The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 13, 1903, Image 3

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i "
That Cry"0h, My Back!"
The little missionary, Doan's Kidney Pills, "free trial,"
carries case, rest, comfort. Most people need kidney
help; they who choose Doan's get It help that lasts.
DnmiFTCU), Ind." "When I sent for
tho trial box of Doan's Kidney Pills I hiul
been nfllictcd for two months with pain iu
my back so bad that I could not get from
tho houso to tho bam. It was called
rheumatism. 1 could get no relief from
tho doctors. I began to improve on taking
tho Bntnplo and got two boxes nt our
druggist's, nnd, although 08 years of ago,
I am almost a uew man. I was troubled n
good deal with my water had to get up
tour and fivo times a night. That trouble
Is over with and once more I can rest the
night through. My backache is all gone,
and I thank you ever so much for tho
wonderful medicine, Doan's Kidney Pills."
Jno. II., President Rldgeville,
Indiana, Stato Bank.
Bei.diso, Mich., Jan. 14, 1903. "I re
ceived trial box of Doan's Kidney Pills.
Thi-y did mo lots of good. I can now go
to Dcd and lie on iny right sido tho pain
thero is all gone, also the stomach distress
nd belching of gas is oil stopped, with
Ihe use of two boxes." Mrs. E. 8. Beem,
R. P. D. No. 2, Reading, Mich.
It is all well enough to judge a
tailor by his clothes.
Tho more you pelt a tanner tho bet
:cr he seems to like It.
Ancient and Modern Ideas on the Subject.
Time and Disease the Effacing Agents
of Beauty. What Has Science Done
to Restore the Lily and the Rose?
Socrates called beauty a short-lived
tyranny, Tlato a prlvllego of nature,
Theocritns a delightful prejudice,
Theophrastus a silent cheat, Carneades
a solitary kingdom, Homer a glorious
gift of nature, Ovid a favor of the
gods. Aristotle affirmed that beauty
was better than all the letters of recom
mendation In tho world, and yet none
of these distinguished authorities has
left us even a hint of how beauty Is to
be perpetuated, or tho ravages of ago
and disease defied. Time soon blends
the illy and the rose into the pallor of
ago, disease dots tho fair face with
cutaneous disfigurations and crimsons
tho Roman noso with unsightly flushes,
moth, if not rust, corrupts tho glory
of eyes, teeth, and lips yet beautiful by
defacing the complexion, and Alls the
sensitive soul with agony unspeakable.
If such be tho unhappy condition of
one nfllictcd with slight skin blemishes,
what must bo tho feelings of those in
whom torturing humors havo for
years run riot, covering tho skin with
scales and sores and charging tho
blood with poisonous elements to
become a part of tho system until
death? It lrf vain to attempt to por
tray such suffering. Death in many
cases might be considered a blessing.
The blood and fluids seem to be im
pregnated with a fiery element which,
i when discharged through tho pores
upon the surface of tho body, Inflames
nnd burns until, in his efforts for relief,
tho patient tears tho skin with his
nails, and not until the blood flows
docs sufficient relief come' to cause him
to desist.
Thus do complexlonal defects merge
Into torturing disease, and piqued van
ity give place to real suffering. A
little wart on tho noso or cheek grows
to the all-devouring lupus, a patch of
tetter on the palm of tho hand or on
the limbs suddenly envelops the body
in its fiery embrace, abrulso on the leg
expands into a gnawing ulcer, which
reaches out Its fangi to the sufferer's
heart in every paroxysm of pain, a
small kernel in the neck multiplies into
a doz;n, which eat away the vitality,
great pearl-like scales crow from little
rash-like inflammations In such abun
dance as to pass credulity ; and so on
may wo depict tho sufferings to which
poor human naturo is subject, all of
which Involve great mental distress
because of personal disfigurations.
If thero were not another external
disease known, eczema alone would bo
a sufficient infliction on mankind. It
pervades all classes, and descends Im
partially through generations. While
somo aro constantly enveloped in It,
others havo it confined to small
patches in tho cars, on the scalp, on
the breast, on the palms of the hands,
on tho limbs, etc., but everywhere Its
distinctive feature is a small watery
blister, which discharges an acrid
fluid, causing heat, inflammation, and
lntenso itching. King-worm, tetter,
scallcd head, dandruff, belong to this
scaly and itching order of diseases.
Psoriasis, our modern leprosy, with
its mother-of-pearl scale, situated on
a reddened base, which bleeds upon
tho removal of the scale, is to be
dreaded and avoided, as of old. Im
petigo, barber's itch, erysipelas, and a
score of minor disorders make up in
part the catalogue of external diseases
of the skin. Thus far we have made
no allusion to those afflictions which
are manifestly impurities of the blood,
viz.: swelling of tho glands of the
throat, ulcers on tho neck and limbs,
tumors, abscesses, and mercurial
poisons, with Iosb of hair, becauso
the whole list can bo comprehended in
the one word scrofula.
It Is In tho treatment of torturing,
disfiguring humors and affections of
the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of
hair, that the Cutlcura remedies have
achieved their greatest success. Orig
inal in composition, scientifically com
pounded, absolutely pure, unchangeable
in any climate, ajway s ready, and agree
able to tho most dellcato and sensitive,
they present to young nnd old the most
successful curatlvo of modern times.
This will bo consldo ed strong language
by thoso acquainted with the character
nnd obstinacy of blood and skin humors
but it Is justified by Innumerable suc
cesses where all tho remedies and meth
ods in vogue havo failed to cure, and,
In many cases, to relieve, even.
The Cutlcura treatment Is nt once
agreeable, speedy, economical, and
comprehensive, llatho tho affected
parts freely with hot water and Cutl
cura soap, to cleanse the stir ace of
crusts and scales, and soften tho
thickened cuticle. Dry, wlthou t hard
rubbing, and apply Cutlcura Oln tment
Aching backs aro cased. Hip, back, nnd
loin pains overcome. Swelhug of tho
limbs and dropsy Blgus vanish.
Thcv correct urine with brick dust sctll
tnent, "high colored, pain in passing, drib
bling, frequency, bed wetting. Doan's
Kidney Pills remove calculi and gravel,
llcllcvo heart palpitation, sleeplessness,
headache, nervousness, dizziness.
rifMO end mo by mull, without charge,
trial box Doou'b Kidney 1111s.
Tost- office . ...-..... ..
(Cut out coupon on dotted linn and mall to
I'oiterOiilburn Co., Unffalo, N. T.)
Speaking of clothes, a judge says
that lawsuits become attorneys.
Never confide a Becret to a woman
with a pedigree. Blood will tell.
to allay itching, Irritation, and inflam
mation, and soothe and heal, and, lastly,
take Cntlcurn Resolvent, to cool and
cleanse the blood. This treatment af
fords Instant relief, permits rest and
sleep in the severest forms of eczema
and other Itching, burning, and scaly
humors, and points to a speedy, perma
nent, nnd economical cure of torturing,
disfiguring humors, eczemas, rashes,
and inflammations, from infancy to
age, when all other remedies and tho
best physicians fall. The remedies con
stituting the Cutlcura system will repay
an individual scrutiny of their remark
able properties.
Cutlcura Soap contains in a modified
form the medicinal properties of Cutl
cura Ointment, the great skin cure and
purest and sweetest of emollients, com
bined with tho most delicate and re
freshing of flower odors. It purifies
and Invigorates tho pores of the skin,
nnd imparts activity to the oil glands
and tubes, thus furnishing an outlet
for unwholesome matter, which If re
tained would cause pimples, black
heads, rashes, oily, mothy skin, and
other complexlonal disfigurations, as
well as scalp affections and irritations,
falling hair, and baby rashes. Its gen
tle and continuous action on thenatural
lubricators of the skin keeps the latter
transparent, soft, flexible, and healthy.
Hence its constant use, assisted by an
occasional uso of Cutlcura Ointment,
realizes the fairest complexion, the
softest, whitest hands, and the most
luxuriant, glossy hair within the do-'
main of tho most advanced scientific
knowledge to supply.
Cutlcura Ointment Is the most suc
cessful external curatlvo for torturing,
disfiguring humors of tho ekln and
scalp, Including loss of hair, In proot
of which a singlo anointing with it,
preceded by a hot bath with Cutlcura
Soap, and followed in the severer cases
by a full dose of Cutlcura Resolvent, is
sufficient to afford immediate relief in
the most distressing forms of itching,
burning, and scaly humors, permit rest
and sleep, and point to a speedy cure
when all other remedies fall. It Is espe
cially so In the treatment of Infants
and. children, cleansing, soothing, and
healing the most distressing of infan
tile humors, and preserving, purifying,
nnd beautifying the skin, scalp, and
Cutlcura Ointment possesses, at the
same time, the charm of satisfying
the slmplo wants of the toilet of all
ages, in caring for the skin, scalp,
hair, and hands far mora effectually,
agreeably, and economically than the
most expensive of toilet emollients,
whllo free from every ingredient of a
doubtful or dangerous character. Its
" One Night Treatment of tho Hands,"
or " Single Treatment of the Hair," or
use after athletics, cycling, golf, ten
nis, riding, sparring, or any sport, each
In counectlon with the uso of Cutlcura
Soap, is sufficient evidence of this.
Of all remedies for the purification
of the blood and circulating fluids, nono
approaches lu specific medical action
Cutlcura Resolvent. It neutralizes and
resolves away (hence Its name) scrofu
lous, Inherited, and other humors In
the blood, which give rise to swellings
of the glands, pains in the bones, and
torturing, disfiguring eruptions of the
skin and scalp, with loss of hair.
Cutlcura Resolvent extends Us puri
fying Influence by means of the pores
to the surface of the skin, allaying
irritation, inflammation, itching, and
burning, and soothing and healing.
Hence its success In tho treatment of
distressing humors of tho skin, scalp,
and blood, with loss of hair, which fall
to be permanently cured by eternal
remedies alone.
The grandest testimonial that can
bo offered Cutlcura remedies Is their
world-wide sale, due to the personal
recommendations of those who have
used them. It is difficult to reallzo the
mighty growth of the business douo
under this name. From a small begin
ning in the simplest form, against prej
udice and opposition, against monied
hosts, countless rivals, and trade In
difference, Cutlcura remedies have be
come the greatest curatives of their
time, and, in fact, of all time, for no
whero in the history of medicine Is
to be found another upproachlug them
In popularity and sale. In every cllmo
and with every people they havo met
with the same reception. The confines
of the earth nre the only limits to their
growth. They have conquered the
To the test of popular judgment'all
things mundane must Anally come.
The civilized world has rendered its
verdict in favor of Cutlcura.
When a Man Is Drunk.
Tho nnclont problem, "When Is a
man drunk?" is n question on which
doctors emphatically disagree. In
Scotland, where tho authorities havo I
some oxperlonco of tho drunken, a ',
shibboleth forms tho tost Tho Glas
gow police extract from tho suspect
easy and fluent uttoranco of tho i
words, "Shoes and socks shock Su- ,
inn." In l:llnliircli (tin miHinrltloa I
hold to tho ancient "Burgess' fish
mtico shop." In some pnrta of Eng
iiml tho man must walk n chalked
lno, and other tests Include the spok
n words, "Truly rural," "British con
stitution" nn'd tho npotheosls of tho I
'.hlBtlc-siftlng woman who had "six
sieves of sifted thistles and six bIvcs
at unsifted thistles."
A Scotch Moor.
Kald Sir Henry Mnclenn, who. as
comninnder-ln-chlcf of tho Moorish
army, Is tho sultan's rlght-hnnd man
in thla present rebellion, ranks high
among tho famous Scots who havo
wooed fortuno with their swords.
SInco he has been Moorish comman-ier-in-chlef
he has conducted mnny
orllllant campaigns In the Sahara, and
m tho only Christian who has openely
crossed tho Otania pass and visited
dio Bacred tomb of Mulal All Shereef,
in tho Tnfllet district Tho regular
irmy under his command numbors
ibout 20,000 men, with an irregular
militia of 80,000. H1b salary 1b said
l.o be $35,000 a year, which compares
well with Lord Roberts J22.G00, and
better with his own $635 per annum
is a British lieutenant. Ho lives In
i magnificent palace nt Marakcsh.
Shortly thereafter they went into ex
ecutive session. Chicago Post.
Automobiles in the Alps.
Should the experiments In progreBB
n tho neighborhood of Berne prove
is successful as Is anticipated, trav
elers to Switzerland In the summer
)f this year will bo able to cross the
Mountains by automobile Instead of
:ho usual post diligence. Tho actual
:rlals will bo mado in tho spring, and
:ho result. If successful, will bo not
mly to allow travelers to make tho
llfferent JourneyB In half the time,
out to open to automoblllBtB tho
:hanco of driving over the mountain
oads, which are at present closed to
:hem on account of tho horses.
No More "Brass Band" Hunts.
President Roosevelt intends to on
?ago in no more bear hunting until ho
ays down the cares of office. So ho
:old a Wyoming delegation headed by
Representative Mondcll recently.
They were asking him to participate
n n grizzly hunt next spring, In the
:ourse of his trip through tho west.
"Your picture Is very alluring,"
said the president as the Wyoming
people described tohlm the prospects
)f big game, "but I havo found from
oast experience that hunting bear
rvith a brass band Is barren of re
sults." The Fly's Swift Flight.
Tho common house fly is very rapid
ai its flight, but Its wings make 800
eats a second, and send it through
.ho air twenty-flvo feet, under ordl
lary circumstances, In that space of
.Ime. When tho Insect is alarmed, it
aas been found that it increases its
ate of speed to over 150 feet per sec
ond. If it could continue such rapid
.light for a mile In a straight line it
would cover that distance in exactly
.hlrty-threo seconds.
Women Doctors In Paris.
How many women doctors practice
.n Paris? A statistician has g'ono
into tho question. He finds that whllo
:wenty years ago only seven women
nad taken their medical degrees there,
in tho face, moreover, of violent op
position, tho 3,600 physicians now es
tablished In Paris include fifty-seven
women. The latter all havo busy and
remunerative practices.
All In Danger.
"Gentlemen," said a judge address
ing tho jury in a recent Irish case re
port in Law Notes, "you havo heard
tho evidence. Tho indictment says
the prisoner was arrested for stealing
a. pig. Tho offense seems to bo be
coming a common one. Tho time has
come when It must be put a stop 'Co;
otherwise, gentlemen, none of you will
be safe."
Tho man who borrows trouble pays
.t back in liberal installments to his
Whenever wo lift another man's
ourden we gain moro strength to car
ry our own.
If a man always pays cash ho Is en
titled to a lot moro credit than he
ever gets.
Then use Defiance Stnrch. It will keep
them white 16 o. for 10 centa.
Flattery Is tho subterfuge of thoso
who want to curry favor nnd do not
know exactly how to go about It.
PIso'e, Cure is the best medicine we crer used
for all affections o: the throat and lunps. Wit
O. Esdslkv, Vanburen. Ind., Feb. 10, 1900. .
Many people take a melancholy do
light in viewing all life through green
Some grocers say they don't keep De
fiance Starch. This Is because they havo
a stock on hand of other brands contain
ing only 12 oz. In a pacKage, which they
won't be able to sell first, because De
tlnnco contains IS oz. for the tame money.
Do you want 16 oz. instead of 12 os.
for fcunio money? Then buy DeOance
Starch, Itequlres no cooking.
A Roman collar and n celrical cut
is not always tho trademark of a
Many School Children Are Sickly, i
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children,
used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's
Home, New York, break up Colds in 24 hours,
cure Fevorishnoss, Headache, Stomach
Troubles, Teething Disorders and Destroy
Worms. At all druggists", 25c. Sample mailed
free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy.N.Y.
Many a man's mouth pays no atten
tion to his brain's cloBlng hours. '
As a rule of life, one finds that the
truth lies somewbero between first im
presslons and final decisions.
Latest Quotations from South Omaha
and Kansas City,
CATTI.K There wan a much heavier
run of cattle than anyone expected and
In fnct receipts wero tho heaviest they
havo been In several woekft. As a re
sult tho market wns very slow and lower
nnd It wns Into beforo pcnrcely any cnt
tlo rlinngcd hands. Thoro wero n Kooil
mnny beef steers in tho ynrds nnd tho
quality wns about tho pntno nn It has
been of Into. Huyors did not start out
until tho . middle of tho forenoon nnd
their bids woro so much lower that
nothing wns mold for somo time. Tho
snlen that wero mmlo could safely bo
quoted a tllmo lower on tho iiVernRe.
Tho cow mnrkot wns nlso very slow and
fully a dltno lower. All klndn wero af
fected nnd ns pollers did not like tho
Idea of taking oft another dime nftcr tho
blp decline of tho day before, It wns Into
beforo mnny cnttlo went over the scales.
Buyer?, though, did not seem to enro
whether they Kot nny cattle or not, so
that salesmen had to tnko tho prices of
fered or enrry tho cnttlo over. Hulls
nlso nnd to sell lower In sympathy with
the decline on cown nnd heifers, but
thero wns not much change, in veal
calve. Thero were not mnny stockera
and feeders on Hale, but buyers did not
wnnt mnny rnttle, so that thoso that
wero offered had to sell n little lower.
UOQS Reports from nil points wero
unfavornblo to tho selling Interests, nnd
ns a result tho mnrkot hero suffered n
decline. Trading wns very slow on the
start, ns buyers nnd sellers could not
get together on prices, nnd when the
hORB finally did start toward tho senles
It wns found tho market was tiJflOc
lower. Tho bulk of tho medium weight
Iickb sold from JG.70 to $0.75, nnd the
prime heavy hogs sold from $67i5 to $0.83.
Tho light welghtR sold from $0.75 down.
SHEEP Quotntlons: Cholco western
lntnbB, $o.D0Q6.00: fair to good lambs,
$3.000G.GO: cholco natlvo nnd Colorado
lambs, W.00S6.25; cholco yearlings, $5.00
(05.40; fair to good yearlings, H.TofjG.OO;
cholco wethers, $4.504.S5; fnlr to good,
$4.00fft.50; cholco ewes, KWT4.40; fnlr to
good, $3.2&'flt4.00; feeder lnmbs, $.2ftf4.7r.;
feeder yearlings, $3.75.00; feeder
lambs, $4,20G4.7C; feeder yenrllngs, J3.7D
1.00; feeder wethers, $3.70ff4.00; feeder
owes, $2.6003.00.
CATTLE-Corn cattle, 15?2Cc lower
thnn Wednesday; good heifers, stendy
to strong; cows, stendy to lower; quar
antine, lOo lower; cholco export and
dressed beef steers, $4.70SG.40; fnlr to
good, $3.0034.70; Blockers and feeders,
$2.C01T4.55; western feeders, $2.50ff4.23:
Texas nnd Indlnn steers, $2.75ff4.10:
Texas cows, $2.1003.23; natlvo cows, $1.70
4.40; native heifers, $2.7503.73; cannors,
$1.0002,15; bulls, $2.3303.60; calves, $2,000
HOGS-Morket. 6010c lower; top, $0.03;
bulk of sales, $C.S0OG.90; light, $C.S0fiC.93;
mixed packers, $6.70OG.M: light. $0,400
G.S7V4: Yorkers, $0.7006.8714: pigs, $CO0JJ'
to 10c higher; natlvo lnmbs, $1.0006.25:
western lambs, $3.S5O0.10; fed ewes, $3.00
O5.10; native wethers, $3.60O485; western
wethers, $3.0004.90; stockers nnd feeders,
It (a Used for Lighting and for
BERLIN Emperor William, attend
ed by Crown Prlnco Frederick Will
iam, Prince Henry of Prussia. Chan
cellor von Buelow, Secretary of the
Navy von Tlrpltz, Minister of Agricul
ture von Podblelskl, General von
Gossler and a large company of other
distinguished persons, spent three
hours Friday in a preliminary inspec
tion of the potato alcohol exposition,
which will open Saturday. Tho em
peror believes that potato alcohol can
bo mado as valuable to agriculture as
beets. Tho Immense display Friday
was directly duo to his encouragement
for several years.
The department shows alcohol for
cooking, another for lighting, In which
it Is contended that alcohol Is a com
plete subBtltuto for petroleum; an
other exhibits water nnd stationary
motors, whllo In the grounds surround
ing tho building aro -nutomohlles and
trucks driven by alcohol power.
Man Who Buys Bankrupt Stock it
Sued for Goods and Arrested.
SPRINGFIELD, III. One sensation
followed- another in the Anna Gerstel
bankruptcy case from East St. Louis
In the. federal court Friday. A writ
of replevin was Issued against John
Ellman, who purchased the stock at
tho bankrupt sale, by which Shaffer
seeks to recover possession of the
stock for the creditors.
Ellman was next arrested on the
charge of assisting a bankrupt debtor
to secreto and do nway with property
with intent to defraud and embarrass
tho creditors. Eilmann was placed
under $1,000 bonds, which ho furnish
ed, to appear before tho commissioner
on Tuesday.
Flxeo Blame for Wreck.
TUCSON, Ariz. One of the coro
ner's jurlos, tho Sculver Jury, rendered
a verdict in tho matter of tho South
ern Pacific wreck at Esmond, The
jury completely exonerated Conductor
Parkor and tho train crew of No. 7,
tho westbound passonger, and placed
the responsibility on Oporator Clough
of Valla, who, thoy say, received two
prdors to bo dolivorod to Conductor
Parker of No. 7, but gave him onlj
Where Birds Fly.
' Interesting facts as to tho flight of
birds havo resulted from a long series
of obBcprvntlnnn, whoso general ,ro
suits havo recently been published.
An englo wns observed by llergcssoll,
of Strnsburg, to fly at a height of
9,000 feet. A lark Wa detected at
an altitudo of 1,000 feet. Aeronauts
havo encountered crows ns high ns
4,200 feet from the earth. These,
however, nro exceptional altitudes for
bids to attain. Ab n rule, 1,300 feet
Rooms to bo tho limit. Tho German
Ornlthologtenl society has been con
ducting experiments with pigeons,
and finds thnt when liberated nt n
height of 9 000 feet down to ns llttlo
ns 2,700 feet they drop rapidly to a
much lower region of the ntmoaphore.
No chromos or clicnp premiums, nut
a bettor quality and ono-thlrd moro of
Defiance Starch for tho Bntnc prlco of
othor starches.
Love, llko genius, is not nn Integral
part of character; it Ib a gift, an lu
Bplrntlon, direct from heaven.
MOnil.E tnd return, IM.BS
NKW OHbKASB nU return. - - (WW
HAVANA. CUBA, and return, - im.w
The luT ipeclal rstet nd rntnjr others with
Ions limits ud itop-uvers on site Fell. Wlb to
JNna Incluitve. All Informstlim st Wsbsih city
Ufilee, 10UI Parnsm St., or sdareit,
Qsn. At. I'sis. Wept. Omshs, Nebr.
A present suitor hath over tho trump
to play ngninBt tho nbscnt lover.
Brs. Richard A VnuCmnpof not Fnrnnm St.,
Oinnhn, Neb., treat Catarrh antianarnnteencure.
Tho doctors nre old established nnd rollnnle. ptiy
nlclntm ot Onmlia. Wrlto tlicm n statement of
yoiircann and vnluablo Information will be sent
you free.. For Catnrrh of the none, throat nnd
hints they will send youone month's treatment
larmier nnd CotiMltiillonnl Treatment on re
ceipt ot ono dollnr by postal order, dratt or
express money order.
Wo despise the denier who la hoard
ing coal hut wo envy him.
Perfectly filmplo nnd simply perfect
It dyeing with PUTNAM FADELESS
Tho whistling girl throws stones at
the crowing hen.
To Cure n Cohl in Ono day.
Tnko Lnxativo Uromo Qulnlno Tablets. All
druggists rotund money if it f nils to euro. 25a
To win a woman's lovo Is often a
hot Scotch for a man. Tho reaction a
Uzz thoroughly frnppc.
Thero 1r moro Catnrrh in this section of the
country than ull other diseases put tOKCther,
?nd until tho last few ycam was supposed to bo
ncurablo. For u sreut muny years doctors pro
nounced It a local dlscafco, und prescribed local
remedies, nnd by constantly fulllm to euro
with local treatment, pronounced It incurable.
Sclenco has proven catarrh to bo a constitu
tional disease, and tharetoro icqulrcs consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio,
Is the only constitutional euro on thn market.
It Is taken Internally in doses from 10 drops to
n tcaspoonful. It nets directly uion tho blood
nnd mucous surfuccs of tho system. Thoy ofler
ono hundred dollars fnrnny cnsolt falls to euro.
Send for circulars nnd testimonials. Address
F. J. C11KN12Y &. CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by DrutrclstK. TSc,
Holl's Family Fills uro tho best.
Experience hnrdens Boft characters
nnd softens hard characters.
moke ri.icxim.i; ami i.abtino,
won't shako out or blow out; by using
Dollance Htnrcli you obtain better results
thnn possible with any other brand and
one-third more for mimo monoy.
Sunshine paints fruits and flowers,
as happlnesB glorifies a face.
Mm. Wliwlows nootlilne Kyrnn.
For children teetblnir, loftcm the num., reduces In
Cumulation, Hilars pain, cures wind colic 25c a bottls.
A genius should ho kept In a glass
caso as amodel for Inventors.
Lewis' "Singlo Binder" fctrnlsht 5c
clnr. The highest price 5c clgnr to the
denier and thu highest quality for the
smoker. Always reliable.
Never hother about what other peo
plo say or do, hut ho careful that you
do not do worse.
Try One Package.
If "Defiance Starcn" does not please
you, return It to your dealer. If It
does, you get one-third moro for tho
same monoy. It will give you satis
faction and will not stick to tho iron.
Tho man who smiles and smiles is
liable to see snakes if ho does not quit.
In Winter Use Allen's Foot-Eat.
A powder. Your feet feel uncom
fortable, nervous and ofton cold and
damp. If you havo sweating, sore feet
or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease.
Sold by all druggists and shoo stores,
25 cents. Sample rent free. AddreHB
Allen S. Olmsted, I.e Roy, N. Y.
Many peoplo fall. Why? Becauso
they don't try.
If you wish beautiful, clear, white clothes
uso Rod Cro-s Rail Blue. Large oz.
package, 5 cents.
Gold and silver may not rhyme, but
they jingle very well together.
Constipation Makes
Bad Blood.
Constipation is tho rotting and decaying of undigested food
in the alimentary caual. Disease germs ariso from this fester
'KBaaBa1 taKing
Doctors prescribe it All druggists sell it at 50 cents a bottlo.
Sen) 10c to U(Mn(oi MedlclM Co , Bock, IiIidi, III, ta cover politic en lirje tamplt bottle.
How an abscess in the Fallo
pian Tubes of Mrs. HoIIingcr
was removed without a surgical
"1 h(ul nn abscess in my sido in
tho ftillopiim tubo (tho fallopian
tube is a connection of tho ovaries).
I suffered untold misery and was
bo weak I could scarcely get around.
Tho Bhnrp burning pains low down
in my sido wero terrible. My phyai
cian said thero was no help for mo
unless I would go to tho hospital
and bo operated on. I thought
before that I would try Lydin E.
Pinklium'H Ycgotnblo Compound
which, fortunately, I did, unci it has
made mo a stout, healthy woman.
My advice to all women who suffer
with any kind of fomalo troublo is
to commenco taking Lyilia 13.
Plnklinm'sVcgotn.blo Compound
at once." Mns. In S. IIollinqer,
StilvidCO, Ollo.-9S000fertlt If erlglnatof
above Itttir proving genulnint$s cannot bq produced.
It would seem by this state
ment that women would save
time nnd much sickness If thoy
would tret Lydiu 12. Pinklinurs
Vegetable Compound at once,
and nlso wrlto to Mrs. Plnkliam
nt Lynn. Mass., for special ad
vice. It is f reo nnd always helps.
No other person can clvo such
helpful advice as Mrs. Plnkliam
to women who are sick.
"iSt:i2lTh8mpson; Ey Walw
nulcK reiiftr 'in cures worst nook of trMlrnoniRU and lu uaio- irenmeni
V3JL&. Sr.n.U.aaKN'SBOJt8,BoxB.AtlMU,a
1)rvTTT.WnV ' wnt ynT poultry, but
WUUXIVI pr. firm, vral. hltfot. eto.
Quick return tnd thn Milieu prices Hut location,
faetlitle nd experience ran Dtvn, Wrltn for lj
undprfcet. HUBKUl' I'lHVlN,
KatnblUlird 1870. Omnliu, Web.
a Bbl.
TrffrtffrAweriTffletll'o(otolnAmcrlriB i
)r Wlif-otitln aylrlri or ?40bu. per n. lruc
dirt cheap Mpmmnthacrd bAnkufiliiattiplcof
Teolntet Kp He M neuron t Wheat, OB bu. per
a., (..iint Clover, m.,ujm rreclptor lOopotun.
f X hrtry btquuilh tnr hid to th TA i
t;iio!4)aninz ui. a uiunnia wun in.
iiur cd, ana mid into ft wm or com,
ana reiaraea vo mj iravei owner.
ai i nava onir on ma i am vtrr
panicuitr arui n, arm iniiii tnatji
dealer far
inn hni si. m ain n rm im sunaan
TAfm IUW 4
WrIU lolir far
fa torn iirlrft lUtt,
Co., lUbtjqvf.Uwi,
JThty baa IhoUrc
uv tun boii
I Mtkftdrt 4)alr"i
I factory. na ar ti
rut unmii, fur
. moti cspania or
Pftri. ruriitrr,
(BniBf mr uuii
Minn m.
Orontoet. Choapeat food
CattlSf etc
Will tw worth II W ta ;x l read whit
Bslitr'1 c.ulcg y. .bunt ripe
Billion Dellar Grass
lll ikt.UIt.1j- mil. Ton rlorj It UOr)
ef h. r sutt lot. of puture xr Mre, m
alao Broroni, rtot, HpclU,
vbttt fer.ria, hot Milt, 01 b.i. rr
acre. 3tHb Cntorj O.t. , t'JH biu. ir
t a4 Ttoatiiu, YlilJs 100 tons
Ortea I'odfer t sere,
Forthla Notion nnd 40a. blf emttlAf tni 10 Farm Im4
lieTtlU.i, full wwth 1 10 to (itastut.
PQCC ""f0 'v'oiviassM
r ll C L 'lo prove the healing-
anii ciemlstnrr power of
PaLXtine Toilet Antiseptic
we will mall larjre trial treatment with
book of instructions absolutely free.
This is not a tiny sample, but a large
package, enough to convince any ono
that it is the most successful prepara
tion known to medicine as a cleansing
vaginal douche and for tho local treat
ment of woman's special ills, curing dis
charges and all inflammation, also to
clean! tho teeth, month, and enro ca
tarrh. Send today; a postal will do.
Hold by Uriifcclsta or sent postpaid by ns, BO
cent litre box. Hatlafactlon iruarnntoed.
THE It. l'AXTON CO., llostou, Mass.
ai4 Colombu Ave.
ing mass, wnicn nuu uieir way into mo
blood. The blood becomes itnpuro and
Ehorlly tho entiro system gives way to
tlio unhealthy condition.
You cannot euro a caso like this by
puis oroincr common camarcics.
A laxative will not do. A blood modi
rinois ineffective. Mull's Grape Tonic
is n gcntln and mild laxative in addition
to being a blood-making and strength
giving tonic which immediately builds
up tho wasted body and makes rich, red
blood that carries its health-giving
strength to every tissue at every hewt
Mull's Grapo Tonlo Is made of pure
crushed fruit juices and is Bold under a
positive guarantee.