The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 19, 1902, Image 7

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The Alliance Herald,
fU-UH-6 KVtRY FfllOAY.
OfScIiil Pubttontlou of Hot Ilutto County.
Entered nt tliq Postolttce ftl Altliitice. Ne
brMka. a bfconcl-Olats MMI Matter.
PcrycAr(innil-nnra) v fl.50
Six month ...(73
Where Are Wc At?
The Monroo doctrine, about which
we have boasted for so many years,
seems to bo suffering from republican
paresis. Since we stepped across the
ocean into the eastern hemisphere and
grabbed off a lot of territory we have
not been in much of a position to kick
when some European monarch stepped
acrossttho ocean and grabbed off n lot
of territory. Germany has never ad
mitted the force of the Monroe doc
trine, and England has Only given it a
half-hearted recognition. Hut all the
time we have been blowing about how
inviolable that doctrine is and what wc
would do in case any old European
nation tried to secure a, new foothold
on our Bide of the globe. Vet, after
all our' blowing and parading, the time
has conio when we've got to admit that
ho was in a humiliating and embarrass
ing position. England and Germany
are hammering away at poor little
Venezuela, and wo are so completely
tied up in the Philippines vith our
"manifest destiny" and "world power"
damphoolishness that we arc compelled
to quibble and evade and palter and
fool around like schoolboys instead of
calmly but firmly telling Germany and
England to skip out. '
This newspaper has almighty little
use for Grover Cleveland, but it has-a
lively recollection of another Vene
zuela incident that occurred while
Grover sat in tho White House. Eng
land Was mixed up in that little deal,
too, but England skedaddled home in a
hurry when Grover stood up and threat
ened to take tho blinders from the eyes
of tho American eagle. But that was
before we embarked in this "world
power" business, Wc can't make any
more bluffs at being the whole thing on
this side of the globe and not wanting
on tho other Btde. We've exposed our
cards and Germany and England aro
in pretty fair shape to call any bluff
w"o might make. ,
It's rather humiliating, to be sure,
but it ' is only what wc should have
figured on when we swelled up and em
barked on this "manifest destiny" busi
ness of grabbing far away lands and
ruling aiien peoples after the manner of
kings. It's a pretty mesa we've got
ourselves into and for what? A lot
of islands'that will forever embarrass
us, will Burely weaken our ideals or hit;
man liberty, and eat like a cancer into
our liberties.
It was tiny Tim who, baring his head
when the Christmas chimes sounded,
exclaimed, "God bless us every one."
And The Herald echoes the wish ot
the lovable little character sketched by
Dickens by exclaitnjng, "God bless us
every one.1'
Christmas is of all times the time of
happiness, praise and generosity. It
is a time of gift-giving, of homecoming
and of good cheer. It is a time of gift-
giving because tho anniversary is by
common consent recognized as the an
niversary upon which the Heavenly
Father gave to the world the richest
gift iu His possession the gift of His
only begotten Son, who died that we
might have life everlasting. And as
we think of this priceless gift to human
ity, as wo think of Christ's teachings
and of His sacrifice for us upon the
cross of Calvary when we think of
this inestimable blessing given to us it
is meet and proper that we should re
joice and that ourliearts should be filled
with love and gratitude.
May the coming Christmas day find
peace and joy and plenty in every
home. And may the Heavenly Father,
the Father who has watched over us
during all the days that are past and
gone, continue to watch over us and
keep us in His divine care.
To all, without distinction as to race,
age, color, sex or previous condition of
servitude, The Herald wishes a Happy
Somehow or other the strenuous talk
put up by Colonel Mosby concerning
the fences reminds us of the equally
strenuous vociferation indulged in
against the trusts by one Theodore
Roosevelt a few months ago.
There will be slim picking arouud
the legislature this time. The repub
lican majority is so large that the rail
roads are sure of getting whatever they
want. ,
By raising the freight rates a few
notches the railroads will reimburse
themselves for what they spent in
electing the g. o. p. ticket last fall and
have money enough left to buy another
lexis'ature and then have somo.
When I woko up Monday morning I
knew something was going to happen.
It could be felt in tho air. About 10:30
Sam Smyser and Sheriff Reed walked
into the sanctum. After communing
with the water barrel and taking a few
puffs at the peace pipe we began I to
listen and Smyser and Reed to Bitlg the
praises of Box Butte and Alliance, ti
1 owned that county and city I'd hire
Smyser and Reed to travel and sing
their praises, Thev do it right.
Railroad logic is almost as devious
as republican logic. Tiio railroads
claim that they are compelled to raise
rates in order to meet expenses, arflMn
the next breath admit that there is a
freight blockade because they are un
able to provide enough cars for the
Somehow or other we incline to the
belief that if Richard Olney were secre
tary of state instead of the lackidosical
John Hay we'd hear something like
this, concerning the Venezuelan mat
ter: "On the western hemisphere the
United States is supreme and its fiat
is law."
As usual both Germany and Great
Britain have tackled somebody very
much smaller than themselves.
The treasury building at Washington
is being cleaned on the outside by the
sand blast process. It will bo cleaned
on the inside by the usual republican
congressional appropriation methods.
After studying the president's course
of action during the past eighteen
months one will conclude that it could
-all be summed up iu the following
weekly diary:
Sunday Must rest up for the strenu
ous work of tomorrow.
MondayWe must shackle cunning
as we shackled force. Wish they would
let me get at it.
Tuesday Gigantic combinations of
capital arc a menace to industrial safety
and should be curbed.
Wednesday Have concluded that
pnly some of these giant combinations
of capital arc a menace.
ThursdayIt's hard tocll 'em apart;
will have to go slow.
Friday If we get after the big ones
we are liable to injure 'tho little' ones.
Must move with caution. , . , .
Saturday It is dangerous to move at
all. Must wait and sec which ones re
fuse to assist in perfecting my machine.
An ancient Russian artist has painted
a picture for the White House. It
represents Theodore Roosevclton horse
back, leading a long column of regulars
and volunteers up San Juan hill. Tho
mete fact that Roosevelt did not ride a
horse during that engagement, together
with the added fact that he did not
command any regulars, to say nothing
of the fact that he did not lead any
thing or anybody and would have seen
his regiment annihilated had it not been
for the bravery of tho Ninth infantry
(colored), do not seem to have bothered
the Russian artist a little bit. Now
let us have a painting of Roosevelt
fighting a Mississippi bear with a bowie
knife and chewing holes in the bear's
neck to make it loose its hold. It
would be just as "historical' as the
other painting and not a bit more ab
surd. A few years ago Theodore Roosevelt,
then a member of the civil servire com
mission, posed as the especial cham
pion of decency and honor in politics.
Then it was that he denounced "Ret"
Clarkson as a "spoilsman," a "danger
ous man," a "trafficker iu political
morals," and a few other choice epi
thets. A few months ago this same
Theodore Roosevelt gave "Ret" Clark
son the fattest political job at his dis
posal, the collectorship of the port of
New York.
"Gas" Addicks of Delaware is such
a political corruptionist that his name
is a hiss and a byword in all parts of
the country. He is openly and notori
ously corrupt; he is a trafficker in votes;
a buyer of venal legislators and a .ma
nipulator of immoral political schemes.
A few days ago Theodore Roosevelt
barkened to "Gas" Addicks and ap
pointed an Addicks man to a fat fed
eral office in order to help Addicks
achieve his senatorial ambitions.
"Ret" Clarkson is traveling through
the south bagging Roosevelt votes for
the 1904 convention. That is what the
eminent civil sen-ice reformer, Roose
velt, appointed him for. "Gas" Ad
dicks will see to it that Delaware sends
a Roosevelt delegation to the 1904 re
publican national convention. That's
the reason Addidks' man was given
the fat federal job. Still there are a lot
JDa o "dViVfikVcvs . .
Ttmt4 tiTuUUi Jot ve VxttM, "ftt
of people who w illinsisttliat Theodore
Roosevelt is a great and strenuous po
litical reformer.
Colonel Mosby's fulminations recall
tho story of tho boy:
. "Willier called the boy's mother.
No reply.
Silence on Willie's part.
iou, wuiic; answer uier
Never a sound from Willie.
u Say, boy," exclaimed a bystander,
.don't you hear your mother calling
you "
Wcll, why don't you answer her?"
"Hllll f Don't lint'n fnnnsivnrtill no
calls. When ho veils 'nil!' I snowor
ana git it tir nouse."
I'a has called and Colonel Mosbv is
in California engaged in the harmless
work of looking up forest reserve mat
ters. A few days ago two negroes were
lyncneu in inuiana. Indiana ts a north
ern state with a bier remihlican mninr.
itv. But tho northern iiniwrs vnn"'t
throw any conniption fits over the
inuiana lyncmng. ney will reserve
iLif m a
inoir conniptions tor a lynching in a
soumcrn state.
Sewing Machines.
Baldwin, Crown, Capen, Victor, Sweetland,
Bush & Girts, Ellington, Bingham, , Story &
Clark, Valley Gem, Hamilton, Howard and
Estey Pianos.
Vic "tc-) "Coi T&&W TieaxvEvs S-xwt "-(CacVvwcs.
Office Oho and a Hair Block AIlAfIfI? 1 ? 3
West ot first National Bank ALLti I IT vt-4) if LwO.
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
EXTRA, PALE and Other Popular Brands.
. . &&ttLil-sr Cra,a.e . Solicited.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Come and See Us.
Phone 136 i ' .
Alliance Cash
WILDY & LOTSPEICH, Proprietors.
Fresh and Salt Meats,
Cash Paid for Hides.
Bogue's Hints for Xmas.
For Grown Ups
St.50 Copyright Books $1.24 $1.50 Padded Poets $1.24
S1.00 Copyright Books 68c S1.75 Burnt Leather B'k $1.50
Juvenile Books, Boys Books and Specialties from 5C tO I.0
For the Girls
Dolls, Music Rolls, Toilet Cases, Rings, Chairs
and Bracelets.
Fountain Pens $ 1 .00 to 3.00
Pearl Handled Pen Holders LOO
Fancy Neckwear . ..- . 25c to 60C
Bibles in all styles and prices; fine sets of books at cut prices. Re
member our goods are not marked at fancy prices for holiday buyers.
You can save money by buying your GIFTS at
P. S.See our line of Waists for ladies and
Ties and Silk Handkerchiefs for gentlemen.
' " - .' i 1
"1 Gcorgo Dnrlinp tho furniture Dealer.
OmffSSSmpffmi - Next Door "Jr.
mSBBSSSBlSU Neighbor Is 5$,
? K-HH-aEH c " & '
f rYf-SiS!vl - c - 1
? I
? WTch "fcr, AlniiMl I"-.... 9J .. .. X J
i tti7rfrSnl.S!S.?2!Y,fc''X S :-!
you is our aim. P and frames stands without a peer. To please '
r C
i fmn TmTTvrN mi n m " s. m
? m l 1 ' 'in j'limiifnnA - 1 ,
IT LI I n . IT !H 1 ' M 3 'U 1 JII i I
VUJVi U11L,ULLA 1UV 1 UMJ 11 1 1) T (I I. i
-lk "-- w - i a VVJ.J. W t IM
l-M . . . . MM ' "-----BiKlKiK
f -' m
Meat Market.
WV,11V, , ttllu 3 juugment. ? ,
' '
- - "-
mM Druggists nnd Pharmacists.
I $!iife '
HI .sv)
Toys, Novelties, Games,
Perfume Sets at Prices
that Sell the Goods . . .
Alliance Pharmacy,
J. S. HEK1NEY, Proprietor.
'" i ' - ,
F. J. Brennan & Co....
Drugs, Perfumes
aDd Toilet Articles.
I Paints, Oils and Wall Paper.
I Wkt bnlaotcal
Is One of the Most
Stores in Nebraska
(Prescriptions Carefully ?..,
Compounded.-- r
Watches and
Fine Watch Repairing
r. x. xoitSTsv,
XQ amonds, Watches,
Souvenirs . . .
Repairing in all its . Hail orders promptly
Branches. attended to.-
1A. O. Barnes,
Jeweler and Optician.
Victor Lodge, Number 10. Knights of
Meets every Tuesday evening at 8
o'clock, at Bell's hall. Visiting members
1 1 me city coruiany idviicu to aueuu.
C. A. Rankin. C. C.
I. T, O. Stewart, K. of R. and S.
Alliance, Nebraska.
Up-to-Date Drug
A SELECT. !'.-
Alliance Nebraska.
Gold Jewelry,
The Herald has the best Job Office
in western Nebraska, and turns out
the best work.
Look at that underwear window, at
Norton's. It's a fine selection.
I 40
'X i