ftMtu I 'HHLVi' J-M 'mi ..OFFICIAL PUBLICATION' OF. BOX BOTTK COUNTY , AND ONLY OEMOCRATIO 8 PAPER N THE OOUNTY. . THE HKRALD HAS THK $ LAOQEST CinCULATlON OF ANY ALLlANOE PAPER !s PRINTS ALL THE NEWS. .;.;..j.::..;: OLUME IX, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5..1902. NUMBER 50 k r to ' -.;i ALLIAicS' HERM.D . ' - w r , r i j 1 or v' 4 ' K x Ifh" ' i ? . '& 'p h- r J' k .- Wf: j&. fife Was K ' K"'-' mm .? Groceries. i free With Each J COMBINATION X One Decorative Plate l 1 I J 35 lbs. Sugar, best . ...Ji.oo J 3 cans June Peas .30 a 3 cans Cream Corn.. ....... ,30 J 50 lbs. Select Flour. . . , 1.30 J 81 lb. Japan Ter, best Co 10 lbs. Prunes 50 1 5 lbs, Oat Meal, bulk 25 J 2 -x lbs. Best Rio Coffee. .-. 45 2 lbs, Mixed Nuts ...,. .40 2 ' 5 i, Total............. $5.00 " Above Combination No. 2 for X Cash. Everything guaranteed first- 9 class. No changes allowed. Look at our Xmas display. I Alliance Grocery Go: Minnesota High Grade Fancy Patent Flour, "Richelieu. i The Best Flour on Earth. -Sold" Only by,. ... LEE ACHESON. , .. ...ir, Uentist, opera house. Be sure U C C. & C. and see fchcir U.i stockof saddles. A?Ti. leti Collins & Morrison, saddles, always in in stock at Clough & Collins. For Salk About 1100 head, of eWs-and 600 lambs. MiKtf Elmore. Sheridan coal, Canon lump, nut and Aker'scoal W. James. ...Any stock of harness in stock or imade ' toorder. Clough & Collins. v A second hand buggy for sale. ; . . J. W. RlCHAXJ&SON. That New Book on the Jits Horn Ilasln Is off the press and ready for distribution. It' is a little bit the best publication (de scriptive of this wonderful section sf Wy oming yet issued. It-' gives brief glimpses of its farms, gardens, cattle ranches, ivri- gating canals, oil fields and a word about ,the golden opportunities. Illustrated by thirty-one splendid half-tones from phato . .graphs. Free to any address on request. J. Francis, G. P. A'., Burlington Route, Omaha, Nebraska. n-zui , ' riiids It Very Satisfactory. , " Lincoln, Neb,, June 21, 1302. Mr. Landy Clark Agent: ' -'Dear Sir In reply to your inquiry as to '.how iTegard Sheridan coal. I will say after 'having tried it during the past winter in -furnace, kitchen .range aud in fire place, -I . 1iave found it satisfactory jn all three. Being almost smokeless and having the t '' property of holding fire for a long time in fact, until every vestige of coal is con sumed, I,.have found it very satisfactory for use in a furnace dSsignedvfor hard coal. Its cleanliness together with its property .. of holding fire makes it desirable for use in kitchen range and in grate. ' Respectfully, E. T. Hartley. Notice of incorporation of the Mollrlng. Itom Live Stook Company. FIRST. NotlCA Is hereby given of tho lncoriHiratlou of tho Mollrlnjc-Itosa Llvo Btoclt Company, HtX'OND. ' AlUuuco, Hox liutto county, Klinukn, titutll be the principal pluco of truusnctlng ' tho business of said corixrutlon. TfllHl). Tho uaturo of tho business to bo transacted Jy corporation thull te to buy, sell und rulso lfvdstoek. To purchase und hold landu for tliuiiurposeof rutaluif, growing, produclngaud . Kratlng Jlvo stock. To pledge live stock and land for furthering the purposo und IntercMt of tho corporation and loan monoy upon live Mockund ranch lands und to hold bills re :l'I vablo In any munnur to promote the lntcr ust of said corporation. PUITH. Tho capital stock of nuld corporation 14 (-J),000, 30 por cent, to bo nubscrlltod and paid before thu commencing of business. The re mainder to bo paid us rciiulred by U10 Hoard of Directors. . ' . " mr. Ilia tlmo of commencing biulness Novem bor 1st. UKti Paid coriniratlou to continue durlug tho perlcHl of ten yciirs. sixth. ' i The hlghoht nraoittit of Iudebtulues4 at any tl mo bhull not bo nioro than $ 5,000. heventu.. Tho affairs of Kild corporation hhall bo coiW nucteii uy a amaru 01 uirvciors or not nioro than llvo und from suld Directors t)mll bo uhtrton it I'reydent, Treasurer and (leneral lanugor, Datwt Alliance, Jbraska, Dccembor 4th, MoLLmsc-UoiJA lave Stock Coupasv. E. S. Wildy is ftt Scottsbluff today. No letter was recefved fro Dr, Horn this weefe. The recent cold snap ma'de fine skating on Broncho lake. H. C. Armstrong and father were Craw ford visitors Tuesday. Harry Mollring was shaking hands with his many friends the first of the week. P, B. Fitch, Hemingford's popular druggist, was in the city Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs, N. Fronapfel visited rela tives north of Hemingford the first of 1 the week. B. E. Johnson and John Sauerwine re turned from Omahatoday, having marketed cattle there; ' U. N, Hoskins returned Wednesday from Long Pine, where he spent Thanks giving with his patents. ' Rev. G. Bernard Clark returned Tues day from Laramie, Wyo., where he had spent about a week holding services. M. A. Shay and family returned this morning from their extended stay in" "the past and will again make .their -home here. H. A. Mark, our , late photogrpher, rqade a flying trip to Hemingford yester day in the interest of the Alliance Art, Studio. ' . "4 Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Wiulen were in from Liberty precinct Tuesday. Mr. Wintcn isjiow able to get around with the assistance of v. cane. Regular service? at the M. E, church Sunday. Morning subject, 'Christian' Fruitfulness;" evening, "'The Gfver, Gift and Why." All invitedT W..M. FcskeTiariToidl A. M. Mil ler and W. F.. Walker were down from, Hemingford Saturday to attend the sale of the Hemingford mill property. . ' We have decided to close out the stock of mouldings and art goods of the late Mark's Studio. There aret some rare bargains. Alliance Art Studio. Rev, J. C. Sloan went to Marstaad Mon day to perform the marriage ceremoay of a son of J. T. Richardson to Miss BUache Richey, Avell known young people that place, . . w- ! - W. M. Whitfield has opened lik new grocery in the Corbin building. Mr. Whit field has been engaged in business at Peru for a number of years. Read 'bis ad in this issue. The Fjrst Presbyterian church services are held in Bell's halt. Preachingxia Sun day at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:45 P m ' Attorney Mitchell went down to Bridge port Tuesday on legal business -and went from there to Scottsbluff to represent Mrs." Haynes in her case against Hulkurt for cattta rustling, . A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Foley Sunday, November 30, be cause of which her, parents have been re ceiving congratulations and her papa's friends have been receiving cigars. The Shakespeare' club met Wednesday with Mrs. A. Mdntyre. Tuesday is the regular day for the meetings, but the meet ing was held one day later this week be cause of the funeral services for the vice president, Mrs. Zollinger, Ieing held Tues day. WWWW. Sunday at the Baptist church. G. C, Jeffers, pastor: Morning discourse., "Re ligion, a Life:" evening sermon. "The Danger of. Supposition;" Sunday schbol at jo d'clock; Juniors meet at 3.' C. E . megt iug 6:45, Mrs. Jeffers, leader; mid-week prayer service Thursday evening. A we come to all services. ' . " ' 1 The Business Men's club gave a dancing party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. if, Rumer last Friday eveqfnj; previous to their departure to Fairfield, Iowa, where they go to make their home, Many guests were present and it is reported a most pleasant affair. Mrs. Rumer and ilie children. Jelt Saturday, Mr. Rumer accom panying them to Omaha and then return ing to settle up his business here. A. G. Bixler, who" has been jn the city the past two at three months represent ing the Knight-Campbell Musio Co. ofH Denver, has gone to Crawford in the com pany's interests.' He sold a $285 Cable piano to the high school while here and assisted them in making the purchase by I getting up the oratorio, Queen Esther" Mr. Bixler made many friends while here who wish him success wherever his work may call him. S A meeting of the business men of Alli ance and stockmen of this vicinity was held in the Business Men's club rooms last evening to discuss the fence question and lease bill. It was the unanimous opinion that the removal of the fences would be detrimental to the interests of not only the stockmen but all lines of business depend ent on the stock interests for support. Another meeting will be held in the near future to further, discuss the question. T 1 n m1 A High r Compliment. Edgar Howard says in' tfto Cotutnbtis -Telegram: newspaper, typographically, is'vcry prone to 1)0 clean in its edi torial utterances and local paragraphs, and tills fact is clearly il ltistrfttcd in tho' McCook Tribune and AlliancoHcrald, tho press of the state placing thoso two-sheets very near tho van in tho mat ter of pergonal appearance;!, Tho Tribune is considered one of leading republican papers of t,he state. Tho Herald appreciates this compliment, for Edgar Howard is himself competent to judge. Ho is a newspaper man himself1, and nil ho has said of the Tribune and Tho Herald applies with oven more force to tho Columbus Telegram. Praise from Judge Edgar Howard is praiso.indced. 0 T ;K K K & ? K K J? ? & & is" tf InJfcbrnska. Yes, we raise the sugar beef, " In Nebraska, And the very best of, wheat, , .In Nebraska. Fat and juicy white-faced steers 5 "J Heart and mind of, mankind cheers," And. "we havo no time for tears, ! ? In Nebraska. '- ,-$ !;.. ... V tl - ,.! '!"?'. .tftiiies ana muesoi weu-cnoDcu cjij r. 1U ouim, . m '; Chuck up fullis plenty'vshorn, - In Nebraska, "'it ; Ve can feed the world all right $$ S With tho stuff we have jn sight,, aa nd our hearts aregay and' light, ." M In Nebraska. Yes, woVe doing mighty well In Nebraska. So stand up and loudly yell For Nebraska:- ' Everybody up and root, , Grab a horn and lolidty tool. , ." " Forth the, praises of BoxrButte s In Nebraska.- ', ' ' , . Wi M. M. COU lOSnvnATLIANGE AGAIN." Ills Presence. In an Of t lctaL Way, 1 Obnox Ions to Our Stockmen., Colonel JohnS. Mosby arrived in the city yesterday fronv Omaha and has taken up his abode at the Hila Grand, Mr. MosbV ! not Inclined to talk of his.hustaefts here rel$Wh,ere,..and.wfcia aske:by;vaTIert!t1nteD removing fromheity; What representative as to'how long hVexpected chaBf.es in their plans Mr. McDermott's presentativc as to how long he expected to remain in Alliance, replied "You'll have to ask President Roosevelt about that." It seems (hat the President should take the Colonel with him on some of his hear hunting expeditions instead of sending him out here to annoy onr stockmen and injure one'of the state's greatest industries, or better yet, let Mr, Roosevelt forego tho pleasure of a bear hunt and take tho time . . ...... to come out tiere ana investigate me; outrages' those cattle barons are com- mitting. It's np to you, Mr. Roosevelt. Successful SoclnJ at Clctnnn. Editor The Hbkald: The enterfai ment and box social given by the Anti-Slang society of Cleman, at the home of E. S, Owen, ThaEttegiving evening, was consid ered a complete success by those in attend ance. Autumnal stage decorations en hanced the effect of a well-rendered pro grant. V ' Following the entertainment, some three score end ten persons testified to the culinary ability of the fair sex of- Cleman and vieinitr. The boxes were auctioned off by Jack Uignoll and netted 82375. This sum w0 be used in the purchase cf a dictionary acd map3 for the Cleman schaol, of which Mil Flossie Hickman is teacher, -''.'' ' . Attention. Old Soldictn! There will be a pieeting of Geo. Dayien post held in Sell's hall on Saturday, De cember 13 t t p, m. All oMoldieTs, whethciMTiembers of the .post or not, sas requested to be present. . W. R. Wilcox. Com, Al. Wixer. ivdjt. -' The Hemingford flour mill and alLprop erty belonging to tho firm of Miller & Wildy was soM by the receiver at tlie court house last Saturday, The mill wasi bid in by A, M. Millqr at $3.75o. E. S. Wildy bought the dwelling in Heming ford, tlje store' building in Alliance and the book accounts, Mr, Miller expects to pperate the mill son. The business lias been jn litigation fer the last year and a half and the final settlement is a source of gratification to the owners as weir as to the people, who desire to see the mill started up again, ;""" A yery pretty wedding took place at.teh home of Mr. Robert May in Simonson's addition on Monday eveningat 7 o'clock, when Mr. Robert Bowman of this place and Miss Maggie Hoaglyn of Nebo. Ill,, were Joined iq holy wedlock. Mr. Bow man has resided here since in June last, working in the shops. Miss Hoaglyn ar rived 9a No. 41 from Illinois Monday morning. The wedding tbok place at Mr. May's as stated, only his family being present, liev. Jeffers tied the knot. The newly wedded couple will ftop at Mr. May's until a suitable houss.can be found, when they will establish a home for them selves. The Herald extend, .congratulations. t A clenn 'a fc W. K l JO 0 JO JO K K K t? K" JO K" Pcto MoDermott Dcnd. Tho.peoplo of Alliance were shocked last Tuesday when the, word came that Peto McDormott had died Monday afternoon in Salt Lake City, Mr. McDermott left here a short time ago in goo"d health for Salt Lake where he had been offered a position as engineer with a run between Salt Lake and, tigden. When found in his room Monday nfternoon he had been dead seven hpurs and t is said that apoplexy was tho causo of his .death. Deceased was about 42 years of ago and "a hearty, robust man. He was an engi neer running out of Alliance for ten years. His remains arrived Thursday morning arid were tnken charge of by tho A. O. U. V of which he was a member, and were taken to tho homo in this city where they lay till night and were then shipped to Washington, Kansas, the home of his par ents.'accompanFed by his wife and daugh ter and J , P, Rcardon. Mr..McDermott and his family have gained many warm friends during their residence here who feel deep sorrow for the death of their friend qud keenest sym pathy for his grief stricken wife and daughter who are almost prostrated by this sudden and terrible blow. He was a kind husband and father, a staunch and loyal friend, and we join in the general regret for his death. ' ' Mrs, and Miss McDermott had otcourso death may havo caused The Herald has not learned. llcnth After ,ona Illness.. Mrs. Eunice Morton Zollinger, wife of William E, Zollinger, died at her home on oorth Box Butto avenue about 3 o'clock Sunday morning after nn illness of over two months. She was stricken with tv- ,.,,,.. e. , . ., phoid fever September 24. the di y., . .,! .: L,.L , sease re v ,,. .. -.,. , , . , . literary and social circles where her loss Is deeply felt for she was loved and esteemed by all who became acquainted with her. She leaves a hnsband and three children, Edward, aged eleven; Marguerite, aged nine and William, nged five. One child, a daughter, Kathcrine, died Jlxmt a year ago, beinf then two years old. Funeral services were held nt the resi dence Tuesday afternoon conducted by Rev. H. P. V. Bogue of the First Presby terian chuach of which the deceased was a member. The family is under quarantine, one of the children being ill with scarlet fever, henco yery many who would hjjve paid the last tribute of regard for their de parted friend were not permitted to do so. The body was laid to rest in Greenwood cemetery.1 , , Hcsolutloiw on tho Iicnth of 3!r. W, '.. Zollinger. ' , Wiibreas, It has ,$csaed -our Heavenly Father to remove from our midst our .Sister and fellow-member. Mrs. Eunice Zpl linger, therefore be ii - -. Y Rksqlvkd, That .we, the members at the Shakspeare club, dosire to put on record our high appreciation of her, not only as an earnest, zealous .member, but -as the founder pf the Shakspeare club; That her absence will be keenly fait at liho club, and we extend Io the husband and aaotherless children our roost sincere and (heartfelt sympathy. j. . . , M rs. McIntVrk, V, , . Mrs. Grippeth, Mrs. BCK, MllS. KRiniSLBAUQII. . Conductor" Jirown Jiadly Injured. Conductor E.Jty. Brown received severe injured at Ardmb're last Saturday night by a forcod jump of about forty feet. Ho was standing on a car of coal thathad been pushed to the top of the chute and was going over. Seeing the car could not be stopped, he tried to save himself from a worse fate by Jumping from the car to the ground below. A portion of ihe load of coal fell upon hjm, al and the com bined result was his left hip broken and leg badly bruised and his left arm. wrist and hand broken. He was brought' to his home in ("bjcifyaud In spite of his-num-erous Jujuriejs i getting on Very well and his complete recovery seenjs assured, al though it will be a good while, before he is mts on the rdd. P, Kiu&ley Was down from Hemingford. yesterday, For Salb-'-A small ranch. Inquifo of L. A. Berry, Alliance, Ncb ; Claude Brown has taken employment in the shops as machinist's helper. . Mr. and Mrs. James Connelly of Scotts bluff were Allianco "visitors Monday. . Robt. Graham camo in iom Omaha yesterday where he shipped cMle. Articles of incorporation of ihSMoUring Rosa Live Stock Company aropibllsh'ed in this issue. - Miss Ina Bellwood is a guest, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Schlll of Lit clla this week. ' F. N. Young lias bought the-old Cleve land place just west of town, paying $1,150 therefor, Hd expects to occupy it soon. G, F, Copper, editor of tho North Platte Independent-Era,' spent Tuesday in tho city. Ho made The. Herald a fraternal call. Sheriff Reed went to Iowa Tuesday on personal business. He .Is ejtpectcd homo tomorrow. - s T. H. McCandless was down from his ranch yesterday, having, .business buforo tho county commissibners.' ". -xV. , , Folr Rknt rour. furnished room?, together or separate. ' - W. E. (UM.irm Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Bc.ck and Miss Elsie Darling departed Wednesday morning for Los Angeles, Cnl where they will spend the winter, 7 - ' J. L, Thomas is assisting Geo, Darling in the furniture store. It. is difficult to find n more reliable and agreeable man than Mr. Thomas, r ,A Schuyler, tho young son or Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gilman, was taken down with scarlet fever " Tuesday. The house- Is under quarantine regulations. Stove Laravea, of Rushvlllo, a railroad contractor, who has just completed a job of road building on tho new Elkhorn ex tension to Bonesteel, is In the city, Ernest Lloydjaa experienced dry goods, salesman, arrived 'yefdalrohtiYortW' accept a position in Norton's establish ment. Mr, Lloyd is a friend of Glen Miller. j There will be an oyster socia.at the United Presbyterian church Friday even ing, December 12. Oysters, cake, salads, pickles nnd coffee will be served. Every body is cordially invited, J. W. Broshar and W, C. Phillips. The Herald's enterprising correspondent at Canton, were in the city Monday trans acting business. This was Mr, Broshar's first visit to Alliance in two years, Robert Pause, jr., representing the Pabst Brewing Co., was in the city Mon day attending to business matters with H. C Armstrong, the company's agent hero. Mr. Pause is a pleasant gentleman to meet Dr. H, B. Miller who arrived a few weeks ago from Cumberland, Maryland, hai decided to. remain permanently and practice his profession here. Ha has moved his family into tho Anderson resi dence on Big Horn avenue. Dr. Miller Teslded at Nonpareil for three years prior to 1889 and is well known to many of the early settlers who are pleased to see him return. He still owns a large amount of real estate in this county. His profes sional card appears in this issue. Father Rebach, of Crawford, met with a serious nccident last Saturday night, while on hi way to the depot to take a train for Hemingford, where he was to have held services the following day. Tho railroad company was making some change in, the yards necessitating the digging of a. ditch in the yards, which was left unprotected by a danger signal, and he fell into it, breaking his. leg. Father Galviq went up to see him Monday and reports him to bo resting as comfortably as can be expected. Colonel John S. Mosby. who is fn Omaha on business of (he general land office, of which he is a special agent, has iust re ceived from Senator Henry Cabot Lodge ot Massachusetts, a letter enclosing an in vitation to be present on "Grant night" next April. The Middlesex is one of the most exclusive of all the New Eneland clubs, and its "nights" are events of moro than ordinary import. President Champ lih of tho club writes to Colonel Mosby: "We would like to add your name to the roll of distinguished guests. The members of the club, the republicans of Massachu setts, and the people of Boston would Jjo glad to see and welcome you. I bee to assure you that this invitation is not perr lunctory and formal. We earnestly desire that you may be able to accem it." Colonel Mosby is at present of the opinion that communications may safely be ad dressed . to him in care of the Middlesex cjub, B.oston, Mass., on tho night of April 27, 1003, for ho certainly exnects to be present on that night.- -Omaha Bee. 1'ninllv Oroccrlcit. it WANTED AT ONCE! mwmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmkwmmmmmmmvmmmmmmmm well Sorted Potatoes BLA CKBURN SNEDERER j2r- Vv- Clothing at cost, at the Fair Store. See Mrs. Regan's sew line.of cloaks. V: -, y.' Call and see Norton's new clothing. Thoso neckties are dandies) at Nortec's Cash paid for hides. Clouoh & Cou- I am prepared to winter about forty head of cattle on my ranch nearDunlap. Plenty of feed and water and best of care. , V Bame, Dunlap, Neb. Notice Hereafter no goods are to bo charged to tho Brockett saloon except on my order, H. C. Ajimstong. Dated October t8, 1902. I desire to take ttuabout X50 head of caf tie to winter at my place, four miles south east of Lawn . Good range, plenty ot hay and water Jos. Kapbr, Lawn, Neb. Col, W, H. McCann, former register of the United StateVland office at' Chadron, was in the city yesterday on his return from a trip to the sand hills. While at one of the small towns east of Alliance. Mr." McCann met an acquaintance who greeted him as "Colonel," Bystanders -mistook the Chadron min for Col. Mosby and the news spread quickly that the dis inguished "government fence destroyer" wai there. The citizens became excited and were eager to get sight of the sup posed Mosby while the ranchmen who had government land fenced shrugged their shoulders and volunteered to take down their fences. Things were "becoming pretty warm about the time McCann established his identity. Col. -McCnnn and yCol, Mosby resemble edch somewhat fn p pcarance. I'or 'Sale. . Meat market in lively town. .JTwo rail roads, Union Pacific round .house and shop. A good opening for right party. Address Box,iQ, Sidney, Neb. COST SALE ! My entire stock of clotbing, hats, .paps, shoes and furnishing goods is now on sale at actual cost. I- 'auV go ing out of business and have hlV, my fixtures also on sale at cost. k ' 500 Men's Suits at cost. " 190 Bovs' Suits at cost . soo Overcoats at cost. Sr.ooo worth of Furnishings at cost, 1,500 worth of Shoes at cost. $700 worth of Shirts at cost. 1 450 worth of Underwear at pojy ' -S160 worth of Trunks and 6rInsrAt cost. ' ;v Overclothes, Gloves, Mitten's..;' Tew- elry, ftain Coats,. Overshoes, J&eggins, Comforts and Blankets, etaaftga for just what .they cfjst at fylfoleVale.uQ freight added. ' " ' ' 'T " J. 1". FiEMJNC.