a. Jl . A j ta&Cti&S&L t vi' .. i4f f, M4s4H&$3M iJ,.,. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION A TMK HKKALD 'MAS TMK f LAnaK8T CIRCULATION V OP ANY ALLIANOK PAPKft f PRINTS ALL THE NKWS. ;JH'H-$'fHH JS t rf - " , Jj Ai Alliance I .1 I .1 li , I ...... Herald I F .- voSume ix, mA tati. fritu.i fcaviv tti tiJuiwa isart - u.,ta.yw& &m u2i i.VfASnillN. v Prominent Stockmen and Nebraska Sen ntors Cull on the I'renUttnt. Prom n MtIT Cdrri"Hii(leut. lo The Bee, Washington, Dec. i8 Special Tele- gram.) Bartlctt Richards, rcpresrntatfte of the Cattle Growers' association ot Ne- braska, who has been in Washington for the past ten days days looking after the in- terests of the cattlemen, so far as national - legislation is concerned, left for Coronado, Cal., this afternoon Before leaving for the"vestMr. Richards said: "I am greatly encouraged in believihg we will secure some sort of legislation per mitting the leasing of public lands during the present session of congress. I have outlined a bill, which was submitted to the Nebraska delegation last night, and to a representative of the government, and I have reason lo believe that the president and secretary onheTnlerlor will give' the measures their support I anticipate that ' there will be a unitedtfelcgatlon from Ne braska in Us favor, and I am. confident that Chairman Lacey, of the public land com mittee of the house, will also lend his as sistance. The states contiguous to Ne braska are interested in the scheme of making the bill apply only to Nebraska, and they watch with much interest the manner of Its working out. ? Of course, I do not pretend ib say that the scheme as Dronosed is the best that can be deyi ' I do say, however, yet presented and of the government HiQR-.KIvW WJwW W -Ji rf UiMI i eaunansn. xm bill in all probabilit until after the holid jjllBtl introduced ,ht after that time you can look start Hw'nlfiiMXoa the part of the cattle wrsiof Nebfaaka to brSug about its pa: PROTEST Senators Dietrich braska called upon 'NfitUfd Kinraai-dent tanay. I F accompanied by a del lifnel peowlnant cattle raisers of their UacwM with annr I ai WHHB ft' SI"' qHhomv n him the alleged cncroacl tannnat I ""jA-t ment lands, by the big 4- only of "Nebraska but , "TtS wm' iJr' TI,iV'. rlVot a ififfrin , -. .. vmh..- &.. rv the,actlonand words of efca S Wrm4 V Mosbv. who has been ting th matter as an agent of the ment. lor depart The president has let it he will permit no improper and croachment upon governm , the Interior department i that line. "luut V. G. Comstock of Ellswi - and Daniel Hill of Gordon, win Mr. Richards to Washington terests of the leasing propositi afternoon for New York state to tives. A. S. Reed of Alliance, anoth man, lef( for Nebraska today. Important Decision. , The Supreme court gave a decision of Importance, Wednesday, relating to fore clpsure of taxes'qn land by counties. The case of Logan county against Carnahan is reversed, Chief Justice Sullivan writing the opinion. In this case It is held that a .court cannot foreclose for taxes withbut first securing a tax deed of certificate, and that when a tax deed ot certificate Is se cured the purchaser would take the land subject to the owuer's constitutional right to redeem withtn two years. Judge Grimes of the district bench has been holding to , the conjract, and many counties in the western part of the siate have been fore closing, sometimes on land when only a small amount of taxes is due. The law .firm of Hoagland & Hoagkad of North Platte has been fighting the matter, and lias now secured a reversal by the supreme court. wwwww ' Robert Graham is doing very active and, judging from the nature of it, very effective 'Work for tbe cattlemen 'of northwestern Nebraska at present. In our last issue we published a petition to congress asking for Use enactment of a law providing for the leasine of crazing lands, an excerpt of which was also published: Mr. Graham has been busily engaged circulating' Hits' petition among the stockmen throughout the' country along the Burlington as far east as Thedford. Monday he went west and after working the territory along that line he will work eastward on the North western and will have a sufficiently large number of 'signers that it cannot fail to commend tne petition to. me attention 01 congress and show the recognized neces sity for such legislation, T?he Missouri pirl, which will be pre sented in Alliance January 2, is a decided departure fronthe usual style of comedy--" drama and is marked by novelty in con struction and remarkable magnificence 1n mounting. The characters are peculiar id the extreme. Nothing like them has eve been seen in any other play, most of which have been copied from real life. Mr, Raymond, the author, spent th6 greater part of one summer studying char acter in southwest. Missouri and after selecting some strong types, he has woven them Into a plot that Is decidedly natural The character of Zeke Dobson, the Yankee boy who "come out west to make his for- ., tune," is acknowledged to be the most unique and laughable of any ever seen' In a 4BUge production. c- -i '.. KUL W H'k ... iV hk lawrovvn itm Jg nfcvt W Neb., cMya-witk oiifSrtt this TO m&i$i, Tcvt of U'lmt l'rof. Clark or the North. s tern I'nlwrslty Hcally Old 3a). Prof J. Scott Clnrk of Rvanston, III., an lnstriittor.il) the Northwestern univer sity, lias' rahod a storm of criticism by a upcech on economics read before the Co-operative 'Sunday school clastf'uf the first Congregational church of that cltyr The speech" has been wldoly quoted and misquoted. Inasmuch as Prof. Scott Is :a cousin of our townsman, George W. Clark, we believe an epitome of the professor's speech will be not without interest to our readers, and in itself it should b, an (he question is a'vitat on and1 Prof i Clark treats It in 5 rational, practical, broadmlnded manner. He has been misquoted as having said an unskilled American laborer can (mpport a family and save money on a salary of $300 a year. His address was a reply to the statemant made Gefb'ro the cfasathaf it was impossible for the average working Wan to provide a tohlpetcncy for "his' old age and that his only hope lay in socialism. His remarks verc based on I Thess. 2:5 "For ye remember, brethren, "our labor and travail for laboring night and day, because would not be chargeable to any of you, we preached Unto you the (fospel Sf God." Acts' 18:3 "And becausJg, Was of.UW.MHMgtW M 11 Sl)09w i, wVi MlWR brW CeppQrfteld, Micawfcer spiaVw; "h anal hkomm, ao; annual wtpandUn iWfWt;- hapr.- d wAlt, miaery." 'GlBiaWi 3: the sweat of tHy brow" shah then Mt 1 tKtk itltiJthm farmmr aBMtcAr'sl )Uafi mnt is not wU iannJad. 1 da nt mala' tain 'for x nVkntte imt tttaa Is nwwtjnatcf i in the trentMwai ot the 11 afca ?ii iiwriaiiiwr, It atMMtMk eWwhM. Tde mdt aaaatl tk.. . 1. i ii ' " ''fff-'i jjEn'i jnm-t ol'the piy$Ja lw lar. in ataay CMadbthaM,4'mWpiKntafa Honk3 ? krgy incTMiaed. NUtMr e 1 assert tat oer pwwtat MxSft&famt h ideal. iW'wilttnd fe'"VTyf.r with my friends wbb believe in the,' oo-oiierative . eonmonwealtfi in demandin'tne natienal ownership oi ponKc nttlme inch Is gas Wieve that the Wace-worker Is by any means MtHled to aHlteplnct-y Ms tihar, m wneiUr; sertetl here. Myeever, ''iliaiiB (het i is lust as nit and proper far a man wlw), by economy aad "wif-denW, hM af unwi lajfeiVwearn1lpeforeceive in terest for the loan of that capital as it would be if he were to put a part of that capital into silver spoons and loan the spoons (for hire). It is possible for the ordinary unskilled able-bodied man or woman, eighteen years of age, in this country to earn 5300 a'year. It is possible for a single man or woman to live in health and to dress decently for $200 a year, even In our Urge cities. It is therefore possible for the ordi nary unskilled wage-worker to save at least ioo a year. If, therefore, one be gins to save at this rate at the age of eighteen, he or she will have savings amounting to $1,000 at the age 'of twenty eight. If a man at the age of Hwenty' eight marries a woman who is able to work and save, and if both are reasoriably pru dent thereafter they will need to fear no "deadline" at 45. In other words 'they will be able to "provide for the years when they shall be unable to work. Vigorously Pressed. Worid-IIorall Washington Dispatch, Dec. IS. Colonel John S. Mosby, special 'agent of the interior department, who has been In vestigating land frauds in Nebraska, today reported the situation to the interior de partment officials. The cases are now be fore a Nebraska grand jury. Colonel Mos by wili aWait fuYther'instfilcftons here. -It is announced at the interior depart ment that the enforcement of the law re garding fences on the public lands will con tinue to be vigorously pressed. Herbert Bottenberg, formerly editor of the Northwest News, arrived from Alli ance Monday, and blew into our office with a most gepfaf smile and greeting like a long lost brother The Ragged Top News is no more, but it is good to see os? of the main threads, and Brother Bottenberg was heartily welcomed. The last time we saw Herbert was in Gordon, when we lay on a bed of sickness from which we never ex pected td rise. Since then he ' has seen many of those ups and downs which, often fall (o the lot of the newspaperman. Mr, Bottenberg has been working on the Alli ance Herald one of the best printed pa pers in the Northwest, and he comes to Rushville to visit his wife and boy who re cently arrived from Arlington, on a visit to her father and brother, Mr. Nelson. Rushville Recorder. For Salk About 1100 head of ewes and 600 lambs. MfKK ElVor'b. For Sale A small' ranch, i. A; Berry, Alliance, Neb.' Inquire of w8fk4);ffor3br'.lri "fPfc iMr.fjBs -! planti, water plants, street railroads, steam railroads. 'teleKraiee ''andeyen nUneji, r'fJMdii ALLIANCEBOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA J FRIDAY, DECEMBER frj- Sfci4 (trt A S maRe very M ,' ? . .t. tmtW 1 " . 1 2:ocsthafeHai -vSii. 4tM. aa jkj jj m jv jkJL jjLm aJH UJt mL m! " J ' aa m. u a. ' 'mL s ' if. ' 1 Diamonds, Watches and v . . MmtL Solid GoldJJejelry j VA .'.' :SS S Caw v I v (fT BARNES S g4 Rich Cut Glass and qraftVi r . Real Ebony Goods j S W M J , 3j ' , ' - v IVIV Is the season for merry making a!nd exchang ing: of gifts. Sach gift& , as y6u may buy of us will be substantial arid useful and of some valiife to Keea mmm&m? b&&Mte& fe Resents. , If 1 in larffe bM M Mtter quality than .can elsewhere in this pal .of "l-he state. We fin Vit6 yolk -w lUUk that prices are right and you will receive courteous treatment. DARLINGS sunfn rlnitc' next tuiiicf viwMo neighbor m 19, 1902, JLl !kl O ! yyUmm sV ;v H T?ff ' m assortment! be tow to call ah gbds assured STORE Door s NUMBER 62 st6'ry of a'fX'Mous poem How tlrH' IWAeKr" Matte Ma Pint 1'ublle Appearance. One of (la most Mcbrnted tit eight eenth century pocirts, Gray's "Elegy," rntule Its ilrnt public flppennlnco In the Bhup,a of it hurriedly hrliitt'd pnmpnlet, which wub jtold for sixpence. Thly pub lication Van the result ot a curious rnco for priority, Grny completed, the poem ttome time In 1750, but. had no mmedltttn Intention of publishing it. (A copy, however, found Its way into tho liandri of a Mr. Owen, tho publish er find proprietor of the Magazine of Jrfagiulnes, n recently established perl odlcql, and ho wroto to tho poet etnt fag Ids Intention of printing It In his migqslmy mid noting bis co-opcratlou. 1'b.o ir6posa,l was not. at nl agreeable to dray, but, seeing that publication was Inevitable, ho wrote at tinco to Horace Walpole explaining the 'circumstance and asking: hint to get Dodaley to print It immediately, but without tho au thor's name, Wft.lpole banded the poem to DodslOy on Feb. 32, 1751, and 011 tho 'iOth a copy was In Gray's hands at Cambridge, so that It was probably published In Iondpu on the 18tl or 10th. 1'hc Magufelno of Magatinea for February, according to tho tken cus tom, was published toward the end of tho mouth, unci may have come out; on the same day, Tho rival editions, must have B,pbeard, it la pretty safe to say, Within a few hours of each other, yho action op tho inagazlno editor was hardly justifiable, but it laid ,tho read ing world under a debt of obligation by forcing the. iocm Into priht. Sev (erat Dfigjrtal copies of tho ''Rlegy in the poet'" writing are in existence. One, which wna sold for $1,1G0 at Sothoby's in 187R, was especially in teresting from tho number of correc tions and erasures hiadq by the. au thor's bund. In this manuscript Qpay had substituted "Cromwell,' and "Mil ton" ttir "Crosar and "Tttlly" as ho had originally written. His friend Mason is said to have suggested this altera tion as wqll as the title of theipoem, -Which Cray at, tirec simply called "Stanzas." Golden Peauy. DEER IN THE WOODS. 'i 1 Tfeelr Avyesruea .Deeelvea All fcat the Ol punter. , Npxt t? the dtfUqujty of comprehend ing tbe wonderful senses of the deer ia that of, understanding how1 dne looks in the "woods., Your ideas are necessarily taken from pictures or from stuffed deer or tame ones in a park. You are almost certain to be looking for a deer. whereas you might better' be looking for ntaythilig else, In tho woods you fceldem see halt of a deer and generally much less, often only a port of the shoulder, or only ad ear over a log or a leg tinder it, a bit of rUmp projecting from a bUsh or a head and bit of tho Beck reaching up for Jeuves. The ar cade of maplo lit up by the scarlet1 of the ginseng and bush cranberry, tho little arbor where the wild hop is yel lawlflg oyer tho thorn apples on which half a doea ruffed grouse are taking tkek breakfast, tho edge of the pool where tbe trout flashes through jthe water, over which, tho chclone is atill nodding, or the darksome glade where tbe golden peJiiMi of the witch hazel are closing the floral march pf the year would all make lovely frames for that charming artist's deer with individual hair all glistening, tbe dark dew claws shining, and even tbe split in tho hoof, flashing artistic light from its edges, But the glittering tines, he orqud neck of the sculptured war horse, the shaggy chest and bulging rump with tall full of shining haira fere not there except at long intervals .when you may rout an old fool ouof bed and get blm twisted as to the points of the compass. T. S. Van Dyke la Outing. Tbe Hint Wia Taken. Johnnie McCraw was a bit of a char acter in a country village In the north f Scotland, He lived on the charity of jjie ylllagcrs, but sometimes found it particularly hard work to do so. On? day, when the springs of sym pathy, seemed to have dried up, John nie made his way to the house of ibe local doctor and said: "I've come to get a' my teeth taken oot, doctor." "Dear me!" said the medical man. "What's wrung wj' them?" - "Oh, they're a rlcht. but 1'vq'nae use for them; I've naethlng to eat.',J; "Yes," said the doctor, who saw the joke; "here's sixpence for you to get a loaf." rcarson's. A Glcantla tioddeas of War. In tbe Japanese capital there Is a 'gi gantic image of a woman made of wood, iron and plaster. The time of Its erection and the name of Its deslguer are in dispute, but it is known to have been dedicated to Ilacblmaii, ;tbe,god ot war. In height it measures fifty four feet, tho head alone, wblpbvis reached by a winding stairway in the Interior of tho figure, being capable, ot holding a company of twenty persons. The goddess holds a sword In her right hand Hid a huge painted wooden ball in the left, Internally tbe statue Is the finest anatomical model In existence, every bone. Joint and ligament being represented on a glgantlc-'scale in pro portion to the height and general size of tho huge figure itself. The large eyes are magnifying glasses, tbrovck which a iaaylew of tho wutoqbsVM p