The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 09, 1903, Image 1

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the herald has the X
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JlZ Jl JLjL! ijcjlU
The Aljoanc
US? m l
W "f
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Prices on goods
while they last
Bulk Oatmeal, pound 3c
Shrcded Wheat Biscuit, pk 10c
Early June Peas & Corn, can 10c
Standard Tomatoes, can 2xic
Fresh Eggs, dozen 25c
' Best Butter, pound 25c
3-lb. Can Tabic Peaches, can 15c
Sliced Peaches, can iilic
Salmon, can i2c
Prunes, pound 5c
Fancy Ev. Peaches, pound 10c
Sorted Apples, bushel 65c
Yours for fair
dealing ....
Alliance Grocery Go.
Com me net the
New Year right.
Huy our Groc
eries of
' Lee Acheson
, where you can al
4 ways get the best
f goods for the least
moncv. All orders
receive prompt and
careful attention...
'Phone No. 4.
Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house.
Clothing at cost, at the Fair Store.
Sfce 'Mrs. Regan's new linsof cloaks.-
Call and see Norton's new clothing.
hose neckties are dandies, at Norton's
.' For. Salk Two small ranches, L. A.
For storm windows and doors sue Forest
limber Co.
vSheridan coal, Canon lump, nut and
cer's coal W. James,
Oceau Foam at $1.10 per sack. Pillc-
ngton keeps it. Phone 71.
Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of
lanufacturing dipping vats.
Look at that underwear window, at
Norton s. Its a tine selection.
Pilkington's Best at $1.10 per sack.
gSThe best in town. Every sack warranted.
If you are not using the Best Flour in
irf- l?3tt4t.a
tlSEtown it is because you don't get A 1 at
Ijohn Pilkington's.
A One Flour beat Minnesota Patent 5
points according to one of Chicago's best
analytical chemists recently.
If you want something that is a good
thing for cold weather and dust get Hill's
patent automatic door strip, on exhibition
at Newberry's Hardware. County agent,
W. E. Gillett, 'phone 236. 12-12-tf
For Salk Mrs. Brennan property.
Nine room house, two lots and barn. Price
reasonable. W. G. Simonson.
For Sale Four hundred acres school
land, 20-year lease, 15c per acre cut 120
tons hay last year, is under Alliance canal
and 300 tons of of hay can be cut annually
$1,500 cash: 160 acres under proposed
Farmers' canal, deeded, no improvements,
five miles from Bayard $500 cash.
These lands must be sold February 1. Ad
dress Dr, J. II. Lotto, Bayard, Nob.
I wish to announce to the public that I
have bought the undertaking stock of B.
F. Lock wood & Co., and have added to
this so that I have now one of the best
equipped establishments in this part of the
state. Calls answered promptly from the
undertaking rooms opposite Keeler's
livery barn. Will furnish hearse and car
riage when desired. Residence 'phone
No. 2C9. C. Humphry $ Co,
llstruv Notice
Taken up by the undersigned on his
premises, section G, town 28 range 49, five
head of steers; one three-year-old, red
mat tied line back, one three year-old, pale
red, one three-year-old, dark red; cne
two-year-old, light red; one two-year-old,
dark red; all marked in left ear, upper bit
two straight bars up and down on right
hip; no other marks or brands perceivable,
James Hollinrake,
Hemingford, Nebr.
With .Music and Danclnc, Games mid
feasting, Nctt Officers Take up
Their Duties.
The officers elect of Victor Lodge No. 10
K. of P. were publicly installed on Tues
day evening of this week. A large atten
dance of the knights and their friends was
present. The installation ceremonies were
conducted by Deputy Grand Chancellor
C. A. Rankin, assisted by Deputy Grand
Prelate L. M. McFall and Deputy Grand
Vice-Chancellor H. F. Hanson. The im
pressive installation ceremonies were inter
spersed with songs by the members of the
lodge, solos by A. Blackburn, Miss Helen
Broome and music by a string quartette
composed of Prof. Moore, first violin.
George Walz, second violin; Judge Spacht,
viola and S. M . Smyscr, cello.
After the ceremonies of installation were
concluded tables were brought out and as
many as could be accommodated at the ta
bles engaged in progressive high five.
Mrs. Dr. Bowman and H. F, Hanson were
either the best players or sat in better luck
than their various competitors for they
carried off the prizes. While the card
playing was in progress A. Blackburn took
advantage of the situation and turned his
phonograph loose on the assembly and
marches, waltzes, coon songs, banjo solos
and stories of the adventures of Col.
Stewart followed each other in quick suc
cession to the immense entertainment of
the entire company. After the prizes
were awarded the cards were put away for
future use and Hal Pardee got in his work
on the party by serving an elegant lunch.
The tables were then cleared away and
Mr. Walz stuck his violin under his chin
and, assisted by Mr. Broome at the piano,
soon had die company engaged in dancing
to music that would have made the ordina
ry fiddler turn green with envy. At about
1 2 '30 Wednesday morning the party broke
up declaring that when it comes to show
ing their friends a good time the K. P.'s
are "it."
The following officers were installed'
A. Blackburn. G. C; D. W. Butler, V. C;
C. A.Kaukin, P,, R.
S. M. Smyser, K. K.
Buechsensteiu, M. E.
of A.; N, Fronapfol,
O. G.
C. Knox, M. of W.;
G. and M. F.; L.
; C. D. Elliott, M.
I. G ; E. A. Marsh.
Sudden Death cf -Mrs. UcorRC .MolIrinR.
The Mollring brothers received the sad
intelligence of the sudden death cf theiH
brother George's wife at Newcastle Sun
day morning She had seemed in her us
ual health upon retiring Saturday evening
but was taken ill in the night and her bus
bind wnt to call a doctor who returned
with him. They found her sittiug dead
in her chair, death having come so quietly
that a neighbor who was there at the time
thought she had fallon asleep. Her death
is said to have been due to an internal
hemorrhage. The body was taken to Mrs.
Mollring's former home, Nobraska City,
whence only sixteen months ago she came
as a bride, for funeral services and inter
ment on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
Mollring and son Fred, parents and broth
er of George Mollring, accompanied him
from here to Nebraska City. Mrs. Moll
ring had visited in Alliance and was very
well liked here, her many admirable quali
ties winning her friends who deplore
her sudden death.
Itcsolutioils of Sympathy.
Whereas, Our Heavenly Father has
seen fit to bring sorrow and affliction to
the heart of our beloved sister, Mamie E.
Beach, by the death of her father, be it
Resolved, That the members of Alli
ance Hive No. 34, L. O. T. M,, extend
sympathy in this hour of sorrow, and be it
Resolved, That a copy of these reso
lutions be mailed to our sister, be pub
lished in the paper and also recorded on
our minutes
Mrs. S. J. Holdridge,
Mrs. Martha Davenport,
Mrs. Helena Ridgell.
Curd of Thanks.
Canton, Neb, January 5, 1903.
We extend our thanks to the kind neigh
bors and friends who so kindly assisted us
during the death of our beloved mother.
Arthur Bass.
Otis Bass.
New Itcat Instate Company.
The Mid-Republic Stockman published
at Thedford in last week's issue says "J.
II. Edmisteu has organized a real estate
company with headquarters at Thedford
which will buy and sell ranch property
along this line of rail road between Broken
Bow and Alliance. The firm is composed
of some of the best real estate men in the
state." Anything Mr. Edmisten puts his
hand to usually meets with success and we
shall be glad to hear of that which we ex
pect for him in this undertaking. The
company starts in business with flattering
prospects. It now has for sale about 50,
000 acres of land, including improved
ranches, etc., for prices ranging from $2
to $15 per acre and under the management
it has many people will doubtless find the
way to building up a stockraising business
made easy and those desiring to sell find
an advantageous market.
Mrs. F. J. Betzold Is ill u'ith pneumo.
John Curran was down from the ranch
For sale Fine piano. Inquire at The
Hurali) office.
"V V-V 0 . W 4
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Reynolds went to
Guernsey Monday.
The Masons moved into their new hall
in the Corbin building this week.
George Colver, a prominent stockman
of Hyannis, was in the city Tuesday.
Percy Cogswell, the affable clerk at the
Famous, has been indisposed this week
The little five-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, F. E, Reddish is ill with scarlet
George Darling is spending this week in
Denver on a combined business and pleas
ure trip.
Mrs. B. F. Betclheim went to Spcarfish
the first of the week to visit her parents a
few days.
Colonel W. F. Haywood of Mullen was
in the city Saturday evening en route home
from Chadron.
The Odd FcIowa have refurnished their
hall and will install their officers for the
ensuing year next Tuesday night
E. L. Tillotson, who had spent the holi
days with his parents, left Saturday to re
sumo his work at the state university.
Misses Mary and Ora Clayton returned
from their home at Canton Sunday even
ing to resume their studies in the Allianco
high school.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zbindcn and
baby of Sweetwater are here this week
visiting with Mr. Zbindcn's brother,
Jules, and family.
The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church
will meet in the basement of the church
next Wednesday afternoon. They will be
entertained by Miss Lohr.
Cottage prayer meetings will be held
next Wednesday evening at J Wolverton's,
Frank McFarland leader, aud in Duncan's
addition. All are invited.
W, S. Ridgell is going to have an ad
dition built on to the rear of his bowling
alley, thus making1 his establishment muqh
more commodious and convenient.
' The genial Jack Big'nell wis up from tile
ranch Saturday and called to have his
name enrolled on The Herald list for the
privilege of which he paid St. 50 cash.
The woman's Industrial society of the
Baptist church will give a pie social at the
church next Tuesday evening, January 13.
Supper served from 5 to 8 o'clock at 25c.
The public is invited.
Miss Verna Elsinger who has been em
ployed as saleslady at Norton's since No
vember left Wednesday morning for Chi
cago to accept a position in the w'holesale
house of D. B. Fisk & Co.
Barnes, optician and eye specialist of
Omaha, will again visit Alliance on Tues
day and Wednesday, January 13 and 14.
Office at Butler's drug store. He will be
glad to sec all old and new patients.
Get a gallon of cider from the apple cel
lar and enjoy the effects of a sweet and
pure article for the first time since you
came into the sand hills. It will recall
pleasant memories from away back in your
eastern home.
Sunday at the Baptist church, G. C.
Jeffers pastor: Subject of morning dis
course, "A Haughty Spirit Before a Fall."
Evening sermon, "Lydia, the Dyer."
Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Juniors meet
at 3, C. E. meeting at 6.45. Mid-week
prayer service Thursday evening. A wel
come to all services
Rev. Sanders has made the request that
hereafter ladies will remove their hats
during the service. This is as it should
be. It is but kind and polite that at any
public gathering headgear of all sorts
should be removed that it shall not ob
struct the vision of any nor detract from
their enjoyment of whatever is on the pro
gram for their edification or entertain
ment. w,WW.
The case of the State of Nebraska vs.
James S. Romine for fraudulently selling
his stocks of merchandise at Bridgeport
and Mitchell. Neb., was dismissed by con
sent of patties on Monday, the creditors
having withdrawn their financial and mor
al support to the prosecution under an un
derstanding that Re-mine be adjudged a
bankrupt. A trustee v ill be appointed to
collect Romine's assets for the purpose of
distributing them to creditcs.
Last Friday Mrs. W. C. Lambert adver
tised a cow for sale in The Herald and
the next day six persons called to buy the
animal. The week before J'idge Berry
advertised a ranch for sale i 1 these col
umns and two days after the advertise
ment was published a lette- of inquiry was
received from prospective purchaser wno
lived seventy miles from Alliance, The
Herald reaches the peqle and as an ad
vertising medium cannot be evceUed in
western Nebraska.
Mti.vriii.v school ur.i'oit'r.
December Attendance In Cut Down lly
Prevalence of Coutnglous Disease,
but Condition Is Improved.
To the Board of Educntion and patrons
of Alliance city schools:
Find herewith appended n partial re
port of the city schools for month ending
December 19, 1902.
Total enrollment this month 560.
Boys enrolled 2G7.
Girls enrolled 293.
Total enrollment to date 732.
Average daily attendance 4J5.5
Average number belonging 498.90
Per cent, of daily attendance. ..... 8G.77
Per cent, of punctuality 99.80
Neither absent nor tardy tit.
Neither absent nor tardy to date.... 41.
Nurnber present every day 183.
The following rooms reported perfect
punctuality: Second grade, third grade,
fourth grade. The other rooms report
tardies as follows: High school, 7; eighth
grade, 3; seventh grade, 5; sixth grade, 2;
llfth grade, 2; lowor fourth. 3; fourth pri
mary. 4, third primary, 5; second prima
ry, 2; first primary, 1. Total number of
tardios 34.
We very much deplore the great irregu
larity in'attendance, most of which we be
lieve to be due to epidemic diseases and
other sickness, and hence to a certain ex
tent unavoidable, but nevertheless it is
obvious that school work is very much re
tarded thereby; and not only is thu effort
of each room affected adversely, but alas,
it en tails much greater labor and worry on
the part of the teacher. We hope howev
er that the different diseases have about
run their course, and that we may look for
better attendance during the remainder ol
this year. Respectfully submitted,
W. H. Bartz, Supt.
School Apportionment tor Alliance.
There is in the county treasury $1048.99
of school money subject to apportionment.
"One-fourth" divided equally among fifty
three districts entitled to share gives each
$5. 14. "Three-fourths" divided equally
among 1.597 children entitled to share gives
toeachSo.492G3, Alliance city district's pro
rata share for 835 children is $411.35
Alliance's share of the "one
fourth" is 5.14
Total amount apportioned Al
liance city district S41O.49
Respectfully, J, W.' BaumrahUnisr,
County Superintendent.
DNtiict Comt Postponed
The term of district court that was -to
have been hold hero beginning January 13
has been postponed until April j.
Dutes foi-Dlstilct Court.
District Judge Westovcr has sunt out
cardR bearing dates for the holding of
court in the counties comprising this dis
trict as follows;
Holt, March tO, jury 17; November 9,
jury 10.
Boyd, March 3, jury 3; September 15,
jury 1G.
Sioux, April 11, jury 14; 'October 12,
jury 12.
Box Butte, April 2, jury 22; December
'4. jury 15.
Keya Paha, May 4, jury 4; September
8, jury 8.
Rock, May 11, jury 11;
jury 28.
Brown, May 18, jury 18;
' 5
Cherry, June 1, jury 2;
September 28,
October 5, ju-
November 23,
jury 24.
Sheridan, June 8, jury 9; November iG,
jury 17.
Dawes, June 15, jury iG; December 7,
jury 8. .w,,,.
A I'lin-I'roduccr.
A crowded house greeted the production
of the Missouri Girl at the opera house
last Friday evening and they were well en
tertained. It was laughter almost from
start to finish in spite of two harrowing
deaths. As a fun-producer it is hard to
excel and that is what it is played for
principally, as it is on the farce comedy
order. The parts give opportunity for
character work and most of it was over
done. In fact, it is seldom that the coun
try bumpkin, the old maid and Hie child's
part in a play are not so overdone that no
body ever saw anything in life like them,
although farce comedy is not expected to
be produced without great exaggeration.
All in all, everyone got his money's worth
and we recommend any one in need of
good laugh to go to see the Missouri Girl.
To Prevent Suffering of Stock.
II, A Homan, deputy United States
marshal, spent Sunday in Alliance, having
come here to subpoena witnesses for the
coming session of the federal court. While
talking with the writer he said there is a
movement on foot by the members of the
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals to secure the passage of a law
compelling western ranchmen to prepare
adequate provisions for their stock during
the winter that many cases of suffering
have been brought to the attention of the
of the society, which they cite as
reasons for the passage of the bill, and
that it is his opinion they will secure its
1 enactment.
Attorney W. G Simenson whs in lly
nnnis Monday,
The county commissioners will be in
session nct week.
Judge Berry vvns attending to business
in Hyannis Monday.
Miss Ina Bcllwood is suffering from nn
attack of tonsilitis this week.
W. E, Zollinger's son Edward is dan
gerously ill with scarlet fever.
Rev. nml Mrs. C.H. Burleigh of Lake
side were Alliance visitors Tuesday.
C. A. Newberry returned Monday from
a visit with his parents at Kearney.
John Pilkington has had a large new
gasoline engine placed in his store for feed
C. A. Newberry is negotiating for the
purchase of the Beers hardware store at
T. J. O'Keefe went down to Lincoln and
Omaha be gone a couple of
days on business.
Don't forget the date that you are to see
Dr. Barnes at Butler's drug store. Have
your eyes examined.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hall returned Fri
day from a visit during holidays with rel
atives nt Denver and Greeley,
George Nordness was down from Non
pareil precinct Saturday and called to re
new his subscription to the olficial paper.
Fred Young returned to Lincoln, where
he is attending the state uuivorsily, after
spending the holidays here with his par
ents. D. A. Foley left Friday with a shipment
of feeders for Mike Elmore's ranch near
Marshall, Mo,, where the cattle will he
fattened for market.
If you know good cider when you see it
you will say it's fine when you taste it if
you get it from the apple cellnr. It is pure,
choice and delicious.
Do not forget the ocirtl ;ivon by the
ladies of the First Presbyterian church nt
the home of Mrs. E, S. Jackfton Friday
evening, January iG. Come and bring yonr
C. E. Clough roturnwl Tuowlay from
Omnlm whore he had spent the holidays
with his wife and daughter, whoaraspend
hig.tba.vylnter tbhra.llwL Mis. Ilbjio .may
attend school.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Enoch
Boyor Snturdny, January 3. Later The
baby died Tuesday aud was buried Thurs
day morning the services being conducted
by Iev. M, L. Sanders.
I, E. Tash, R. C. Noleman and Chnrlos
Tiornan are in Omaha this week whither
they had been subpoenaed to appear yes
terday at federal court as witnesses in the
case of the state against Special Agent
J. W. Baumgnrdner, Prof. Bartz, Mos
damos Stonur and Morris and Mist Olive
Stratton attended the State Teachers' asso
ciation at Lincoln last week, Miss Strut
ton was spending her vacation at her home
in that city.
Goo. A. Hills has received his patent
right for a weather strip for doors and
windows and is beginning the work of its
introduction. He has sold the right to
Davses county to Spencer Griffith and the
right to Box Butte county to W. E.
Father Galvin went to Omana Monday
night for medical treatment, having been
in ill health for sometime. Father Mc
Carthy from the Sacred Heart convent at
Omaha will minister to his congregation
during his absence. Father Calvin's
many friends hope he may soon be well
again and able to return.
Mrs. E. W. Alexander of Hemingford
and daughter. Miss Nellie, who have been
the guests of Alliance friends the past
month, departed for Donver this morning
to visit their son and brother, Carl, after
which Mrs. Alexander will return to Hem
ingford .and Miss Aluxander will go to her
home in Los Angeles. Cal.
vv -.
Attorney W. G, Simonson, who is at
tending district court in Scotts Bluff coun
ty writes that "The case of the State of
Nebraska vs. Walter Houston for shooting
and killing C. J. Fullerton of Bayard, Nob.,
last September, is now on for trial. (The
circumstances of the shooting were that
Huston, a boy of sevonteen or eighteen,
told slanderous stories regarding Fuller
ton's relations with some woman which led
to a quarrel between them, terminating as
stated.) The case was called Tuesday,
which together with Wednesday was occu
pied in empanoling a jury. The taking of
testimony has commenced. The prosecu
tion is being conducted by County Attor
ney Man and F. 1, Foss of Crete, The
defense is represented dy Fred Wright of
Gering and Attorney McClure cf Beaver
City, this state. The trial will consume
the balance of the week. The civil suits
connected with the James S. Romine fail
ure are very numerous and bring into
Scotts Bluff county a large amount of litigation."
I'amllv Groceries,
We have lots of
good things to eat.
Can Goods
are the best that
money can buy . .
Gold Medal
. . . Coffee
fit for a king to
drink and cheap
enough foranyone.
Our Cream Patent
is second to none.
Call and see us
before you buy.
A. Blackburn.
il. S. II. C.J. M. It. ). -it.
Revival Serviees at Baptist Church, by
J. M. Burwick. January 2t. The public
is invited,
Coming to Alliance
'JriMMMinty itioarjn MvtltuiMHtf abraska
nt their business session held in Lincoln
December 30 were unanimous in (heir
recommendation for one additional normal
school for this itrtte with threw to five
junior normals, State Superintendent
Fowler will be in Alliance January 20 to
hold" a conference with the county super
intendents of western Nebraska on the
subject of normal schools and union coun
ty institutes Supcrintundant Fowler is
working hard te secure a normal for west
ern Nebraska nnd expects fifteeen or twen
ty county superintendents hen on the
Confer on LeoMng Hill.
A Washington dispatch to thu Omaha
Bee yesterday says:
"A conference lasting over two hours
was held tonight in the office of Secretary
Hitchcock for discussion on the proposed
bill to permit the cattlemen of Nebraska to
lease from the government certain lands
for gracing purposes. Those present were
Secretary Hitchcock, Judge VandevTenter,
assistant attorney general; Senators Diet
rich and Warren, Representative Lacey,
chairman of the committee on public lands
and Representatives Burkett, Shallenber
ger, Jones, Miller, 'Shafroth, Griffin, Gib
son and Moody, members or the public
lands committee.
"During the session every'Jphase of the
situation was presented and discussed
thoroughly. At the conclusion of the con
ference it was'agreed that the Nebraska
delegation be permitted to draft a bill and
submit it to Secretary Hitchcock and
Chairman Lacey. It is now thought that
since a full conference has been had a bill
can be drawn by the Nebraskans embody
ing points that would be acceptable to all
concerned. The main points, as printed
in previous dispatches to the Bee, after a
conference between the cattlemen and Ne
braskans aud Major Lacey just prior to
the holiday adjournment will be incorpor
ated in the bill to be drawn as a result of
tonight's talk with 1 Secretary Hitchcock
and Judge Vandeventer."
A twenty-six page law brief was turned
out of The Herald's job department
Monday. M. L. Moyer of Crawford is
plaintiff and R.D. Richards, et al., defend
ants. The case arises from the sale of a
drug store in Crawford by Moyer to Rich
ards some time ago and was appealed from
the district to supreme court, Attorneys J.
E. Porter and Allen G. Fisher represent
Moyer while W. H. Fanning and A. W.
Crites are counsel for defendants.
Say, pap, they say that cider from the
apple cellar is out of sight and I know it is
for a fellow like me that hasn't the price,
Wont you get a gallon, dad? J r "
Wanted To buy your property or bust
for cash. Write today. J. EJmurray,
Lincoln, Neb.