Hmkro-x-- .. lMMFKDi iAllllHNMmHC!W CI vt i' y 5 Jl OF GABICATUEfi KVOtUTION AND INFLUENCE Of THE NEWSPAPER CARTOON. fce Anient flrek, Homnna crVtlami Cri UralraHU I'Jcttue Xmphaglee Their nlt TIio Ktfthlecnlh Century Crate. The tory la told of nn nbbo of the feeventccnth century who was no de formed In flgmo nn ho vrat ridiculous in drcse, nml ns sensitive about his physical deformity ns ho wn vnln of his eccentric attire, that while nerving mass one morning he observed, n smllo of contempt on the fnco of one of tho courtiers present nnd determined to avenge himself by serving n process upon him fdr appearance I" court tho following dny, The offender, M. do Lnsson by name, knowing that things would go hard .with him unless ho could, show eomo reason for his mirth, made n hasty sketch of the hunchback nbbo, exag gerating In slzo tho six btnek caps nnd tho waistcoats in which he was wont to appear, and when he wnu solemnly asked to shew cause for his unseemly mirth and Indignity to the holy church he suddenly displayed beforo his Judges the caricature of the nbbo ns his "ex- -, cusc." Tho likeness wbb bo excellent ,' and the cartoon so grotesque that the entire court fell to laughing, nnd the accused was liberated without n reprl - maml. This is tho first authentic cano of the , power of the cartoon in' it ball of Jus tice", but It Illustrates the powcFof the pencil In depleting tho rolltes of tho foolish and the affectations of the arti ficial. There Is no telling M-lieii tho nrt of caricature began. There arc n number of grotesques tlint hnvo come down to us from earliest Egyptian times. The Greeks employed pictures to emphasize their, Bhtire," and bo did tup Romans,' All through the middle nges there were numberless examples of "grotesque rlcs" which, curiously enough, were used la enforcing the doctrines of tho church by means of satirizing the devil. But the eighteenth century was tho heyday of the curtoon. Beginning in France nnd overrunning into Holland and thence across the channel Into England, tho flood of cari caturists carried everything before It, nnd It is safe to tmy that we read the history of tho times with clearer vision and with more accuracy of detail for the mirror which caricaturists held up to rcllcct the striking, peculiarities of the men und events passing before It. Gntttler mentions a Spanish cartoon ist. Francisco Gayn y Luclcutcs. u mix turo of Rembrandt, Wutteau nml Rn. belnls, who preceded the two great car icaturists of the latter hair of the eighteenth century. Georgo Crulkshank in England and M. Chariot in France. Chariot Is known ns the father of mod ern social caricature and holds as good title to his position as does Phlllpau to .that or tho frtthcr of comic journalism, MVlth Le Charivari, the strongest paper of Its kind. Then came Punch In Eng land, which still retains its subtitle of tho Loudon Charivari, for yenrs the faithful If not tho most highly polished reflector of British life. Upon Its staff , John Lurch. Richard Ddyle. John Fen nlel, -deorge du Marnier and a dozen men. of lesser name kept Great Britain in good humor for two generations. It has been reserved for America, however, to bring forth a now race of caricaturists, which for luck of a, better tltlo may be called the personal car toonists, men who seize upon tho char acteristics of an individual and so ex aggerate them that the subjects of tho cartoons ar known by tho most proml ncnt features In their physical, mental er moral makeup. True there was one man In London a hundred years ago. Glllray by name, who had this faculty of dissecting his subject until he found bis weakest point und theu unmercifully pricking it with his drawing pencil, but with him tho race died out, to be reincarnated In America. Glllray was a close observer of people and events. He would sit in his publisher's window and watch tho fops of the court as they passed and fasten in bis memory every feature by which n man would be recognized by his acquaintances. Ho remembered ev ery story that related to tho traits of character of those iu tho public eye, aud the St James street of 1800 is faithfully reproduced In his art Fcrhaps we Americans look at tho droll side of life more than other "peo ple, but certain it Is wo have" more and better cartoonists than elsewhere. Tho very quickness with which we see the point of a Joke demands equal facility in portraying drollery in a cartoon. We sketch boldly and leave much of tho unnecessary detail to our slower cous ins. Then, too, our public events hap pen with such Btartllng rapidity that a cartoon of yesterday's doings would be flat today, and we must keep very much alive nnd be ready for a political change overnight In other words, the alert American must have depicted in his cartoon the very traits of character that have made him what he Is, the quickest and brightest of men. Thomas Nast in New York News. The Common Tonsne. Church Are there many nationalities represented on your block? Gotham No, There's only ono tongue heard there. That's my wife's. Yon kers Statesman. The Land of Ilia Birth. Higgius So you aro nroud of tho land of your birth, eh? What did it ever do to be proud of? Wiggins Wasn't I born there? Bos ten Transcript History will abow that the worst quarrels are between former friends and former layers. Atchison Globe. iiii &iHt: !,PJJA ltt SjDlMAXAtlUt&MLSDuWiJoooKOKOHOHOOHOKOKOKOKowiOH I ! I fck I v RANGES 1" fT. STQVBS. . 8 at A 1 m y' -xi- tm ,- ,,,,... ' ' . i ' '' : v The Cast ironi Largest t2S29oa rrfVWi wwrtfVWWWvwwYtnrsrSm Professional Crds. ATTOHNBYS. OrriCB I'iiuxe I8n. krhiivkncr I'honeSOT. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Itooms 1. 3 and n, l-'lrst Niitloiml bunk build lri(f, Allluuce, Ntb. Notary lti onico. w: o: simonson.. Attorney at Law.... Oftlco Up-htiilrs Orer Postdfflce SMITH P. TUTTIiE. tllA E. TABU. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Main St., ALIilANOR. NF.n. WILLIAH MITCHELL, ATTORNEY . AT LAW. ' TL ALLIANCE, : - .- NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, AT AT ALLIANCE,, - ATTORNEY AT LAW. NEBRASKA. PHYSICIANS. It. It, BKfclWOOD, M. D, -S W. S. tUSM.WOOD,' M. D. Bellwood & Bellwood, PHYSICIANSand SURGEONS. llolstcn Itulldlng, - ALLIANOE, NKO, L. W. BOWMAN, '-'- PHYlaicrAN'iMV ' SURGEON. Ofllco In I'lrst Nntlonnl Unuk block. Alll anco, tyjbrnsku. , v J. E. MOORE, M. D. I I.KTCI1KH ULOCK, AI.I.IANCK. NEH. Calls answered from office day or night. Telephone No. tK. G.:W. MITCHELL. M. D PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Olflce.ln Lockwood) UolldlnR J ALUANOE. NEB. Telephone No. 3T9. JULIA V. FREY, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Olllcc two liloc-ks north of Times building, Phono 258. Hours, 8 to K a. nu. 1 :.10 to & p. m. H. B. MILLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND. SURGEON ... OMco und .residence three doors north of Idaho street on UlR Horn avenue. TOlepono No. so. Alliance, Neb. Diamonds, Watches Solid Gold Jewelry a ' ' ofof CV p BARNES LSoooitoitocmoottoitOKoKotcoto largest line of Steel and Ranges ever Western Nebraska. Rans ! - " :v $z&.vv to o.5U. Stock of Glass in Alliance rr tip tr k e k k ictp,c''c'P4''tooiRoiROKoK'ooatoieor.oKoioio. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !-h:-$.:-s.:-h . T' w Choirs Winter Annl&z f V M.JT V. X Eleven different kinds from. 60 cents up at the Alliance Apple Cellar in the Capt. Corbin Building. X ALiU rUKJtl JtlUlVlll lVlAUli iLlK. i Entrance in R. A. .t).j$.;5.j.j$.j$j.j5.;.jj.j.;. a 'TTTTTTTyyV?yTrTffTVTT1'tfTtTyTTTTTTy,1"r?yfTVV'T NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agent. REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. North American of Philadelphia. Phoenix of Brooklyn,, New York. Continental of New York City, Niagara Fire Insurance Co. New York Underwriters, New York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., of London. Liverpool, London and Globe In Office L'p-Stnlrs. Fletcher Illosk. - AAAA.AAAAAA. Mrs. Thos. Regan-, Has a Large Assortment of MILLINERY, '" T ADIES' TAILOR MADE Suits, i . J Shirt Waists, Huslin Under flaterials, Embroidery Materials, Stamped Linings, Hair Goods, etc. Opera House Block.... The Herald has the best equipped Job Office in the west, and turns out the best work. and & AfcAJULUUm - 'k shon in II " & - w-------'- the Rear. . s:.;s;-H55$-;-3-;-;.j$g surance Co. German American Insurance Co., New York. Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co., of Lincoln. Columbia" Fire Insurance Co, Philadelphia Underwriters. , Phoenix Insurance Co., of Hart ford, Conn. Alliance. Nebraska. AAAAi and Complete mmmxmmr j & "---. '. pp - .'-. ,.(, wear iFancy Notions, Chil dren's Headwear, Battenberg Rich Cut Glass and Real Ebony Goods j THE TABLE imwm .... Alliance, INcb. LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITY; POi TLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO. and all points cast nnd points went ana south. . TltAlNB liEAVF. AS l-'OLUJWS, M 'JBNTAIN TlMB No. 41 Passenger dully. JJcndu xn, Hillings, ull points north una west I0:X. u,m. No, 2 PftssenKcr dally. Lincoln, Omalm. ChlcitKu and all point eaxt.. .,...., I:40n.m, ru. r.')l PassoiiKer dully, for Denver Odcnjalt Luke, San Fran- . clsco nnd ull Intermediate ' points, departs nt 1:10 a.m. ho. 303 Passenger dolly from Denver and ull Intermediate points, nrrlvcs at 10:10a.m. No. 43 Local passenger dally from Omaha, Lincoln and Inter mediate points arrives ut.... B:&h n. m. No. 44 local p.isseneor dally, for Omaha.LIncoln and Intcrmo dlato points, doparts at 4:00 a.m. No. 305DalIy, excep Sunday, for points soutii nnd west, de parts 8!20a.m No. 304 Dally, excopt Sunday, from south nnd west, arrives ,3:30 p. m. No. 45 Freight, dully,, Dcadwool Hillings and intermediate stations ...v.. .,,.., , 7:30 p.m. No. 46 Freight dally, for Lincoln und Intermediate stations.. 6:30p.m. No. 47 Freight dalljr.cxccpt Sunday, for Dcndwood und Hillings.. 10:Wu. m No.M Freight dally for Lincoln and intermediate stations.. 8:05a.m. No. 49 Freight, for northwest l:00n.m. No. 00 Freight from northwest, ur- rlvo 13p.m. Denver freight, dally except Monday, arrives at 0:15 am. No. 301 Denver freight, dally except Saturday, leaves ut 5:20 a.m. Sleeping, dining und reclining chair curs seats free) on through trulns. Tickets sold nnd baggage checked to any point In tho. United States or Oannda. For Information tltno tables and tickets call on or write to; J. KnEiDr.t,nAU(iH, Agent, or .1. Piiancis, Gen eral Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. 00000C I TkevWv &. Tftero. J ( ; Fire '' : , i Insurance. 2 Hemingford, Nedraska. Agent' for tho Caledonian; of Scotland," which insures town' , property only, and tho .Colum bia, which Insures town nnd farm property nnd llvo stock. Both ure rellubloold lino com panies.... XToteuL'ia.1 'Worlc.., , -AT 0000000000 Dray and Transfer Line. W them The only spring S. Phone 139. SAVE YOUR FUEL! Hdbeson & $ober'6, HARDWARE Alliance Bowling Alley, W. S. RIDGELL, Prop rietor. Uaxis Smsv Qexveri y. Ntei3oes Cfcawes anvd'Sest. Appointed Amusement Place in the West, and Invite All to Call. Ladies Especially Invited. Bowling, Billiards and Pool. CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND SOFT DRINKS. Two of Our Churches. -First Baptist Cburcb One Block West and Tito Blocks North ot TIMES BUILDING. t Georoe Collins Jefpbbs, Pastor. Su.n&at S&vvAcs. Sunday School io.oo a.m. Preaching. i i.oo a.m. Junior Meeting 3.00 p.m. r.. E. Meetinff 7.15 P.M. t Preaching 8.00 ". Prayer Service.Thursday. b.oop.m. A Hearty Welcome - TO ALL SERVICES. - Contractor and Bite. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished. GEO. Q. GADSBY, In O. A, Anderson's I Ulacksmlth Shop. f Alliance, Neb. Koo0oonooiooio.oHba O r T . Unconditional I o o o o o o o o o o X o o X o o X o X o o X o X o o X o X o o X o o X o X o X o X o X o X o X Surrender . . It's .in unconditional stir render ol dirt in bundles left with us. Improved methods and machinery enables us to do this with out injury to the cloth no pounding, banging, tearing or ripping in our work. Immaculate cleanliness; desirable finish, satisfied customers arc the results obtained. o o o ' o o o o o o W P? fi Alliance Steam Laundry I S A-lllWUW WIVWU1 .Ullll.lUlJ o o X oooooooooooo BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE BARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb. HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. , S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store then: in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and shir wherever desired. Charges reasonably dray line in. the city. A. IWill&r. And be more comfortable by using GOSPER'S .-. . - - i M Mii 1 ALKJ WEATHER STRIPS.. ON DOORS AND WINDOWS. BEST - MARKET. You can find it with a lot of other good things in Stoves, Enameled ONE DOOR NORTH OF Young's Grocery. SpvseoaV ...Church... AX,X.LV3STOE. - NEBRASKA, HEV. E. C. HORN, PH. O.. rmo 1 wni. SUNDAY SERVICES. Sunday School tt PrAfirKJnr, ..IO.OO A.M. - : -""! ; 1 1.00 A.l Z Class Meetine ..12.00 m II.OO A.M. Junior Epworth League. . 3.00 p. m. Epworth Leagu;..;.... 7.00 p.m. .............. 8.00 p. M. Prayer Servtce,Thursd8y. 8.00 p.m. everyone Is Welcome to All Services, & I rSL V ! i f n vsAAAAAxvrA - ntmm