The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 05, 1902, Image 2

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. i ..
ill wmmmmmmmmmm mmmm 'j ..
j i - i in ii -n-i r-" ""a "
rhyolclan Claims They Promoto Ease
". nnd Will Cure Ills.
A jjliyskfan In u published Intor--lowV
Bast iho Indianapolis Journal,
urges that tho woarlnR of stockings
with whlip teot will do more to pro
moto eaao In wnlldrR and relievo fool
Ills than nnythlre olio tjo he susfiest"
od. Socks or BtaoktogB of cotton or
Hslo thread In baci hind tl.o feet and
mako thorn swell, ho rsays. no matin'
how fine and opnn thoy ma? ho. Tho
black dyo with tho hard timid of tho
'Isle vurloty is 'a comblratlon that Is
particularly torturing to tho feet,
Tliln," unbleached halbrljrran ho roc-jmmonds.-
Preferably thf whole sock
ir stocking may ho white, Ht at least
no Toot should he. A t'itt'-. or caution,
a added that now cotton her as-well
as all new. cotton tinder" -"-"nts,
should bo washedtbofora I'' Torn,
to toko but tho bIzIur use 1 by tjeanu-facturcrs.
Yellowstone dear's Are Tame.
Numbers of .bears ' congr'ogate
around the dump back of tho Canyon
hotol jn tho graftd cacyon ojt'tho Yel
lowstone. 'Ws: .-:& iS'-aUioU at the
jresonco, wf i:c' r.3 i afl aro fnlrlj
tame, although th v ,.?at v."hon any
one offers to ha: ,1 .',-..' Ony hear
carried a tin el- f "i "if dunrj er
his foot for tve-.t?- r-r T-.s, 4Vr.'
aro prohaJly Ujitrftner o btfavi Irr
Yellowstone liar, as tin ?u stutrfoixi
prohibits hunting. "'
Twenty-two Thousand Dlack Maidens
for Paul du.Gh-.illu.
M. Paul du Qhalliu. tbo African ox
ploror, is in St. IVfjurg to study
Russian lifd -and intends remaining
in tho country soroo years with a view
of oyontually describing, his experl
ences In a book. Ho was honored
with an audience of tho czar, who ac
cepted fifteen volumes of his various
works of travol.
Lecturing in tho hall of tho British
Amcrjcan church, before an audlcnco
of members of tho English colony
hero, M. du.Chall'u related that dur
ing his sojourn in West Africa ho re
ceived about 22,000 offers of marriage.
On a single day ho was offorod 763
brides by som6 bjark king. Ho got
out of the difficulty by toling tho king
that if ho married one tho romalniug
752 would bo Jenlous, His Majesty
agreed with him and Invited him to
marry all of them.
Kaloer Is rt fi'c:..t M-intcr,
Tito Qarmnn err.pC'J- "a Just cele
brated tho thfrtlcth aT'n:tary of his
career as a sportsman. QmanV being
tho classic land of etntfttfes, Jt is
scarcely cnrnf'lelr.g that uK ecmet rec
ord should have fcebn'ldjn V :-,! ma
jesty's "baBs." It iBn-h'oair' J. on
tho bnsls of ofildnl flgutoe. i:;at inca
Jiff started shooting nci,t-nyt!as: thirty
years ago tttn emperor has a counted
lor no 13S (flan -41,448 he .& of game.
Slaughter SaM
in ItsUcn Jom ti-J Man.
A t-crijrrt tf V'"a;tjtt,,--jtov, Essex,
I3unml, had tail es? a ' ad shock tht
olOi dvenitg. Il4 i: clvcd a letter
tho. -address 9' w. ir i vas in tho
hnndwritlng ot'a.'fiyj. u-ho bad been
dead six months. Upon opening tho
inaaire ho fcu'd .it tq bo an invlta-"
tldn to lunch, Tho letter had boon
noarly a ytar in transit.
Tibet's Myoterlcua City.
Snrat Chandra Das, a -irncd native
of India, who visited 1 - capital of
Tibet, in 1882, thus d-rrlbos that
myBterlouB and forbtddcr r'.ty: Tho
wholo city stood dlspla-'-i 'rforo us
at tho end of an ave:ir,- of gnarled'
trees, tho rays of tho sel'lng sun fall
ing on 'iUuglldcd dome-. -It as a
superb sight, thp llko of ivuich fhavo
uever seen. On our loft was Fotala,
Pith Its lofty buildings and gilt ivrj"a;
)cforo us," surrounded by a gvoen
acadow, lay tho town, with i? ter
Iko, whitewashed louses ard C'-oso
lulldings wlUi roois of blr. gia-iod
4les, . Long fcstoo-i oflnrr:' -d and
painted rags hunjj from ore v'illding
to tho other wavii.K in the breeze."
More Arbitration.
The world's arbitration tribunal,
which has Just settled a dispute, be
tween tho United StateB and Mexico,
has another quotion to arbitrate, this
time between Japan and England, Ger
many and France, over tho rights of
foreigners to hold property in Japan.
ItVnrbltfatlon L:o wcrld over.
Last Shakespeare Descendant.
A memorial stone, commomorntlvo
of Shnkcspeare's granddaughter,
Elisabeth Darnard, wlfo of Sir John
Darnard, has recontly bcen'placed in
tho church at Ablngdo Berkshire,
where she was1 buried, Hlo, was tho
last direct descendant of Uic poet. Hor
death occurred in 1GG9.
t Possibility of ?.-ror.
On ono oucaalnn -Vtj.iro spoko
highly ,ot, Haller ar 3 u c;v - is 'toid'
ho ws very maBsa: t,ji tl 6 so,
aa Haller had spohort in.s.c.c;.t) con
trary way of him,- .."Porlfhps" re
marked Voltaire, roiieotivuly, and aft
er a pauso, "pdrjaps wo aco botli
mistaken." ". s .,
. To be sold by Dec. 20.
Any goods in stock go
at cost and lots of odds
and ends 15 to 25 pfer
cent, below cost.
Bumes and
W..8. AOHE80N.
.1. E. JODBU
Successors to BECK & CO.
Actress Murdered by Lc- :r. '
, Tho c'olobratcd Husslan prima don
na, Theodore Surcova, was recently
murdered on tho Btngc at Kaluga Jn
Russia, by . a rejected lover, Count
Paul Kremervic, Tho assassin had
pestered tho actress with fcis atton
tlons for many weeks, having follow
ed hor from town to town, and al
ways being ropulacd. Ono night at
Kaluga ho took a box in tho theater,
and when tho prima donna ";u sing
ing a lovo sing, shot her thrci -h the
heart. Sho'foll dead boforo l.or hor
rjflod audience.' Tho murderer, who
Is only eighteen. years, old, has been
arrested. Tho dead artist was thirty,
and had amassed a large fortune.
Snake In Paris Cab.
Whllo a lady was seated in a cab
In tbo Ternes quarter of Paris tho
other day sho suddenly gavoutteranco
10 a succession or piercing BhriekB.
Tho cabman immediately stopped and
lnquirod vhat was tho matter. Tho
lady, who was extremely pale, Jumped
out of tho-cab-and pointed to where
an enormous boa constrictor reared'
its ugly head from beneath tho seat.
Tho cabman took tho reptile to the
commissioner of police, and investiga
tion Bhowed that it had boon left In
tho vehiclo by the proprietor of a me
nagerie who had hlrec. the cab oarller
in tho morning.
Brave Engineer Saves Lives.
Twenty-four Lancashire minors owe
their lives to an engineer's gallant do
rotlon to duty whllo In tho throes of
Jeath. The men were being loworod
down tho Tyldosley coal pit the othor
day, when the engineer, Scott, was
seized' with sudden dizziness. Ills
wholo thought, however, was for tho
safety of tho men In tho descending
cage. By a supremo effort ho applied
the brako and stopped the onglno,
thuB saving tbo men from being
dashed to tho bottom of tho shaft
This accomplished he fell back and
died in a few minutes.
Where He Slept . , .," -,Hoax
-" lrfiu's such tfj&w day
Why, I. w! 1 in bed and &;! p by 9
o'clock' lrt SunCaynJgai, Joax ,
Hub! I was aslrop at 7:45. J:-o,off!
You never to bed that'., early."
"Oh;. no; but 1 was in chuic:. at that
time,'' Philadelphia Record,
Much Campaign Literature..
Postmoter Hubbard of Boston fur
nlBhna good evidence that tho recent
pollMcnl campnlitfi aroused consider
able Interest In Massachusetts.' 'Near?
ly twico ns- much campaign llteraturo
was handled as was ovor boforo1
known In his office. - " '
Ho Meant Well. . ,
"This be)!," said a, Well-meaning sox
ton whon showing Jio belfry or an In
teresting village church to a party of
visitors, "is only rnhg .n enso of a
flro, a flood, a vU.. from the lord
bishop of the diocese, or any such
calamities," ""', J,
Possibilities In Advertising.
Tho man -who thinks satisfactory
ads can bo dashed 'off In a few min
utes at any tlmo thereby proves that
ho has no comprohengion of tho Im
mense possibilities of good advcrtls-'
ing. Advertising Experience. ' j
Taking No Chances.
Clerk I'm sorry. Bir, but I can not
sell you morphine. Homely Customer
Why, do I look llko a man who
would kill himself? Clerk 1 don't
know, but if I looked llko ,you I
should bo tompted.
Old London Bridge.
Old London bridge took tho record
time of thlrty-threo years to build. It
was begun in 117C and not completed
till 1209. Tho present bridge was be
gun In 1824 and finished In 1831. It
cost $2,500,000.
Women at Potter's Wheel.
Tho newest outlet for woman's en
ergy is pottery making, Bays tho
Brooklyn Eagle. The famous Rock
wood workB were started by a wo
man, and many women aro now turn
ing their attention to the possibili
ties of tho wheel, combined with deft
fingers and delicate fancy, in the
manipulation and designing of clay.
All over the country women aro be
coming interested in pottery' making.
Classes aro being formed and find
enthusiastic students ready to join
Want Chamberlain In Australia.
Mr. Barton, the premier of tho Aus
tralian commonwealth, will Invito Mr.
Chamberlain, the colonial secretary,
who Is on his way to South Africa on
a visit, to extend bis tour to Australia.
Work of English Painter,
C. Rlcketts Is an English painter
who Is following tho lead of Bocklln
and Franz Stuck In painting centaurs.
Ho Indulges in Biblical as well as
classical subjects.
Apcleot Coin Found.
A silver penny minted at Bristol In
the reign of Edward I. has Just been
unearthed in that city during Borne ex
cavations for a now wator main.
Twain Wanted Everything.
A friend onco wrote to Mark Twain
asking bis opinion on a certain mat
ter and received no reply. Ho waited
a few days and then wrote again. His
second letter was also ignored. Final
ly; bo sent a third note, inclosing a
beet of paper and a 2-cent stamp. By
return post he received a post card on
wtdch was the following; "Paper and
Btmtp received. Please send envelope."
Remedy for Whooping Cough.
Baked mouse, it Is alleged, la still
considered a good remedy for whoop
ing cough in some parts of Yorkshire,
Long Race on Stilts.
The longest race ever run dh stilts
took place from Bordeaux to Blairitz
1e 1893, The distance is 303 miles.
Saloons Are Plentiful.
Lynn, Norfolk, England, has eae sa
loon for every hundred Inhabitants.
See the goods. It's the
same as a gold mine
to you if you want
Clothing and shoes.
Boys' .. .
Boys Scotch Caiis...
Cloth CapS ...
Leather Mitts ,
Sweaters .'.:
All Wool Sweaters
.T,,: ..........
.. ..,..V.,... . ."
a-Piece Suits.i,'"-J-.H.".
...... IOC'
,...20c.t6 35c
35C, ,
50c ,
k-Ntt, -.".
' T It&r
. . ..,'.:wSi?!.ic..i5c, 350 and 50c
i',. ,.,?M.ww...:50c to Si. 00
L...r-.....i:....'....$i.0 to 3.00
Majestic Ranges and - ,
Estate Oak Soft Coal Heaters
Your Patronage
Opera House Block.
Overcoats. ,,v..
Children's Shoes......,. :4-.r.,VA,..,.',...85c to' $1.25
Boys' Shoes. .'4,-4- :.......!-'... gr.ob to Si. 50
Men's.-. '.-j .' .. ';,".--". '
Department - f '
Overalls 7 .."". r,?..,....". ...." 459
Jumpers..- : ;i..,. -... ..-... ..35dand 45c
Knit Gloves s....... C, .','...250 and 35c
LeathefGloves , -J... J..:.....ri....l.-.-. 20c
Calf Gloves.."....'. ;......,.....,..;&..; , -560'
.Engineers' and Firemen's Brotherhood , Gauntlet ,
Gloves "...,',...v,7,..4.....i.-.-...-..-- 75
Same Glove, Long Gauntlet v, -;-.... -..... S1.00
Heavy Work Shirts . . .' .-. '.;.,-,; .:.35c and 5c
Winter Weight Underwear...- ......: ::x...$$c and 50c
100 Men's Mixed Suits :..., to S3.50-'
200 Men's All Wool Suits. ..$4.06, S5.00 and S6.00;
We haye an elegant line of the lat
est styles of Men's high grade, tailor
made Suits, regular price $12, $16
and $20.
Sale Price - $8.00, $12.oo, $15.oo
Men's Cheviot Overcoats.. S2.50.S3.50 and S5.00
Mens Long Ulster Overcoats, Zero Cplllar, the
best coat made for cold weather. ' '
To close "out at .. S4-5Q, S6.50 and S8.50
Men's Heavy Sweaters ....-,., ....... 1. ... 50c
Men's AU Wool Sweaters..- '. ..-..75c and S1.00
Men's Duck Coats - 75c, fi.oo and Si.as1-
Men's Felt Boots, with heavy Bay State Rubbcrs....$x.5o
Men's Snow Excluder Arctics ... , .?; Si.iQ
Men's Shoes at all prices, from ..' S1.00 to S3-5
P. M. Knioht, Prcs.
,0. II. Oonnett, Cashier.
W. IT. Oounitf, V. Prcs.
Alliance National Bank,
Oonsorvatlve. 2&-
.: Capital Paid in $50,000. '
, . " x SURPLUS, 85,000.
DIUBOTOltS t K. M. KnlRht, B. F. nottlelielm, AV. 11. Corbln, Thos. Ik'df, P.W. Harris.
W. A.
Hampton, President
A. S. Reed, Vice President
R. M. Hampton Cashier
Hampton, Ass't Cashier.1""
First National Bank,
Capital, $50,000.
Surplus and Profits, $20,000.
i Directors: W. A.tHampton. A. S, Reed E, C. Hampton. R. M Hampton.
Lumber and lluildlng .Material.
i Forest Lumber Co. !
To save you from 35
to 50 per cent- on any
goods in our store. No
goods sold on credit
after Dec. 1. All ac.
counts to be paid by
December 20.
'SVW lRwiis o SumieiV au I
BuV 'WKaUnaV
Estimates Cheerfully Given.-
B. & M. HOTEL.
G.- A. WHITE, Proprietor. ;.
Good Board and, Clean Comfortable Rooms.
Alliance, Nebraska.
Lunch Counter in Connection.
Opp. KCiia. OrcLxid, jfU.lia.noo, Nebraska.
Try the Herald for Job fori
. -.
Wr t'