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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1903)
if 11 i ? - PROMINENT PHYSICIANS USE AND ENDORSE PE-RU-NA, TSSLlsiiv C.B.CHAMBERLIN,M.I. OF WASHINGTON.D.C. C. B. Chamberlin, M. D., writes from 14th and P Sts., Washington, D. C. " Many cases have come under my observation, where Pcruna has benefited and cured. Therefore, I cheerfully recommend it for catarrh and a general tonic." C. B. CHAMBERLIN, M. D. Modioli Exnuilnor IT. H. Trtmmiry. Dr. Llewellyn Jordan, Medical Ex- aminer of Ircasury Department, gradi I lumb I and thr graduate of Co lumbia College who served roc years at West Point, has the following to say of Peruna: "Allow me to express my grati tude to ou for the rive f unr ie benefit de- yed from vour wonderful rem edy. One short month has brought forth a vast change wnwyfrttnaAMTWAWVwwyirtw U S ML WW t Dr L Jordan I WINCHESTER M ETA LUC CARTRIDGES. URING our 30 years of gun'making, we have discovered many things about ammunition that no one could learn In any other 'way. Our discoveries in this line,4 together with years of experience manufacturing ammunition, enable us to embody many fine points in Winchester WTt Metallic Cartridges for rifles and revolvers which make them superior In many ways to all other brands upon the market. Winchester cartridges in all calibers are accurate, sure-fire and exact in size; being made and loaded in a modern manner by skilled experts. If you want the best INSIST UPON HAVING WINCHESTER MAKE OF CARTRIDGES. Mexican Mustang Xiniment actually penetrates to the pain and cures where other lin iments and salves either ab solutely fail or fall far short of complete success. c Write us. Paradox Machinery Co., WESTERN CANADA la attraction more attention ttian any otner dlstrlit In tlio world. The Oranary of the World." " Tht Land of Bun chine." The Natural Feeding Orounda for Stock. Area under crop in 1003 1,987,330 acre xieia iw 117,022,761 busheli. Almndance of Water; Fuel l'lenilful, (.heap ilulldlne Material; (,ood 11 rata for paiture and tiayt a fertile soil, n mirtUltnt ralufall and a (.'(mate clln! an sured and adeiiuutc season of rowtt. UUMK3TEM) LA.NUB OF 160 ACRES FREE. I loss to thurrhos, t-cliool etc Ilaltwajs tap all settled district bend for Atlas and othtr literature toBtinerintrnlcnt of Immigration, Ottawa Canada. or to W. V.llenueU.fanadlan (lorernmcnt Audit, S01 New York I-lfo Itiilu Omaha Sell wlHwllluivly u with certificate t Ini; jou redui ed railway rates, itc. 1 RE YOU SATISFIED ? Are you entirely satisfied with thetrotRii )ou buy uud with the prices that jou pay Over 2 WW 000 poor lo aro tratllnir tvltt us uml govtlnir their jooda at vshotcia.. pric s OurlOOOpasro ""'ulotruo will lx sent on receipt of 15 ecu - It tells tho story, cm t AGO Tho house that tells tlm truth. Z233E2aS2M2K!XHSS2E2BE DREWS JUNIPER BITTERS IlellrTes All Distress of the Stomach and Periodi cal Disorders. FLAVOR UNSURPASSED. Bold Ererywhere. CRESCENT CHEMICAL CO. Qmshft, Neb. WM ffim0a?? Hi and now consider myself a well man and I after montli3 of suffering. Fellow-sufferers Peruna will euro you." Dr. Llewellyn Jordan. Geo. C Havener, M. D., of Anacostia, D. C, writes: The Peruna Medicino Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen "In my practice I have had occasion to frequently prescribe your valuable medicine, and have found its use beneficial, especially in cases of catarrh." George C. Havener, M. D. If you do not receive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he w ill be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. In your town. Small capital required and big returns on tnn ln cstment assured.Wo mako all kinds of Laundry Machinery. 181 E. Division St., Chicago. Tho Johannesburg chamber of mines offers prizes for practical suggestions and means of obviating miners' con sumption, which Is thought to result from the fine dust made by the drilling machines'. Tho following awards aro offered for the three best practical suggestions and devices on tho sub ject: First prize, $2,500 and a gold medal: second piibe, $1,230; third prize, $500. If you wlh beautiful, clear, whlto clothes use Hed Cross Hall Blue. Largo 'J or. package, 5 coins. A new game of billiards Is becom ing very popular In Paris. It was in troduced by tho American champion. ) Jacob Schaefer, and is played with thiee balls one blue, one white and one red. Each player plays tho white, but must make tho carom alternately off the red or off tho blue. They say it is a more fascinating game than tho ordinary billiards, but tho "fluker" rinds scoring very blow. A tortoise whoso estimated ago is 400 years and known weight Is COO pounds, making It the largest one ever reported, has ciossed the United States on u limited train en route froln tho Galapagos islands to tho private zoological garden of the Hon. Walter Rothschild, in London. In civilization cabbages are given him In lieu of the cacti of his native heath. Mrs. Wlnslowe nootTilDC Hvrun. For cLUdron leetnlni;, softens the gums, reduces In- flsinui&tlon.allays pain, cures wind colic. 23c a bottle. Upward of 4,000 British post office employes served in the South Aficau campaign. Baldness aflllots almost every young man who spends any length of time In tho Philippines. IS UNRECOGNIZED MONROE DOCTRINE IS NOT OFFI CIAL LAW OF NATIONS. ITS EXACTIONS OF NO MOMENT Berlin Vooslche Zeltung Bitterly As sails the Declaration Declares Even American States Do Not Recog nize It BERLIN. Tho government is with out Information regarding tho landing of tho German marines at Puerto Ca bollo, Venezuela. Tho foreign office bayB that if BUch landing occurred it must have been transient and regards tho reported seizure of tho customs at Puerto Cabello by German marines ns a canard. Several newspapers in their yearly political reviews, devote much atten tion to Venezuela and tho Monroe doc trine. Tho Vosslscho Zeltung (Inde pendent liberal), regards Germany's proceedings against Venezuela us en tirely within tho limits of Interna tional law. "Whoever has a claim against an other," says the Journal, "tries to col lect it, whether they be private indi viduals or nations. If anybody dis putes our right to compel payment of the Venezuelan claims we must ask that person if ho be willing to pay tho debt himself, or give guarantees therefor. If so, tho matter speedily could be settled, but, if this other per6on Is unwilling to give such guar antees, his objections don't concern us. The United States could settlo tho troublo between Germany and Vene zuela in a moment if It would stand good for tho payment of our claims, but tho United States Is unwilling to take this step and we cannot demand that It do so. In this case the United States should not hinder Germany from pursuing a course that is deemed expedient." Tho Vossische Zeltung refers to what It calls "the wild noise" in a portion of tho American press which declares that Germany has no right under tho Monroo doctrine to take forclblo action In Venezuela and that Germany has not even recognized tho Monroo doctrine. "Tho latter assertion is correct," BayB the Journal. "No other European state ever recognized this doctrine and we bellevo no European country will over do so. The Monroo doctrine Is not adapted to becomo a subject of diplomatic negotiation and tho docu ment hardly exists in which thi3 doc trino is laid before any European power with tho request that this power make a deputation thereon." After reciting the history and origin of tho framer of the doctrine tho pa per nsserts that the right of interven tion claimed by tho holy alliance has long since been abandoned. Tho coun tries of South America have been in a state of chronic revolution, yet no body in Europe dreams of Interven tion. Tho disastrous issue of Napo leon's attempt in Mexico renders It probable that no European state will over repeat the effort to 'establish Itself In tho western hemisphere. "Later Interpretations of the Monroo doctrine," continues the Zeltung, "do not Involvo the defined hegemony of tho United States over Central nnd South America. The United States claims suzerainty over these states, with tho right of intervention, but denies to European countries the right to interfere in their affairs. How far such suzerainty extends and what rights and obligations come from It have never been cleared up. Neither havo the Central and South American states recognized this suzerainty, but they have decidedly rejected it owing to its repulsion of the Romanic and Germanic races. No European state has made concession in this respect and finally tho United States itsplf has given no clear statement of Its alms. "Tho Monroo doctrlno does not be long to International law, but to con jectural politics. It binds nobody and endows nobody with rights. Germany has no obligation to recognize and no occasion to dispute tho Monroo doc trine. Tho South American states stand toward Germany as sovereign nations, nnd they all havo tho rights and all tho obligations of sovereign states, and having ouch obligations must pay their debts. "Germany will establish Us claims considerably In form and energetically In action." Tho Tagllsche Rundschau complains that that hard realist, the Yankee, does not appreciate courtesies lllco the visit of Princo Henry and the gift of tho Btutuo of Frederick the Great, "but blows a few notes Into the rusty and hoarse Monroo trumpet and Ger many must Jet that Impudent trick ster, President Castro, alone while he laughs in his fist." WORK AHEAD FOR CONGRESS. Not Much Expected for Several Days Many Senators Still Absent. WASHINGTON Many of the sona- tora who left Washington for tho Christmas holidays aro still absent and tho present indications nro that when business is resumed there will not bo a very full attendance. Bo foro tho week Is far advanced, how ever, tho senate will again bo In regu lar working order and there will be little cessation of work before March 4. Tho prediction is very general that tho remainder of tho session will be exceedingly busy, because of tho num ber of important questions which will bo pressed forward before final ad journment. During tho present week and prob ably for Bomo time to como tho omni bus statehood bill will bo tho chief topic of discussion on the floor, but tinder tho unanimous agreement by which tho bill was made tho unfinished business it cannot bo taken up any day before 2 o'clock. It Is tho pur pose of the friends of tho bill to press Its consideration and not to allow the bill to be sidetracked unless under very great pressure. Tho present purpose is to give way. only for appro priation bills, but there aro no appro priation bills on tho senate calendar. It is, however, tho purpose of tho senatorial leaders, and especially of thoso who oppose the statehood bill, to press appropriation bills to the front as rapidly as possible. The senato committee on appro priations will immediately take up the legislative, executive and judicial ap propriation bill and it will be reported to the senate as soon as possible. It Is a bill which demands considerable Investigation, and it is not probable that It will reach tho senato much be foro tho middle of the month. When It is reported tho committee will seek to secure its immediate consideration. According to the arrangement moda before the holidays, the debate on tho statehood bill will bo resumed at 2 o clock Monday, Senator Nelson of Minnesota being tho first speaker on the list. He is a member of the com mittee on territories and in addition to his opposition to the admission of the territories of Now Mexico and Ar izona, ho Is a staunch advocate of the bill for the admission of Oklahoma and Indian Territory as one state, which was reported by tho majority of tho committeo as a substitute for tho house omnibus bill. He has a carefully prepared speech and Its de livery probably will require tho great er part of two days. Senator Bur rows will bo heard next and ho will probably speak for two days or more. Other republican senators havo agreed to speak in opposition to tho bill and it is now estimated that there will be no fewer than fifteen anti-statehood speeches before consideration of the measure is concluded. Some speeches in support of tho bill aro promised, but tho indications aro somewhat against tho delivery of any of them during the present week, though it is possible that Senator Foraker, who Is an earnest advocate of the omnibus bill, may bo heard some time within tho next few days. GOVERNOR TAFT REPORTS. Submits Annual Statement of Philip- pine Commission. WASHINGTON. Tho annual report of tho Philipplno commission and a soparato report by Governor W. H. Taft, made public at tho War depart ment, gives a review of the results of the year's work of the commission and making recommendations for legisla tive action by congress deemed essen tial to the welfare of the Islands. After reciting a history of the estab lishment of civil government through out the various provinces, Governor Taft in his report says It has not been definitely determined what shall be done with respsct to Mindanao where, ho says, hobtlltiy to tho American does not extend beyond the lake, La nao Moros. The governor is of tho opinion that it may bo possible to in duce the sultan of Jolo to part with some of tho rights he claims to tho Jolo group, thus obviating many ob stacles now encountered. The Moros, he says, do not under stand popular government and do not desire it, preferring control by dattos. "Possibly far in tho future," he says, "control by dattos may cease. For tho present, however, it Is necessary only to provide a paternal, strong, but sym pathetic government for these follow ers of Mohammed." Governor Taft tolls of the conditions that havo made It necessary for the I islands to purchase about $1,000,000 worth of food on which to Uve and of tho effects war has had upon agricul ture, almost the only -yource of wealth in tho Islands. Tho greatest blow to agriculture, he r tys, Is tho destruction of about 90 per cent of tho water buf falo on which tho cultivation of rice 13 almost wholly dependent Bubonic Plague Spreading. LAREDO, Tex. A special from Her raosillo, Tex., says: Three cases of tho bubonio plague havo been report ed in tho litflo own of Ahome, in Sin aloa, not farfrom the Sonora border. Tho authorities of Sonora havo noti fied those of )Slnaloa that a, sanitary cordon has be?n established on tho border and no (ino wilt be permitted to enter the stato from tho south. STANDS BY NEGRO PRESIDENT WANT8 JUSTICE DONE BLACK PEOPLE. POSTMASTER MADE TO RESIGN Threats of Violence Made by Lawless Mlssissipplans Compels Capable Employe of Government to Quit the Service. WASHINGTON. The feature of tho cabinet meeting Friday was tho de cision to close permanently the post office at Indianola, Miss., from which tho postmaster, Minnie M. Cox, color ed, resigned under compulsion a few days ago, since which time tho office has been closed. Tho postmaster general has had a thorough Investigation made, and has becomo satisfied that the woman was obliged to resign under duress; In fact, that her life was endangered. Having represented this slate of af fairs to tho cabinet, after a long dis cussion, tho decision above noted was reached and tho office will not bp re opened until tho peoplo in the district aro ready to accept this woman as their postmaster. Secretary Cortelyou, for tho presi dent, made public the following: "Tho postmaster at Indianola, Miss., is Mrs. Minnie AV. Cox, a colored wo man. She served three years as post master under President Harrison. When President McKinley came in she was again appointed, In 1897, nonrly six years ago. "Her character and standing in tho community aro endorsed by tho best and most reputable peoplo In tho town. "Tho postmaster and her husband own from $10,000 to $15,000 worth of property in Sunflower county. Tho reports of postofflco inspectors who havo Investigated tho office from time to time show that she has given tho utmost satisfaction to all the patrons of tho office; that sho is at all times courteous, faithful, competent and honest in the discharge of her duties. Her moral standing in the community is of the highest. "The postmaster recently forwarded her resignation to take effect on Jan uary 1, but the report of inspectors and information received from various reputable white citizens of tho town and neighborhood show that tho resignation was forced by a brutal and lawless element purely upon the ground of her color and was obtained under terror of threats. Tho mayor of tho town and tho sheriff of tho county both told tho postofflco in spector that if sho refused to resign they would not be responsible for her safety, although at tho same time not one word was said against her." POISON IN CHRISTMAS WINE. Husband, Wife and Child Arrested Charged with Murder. CHICAGO, 111. Poisoning, It Is charged by means of a bottle of wine given as a Christmas present, Rich ard Cummlngs, 50 years old, died at tho homo of Mr3. Lizzie Shanahan, 4228 Ashland avenue, where ho was boarding. William Monlak, his wife, Mrs. Theresa Monlak, and their 14-year-old daughter Mary, of 4226 Ash land avenue, were arrested on sus picion of having poisoned Cummlngs. A bitter quarrel Is said to havo taken place between Cummlngs and Mrs. Shanahan on one side and the Monlaks on the other. The wine, ac cording to the story told to the police, was given to Mrs. Shanahan by Mary Monlak on behalf of her parents as a peace offering. Mrs. Shanahan drank some of it and said sho suf fered from severe pain soon after ward. She offered somo of tho wlno to her niece, who complained that It tasted bitter. Cummlngs drank tho remainder and died twenty-four hours later. "I havo been poisoned by that bottle of wlno and I want the peoplo who gave It to me arrested," were his last words to Mrs. Shanahan.' Dr. Wm. T. KIrby, who attended him, received a similar statement. Monlak and his wife deny that they had any k.owledgo of poison being in tho wine. Insane Man Has Arsenal. NEW YORK A man, apparently insane, tried to gain entranco to the private offlco of General Greene, tho new police commissioner, at police headquarters Friday, saying that ho was tho new commissioner. Inspector Brooks inveigled him to tho Mulberry street station. Two loaded revolvers were found in his coat pockets. Death of J. J. Dickey. OMAHA John Jay Dickey, super intendent of tho Fifth Central district of the Western Union Telegraph com pany, comprising tho lines between Omaha and tho Rocky mountains, died nt his homo at Rose farm, near this city, Monday night. Mr. Dickey was taken sick Decomber 22 with pleurisy. Ho retired to his room and grew stead ily worso until his heart became affect- I ed and pneumonic complications set in. ASKS FOR ASSISTANCE. Caleb Powers of Kentucky Says His Means Are Exhausted. GEORGETOWN, Ky. Ex-Secretary of Stato Caleb Powers, who has had two trials and now awaits in Jail hero his third trial for complicity in tho murder of tho late Governor William Gocbel, issued tho following appeal to tho public: "I havo had writton a number of letters to different Btates asking for financial aid in my coming trial for alleged complicity in tho Goebol mur der. A portion of the press has, through a misunderstanding of tho facts, attempted to thwart my plan for raising tho much-needed money with which to defend myself, by circulating a report that these letters were not genuine because signed by different persons for me. "It is true that many of the letters wero signed by different persons, be cause It was impossible for one person to send them out in tho limited tlmo before my next trial, but all of theso letters aro genuine. "I havo been continuously In the Jails of this state for nearly three years. My means aro exhausted. Tho generosity of Kentucky has been taxed to tho utmost in my former so-called trials. In a fow weeks I am again to bo tried for my life. Hence my appeal now to my friends outside of Ken tucky." POSSIBILITY OF TROUBLE. Cordon of Deputies Will Protect Ne gro Postmistress. INDIANOLA, Miss. Every effort is being made to suppress any troublo that might be caused by tho closing of the postofTice. Tho mayor and tho sheriff of tho county say they do not apprehend that there will bo an out break. Tho fact that a cordon of dep uty sheriffs has been thrown around tho town leads many to think troublo is brewing. Messages aro hourly com ing in from all parts of tho surround ing country offering assistance of arms, ammunition and money, If needed. Sheriff Cox of this county Bald that if Minnie Coze wanted to open the post offlco and feared vlolenco he would deputlzo enough men to guard tho office and patrol tho town. Tho col ored postmistress has mado no appli cation to tho authorities for protection. Tho city officials bellevo a number of secret service men aro on tho scene, awaiting any developments that may arise. Postofllce Inspector Fitzgerald has been assigned here from Louisiana. MITCHELL NOT A PARTISAN. Mine President Does Not Seek Polit ical Preferment. INDIANAPOLIS National Secre tary Wilson of the United Mine Work ers Friday night discussed tho action of tho Chicago Cook County Democ lacy in electing President John Mitch oil to membership. He said: "I know there has been a lot of talk in Illinois lately regarding Mitch ell's politics. There has been talk of bringing him out ,for governor. But the amusing part of tho situation is that while they havo been talking In Illinois of making him the democratic nominee for governor, in somo eastern places there has been talk of, him as a running mate for President Roose velt In 1904. "The truth of the situation, so far ns Mitchell is concerned, is that ho is not taking any part In politics and ho has no intention of entering poll tics. He is not a partisan in any sensa of the word." Officer Is Missing. DENVER Second Lieutenant Wil liam M. KIstler, Company M, Eight eenth United States infantry, has been missing from Fort Logan for nearly two weeks. Tho Denver police de partment has been asked to help lo cate him. Lieutenant KIstler is 23 years old and enlisted as a privato In the Sixth cavalry seven years ago at Philadel phia. Ho went with tho battery to tho Philippines and saw service In and about Manila. Wild Engine Kills Four. BURLINGTON, Vt. A wild engine running from Burlington to Rutland on the Rutland railroad crashed into tho northbound flyer from New York at Shelbourne. Tho crews of both en- gines wero killed and a brakeman who was riding on tho wild englno was probably fatally hurt, and nearly every ono of tho flyer's crew wore injured more or less seriously. No passongers wore hurt, although many iccelved bruises. May Seek the Federal Court. ST. JOSEPH. Mo. An effort will bo made by the packers of this city, al leged to bo In comblno to maintain price t, to got their casos into tho fed oral court If stato authorities make an attack on the chartors of tho cor porations. Tho finding of tho master in chancery that a comblno exlst3 gives tho attorney general an oppor tunity to admlnlstor a nominal fine. Ho has not Indicated what further ac tion ho will take. s& T & V .;r -ts-3 Mmmr