The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 28, 1902, Image 1

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    rytm zr&
nir n a it? AMh vttsssr
bim i o v rtift t irt y
1 I H r
Ft w
Why not get
5 some nice, iresh
2 Fruits and
Groceries at
Our Store.
Largest and
S best assorted
stook in
Prices are right.
Quality the best.
We want
g your trade.
I Alliance Grocery Co.
John .Stetter was a Crawford visitor
Tuesday, j.,
A thing ol merit is a joy forever.
"Golden Gate."
Mrs. W. A. Manchester returned Tues
day from a few days' visit at Lincoln.
Mrs. Zollinger's condition is very critical
and there is little hope for her recovery.
attending to busi-
the first of the
Minnesota High
Grade Fancy
Patent Flour,
The Best Flour on
Earth. Sold
Only by...
Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house.
Bs sure U C C. & C. and see their
stock of saddles.
Collins & Morrison, saddles, always in
iu stock at Clouoii & Collins.
For Sale About noo head of ewes and
6oo lambs. Mikk Elmore.
Sheridan coal, Canon
Aker's coal W. James.
lump, nut and
Any stock of harness in stock or made
to order. Cloogh & Collins.
A second hand buggy for sale.
J. W. Richardson.
My ontire stock of clothing, hats,
caps, shoes and furnishing goods is
now on sale at actual cost. I am go
ing out of business and have all my
fixtures also on sale at cost.
500 Men's Suits at cost.
190 Boys1 Suits at cost.
200 Overcoats at cost.
$1,000 worth of Furnishings at cost.
1,500 worth of Shoes at cost.
$700 worth of Shirts at cost.
$450 worth of Underwear at cost.
$160 worth of Trunks and Grips at
Overclothes, Gloves, Mittens, Jew
elry, Rain Coats, Overshoes, Leggins,
Comforts and Blankets, etc., all go for
just what they cost at wholesale, no
freight added.
Line of
2 m 11 y
m m
V. W. Norton
ness interests at
The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church
will meet with Mrs. Foot next Wednesday
Selected of the finest from the markets
of the world "Golden Gate."-Alliance
Grocery Co.
The Highlander ball last night was
largely attended and a most enjoyable
time was had.
M. A. Mark went down to Mitchell
Wednesday to visit his brother and attend
to business matters.
The Misses Blanche and Alameda Fos
ketr of Hemingford, attended "Queen
Esther" last Friday evening.
The family of Sheriff Reed, County
Treasurer Muirhead and Miss Georgia
Miller spent Thanksgiving at Hemingford.
The Ladies' Union will meet Wednes
day, Decembor 3, with Mrs.Wm. Mitchell.
Ladies are requested to bring their own
F. T. Harvey left last Friday for Fuller
ton to spend a few days visiting his
mother. His bowling alley is in charge of
Mr. Thomas during his absence. v
The Sheridan Post says: "Lee Perry
was thrown through a cab window at
Ranchcster by an emergency stop the
other day. He received a bad cut on the
Passenger train No. 43 was several
hours late Wednesday on account of a
wreck near Anselmo. A light engine ran
into the rar of a freight. No one seriously
The Sunday services of the First Pres
byterian church are held in Bell's hall.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor
at 6:45 p. m.
John" Morsvck and son-in-law, Louis
Barta, substantial stockmen of Liberty
precinct, were in the metropolis Monday.
Both cf them extecdod their subscriptions
to the official paper.
J. V. Armstrong and Mrs. C. Phillips,
father and aunt of H-C.Armstrong.arrived
from Bertrand Tuesday to spend Thanks
giving and several days thereafter with
Mr. Armstrong and family.
Mrs. Everett Eldred, who had been
taking medical treatment here the past
two months, returned home Wednesday to
Orlando. She was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Newberry while here.
Sunday at 11 a. m. at the M. E. church
the pastor will speak of "The More Excel
lent Way." At 7:30 in the evening, "The
Four Horses. All regular services during
the day. Public invited.
M. L. Sanders, Pastor.
Jeff Bellwood departed Sunday morning
for his home in Abingdon, Illinois, after a
visit with his son, Dr. W. S. Bellwood.
He was called here about two weeks ago
when his son's illness was considered dan
gerous. The doctor is now out of danger
and getting along nicely.
S. C. Reck went to Hyannis Monday to
begin work on the " brick school house for
which he has the contract. The structure
will cost $5,000. Mr. Reck last week com
pleted a brick house for Mr. Trenkle north
east of Alliance and he informs us that
others in that neighborhood contemplate
building soon.
A meeting was held by the directors of
the Business Men's club last Friday even
ing, The club reported favorably on the
following applications tor membership: F.
M. Raymond, M. B, Quivey, B, S. Mar
vin, E. C. Koons, I. O. Cooper, R. G.
Holden, J. F. Griest, A. A. Martinez,
Percy Cogswell, E. A. Hall, W. S. Ridgell,
Ed Mollring and G. W. Brown.
Sunday at the Baptist church, G, C,
Jeffers pastor: The morning service will
be a memorial in memory of the late
Eunice WeitzJ evening discourse, "The
Blood of Sprinkling." Sunday school at
10 o'clock. Jnniors meet at 3. C. E.
meeting at 6:45, Mrs. McFarland leader.
Midweek prayer service Thursday even
ing. A welcome to all services,
A very pretty wedding took place at
Aurora Thanksgiving day, at high noon,
when Charles T, Hamilton and Miss Jennie
Crosby were joined in holy wedlock by
Rev. Erst of the Lutheran Evangelical
church. The wedding was largely attended.
Mendelssohn's wedding march was played
by Miss Bertha Hamilton. The groom is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hamilton of
this city and a successful young railroad
man. His bride was a popular young lady
of Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton arrived
in the c-itj h :r Tning and si'l comment-
housekeeping in their own heme in the
north part of the city.
The future of Alliance is just what the citizens of Alliance
elect to make it. Men aro the arbiters of their own destiny, and
what is true of men is equally true of cities, Alliance is fortu
nately situated in that it is the largest city in a radius of several
hundred miles and possessor of railroad facilities that offer splen
did advantages. The natural resources of this section of country
arc not such as lend encouragement to manufacturing industries,
although there aro a number of small manufactures that could
profitably be carried on here. But it is as a distributing point that
Alliance occupies a favorable field. Alliance should bo the cen
tral distributing poiut for all the vast amount of goods used in tho
country north, south and west of hero on the lines of tho Burling
ton road and the Elkhorn road that crosses the Burlington line.
Groceries, boots and shoes, harness, hardware, glass, hats and
caps, clothing, drug sundries, confectionery and tho hundred and
one articles of wholesale commerce should bo jobbed by Alliance
This is not a dream, fellow-citizens. Other towns with far
inferior facilities and location have built themselves up into strong
municipalities by seizing upori'overy advantage offered, no matter
how small it might seem. Tho first thing to do is to convince men
of capital that Alliance affords these opportunities. Tiiere are
many was of accomplishing this, but tho best and quickest way is
to organize a live board of trado and secure tho services of a sec
retary who knows his business, and knowing it has the industry
to work at it. Alliance has enough retail establishments to take
care of all the trado that exists now or may exist for several years
to come, but there is plenty of)Hnom for several wholesale estab
lishments. -
A city may be talked up, or it may be talked down. It is
civic pride and loyalty that made Chicago and Kansas City. A
Chicago man never misses an opportunity to boast of his city's
wonderful progress, and a Kansas City man talks about the vil
lage at the mouth of the Kaw ns long as he can find listeners,- and
even then he talks to himself.
Brethren and friends, let us begin talking for and about Alli
ance. Let us offer proof of our own confidence in tho future of
Alliance. Let us work for the future of the city and surrounding
country. And let us begin without further loss of time.
"Golden Gate" at AlliancevGroccry Co.
today and tomorrow.
C, A. Newberry wan in Hyannis on busi
ness the first of the week.
Is Pluycd to Good Houses With Great
Credit to tlio llnycrs.
Alliance has many people of undeniable
ability in the line of public entertainment,
as has been shown from time to time in
Tho Hoys I'roin the Town on the "Sleepy
Elkhorn" Con Piny Foot Hull,
The football game between tho Chadron
academy team and Alliance high school
boys was not quite so evenly divided as to
theplays and other entertalnrrients Riyenlhonprsyas. one might have--jdshed, tho
by them; bu their master effort was put icoreat the finish of tfie last hahTbeing4
forth in the rendition of "Esther, the
Beautiful Queen" at the opera house last
Friday and Saturday evenings, and the
result was the best with one possible
exception, ever given by home talent.
All the leading parts were sung by those
having exceptionally good voices. Mr.
Bixler as the King of Persia, B. V. Reeve3
as Haman, Judge Spacht as Mordccai, and
S. M. Smyser as high priest not only sang
the parts to perfection but looked them
and acted them, too, The same also can
be said of Miss Frew as Esther, Miss Dun
can as Zeresh, Haman's wife. Miss Mc
Corkle as Mordecai's sister, and Mrs.
Fleming as the prophetess. Little Julia
Frankle as Ida, Haman's child, has doubt
less received more compliments than any
other player in the oratorio. She took her
part so artlessly and played it so naturally,
besides which, work well done in that line
by a child excites more admiration than
work equally well done by grown-up folk.
The chorusses of Jews, Persians and chil
dren showed careful training and selection
and the costuming was elegant. Most of
the costumes were made here, only the
royal robes and garments of that sort being
furnished by Mr. Bixler.
The opera house was well filled both
nights. About $185 was cleared and the
high school is therefore assured of being
the possessor of a piano in the near future.
The undertaking was Mr. A G. Bixler's
and that gentleman shows great ability in
selecting, arranging and training those re
quired for the cantata, more than sixty
being required for it. He was most ably
assisted in this by Superintendent Bartz,
to whose work in training and arrange
ment and as stage manager much of the
smoothness in the presentation was due.
We have been unable to get the names
of the children who assisted, bat among
those taking part were Messrs. Perry,
Ufford, Mnirhead, Morris, Duncan, Smy
ser, sr Smyter, jr., Englehorn, Hays,
McAllister, Constable, Fritts, Cantwell,
Madsen, Reeves, Spacht and Bixler;
Mesdames Stoner, Johnson, Quivey, Mor
ris, Hamilton, Fleming and Graham, and
the Misses Darling, Hicks, Smith, Buech-
senstein, Duncan, Frew, Frankle, Hamil
ton, Swan, Fritts, Bell wood, Willas, Miller,
Contraman, Young, Reck, McCorklc, I.ot-
speich, Snyder, Beck and Wehn, and Miss
Bernice Kridelbaugh, plant.
Illxby and Maupiu.
llie Crete revvs says' An oilort is
being madtj to gat Bixby and Maupin for
an evening in Crete. If this is succossful
every one will want to hear them and tho
opera house will be, too small to hold the
audience. They are the only pair in Ne
braska. They ars equal to a full house
any time." Yea, Bro. Bcwlby, thay make
to o in favor of the visiting team. Our
boys have shown the "never-say-dio" spirit
about it and say they will keep on practic
ing until they make their friends proud of
them and their opponents afraid of them,
which is commedable, to be sure; but the
boys have not diagnosed thecal correctly.
The writer begs pardon for those words of
unsought advice and explanation. It is
not practice. It is added length of hair.
We don't pretend to know the reason but
it is a fact that a football player to amount
to shucks must have a head that, when he
is under full sail, look like an overgrown
Russian thistle. It may bo that the fero
cious appearance this gives him has some
thing to do with it. Anyway, there's
nothing like "Absalomic" locks for success
in mis game, raaueo pants, knee pro
tectors and skull crates are not in it with a
good shock of hair and just there is where
our boys fell down. They didn't have it
But they will. You just wait, you Chad
ronians, until time shall have undone the
nefarious work of the Alliance barber and
they will show you the game of your lives.
They got the "go" iu them. All the
need is the aforesaid hirsute growth and
they'll be a match for anything that ever
etood or scrimmaged on the gridiron.
A special dispatch to the World-Herald,
November 26, says: Daniel C. Regan,
Burlington agent at Lead, and Miss Mary
Louise, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Blackstone of Central City, were married
at St. John's Episcopal church in Dead
wood today. The wedding was largely at
tended and was one of the most fashionable
held in Deadwood in years.
Owing to the prominence of the princi
pals a great deal of interest had been taken
and several anti-nuptial functions had been
held. They were married by Archdeacon
George G. Ware, and following the wed
ding a reception was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Blackstone. The young
couple left for Denver, intending to spend
their honeymoon visiting various Colorado
points. Before their return they will go
as far as Lake City. They will re
side in Lead.
Mr, Blackstone, father of the bride, has
for years been chief engineer of the Home
stake Mining company.
Mr. Regan is the eldest son of Mr. and
M ra. Thos. Regan of this city.
Presiding Elder Scamahorn was unable
to hold services at the Methodist church
last Sunuay, owing" to an accident while
attempting to board the train to come here.
Those who went expecting to. hear him
Sundayevening heard instead an excellent
erraon by the pastor. M. L. Sanders.
(from the lent, "They that wait upon the
Lord shall renew their strength: they shall
wings a e&Kles: they shall
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Brinkman last Friday night.
Mrs. J, G, Beck and daughter Inez
spent a few days in Omaha this week.
S. L, Raccy has become the owner of
the Craft property in tho north part of the
The Misses Marguerite Elmore and
Bessie Stewart returned from Sheridan
Your attention is directed to tho ad of
B. F. Lockwood which appears in this
issue. Page 4.
Mike Elmore came in from the cast yes
terday to eat turkey with his family. He
will leave again tonight.
Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Wilcox visited in
Denver this week, that city having been
the former home of Mrs. Wilcox,
Miss Pearl Bartz returned Monday from
a month's stay in Lincoln. She visited
Miss Crabtrce and other friends.
Fon JtKNT Four furnished rooms,
together or separate.
Mrs. U. N. Hosklns, the affable lady
who has charge of the depot lunch room,
went to Omaha Wednesday to eat Thanks
giving turkey with hor parents.
C. R. Fuller, successor to H. A. Mark,
brought in a large nd yesterday which will
have to go over till next week for lack of
space, It is sure to interest you. Watch
for it.
Miss Maud Fritts who had been here
for some time with her brother, Ed Fritts,
an employe at thoB. & M. depot, returned
to her homo at Sterling, Colorado, Tues
Mesdames Sherwood, Johnson and Rus
tin camo down from Hemingford Saturday
evening to attend tho oratorio, " Queen
Esther." During their visit in the city
they were tho guests of Mesdames B, F.
Gilman and W. C. Mounts.
J. T. McGrcw of Nonpareil precinct
left Sunday moning for Denver to spend
the winter with a brother. Mr. McGrew
desires to keep posted on tho doings in
"fercliinitpatiir "acco'rdlngly.. subscribed
for the official paper before his departure.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Shipley came m
from the ranch Wednesday night and
today Mrs. Shipley went to Northport to
spend a couple of weeks with her parents.
Mr. Shipley called to extend his sub
scription, Mrs. Thomas Regan and daughter Miss
Alicia went to Deadwood Monday to be
present at the wedding of D. C. Regan to
Miss Blackstone, which event took place
Wednesday. C, C. Barker and Miss
Edith Phelan went up Tuesday to also
attend the wedding.
Last week we were inclined to think
that a "hoodoo" had visited the Herald
because there were just thirteen new sub
scriptions during the week. But now we
are satisfied that there was nothing in the
"unlucky number thirteen" as eighteen
new names were enrolled this week.
Mrs. W. B. Shull and A. H. Robbins
entertained at dinner Wednesday in honor
of Mr. Robbins' birthday. It was a com
plete surprise to Messrs. Robbins and
Shull. A bounteous repast was served
and the guests before leaving voted Mes
dames Robbins and Shull royal enter
I. E. Tnsli Aspires to Succeed R. VV. Mont
r.oitiory ns Postmaster.
For some time past rumors have bea
afloat that there would be a change of
postmasters in this city, and developments
this week have corroborated such rumors,
A "petition has been circulated among tho
business men of tho city by Mr. Tuttle,
partner of Mr. Tash, asking for the latter's
appointment. The Herald doc3 not know
what charges have been preferred against
Mr. Montgomery. Certain it is that his
fealty to tho republican party cannot be
questioned, as cannot that of Mr. Tash.
There are some republicans who would bo
pleased to sea Mr. Montgomery removed
because they say that the influence of
Supt, Fhelnn was Used in securing his
While an Alliance citizen stated publicly
last night that he had received word from
Omaha that Tosh was sure to bo appointed,
yot Tho Herald believes there is still time
for a big scrap. Mr, Tash has good sup
port and is probably holding "three aces,"
but Mr. Montgomery may yet flash up a
"full house" and retain his hold on tho
"jackpot." It matters very little to The
Herald who is postmaster, so long as the
official is capable, and wo ae not worry
ing over the outcome. However, if our
republican brethren will pardon a sugges
tion, we will say that in case neither Mr.
Montgomery or Mr. Tash are acceptable,
what's tho matter with looking around for
some other good man. There's Captain
Sweeney, Judge Wilcox, Al Wiker, Editor
Ellis, Smith P, Tuttle and a score of Other
republicans who might be persuaded to
sacrifico their personal business for the
public good. The Herald has only one
regret, viz: that it cannot create enough
olliccs for all the faithful republicans.
Wo, aro pained to see so much fighting for
political plums.
New Division Created.
The Wyoming division of (ho B. & M.
will be divided December x. Newcastle
will be the dividing point and thelino west
from there will be known as the Sheridan
division, with E. Gillette as superin
tendent, .wwwwww.,
A little blaze occurred tit tho Alliance
steam laundry early last Saturday morn
ing, tho cause being the explosion of a
gasoline Btove. Not much damage was
done and the fire wai put'out without the
aidoP'tne TirdT'departhfenW "fife laundry
people succeeding in extinguishing it be
fore ho arrival of the hoot cccspany One
of the employes got some severe burns on
his hands and arms.
1 otrrtm imm onH tlta Uubai t atAm4a
tlem an invitation 10 ilsit Ali:.m" Wc ' TOOttot UP wilh
believe they will not be disappointed with run and not be weary; they shall walk and
twwiiiiuu iibtwi uui atUl
The Herald ventures the assertion that
no county seat weekly in the state can
show a larger or better lino of advertising
than the Herald and most of this adver
tising came without solicitation. And
that's the way we like it. Of course we
appreciate your patronage but if you don't
believe it to be a paying investment to pur
chase space in this paper don't do so sim
ply to please the publisher.
Attorney Simonson returned from Oma
ha this morning. He attended federal
court there for several days. Others sum
moned there were Register Dorrington,
Receiver Akers, J, R, Phelan, Bill Will
iams, Jess Cobbs, Joe Tierney, R, C Kolg
man. ,
Miss Maggie Barry, has an ad. in this
issue. MissBarry opened up Jhe house to
ohe public several days ago and the place
has a good patronage as heretofore.
Captain Akers came in from Denver
this morning, having spent Thanksgiving
there with his children.
L. J. Schill, a prominent stockman liv
ing in the range country northeast of here,
was iu the city last Saturday. He called
al the Herald office and moved ln's sub
scription up a notch. He reports every
thing to be prospering with the Schill
Bros., they having concluded the cattle
dipping for their herds and made some re
cent shipments.
H. R, Green and Keith L. Pierce came
up from Omaha yesterday to eat Thanks
giving turkey at home and attend the
annual meeting of the First State Bank.
They have been serving on the grand jury
for the last two weeks and will return to
Omaha Monday. I. E. Tash, who is a
petit juror, went over to his parental home
near Afton, Iowa, to spend Thanksgiving.
Geo. W, Waisner, a pioneer settler in
this county, who is now a prosperous
flockmaster near Sheridan, Wyo., was in
the city Monday en route home front Cus
ter county, where he had taken several
hundred head of sheep to feed. While on
the way down the sheep were unloaded at
Seneca to feed and during the night they
were stampeded, and when finally rounded
up there was about a hundred short.
Many of them were killed by coyotes. It
was an expensive experience for Mr,
Waisner. but ho says that that is a part of
the sheep business. His sons, W. E. aud
J. A., are engaged in the business with
him and .Chester is attending school in
Lincoln. Mr. Waisoer's friends in thhi
county aro pleased to know that he is
Rev. Father Galvin
Monday morning,
went to Omaha
Clothing at cost, at tho Fair Store.
Those neckties are dandies, at Norton's
200 Outing Flan-
nel Night Gowns
for Men, Ladies
and Children. 65c
to $3.00.
.. , X