. a i fnXi i.iii i ii -ii ft . &.Tt iRRL-R'R ft. II IT'S NO SECRET o The Boys' School Shoes. yjt. i OF COURSE. We have been and are now doing the MEN'S A3STD BOYS' CLOTHING BUSINESS of this section. Never before in Alliance or surrounding country ha-ve the people had the chance to see such an up-to-date line of 60ME- AN06EE They are perfect fitting ft $$$ FAMOUS X mm M BiK m 1 & ? m i i H- MEN'S r-,f wtFfvuiw r ' - i We are specialists in our line and we have gained 'suprem-fs5lSlwK1s acy solely upon the merits of our goods and our reasonable feSl;:v; prices. We have won it by employing the most modern wfij$ffi -T methods, ammunition and armament of the latest and finest W-fif, f qualities, and our small-calibre prices have done the rest, m EVERY LINE WE CARRY. f Is Superlatively the Best. Ik WlfSMh Iffil I - i - G & "a ar- "JDe ovc v& So& 3Vs&ts far v& Best ot Standard Lines. Goods that need no advertising from us, as they are advertised in all the leading papers and magazines in the country. How Do The vet-coats anfe Suits. se Money Good Durable Ulsters..... $2 Heavy Union Cassimerc Coats f ;' 4 Frieze Ulsters, ' Elegant Blue and Black Beavers. , . 9 Washington Beavers. 4 Covert Cloths v ; 5 Fine Tailor-Made Kerseys , 12 Good Serviceable Cheviot Suits ..... 4 Elegant Gray Melton Suits .' O Splendid Black Worsted Suits . ....... , .V 8 Fine Hand-Made Tweed Suits '.. ... ....'. 12 Fine Hand-Made Worsted Suits. 12 A beautiful lino consisting of every new color and pattern in imported worsteds, all hand tailored, at . . . .' , 1 5 Boys' School Pants. , Boys' School Suits, big line 1 Boys' Heavy Reefers , , , 1 98 95 95 85 95 95 50 95 45 85 50 50 oo .25 oo 85 Savers Look to You ? Alien's ffurnfsbings. Dr. Wright's Silk Fleece Underwear ,....$1 00 Dr. Wright's Lambs' Wool Underwear 1 2o Monarch Mills Brown Ribbed Fleeces , OO Good Yaeger Colored Fleece Lined j.,. .'..., 4cO Columbia Mills Black Velvet Fleece 65 All-Wool Derby Ribbed 1 00 Black Denim Shirts f.. 45 -f .Splendid Blue Flannel Shirts, singloahd double breasted. . 1 50 Good Wool Mixed Socks h ." 1 2aC Cotton Work Socks f 50 Big Lino Good Hose, three pair for 25C Good White Shirts . 39C Splendid Line of Colored Shirts... ,. .. 50c Fast-Color Shirts, 2 Collars, only , t5c Big line ot Shoes, Hats,Trunks and every thing that should be ita First-class Modern Clothing House. If Old G-oods were redeemable in G-old Bonds, we would have to pass, as we have nothing but Brand New Fall and Winter Merchandise on oiir counters and shelves to show you. Stetson Hats Hawes Hats Tiger Hats Champion Hats De Leon Hats I Monarch shirts Wachusetts shirts Ideal shifts Lion shirts Han an's Fine Dress Shoes Tennent Fine Shoes Weber Brothers Union-Made Shoes BIO LINE OF A-GKEDtTTS JPOK. C'5 Work Clothes 7 t9'ZH4vt'iW awvb Paft-deo 7 (stiMfW aw-b 6X)alyC0' GET YOUR TICKETS ON OUR GRAND CASH PRIZE OF $50.00 IN GOLD QO i 1 si OUR 'CW SHOES latest styles and up Jo date footwear. -ii All feizes and prices any . where from 4 $1.25 to $3.00. -cg-.'X1-?' Alliance Cash Shoe Store, S3& The News at Hemingford. i aT f J8l ' KEITH L. PIERCE. 'REPOrUER. 3 v licit hiibscrlntlons und Job work and collect and receipt for same, and transact all otlior business In connection with his position us tin accredited representative of this paper. B. & M. TIME TABLE. Passenger trains lcavo Itcmlngford, dully, as follows: No.'4l, west... 9:40 a.m. No. 42, cast.. .3:41 p.m. All regular trains carry passengers. Henry Hrus paid Alliance a business trip lust Ycdnesday. Mrs. lien Price spent several days last week with friends in Alliance. Lou Nceland came up from the Wildy ranch Wednesday, remaining over until Thursday. A. M. Miller spent sovcral days this week looking after his stock interests in the hills. Mrs. V. II. Ward returned last Mon day from a vibit with friends at Lincoln and Omaha. Wm. Roth spent Tuesdoy and Wed nesday in Alliance looking after busi ness matters. Willie Walkor was again able to enter school this week after a short fight with pneumonia Miss Susie Hopkins was a Heming ford visitor Saturday. She is teaching near Alliance this year. Mrs. W. M. Fosket spent several days this week with her son Oran and wife on the ranch near Dunlap. Mrs. Sherwood, accompanied by Miss Blanch Fosket.-jdrove to Alliance last Thursday returning Saturday. Mrs. F. Conklin was removed to Hot Springs last Sunday, ner many friends here wish her a bpeedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Brudford Fenner were the guests of Rev. Connell last Sunday and attended quarterly meeting. The Babcock brothers started for Oering last Sunday, and if work is plentiful will move there for the winter. Mrs. Fred Neeland spent Monday and Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Esancy, before they Jijft for the east. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rowland enter tained at dinner last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Rockcy. The ladles of the Methodist church will give a Thanksgiving dinner in the building formerly used by Mr. Hern call. All come and get a fine dinner. Elder Scamahorn conducted quar terly services in the Methodist church last Sunday. In the afternoon ho drove to Marsland where he held services that night. Every one come to the Congregational church Saturday night, November 15. The recital given by Miss McCorkle will bo worth coming a good way to hear. Come and bring your friends with you. Several families west of town have their telephone lines in shape. Wo can now talk wjth Luke Phillips, Matt Beaumont, Oeorge Taylor and A. S. Enycart. Every one who has put in the telephone says it pays and they could not get along without it. The ladles of tho Methodist church gave a reception Monday evening at tho home of Rev. and Mrs. umneu in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Esaucy who left Tuesday for Council Bluffs, where thoy will rosido in tho future. During their residence here this family has made many warm friends who grieve to see them go. Mrs. Esancy was one of tho THF PAMOII.Q n nTUINH HOB I II baaa I m B fe7 mt tmf m faM u I 1 I 1 i 1 taB I ow xT ap? Bcssa n WwtfATators o ,ob Ytac&s. Alliance. SS ii&wx6ww&$mvv. fHIMMHftM o o If i THOS. OLSEN, Proprietor. tokon of tholr love and approclattou j tho ladlea prwented her with a beauti. ful set of table, linen. Tll best wlsuos of the entire community follow Uicm ns they now return to their old home u Coiinutl Bluffs. The Advent school began Monday with Miss Emma Runck as teacher. This lady has been attending school in. Lincoln for several years and is well fitted for her position. The entertainment given at the En; ycart school house last Friday night under tho management of the teacher, Miss Kcndrick, was a great success. Tho program was one of the best ever given in this part of tho country and was a credit to Miss Kendrick and tho pupils who so ably assisted her. This Is one of the most progressive schools in the county, possessing a fine start in the way ot a library, and the proceeds from this entertainment will go to add several nice books to tho collection. Assessors Elect. Following are the gentlemen whom the people have chosen to assess your' property next year: First Ward W. O. Barnes. Second Ward C. W. Brennan. Boyd Vfrgil Putman, Box Butte R.'H. West. Dorsey W. F. Walker. Lake John Pilkington. Lawn E. E. Ford. Liberty "Henry Sweezey. Nonpareil Emory Abley. Running Water T. L. Hopkins, jr.. Snake A. L. Kennedy. Wright J. J. Pierson. Receiver's Sale. Pursuant to an order of the district court I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the west front door of the court house i Alliance, Nebraska, on Saturday, November 29, 1902, all the property be longing to the firm of Miller & Wildy, de scribed as follows to-vvit: Lots 1 and a in block 11, in tho village of Hemingford,. Neb., with flour mill thereon. Building- is three-story frame, 40x80 ft.r rock foundation and basement, engine room 20x40, well-house and pump and coal shed, 16x16. The mill has a capacity of seventy-five barrels and is fitted with the best and latest improved machinery, consisting of five sets of E. P Ellis rollers, one Univer sal bolter, two purifiers, ten sets of reels, one corn meal bolter, one Rockford corn roller, flour packer, corn sheller, seventy five horse-power E. P. Ellis Corless engine. Safe, 3x4x6, weight 4,600 lbs; Fairbanks 24 ft. scale, hopper wheat scale, and two platform scales. Lot 16 Block 34 with a i)i story frame house 20x24,. 6 rooms, and one story barn. One four bin coal shed, 16x50; one lum ber shed, 16x40; one lumber shed 12x20; hog sheds and fences. All the- above- property is situated in , Hemingford, Nebraska. Lot 5 Block 17 with frame store build ing, 24x60 thereon, in the original town of Alliance, Nebraska. One mare, sr years old; one heifer, two years old; All the wheat, corn, flour, coal and lum ber on hand on date of sale. All book accounts, T. J. O'Keefe, Receiver. Cattle Wanted to Winter. I desire to take in about 150 head of cat tle to winter at my place, four miles south east of Lawn. Good range, plenty of hay and water. Job. Kapr, Lawn, Neb. Sheep For Sale. Three thousand one-, two-, three- w .... .-.. foremost workers in tlio intarosoi mo , aB(i four-year-old owee for sale. Large church und will be sudly lauisod. As a i Bj,eep j wm dioar from t 1 Pounds. Tho hand averaged oi lounds this year. Two hundred Ram hnulett bucks that will shear from 20 to 30 pounds. Address H. A. Pbthks, Moomaw. Neb. f- at r a- V