T-VH t"4. JARVIS 1877 BRANDY SOLD IN ALL BEST PLACES. RENO. Mrs. J. C Hurry wan quite sick last week but Is better now. J. 0. Vllsdn..l.C. Horry and (laugh ter Nellie made a trip to Alliance Sat urday. It. V. Swltrei came down frdm the Herry ranch Saturday and stayed over Sunday. ' . Cecil Wilson vns taV en very sick with mumps 1'ncsdny ovonlng. He thinks they arc no play. (Julie h number of the young people expect to attend the valflntlno social at Lakeside Friday night. V. G. Wilson is making some im provements by building a now porch and pantry in uotmoction with his now house. Several families gathered at the W. F. McCabe's residence Wednesday even ing and wore very pleasantly enter tained. J. C. Horry has just received another car of. Canon City coal and it did not come any too soon as most all the peo ple were about out of fuel. (icorge lledgceock has survived from the mumps and returned from Hem iiigford and Is visiting friends In Heno before going to work again. Still It continues tosuovv. Think the people have hud all the winter thoy want for a while but the thermometer lids never been more than eight below zero this winter. CANTON. Uitr iiewu Iu. bcuree this week. Arthur Haas was a visitor at llemlng ford Saturday. (His llass made a Hying business trip to Mlirsland Monday. Our literary was postponed last Sat uniay night on account of the religious services in progress lit the church. Quite a number of our. ranchmen have been building snow fences to keep the snow from drifting into their stock yards. Alvln Nicholson, one of Sioux coun ty's ranchmen on Whistle creek, so journed overnight in Canton Saturday and attended church on Sunduy. Will Tugg, u representative or cattle Inspector of It. M. Hampton & Co. of Alliance, was in these parts Monday viewing tho condition of the cattle. Miss Jessie Clayton acted as librurlun ut Sunday school Sunday In the ab bencu of Miss Edith Hroslmr who was. detained on account of whooping cough. Since our last whitcup dames Mora vek has had quite an accident. While riding after his cattle his horse slipped on thc.lce and fell, ills leg was caught under the horse, his ankle bruised and kneecap dislocated. The' religious meetings which have been in progress this uud hist week conducted by Rev. .1. 11. Clay, have been well attended notwithstanding tho bad stormy weather which prevent ed a full house. Mr. Cluy Is u goo'd talker and entertains an audience well. MARJLAND. .Arthur Holllbaugh is here visiting his brother, Cal. I T. .1. Poole was an Alllunce. visitor lust Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Winnie ltichey entertained the King's Daughters on Thursday, C. II. Rlchey and C. E. Holllbaugh were transacting business In Crawford on. Monday. 'Mr. and Mrs. L, Snow went down to Alliance on Tuesday, returning Wed nesday night, We understand that the quarantine on the Moore home for sumllpox will be lifted this week. Joe Duhon came down from Fort McKen.ie to be present at tho marriage of his'slstcr, Mary. After u vacation of several weeks Miss Imi Uregg has re-opened her school south of town. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Wilson and rjhll dren spent several days at the Wilson and McCoy ranches recently. Otis llass of Canton was trading in town on Monday. He has lately fallen heir to u bad attack of whooping cough. Kendrick brothers, llrucc uud Holll baugh have arrunged for a telephone line Co connect with central at this place, Pete Watson was down from the ranch on Saturday to receive a load of feed which he had shipped down from Hemlngford. Miss Attle Snow returned to her school on Monday, having been com pelled to oloso it for three weeks on ae count of sickness. Mrs. Joralumon unci little grand daughter, Claudia Luton, spent u part of last week in Chudron. They re turned home on Friday night. Miwi LUlle Dickey wont to her home near Alliancu lust Thursday, huvlng .IomkI bar school for u fow days on ac count of tho prevalence of mausios. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. llonnott ontor talnod u number of frlonds on Fi-lduy night in honor of thoir aunt, Mrs. A. Lytle, who dopartod that night for Missouri. Our genial landlord, C. 11. lllehey, is i 'ng ou metropolitan airs. He has , The Central Nebraska Real Estate Comp'y -.- LOCATED AT "sh Lincoln, Omaha andThedford AUK NOW Jtr.AUY TO SLLL VOL' Ranch, Farm or City Property, Our means of securing purchasers are extensive on account of the number of agents that are giving their entire time to looking for purchasers. If you list your property with us for sale, we will sell it, or if you want to exchange for other property. We make a specialty in this line. We have . FINE FARMS, ELEGANT CITY PROPERTY As well as various kinds for v'our property. We Jj business and guarantee satisfaction. ' For further j information, correspond with 2 . J. . ED Mi ST EN, : President of the Company ' Tiikdford, Nebraska. Yb' miii'J.'66 4 iV4i '& i'o mVW d A 25 PER CENT OFF - From February 14 In order to reduce our stock and make room for the large Spring Stock that will be in on March ist, we will give a cash discount ot 25 Per Gent, till Mrrch i st. This is no old goods nor odds or ends but they are all NEW AND . . UP-TO-DATE This is an opportunity to at very low prices at the Cash placed in the olllco of tho Commercial hotel a tine hardwood counter railing and a register will bo added soon. Mrs. L. Hyers went to Alliance on Thursday, returning Sunday. While there she combined business with pleasure and selected a stock of dry goods from their traveling salesman who bad his samples on exhibition at that place. L. Snow left for Lush ton on Sunday night in answer to a telegram announc ing tho serious illness of his aged mother. He was accompanied by his daughter. Pearl, ami ut Alliance they were joined by Mrs. Sheppard, a niece of Mr. Snow. K. T. Uregg found upon examina tion recently of tho Ice ou his pond that the dirt had let loose from tho bottom of the Ice aud that it was all right for use. Consequently the teams are put to work there and a fine lot of ice is be ing shipped. The Presbyterian Sunday school will have a social at the Commercial hotel on the night of St. Valentine's day. The bills say that sandwiches, pickles, doughnuts and colTee will be served all for ten cents. There will bo a post ofllcc which will bo presided over by the newly appointed postmistress and her assistants, Louie McOogy and Mar garet Rlchey. There was quite a company of friends and neighbors invited to tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Duhou five miles south of town on Thursday, the 5th, the oc casion being a wedding dinner gjven in honor of their daughter, Mary, and Mr. Perry Hall who were married at the M. E. parsonage In Hemlngford the evening before. The dinner was very nice and there was a profusion of flow ers for table decoratlous aud each guest was preseuted with llowers. A host of friends wish this young couple success and happiness. Low Itutcs West Portland, Tacoraa tied $.'5.no to So- attle. S27.:i0 to Sun Francisco and Los An gelos. SSg.ftO to Spokane. S30 00 to Suit Laku,ltutto:uitl lleleuu. Proportionately low rntos to hun dreds of other poinU, inolucllug Big Horn Uafcln, Yyo.f Montana, Icluho, Vu.!ilngton, Oregon, llrltiult Columbia, Cnllfomla, etc. Kvory day February 15 to April 10, Touriht cars dally to California. Per sonally conducted o.eurstop- throe tlntcto u week. Tourist oars daily to Simula. Inquire of naure.t Turlington' Route agent. to !?; S ME of business, to exchange propose to do a hustling S (T6 Wi Y4TWW6 '6inrVt6in . The Regular Price to March 1, 1903 SHOES get High Grade Shoes & w u Shoe Store Professional Cards. ATTOUNEYS. WILLIAH MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT L W, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Omct: I'iionk H). Uksidiinck I'iionk'.'OX R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Itoonih 1, 2 unrt 3, First. National bank build" Ing, Alliance, Neb. Notary iu ofllcc. W. G. SIMONSON... Attorney at I Olllcc l'p-.talrs Over I'uMoflli-e smith v. Tom.E. . iha e. tasii. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Main St.. - ALLIANCE. NF.H. I'lIYSlCIANH. II. II. IIK.I.I.WOOP, II. D. - W. S. UKI.I.WOOD. M. D. Bellwood & Bellwood, PHYSICIANS and - SURGEONS. Moisten llulldlng, - ALLIANOK, NKB. L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON. Olllco Iu First National Hunk block. Alli ance, Nebraska. J. E. MOORE, M. D. ri.i'.T:iu:it HI.OCK, AI.I.IANCi:, Nlvll. ('alls aimweied from olllco day or night. Tuluphotiu No. tK. G. W. MITCHELL. Al. D PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Oltlcu III lAK-kwood) ALLIANOK. NB. llHlUllilK- ... S Tulephouc No, 8W. JULIA V. FREY, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Olllco two blocks north of Times building. Phone S&K. Hours. S to li a. in.. 1 so to 5 p. iu. ; - Sit w 1 r !l& taMvr--'" j.rj. &:; - -SbJL; hfir fi y. i ' zm TIME TABLE Alliance, Neb. LINCOLN, OMAHA, CHICAGO, DENVER, HELENA, BUTTE, SALT LAKE CITY ST. JOSEPH, KANSAS CITY, POi TLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, unrt all points east and point., west- and sout.li. TitAiiss Leave as Follows, M mjntaix Time No. 41 Passenger ilully. Deailw ort. Hillings, all point-, north and west 10:35 a.in. No. 42 rnssuiiKur dally, Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago nnd all points east 1:40a.m. No. 301 rassi'iiKer dally, for Denver OKrtcn.SiUt Lake, Pun Fran cisco and till Intermediate points, departs at 1:10 a.m. No. 302 1'aviuiiKur dally from Denver and all intermediate points, arrives at 10:10a.m. No. 43 Local jmvciiKir dally from Umalia, Lincoln and Inter mediate points arrives at !f.tt turn. No. 44 Jxwal passenger dally, for Omnlia, Lincoln and Interme diate points, departs at 4:00 a.m. No. 303Dally, e.xeeu Sunday, for nolnts south and west, dc- parts. imrts 8:3) u. in No. 300 Dally, except Sunday, from south and west, arrives J:.!0p. m. No. 45 Kri'Iirht. dallv. Dead wool HIIlliiKs aud intermediate stations '30 p.nr. No. 4tl Freiulit dallv. for Lincoln eiul and ) intermediate) stations., omup in. No. 47 Frelirhtdally.oxcunt Sunday. for Dcadwoort and Hllllims.. 10:50 a. m No. 48 Freight dally for Lincoln and Intermediate) stations.. 8:03a. m. No. 49 Freight, for northwest 1:00a.m. No. 50 Freight from northwest, ar rive 12p. m, Denver freight, dally except Monday, arrives at 0:15 am. No. 304 Denver freight, dally except Saturday, leaves at 5:20 a.m. Sleeping, dining unrt reclining chair cars (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in tho United States or Canada. For Information Smo tables and tickets call on or writo to .1. KitKinEi.iiAUGU, Agent, or J. Ficancis, Gen eral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Nebraska. BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE ARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot. Alliance, Seb. Wn. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone ISo. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. H. B. MILLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ... UIHci! unit residence three doors north of lrtlHstrueton Dig Horn memie. Ttflupone No. 90. Alliance, Neu. FINE BOOTS and SHOES MADF.TO oltDEH. 1IRPAUJINO A SI'KOIALTV. OHDliHS CALLKD VOU AND DKLIVHHRD R. MADSEN, liSMI ai.fe AiNTIMAL PARASITIC INSECTS'SHOULD BE KILLED And the best way to do it is to get one of those STEEL DIPPING TANKS MADE BY Newberry. Then use Chlors Naptholetim Cattle Dip. There is nothing - - -v - - - V I C I O U 3 About the dip except to parasitic life, therefore if you wish to raise big, fat ----- 3 TB B R3 DIP THEM wcwtcW'mjw! liisa f Pabst Beet SHIPPED OVER THE BUR LINGTON BY H. C. $ fy Who came here to stay, And will never be driven away. And Sold to .IN ALLIANCE. I This is the Beer that Waked Alliance, and it Stands to Reason It's the .... Best in the World! Just order a case of " Red, White and Blue" for family use. We'll deliver the same at any hour, day or night; for we're out for business and lose no time H. C. ARMSTRONG. 1 mpm11 !&l F. M. Knioiit, Preh. O. II. Connbtt, Oashler. Alliance National Bank, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. - Inoorporated, Sale. Oon3orvattve. 22l. Capital Paid in $50,000. SURPLUS, sr.,ooo. D1KF.OTOKS: F. M. Knight, U. F. Hettleheltn. V. II. Corbln, Tho.s. Heck, F.W. Iliirrl. C3T MONEY LOANED ON APPROVED SECURITY. W. A. Hampton, President. A. S. Rkku, Vice President ;422G First ' National Bank, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Directors: W. A. Hampton. A. S. Reed E. C. Hampton. R. M Hampton. Two of First Baptist Cburcb One liloch West ana Tho Macks North ot TIMES BUILDING. GEOR0E CotLI.NS JEFKKKS. PASTOR. SvtTiaY Sctvjvcs. Sunday School 10.00 a.m. Preaching 11.00 a.m. Junior Meeting 3.00 p. m, C. 1. Mtseting 7.15 P.M. Praaching 8.00 p.m. Prayer Service.Thuraday. S.00 p.m. & A Hearty Welcome o TO ALL SERVICES. ---4 mbm1 i& . vsv.W.VWS Armstrong, His Customers 5tfE? Up Ipp W. II. ConniN, V. Pres. R. M. Hampton, C ashier Hampton. Ass't Cashier. Our Churches. (a WLeio&s a- SpvseopaV ...Church... AIlAXCIC. NKMHASKA. ' 0 O o o o e o e o o e e RCV. E. C. HORN. PH. D.. r-mt 1 UH,.. SUNDAY SERVICES. Sunday School i0.o a.m. Preaching 1 1.00 a.m. Class Meeting 12.00 m. Junior Hpworth League. . 3,00 p. m. Epworth League 7.00 p. M. Preaching s.00 p. m. Prayer Service, Thursctty. 8.00 p. m. Bter)ane l Welcomed to All Sertlces. o oaeeeaeeca '- I 1 e m 1