The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 05, 1902, Image 8

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High Prices by
Since our advent into the city of Alliance there
have been many closing out sales of Hen's
Clothing and thus far, strange to relate, only
one has closed out. We have the Purchasing
Power to undersell either the real closing out
sale or the fakir. We have Met slip the dogs
of war" and the cry. of havoc resounds in all
Remember We Discount All Other Sales.
AH Kinds of Competition Look Alike to Us.
Compare Prices with the others
Hen's Sox
Hen's Overalls
, ' ' j ' "
Junipers v
Knit Gloves v i
Leather Gloves
Calf Gloves '.';
' " " . ',
Engineer and Firemen's Sisterhood, Gloves
( v '",i
;Winter Weight Underwear
Men's Cheviot Overcoats r;j ;, ''t
Hen's Long Ulsters ,,,.
jVlen's Heavy Sweaters
Men's Arctics
Men's Shoes
Boys' Knee Pants
These prices are subject to change
We can afford to sell any article we carry
cheaper than others and we give you new mer
chandise such that has not been vaccinated by age
or hireling ads. Pass up the side shoys and come
to the main tent.
The Famous i
Clothing House
4 T
Two Doors South of
T. Hl VlSIiMVs.
r?. V
$ 'vv;'A&f ' '."-:.-"
. ! ''-J'-'- "''.. -. ' ' ' ' ' '''' !-.'" S"...
i ; "
a -'r ' . $
..? -:-,xir'.
$$ $$$HHNH
f j ,
wiiliout notice
v 3c
i 19c
; 65c
The News atJHemingford. M
1 jPK "" KEITH L. PIEROE. RcponTcn. V j
iI0,vLXv-ilA0PCd ,s f",, it!iorlod to bo
Hclt subscriptions and Job work una collect
ana rcculnt for samo, ftndtninsact nil other
business fit connection with Ills position as nn
accreditee: representative ot thU paper.)
Henry Bhimek of Lawn was In town
on business Tuesday,
James Uall was a passencrur for Alli
ance Tuesday mornlnf.
Dr. Randall of Lawn was a Uerafng
ford visitor last Thursday. .
The Aid soeletv met wltk Mrs. 11. E.
Johnson all day Thursday.
Agnes HolHnrako Is staying with
Mrs. Ktllecn and attending school.
Mrs". V. H. Ward spent several dava
last week with Mrs. McCandless near
B. P. Oilman, accomnanied bv his
Httlo daughter and son spent Friday
in town.
Ray Phillips was quite 111 a couple of
days last week but has now entirely
The Misses Potfuesll went up to
Crawford last Friday and wero enrolled
at the association. '
Earnest Oldag left Tuesday for. Star
Prairie, Wisconsin; where ho will spend
the winder with friends.
Clyde Earnest, a former resident of
this county, made a short visit on busi
ness the first of the week.
Fred pavison and Ora Phillips have
rented rooms and will remain in town
durlug the winter term of school.
MISsAhvilda Church returned Sun
day morning from Crawford where she
attended the teachers' association, "
Mrs. A. M. Miller left for Illinois
Tuesday In responso to word received
of the serious illness of her mother,
Araonff those who shipped cattle
Monday weroli. E. Johnson, L Sampy,
Bernard Shepherd and Chris Hansen.
If. A. Mark of Alliance was in town
Thursday, interviewing the people in
the Interest of the AUIanco Art Studio.
Miss Mary Ilerncall Spent, her
Thanksgiving vacation with her Bar
ents, returning to her school at Lawn,
The Modern Woodmen gave a danc
ing party Thanksgiving nfght which
was won attended. A good time was
Any one desiring to secure pood
books for Xmas gifts should ealland
look at those for sale bv Rev. Chnndl.
look at those for sale bv Rev. Conuell
They are all of the highest order.
Miss Combs of Sherldnn. Iowa n.
friend of the Chas. Roland family, ar
rived last week and will teach the
school in that district this winter.
The ladies of the Methodist church
will hold u fair In the postofflce build
ing, December 13. Lunch will be
served, all day. This will lie a good op
portunity to buy your iraas gifts.
The party who took the spool of barb
wire from the sidewalk in front of ray
store building Thanksgiving night will
save himself prosecution and personal
exposure by elther.returning said wire
promptly or paying for same, together
with expense of this notice. II. It.
Rev. Mitchell of Franklin, Nobraska,
who is traveling through Nebraska in
the interests of ths foui Congregational
academies of Nebraska, snoke last Sun
day both morning and evening. In the
morning talk ho explained the needs of
the schools. At uipht those present
were treated to a fine lecture, the sub
ject being upou pducatlon, and it .was
Villi 11 (1 tl I I 1 .111 H "I tninu.nllL
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank our friends for
their kindness and expressions of sym
pathy shown us Uurlnpi the illness and
death of .our baby daughter, '
Mr. and Mms. CilCOltGK Oauteh.
Bert Stewart is managing the ranch
of John Hughes of Marsland this win
Cer. t George Jones is expected home soon
from an extended visit among friends
ut Grctnu.
Miss Nellie Langford-of Crawford, is
visiting with her mother on Snake
Creek at this writing.
Arthur Bass sold a span of mules a
few day ago to C. J. Wildy of Hemlng
ford, consideration, $125.
Mr. and Mrs, J. H.Winton and James
Kennedy wero down to Alliance Tues
day from Liberty precinct.
George Lemon and family of Bel
mont were visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Saturday.
Miss Pearl Broshar is nursing a very
sore hand at present, caused by an awl
jabbing in tholeftjore finger.
The snow storm of Monday night
caught quite a number of our people
in the Pine Ridge for wood, butuover?
thcless all came around right with a
good load of fuel.
People will trade in this part of the
county. Arthur and Otis Buss have
bought their brother Con's stock in
cluding horses, harness, cattle and hay
rtt -nrlilnVi thnv nrttfl n ftnrtt rniini? Rum
Con is ilow "makVng" an extended visit
with his sister and her family In Mon
tana. - '
Mrs. Llzzlo Rright, George Zimmer
man's housckcepor, has returned from
her visit to. Coun6ll Rluffa and says she
is better satisfied with iflls part ot Ne
braska than when she left it.
The organ which Mrs;, Weir made
the church a present of is now n its.
place and has a very fine tone. In.
Sunday school Miss Mary Clayton 1&.
organist; Christian Endeavor, Miss.
Myrtle Broshar.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Broshar enter
tained at dinner on Thanksgiving day
a iroodlv number nf thflr frtnnrtd of.
their home north of Canton; Lew
Lcavltt and family. Andy Leavitt and
Perry Ball of Lawn, Mrs. G. Hi Clay
ton and family Of Cnntnn nnrl S.tic.
Clara Phelps, teacher of tho Clayton
Canton Is still Improving. There is
now a Literary socletv. ChrUffnn Sn.
deavor. society, Antl-Cicrarettfi ionmm.
Sunday school and a'jJantiat church;
and we will add that there ore more
good loading schoolraa'ams attending
these societies and church than any
other place of its population In the
Mrs, L. D. Blair is on the sick list,
J. 0. Wilson has been quite sick with
neuralgia for the past week.
Joseph Herrian has gone to Pine
Ridge after lumber and poles.
Roy McFall was taken to'tho hospital
at Omaha last week for treatment.
Arthur Bowerlng of Merrlmen, visit
ed friends in Reno, Saturday and Sun
day. Spencer Griffith shipped a carload of
horses to Ohio from here Wednesday
evening. " "
Winnie Glbbs eaino. up from Custer
county last week and is. working for J.
C. Berry,
Miss Artie Gehert, who has been sick
for several weeks with typhoid fever, is.
much better at this writing.
Miss Fanny Berry came homo last
Wednesday and spent Thanksgivings
but as her school was- prolonged two
weeks, she returned Monday.
The social and sunner criven' at J. r.
Berry's by the C. E. society Thank.
giving evening was well,' attended,
od time i, fJSfV! VT A '
ff-0?.,8 rPrted hy a11 who Bt"
aooui nincty-Hve belntr nrKnt a
Mrs. G, E Rooker, and two sons of
Belinda, Iowa, arrived here Sunday
morning and expepts to spend the
winter visiting her' sister, Mrs. J. C.
Berry, and brothers, W. G., J. O. and
J. E. Wilson.
. Robbed Senator Gorman.
Senator Gorman ofs Maryland
not keep fiouso In Washington
coming winter, having decided
close his mansion at Laurel because
of a recent experience with dishonest
servants. Some half dozen persons in
his employ joined In a conspiracy to
steal money, silverware, bedclothes
and other articles, tho agreement
among them being that the plunder
should go toward furntehlng a house
for ono of tho number. One of the
servants became alarmed when $450
In cash, some silver and a quantity
of other things had been purloined
Confession was made to tho senator,,
who rorused to prosecute. Instead he
closed his home and took rooms in" an.
apartment house.
The iv;t Precious" Fur.
Tho most precious of all furs, that
of tho silver fox, Is of a dark sooty
black, with tips of white of a metallic
luster. The Bllver fox 1b found only
In Siberia and Alaska. Tho pelt oC
the sea otter, which is now nearly
extinct, Is of a rich dark velvety
brown. The animal survives only In
Kamchatka and Alaska. . Last year
?1,700 was paid for a single silver fox,
and a sea otter polt brought ?75tf. Sea
otter nets are sunk throuch n Vinin
cut in the lea. A bell ciiBnnn.i
above and connected by a string, with
the nt gives tho trapper notice of
a capture
Revolting Spectacle on. Scaffold.
A revolting spectacle was witnessed
at the oxecutloti of a peasant for mur
der In WIddIn Citadel, Vienna", recenU
ly. As he was being led to the. scaf
fold the condemned man, Zeco Kame
now, suddenly drew a poniard which
ho had concealed and woundqd throe
of the warders and a soldier. He was
oyerpowered, dragged to the scaffold
and three successive attempts were
made to hang him. In tho first tho
rope gave way, in the second ho was
cut down too soon, and the wretched
criminal's head was again put in tho
noose and held Uiore till lifer was final
ly extinct.
Fierce Ants of Australia.
The biggest aud fiercest ants in tho
world are to bo found on the far north
ern plains of Australia. They build
hill, as big as houses and fight In tho
moat ferocious fashion. Recently a
man named James Stanley was pin
ioned to tho ground by a falling troo
In northern Queeusland. Ho was. Jm
medlttejy attacked by boos and hugo
gre.n ants. Whon rescued his hody
was covered with them. Ha was eo
badly bllton and stung thaUJiViHed
lu u fw minutes .after xwuibltiB tho
nearest hospital.
i sSP.u-.l;
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