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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1902)
"f ? r-. TJ? Jt ' ?' AUlc-rCG4-- f& i.$.$i. t-:.5;.. :-$h$.-$ The Alliance Herald. i$-HHj3H j:$-:-js H OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF BOX BUTTE OOUNTV & AND ONLY DEMOCRATIC & PAPER IN THE COUNTV. $ THE HERALD HAS THE 7 LAHQK8T CIRCULATION : or ihv iiiiiuoi 4 PnlNTB AUL THE NEWS. & Hs-:.:-::-:-:. 1 riajiii VOLUME 15. ALLIANCE, BOX BUfTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1902, NUMBER 52 k it x X i f Groceries. HAND PICKED .... GENITAN APPLES 80c PER BUSHEL. OTHER VARIETIES 78c PER BUSHEL. COME SEE 0VH 'XMAS CANNES, NUTS, PRVITS, PRESDNTS PQR ALL. BEST SELECTION OF LAMPS AND riNE CHINA AT THE LEAST HONEY OP ANY PLACE IN TOWN. Oem EtVj. 1vtVi Vt AiH. ALLIANCE GROCERY CO. iOO Pounds of For the Xmas trade, also . . Fresh Nuts Everything in Fruits and Vegetables for fhe Xmas - dinner . . . . Come in and see us . . . ' LEE ACHESON. Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house. i Clothing at cost, at the Fair Store. See Mrs.. Regan's new line of cloaks.- Call and see Norton's new clothing, Cash paid for hides. Clougii & Col lins. ry.w-WO X Attend the great silk sale at Norton's the 17 and 18. Be sure U C C. & C. and see their stock of saddles. ' ' A ticket with every purchase or paid on account at Norton's. The half price silk sale will be a wonder at Norton's the 17 and 18. Pharaoh's Horses, elegantly framed $5 at the Alliance Art Studio, Sheridan coal, Canon lump, nut and Aker'scoal W. James, For Sale About 1 100 head of ewes and Coo lambs. Mike Elmore. Wanted Girl for general housework, Inquire at The Herald office. Any stock of harness in stock or made to order. Clougii & ollins. Ocean Foam at $1.10 per sack. Pilk ington keeps it. Phone 71. Collins & Morrison, saddles, always in in stock at Clougii & Collins. Pilkington's Dest at $1.00 per sack, The best in town. Every sack warranted. If you are not using the Best Flour in town it is because you don't get A 1 at John Pilkington's. A One Flour beat Minnesota Patent 5 points according to one of Chicago's best analytical chemists recently. Get your Christmas apples and pure home made cider at the Apple Cellar. I2-I2-2t Leave your order for enlarged portraits now and we will have them ready for Christmas. Alliance Art Studio. Don't fail to see Mrs. Zehrung's beauti ful sofa pillows on exhibition and for sale at McClure's. iz-12-tf If you want the ery latest and best of any style of art consult us. Alliance Art Studio. If you want something that is a good thing for cold weather and dust get Hill's patent automatic door strip, on exhibition at Newberry's Hardware. County agent, W. E. Gillett, 'phone 236. 12-12-tf Ms. Zehrung does fancy painting on any sort of cloth, suitable for holiday gifts, etc. 'Phone 194. j2-i2-tf Don't forget to supply yourself with a crate of those fine Jonathan apples and some of that pure home-made cider. You get it at the Apple Cellar in the Corbln building entrance rear of building. The Herald wishes all its readers a Merry Christmas. Barnes, the enterprising Jeweler, has a special ad in this issue. It. Madsen, the popular shoemaker, has been ailing for several days. Miss Bellwood. sister of Dr. H. H. Bellwood, is improving slowly. You can't afford to overlook the new ad of The Famous. It's too attractive to miss. Engineer Mitligan returned Tuesday from a few days stay at his ranch near bayard. Don't fail to read every page of The Hkrald. Local news matter on most every page. Dewitt Burke came up from Bridgeport Saturday, and is spending a few days with his parents. Ira Heed sold the fine Percheron stallion he recently shipped from Iowa to ( Robert Graham Wednesday. D. E. Colvin was up from his ranch near Bridgeport Wednesday. He is well pleased with his location there. H, P. Larson, a stockman from Antioch is in town today. He called to have his name enrolled on The Herald list. J. B. Gray, the well known commercial traveler, left this morning for Carroll, Iowa, to spend the holidays with his parents. Stanley Civish, Jos. Moeller and F." Ni kout, stockrren from the west part of the county, transacted business in Alliance, Monday. J. H. Ginn, of Supt. Phelan's office, re turned Wednesday from a trip to Chicago, St. Louis and other points. He has been gone since Thanksgiving. Glea Adams, a former clerk under Dick Rivett at Alliance, is now chief clerk in the motive power department of the Union Pacific at Rock Springs, Wyo. . Charlie Davison, one of the most sub stantial stockmen of Dorsey precinct and a good republican friend of The Herald, sojourned in the city Saturday night. Miss Carrie Mulloy was in from the ranch southeast of town the greater part of this week visiting the families of Rev. Jeffers, D. C. Mclntyre and Dr. Bowman, Advertisers-should not, and it is very evident that they do Bet,1 overlook- the fact that The Herald's circulation is nearly, twice that of all other county papers com bined, H. A. Peters, the well known stockman, came down from his ranch in 'Sheridan county yesterday to meet Mrs. Peters who nas been visiting Mrs C. . Tully at Lakeside. .Miss Dora and Retta Colvin, who are attending school here, ro down to Bridee- port today to spend the Christmas vaca tion with their parents. Their aunt, Mrs. Rogers, will accompany them. Ed Fritts, the Burlington ticket agent, left Sunday night to visit until after the holidays with his parents at Sterling and will also visit at Hastings and other points during his absence. F. E. Benedict came from Scottsbluff to fill the position. Land Brothers, who have conducted a restaurant in this city a couple of months, closed the house Wednesday and decamped for Lincoln, leaving a number of creditors. There ought to be some way of bringing such scoundrels to time. There's too much of that sort of work done in Alliance. The Alliance canines that have been making war on stock belonging Jo S. J. Wilson and Geo. Gnddis will soon meet the fate they deserve, some of. the curs having been located jn Alliance. They killed six head of cattle belonging to Mr. Wilson and theears were bitten off some belonging to Mr. Gaddis. Mrs. Moses Bass died Thursday morn ing at her home near Canton. The Bass family are old residents of Liberty ore cinct and the deceased was an estimable lady, The funeral will be held tomorrow, interment in the Hemingford cemetery to morrow at one o'clock. Rev, Jeffers of this city will conduct the services. The characters in The Missouri Girl, which comes to Alliance January 2, are in especially capable hands. The players who interpret them have all made records in other plays and are well established fa vorites. It is seldom, in fact, that a play has so many well linown people in it. All are happily placed in their respective roles, consequently there is not a weak spot in the entire production. We received a letter Monday from , Itev. Dr. Horn dated Tokyo, Japan, November 44. He says: "I will send another letter from Shanghai next Wednesday. I leave for Yokohama next Tuesday; leave there Thursday for Shanghai via Nagasaki; I arrive at Shanghai December 3d and leave December 8th for Hong Kong, where I ar rive on the nth. I then go to Manila after visiting Hong Kong.", The letter re ceived is very interesting and. will be pub lished in full next week. v' 0' & . k OS , v tf S tf S J J JJ Cbrtetma CbrtetmnO Eime and Happy time, Set the bells to ringing'. . .Merry time and joyous time, Love its good gifts bringing. Bright the way when love shines through; Short the way when, hearts beat true: Love will make all skies seem blue r . Join the Yule-fade singing. . , - XOVtnO Gillie and Praising Time, Christmas chimes are pealing. Giving time, adoring. time, To the Christ-child kneeling. ' 1 Love shines forth the brightest gem In the 'royal diadem , Of the 6abe of Bethlehem, God's great gift revealing. Gbrt6tma0 Gfme and Happy Time, ' Bid love give a greeting. Merry time and joyous time, Hearts in love are meeting. ; Love will smooth the roughest Way; Love makes bright; the darkest day; Life is sweet when, comVwhat may, Hearts with love arameeting. ifWiLL M. Maupin. n . i i a? K tf J? tf ." ? ' tf S? K h Vivid, Interesting and Instructive. Lakeside, Neb., Dec. 15, 1902, . Edito'r Herald: r Capt.' W. R. Akers of Alliance, Neb., favored this community with his lecture on "Jerusalem" a few weekija0 and I have heard only encomiums passed on it since then. It was vivid, interesting and instructive. Any community or cea gregation could not but be Drofilftd -;a hearing it. Fraternally, "v -' "vr-Ckas. H. Burleigh, Pastor M.E. Church. Mrs. B. H. Perry, wife of this popular passenger conductor, subscribed for The Herald, - a short time ago and yesterday called to give another year's subscription to be sent to a relative as a Christmas pres ent, making a gift by which the receiver will be reminded fifty-two times of the re gard and thoughtfulness of the giver. Mrs. Perry is greatly interested in Rev. Dr. Horn's letters and like hundreds of others is eager to get the paper every week. In another column we publish an article relative to the Redfern Gold Mining and Milling company's property and prospects. Conductor H, McClellan of this city is one of the directors cf this company and he considers it, an unusually good opportu nity to realize good dividends on an invest ment and that it is a perfectly safe con cern jis he has investigated it carefully. Mr. MqCIellan is a man of good judgment and unquestioned integrity and his opinion can be relied upon with reasonable safety. We understand that a considerable amount of stock has been sold to people in this city already. Any one desiring further in formation will be sent a handsome -folder descriptive of this mine by addressing Mr. McClellan. Those neckties are dandies, at Norton's KKKtKKKKKiKK: m K Alliance Leads, Always. (From The McCook Tribune.) "Alliance now reminds us of McCook fifteen years ago, in the matter oUts advertising by its business men. One of the Alliance papers, last week, contained twenty-eight columns of advertisements, and the two other papers in the city were equally well represented in that line. Both of the McCook papers, last week, did not contain more than The Alliance Heralp alone. The Tribune now averages about one-half of the advertising space that the merchants of fifteen years ago occu pied. And the population is hundreds and hundreds greater than it was then. It's true, but it isn't business." Correct you are, Bro. Kimmell. And we want to say right here that in your excellent paper the people of McCook have more to be proud of than The Tribune has of the patronage received from its business men. Alliance is the leading city of its size in the state and she is not discred ited by her newspapers, When an Alliance man visits Omatui or Den ver he is not ashamed to register from Alliance. Her business men are live, up-to-date, enterprising and consequently successful. They carry such a quality of goods and sell at prices that they are Mot afraid to ad vertise. They reach out for business and dfaw it from a long distance. They know the value of printer's ink as every successful business man the world over knows. Get a good stiff brush and rub the barnacles off your business men down there, Bro. Kimmell. -...o.v..o .'t 0 v wt v 1 kM J jt J Jt J SX J ,jl ,tf ' TEimS. 'a s V. V V. fc f. k a k k k k k k k k k k k k k K ' K 0 1? & K K tC J. ? 0 JO t? I An Appropriate .tnatt Present. No more appepgriate Christmas re minder can be maoVatriend than to send him Tub Herald for 4 vr. Even if he his no interest In local aSairs the letters ,oJRev. Dr. Horn on his '.Tour Around the W.ld" which appear weekly id The Herald are interesting to any one. It is seldom that a scholar of his attainments or awriter of his great descriptive ability writes of" travels for any publication, hence such an opportunity to give a gift of this sort is not often' presented. Moreover, it is one sure to bo highly appreciated, Christmas will bea observed next Wednesday evening at the Baptist church with a tree and appropriate exercises by members of the Sunday school. The tree is for the use of regular attendants at the Baptist church and for members of the Sunday school, All are invited. Col. Wisner, the veteran editor of the Bayard Transcript, came up from Bayard Saturday night and remained over till Monday. Business is good with Bro, Wisner and it ought to be. He gets out a creditable paper. You could not make friend or relative a nicer present than a year's subscription to The Herald. It will be a constant re minder for a year of your regard for the one to whom the gift is given. Everybody is invited to attend the sup- I r given in the basement of the Metho- ist church, Saturday evening, December 20, by the ladies of the church, The First Presbyterian church services are held in Bell's hall. Sermons next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Chris tian Endeavor at 6:45. riiK nni)t-i;uN mimso comiuxv. ThU Corporation lias a Promising QolU Property in the SoHthem iitlln. fYotn tlm Dcartwoofl Independent. The Redfern Gold Mining and Milling Company is the name of a corporation re cently organized to operate n largo proper ty near Redfern, in Pennington county. This company's ground is situated in one of the most promising gold belts in the Southern Hills and with the practical men who constitute the board of directors they propose to go about it in. the right way to make a mine. This district became fa mous in what is locally known as the days of old Tigcrville, when rich placer dig gigi were worked for several years until all the gulches were worked out, when the attention of the miners was given to quartz mining. The ledges that the Redfern Company propose to develop are on the di vide between Newton Fork and Slafe creek and Pound gulch, Moon Spring gulch, and the Newton Fork diggings undoubtedly de rived the placer gold from the quart ledg es of the divide, The officers of the com pany are John Croft, president; O. Modi on, vice president; A. G. Stephens, secre tary and general manager; James McDon ald, treasurer. The directors aret J, Drannan, engineer HomestakQ; R. E, Hawley, foreman cyanide plant, Home' stake; James McDonald, engineer Horse shoe Company; H. McClellan, passenger conductor B. & M.J Robert C, Hayes, of Deadwood, attorney. A, G, Stephens, M, E., Lead, and "Sam Pascoe, foreman Gold en Reward. The company has n force of men nt work and will proceed to develop its valuable holdings-with all expedition. Hill Citv, S. D Drc ta, Mr. H. McClellan, 1902. Alliance, Nebr. Dear Sir: In accordance with your let ter of the 6th Inst. 1 have examined your property, the Redfern Gold Mining and Milling Co., near Redfern station, and thd accompanying report shows values obtained in gold on samples taken from the grass roots and Bear surface of ground run from it. 20 to $4.16. The property is well located, being near the center of the Tigerville gold belt. This belt shows ledges and prospects two miles north and two mils south of your raises and the ore bodies are immense in size be ing at the point where taken about too feet in width md also open cut atoag the vein or at. least too feet. Enough" Pre' Win sight to keep a ten or tweaty-irtamp mill busy, and with a little mem develepmest a supply of ore coals' be obtained to. keep amuch larger milt running- steady. In 'taking my samples I aimed to get lowest values. By taking everything along and across the ledge at the surface it shows that everything carries values, and ores in this section show greater values as depth is attained, and there are streaks in this ledge that carry immense values, as high as $900 per ton. The ore is of such a character that it could be mined at the minimum cost per ton, Timber and wa ter is in abundance. ' It is unquestionably a matter of putting in and enlarging your machine capacity, opening up more of the mine, which will make it a good, sound dividend payer. You need a hoist sinking on the ledge for development, and enlarge your stamp mill to correspond, There is an Inexhaustible supply of ore in sight to keep you running steady, and your pros pects are certainly one of the best, there isjn the Southern Hills. Dr. W. H. Chambers, Ph. B. B. E. B. S. Couldn't Stand Mox Iluttc Air. Colonel James A. George returned from a few days professional visit to Alliance on last night's Burlington, and says while at the hotel in that Nebraska town one of his ears was badly frost bitten in bed during the night. He further stated that Tom Edward's blood wasn't in, it with the low temperature of the Alliance hotel during December. Deadwood Independent. That's easily accounted for. During Col. George's visit in this city he was a guest at several functions and one night he re tired at an early hour overlooking the fact that the window in his room was wide open, The colonel's blood "wasn't fn it" with Box Butte's pure fresh air. A New Kind of Front. A new plate glass was put in E. C. Mc Clure's front Tuesday in place of the one broken several weeks ago, Grip. That's all right. Mr. McClure probably desires to break the monotony. Brass fronts are too common. A bowling contest was held at Ridgell's alley Wednesday evening in which the contestants made the following scores: Gilman, 881; Waples, 879; Zbinden, 814; Lockwood, 732; Bowman, 678. A contest between the barbers and operators of the city will be held there tonight. I used Sheridan coal in the furnace, and range during the last winter with perfect satisfaction. Mrs. C. A. Bentley, 1220 M Street, Lincoln. Neb. Suggest to your friends, if you have any who do not take Tub Herald, that they begin the new year right by subscribing for the best local paper. Family Grocorcn, We have just receiv ed and now have on DISPLA Y tmmm'mm''iBBKBmmmmmBwmmmtmammaima at our store, the finest, and most com plete assortmnet of Davilanb Gbtna. ... Japanese movh L Cut Glass AND 9 XmBS Novelties Ever shown in Allianoe. These gcJods make the most accepta ble 'Xmas pres ents. Call and look them over. BLACKBURN SNEDEKER. Sunday at tke Baptist church, G. C. Jesters pastor: Sunday school at 10 o'clock; subject of morning dkceurw, "The Jiabe of Bethlehem;" Jusi&rs. meet at 3 p, m.; C. E. meeting at 6:45: .eveelug. sermon, 'A case'feV ArWtrattos" Midweek prayer service oa Thursday evealsg. A welcome to all services. Special meetings conducted by J, Mt Burwick begin Jaauary 21. H. C. Nutt, superintendent of the Iowa lines of the Burlington, has had his terri tory iqcreased by the taking over by the Burlington of the Keokuk & Western and the extensions to be built this year will also add much to his care. Mr, Nutt was with the Burlington at Lincoln, Alliance and Sheridan and is well known to west-of the-river men. Lincoln Journal, Sunday at the Methodist church will be given to Christmas services; Sunday school at 10:00 a. m., Christmas lesson; preaching at 11:00, Christmas sermon, subject, "God's Gift, How Given;" Junior League at 2:30 p. m., subject, "Making Christmas for the Poor;" Epworth League at 6:30, subject, "Christmas; It's Motive and Message;'' Christmas sermon at 7:30, subject, "God's Gift, How Received." Special exercises and tree Christmas eve. The public is generally invited. M. L. Sanders, Pastor. A lodge of the Degree of Honor of the A. O. U. W. was organized Monday even ing, December 16, Mrs. M. Latky, Grand Chief of Honor of Nebraska, present. The following Cfficers were elected: Past Chief of Honor, Mrs. J. G. Walt; Chief of Hon or, Mrs.Lunn; Lady of Honor, Mrs, Glea son; Lady of Ceremonies, Miss Emma Kulper; recorder, A. T. Luun; financier, Mrs. Pfleger; receiver, L. Buecbsenstein; usher, Miss Zera M, Fall, Their regular meetings will be held the second and fourth Mondays of each month. There will be no inaugural ball at the state capitol in consequence of which Lin coln society queens are "weeping and wail ing and gnashing their teeth," Arrange ments had all been made and a committee called on Governor-elect Mickey Tuesday to tender an invitation when Mr. Mickey said: "I am a Methodist, gentlemen, and Methodists are opposed to dancing. I am a trustee of the Wesleyan university, and it would bo as much as my good name is wortn to even give my consent to sucu a function, much less attend it," The H. I- Scoggin stock of merchandise at Bridgeport was sold at sheriffs sale Wednesday of this week to satisfy a $5000 note signed by Scoggin and Romjne. 'Gene Hall ot Alliance purchased the stock for $3200 and. it is reported that he sold the same for $4000 to D. W. White of Bridgeport. Mitchell Index, C. L. Snedeker returned Wednesday from his visit at York. Thirty-two new subscribers to Tub Herald since December i,