The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 19, 1902, Image 8
CANTO? CALLINGS. 11, C. Curtis and hts mother wore teltlng at J, W. Hroshar'a Sunday. . G, W. Lbckwood tru In A111abb Tuesday and Wednesday 6n Important 'baslncKS. Janlcs Kennedy and Andrei Thcha teherweralu the Pino Ridge forum W Friday. Miss Mary Mornvok was the guest of of Miss Mary Clayton Saturday eve and Sunday. Rolloy L. Shetler is now engaged In working on bis new ranch west of Canton 1b Sioux county. Monday morning' was very blustery for the school ma'ams of Canton to" make their schools In good time. Edgar Lange, brother of Mrs. C. II. Irlea, was la these part Taeeday and went to Lavra'to make a visit with friends there, that having formerly been his home. Lee Hood was in Lawn precinct a few days ago to receive a bunch of eattle he had purchased some time ago and corralled them over night at James Novotnoy's. Vhllo working In the culinary de partment at his home a few days ago, Otis Haas, by some mishap, got n very bad seatd oa his left arm, which was very painful for several days. Our literary society met again Satur day eve, tho 13th Inst., with a full house and the program was well car ried out. To visit our literary society once, Is to visit It again. Those elected to the chair for Saturday, December 27, were John Langford and Miss Pearl Mroshar. ,kvrvwwvrwv FAIR VIEW FILLINGS. Joe West has gone to Alliance to work for Mr. Phillips in the livery barn. v Miss Geneva West, Miss Mae Heath and sister Nellie spent Sunday with Mrs. M. P. Nason, Snow in abundance. It makes bad work for those who hav,o not got their corn shucked John Riley has forty acres yet to pick. The Falrvlew Ladles' Aid was cuter tained by Mrs. Uadloy Wednesday, December 10. They will meet with Mrs. M. P. Nasoa January 7. All members try to bo present. Charlie Heath recently butchered a hog that dressed oyer 300 pounds. Win. Nyo sold one alive that weighed nearly 600 pounds.- It is easy to size up a iarmcr's corn pile by looking at his hogs. We hear old Santa Is on his way to Falrvlew, will be there Thursday, December SS, at 2 o'clock p. m. Come one, come alt and bring the children. They will all be remembered for Santa is very partial to children and baches. A short program Is being prepared. Clrr Dvcjcr 2a SUmpa. Immediately on the Issue of King Sdward'a VII.'s stamps, says a corres pendent, an American dealer posted ten thousand letters to himself, with Queen Victoria's stamp and King Sdward'a stamp under one postmark, dated Jan. 1, 102. These treasure! he is retailing at SI each, and .ht trade name is "Double-Joes." a nam that waa formerly given to gold coins of Ferdinand and Isabella, with the heads of both sovereigns on the face. "Doublo-JocB" can still be manufac tured, but they can no longer bo given the historic postmark of Jan. 1, 190 Black a Newspaper Men. It Is not gcnr"Hy known that ox Gov, Frank S. Blat, the triumphant counsel in the KMIneux case, Is a formm newspaper nan. After grad uating from Amherest he went to Troy, N. Y., where ho became a re porter on the old Whip and also the Budget. In his spare momentB he studied law with e--DlstrIct Attorney Sam Foster, who took a liking to tho lad and gave him a room In his house. After being admitted to the bar his success was steady and in recent years rapid. Sblftl.ti H.bltt la Turkey. Horses, mules and donkeys go load ed to market in Turkey, but the road Is strown with grain leaking from the old sacks, and thousands of turkeys.r which may be bought at 12 cents apiece, feed on the dropping grain. ' Japan!. Wotuou AdTuarlue. One feature of western civilization huo just mado Its appearance In Japan, where a native woman has brought suit for a breach of promise, hitherto un unknown procedure in the land of toe chrysantnemum. Kxpemo of Coroner' Omee. The expenses of the New York cor oner's office do not decrease as the demand for the abolition of the oClco M UBaeceawry becomes more general. This year's appropriation for the cor oner's office in Manhattan Is f 61 ,200, in Brooklyn $32,900, in the Bronx 932,900, In Queens 123.000 and In Rlclf Blond $18,100, a total of $165,150. Wfalte Ant. Knt Wood. The white ants of Manila are fond ot Krood. They bore holes from the out Bide, enter in thousands, and eat arti cles of furniture until little is left but mere shells. Sometimes they devour the legs of a chair, so that when a per on sits down the chair crumbles un der him jmd he suddenly and ungrac fully lands on the floor. Be True to 'Self. Life Is a crucible. We are-.thrown into It and tried.ChapIn:,"- lx BUY t YOUR CLOTHING AND SHOES OF 1 t A "f RUMER This vAeek: -1'Mnrt And Save 35 to 50 - - fH ' Vi fc, ' - 1 A cent m f Largest Professional Cards. ATTOUNEY8. Orncu Phone 180. Kesi dunce Puomb 203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Roodih 1, 2 and 3, First National bank build Iiir, Alltmico, Neb. Notary In office. W. G. SIMONSON... 4fforney at Law.... OfUcc Dp-stalrs Over PobtofHce SMITH r. TUTTLE. BA X. TA8H. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Main 8U, - ALLIANCE. NEB. WILLIAH MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. VHY8ICIANB. II. H. BF UWOOD, U. D. W. 8. BELLWOOD. M. D. Bellwood & Bellwood, t PHYSICIANS and SUHSEONS. Moisten llulldlng, ALLIANCE, NED, L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ollico in First National Hunk block. AM unce, Nebraska. J. E. MOORE, M. D. FLETCHER BLOCK, ALLIANCE, NEn. Calls answered from ofllco dny or night. .Telephone No. (B. Q. W. MITCHELL. M. D PHYSIOIAN and SURQEON. Office In Lockwood) UolldlnR ( ALLIANCE. NEB. Telephone No. 379. JULIA V. FREY, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSIOIAN. OIHce two blocks north of Times building, Phono 458. Hours, 8 to 12 h. in.. 1 :30 to 5 p. ru. H. B. MILLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON ... Ofllco mid residence three doors north of Idaho street on llljj Horn avenue. TCleponeNo.20. Alliance, Neb. 'wVrvvNNVvV, We wish to introduce our work into every home" in Alliance and to do this we will sell for a limited time ONE DOZEN of our very finest $4.50 Photos for $3.00. Our canvassers will call at every home in the city with samples and tickets which will be sold for 50 cents, the balance being paid at the Studio when the sitting is made. Positively no tickets will be sold at the Studio. The greatest care will be taken in making these Photographs satisfactory in every particular and hope a large number will take advantage of the unusual offer. ALLIANCE ART STUDIO, Successor to Mark's Studio. C. R. FULLER, Proprietor. Newberry's Hardware Etaibllhtticnt. The largest line of Steel and Cast Ranges ever shown in Western Nebraska. Ranges from $25.00 to $62.50. Stock of Glass in Alliance. 1 (Hhnirf Winter AnnIK f I Eleven different kinds from 60 cents up at the Alliance Apple Cellar in the Capt. Corbin Building. I ALSO PURE HOME MADE CIDER. ? Entrance in the Rear. F A. THIELB NELSON Fire Insurance Agent REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIE8. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. North Atnericap of Philadelphia. Phoenix of Brooklyn, New York. Continental of New York City, Niagara Fire Insurance Co. New York Underwriters, New York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., of London. Liverpool, London and Globe In Offlco Upstairs, Fletcher Mock. tAt Mrs. Thos. Regan... Has a Large and Complete Assortmnt of TVULLIINERY, T AD1ES J J shirt JjL wear, s dren's ilaterials, Embroidery Materials, Stamped Linings, Hair Goods, etc. Opera House Block - The Herald has the best equipped Job Office in the west, and turns out the best work. rv vww w FLETCHER surance Co. German American - Insurance Co., New York. Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co., of Lincoln. Columbia Fire Insurance Co, Philadelphia Underwriters.' Phoenix Insurance Co., of Hart ford, Conn. Alliance, Nebraska. j( AAAAA A A J. A. ..... ..... Ai --S mmmM TAILOR MADE Suits, Waists, fluslin Under- Fancy Notions, Chil- Headwear, Battenberg n r to b-s i jc. n r I r 1 1 -A 'I M . A