The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 02, 1903, Image 3

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UNDER date of January 10, 1897, Dr.
Hartman received the following
letter :
'My wife had been suffering from a
complication of diseases for the past 25
"Her case had baffled the skill of some
of the most noted physicians. One of her
worst troubles was chronic constipation of
several years' standing.
"She also was passing through that most
critical period in the life of a woman
change of life. In June, 1895, I wrote to
you about her case. You advised a course
of Peruna and Manalin, which we at once
commenced, and have to say it completely
cured her. She firmly believes that she
would have been dead only for these
wonderful remedies.
"About the same time I wrote you about
my own case of catarrh, which had been of
25 years' standing. At times I was almost
past going. I commenced to use Peruna
according to your instructions and continued
its use for about a year, and it has com
pletely cured me.
" Your remedies do all that you claim
for them, and even more. Catarrh
cannot exist where Peruna Is taken
according to directions. Success to
you and your remedies. "
John O. Atkinson.
Under Irrigation In Wyoming; water right: cary
terma.rlih eotl.perfect climate, near railroad, l'ai
t ci eon Alfalfa Land Co., I'atteraou Block, Omaha
KaPExTki 9 I quick relief and enrea wont
Mue. nook of tcattmontals and 10 DAYS' treatment
T" IQVBV6 Wanted 50.000 pounda
I URIVla I v9 of good fat birds for
tbe holldaya. Alto chicken, ducka and geeie
nutter ana eir. Write for te and Dried.
HU'iKUZ runt-an.
Eatabllahed 1SJO.
Omaha, JTeb.
STm Aro you entirely satlsfled trlth
tbe goods you buy and with tho
prices that you payf
Over 2.000.000 people nro trading with
us and getting their goods at vihohsali
Our 1,000-pago cctaloguo will bo sent
on receipt of 15 centc. It tells the story.
Tho houso that tells tho truth.
It la well enough to be hopeful, but
hope, like faith, must be backed up
with works.
You never hear any one complain
about "Defiance Starch." There is
none to equal it in quality and quan
tity. 16 ounces, 10 rents. Try It
now and save your money.
Most young men get a lot of rye
mixed with their wild oats.
ha does not have Defiance Starch, you
may be sure he Is afraid to keep It until
his stock of 12 oz. packages are sold. De
fiance Starch Is not only better than any
other Cold Water 8tarcn, but contains 18
ox. to the package and tells for same
money as 12 oz. brands.
People who always say what they
think usually think a lot of disagree
able things.
Dropsy treated free by Dr. H. II. Green's
Bons, of Atlanta, Go. Tho greatest dropsy
specialists in tho world. Read their ndver-
Usaraent in another column or. mis paper.
Every cloud may have a silver lin
ing, but only an optimist can believe
Is because made by an entirely different
process. Defiance Starch Is unlike any
other, better and one-third more for 10
With. Bomo 5-cent cigars you get at
least six scents.
To Cure a Cold in Ono clay.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinlno Tablets. All
druggists refund money if it falls to euro. iiSc.
The eight-day clock is a hard worker
and a chronic striker.
Plso's Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible
medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. Sutcsx,
Ocean Qrore, N. J., Feb. 17. 1000.
A cowardly hand carrleB a weak
In Winter Use Allen's Foot-Ess.
A powder. Your feet feel uncom
fortable, nervous and often cold and
damp, if you have sweating, sore feet
or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease.
Sold by all druggists and shoe stores,
25 centa. Sample sent free. Address
Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y.
Consider the busy little bootblack.
He Improves the shining houra. by
shining ours.
In a letter dated January 1, 1900, Mr.,
Atkinson says, after five years' experience
with Peruna :
' will ever continue to speak a good
word for Peruna. in my rounds as a
traveling man am a walking adver
tisement for Peruna and have Induced
many people during the past year to
use Peruna with the most satisfactory
results. I am still cured of catarrh."
John O. Atkinson,
Box 272, Independence, Mo.
When old age comes on, catarrhal dis
eases come also. Systemic catarrh is almost
universal in old people.
This explains Jwhy Peruna has become
so indispensable to old people Peruna is
their safe-guard. Peruna is the only
remedy yet devised that meets these cases'
Such cases 'cannot be treated locally;
nothing but an effective systemic remedy
could cure them This is exactly what
Peruna is.
If you do not receive prompt and sat
isfactory result from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement of our case and he will be
pleased to give you his valuable advice
Address Dr" Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
With its January Issue Scrlbner'a
Magazine enters upon Us 33d volume.
Among other striking features for 1903
It announces tho reminiscences of the
famous Confederate general, John B.
Gordon, probably tho most fascinating
and popular lecturer on war times.
General Gordon is idolized in tho
south, where he Is now the commander-in-chief
of the United Confederate
VeteranB, and he Is equally popular in
the north, where ho won all hearts
by his friendship for General Grant
during the closing weeks of his life.
The vivid personality of General Gor
don Is expressed on every page of his
reminiscences. They will begin to ap
pear In Scrlbner's In the early spring.
The lawyer happened to be acquaint
ed with a juror in a petty civil case,
and ho met him during a recess of the
court, says the Brooklyn Eagle. The
lawyer was Just "lighting up," and un
der ordinary circumstances he would
have offered the other a cigar unhesli
tatlngly. But It occurred to him that
it might not look right.
"I suppose," he said guardedly, "that
a cigar would not influence your ver
dict." The Juror was equally cautious.
"A good one wouldn't," ho replied,
"but a poor one might prejudice me."
He got a good cigar.
Popular In Iowa.
Grnnd View, Iowa, Dec. 29th. Tho
most complete satisfaction Is express
ed in this district over results obtain
ed recently by using Dodd's Kidney
Pills for those complaints resulting
from diseased Kidneys. This satisfac
tion finds frequent expression in
words. People who have been cured
seem to take pleasure in telling of It.
Take what Mrs. Lydla Parker says
for example:
"I was trouble with Back Ache,"
says Mrs. Parker. "And, all tho time
when I was stooping over a stitch
would take me in the back, and I
could not straighten up for a while.
"I sent and got a couple of boxes of
Dodd's Kidney Pills and before I had
finished taking tho first,, the stitch
had gone and it has not been back
Other people here have had similar
experiences with Dodd's Kidney Pills
and their popularity is steadily on tho
Somehow cut-diamond rates are al
ways higher than tho original prices.
Many School Children Are Sickly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children,
used by Mother Gray.a nurse in Children's
Home, New York, break Up Colds in 24 hours,
cure Feverishness, Headache, Stomach
Troubles, Teething Disorders and Destroy
Worms. At all druggists', 25c. Sample mailed
free. Address Allen S.Olmsted. LeRoy.N.Y.
It must take a lot of sand to enable
a grocer to sell sugar below cost.
Use Red Cross Ball Bluo and keep them
white as snow. .All grocers. 6c. & package.
A man's ashes Boon smother the
light of his fame.
Beautiful Indian Territory.
Tho last large tract of flno unculti
vated land to be thrown open for set
tlement. A copy of an attractive book about
piesent day conditions In this won
derful country will be Bent on request.
James Barker, Gen'l Pass. Agent, M.
K. & T. Ry., 601 Walnwrigtat Bldg., Sw
Louis. i ' i-
South Omaha and Beatrice Suffer
Considerable Damage.
Tho big sheep barns at the Union
stock yards In South Omaha were tot
ally destroyed by fire Thursday. It is
estimated that the loss wilt be a littlo
over $50,000, fully covered by Insur
ance. Just how tho fire started has not
been ascertained. One of the employes
discovered tho blnze and Immediately
Bounded the alarm. Beforo any of tho
firemen arrived the entire main struc
turo was In flames and great clouds of
black smoked rolled lazily away to
wards tho south. The smoke attracted
the attention of people all over the
city and within half an hour nfter tho
flames broke out the yards and sur-
rounding fences were almost black
with people.
Tho main structure was 700 feet In
length, 1G0 feet In width and thirty
feet high. It was constructed of tim
bers and was sheathed on the outside
with corrugated Iron. The flooring
was of vitrified brick. This building
was erected several ycarB ago. Last
year tho stock yardB company found
a need of Increased capacity and erect
ed an addition 200 feet long by 200
feet In width, thirty feet high, south
of the big barn. This building was
similar in construction to the other
and was also destroyed.
At tho time of tho fire 993 head of
sheep were confined in pens in tho big
barn. When7 tho alarm was given some
of the men at hand hustled out COO
head Into tho alleys and these were
saved, the balance were smothered to
BEATRICE. Fire originating in the
basement of Day's drug store, in the
Masonic temple block, totally de
stroyed tho entire block and contents.
Conservative estimate places the loss
at $150,000.
The fire is supposed to have been of
incendiary origin. The flames spread
from tho basement to the floor above,
and before the arrival of the fire de
partment was beyond control.
Tho Beatrice Natlonnl bank, Trevltt,
Maltls & Baker, private bankers, Day's
drug 'store and a number of lawyers,
insurnnce agents and real estate men
occupied the building.
Tho fire was discovered by Judge
Call I son, who roomed over tho drug
store. He was awakened by the Bi&ell
of smoke and, although crippled by
VheumatlBm, managed to crawl to a
window, break the glass and call for
His cries were heard by the printers
in a nearby printing office, who turned
in the alarm and rescued him.
R. G.
Backus Finds Daughter After
Long Separation.
PLATTSMOUTH. There is connect
ed with the llfo of Mrs. Agnes Lleber
shal, formerly MIsb Agnes Backus of
this city, a story which reads like fic
tion. Mrs. Llebershal's mother died six
months tjfter the former was born,
and her father, R. G. Backus, after
placing nls child In the keeping of Mr.
and Mrs. Dennis McCarthy of this city,
drifted out into tho world to seek his
fortune, and not from that day until
recently did he hear anything directly
from his daughter.
Then ho reclved a letter from her
addressed to Cincinnati, O. He lm
medltely answered it, expressing his
great pleasure at hearing from her and
stilting that he had written many let
ters to relatives and others In Platts
mouth inquiring about her, but for
some unknown cause these letters were
unanswered and he had been kept In
ignorance as to whether or not the
child was still alive.
Mr. Backus arrived the day beforo
Christmas and is spending the holi
days with IiIh daughter. Ho is a rep
resentative of the Cincinnati Times
Star and from general appearance is a
very happy man. His daughter was
married about six months ago to An
tone Liebershal, a clgarmaker.
Ten-Year-Old Boy Suicides.
Adelbert Lemon, the ten-year-old
son of Rev. H. A. Lemon, of Bethany,
state evangelist of the Christian
church, with self-destruction In his
childish mind, on tho day before
Christmas placed a rifle against his
body and fired. The bullet passed en
tirely through his abdomen, severing
the internal organs In many places.
After telling his sorrowing parents
that he did the deed on purpose he
submitted to a surgical operation with
out sign of faltering and died from
hemorrhage and the shock.
He was a bright, Intelligent boy, a
model Bon, whose life had a short
time before been bubbling over with
Christmas Joy. On bis death bed he
said he had been considering the d?ed
for several weeks. He gave no partic
ular reason why he had thought of such
an act.
A row of Boven frnme buildings In
the btiBlneas renter of Cullicrtson wna
destroyed by Ilio.
Tho annual meeting of tho Btnto bar
association wUl he held hi Omaha,
January 8 and U.
Tho stato bank at Surprlso was en
tered Tuesday night, tho naro blown
open and $2,200 stolen.
The first train on the new Union Pa
cific extension from Cedar Rapids to
Spalding was run Tuesday.
Mrs. Bernard Dolan, an elderly Lin
coln woman, was found In tho lco of
Salt creek, frozen to death.
William Zeplln, a prominent young
man of VJest Point, slipped on tln
ice and fell, dislocating hla neck. Ho
died a fow hours later.
Livestock Agent Upton of the Bur-
llngton says tho recent storms In the
range country of Nebraska. Wyoming
and South Dakota have caused no great
Iobbos to stock.
AilaniH county has paid off $25,000
of tho bonds held by tho state, leav
ing $100,000 in bondB still in thn
hands of tho state treasurer. Another
block will soon be taken up.
Mrs. Lena Llllle has been arrested,
charged with tho murder of her hus
band, Harvey Lllllo, who was mys
teriously killed while asleep In his
homo at David City two months ago.
Tho papers in Mexico City all com
ment on the arrival of W. J. Bryan,
but it is understood that his visit is
merely one of pleasure nnd recreation,
he being accompanied by. his family.
It is authoritatively stated that
Governor Mickey will make no ap
pointments to tho positions of adju
tant general of tho Nebraska National
guard and state oil inspector until
next spring. Several candidates am
making a lively scramble for theso
Charles S. Young, formerly assist
ant general advertising agent of tho
Burlington, has been nppolnted gen
eral advertising agent of tho Mil
waukee with headquarters in Chicago.
Mr. Young was formerly a reporter
In Omaha. His advancement in tho
railway world has been rapid.
Two unusual marriages occurred at
Alnsworth Christmas week. Tho con
tracting parties In one wore Levi Llnd
qulst and Miss Grace Hagcrman, the
groom weighing a little over 100
pounds, while tho bride weighs 320
pounds. In tho second marriage Ca
leb Hlveley, aged 72 years, was united
In mnrrlage to Mrs. Anna E. Sopher,
aged 07 years.
An interesting suit will soon bd
started In Lancaster county, wherein'
the county commissioners will seek to
compel County Judge Waters to pay,
into tho county treasury fees which ho,
has collected for performing marriage
ceremonies. Judge Waters Insists that?
ho Is Juht aB much entitled to tho fees'
for performing tho marrlago ceremony
as are tho ministers of the gospel who'
perform them.
J. H. Hadklnson of Omaha has been
appointed head gardener for the de
partment of horticulture In connection1
with tho world's fair. Mr. HadklnBon1
is a native of England and studied
gardening in that country. He hau
charge of the gardening nt tho Omaha
exposition and of Nebraska's horticul
tural exhibit at tho Pan-American.
For two years ho was secretary of
tho Stato Horticultural society of Ne
State Official Makes Investigation and!
Reports Favorably.
LINCOLN. State Veterinarian
Thomas, who has Just returned from
Scotts Bluff county, reports that ufter
a critical examination into the condi
tions prevailing in the western end of
the stato he finds the cattle industry
in excellent condition. This tends to
relieve the alarm that has been cre
ated by the reports sent out to tho
press concerning the condition of the
ranges in Wyoming and Colorado. The
snow Injures the grass for forage pur
poses to a certain extent, but the Ne
braska ranchmen are awakening to the
need for exercise of more foresight and
less dependence on providence to safe
guard their herds and keep them
through the winter. He saw much
stacked hay that had been put up in
preparation for the winter. He did
not see any herds that appeared to be
suffering from the stress of the weath
er and heard no stories of distress
among the ranchmen on the Nebraska
side of the line.
Much Interest is being stirred up m
tho Btato university at Lincoln In an
ticipation of the preliminary debates
next month. Tho university will hold
debates with Colorado at Denver,
Kansas at Lawrence, Kan., and Mis
souri at Lincoln early in May.
John Gotte, a well-to-do Kimball
county ranchman, is believed to have
perished In the recent storm. He left
his ranch to look up stray cattle. Noth
ing has been seen of him Btnce. Three
da) 8 after his departure his horse re
turned alone.
An Odd Genius Timothy Cole.
Apart from the soetng eye and cun
ning hand that have tuatlo Timothy
Colo the loading wood engraver of his
day. his friends know him for tho
sweetOBt nnd most generous of na
ture, tho oddest, maddest, most orig
inal of ercontrles. For a day at a
time, while ho was a toachcr of his
ernft, he hns been known to mnko
merry with his pupils, gnlly keeping
thom from their woik by n hundred
mlHclilcnotts tricks, then suddenly nf
ter hours of null It nnd Jest, settling
down to html work, gaining results
on tho blocks at onco tho wonder and
despair of his pupils. A board for a
bed, water, nuts and fruit for his food
for years, not only fnce but head clean
Blmven, dressed In blue JentiB, his ap
pearance Impresses stranger and nc
qunlntanco as nn odd mlxturo of priest
nnd farmer.
McCluro's Magazine has Just closed
tho most successful nnd prosperous
yenr In Its history. It has been per
manently enlarged to make room for
now nnd broader editorial planB.
There will be tltnoly and Important
nt tick's, ehaiaeter Bkotchos of grent
men. reports of all that Is going on
In tho world of science, exploration,
polities, nrts and letters, in fiction,
McCluro's stoiles of real life, of hero
lam, lovo nnd adventure will bo nil
binpaBBCd ns heretofore. The Illus
trations will ho brighter and bettor
than over.
A Christmas or New Year's Present
Of a yenr'a subscription to Succcbb Is
ono of tho best that can possibly bo
mndo to ofllco employes, or to young
men and women In whom you nro In
terested. Wo will furnish engraved
presentation cards without charge.
Tho magazines nnd hooka contained
In our offers will nlwayB bo most ac
ceptable as presents to relatives and
friends, and will keep tho giver In con
Btnnt remembrance. Tho Success
company, New York.
According to tho Era, nn American
association has been formed In London
to erect n permanent Shakespeare me
morial at Stratford-on-Avon, nnd 100
subscriptions havo beon received. An
drew Carnegie has done nil that is nec
essary by pin chasing a cottago on each
sldo of Shakespeare's birthplace, so as
to make it safo from fire, and tho sub
scriptions should bo returned.
A protended nephew of Carrie Na
tion who esayed the rolo of saloon
smasher in a Misotirl town Is progress
ing favorably in a local hospital. It
seems the amateur smasher came In
contact with a boot of uncommon bIzo,
nnd on recovering consciousness found
tho horizontal posture afforded the
most physical comfort.
Alard Shock, military attache of the
Gorman embassy In Washington, 1b
snld to owe his appointment to his
eloso resemblunce to President Roose
velt, tho German emperor having re
marked this nnd suggested the brilliant
young officer for tho billet.
Judge: "Ah, I know 'high balls'
would be my finish," Blged tho wild
gooso ns a ride bullet struck hltn in
midair and brought him to the real
I .
Cornell Widow: Lady (In tho depart
,ment store) Have you somo candela
bra? Clerk Yes, ma'am, but tho canned
goods are on the third floor.
Men think up schemes to make
money and women thinlt up schemes
to spend it.
Use tho lx)Rt. That's why tlioy buy Red
Cross Ball Blue. Atleadiuggrooeni, & cents,
Charity never excuses a wrong; at
most it only seeks to palliate it.
Mrs. 'ViiiInn- nooiiilnir Syrup.
For cblldrea teeililnp, loftcne iho iimne, reduce In-flaifliimtlon.allaj-a
pain, cure wind colic. 23c a bottle.
KIcptoman'a Is said to bo the most
lucrative form of Insanity.
moccasins do not make fine
Constipation rib,
Mull's Grape Tonic Cures Constipation.
When the sower of a city becomes stopped up, tho refuse backs
into tbe streets wbero it decays and rots, spreading disease-
Vaaae. 1 T
strength and health, ft will
rich, roa Diooa. as a laxative its action is immediate and posi
tive, gentle and natural. MuiTi Grape Tonic Is guarantied or roomy Mck.
Sena lOe. to Lightning Medicine Co- RookXilind. 111., tor large
sample bottle. All druggist sell regular sized bottles for BO ets.
Take off your hat to an OLD FRIEND.
Sixty yearn of faithful service spent in successfully fighting the ailments of MAK
and BEAST justly entitles
Mexican Mustang laniment
It wns the STANDARD LINIMENT two generations ago,
DARD LINIMENT of the present generation.
It grows on ono as an
SaEOcted with
Theraniirrs Eyi Wtttr
We make all klnda of scales.
AIM B.B. Pumps JJ"
ana ninamiuj. rmxM
All Bodily Aches
I hereby beamelh Ml hid to th Wee
9yu laniuni vo i in ! tanned wun nm
neir on, enti man inwi a rum, or coat, i
ana returned to my tttretvta owner.
ai i liar onif vne uiae i am err jj
Ilk TJ
dealer for
pariumiar eiwai u, ana mint inaea
none Dai ma itia nrm k auowea
U Reaeaaet
Write toda? for
I In do thle work
enltnm Hre Hill.
Kdee lUee Teealaa-
jTriThae Helen
I tit and le it rtinlrrtd
Ca., Dafcaa.tte,
i xactnrv.ana are trie
tar iireueri, rur
k moil cepacia or
17111, mmeu
' tinning my bio
to lull itie.
nellfvci All ntitreti of
l li Stomach and Periodi
cal Dliordori.
Bold Ererrwhrrn.
Omaha, Neb,
A striking: contrast
between Defiance Starch
'and any other brand will
be found by comparison.
Defiance Starch stiffens,
whitens, beautifies with
out rotting.
'it gives clothes back
their newness.
It Is absolutely pure.
lit will not injure 'the
most delicate fabrics.
For fine things and all
things use the best there
Is. Defiance Starch
to cents for 16 ounces.
Other brands to cents for
13 ounces.
A striking contrast.
Omaha, Neb.'
creating germs throughout the entire city.
An epidemic of sickness follows. It Is the
same way when tho bowels fail to 'work.
Tbe undigested food backs into the system
and there it rots and decays. From this
ifesterinir mass tho blood Bans un all the dis-
'ease germ?, and at every heart beat carries
them to every tiesuejustas the waterworks'
of a city forces impure water Into every
bouse. Tho only way to cure a condition
liko this is to cure the constipation. Fills
and tbe ordinary cathartics will do no good.
Is crushed fruit t&nietxaUva
which permanently cures the affliction.
The tonic, properties contained iq tbe grape
so into everv afflicted tisane and creates
quickly restore lost flesh and make
It is the STAN.
Old Friend ought to grow.
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 11903
cuvs rTHtK Alt USE lAJLf.
Bet Oool Syrup. Tutos Oooi DM
id lima. Boia by dneUtet.