r i J, MICKEY'S MESSAGE Legislature Listens to Its Reading Thursday URGES PROPER ECONOMY itovora Retention or Supremo Court CommliRloti and Hello c n llonrd of Pardons Necessary Views In Kogurd to Taxation WHAT GOV. MICKEY SAYS IN HIS MESSAGE. -uln,,'n0.y' . fll, an1 complete). should exist between tlio executive and tlio legislature. There should be "strict econ- omy without parsimony " . We should seek Divine nihintmr. In tlio nffalrs of state. Tho Increase In public debt la Will ROM MV llttiTnft'nliti.tl.. 1... il.- assessors. Tho law should bo chnnireil en M,nf ii . nnu personal uronertv innuf listed. An experimental farm should bo established in Western Nebraska. should not bo abolished. 81x of tho nine members should im m. -j- A board of pardons should bo established. T?rill(VlHntinl tnalltiittnnH ....... .1.1 y ; ....... iiio.ivuLiuiia csiiuuiu t "-; Kuiieious treatment. Oil should be carefully Inspected. 2. ,An, , ndequato appropriation should bo made for the St. Louis exposition. ihe unfinished portions of tho penitentiary should bo completed. Thn Mni-fnllr oU. I..-. i ..1.1 i. rebuilt. ,Tho hcopo of tho puro food law should bo broadened. A state accountant should bo employed to scrutlnlzo and verify accounts of state ofllcciH. s ' In his message to the legislature to day, John H. mickey, the new gov err, r of Nebraska, says: To tho Members of the Senate nnd Houso of tho Twenty-eighth legislative Assembly of tho Stato of Nebraska In assuming the olllco of chief exccutlvo of the great stato of Nebraska I am pro foundly conscious of tho responsibility resting upon mo nnd of tho magnltudo of tho undertaking. With mo this Is a tlmo for every serious thought. The nets of my administration will ha've more or less effect upon tho Interests of every citizen, and the possibilities of doing good stand out before mo in such promi nence that I trust my mental perception may never be diverted therefrom. As between tho executive and your honor nblo body, eoncunent branches of our state government, thero ought to be, nnd I hae confidence to bellovo thero will be. a perfect harmony In our mutual relations. You nro tho law making body nnd your presence hero Is proof of tho fact that j on nro lenders of thought and controllers of oents in your respective districts. Much, therefore, will depend upon you, not only in tho enactment of wise legislation but In co-operating with mo In the enforcement of tho same, to tho end that the law mav bo respected nnd the Interests of tho people best con served. Our responsibilities nro mutual and there should bo no disposition to shirk on tho part of either of us, Whllo wo are not all of tho samo political faith I bellovo wo aro all patriots and from our several view points aro honcstlv looking toward tlio ncconipllshemnt of the great est good to tho greatest number. In tho work that Is before us we should riso above the exercise of mero partisan spirit and occupy a plane of broad toleration nnd charltv. Mv ambition Is to bo tho governor of all tho people, regardless of party, and to merit their conlldence. GOD AND AFFAIRS OF STATE. Preface to the Recommendations Is on Character of Legislation. Tho necessity for safe-guarding tho public purse has been pertinently railed to vour attention In tho messago of my predecessor. Verv many matters per taining to tho public good will be brought to your notice, a large portion of them contemplating moro or less of expense. In tho consideration of nil theso questions jour motto should bo "stilct economv without parsimony " Tho stato should bo too wise to bo lnlsh nnd too just to be penurious Wo should remember, too, thnt we are builders for tho future. Our acts aro not confined nlono to tho present but llko the concentllo circles formed when a pebble Is dropped Into the water thoy extend on nnd on In their In fluence and effects. Legislation, there fore, should bo of that broad, unselfish character which looks past the pre&ont Into the future and contemplates com ing as well as Immediate necessities. It Is n great responsibility to bo permitted to have a prominent part In tho develop ment of a young nnd progressive state, so rich In resources and bright with promise ns is Nebraska, nnd I trust that this thought may bo over present in your work. Above all wo should seek Divine guid ance. God controls tho affairs of states and nations. Just ns ho does of individ uals, and no people can permanently prosper who nro not submissive to His will. It Is therefore Important that In nil our deliberations we should bo led by Him. for In such leadership there Is tho most perfect liberty, begetting a charltv which in Itself is tho fulfillment of all law. I sincerely hope thnt this legisla ture will achieve distinction for tho wis dom of Its acts nnd for tho hnrmony nnd fraternal spirit which shall characterize nil Its deliberations I especlnllv chal lenge your attention to a few matters of public policy. FRANCHISE ASSESSMENTS. Floatlnn Debt Exlstlnn Due to Under valuation by Board of Equalization. Tho question of revenuo is ono which virtually coreerns every Intcrost in the stato nnd always presents troublesomo phases At present the floating Indebted ness of the commonwealth Is lnigely in excess of the amount permitted under tho constitution and Is rapidly Increasing There Is no defensible) teason for tho existence of such a condition. it is largely duo to tho prevalent and perni cious practice of undei valuing all forms of property nnd franchises which enter Into tho makeup of tho assessors' sched ules, tho result being that tho grand as sessment roll Is meiely a financial shadow of tho tangible resources and wenlth whloh it Is Intended to joprosent. Willi a stntutory limitation on the number of mills that can bo levied, the amount of revenuo derived from any given assess ment Is coiruspondlngly abridged and at present is far bolow the amount abso lutely required to meet running expenses Another Important contributory cause to the Increasing indebtedness Is tho fur ther faot that many county treasurers are exceedingly lax In the matter of tax collection. Largo sums are allowed to encumber tho books year after year on which collection ought to bo forced nnd tho proceeds turned Into tho public treasury for the general good At the present tlmo tho delinquent taxes owed to the stato aro approximately ? 400,000 Of this enoimous amount only n small per cent, outside of the taxes of 1901 nnd 11102, is now collocUble though It is fre quently quoted ns an available asset for tho extinguishment of debt Those con ditions ait unsatisfactory and should bo relieved. It Is nppareut that tho state ounnot Ignore Its obligations. Its educa tional, philanthropic and corrective In stitutions must not be Impaired in their usefulness and the spirit of tho consti tution rauat be respected In Its limita tion of Indebtedness. To harmonize theso divergent necessities Is tho task devolv ing upon your honornblo body As a first step It seems to mo that the assessment roll should be Increased to tho proportions contemplated for It by law, ectlon 1, nrtlclo 0 of tho constitution makes tt obligatory on tho legislature to "provide such revenue ns mnv bo nocd ful, by levying n tax by valuation, fo that cvory person nnd corporation shall pay a tax In proportion to the nluo of his, her or Its property and franchises the nluo to bo nscartamed In such man ner rfs tho legislature shall direct," etc. The legislature has declared that all per sonal nnd leal property shall bo nlucd nt Its fair cash value and tho plain In tention of the statutes Is to impose upon every person connected with tho assess ment tho duty of enforcing that Idea. I recommend that o!stlng laws bo cor rected so ns to Insut o thnt nil forms of loal and personal property will bo listed at full valuation for purposes of taxa tion; also that tho laws governing tho collection of taxes bo made moro strin gent and effective. I further recommend thnt the duties of tho stato boird of equalization bo broadened so thnt it shall have ample power to ralso or lower as sessments for state purposes in hnrmony with tho full valuation plan, and that county boards bo given such additional authority as may bo needed In order to carry out the same Idea. It Is Important that theso matters re ceive your Immediate attention that tho tcsultant laws may bo operatlvo for tho coming assessment. NEW EXPERIMENTAL FARMS. A Station In Western Nebraska and Its Advantages. Nebraska Is distinctively an ngrlcul tural and llvo stock pioduclng stato. Theso two industries, with horticulture, aro tho basis of tho major part of tho prosperity enjoyed by our people. What ever tends to promoto theso Interests In creases tho general weal In the same ra tio. In wlso recognition of theso facts the stato has long slnco established an experimental fnim near Lincoln in con nection with the stato university, where careful nnd elaborate tests aro mado In tho production of grains, grasses nnd forngo plants under varying conditions, whero tho several kinds of live stock which mid wealth to the farm nro kept for purposes of experimentation, whero horticulture Is systematically promoted, nnd from which Is disseminated from tlmo to tlmo facts nnd data relative to the woik accomplished. As has been stnted, tho experimental farm Is located near Lincoln, In tho humid part of tho stato, whero tho cli matic conditions nro verv different from those which prevail farther west In tho nrld and semi-nrld portions of tho com monwealth. Tho conditions there, In my Judgment, demand tho estnbllshmcnt of nn experimental farm, also in connection with tho stato unlveislty nnd under tho mnnngement of tho board of regents, which shall give special attontlon to tests In agriculture, stock raising nnd horti culture, under the pecullnilties of soil and cllm.ito thero pre ailing. Such nn Institution would give nn Impetus to tho rural Interests of that part of tho stato nnd would prove nn Important factor in the moro thorough development of a section which Is sometimes regarded as being handicapped by nature but which is rich In natural resources if agricul tural energy Is directed along proper lines. Our congressional delegation hns re ceived assurance from tho general gov ernment that It will gladly co-operato In tho woik. In connection with its Ir rigation nnd reclamation plans, and if Nebraska takes tho initiative it Is prob nblo that our station will become tho scat of tho government's tests and ex periments conducted In behalf of tho other stntes In this same region. I there foro recommend that tho legislature make an appropriation for tho purchase, equipment nnd malntennnco of a farm at Noma suitablo point In the west part of tho state, to bo under tho control of tho state university nnd known ns nn ad junct of the same, for tho purposes men tioned. SUPREME COURT COMMISSION. Recommends That the Existing Body be Continued. Your nttention is urgently called to the necessity of providing for tho con tinuation of tho supremo court commis sion. Tho present commission has per formed commendnblo service and reduced tho olumo of litigation for yenrs pend ing In tho .supreme court While Mie number of commissioners might bo de creased, I am firmly of tho opinion that tho number should not bo less than six. considering the rights of litigants and tho imperative demand of tho "people that every case should receive fair and full consideration. I therefore recommend the enactment of a law similar to the ono parsed by tho Inst legislature creating tho present commission, so modified ns to provldo for six instead of nlno commissioners. A BOARD OF PARDONS. One Is Necessary to Consider Worth of Applications. Whllo I have no disposition to shrink from tho constitutional and statutory re sponsibility imposed on tho chief execu tive in tho matter of exercising clemency tow at d inmates of tho penitentiary, yet I believe that tho publio good would bo greatly enhanced bv tho ci cation of nn advisory board of paidons to which should be refeired nil applications for relief from punishment ror penal offenses and matters pertaining thereto. Such bonrd should bo authorized to hear and weigh all evidence on which the application for pardon is predicated and within a reasonable time to report Its findings to the governor with a recom mendation for or ng.ilnst the exerciso of executive clemency, ns each Individual case mny seem to require. I thereforo recommend that such a boa id of pardons bo created, tho details to bo arranged by your honorable body. LIBERAL TO FREE EDUCATION. Institutions of the State Commended to Best Consideration. The peoplo of Nebraska nro Justly proud of their educational Institutions. Tho foundations of these interests have been laid blond and deep nnd mny bo properly regarded as tho corner stones of that degreo of eminence and distinc tion which the state now enjoys. No other part of our country Is blessed with so small n per cent or illiteracy or has so much to show, In proportion to popu lation. In the way of good school build ings, fine equipments and specially fitted Instructors. At tho head of theso In terests stands the state university with its numerous depaitments, closely sec onded by tho state normal. The Institutions havo done, nnd are do ing, for tho stato a work greater than can be estimated, tho Influence of which will be felt throughout all time. Thoso Interests should leeelvo tho careful at tention of vour body and such npproprla tlons should bo made us will Insure the continuance of their beneficent work on a scale commensurate with tho state's development. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS. An Amendment to Section I, Article XV, Is Advocated. During recont jears a number of at tempts havo been mado to secure needed changes In the organic law of tho stato by submission to tho voters of pioposed amendments to the constitution. Under the constitutional provisions all proposed amendments must lii submitted nt the general election at which membors of tho legislature aro oted for Uy tho present law such proposed amendments. In abridged form, nro made a part of the regular ballot nnd a majority of nil votes cast must bo re corded nlllrmnttvely for each proposition before It can be adopted. In the greater interest nttnehing to the election of can didates tho oters lose, sight of tho Im portance of constitutional changes and a majority of them fail to vote on tho propositions submitted. As each failure to voto Is in effect n negative voto on tho question, or questions. It bocomos practically impossible to amend the con stitution by such means, ovon In cas.es whore the peoplo are generally agreed that the change should be made. As a correction of this difficulty and a means of securing tho needed consti tutional modifications I recommend thnt your body propose nn amendment to section 1 or nrtlclo IB of tho constitution which will provide thnt amendments to tho constitution mny bo submitted to tho electors for npprovnl or l ejection nt a general or special election, nnd I fur ther suggest that tho present election law bo so changed ns to nuthnrlzo a separate ballot for tho submission of such questions. CONDITIONS AT PENITENTIARY. Money Needed For Reconstruction and Enlaroement. By renson of tho failure of tho Inst legislature to make a sufficiently largo appropriation tho icbulldlng of tho cen ter nnd west wing of tho penitentiary, destroyed by nro two yenrs ngo. Is not yet completed. Tho stono Is practically all laid but the Interior cannot bo fin ished and made lendy for occupancy un til another appropriation becomes avail able. To this duty I trust ou will give early nttention. It Is also absolutely Imperative thnt tho west wing bo cqulpper with from fifty to scventy-flvo now steel cells, tho piosent cell room being entirely Inadequate to tho needs of the Institution, At this tlmo threo convicts nro com pelled to bunk In ono small mom, tho capacity of which Is srnicoly equal to tho proper accommodation of two. Tho result is thnt theso unfortunntes mo crowded together in nn nlmost barbarous mnnner nnd in violation of tho prompt ings of hiimano reason nnd tho laws of henlth. This condition Is In no senso a reflection nn tho management of tho pen Itcntlnrv but Is unavoidable on nrcount of the Inck of room. I recommend that sufficient appropriations be mnile, both for the completion of that part of tho penitentiary which Is now In prooess of construction nnd for tho addition of now cells as suggested. POOR QUALITY OF OIL. More Careful Inspection of the Shipments Is Necessary. Tor some tlmo thero hns been verv general complaint of tho quality of oil which is shipped into reenraska for il luminating purposes. Tho trouble seems to bo thnt it is not property freed from Its natural Impurities, or. in other words, thnt It Is not sufficiently refined. Our present Inspection law, ndequato so far as tho points covered by It nro concerned, was Intended to protect tho public fiom the iiso or illuminating oil which might volatlll7o nt so low n temperature as to occasion the danger or explosion. It does not provldo ror a test or theso Im purities which mensure and weigh, and the presence or which detract materlallv from tho illuminating power of tho oil with which thoy nro compounded. I recommend that tho oil Inspection law bo so amended ns to include a test ror Impurities and that a standard or purity bo established. ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION. Proper Representation For Nebraska Desired, During tho year 1904 tho Loulslnna Puronnso Kvnnsltlnn will Via i.t.i i .i. city or St. Louis. It Is estimated that , nut icii man ,iu minion uouars will bo expended on this enterprise. Tho gen eral government nnd a number or tho states hno nlre.idv given It substantial lecognltlon. nnd the other states .will . ... . .j .... ., ,. uiuu i emiri;ii e legislatures assemble Nebraska should ! nave a pan in mis grand dfsplay or tho world's resources, nnd especially so as the event Is intended to commemorate tile npnlllRltfnn nf 41m ronof l...An... ----, ....... ... ...,j .ituob ,ui,ii unit. teirltory ever ndded to the national do- I mnlne, a territory from which tho stnto was caived and of which It Is tho brltrhtnsf Inwpl Ynur )m,i ni,n,,t.t ..!... a liberal appropriation for tho pioper rep lesontation of Nebraska nt this exposi tion, subject to such restrictions nnd de tails of c.xpcndlturo as prudence 'may suggest. PURE FOOD COMMISSION. More Ct"rehcnslve Operations Are Necessary. Tho food commission law should bo made moro comprehensive. At present its operations nro confined to dairy, cider nnd vinegar products, and while tho com mission having chnrgo of tho department has done excellent service in Its lim ited sphere it Is cvlduit thnt a broaden ing of the enactment would bo of cor responding benefit. The public health is largely dependent on the character of rood products and certnlnly it is fitting that n matter so intimately connected with tho very existence of our peoplo should be regulated by proper legislation. Iho scopo of tho present law should bo broadened so as to Includo tho tegu latlon and contiol or rood products ror the use or man. Such products should bo plnced on tho market strictly on tholr merits nnd deception ns to puritv nnd quality should be mado n penal offense Iho present ree nnd permit system Bhould be paid from tho general fund nnd a direct nppropiiatlon should bo mado foi that purpose. NORFOLK SHOULD RETAIN ASYLUM. Governor Mickey Thinks Conditions Favor Reconstruction. In September. 1001. tho mnln building of tho asylum ror tho Insane, at Norfolk was partially destroyed by flro and nn dered unfit for further use. At that time tho Institution was caring for about threo hundred Inmates. Theso were aft erwards divided between tho similar In stitutions owned by tho state at Lincoln and Hastings nnd were thero given tho caro and attention which their cases demanded, as well ns could bo done under tho crowded conditions thus imposed Slnco then nn annex has been built to tho Institution nt Hastings, affording ad ditional accommodations which havo temporarily rellovcd tho embarrassment It is possible that for a short tlmo tho state could continue to enre for Its un fortunates at tho two institutions named, but It should bo bornr In mind thnt tho Lincoln hospital Is now charged with thirty moro than its capacity will Justify whllo tho nBvium at Hnstlngs hns its normal capacity filled. It is evldont, therefore, that prompt nnd decisive no tion should bo taken In order to avoid tho necessity of cnilng ror theso suffer ers In any other wav than In a well equipped hospital. Tho stato now Ihih nt Norrolk an Investment or nbout $95,000 In tho way or land, uninjured buildings nnd equipments, oxeluslvo of the partial ruins of tho main building which nlso represent a considerable monoy vnlue In view of this Investment, or the grow Ing needs or tho stato proportionate to the growth in population nnd tho cor responding Increase or dementia and as a matter of convenience to tho North Platto country It seems to mo that tho Institution nt Noifolk should bo rehabili tated and I recommend a reasonable np proptiation for that put pose I further advise that this, and nil other buildings authorized by vour bodv. bo mado ns nearly flro proof ns possible, to tho end that danger to human life nnd of the destruction or property on account or fire bo reduced to tho minimum. TO HANDLE STATE ACCOUNTS. An Office Should be Created to Assist the State Board. With tho gradual Increase of state business it becomoa more and moro nec essary that a state accountant should be provided as nn adjunct of tho board of nubile lands and buildings, whoo duty It shall be to scrutlnlzo nnd veriry the nccounts of tho various stato oftlcers and stnto Institutions, nnd who shall havo authority over tho books nnd records of said Institutions with n view to reducing them to a uniform sstem llellevlng that such nn officer would rendor vnlunble servleo to the state and would servo as a check on extravagance In tho conduit of state nffalis, I recommend that tho petition bo created. These are the moro Important points of dewlrsd legislation that suggost themselves to my mtnd During the progress of the sesHlon it may be that other matters will arise to which I shall wish to onll jour attention by special mcHifcage, I trust that the utmost of har mony nnd fraternal good-ulll may at tend all your efforts. JOHN ir. MICKEY. I MRS. HAROLD STAGG. Copyright, 1890 and 1801 '99959'S'flO'9i99,9vai9-i3as)'3a,9.-ai9.'9'aa,93!as'aiaa,9fl9is!9a CHAPTER XI. (Continued.) "Don't disturb yourself; you nro to Blng," sho cried to StruUiorB, who started up nn though to take his turn nt swinging her. "I am enjoying It bo much." He thought n little anil began once moro with ono of Moore's short lovo songs, nnd a second, and still a third tlmo he mndo a new cholco ueforo the humor seized him to desist or her to speak. Then thoy chanced to look up nt the same moment and to porcolve that tho professor's head hnd fallon forward on his breast and that ho was no longer Hinoklng. "Ho Is asleep," said Eleanor, In a whisper. Then, as bIio watched tho electrician lay tho banjo softly besldo hhn, shu added with enthusiasm: "It must be an endless delight to bo able to sing llko thnt." "It Is a relaxation to mo from my work, at any rate. Your undo seems to llko to hear mo, and none of tho neighbors havo complained ns yet." Eleanor, shrouded In tho hammock, was able to peep at him through tho network without being observed. Tho moonlight fell upon him In such a wny that his features wore thrown Into re lief. They were refined and suggested a sensitive temperament. Eleanor said to herself that he waB fifty-fold moro Interesting to her than Owen Pngo and the other young men with whom sho had associated during tho past year. Thero was, moreover, something shy and unsophisticated about this ono, which gavo her a sense of composuro which it was lather pleasant to feel. "Havo you lived hero long, Mr. Struthers?" she asked. "Only about six months In this houso. But I was born nnd brought up In the city. Last summer I was gradu ated from tho school of mines." "So you havo begun your life-work," sho replied, wistfully. "I am Immensely lntorested In elec tricity. Sooner or later I hope to ob tain n position cither with some largo concern that puts In electrical plants or regular employment ns n consulting engineer in such matters." He spoko with a direct simplicity thnt attracted Eleanor. Ho seemed so modest nnd yet so self-rellnnt wlthnl. "Then wo nro somewhat Blmllarly situated," she was tempted to reply; "only you havo your work already in a measuro provided and mapped out, and I am still an idler perforce." "You?" ho ejaculated, wondeiingly. She enjoyed his astonishment for a moment without responding, then Bhe Bald: "You did not know, then, that I was looking for a position." Ho becamo confused, and It wns plain that ho was nonplussed, doubt ful whether she was bantering him or no. Again sho wnlted, finding his cm barrassed sllenco nnd nlmost dis tressed mien delicious, by wny of con trast to the veneered nudacltv tit tho young men who visited her Aunt Em ma. "Yes, I nm going to be n teacher; that Is, If any ono will engngo me. I hnvo come hero to nsk my undo nbout it. He does not know ns yet. I should like a position In n college if possible, so thnt I might become n professor in time, If I wcro fit for It. But I am ready to begin at the bottom of tho ladder, nnd accept nnythlng that of fers. Does tho Idea shock you, Mr. Struthers?" "Shock me? Why should It?" ho said, simply. "Only " ho ndded, and then preclpltntely halted, while renewed discomfiture betrayed Itself on his cheeks. "Only what, Mr. Struthers?" Eleanor asked, with a delighted laugh. For a moment ho hesitated, then suddenly raising his eyes, ho an swered: "Only I hnd not supposed you to be that kind of a young lady." "And what kind of a young lady had you supposed mo to be, Mr. StrutherB?" Ho evidently realized that his bold ness had merely diawn him on tho thinner Ice, for he seemed to undergo contortions before her interrogatory and laughing glance. Sho had raised herself in tho hammock as she spoke, and was looking full at him. But It plainly was not his wont to rescue himself from peril by suhtorfuge, for after n moment of ngonized confusion, ho snid, with the same directness as before: "I assumed you wero rich, and that it would not hnvo occurred. to you to do anything of that sort." "In other words, you took mo for a frivolous butterfly of fashion." Eleanor was sorry the moment sho had spoken, and realized the flippancy of her remark tho moro keenly ns he answered In a tone that was free from any suggestion that ho was punishing his tormentor: "It does not follow, does It, becauso ono Is rich, thnt ono hns to be a frivol ous buttorfly?" There wns a nalvo soarchlng for truth In tho Interrogative form of his reply, and the solo evidence of Inten tional satire lay in tho fact that ho returned her gaze without flinching. Even tho woundod worm will turn. "I deserve the rebuke, Mr. Struth ers. But I am neither rich nor a but terfly, I hope. Sinco I havo said fco much, I should enlighten you exactly as to the truth. I suppose you moant that bocauso I havo a moro or loss prosperous air, It was fair to assumo that it was not necessary for mo to earn my own living. "Woll, In one sense It is not. I havo an uncle an othor uncle who Is vory rich, I bo lieve, and who is willing to havo me by Robert Bonner's Sons. llvo with him ns long nH I like. Ho has boon very kind to me. When my fathor died n yenr nnd n half ngo, ho Undo Hnrold cntne out West and Insisted that I and my brothers should return to New York with him to his homo, nnd thero 1 havo lived over slnco. I came on my brothers ac count. Thoy wcro to bo sent to school, and I told my Undo Hnrold then thnt It wns my wish to be n tenchcr. Tho boys are woll cared for now, so thnt 1 nm ut liberty to enrry out my Intention. The only trouble Is" Eleanor paused, renllzlng thnt It wnR rather ludicrous thnt sho Bhould unbosom hor perplexities fin titer, yet nn luoxpllcnblo impulso unscnlcd her lips again, nnd she continued "tho only trouble Is that thoy or pnrtlcu lnrly my mint do not understnnd nt nil why I should wish to leave them. Sho and my uncle havo both been exceedingly kind nnd generous to mo; they havo nn exquisite house, where I hnvo everything my henrt could do slro In tho wny of luxury, and nothing would plenso them moro thnn thnt I should rcmnln with them until until I nm married," she said, with a llttlo laugh. "Aunt Emma Is bent upon my marrying, nnd I'm afraid it will break hor heart If I don't. But a woman can't afford to throw away her wholo futuro merely In order to bo mnrrled. Why should n woman give up hor life work moro than a man?" alio added, oagerly. "Would a mart would you, Mr. Struthers?" Struthers blushed. "I havo nover been In lovo," he snid. "For tho matter of that, neither havo I," bIio responded, gayly. "It Is merely n supposititious case, so far as that goes. But does it not como to tho samo thing when Aunt Emma snyB thnt If I become a teacher 1 shall cut myholf oft from tho possibility of ever making a brilliant match; for, of com so, Mr. Struthers, I shall nover put up with a match that Is not bril liant." Tho fall of tho professor's plpo re lieved the young electrician from tho necessity of replying to this Inst ob servation, for, aroused by tho iioIbo, Undo l'hlneas opened lits eyes and Bat upright. "I verily believe I have been snooz ing." "I verily believe you havo, Undo Phln," Eleanor answered, nnd she nnd Mr. Struthers laughed gleefully. Tho professor looked at his watch. "Twcnty-flvo minutes to eleven!" he cried. "Here, you young people, this will never do. Roof Park closes at half-past ten sharp. And what Is more, young man, you forgot our cat lee." "So I did, sir," stnmmered Struth ers. "I apologize." Tho professor shook his head In credulously. "Again I verily bellovo that It was done on purpose, In order thnt I might fall asleep. Tho young against tho old! History repeats Itself nlglit after night, nnd, worst of all, the moon, who used to havo the reputation of be ing circumspect In such matters, winks half the tlmo nt what is going on, nnd leaves us In tho dark tho rest." Ho rose, nnd nfter a last survey of tho brilliant heavens, led tho way to tho opening. "Come, It Is tlmo for bed." "I shall petition tho trustees of Roof Park to-morrow that in futuro tho gates remain open un hour later," said Struthers, quietly, as ho offered his hand to Eleanor to assist her ovor the sill. "But that will not help us to-night," sho replied, with a sigh, looking up re gretfully at tho glorious moon. "A woman never thinks of to-morrow." CHAPTER XII. A fortnight hnd slipped nway before Eleanor had realized that tlmo was passing. Tho days wero so very much alike. What delightful afternoons they passed together! When tho picture stores and book-stores wero no longer new, they visited tho markets and tho hospitals nnd tho school houses and the public Institutions plnces whero Elennor hnd never been nnd which she hnd longed to see. And while they peregrinated thus, sho never wearied of her uncle's discourse. He had sojourned in mnny strange plnces nnd seen mnny strange things in tho course of tho qunrter of n cen tury he hnd devoted to studying tho earth's formation, and ho had facts and anecdotes at his fingers' ends. So matters went until dinner time, then Mr. Struthers descended from his attic, and they all set out to dino to gether at some restaurant, nnd twice tho eloctriclan was lured from his work In tho early afternoon and car ried off to one of tho popular rosorts beside tho sea. But Roof Park was not neglected. Almost every evening tho moon found them there drinking tho coffee prepared by Mr. Struthers In IiIb laboratory, and notwithstanding this beverage it Invariably happoncd that Undo Phlneas fell asleep bofore tho singing wns nt nn end. Over and over again Eleanor was on the point of broaching to her uncle tho question of her future, but some how tho words lingered on her lips. Was it not probablo that, llko her Aunt Emma, he would suggest that sho paint on china or glvo lessons in whist In order to satisfy hor yearnings to bo use'fully employed? The moro she pondered tho mattor tho gioator was hor doubt as to what, vlow he would take, and yet hor deslro for a definite occupation was growing dnlly. On sovoral occasions,, while she and the profossor wore Bitting togothsr, his face had assumed the pocullar con strained expression observable when ho was 111 nt case, nnd Lc, too, had Beomod on tho point of sponklng of something on his mind. Evor Blneo his (shrinking from hor proffered confi dence, he hnd, unknown to Eleanor, boon n vl Him of rcmorso nnd had boon trying to screw up his courage bo far an to request her to inako a state ment of her porplexItleB. Thus It hap pened thnt there wero occasional lapses In their conversation, when each sat tongue-tied In tho presence of tho other, yet wholly unnwaro of tho other's uneasiness. Rcmore proved In tho- end tho moro potent factor, and Undo Phlneas was tho first to speak. It was Just after luncheon, when he- had fortified his llngglng resolution with beer nnd sand wiches. "My denr," he begnn, nnd then halted. As this wnB not his ordinary phraso In addressing her, Elennor looked at him Inquiringly, realizing that what ho had to Bay must bo out of tho cora inon run. "My dear," ho resumed, 'T nm nfrnld you got nn Jmprcsslon tho othor dny tho day you arrived, you remember from my manner when you Bpoko to mo of wishing to nsk my ndvlco ns to somo matter that I wns oh not ex actly encouraging. You see, I felt Bomo natural dlffldencc, ns I told you nt tho time, in meddling with nffnlra of tho henrt, which nro rather outside tho oxpcrlonco of nn old bachelor llko me." Ho paused, and laughed ner votiBly, then, as though ho wero deter mined, now that tho plungo was taken, to faco tho situation squarely, ho said, with an onrncst nlr, "But, my denr, If L enn rcnlly bo of Bervlco to you In holplng you reach n decision about any matter, you must Bpealc and let mo know what It Is, nnd not mind my hearlshnoss, for you aro tho npple of my cyo ,nB you ought to know, nnd L am moro anxious thnt you should bo hnppy, nnd mako n succcsb of life, than I nm for nnythlng elso in tho world. Come," ho ndded, moro blithe ly, gnlnlng caso through his own sin cerity, "mnko a clean breast of it. Lot mo know tho facts In tho case, and I will do tho best I can to solvo your difficulties." Eleanor, who had listened to him at first perploxedly, waB regarding him now with blushing merriment. "There Is n mattor I wish to spoalc to you about, Undo Phln, but It isn't in tho least of tho kind you evidently suppose. I rather think that I qulto ngreo with what you Bald tho other day, that In lovo affalra a woman had bettor mako up her own mind with out asking anybody's advice even ad vice bb Benslblo nB yours would surely be; and you must onco and for all get tho Idea out of your head L can't Imagine how It ever got there that I am in lovo or engaged, or thinking nbout being engnged, or, In fact, that the notion of marriage Is nnywhoro lurking In my brain. Now, If you will promise me this, nnd say that you bellovo mo on your word of honor, I'll tell you what I really wish to havo your advice about. You bellovo me, don't you, Undo Phln? "Of course, If you say so. Peach Blossom: you ought to be the best Judge," ho answered, with an equivo cal air, as he struck a match to light his meerschaum. Eleanor leaned forward and blew out the flame, and snatched up tho matchbox from tho table. "You nro a. perverse, obsCinato man," she cried. "Now you shall not havo a singlo whiff until you tell mo you aro convinced I am speaking tho truth." Sho sat down on tho nrm ot his easy chair, and bending over, looked into his eyes. "What have I said or done to mako you Imagine any thing so absurd?" "Why absurd?" ho asked, restored to equanimity. "Of courso It would bo absurd. I don't Intend to think of niarrlngo for Ave years If ever." " 'Methlnks tho woman, doth protest too much.' " (To bo continued.) MRS. PULLMAN WAS SURPRISED Widow of tho Late Car Magnate Gets a Severe Jolt. A well known Cambridge (Mass.) doctor, in tho meeting of a society held at his house a short time ago, gavo tho following anccdoto relative to Mrs. Georgo Pullman, widow of the lato car magnate. A friend or mine (tho name might havo been Anderson) was HI with shaking palsy. Ho was a western man and had many peculiar ities. One was that when he went Into a place whero It was warm ho would take off his jacket. Ho came to mo for advice, and I referred him to a New York specialist. Ho called upon tho doctor ono day and, taking off his coat, sat down In a chair. Shortly afterwards two woll dressed ladles ontered and both looked at him In astonishment. Ono was about to lea'e. Tho other said that sho would send In her card and havo tho man removed. They evidently thought hf was intoxicated. Tho doctor camo out In response to the card, with smiling face. Ho bowed to Mrs. Pull mnn and then to Mr Anderson. He thon Introduced tho latter to tho great lady. Whon Mr. Andorson caught the namo "Pullman" he asked If sho waa the wlfo of George Pullman. Sho an' swerod affirmatively. Ho said: "Well, I am glad to moot you. I remember 'George' whon ho used to work tot mo for $2,50 a day." The First Locomotive. The centenary of tho locomotlvo was celobrated at Camborne last Christmas ove. Tho inventors of tho first locomotive to mako a successful run wero Richard Trevlthlck and Andrew Vivian.