The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 19, 1902, Image 5
& m VJK -4S! V 4 fc . i - h5- ' w ;- t-1 h' f -- 4 V f hp ."- - 2? -i s W.W.Norton's Large Department Store. Worth of Merchkndise In Thirty Days rieans an EXTRA EFFORT on my part. This I will do by making such low prices on these goods that it will move them. In October 1 did the biggest business we ever had since I came to Alliance. 1 want to make this the best month of the year. You always get good goods and the best values at this store, but during this sale I am going to sell you good goods at such low prices that you will always appreciate iti Remember that on Dec. 31, at 8 p. in., I WILL GIVE AWAY S251 TO MY PATRONS. A ticket will be given for every dollar in cash that you pay into our store, whether on purchases or paid on account, entitling the holder to a chance on prizes worth from $1 to $100. LADIES', MISSES 5M CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. $5.65 buys Ladies' U Coat worth $8.00 9.95 " Ladies' j( Coat worth 12.00 $2.g5 " Ladies' Jacket, worth $5.00 I4.50 " Ladies' Jacket, worth $6.50 $8.95. " Ladies' Tan Jacket, worth $12.00 ' $4.95 buys Misses' Coat, worth $5.50 $2.48. " Misses' Jacket, worth S5.00 $2.48 buys Children's Coat with Muffler and Hood to Match and worth $5.00. -g5 'cents buys' Children's Coats that -. are worth $2.50. SHOES. i Ladle's Shoes worth $1.75 to 2.25 at $1.25. " Mens Shoes worth, $1.50 to 1.95 at 98 cents. Childrens Shoes worth 75 cents to $1.25 at 68 cents. Ladies' Felt Slipper, worth 1.50 to 1.75 at 98 cents. Men's Felt Slipper, worth 1.00 at 59 cents. NIG-HT ROBES. Ladies' Night Robes worth $1.25 at 75 cents. Misses' Night Robes, worth 75 cents at 48 cents. BLANKETS AND QUILTS. Gray Mimed Wool Blankets 12-4, worth J4.00 at 12.48. Gray all Wool at. . ..... . .... $3.98 White all Wool at. . 3.98 Cotton Blankets, 4JC, 50c, 65c and 75c. Quilts. ... 78c. W. W. NORTON'S Large Department Store TO SELL $10,000 WORTH OF LADIES' TAILOR MADE SUITS. $10 buys Elegant Suit, worth $16.50 $iz " Elegant Black Suit, worth $18 $6.75 " Black Golf Suit, worth $12.50 $2.50 " Ladies' Walking Skirt, worth $3.25 Ladies' Walking Skirt, worth ?5voo at $3.00. v i Ladies' Golf Skirt, worth $6.50 at $4.20. MISCELLANEOUS. Two thousand yards of Prints that go at, per yard - 3 l-2c One thousands yards of gingham that go ,at 4c Eight hundred yards of outing that will sell at - - 5c 4 Five hundred yards dress goods worth 30 to 40 cents con sisting of brocades, stripes, plaids and plain at - 20c Twenty-five pieces of all wool dress goods worth 60, 65 and 75 cents at - - 48c Remnants of all wool dress goods go a$ cost and less. Five hundred boys' two-piece suits, axe $3, go for - 58c W. W. Norton's, Large Department Store Gifts OVERCOATS. $7.79 buys Men's Overcoats worth $20. during this sale. 50c buys Boys' Overcoats to now to be closed out that soldfor $2,75 and $3.50. One hundred pairs of . Men's shoes worth $2 to $2.50 will he sold at - $1.49 Seventy-five ' pairs of worth $1 50 to $J 75 go at - $1 25 One lot of boys' and men's underwear worth from 50c to 60c goes at - 25c 100 men's suits worth $15 go at - $4 48 W. W. NORTON'S LargeDepartment Store nFTHE TIMES AdveriLvr. S' ., . nut Tr r Krun lux Mi ,V try 1 1 r, Sone person 11(1 m tmi.u inn !n reading BlRnboaus ns othp s Co tr. rending the com.c r&lQrf. Here ar n few oddities leyo'ted by observing travelers, the llrt . which, cv.dtntly was displayed In ( out of n butchtf. shop: "I kill mysolt every Tutvtlay nfc. Friday." "Take notia when this board la m of site the river Is dimerous.' "Widow with larKo family want WMblBK by the Week." "Ladles and K&nts fold and hrtl This Is the ol,'. shop just come fi'o. above." "A largo stock of ladles ho-, in cashmere, to be cleared 26 ceju tli pair. They won't lost long t th te." "Abominable beltB made to t-Ur , Sailor's vitals cooked here." "Why go further and be guU. ! -' whoroT Step Inside." "Closod for th day ovVIng I o -.i k of proprietor's wife, and who will c ry on as usual tor-morrow mornin?" New York Press. A Freaklth Tft. At Shlllfrlad, near Matsen, a holiday resort much patronized by the Vien nese, there Is a tree which has the moat singular characteristic of grow lug horizontally over the ledge of a deep hollow. The tree Is about ten years old and two years since, as the result of a landslip, it fell Into Its pros ent position, with Us branches upward and downward, and so haB grown over sinco, flowering and leafing Just as If the position wun natural. Good Detective Work. A Paris detective recently concealed himself in an empty wine barrel at night to And some explanation of the frequent thefts of wine from the stores at Bercy. As he expected, the thieves took him off, In his barrel, with oth ers holding their proper contents, to their headquarters, a disused factory, and so enabled him to get all tho In format'en he wanted and to secure the arrest of tho four thieves. Suggestive! Chesty, the baker, and Jlmrale, the dago, had a hot argument a few days ago. It was nip and tuck for a long time, but Anally Jlmule exclaimed, with Infinite scorn and that lofty mien which ho assumes on occasions: "Me no hero for steala da chick I Mo hero for killa da two-a peop." That Bot tled Chesty. Sing Sing Star of Hope. Only the Edible Kind. Statisticians assert that the lobster will Boon be as extinct as the dodo. Species of lobster not stated. The dry land or evening variety (Homo ridl .ulens) will never die out while chor es girls continue to make goo-goo eyes at the easy ones In the forward rows, The Oentleman's Magazine, Prepared .or Emergencies. The German war department actu ally keeps In stock duplicates of all, the bridges In the empire considered likely to be damaged or destroyed In case of war; and, what is more, It has duplicates of a good many French bridges and of other countries In which It la interested. Unhappy Husband. A New York woman wants a di vorce because her husband has taught the fp-ally parrot to nwear. Did Bho ever think that It wns passible to get rid of tho parrot and thin restore con nubial bliss? Its a mighty mean hus band who Isn't woitri moro than a Darrot. Flra Iosim of Amarlea. Within the last twenty-five years the fire loss In the United States has ex ceeded 12,800,000,000. To this total the year 1901 has contributed loaees aggre gating over 170,000,00. Poor Effort at Translation. The English papers have lately been having fun with a new German English and English-German diction ary. The best example of the work Is said to be the translation of our word "glmcrack." According to the London Dally Chronicle four mean IngB have been given for this word, which, when translated back Into English, are: "The handsome girl," "the bad machine," "the ordinary handshake," and "a magician." Baffling Mystery Cleared. A recent artlclo by the editor of Har per's magazine may help to clear away a crtiel mystery that has greatly wor rled a good many would-be contribu tors to that popular periodical. Mr. Alden explains that four out of every flvo manuscripts received are re jected, ard that perhaps onco In a twelve-mcrth the first offering of a new writer Is accepted. Yet why de spair? Cleveland Plain Dealer. Diploma a Tins Pianist Theodore Hanson, the new first sec retary of the Ru-s'au embassy, In Washington, Is roaster of the piano, his touch, technique and expression being almost, if not quite, equal to those of the great professionals. Mr. Hansen Is particularly happy In his rendering of works belonging to the modern school. Former MlntiUr to Cfalna. Colonel Charles Denby, former xnln later to China, Is said to have a knowl edge of the Chinese language and liter ature equaled by but few persona In this country. He speaks the higher sort of Chinese dialects almost as a native and reads tho language quit as well as he doea English. SOME FUNNY Dierks' Lumber! Coal Co. - fob . Lumber and Buiding Materials Co &tv& A)3oo&.. We Can Also a Loan In the Nebraska Central Building and Loan Association. SO AS TO HELP V, M. Knioht, Ptvn. O. 11. Connett, Oaahlor. W, II. Ookbin, V. I'res. Alliance National Bank, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. 2J Incorporated. Sect. Conservative. 2 Capital Paid in $50,000. SURPLUS, 88,000. DMKOTOUSi 1. M, Knight, U. JA Uottlehclm, W. 11. Got bin, Thos. Hock, JAW, Harris. ear money loaned on approved security. W. A. Hampton, President. A. S. Rebd, Vice President IU6 First National Bank, ALLIANOK, Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000. Directors: W. A. Hampton. A. S. Reed E. C. Hampton. R. M. Hampton. Lumber and Ilulldlng Material. Forest Lumber Co. ... . .. -.. ?-. Estimates Cheerfully Given.- WE MAKE ALL KINDS OF.... AND A SPECIAL TY OF STOCK I B. M. HOTEL. S$SS&$S6S$&S&&&&:&i!:: i'G, A. WHITE,! Pbofrietok. - J . Good Board and CIeanComfortable Rooms. LunchCounter WE AIM TO PLEASE. Opp.CKCilR. Oremd, Pabst Beer. SHIPPED OVER THE BUR, LINGTON BY H. C. Who came here to slay, And will never be driven away, And Sold to .IN ALLIANCE. This is the Beer that Waked Up Alliance, and it Stands to Reason It's the .... Best In the World! Just order a case of " Red, White and Blue" for family use. We'll deliver the same at any hour, day or night; for we're out for business and lose no time. ... .. . . H. C. ARMSTRONG. iw wafFi wmpw ilv - Make You YOU GET A HOME. R. M. Hampton, Cashier G, .Hampton, Ass't Cashier. NEBRASKA. .. ... - j t i n i - i i - i - . i in i TtoUV&s T&rievial. i : I in Connection. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Alllemoe, Nebraekst.. Armstrong, His Customers v Hiiv DIPPING -J II, v d "Js