The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 20, 1903, Image 7

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rC-TU'Ilfl IS & Catarrhal ToniC I
Especially Adapted tO the DC"
dining Powers of Old Age.
The Oldest Man in America Attribute8
His Long Life and Good Health
to Pe-ru-nn.
Mr. Isaac Brock, of McLennan county.
Texas, has attained the great age of 11-
years. He is an ardent friend of Peruna
and speaks of it in the following terms.
Mr. Brock says :
"After a man has lived in the world as
long as I have he ought to have found out
a great many things by experience. I
think I have done so.
"One of the things I have found out to
my entire satisfaction
is tho proper remedy
for ailments due di
rectly to the effects of
the climate.
"For 114 years I
have withstood tho
changeable climate of
tho United States
During my long lifo I
have known a great
many remedies lor
coughs, colds, catarrh
and diarrhoea. I
had always supposed these affections to bo
oittcrent diseases. 1-or the last ten or
fifteen years I have been reading Dr.
Hartman's books and have learned from
them one thing in particular : That these
affections arc the same and that they arc
properly called catarrh.
"As for Dr. Hartman's remedy, Peruna,
I have found it to be tho best, if not the
only reliable remedy for these affections.
it has been my stand-by for many
years and I attribute my good health
and my extreme old age to this
"It exactly meets all my requirements.
I have come to rely upon it almost entirely
for the many little things for which I need
medicine. I believe it to be especially
valuable to old people, although I have no
doubt it is just as good for the young."
Isaac Brock.
A New Man at 79.
Major Frank O'Mahoney, West Side,
Hannibal, Mo., writes:
"I am professionally a newspaper cor
respondent, now 79 years old. I have
watched the growing power of the Peruna
plant from its incipiency in the little log
cabin, through its gradations of success up
to its present establishment in Columbus,
Ohio, and I conclude that merit brings its
full reward.
" Up to a few years ago I felt no need to
test its medicinal potency, but lately when
my system needed it, your Peruna relieved
me of many catarrhal troubles. Some two
years ago I weighed 210 pounds, but fell
away down to 168 pounds, and lcsides loss
of flesh I was subject to stomach troubles,
indigestion, loss of appetite, insomnia,
night sweats, and a foreboding of getting
my entire system out of order. During
some months I gave Peruna a fair trial,
and it rejuvenated my whole system. I feel
thankful therefore, for although 79 years
old I feel like a young man." Major Frank
In old age the mucous membrane be
come thickened and partly lose their function
This leads to partial loss of hearing,
smell and taste, as well as digestive dis
turbances. Peruna corrects all this by its specific
Created. Cheapest Food
on Earth tor Sheep, Swine,
Cattle, etc.
Will tw worth tlOO ta yea to real whit
Silicr's calalm tari about rape.
Billion Dollar Grass
r lit poiltlrelr mil. yoa rich; IS too
of hir analou of puturo per acrt
alio Uroius. rcioau Ppclu. Uaeai
alio Uroius. Pejoa1
vhett for srM, hctvolli, C3 tut r
acre. TWti Crntarr Oat., ZM bin. per
acre aM Tcotlnto. Yield 100 tout
Green Fodder per acre.
ForthlsNotlconnd 10o.
e Kill big catalog anl 10 Farm Heed
Hortltlei, full worth J 10 to f eta itatk
Umil'ailaaa ' an
i an !
laaUraettrjfrmore attention than any other dUtrlct
la Itio world.
' Tbo Ornry of the World." " The tand of Bun
ihlne."' The Natural Feeding Orounda for Stock.
Area under crop Id 1002 . . . 1.987,830 agree.
Yield 1902 ..... 117,822,75 buiheli.
Abund&nco of Water: Fuel
Plentiful; Building Material
Cheap; Uood Grast for pasture
and uaj; a fertile eoll; a Sum
cleat rnlnf all and a climate rIvIor
an assured and adequate
season or growin.
the only charge for which Is tlO for making entry.
Close to Churches, Schools etc. Hallway tap all
settled district. Bend for Atlas and other literature
to Superintendent of Immigration. Ottawa, Canada,
or to W.V. Bennett. 801 New York Life Hldg., Omaha,
Kcli., the authorlred Canadian (lovernment Agent,
who will supply you with certificate giving you re
duced railway rates, etc.
Made in black orllow
of the beat materials and
sold with our warrant by
reliable dealer everywhere.
cjiAPUjncK loao,
LW From the dealer who waxes fat
K selling you farm wagons with
B Maple axles, Maple bolsters,
Elm or poor Birch hubs, Cotton
wood box, light irons and cheap paint. Buy
of tho man who will furnish you with tho
"NEW TIFFIN" wagon which is built
ON HONOR and which runs easier and
lasts longer than any other. Made by
If your dealer will not order one for you
they will tell you whero to find a dealer
who will.
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 81903
144 CORES JsV)ERt U tlSt filL$, Ed
ISA Uest CouKb byrup. Tastes Uood, Use Rl
fvi la time. Sold by druinrlsU. rf
I ' 1
jj J
operation on all tho mucous membranes of
the0Xt.!0 .111 convince anv one. Once
used and Peruna becomes a life-long stand
Dy with old anu young. '
Mr. Samuel Saunders of Blythcdale,
Mo., writes : " My disease was catarrh of
the urethra and bladder. I got n bottle of
Pe-ru-na and began taking it, and in a few I
days 1 was relieved and could sleep and '),
rest an nignt. i tlunk tliat re-ru-na is a
slt-t.1n ernm ! T 1. A.I 1. Hlli.B k.m..a
taiiuiuiu lUlllCUJTt 1 11UU ItlCU UWIll MJiy y f i
highly recommended medicines, but they
that I could not expect to be cured of my (A
i.wuuit;, ua x wu-J KCIIII1K lu "u au ulu "lull
(57 years). I feel very thankful for what
t " 1. thin -.M T rt.lii A . M M 1I 'f
Pe-ru-na has done for me."
In a later letter Mr. .Saunders says: i
1 am still ot the same mind with regard
to jour Pe-ru-na medicine."
R6c mm WPwiSk
mm Wflmmk ffiMmMW Strong and
years, but not so much effected but that I could hold converse with my friends;
but In June, 1901, my sense ot hearing left me so that 1 could hear no sound
whatever. I was also troubled with severe rheumatic pains In my limbs. I
commenced taking Peruna and now my hearing Is restored as good as it was
prior to June, 1901. My rheumatic pains are ell gone. I cannot speak too
highly of Peruna, and now when 88 years old can say It has invigorated my
whole system. I cannot but think, dear Doctor, that you must feel very thank
ful to the all loving Father that you have been permitted to live, and by your
skill be such a blessing as you have been to suffering humanity." Rev.
J. N. Parker.
Mrs. F. E. Little, Tolona, 111., writes:
I can recommend Peruna as a good
medicine for
chronic catarrh of
the stomach and
bowels. I have
been troubled se
verely with it for
over a year, and
also a cough. Now my cough is all gone,
and all the distressing symptoms of ca
tarrh of the stomach and bowels have dis
appeared. I will recommend it to all as a
rare remedy I am so well I am con
templating a trip to Yellow Stone Park
this coming season. How is that for one
I 71 years old ? "
W. L. OnualBM makes and Bella
mora men's Goodyear Walt (Hand'
Sowed Process) mhooathnn any other
manufacturer in wo woriu.
$25,000 EEWARD
will bo paid to nnyono who
can dlsprovo this statement.
liecauso W. L. Douglas
is tho lamest manufacturer
ho can Imy cheaper and
prouuee ms snoes at a
lower cost than other con
cerns, which enables him
to soil shoes for S3.50 anil
S3.00 equal In every
way to tlioso sold olso-
wliero for S4 and SS.00.
W. L. Douelas S3.50
havo boon paylngS4 and S5,not holievlnjt they
could get a first-class shoo for 83.50 or 83.00.
He ban convinced them that the stylo, fit,
and wear of his $3.50 and 83.00 shoes is just
as good. Glvo them a trial and save money.
2VclreIiier;ue189 Sales: t2,SOU,H(4:i,ul
In tltCOSalen: St.-., OS4, 1140,00
A gain of . HliO.'.O.-JI) In Four Years.
Worth S6.0O Compared with Other Makes.
Tie best Imported and American leathers, Htyl't
Patent Calf, Enamel, Box Calf, Calf, Vlcl Kid, Corona
Colt, and National Kangaroo. Fast Color Eyelets.
Psnilnn The genuine have W. I DOUGLAS
UQuliUil name nnd price atampod on bottom.
.Shots bv mail, S5f. extra. Jlhit. Vatalagfree.
Wasbtrmton ami Idaho; productive soil,
dellitlitful climate, choice farms. Will al
lows) on railway faro it you buy. Write
Eossisr-Jackson Co., Spokane, Wash.
Innocent flirtations are probably on
a par with white lies.
Clear whito clothes nro a sign that tha
housekeeper ues Red Cross Hall Blue.
Large oz. package, 5 cents.
A woman's imagination is so lively
that If her bare feet were m a tub ot
snow she would believe that a hand
tome iur around her necTc was keep
ing her feet warm.
"Better thin kneading tnan to ho
empty." That Is. "Half a loaf is bet
ter than no bread."
Bathing the Baby.
Young mothers naturally feel anxious
about the baby's bath. It Is best to be
gin at six weeks to put the little one In
water, first folding a Boft towel in tho
bottom of tho basin. Uso only Ivory
Soap, as many of tho highly colored and
perfumed soaps are very injurious to the
tender skin of an Infant. E. n. Parker.
The scandal business is usually con
ducted by retail.
Plso' Curo cannot oe too hlRbly snoken of a
ftcougU cure. J. V. O'Ukien, 322 Tnlrd Ave,,
N., Minneapolis. Minn., Jan. 6, 1000.
Hit's a mighty good ideo ter mako
hay while do sun shine oven or you
ain't got no hoss ter eat It.
HtopH tho Cough nnd
WorkH On tho Cold
Laxatlvo Hroiuo Quinine Tablets. Price 25c.
Insincerity sings that :t wants to
be an angel and then scuds for a doctor.
fi C ffl
! hi llWJn fMi.
in i
im ixnu
HB : i4
' LrrifiNli
in LMmmw
v iiih cv vni?mmmmTwmmL.mmmw immi uamti
MmAtCU I ci'ol . nKHBH
Vigorous at Hie
N. Parker, Utica,
Rev. J.
writes :
ln June, 1901, 1 lost my sense oi
hearing entirely. My hearing had
been somewhat Impaired tor several
In a later letter she says: "I am only
too thankful to you for your kind advice
and for the good health that I am enjoying
wholly from the use of your Peruna. Have
been out to the Yellow Stone National
Park and many other places of the west,
and shall always thank you for your gen
erosity. "Mrs. F. E. Little.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case and he will be
pleased to give you his valuable advice
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Scotch Stories.
Tho recent St. Andrew's dinners, ac
cording to tho Westminster Gazette,
havo been noteworthy for the profu
sion of Scotch stories, which In several
cases fairly set the tables in a roai.
Some of them havo an ancient ring,
but there Is one that is perhaps not
generally known. A doctor was at
tending a dangeroiiB caso whero a
Scotch butler was engaged. On calling
In tho forenoon he said to Donald: "I
hope your master's temperature Is
much lower today than it was last
night." "I'm no' sao very sure about
that," replied tho butler, "for ho deo'd
this morning."
Finished the Quotation.
Apropos of mottoes on houses, a cor
respondent of the Westminster Gnzetto
relates that a man In Scotland wished
to havo cut over tho door of a new
liouso tho text: "My house shall bo
called a house of prayer." Ho left tho
workmen to carry out his wishes dur
ing his absence, and on his return his
horror was great to find the quotation
completed, "But yo have made It a den
of thieves." "We had a wee thing
malr room, ye see, so wo just put In
the o' tho verse," was the explanation
given by the Bible loving Scot.
Tho homo Is no place for the stor
age of neighborhood gossip.
New Cure for Lame Back.
Rutledgo, Minn., Feb. lGth. Mr. B.
C. Oetchell of this place relates a
happy experience which will bo read
with interest by all those who havo a
similar trouble.
It appears that last winter Mr. Get
chell was seized with a lameness and
soreness In his hack which grew worse
and worse till at last It became very
bad and made It very difficult for him
to get about at all.
After a time he heard of a new rem
edy for backache which some of his
friends and neighbors suid had cured
them, and ho determined to try It. Tho
name of tho remedy is Dodd's Kidney
Pills and Mr. Getchcll has proven that
it is a sure cure. Ho says:
"I used two boxes of Dodd's Kidney
Pills according to directions, and my
lame back wsb entirely cured and I am
all O. K. again. Dodd's Kidney Pills
aro as good as represented."
This remedy Is very popular hero,
and has worked some remarkable
cures of Backache and Kidney Trou
ble. "A lionro without n dog, without a
cat, without a littl" child, 1b a liouso
without pleasure and without laugh
ter." Don't you know that Defiance
Starch, bosides betng absolutely su
perior to any other, Is put up 16
ounces In package and sells at same
price as lz-ouuco packages of other
Tho gods honor her who thlnketh
long before opening her lips.
Latest Quotations from South Omaha
and Kansas City.
CATTIiK Tlirro wn a very HrM run of
cnttle, no that the market went a llttlo
higher iiKnln. lluycra all Hocmetl to luivo
Unite liberal orders, io that trnritiiK wiih
brisk and everything offered nolil In a
hurry. There w-ro only a few bunches ot
cornfed stcerH on sale and tliono changed
hntulrt freely at iirk'OH ratiKlUK from ritronu;
to a dime higher than yrntcrdny. As com
pared with TuefMlny and Weduemlny tho
market Id fully ISc higher. The vow mar
ket was nlxo active- and utrong to loo
higher. Trice on cow stuff have Im
proved the last two thiyn fully as much an
values on beef steers, so that the market
Is nearly Imrk to where It was a week
ugo today. Tho same as with steers tho
sltuntlou could probably best lie dcsclrbcd
by calling the mnrkct nearly steady to
a dime lower for tho week. Hulls nro sell
ing in Just aliout the same notches they
wore a week ago. Trices havo not
chnugid much, us they have bevn ex
tremely low for some time past. About I
the only change In the market from any
to day was in tho demand, as it was much
easier to sell bullB on some days than on
others. Vtal calves held up In pretty
good shape nil Iho week. There wen
only a few stoekers and feeders on sale
and tho demand was limited, with prlcta
a shade lower.
HOGS Tho demand on tho part of the
packers was quite liberal, bo tho market
opened active and CUlOc higher. The bulk
ot the medium weight hogs sold from $0.73
to $G.!o; while tho prime heavyweights
sold largely from JG.fcTi to JG.PO. The light
hpgs sold from $67T5 down. It was evi
dent that packers were anxious for sup
plies, and it only took a short time for
them to huy up all the curly arrivals.
SHEKT-Quotutlons. Choice western
lambs, $5.7iVU6.00; fair to good lambs, J5.50W
5.75; choice native and Colorado lambs(
$S.0Ofi6.25; choice yearlings, Ji.7W5.00;
choice wethers, H.KWt.SK); fair to good,
$1.00514.30; choice ewes. $1.0Mj4.40; fair to
good, $3.23ff4.00; feeders lambs. $4.25HM.75;
feeder yearlings, $3.7304.00; feeder wethers,
$3.7334.00; feeder ewes, $J.50O3.O0.
CATTIjlC-Corn cattle llrm; canner cows
weak, good cows steady; stoekers and
feeders, slow nnd weak; choice export and
dressed beef steers, $4.40$)G.3."; fair to
good, $2.00(4.33; stoekers and feeders. $2.C0
04.13; western fed steers, $2.73ft5.00; Texas
and Indian steers. $3.00114.00; Texas cows,
$2.G03.03; native cows, $2.00fi3.75; native
heifers, $2.00fi3.73; cauners, $1.00'32.00; bulls,
$2 2Gtr3.W); calves, $2.W6.00.
HOGS Maiket steady to Cc higher; top
$7.02; bulk of soles, $G.73ji6.90; heavy, $G.80
f7.02; mixed packers, $G.Gl!S6.!K); light, $6.C5
C.73: yorkers, $G.7MG.75; pigs, $G..05S6.33.
SHI3KI' AND bAMBS-Market steady;
native lambs, $1.0000.15; western lambs,
$e.rjfiG.03: fed ewes, $3.00i73.10; native weth
ers, $3.50$4.i5; western wethers, $3.0004.00;
stoekers and feeders, $2,5003.50.
Hawkeye and Seven Other States May
Send Scholar to Oxrord.
CHICAGO Eight Ameiican stu
dents, representing as many central
etates, will he ablo to go to Oxford
university next year on Cecil Rhodes'
scholarships, according to tho provi
sions mado at the convention of tho
University of Chicago.
Ono or morq from each will go tno
j ear following and thereafter two will
go from each slate during every threo
years. Each student will have $4,500
for tin eo ysars at Oxford.
Tne eight states, all ot which wero
represented in tho convention, aro
Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio,
Kentucky,' West Virginia and-'Wisconsin.
Dr. G. B. Parkin met tho university
and college presidents and as rcpre
eentativo of tho Rhodes will trustees,
authorized them to make tho detailed
provision. It was decided that each
pcholar must havo legal residence In
tho Btato from which he Is appointed,
and that a standing, selr-perpetuatlng
committee In each state shall conduct
the annual examination and make ap
pointments on tho basis ot these tests.
These examinations arc to bo open
to all students from tho particular
state, whether they havo attended col
lege in other states or not.
Caught In a Fly Wheel.
CHICAGO, 111. John Ward, an oiler
in tho engine room of the Grand Pa
cific hotel, was instantly killed Friday
while oiling tho machinery. His body
was carried around In the largo fly
wheel time and time again before tho
power could be shut off. Ho was
dead when finally extricated from the
machinery. Ward was 21 years old
and was ot ono time known as a suc
cessful jockey on southern and west
crn tracks.
Acre Trouble Is All Over.
LA PAZ, Uolivia Tho Hollviar
government Friday delivered Its re
ply to tho ultimatum presented by nra
zll. Bolivia accepts unconditionally
hut under protest, all the demands.
Therefore It Is most lmprobablo that
any collision between the Tlrazlllar
and Bolivian forcc3 will occur. It r
generally supposed hero that tho Acre
lovolutlonlsts will surrender thel
arms to tho Urrlllau troops Immedi
ately. Young Lad Manages Depot.
CARBONUALK, 111. Charles Dixon,
agoil If-, has boon appointed agonl ot
the East and West railroad at Kodd
loyvllle, III. Tho hoy is boHaved to bo
tho youngofct railroad agent in the
country to havo active chnigo of an
Tba Wonderful Yields of When Attract
ing Thousands.
Until tho lost flvo or six years but
llttlo attention was given to that vast
nroa of grain-producing land lying
north of tho 49th parnllel, nnd Imme
diately adjoining tho northern boun
daries of Minnesota nnd Dakota.
Tho Canadians themselves woro
nwaro of tho wealth that lay thore,
but being unablo to fully occupy it,
they havo asked the Americans to
n8slst thorn In converting tho land
from Its virgin Btato to one that will
largely supplement the grain-producing
area of tho North American continent
nnd tho responso has been most lib
eral. During tho year 1901 upwards of
20,000 from tho United States wont
over to Cnnndn, being Induced to set
tle thcro by tho reports that reached
them of tho success of thoso who had
preceded them during tho previous
yenrs. This -20,000 was lncrcasod to
30,000 during tho year 1902, and it Is
fully expected that thoro will 'bo fully
C0.000 during tho present yenr. Tho
work of tho immigration branch of tho
Canadian government Is not now bo
lng directed towards giving Informa
tion as to tho advantages of settle
ment in Canada nB It is to extending
an invitation to tho Amorlcans to fol
low thoso who havo gouc.
Thoso who havo chargo of tho work
point with considerable prido to tho
succosb of thoso who havo been In
duced to take ndvantngo of tho offer
of ICO acrcB of land freo In Canada,
nnd havo no causo to hcBitato In con
tinuing tho Invitation. Many of thoso
interested say thoro aro no moro freo
homesteads to bo had In Canada, but
tho writer has most positlvo assuranco
from tho Canadian government that
thero nro thousands of such home
stoads to be had, nnd in one of tho dis
tricts now being opened up fully as
good as tho best, and it is probably
tho best
Tho Canadian government has es
tablished agencies at Bt. Paul, Minn.;
Omaha, Neb.; Kansas City, Mo.; Chi
cago, 111.; Indianapolis, Ind.; Milwau
kee, Wis.; Wausau, Wis.; Detroit,
Sault Sto. Mario and Marquette,
Mich.; Toledo, Ohio; Watcrtown, S.
Dakota; Grand Forks, N. Dakota, and
Creat Falls, Mont, and tho suggestion
1b mado that by nddresRlng any of
these, who aro authorized agents of
tho government, it will bo to tho ad
vantage of tho reader, who will bo
given tho fullest and most authentic
information regarding tho results ot
mixed farming, dairying, ranching,
and grain raising, and also supply in
formation as to freight and passenger
rates, etc.
A man's heart is hlanicrt for a lot
of things that his head Is responsible
Charlotte Yonge's Growing Popularity.
Charlotto M. Yongo died two years
ago, and Blnco that event a steadily
increasing demand for her stories ban
developed, so tho publishers report.
Whether It Is because or a turning
from tho problem novel and the super
strenuous historical story to tho qui
eter style of tho older novelists, or
whether It is due to renewed interest
In an old favorite. Ib difficult to Bay;
but the fact remains that sucn stories
as "Tho Cunning Woman's Grandson,"
"Founded on Paper," "Tho Patriots of
Palestine," "The Herd Hoy and HIb
Hermit" and "The Making of a Mis
sionary" aro selling better now than
they did during tho soveral years Just
preceding the author's death.
A Historic Irish Hill.
Th,o historic hill of Tara in County
Meath, Ireland, which was sold nt auc
tion Thursday to an unknown woman,
was closely Identified with tho early
hlBtory of Erin and was the seat ot
tho Irish kings at ono time. From
Its crest was taken the famous coro
nation stono which is now In tho
throne of Edward tho Confessor In
'Westminster abbey, having been car
ried thenco from Scone,' wnero it was
used as tho throne of tho Scottish
kings. Tho last great Irish gathering
on Tara hill was in 1843, when Daniel
O'Connell addressed a great assem
bly In favor of the repeal of tho union.
Two noblemen In the reign of Max
imilian II ono a German, tho other a
Spaniard who had each rendered a
great service to the emperor, asked tho
hand of his daughter In mnrrfage. Max
imilian said that, as ho esteemed them
both alike, it was impossible to choose
between them, and, therefore, their
own prowess must decide it; hut, be
ing unwilling to risk the loss of either
by engaging them In deadly combat.
ordered a largo sack to bo brought
and declared that ho who should put
his rival Into It should should havo the
fair Helena. And this whimsical com
bat was actually performed In tho
An Extraordinary Strike.
An extraordinary strike Is reported
from Crezleres, near Polteres, Franco,
tho school children of tho elementary
! school having refused to attend their
' classes unless their head master, a M.
' Call, was dismissed from his position.
i Tho children allego that they have
been harshly treated by the master.
1 They aro supported by their parents,
I who havo petitioned tho government
to send down an olllclal to inquire into
tho nffalr. This tho government has
agreed to do.
ATinT A OTCIU I llUffHIW lnyourtown. Small capital required and.
Writous. Paradox Maohlnory Co., 181 E. Division St., Chicago..
As miles test the horse,
so years test a remedy.
flexican flustang- Liniment
Buy has been curing everything that
it a good, honest penetrating liniment
now. can cure for the past 60 years.
Qubstltut'3 for Tobacco.
Dried holly loaves, tho hark of tho
willow and leaves of tho stag's horn
stiimach nro among tht nubstltuton
for tobacco used by tho American In
dlans. In Switzerland a wood nallcu
mountain tobacco Is smoked In great
quantities. It Is powdered hoforo its.
lng, nnd eauscB the smoker to bocomo
n mental and physical wreck. Tho
natives of South Africa nro peculiarly
affected by smoking the dried loavca
of the camphor plant. Tho smoker
trcmblcB with fright at nothing, weopn
bitterly, nnd pros nil sorts ot warns
which do not in tho lca"t express his
mccnulng. Tho wild dr tn, another
South African plant, poionn slowly
any one UBlng it.
EngliGh Laborer's View,
Mr. IlarnoH, tho engineers' delegate-
who rnmc from England to America
with Mr. MoBcIey's industrial commis
sion, having arrived homo, gives this
summary ot tho conclusions ho enmo
to In tho course of Iho Inquiry into
American "push:" Machinery: Moro
used than at home. Sanitation: Not
so good. Hours of work:. Longer.
Work: Not ho good. Wagoa: Higher.
Cost of living: Hlghor Btill. Trades
unionism: Not so strong. Providing
ISnglnnd uses tho hotel machinery ho
thinks Hrltnin has nothing to fear from
America and is qulto able to hold hor
Many artists who claim to bo
wedded to their art Boem to hnvo boon
handicapped by divorce proceedings
from tho start.
8100 Itonartl 3100.
Tho readers of tul paper will bo pleased to
lenrn tlio'i there is ot least ono dreaded tlisenso
that scVnoo hits been ablo to euro In nil iw
Manes, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Curo Is tho only positlvo euro now knoyvn to tho
medical fraternity. Catarrh Iioltifr u constitu
tional dUcaxe. requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Caturrh Curo is takon intornally,
actlnifdlrectly upon tho blood nnd mucotisiMir
faeos of iho hystem. thcroby dostroylnir tho
foundation of thodNease.nndBlvlnif thopntlont
strcimth by buildlni: up tho constllutfon-aria
nsilstlnir naturo In dolnjr its work. Tho pro
prietors lmvo so much faith in its curutlvo
powers thnt they offer Qno Hundred Dollnra for
nny case thnt it fails to euro. Send for list of
Testimonial ....
Address V. J. CIIHNKY JU., loiouo, w.
Sold bv drutfBlnw 7fa
Hull's Family I'llU are tho best.
Small eyes aro commonly suppoaod
to lndlcnto cunning. ,
People of melancholic temperament
rarely have bluo oyes.
No muss or failures mado with
Eyos with long, sharp corners Intll
cato great discernment nnu penetra
tion. the nr.ST itr.sui.Ts in tauchino
can be obtnlned only by using Deflanco
Starch, besides Kcttltip 4 oz. moro for
same money no cooking required.
Tho downcast eye bus m all ages
been typical of modesty.
CITC P""anf ntiy cured. No (Its or nn-TOOinc- after
rl I O tlmt day' use or Dr. Kline' (Irtat NrrreKestor.
rr. 8-nd for KltKli W.J.00 trial bottle and trraUre.
Ua. It II Kline, Ltd., Ml Arcirfitret."l'hMdelOblai"-
Tho proper distance between tho
cyei Is tho width of one eye.
Double Your Income,
by cecurlnp ngoncy In your city for tho
Northwestern and Llfo Savings Co., of De
Moines, Iowa. It is a strong company.
Wrlto thorn to-dny.
Upturned oyes arc typical of devo
tion. HDADCV NEW DISCOVERY: elves'9 8 rmtclcrellcfandcnrrsworst
bes. Iloolr of testlmnnlsls and 10 DAYS' treatment
pnTTT.WRV wnt your ppnllry, bi
Oulak returns and tba bltbtstorlcas tbat location.
facilities and eiperleDlecan ftlrer' Writs for tag
and prices. JtOBBKr I'UKVIN.
KatnblUtied 1STO. OmaliH, Web.
TjaraTritrrtBwer orated Pat oata America
ir l lironiin 7110 or T4W dm. ptv i-rifCfr
alrtthenp. Mm9theedlMMkadRiDlf
Tco.latr, Hntlta, M acaroal Wheat, OS bu. per
a. Giant Clover, te.,npoa rvoclpt of XOe twsUt,
Buy your goods at
Wlwlcsalo Prices.
Our 1,000-pago cataloiruo will be sent
upon receipt ot IK cents. This -.mount
does not even pay tho po-staco, but it is
sufficient to ebow us that you are actlnir
in itood faith. Hotter send for it now.
Your neighbors trade with us why not
you also r
Tho houso that tells the truth.
tut caamu. cfW
Mule n black or jdlo for all tads
or wet wor K. on sale evtowhert
Lock for tit 5rfB of the PiAwvJ
a j Twt sa. ssitea. nsilw t a
rmta tjuusm ts.wx Tatawra. citf