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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1903)
The Alliance Herald. f : f OFFICIAL PUDLIOATION ! OF DOX DUTTE COUNTY t AND ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPER IN THE COUNTY. fr the Herald has the LARGEST CIRCULATION ! V OF ANY ALLIANOE PAPER 4 S PRINT8 ALL THE NEWS. ! -k::sh-s-h.! s-s-s VOLUME X, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1903, NUMBER 9 h i t fe ,. A ty ii IT I. V ? 4 FREE $400 Piano to be given away with groceries to the organization or per son having most votes "on Jul' 3, '03. one vote with each 25c purchase. Velvet Klour 1 10 Jo lbs Prunes 100 2 cans Host Tomatoes 25c Kuney Kvnpornted Apples N'-aO lb 1 pound Japan Tun... .'15c aflx'nn Ponchos ISc Ulbciiu ('ill. Plums luc Kri"h V.ksh per do. iOc Ituttcriivr Hi iV Pens -Burly June loo Salmon, Ooxl Can lOo More bargains by calling and see ing ns before buying we want your trade. Raymond & Quivey Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house. Those neckties are dandies, at Norton's For Sale Two small ranches, L. A. Berry. For storm windows and doors see Forest Lumber Co. Don't worry, it will get here. Geo. Darling. Good milk cow for sale. Inquire of J. J. Pierson, Alliance, Neb. It's here, has been quite a while and plenty of it. Lockwood's. We have for sale young thoroughbred Bronze gobblers. Alliance Meat Co. For Rent A desirable furnished room. Inquire at The Herald office. Wanted To buy a good Norman mare, weight about 1400 pounds. S. J. Rilev. When it comes we'll tell you all about it. 'Tis surely coming. Geo. Darling. For Sale White Leghorn cockerels for the next thirty days. Hiram Wilson, Sec. 31, Tp. 27, R. 47. Sewing machines rented by week or month. 'Phone 224 or call at the Singer sewing machine store, South Main St. 8-2 When you want a good rig call up the Checkered Front livery. Try their new closed carriage. Make a specialty of turn outs for wedding parties. Notice. To whom it may concern: My wife Elizabeth Heeler has left my bed and board and the public is hereby notified that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. E. H. Keeler. For Sale One Norman stallion and two Shire stallions; would trade one for another good horse as I can't use him any longer. Also a bnnch of yearlings and t wo-yO-olds for sale. E.Maiiin, Owner, three and a half miles southwest of Hemiiigford. Robbed of 0O. Tuesday night while Joe Thornton was ''enjoying a visit with Old Morpheus some- one entered his bedroom and relieved him of his purse containing S4C0, which was in his trousers' pocket. The robber left no ClUe. .wwrw Polls llclr to Valuable Property. Geo. Richardson, a well known ranch man living thirty-five miles southeast of Alliance, has fallen heir to a landed prop erty in England. It is, said to be a very valuable estate but he will be required to live on it for two years. Mr. Richardson and family have already gone to England. George will stay there for the two years but Mrs. Richardson and daughters will return in two months. Steam l.uuitiirv Changes Hands. Messrs. Pierce and Peterson sold the Alliance laundry yesterday to Messrs. II. E. MacCray, recently from Kearney, and Joseph Baskins of this city, both of whom are experienced in the business. Messrs. Pierce and Peterson will leave tomorrow for Dos Moines, Iowa, to take a college course. They are excellent young men and formed many friends during their resi dence here. A Lively Time :it llyimnN. There were some pretty lively doings at thu Hyannis school Monday morning from what we hear. The principal of the school, Charles Hill, had occasion to punish a pupil last Friday, when another pupil, a fellow named Beam took it upon himself to interfere. Beam came back to school Monday still sulky over the affair and Mr. Hill informed him he could consider him self expelled from the school. Beam pulled his coat for a fight and was joined by his brother and a boy named Yeast, the three being armed with clubs, They knocked Hill down and were belaying him at a lively rate when he pulled a gun on them and, they refusing to stand back, opened fire. The first shot he fired into the floor and the next into the leg of one of the Beam boys. They concluded lie meant business about that time and desisted from their attack. Mr. Hill was arrested and will be tried for what he has done. Public sympathy is said to be wholly in his favor. Our I'lrst Year in Alliance. We were kept too busy last week to chronicle the fact that it was the first an niversary of The Herald's advent into Vlliance, but that is tooan important event in its history to be passed by without com ment. The past year, also, has been a series of long strides on the road to success. The gain in subscriptions has been phe nomenal. Three hundred was about the number when we moved from Hemingford; now we have about twelve hundred, a gain of three hundred per cent. In the matter of advertising our columns have spoken for themselves. It has always been good and during last autumn's and thu holiday trade was exceptionally so, averaging twenty columns per issue during that time. Our run of job work has been in keeping with the advertising. Our job hook has not once been cleared off since we came for no sooner do jobs go out of the office than others come to take their place. To say only that much would sound like boasting and we desire to state to the busi ness men and all residents of Alliance that we appreciate fully that such statements could not be made had they not made it possible for us to make them. We sin cerely thank them for the liberal support they have given and the many compli mentary things they have kindly said about the paper. We are proud to know that a large number of republicans are among its warm friends and supporters. We appre ciate heartily the support given by demo crats, although we expect it, but repub lican support is especially pleasing in that it shows what they think of Tin: Herald as a newspaper. And we have tried to make The Herald merit all the good things that have come to it and expect in the future to keep up its news and correspondences, editorial columns when there is demand for that class of matter and our special articles just as we have in the past. We are pleased with our success and grateful to all who have assisted us to achieve it and we mean to keep up The Herald's reputation for news and fearlessness of telling the truth. John Curran was in from the ranch Sat urday. ,wwwwwww. The suspense is over, it's here. Lock wood's. Mrs. J. K. Snow is recovering from a severe attack of the grip. Rev. Joseph Wesley is reported quite ill at his home in Duncan's addition. It. F. Hanson will leave tomorrow night for Chicago to visit the wholesale houses. B. L. Fenner was down from Dunlap Monday transacting business at the land office. Mrs. A. S. Reed was confined to her home the fore part of the week with ton silitis. Attorney W. M. lodenceand A. M. Mil ler of Hemingford attended court in Alli ance Wednesday. Attorney W. H. Fanning of Crawford attended the special term of court held in Alliance Wednesday. Dr. H. H. Bellwood returned Monday from his former home at Hastings, Iowa, reporting a very pleasant visit. Nate Hart of Lead stopped over in Alli ance Monday on his return from Omaha and spent the day visiting friends. Miss Minnie Morris gave a dance at the opera house Wednesday night which was quite well attended and a pleasant time is reported. The Praying Band of the Baptist church will conduct religious services at the home of D, C. Taylor, Saturday night at 7:30. All invited. Mrs. D. J. O'Kcefe and Miss Regina Burlew came down from Hemingford Fri day evening and visited a couple of days with relatives and friends. Ryu For Sale Can be sowed in the spring and will make two and three crops in one season; the best thing for hay in the country. C. A. Posvar, five miles west of Lawn, g-8t A dance was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Vaughn, northwest of town, last Friday night which was largely attended. Eighteen persons went out from Alliance in a bob sled, reminding people of pioneer days in the county. ' Last Wednesday was Ray Reed's four teenth birthday and in honor of the event about twenty-five of his young friends were invited to his home to spend the evening. A dainty luncheon was served and various games were played. All who attended report a most enjoyable time. "Reaping the Harvest," the great char acter play to be presented at the opera house, Monday evening next, is an at traction no lover of the theater can well afford to miss. There are few plays on the road that can boast of more prosperity than this really meritorious offering, all of which again emphasizes the fact that noth ing succeeds like success. This is the second season of "Reaping the Harvest." There are many added features in this year's production and the cast is even stronger than last season, Y. H. C. A. LIBRARY AND GYMNASIUM To be l'.MnMlslied In AlllanccA Splendid Thing for the Young .Men..i;udor.scd llv Lending Citizen as 11 MOVE IN RIGHT DIRECTION A .Meeting to Discuss Plans and Perfect Organization Will be Held at Court House Next .MoudnV livening. From time to time for years there has been talk of establishing Y. M. C. A. read ing rooms in Alliance because the need of such is really so urgent. Nothing ever has came of it and a different manner of sup plying the need is now planned. It is pro posed to form a club or association among the men of Alliance, making the member ship fee five dollars with dues of about a dollar a month. It is thought a member ship of about one hundred can be secured and funds thus raised to rent and fit up rooms for the association's occupation, It will be made pleasant place for young men to spend their evenings and better than that a place where all objectionable feat ures to it as a resort are eliminated. It will have reading, bath and gymnasium rooms and the funds will be ample to fur nish them all in good style. The library fund will not be sufficient to get a large supply of books at first but the dues will enable them to add to it from time to time. It is intended to permit those who arc not members to come and spend the evenings they choose to there, making a small charge therefor. This certainly is a move in the right direction. The shops and railroads give Alliance a great many young men without homes. They have now plenty of places to spend their evenings but most of them are places that cannot be conducive to their well being aud none in any manner furnish them a home or means of amusement free from all objectionable features. It cannot be determined just how soon the organization can be put into operation but it won't take a great length of time to perfect arrangemepts if a little energetic effort is kept up. Permanent quarters for the association will be in the new brick block to be built on the.Zbinden corner in next summer. The undertaking is in the hands of the young men of the city so it will be a "sure go" and certain of success. When they feel the need of such a place sufficiently to supply themselves with it, it cannot be a failure and it speaks pretty well for the tastes and desires of the young men of Alliance that they -wish such a home for themselves and others situated as they are. A meeting to discuss plans and perfect organization will be held at the court house next Monday evening at 73- Miss Inice McCorkle still continues quite ill. Mrs. Raymond is teaching her de partment. Dr. E. E. Barr of Hyannis and who was a resident of this city a few years ago was shaking hands with friends here Tuesday. His home was recently made happy by the arrival of a little girl who will call him papa. Dr. Barr said he liked to hear of Alliance doings and accordingly subscribed for The Herald. Special Term of Court. Judge Westover and Reporter J. D. Scott arrived in the city Tuesday night and convened a special term of court Wednesday. The sale of the Hemingford mill property was confirmed, the receiver's report approved and final settlement ef fected. Mrs. Mary C. Koester, better known as Marie Kingston, was granted a divorce from Henry C. Koester. Several confirmations of sales were made and some minor matters disposed of. A movement is now under way among the physicians of the western portion of the state to boom an association, the same to be a branch of the state medical society. Dr. J. E. Moore has the matter ia charge. It will be known as the Box Butte County Medical society but will include members from all the counties in this section of the state. The state society provides for no district organizations, hence the county organization is used. Invitations have been sent to all physicians living in the territory to be present in this city tonight to perfect organization. On Friday afternoon at 4 p. m. the funeral of Allen Turner occurred from Humphry's undertaking rooms, Rev. Geo. Bernard Clarke, rector of the Episcopal church, officiating; also making the com mittal at the grave. Mr. Clarke attended him during his illness and speaks very kindly of the unfortunate boy and the im pression which he gave during his suffer ings. Mr. Clarke says he showed no evi dence of a vicious character, bore no malice toward any one and was remarkably pa tient and gentle while in the greatest pain. Turner was well connected in Texas, boing the grandson of a Methodist clergyman. His relatives were very anxious to do all they could for him. Mr, Clarke feels that if he had lived his defense would have made many friends for him. F, Gllman is ill with the grip Fred Mrilring's little girl received some painful injuries by a fall last Saturday night. Ed Mollring returned Monday from Chicago where lie had spent a week select ing spring goods Miss Stewart, Miss Mangan's trimmer loft Tuesday to spend a month at Colorado points visiting friends. F. M. Phelps, Capt. Akers C. D. Peck- enpaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Thos Regan are grip victims this week. Miss Bertie Trayer of Aacadwsp'ent the first part of the week wUjMrs. J. A. Mal lery, going on from here to Butte, Mont. Mrs. Annie M. Warner left Monday for Rapid City, S. D,, to visit her daughter, Mrs. A. F. Butler. She will return about May 1st. The Womens' Industrial society of the Baptist chuch will meet next Wednesday afternoon with Mrs". D, C. Mclntyre. A good attendance is desired. E. L. Williams of the Guarantee Fund Life Insurance Co. returned Monday from Hyannis where he had spent a week work ing in the interests of the company. J. P. Arnott formerly of this county but now prosecuting attorney of Basin county, Wyoming, passed through the city Wednes day en route home from a trip to Cheyenne and Lincoln. The ladies of the United Presbyterian church will hold an experience social at the home of Mrs. A. M. Frew Friday evening. Luncheon will be served, price fifteen cents. All are cordially invited to attend. wwwww. The annual meeting of the First Presby terian society will be held at Dr. Bogue's house this evening (Friday) at 8 o'clock. The presence of adults connected with the society is earnestly desired. The First Presbyterian church holds services in Bell's hall. The topic next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock will be "Washington's Life and Character." At 7:30 p. m. the Women's Missionary society will carry out a missionary program. J, A. Soverman of the National Masonic Accident insurance company was in the city Wednesday to adjust the claim of Dr. W. S. Bellwood for the accident he sus tained last fall which they did in the sum of $300. It would have been paid much sooner but there is a provision in their rules that all claims must be filed within niuety days from time of accident. This the doctor failed to do so more time was required to make the settlement. Piano to be Given Away. Twelve business men of this city Ache son & Joder, hardware; Lock wood & Co., furniture; Keeler & Smith, checkered front livery; Clough & Collins, harness and sad dlery; M. A. Standen, palace meat mar ket; W. M. Whitfield, groceriwZbinden Bros., flour and feed; FamousCloihing House, Alliance Grocery Co., Bogue's Dry Goods Store, Holsten's Drug Store and The Alliance Herald have in augurated a voting contest for a fine $400. Kingsbury piano to be closed July 3. One vote will be given at all of these places of business with every twenty-five cent cash purchase. Already considerable in terest is being manifested in the matter and various lodges seem likely to become lively contestants. The piano may be seen at Bogue's store. The ballot box is at Holsten's drug store. Next week and each week thereafter The Herald will give the number of votes cast to date un til the close of the contest. "ni:.pixfi Tin: hakvint. A llenutifiil Pour-Act Drama in the Opera House Monday Night, rcbruary '':!. This well known drama will be played for the first time in Alliance next Monday night by a very superior company com posed of fourteen people under direction of J. H. La Pearl. The company carries a large lot of scenery especially constructed for thia play and everything connected with it is of an up-to-date, high class char acter. A special feature will be the celebrated "Reaping the Harvest" quartette, spoken of by the press as a very fine quartette of singers. The play is one of rare human interest, a tme to life picture of the world and its ways, is this most novel and fasci nating stage story. There is fun galore woven into this great charactor play. A young man a trifle too worldly, his busi ness partner and rival in love, the sweet heart for whose hand these business part ners are battling, another woman, whose sins have made her a social outcast, as well as a faithful old negro mammy, a sentimental office boy, an irrasistably funny lad from the country and his brother who is equally funny, also a remnant of bettor days in the shape of a tramp as well as several others each contribute their share in unfolding the most powerful story ever offered. Reserved seats will be on salt at Hol sten's Saturday morning. Prices 75, 50 ane 25 cents. Mrs. B. this week. Will liutld a jail. At their meeting Tuesday the county commissioners let the contract for building a jail to Sang C. Reck. It will be a brick structure, 22x30 feet, and cost $1,250. The commissioners have contemplated such ac tion for some .time but profcrrod to until the county was in good shape to bear the expense. Tint Herald believes their action will meet the approval of every taxpayer in the county as it will be n sav ing to the county lo keep prisoners hero in stead of taking them to Grand Island or York. My Alicia Regan is enjoying (?) a little siege of the grip, Father Galvin went to North Platto Wednesdayand is expected home tomorrow. Mat Brennan and Coote Mulloy left Tuesday for Hot Springs, Ark., for a few weeks' stay. Sheriff Rped loft this morning for the asylum at Lincoln with Joe Fox who re cently became insane Miss Inice McCorkle resumed her duties in the Alliance schools Thursday after quite a severe illness. Presiding Elder Scamahom will give his lecture on Libby prison at the Metho dist church tonight, It will be worth go ing to hear. The Anheuser-Busch cold storage house was partly destroyed by fire last evening. The Alliance fire department did good work, as usual, John Pilkington has sold upwards of 750, odo pounds of corn since Christmas to local stockmen. Mike- Elmore sent him a big order yesterday. Tho Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church will meet next Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Snyder. Mrs. J. W. liecd will as sist in entertaining. The third division of the Presbyterian ladies will give a Martha Washington tea at Mrs. Standen's Tuesday evening, Feb ruary 24. Supper 15 cents. A letter received today from Mike El more s Umalia ollice says: Kindly tor ward The Herald to 135 No. 32nd avenue. We can't 'do' Omaha without it." Mrs. Armildia Raymond will be united in marriage to Mr. Carlton- W. Hedges next Sunday evening at the Methodist church. Mrs. Raymond is from Lincoln and Mr. Hodges is a B. & M. employe at Alliance. The meeting of the M. W. A. Wednes day evening was especially interesting. Several new members were taken in and a number of the Royal Neighbors made the camp a visit, bringing with them a supply of delicious eatables which were served in the lodge room by the ladies. A. Dempke, who has been on the county for some time and has caused the officers considerable trouble in his persistent ef forts to return to the home of his wife from .whom he was divorced, informed the coun ty commissioners this week that he would leave if they would furnish transportation which they were glad to do, and Dempke took his departure yesterday for Spokane, Wash. Dr. Horn Writes Prom India. Wcreceived a letter today from Rev. Dr. Horn dated Calcutta, India, January 20. He says; "I proceed from here to Benares, Agra, Delhi, Jeypore and Bom bay, a trip of over 3,000 miles. Delhi is the city where the great Durbar just occurred. Best wishes to you and every reader." Dr. Horn has ccr.ainlymade himself prom inent as an entertaining writer and corre spondent, his writings being commented on throughout the state. We now have on hand over fifty large pages of his manu script to be published. Armstrong's Hear. President Roosevelt went down into the wilds of interior Mississippi on a bear bunt but after several days' fruitless search he gave it up and went back to Washing ton. Now, it he will come to Red Oak Col. E. F. Leach stands ready to guaran tee him a shot. He has a fine specimen of the cinnamon bear at his residence on South Hill and will gladly turn him loose in a two acre lot if the president would like to to take a shot at him. Col. Leach captured this bear some weeks ago out in Big Horn valley in Wyoming. The cap ture was effected in true western style, the colonel dropping a lawo over the bear's head, and when he was brought down a companion caught his hind legs in the same manner. Then his bearship was put in a in a strong crate and shipped to Red Oak and is now being fed on all sorts of dain ties. It is the colonel's intention to slaugh ter his bearship and sell the meat. We understand, however, that the steaks and other choice portions are pretty well sub scribed already. The animal is about one and one-half years old and weighs between 300 and 400 pounds. Red Oak (Ia. News.) The boar referred to is the one which H. C. Armstrong owned and kept in Alli ance for some time. After Henry became tired of old bruin he fattened him on Pabst beer and sold him. Yes, Col. Leach had a great experience in capturing this bear. Com men ce the New Year right. Huv your Groc eries of . . Lee Acheson where you can al vas get the best goods for the least money. All orders receive prompt and careful attention... 'Phone No. 4. The valentine social at Mrs. Fred Hol sten's was a great success. The house was filled with a delightful company. The decorations were very extensivo and beau tiful, draperies of red bunting from which hearts were suspended wore conspicuous aud suggestive, ropes oE smilax also were used. The refreshments were amplo com plimentary to the ladies who prepared them. v - r-x - Those whoso subscriptions to the Ne braska Children's Home society for 1902 remains unpaid nnd will confer a favor by attending to the matter immediately, as tho amount should be sent in not later than February 25. Mrs. B. Mowhirter is authorized to receive funds for the society. J. N. JOHNSTONf Treasurer Local Board. Commissioners' Proceedings. Alliance, Neil, February 17, 1903. Board of county commissioners met pur suant to adjournment. Present, Frank Caha, chairman, Geo. W. Duncan and Geo. W. Loer, members; S. M. Smyser, clerk. . , Upou opening aud examining bids for erection of county jail building, it is or dered that the contract for the erection of said building be awarded to Sang C. Reck in accordance wilh the" plans and specifica tions on file is the office of the county clerk. It appearing that the personal assess ment of the Alliance Electric Light and Power company, through a clerical error, appears on the tax list at $2,300 when the same should be (700, the latter being the sum at which the same was assessed, it is ordered that the county treasurer refund to the proper parties the tax extended on (1,600 of said valuation, It appearing that H. H. Tomlinson was assessed for the same personal property in both Lawn and Dorsey precincts for the year of is ordered that $3.16 tax in Lawn precinct be refunded to him by the county treasurer. Board adjourned until tomorrow at 9 a. m. Frank Caha, Chairman. S. M. Smy.skr, Clerk. Alliance, Ned , February 18. 190'J. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present same officers as on the first day. The board examined and allowed the following claims: D. K. Spacht, county judge in case of State vs. Dempke $ 9 00 Rees Printing Co., court docket. ... 13 00 School district No. 55, room for election, November, 1902........ 5 00 G. S. Gates, juror z 00 Annie M.Warner, boarding paupers 38 05 Geo. Reitmier, janitor 31 50 Ira Reed, sheriff's expense account. 2 25 Geo. W. Duncan, commissioner. . . goo Geo. W. Loer, commissioner 10 80 Frank Caha, commissioner 11 00 The following claims were examined and rejected: E. P. Sweeney, jnilct's fees on ac count of R. B. Jones, confined at York , $129 00, E. P. Sweeney, jailer's fees on ac count of H. V. Matthews, con fined at Lincoln 172 50 E. P. Sweeney, jailer's fees on ac count of F. W. Wheatley, con fined at Grand Islaud 238 50 E. P, Sweeney, jailer's fees on ac count of Ira Nelson, confined at Grand Island 40 50 E. P. Sweeney, jailer's fees on ac count of Mike O'Brien, confined Oat Grand Island , 94 50 Board adjourned to March 17, 1903 Frank Caha, Chairman S. M . 6mysek, Clerk. I will give painting lessons till March 1 paint on any kind of cloth, twelve lessons for $5, and will furnish paints and brushes. Mrs. Zehrung, 'Phone 194. Subscribe for The Herald. Advertise in The Herald. Official Paper of the County. Circulation in Alliance, Hemingford, Marsland, Lawn, Canton, Box Butte, Dunlap, Lakeside, Reno, and Moornaw Is Larger than any other Alliance paper.