllnivinir rnimrill must hfi iiKud. plain white envelope and addressed to Tint Alliance Herald, Guess ing Contest. All guesses must be received by Thursday, March 12, 1903, at six o'clock p. m. All the envelopes will lie thoroughly mixed together and the first one drawn containing the correct guess will draw ee prize of Twenty Dollars in gold which will be paid equally by the advertiser and Tub Alliance Herald. G 0 0 0 0 O) o o c 0 0 o 0 s (J o l t o fjarcUT THIS OUT AND MAIL COUPON. Tlilw coupon wlii'ii nlKiiwl ami preMiutwl ly a paid up Miltvrllw to Tiik Alliance llKiiALOlniforu Thursday. March It.'. 1WO, at hlx o'clock p. in., (Millllci tliw holiltir to one vote In the cont"t torn prize of Twenty Dolliiri In Kohl to le xlvi'ii the proii kuiwsIhk the imriio of the inlviirlUar who will iimi it four liii'liiluulilc column spui'it on thu llrt jiauof Tin: .Vli.ianok Ilfit.u.n i'rlilny. March IS, tlWl My gui U . Name of pertum uomIiii; Duto Ailtlroni 0 o 0 0 0 0 0O000 0O0ee0ooeoeo000000e0000O000a0000000000000000000 Clayton Reed visited Hemingford Sun day. Father Flanigan of Broken How is the guest of Father Galvin, "It" isn't here yet, but is coining. We've heard from it. Geo. Darling. A large bottle of sewing machine pit and a pocketbook for 15c at Geo. Darling's. W. M. Fosket nnd A. M. Miller came down from Hemingford Monday night. Mr. Fosket remained over till Wednesday. The Methodist ladies will meet next Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Watson, Business meeting at 3 o'clock, followed by a song and praying service. Word was received from Omaha yester day that Mrs. I. S. Mekinney was operated on at the hospital Tuesday. Her many friends hope for her recovery. B. F. Gilman made a trip to Heming ford Monday, going from there to Canton to look after the Bass estate of which he was recently appointed administrator. Cattle taken to run by the season or year. Correspondence solicited. Refer ence Commercial Bank, Chappell, Neb. Jno. M. Delatour, Hutchinson, Neb. W. J. Johnson, the well known "sheep man" from the west part of the county is in the city today. Mr. Johnson orders The Herald sent to his father, John Johnson, Gardner, III. I. E. Tash took charge of the Alliance post office Tuesday. D. A. Foley is deputy and Miss Jessie Sweeney clerk. Ernest Montgomery will assist in the office until Mr. Tash and his assistants famili arize themselves with the details, The Martha Washington social given Tuesday evening by the ladies of the First Presbyterian church at the residence of Mrs. Standen was largely attended and a very pleasant time was had by every one. The father of our country was imper sonated by Geo. Darling to perfection. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Allison came in from their ranch in Sheridan county Mon day and remained till Wednesday. Mr. Allison reports his stock doing well, having sustained a loss of only two or three head out of his herd of 250 this winter. He shipped in six thoroughbred Aberdeen Angus animals from the eastern part of state a couple of weeVs ago. Mr. Allison made this office a visit and stated that while he has always been a republican The Herald suits him to a dot. CONTEST! 1 R I , K O V IN 0 9 0 0 0 0 Km 0 o o . 1 r... 4 II ...! All "UCSSCS to be enclosed 111 a ll ....A....n. 4. l.n nnMnenrl ,,, fl " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TO THK ALLIANCE HEUALD. 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G O JnUfiu Kicker Ali.s Himself. The last Allianco Herald in an interest ing number. Brother O'Keefo is tossing fisticuffs at other brethren of the quill down there with a regular John L. Sullivan abandon. He landed one full and fair on Broome's right optic. Now Broome is both a good fighter and good sprinter, and tli ;re is no ucsd that wo jump into the ring to save him from a Jail, but it so happens that he has weakened his right feeler by whoring with the B. & M. so that he will not be able to push O Keefe into his corner. Being the original Bryan man in northwest Nebraska and having never hesitated as to what is political truth nor faltered in voicing it, our knuckles now are mailed in virgin metal. First as to Broome. He unfortunately got tangled up with the B & M. which took the con troling interest and made him a mouthpiece a muzzled editor. It was not Broopie's deliberate choice; it was galling to his nature; a sad mistake in getting caught in plute machinery and whirled through the air. It was the mistake of his life, Ho better had eaten dirt in the streets. When a man surrenders or even compromises his honest convictions wounds his sense of duty and yields to the dictation of a leper man, woman or corporation he invites the tortures of the inferno to come in hut haste. Now, O'Keefe, by what record of Jeffer sonian sanction do you let your right and your left out at Broome? Didn't you go whoring too with the enemies of the Saints? You made money by it. As a result you have a tip-top local paper. And you ride a good horse when on horseback. But you paid a tremendous price for material gain. No temporary or temporal advant age can ever make up for what you lost. Temporizing with eternal principle hurts a man beyond all reparation. You held your breath for Clevelandism until you wero black in the face, and fell down on the "pregnant hinges" of your nnatomy before the tyrant god, Tobe Castor, till your knees struck through your breeches. You are both men of great excellence of heart; both have made mistakes as the rest of the mortals have done; therefore please drop athletics and brickbats till you have strayed to farther distance from the glass poultry house. Under the caption "Tortures of the Damned" Judge Kicker has thu above to say in the last week's issue of the Chadron Times. The Herald has believed Judge Kicker to be an honest as well as an able man nnd has always had a sort of admiration for him is evidence that However, the above the venerable judge "makes mistakes as well as the rest of the mortals have done" and one of them is to "make mountains out of mole hills." No, Judge, Brother Broome and ourselves have had no great pugilistic encounter, only a little friendly political tilt. The Herald is pleased to recognize you as the "original Bryan man of northwest Nebras ka," judge; but does that make you any better than those who have been "Bryan men" since 1896? But judge, your repre sentation that we have made money by the forsaking of party or principle is as errone ous as you are radical. This is the first time, to our knowledge, that such a charge has been made against us and if you ever make such an insinuation again, judge, more than your knees may be "sticking through your breeches." Miss Clare Phelan left Saturday for St. Joseph where she will visit for a few weeks. Miss Hilda Mclntyre will entertain a number of girl friends at her home tomor row afternoon. Revival services commenced at the M. E. church Sunday night, conducted by the pastor. Rev. M. L. Sanders. Misses Helen and VirginaBroomeenter tained a number of their little girl friends at a party last Saturday altcrnoon. R. M Hampton spent Sunday out on his ranch where his wife and daughter have been spending most of their time recently. Miss Edith Hameister, who has been the guost of Mrs. Nana M. Burris for sev eral weeks past, departed Monday for her home at Deadwood. K. G. Morris went down to Ravenna Sunday to spend a few days looking after business mattors connected with some property he owns there. F. C. Lambert was the guest of his friends, Mr. and Mrs. ILK, Schars, Mon day. He travels for an Omaha firm and was on his way to Deadwood. The four-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Erlewine died Sunday of pneumonia. Funeral services were hald at the home Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. M. L. Snnders, followed by inter ment in Greonwood cemetery. We join their many friends in sympathy for the loss they have sustained. Miw Laura Wadum returned to St. losenh Sunday after a visit with her mother, Mrs. T. F. Ackerman. Miss Wadum has been quite successful inc her departure from this city. She want to St Joseph to take a course in short-hand and typewriting about two yoars ago and now holds a good position with the Brown Transfer Co. Mayor Kridelbaugh (bg pardon, we mean J. Kridsllwugh; Mr. Kridelbaugh says he is not mayor), City Clerk Harris and Councilmon Bowman and McFall paid the sum of 517.50 each out of their own pockets, Wednesday, costs in the case ivhirh II. C Armctrnrv' annealed to the sunreme court lat wiring and was decided in his favor, Co in me net' tin: New Year right. Buy your Groc eries of Lee Acheson where you can al ways $ret the best goods for the least money. All orders receive prompt and careful attention... 'Phone No. 4. We have received an interesting Cali fornia letter from Mrs. James Bell wood which will appear next week. H. H. Bogue returned Friday from his trip to New York City where he combined business with pleasure by visititTg relatives and purchasing itock for his store, II. B, Wildy of Guernsey visited his cousin, E. S, Wildy, a portion of Saturday and Sunday while on his way to visit rela tives at his former home at Lenzburg, 111., and to visit the wholesale houses of St. Louis for stock for his store at Guornsoy. Miss Rose Trumble entertained a large party of friends at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. M B. Qiiivey last Saturdny evoning. Music and high-fix e furnished thu diver sions of the evening, Miss Edith Ilnmuis terand Mr. Ryan winning first prize at high-five. After services last Sunday evening at the Methodist church Mr. Cnrleton W. Hodges nnd Mrs. Armilda Raymond wero united in marriage by the pastor, Rev, M, L. Sanders. Mr. Hodges is an employe in the shops here and his bride was a resi dent of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Hodges have commenced housekeeping in the Wil son building. Guy Lockwood returned Tuesday after an absence of two weeks during which time he visited friends and relatives at Denver and Trinidad, Colo., and at points in New Mexico, Asked as to the report that he had gone away to be married he grew very earnest and said he wished we "could fix it up some way so he would not be afraid to ask a girl's company for fear of being turned down on the score of his being a married man" and that's just what ve desire to do for him. Wc are confident he wasn't sacrificed on the attar of Hymen this trip, girls, and don't make it too hard for this diffident young man to offer you invitations on the strength of the erroneous report mentioned or you may needlessly deprive yourself of many entertainments, We have lots of . rood things to eat. Reception Can Goods HMNMMIMMMMM(MMmuWHMM are the best that money can buy . . Gold Medal HMMMMMMMHMHMMMMIMMM . . . Coffee fit for a king to drink and cheap enough foranvone. Our Cream Patent is second to none. Call and see us before you buy. A. Blackburn. u