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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1903)
wmmmmmmm iTyuAjZ CSL n' ,- "j M ? ; -jk: ?-;k-:-:s:j-:.. The Alliance Herald. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION $ CF BOX BUTTE COUNTY j AND ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPER IN THE COUNTY. THE HERALD HAB THE ? LARQR8T CIRCULATION , 4-$-:::.:.:.:.:.' PRINTS ALL THE NEWS. ,j5j,j..Mg...).j.j.. VOLUME X, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA; FRIDAY. JANUARY 30, 1903, NUMBER 6 i Ij." 4 t- J to u CLEARANCE .LE!f GOODS AT THESE PRICES VNTIL GONE frib. Can Tfolo Peaches i5c Fancy Sliced Peaches, per can....liijc 2 Cans Salmon 350 :i Cans Htrlng Deans 350 Hest Onions, per bushul $1 ) Best Butter, per pound 35c Fresh E(?ks. per dozen 3.1c laiicy Kviinornteri Peaches, pound. I0e Karlv.Iuno Peas and Corn, can ...joe Black Prunes pound 5c Evaporated Apples, pound nv 3 (Jans Best Tomatoes 3,v 3 PnckiiKi'-s Imported Mncarotil....2oc Oil Sardines, tier enn Re 25c Can Table Poaches 30; 25c Can Table Pears... J 20c 25c Cau Table Apricots 30c Evaporated Pears, per pound 10c Currants, per pacUago 5c Sueur Cured Ham, pound 15c Yours for fair dealing .... Alliance Grocery Co. Commence the New Year right. Buy your Groc eries of Lee Acheson where you can al ways get the best ( goods for the least money. All orders receive prompt and careful attention... 'Phone No. 4. The Hanson .Musical Contest. The entertainment given by the Scandi navian violinist, Christian Hanson, at the opera house Tuesday evening descrvts to be spoken of in terms of highest praise. Mr. Hansen really has great talent and his rendition of classic compositions is such as gives the music lover the keenest enjoyment while his simpler selections, played as he said because there were so many children in the audience who per haps would not appreciate the classics, were charmingly melodious. Miss Pearl Bartz accompanied him at the piano. In the first part of the program Miss Lulu Duncan gave a mirth-provoking recitation, "Tit for Tat," which was encored and she responded with another oven better than the first, "So Was I." Toward the end of the program, Miss Inice McCorkle recited the "Dukite Snake," a tragic recitation, and responded to an encore with "Their First Quarrel," a humorous piece, but rather difficult and her rendition of it was very good. The house amounted to $60.35, 24-35 of which went for the benefit of the Alli ance school library, Good milk cow for sale. Inquire of J. . Pierson. For storm windows and doors see Forest Lumber Co. For sale Fine piano. Inquire at Tun Herald office. We have for sale young thorough bred Bronze gobblers. Alliance Meat Co. Wasted To buy some two-year-old steers. Address W. H. Jewett, Uerea, Neb. Personal taxes become delinquent Feb ruary 1 and draw ten per cent interest from date. Alex Muirhead, county treas urer. We come before thousands of people every week who want to buy or sell their property. List yours with us. J. E. Murray, Lincoln, Neb. I will give painting lessons till March i, paint on any kind of cloth, twelve lessons for $5, and will furnish paints and brushes Mrs. Zeiirung, "Phone 194. Notice to Water Consumers. All water rents due and unpaid must be paid by February 1st, or water will be shut off without further notice. L. T. Poole. Water Commissioner. Notice. To whom it may concern: My wife Elizabeth Heeler has left my bed and board and the public is hereby notified that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. E. H. Keelkr. Attention, Stockmen. Dr. C. E. Menter of Ogalolla will be in Alliance January 31 and February 1, 2 and 3, prepared to do anything in the lineof veterinary surgery and dentistry. He is also prepared to treat evert ill that the horse or cow is heir to. Give him a call. T. L. Hopkins of Dunlap was a guest at Ira Heed's over Sunday. John Curran was down from the ranch near Hemingford Wednesday. Miss Grace Fickle, who had been visit ing at Chicago, returned Sunday. The Janke case comes up for a hearing in supreme court on next Tuesday. J. F. Fleming returned Wednesday morning from a business trip to Denver. 13. F. Lock wood left Saturday for Chi cago to purchase some new goods for his furniture store. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Harris spent Saturday and Sunday in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mclntyre enjoyed a visit from the former's nephew, F. F. Shaw, and wife of Pueblo Sunday. Mr Winifred Keane and Miss Emma Shimek of Girard were united in marriage Tuesday evening by Kev. Father Mc Carthy. Dr. Miller enjoyed a visit from his son Trueman of Whistle Creek the latter part of last week, the latter returning to his ranch Taturday. Other People's Money at the opera last Friday evening was greeted with an overflowing house and they gave a very good entertainment. Clayton Worley and his mother of Bo Butte were in the city Wednesday. They made this office a pleasant call and made a substantial payment on subscription. Misses Pearl Benedict and Susie Hop kins, who are teaching in the north part of the county, spent a part of Saturday and Sunday at the former's home in this city. The following Hemingford people at tended the special services at the Baptist church Sunday evening: Kev. N. E. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. 13. E. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. A. Sherwood. A. S. Enyeart was in the city Tuesday morning on his way home to Hemingford from T in-,oln where he had attended the State Dairymen's association. He reports a large attendance and a profitable meet ing. J. S. Heater, who is feeding his cattle near Irving, was in the city Wednesday. He says he expects to remain there about a month longer before returning to Alli ance. Before leaving he ordered The Herald to be sent him for a year. Funeral services for A. S. McDonald were held at the Baptist chucrh Tuesday morning conducted by the pastor, Rev. Jeffers, followed by interment in Green wood cemetery. Mr. McDonald had been in the employ of the Angus Gold Mining Co., of Lead, where he was taken ill with pneumonia, dynig there early Sunday morning. The deceased was forty-three years old. He was a brother to J. A. Mc Donald, a ranchman living southwest of this city. The floral offerings were many and beautiful, one especially elaborate piece being given by his fellow workmen showing in what esteem he must have been held by them. See the funny hypnotic cake walk at the opera house next week. C. E. Wiltsey, Emil Rockey, Will Kinsley and Ed Mabin were Hemingford people in the city this week. The ladies of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. Corneal next Wednesday afternoon to tack comforters. J. R. VanBoskirk returned from Lincoln yesterday. Messrs. VanBoskirk, Reed and -Delatour have been tireless in their work for the stockmen. Dr. Allen is smiling over the advent of a nine-pound dentist who arrived Thursday morning, January aS, 1903. All parties concerned, even the doctor, are getting alcng nicely. Conductor M. L. Wright returned yes terday from Pittsburg, Pa., whither he was called about two weeks ago by the serious illuess of his mother. He left her much improved. Mrs. M. Elmore returned the first of the week from accompanying her husband to the scene of his labors in West Virginia. She and Miss Marguerite and the two boys will soon go to Omaha to rmain there during the time that Mr. Elmore's has that city for his headquarters. At the Baptist church Sunday the ouly services will be Sunday school and Junior meeting at the usual hours, The En deavor society will unite with the Epworth League in an evening meeting at the Meth odist church and both preaching services for the Baptist congregation will be held with the Methodists at their church. J. A. Hunter of Dawes county and C. F. Dorgan of Chadron, solicitor for a South Omaha commission firm, were in the city over Sunday. Mr. Hunter loaded three cars of sheep at Marsland Saturday afternoon but not reaching Alliance in time to get out on No. 46 they were un loaded and kept in the Alliance yards till Sunday night SUDDEN DEATH OF PROMINENT MAN Captain P. .M. DoirliiRton Dies at Ills Home In This City After an Ill ness of Less Than a Week. WAS A NEBRASKA PIONEER Had llccn Identified With Nebraska Ills. tor)- Since Ilcforc Statehood Hud Held .Mnny Positions of Trust. It is seldom lhat Alliance is called upon to mourn the death of so prominent and influential a citizen as it is our sad duty to chronicle this week, in the death of Cap tain F. M. Dorrington, who died early yesterday morning after an illness of scarcely a week. Many of his friends did not know he was ill and the news of his death was a terrible surprise to them. He was taken ill last Friday but it was not thought to be any dangerous malady with whidh he was affected until the second or third day before his death. Dr. Bellwood had been called to attend him and at that time he told the captain and Mrs. Dorring ton that the illness resulted from a tele scoping of the small intestine and conse quent obstruction and inflammation which probably could be removed by an opera tion, but that owing to the patient's general physical condition it seemed that his chances for recovery from the operation were just about equal to his chances for recovery from the disease and left it for them to decide which course should be pursued and they chose to not run the risk of performing an operation. His condi tion grew steadily worse until death re lieved him from all ills. He was conscious of all things until about an hour before the end came and realized that he could not re cover. An autopsy revealed that the at tending physician s diagnosis was wholly correct, Captain Dorrington was a mau of great strength of character and extraordinary ability. He was, moreover, a man uni versally trusted and esteemed and general ly well liked, in fact enthusisastically so by a large circle of friends. He has been a very prominent figure in northwest Ne braska's history, development and politics. Through it all he has borne a high charac ter for honor and justice and devotion to the general welfare. Frederick Marion Dorrington was born in Rochester, New York, September 2, 1842, thus being over sixty years of age at the time of his death. He was of Eng lish parentage. He received a common school and academic education which, however, by application and native ability placid him on an equality with many men of higher scholarly attainments as we reckon them in schools. He came with his parents at the age of eighteen to the then Territory of Nebraska, the family locating at Falls City. In July of 1861 he married Miss Catherine Minnick, also of Falls City, who survives him. The first stage line from Plattsmouth to Lincoln was owned and operated by him. He was in the surveyor general office of Nebraka for a number of years and had charge of the surveying of the western part of the state. In 1877 he moted to Deadwood, S. D., where he was engaged in mining and prospecting but removed in 1884 to the vicinity of Chadron, homesteading there and becoming one ol the pioneer citizens of that town where he opened a real estate and law office. In July 1890, he was appointed registear of the United States land office located in Alliance, since which time he has held his residence here. He served four years on that appointment being retired from 1894 to 1898 when he was reappointed and held the office until the time of his death. In politics he was a republican and was a loyal and vigor ous worker for his party's interests. In 1892 he was a prominent candidate for re publican nominee for congressman from the Sixth district. In all his public career his acts have been free from blame in every particular a record his family may be proud to cherish. Besides the wife, a daughter sons are left to mourn his death. A. Record of Hyannis, George E, ton, of Falls City and Lieut. L. and two Mis. A. Dor- rington, now in service in the Philippines. He also has a brother living at Falls City and another in Arizona. It is ex pected that the latter will arrive in this city today or tomorrow. Funeral services will be held at his late residence tomorrow, Saturday, afternoon at 3 o'clock that his many friends may pay a last tribute of respect to the departed and that night the body, accompanied by all members of the family, will be taken to Falls Cily for funeral services and interment in the cemetery where other members of his family have been laid to rest. His death is a blow and a source of deep regret to the people of this city and sec tion of the state, who tender the members of his family their sincerest sympathy in this hour of deep affliction. Look out for the wild blind fold drive down street by Madame Barsaloux who is positively the only lady in the world that does the blind-fold drive. A MVSTIiKIOl'S DISAPI'KAKANCi:. lr. A. I. Ilrcwcr of llynnnts Is Smt Seen In Alllnucc Jnnunry 0 -No I'otil Piny Likely I'ioiii Circumstances. Another mysterious disappearance in which the missing man was last seen in Alliance occurred on the 9th inst. when Dr. A. D. Brewer of Hyannis came up here, took dinner at the Hila Grand and after being scan at the depot by a hotel man from Hyannis, Mr. Donahue, that night about the time of the departure of the Denver and castbound trains, nothing has been learned concerning where he may be. He talked to Mr. Donahue as if ex pecting to return to Hyannis and boarded the train; but investigation shows that no ticket not otherwise accounted for was sold to that station and the conductor took no cash fare for that distance, so it ap pears as he must have gone out on tho Denver line. Dr. Brewer came to Hyannis last fall and while a reserved, quiet man, was very well liked and was doing well in his profes sion. Ilia departure from Hyannis with the intention of not returning is shown by letters left there and he had arranged so that after a certain time news of his dis appearance should reach his brother, who it seems is his only near relative, W. Brewer of Bozeman, Mont., an instructor in the Montana agricultural college. The latter heard of it first on last Friday aud telegraphed an intimate friend of his and his brother's, Prof. W. A. Willard, an in structor in biology in the Nebraska state university. The doctor had not been in Lincoln and Prof. Willard arranged to meet the brother from Montana here, which meeting took place Sunday morning, These two men with the assistance of E. CJ. Fickler of Hay Springs, a friend to the traveled for a firm having their headquar Brewer brothers, have thoroughly gone over the premises hpre and at Hyannis hut without the slightest clue that seems like ly to lead to the discovery of his where abouts. They state that he left all his affairs at Hyannis in good condition and that so far as they know there was nothing to cause him to desire to drop out of everyone's knowledge, that he was a young man of exemplary character and conduct, quiet and studious. He was about twenty-eight years old. He had ,leit statements show ing to whom and to what extent he was in debted and also those owing him and the amounts due, which more than covered his indebtedness. Some have suggested suicide or possibly insanity, but there is nothing in his letters or behavior to indi cate any such causes for his strange con duct. The work of his brother and friend to further trace him is not known or not made public. A NKW IH'SINKSS III.OCK. It Will lie the Largest and Handsomest Business Illock In the Clty-Hulld- lnfi Will Commence In .May. Messrs. Jules Zbinden, H. H. Mil ler, T. J. O'Kcefe and G. W. Young have decided to erect a building on their lots this season, work to commence in May. The structure will be of brick, two stories and basement, with a frontage of 100 feet. The south half of the building will be 130 feet deep and the north half eighty feet. Pressed brick will be used on the east and south frontage and the finiihing of the dif ferent fronts will be of uniforn style. The second floor of the south half of the build ing will be used as a hall, the room to be 50x130 and 16 feet high. Alliance has long needed a largor hall to accommodate some of its large gatherings and the one to be provided will doubtless be brought into requisition frequently. Mr. Zbinden will occupy the first room with his flour and grain business, Mr. Miller will probably rent the second room; the third will be made a permanent home for The Herald and the fourth will be occupied by Mr Young as a grocery. The building will be modern throughout, heated by steam and will be the largest solid business block in the city. The building will cost about $18,000. Read every page of The Herald. Dr. Horn's letter and correspondence appear on an inside page, -viva i.uiic,ii ui iiiiiiaiu iciuiucu home Tuesday"after spending a week in Alliance with relatives and friends. Earl, the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson, underwent an opera tion yesterday morning which promises to be successful in restoring him to health. The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fleming has been ill for several weeks and at this writing her condition is con sidered dangerous. The trouble is an irri tation at the base of the brain. Hypnotic company coming; You should attend the entertainments all next week at the opera house by the Sommerville & Barsaloux hypnotic company, supporting the only lady hypnotist in America, Madame Barsaloux, tbe queen of laughter and merriment, who will make you forget your troubles and turn the dark ide of life to a rose-tinted color. See people who forget Jheir names, fail to recognize their friends, and do various other things that will make you laugh and convince you. Al..n T nt...-..!..!. nf T")!vt. . w.....a. ..! MARRIES TWICE IN FOUR DAYS Arthur Chclf ofThlt City Takes One Ilrldc In Ncbrnskn and Another in Illinois and n rin en Second One Hero. WIFE APPEARS ON THE SCENE Chclf .Makes Hurried Dcpnrtiirc anJ the WroiiRcd (llrl's father Comes for Her -Will Prosecute Chclf. One of the most wantonly causeless and shamefully heartless crimes possible to be committed was uncovered in this city last Friday, the offender being Arthur Chclf who has clerked in 1. L. Acheson's grocery store the past three years and the crime is bigamy, but the circumstances surround ing the affair mako his conduct, if possible, more dastardly than ordinarily surrounds such an offense. He left here the latter part of last December for Waupclla, III., ! to be married to Miss Berne Harold on December 31, which wedding took place at the appointed time at the homo of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, S. Hnr old. On January 15 they arriyed In Alliance, going to housekeeping in the Clem Mollring residence and Mr. Chelf resuming his work at Acheson's, and all seemed to be going well until Friday last ' when a young woman arrived in the city from Lakeside proclaiming lu'rsclf to be Chelf's wife. She first told the trouble to Attorney William Mitchell: That she was before her marriage Miss Kate Golderick. ! She was teaching at Lakeside and had ' known and cared for Chelf for some years, i that on his way to Illinois he had stopped ' at Lakeside to see her and she had gone ' on to Grand Island and was there married to him by the county judge. From there he had gone on to Illinois to visit his par ents and she had returned to Lakeside to finish her term of school, intending at its close, by which time Chclf would have con cluded his visit and be again at Alliance, to come here and live with him. She had just closed her school and knew nothing of Chelf's return until, upon reading an Alli ance paper she saw an account of Chelf's return from Illinois with his bride and she came up here to straighten matters out. Piecing the whole thing together the story is somewhat as follows: Miss Kate Golderick had been a resident of Alliance for a good many years, making her home with her sister, Mrs. Henry Rettish, whose husband was a conductor running out of Alliance and who has moved to Denver where Miss Golderick spent the past sum mer. Nearly ever since Chelf came to Alliance he had paid attention to Miss Golderick although from the Harolds it is learned that he had been engaged to Miss Harold and in constant correspondence with her. When he started to Illinois he stopped at Lakeside where Miss Golderick was teaching school and told her he was going to Illinois to be married and must give her up. She accompanied him to the depot and people who saw them there said she cried and seemed very sad over his go ing away and it evidently softened his heart. He took her with him to Grand Island and married her as stated and went on to Illinois intending to break the engagement with Miss Harold. A letter from him to the Golderick girl dated at Bloomington, 111., shows that and in the letter he enclosed the certificate of their marriage at Grand Island. But upon arriving at the home of Miss Harold he found it diffi cult to explain what he had done and de sired Miss Harold more than the girl he had married and married Berzie Harold expecting to find some means of ridding himself of the first bride he had taken. His talk to Attorney Mitchell shows that had been his idea In her interview with Mr. Mitchell, Mrs. Chelf, nee Golderick, expressed her desire to prosecute Chelf. Mr. Mitchell informed her that no crime having been committed by him here he could not be arrested or action taken against him here that it must be in Illinois where the crime was committed. I She said she wished to do so. Mr. Mitch-, ell then said that all (hat could be done ' would be to hold Chelf here until she ' should go to Illinois and file suit against j him, but unless she really meant to do so I they would not as he could not be prose cuted here. She still expressed her deter I mination to prosecute but wished to see I Chelf and Mr. Mitchell brought him there i and then absented himself during their (conference in which Chelf evidently changed her mind. Upon Mr. Mitchell's return Chelf asked the penalty for his of fense and was told from one to seven years. He said he had made a compromise with Mrs. Chelf that he was to pay her $100 and she would go away and let him alone. The attorney asked what he pro posed to do about the girl he was living with and he said he meant to stay with her, that the Golderick girl was going to keep it a secret. He was informed that she had already told others here and at Lake side and that being legally married to Kate Golderick he could not continue living with Berzie Harold. He did not further state his intentions but it seems that he had (Concluded on Fifth Page.) We have lots of good things to eat. Reception Can Goods are the best that money can buy . . Gold Medal , . . Coffee 1 M fit for a king to drink and cheap enough foranyonc. Our Cream Pa te nt is second to none. Call and see us before you buy. A. Blackburn, .AWES' IIOWI.l.Nti CONTEST. .Mrs. Spencer Wins the Hftccn Dollar Cut Glass Water Set at UidRCIl'.s Howling Alleys. A large' attendance of ladies and gentle men was present at W. S. Ridgcll's bowl ing alleys last night to witness the ladies' contest for the $15 cut gla'ss water set which has been on exhibition for some time. It was won by Mrs. Spencer as the following scores show. The scores how-, ever, were not .13 good as have been made by the ladies on previous occasions. They were as follows: Mrs. Spencer. . .,.87 M. Mannis 111 A. Morris 119 R. Trumbull 99 Mrs, Zbinden 82 143 '02 ....332 97 62 ....270 102 107 ....328 112 110 ..,.321 75 105 ....262 Other scores at the . alley this . week are as follows: Those making 200 or over: Thomas 242 Peterson 215 Buffington. ..228 Groves 209 Lamberson. .225 Lund 204 Gilman 217 Mitchell 200 Reese 213 Weekly contest: unman. ...193-190-215-130-179 Reese i83-i81-i5o-i70-i92 Thomas 136-150-188-I91-206 Lamberson. .132-142-133-130-181 .907 ,.882 ..871 7'9 Bert Hopkins of Dunlap was in the city Thursday. J. W. Wehn visited Broken Bow Wed nesday. See F. E. Reddish for loans on real estate. A. M. Miller of Hemingford came down to Alliance yesterday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Huston Wednesday, January 27. The Ladies' Union will meet with Mrs. B. F. Gilman, Wednesday, February 4. The L. O. T. M. will meet with Mrs. H. C. Armstrong next Tuesday afternoon at 2 30. Important business. R. R. Ralls made The Herald a call yesterday. Mr. Ralls is now living on the Hampton ranch southwest of Alliance. The,re will be a bowling contest be tween Crawford and Alliance tomorrow evening, commencing at eight o'clock at Ridgell's alley. The five-months'-old bnby of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gillespie died last c!'t Funeral this afternoon at three o'c'jrlc Services will be conducted by Rev. G. C. Jeffers. H.J. Ellis, editor of the Times of this city, and Miss Beatrice Holt were married in Omaha Tuesday. Miss Holt has been state organizer for the Bankers' Union of the World and spent some time in Alli ance last summer. Mrs. Dr. Koons and Mrs. E. A. Hall entertained the High Five club at the home of the latter last Tuesdays-evening. W. O. Barnes carried off the gentleman's prize, a tiny traveling case, and Mrs. E. S. Jackson, the lady's prize, a lovely vase. Refreshments were served and all report a very pleasant time.