Jh 1 !No. No. No. II No" I No. i No. No. No. V - No. 'a ' . No. fi't ' 55 ' V. ft V t l yrii C, L Y Have you seen our line of Overcoats this season. We have some Elegant .( ( REGA- one NewYow; TIME TABLE Alliance, Neb, 81 LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY, KANSAS CITY, POl-TLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, and nil points cast and points west and south. Thains Leave as Follows, Mountain Time 41 Passenger dally. Doadwood, Billings, nil points north and west 10:33 a.m. 43 Passenger dally. Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago and all points east 1:40 a.m. 301 Passongcr dally, for Denver Ogdon.Balt Lane, San Fran cisco and ull intermediate points, departs at... 1:40 a.m. 303 Passenger dally from Denver ana all Intermediate points, arrives at lC.30a.ni. 43 Local passenger dally from Omaha, Lincoln and Inter mediate points arrives at.... 5:5b a. m. 44 Local passenger dally, for Omaha, Lincoln and lntermo dlato points, departs at 4:00 a.m. , SOoDally, except Sunday, for points south and west, de parts 8:00 a. m 300 Dally, except Sunday, from south unci west, arrives 3:30 p. m. 45 Freight, dally, Deadwooi. Hillings and Intermediate stations 7:30 p.m. 40 Freight dully, for Lincoln and Intermediate stations.. 0:30p.m. 47 Freight dally.oxcept Sunday, for Doadwood and Hillings.. 10:50a. m 43 Frdlght dally for Lincoln and Intermediate stations.. 8:05a.m. 49 Freight, for northwest. 1:00a.m. 50 Freight from northwest, ar rive 12p.m. Denver freight, dally except Mfindav. nrrlvrs nt 0:15 am. No. 304 Denver freight, dally except Saturday, leaves at 50 a.m. Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars scats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggugo checked to any point In tho United States or Canada. For information, tlmo tables and tickets call on or write to J. Knr.iDELiiAUQH, Agent, or J. Francis, Gen eral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Nebraska. ZBINDEN BROS,, -DEALERS IN.. Flour i Peed. "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It. 'PHONE 10S. wnsT BIDK MAIN STItEET ALLIANCE. NEIL Cattle Wanted to Winter. I am prepared to winter about forty head of cattle on my ranch near Dunlap. Plenty of feed and water and best of care. W. Bamb, Dunlap, Neb. Ladies, do not fail to see new line of cloaks, Mrs, Regan's For SALK-rCattle at the Gahagan ranch two miles north of the poor farm. There are five good milch cows in the bunch. and Suits Things, that are Pine and Dandy in iyien's, Boys' and Childrens OVER COATS They fit as fino as the best tailors can take your measure and fit you. WetaJeSpeiaJOrers. Remember, we give you a ticket with each $ purchase. )m&M&WW&&&&i Yabs TbwvV SHIPPED OVER THE BUR LINGTON BY i H. C. Who came hero to stay, And will never be driven away, And Sold to His Customers .IN ALLIANCE. This is the Beer that Waked Up Alliance, and it Stands to Reason It's the .... Best in the World! Just order a case of " Red, White and Blue" for family use. We'll deliver the same at any hour, day or night; for we're out for business and lose no time H. C. ARMSTRONG. jm&Bm&t LAMBERSON ARE PROPRIETORS OF THE" Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for FRED KRUG BREWING CO., ' SELECT CABINET, EXTRA PALE and Other Popular Brands. i . . .Fa,:ECLll3r arra,d.e Solicited. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Como nnd See Us. Phone 136 Dray and Transfer Line. w -Mb The only spring . Phone 139. Try tie ra & &$' 1 A. C7 5 i V i xonRicitr,M) atom & BRANoececTurtCA. Twm NORTON aW Armstrong, & STETTER HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. , S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store them in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship them wherever desired. Charges reasonable. dray line in the city. A. Miller. a 1 M Wflffi. ITT I.cgnlAdvcrtlscmcnt.s. 1418, Sheriff Sale. Uy virtue of an order of nalo Issued by tho clerk of the district court of Hot llutto coun ty, NubmsKa, upon n decree rendered by sntd court In favor of M, 1 Hunovnn, philntlfT, tind ngutust The American Imn mid Trust Company, Phillip Potter, Koculvor of the American Loan nml Trust Company, .Joel M. Kutnbo.Tlio Anslcy Hanking Company, and Estoy & Camp Company are defendant, I will on tho Uth day of ?iovcmbor, A. D. 1IJ, tit 10 o'clock n, m. on said day, nt the west front doorut tho court Iiouhu In AMIanco In said county, soil the following described real estate, to-wlt: nw U. seo. ro, t 20, it. r. 40. w. nth P. M., lit Hox Unite county, Nebraska, nt public miction to tho highest iblddor for cash to satisfy said tirtler of wilo In tho sum of $14 S3 mid Interest, costs and accruing costs taxed at ?30.33. 1UA UKP.1). SherllT of Said County. It. Q, Noluian, Attoritoy for Plntuttll. First fpubllcutlou, Oct. fo 1423 Sheriffs Sale. Hytlrtuoofnn order of wile Issued by tho clork ot tho district court of Hox lliltto county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said court In favor of John llamsieud, plulntllT, and against MnUt O. Noreoii, Mrs. Nnrcon, hi wife, M. K. Cutting. Mrs. Cutting, his wife, Tho Equitable Laud Company, McKlnley Lnuulng Loan and Trust Company, defend ants, 1 will, on tho 11th day of Novemlier, A.D. 1D02, at 10 o'clock n m. oti said day, at tho west front door of tho coiirt-liouoo in Alliance in Raid ooiinty, soil tho Mlowitig deserllied real estate, to-wlt: tho south K of tho northeast i and north l4 of the -outhcast i ot section 5, township 28 north ot tango 40 West ot tho Uth principal meridian In said Dox llutto county, Nebraska, nt public miction to tho highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order of salo lu tho sunt ot $07.00 and interest, costs and aocrulng costs and taxed nt$31.i:i and M.77 at torney's fees. And McKliiley-Lunnlug Ixiun and Trust Company cross petitioner rocolrod ot tho said Mats O. Norecn tho sum of 149.37. . IllA HELD, ' Bhortftof Said County. H, F. Oilman, Attorney for Plaintiff First publication. Oct. 10. Sheriffs Sale. 1118 Hy vlrtuo of un order of sale Issued by tho clerk of tho district court ot Uox llutto county, Nebraska, npou n decrcn rendered by said court lu favor of Uox Uutto county, plalutiff, and against Trick Company and MclCInloy Lamilug Loan and Trust Company are de fendants, I will, on the 11th day of November, A. D. 1003, at 10 o'clock u. tn. on said day at tho west .front door of tho courthouso in Altlanco in said county, soil tho following described real estate, to-wlt: tho northeast H of section nt ot township 27 north of rnngo W west ot the 0th principal meridian in l!ox Uutto .county, Nebraska, nt public auction to tin) highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of miIo in tho sum ot 01107 and Interest, costs und acorulug costs and tnxed at 5IU.P8 in a nr.r.D, Sheriff of Said County, Wm. MnonELL, Attorney for Plaintiff First publication, Oct. 10. Sheriffs Sale. 1358 Hy virtue of nn order of sulu Issued by tho clork of tho district court ot liox llutto county, Nebraska, upon a decrco rendered by said court in favor of Uox Butte county, plaintiff, and against Frederick V. King Airs. King, his wife, II ret namo unknown, liargadliiu McKlt trick Dry Goods company, and Ilnya Mead Ulco aro defendants, I will on tho lltn day of November, A.D. HKW, at 10 o'clock n.iu. on said tlay, at tho west front door of tho courthouso In Alllauco in said llox llutto county ot Ne braska, sell tho following described real es tate, to-wlt; tho northwest tiuurtor of suction 01, township 20 north of rangu 4!) west of tho 0th principal meridian In llox Uutto county. Nebraska, at public auction to tho blithest bidder for cash, to satisfy said or der of sale in thu sum of S4G 00 and Interest, costs and accruing costs taxed at &J1.M. IltA REED, Sheriff of Bald County. Wm. Mitchell. Attorney for PJalntliT. First publication, Oct. 10. Shcrlfrs Sale 1423 Uy vlrtuo of an order ot sale Issued by tho clork of thu district court ot llox llutto coun ty, Nebraska, ion a decree rendered by said court In favor of James F. Whuhin, plulntllT, nndiigulnst Addle L. Cnnfield, Mr. Cunlleld, her 'husbund, und JIcKlnley Lannlng Loan und Trust company are defeudanLs, 1 will, on tho 11th dnyof November. A. w, 11WB, at 10 o'clock n. m. on said day at tho West front door of tho courthouso in Alllancu in suld county, sell tho following describe real estate, to-w if. the southwest ! of ncctlon )H ot township 8 noith ut rango 4'J west of tho Gth princlpalroo rldlan in Uox Uutte county.Nebraska, ut public Snellen to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said ordir ot sale In tho sum of $17.10 and lnt terest, costs and accruing costs and taxed at $S! 38 and f 1.71 attorney's fees. And McKln loy Luunlng Loan and Trust company, cross petitioners, received of sulci Addle L. Can field tho sum of $300.10. IltA IlKED. SherllT of Said County. n. F.Gilman, Attorney for PlaintllT. First publication, Oct. 10. tihcrlff'ti Solo 1358 Uy vlrtuo of un order of sulo Issued by tho clerk of tho district court of Uox llutto coun ty, Nubrasku, upon a decree rendered by said court In favor of Uox Ilulto county, philntlir, und against Frederick V. King, Mrs. King, his wife, llargadlno MclCIttrlclt Dry Goods com pany, and Hays, Mead .tltlrouro defendants, I will, on tho lltli day uf Novo inner. A.D. 1901. ut 10 o'clock a. m. on said day at tho west front door of the courthouso In Alllauco lu said Uox llutto county of Nebraska, sell tho following described real estate, to-wlt: tho northeast quarter of suction seventeen (17), township 'JO north of rnngu40 west of the Uth principal meridian In Nehraska, In llox Uutto county, Nebraska, at public auction to thu highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order of salo Inthosumof $i.3t and Interest, costs and accruing costs taxed at .SM3. utv iu.i-.u, HhorlfT of Said County. Wm. Mitchell, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication. Oct. 10. Sheriffs Snlo. 1308 Hy vlrtuo of an order of salo Issued by the clerk of the district court ot Uox Uutto county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said court tn favor of llox llutto county, thu county of llox llutto is plaintiff und against Frederick V. King, Mrs. King, hLs wife, llar gadlno McKittrick Dry Uoods company, and Hays. Mend Hlce aro defendants, I will, on the llth day of November, A. D. 1002, at 10 o'clock a. m. on said day, at tho wc4t front door ot tho courthouse In Alliance In suld county, sell tho following described real es tate, to-wlt: tho southwest M of suction 7. township 27, north rnngo 62, west of oth prin cipal meridian In Uox Uutto county. Nebras ka, at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash to satisfy said ordor of sale In the sum otS3ft.0S, and Interest, costs and accruing costs taxed ot S29.53. IRA HKED. Sheriff of tf aid County. Wm. Mitchell, Attorney for Plaintiff. First Publication, Oct. 10. Notice to Non-Itcsldcnt Defendants Wm Mitchell, County Attorney. Alliance, Neb, J To tho unknown heirs of Andrew 55app. de ceased, und Gertrude Zapn, wife ot Andrew Zapp, non-rcsldent defendants. Notlco Is hflroby given that on tho 10th day of May, 1000, the county of Uox Hutte, plain tiff, tiled Its petition In tho district court of Uox Hutte county, Nebraska, wherein Andrew Zapu. Gertrude Zapp, wlfo of Andrew Zapp, Calvin Wlldy. AnniiK, Wlldy, wlfoof Cnlvfn Wlldy, defendant, Nebraska Loan und Trust company, wero mado defendants, the object and prayer of which said petition is to fore close u tax Hen for tho delinquent tuxes for the years 1803, lt94, 16. 1KW. 1897 and l8 upon tho following described real estate, situated In the county of Uox Uutte.statoof Nebraska, to-wlt; tho southeast quarter ot section 13 lu township 2t of ranga SO. 7he amount clulmtd hy plalutiff upon said tux lien Is the sum of 52.65 with lntorcst thereon as provided by law from the 10th day of May, icoo, the prayur of said petition Is for a decree declaring tho afonwald amount, together with interest thereon mad coU. to he a first und paramount Hen upou the aforesaid real estato and that said real estate may l bold under an order of tha court to satisfy tho tamo, and that said defondauu bo forovur barred and foreclosed of all Interest or claim la and to said real es tate or any part thereof. You ar required to answer said petition on or befortt the 17th day of November, HOI. THE COUNTY OF UOX UDTTK. ,..., . Plaintiff. Uy Wm. Mitchell, Its attorney. Notice to Non-Hcsldont Defendants. NO. 125P. Wm. Mitchell. County Attorney, I Alllauco, Nell, f To unknown heirs of Charles H. Alllnir, de ceased. Mrs. Alllngor Mr. Doe. wife ot de fendant Charles 8. Ailing, deceased, first niimo unknown, and Lucy HulAon, non-rcsl-dout defendants Notlco Is hereby given that on the 7th day of September, uvi. (lis County of llox Hutte, pUntllT. tiled Its petition lu tliodlstrlctcourt of llox llutto county, Nebraska, wliqreln Charles S. Alllnir, Mrs. Ailing or Mrs. Doe, wife of defendant Charles s Ailing, first and real namo unknown, and Lucy Habson, were made defendants, tho object nnd prayer of which .ald petition is to foreclose tiUx Men for the dollnnuent taxes for tho jears lwa, lsil. IHfl, 1HIH1. 1S07, 1WS nnit.lKPO UKlll tho fol lowing tlescrlbel rent estate, situated In tho county of Uox Uutto. state of Nebraska, to wltt tho west half of the nouthw est quarter of section 18 lu township J7 ot range f , Tho amount claimed by plaintiff upon snld tax Hon Is the sum of $ns.oo with interest thereon ns provided bv law from tho 17th day of Hepteiuher. Itttl, tho prayer of said petition Is for ti tlecreu declarln pt he aforesaid amount together with Interest thereon and costs, to lMMillrst nml paramount lieu upon Hie afore said real esialoand that said real estate may bo sold under an order of tho court to satisfy tho same, and ttmt said defendants he forever barred nnd foreclosed of nil Interest or claim In and to said real ostatoor any part thereof, You are required to answer said petition on or before t ho 7tb day of Not ember, 1W2. THBOOUNTY OF UOX JlU'lTn, , , l'lalntlff. llyWM Mitciihlu Its attorney. Notice to Non-Kcsldcut DcfcndnntH, To Kmraa I). J. Austin, U II. Austin, huslxind dt Kimnii O. J. Austin, ti moinlM'r of defend ant llrni ot Job llathtiway t Co.. and hus band ot Knimii C .1. Austin, defendant, Wil liam Parrott and .lanet l'arrottor Mrs. Par rot t. llrst namo unknown, wife of defendant, w,!ll?.,1J,J!lrott, Jntiot Parrott nnd William Parrott or Mr. Parrott, llrst namo unknown, or Mr. Doo, real namo un known, husband of Janet 1'arrott, defend ant, non-resident defendants Notice Is hereby given that on tho 4th tlay of October, 1903, Virgil Young, plaintiff, filed his petition in tho district court of llox Uutto county, Nebraska, wherein Job Hathaway & company, n firm or co-partnership unincor porated, composed of Job IltUhRnay and Km ma O. J. Austin, Job Hathaway, Annlo L. Hathaway, wife of Job Hathaway, a member of dofendaut firm Job Ilntlifiwny and compa ny, and wife of. Job Hathaway, defendant, Kmma O. J, Austin, II. II, Austin, husband ot Kmmu O. J. Austin, u member of defendant llrm of Job Hathaway and company, and hus band of Kmma U, J. Austin, defendant, W, 11. Lannlng, W. H. Lannlng, trustee, Thomas f rahtn, beneficiary of W. II, Lannlng, trustee, defendant, Tho Kqultablo Lund comimny, William "arrott and Jonct Parrott or Mrs. Parrott, first name unknown, wlfo of dofend aut William Parrott, Jnnet Parrott mid Will iam Parrott, or Mr. Parrott, first namo un known, or Mr Doo. real namo unknown, hus band of Janet Parrott, defendant, were made defendants, the object und prayer of which said petition Is to foreclose n tax Hon by rea son of ucortltlcato of purclmso of tax sale pur chased on January S7, irxx), for tho tuxes for tho your 1MU, 18W. jRitt, m7. lwm, and for sub sequent taxes paid for years IBW, 1000 and 11)01 tiion tho following dcsrrlled real estate, sit uated In the county of llox llutto, stuto of Ne braska, to-wlt t tho northeast quarter of sec tion SO In township 'M of range 47. Tho amount claimed hy plaintiff ukiii said tax lieu is tho sum of 4-IKJ7, with Interest thereon ns provided by law from tho 1st day of October, 1P02, tho nruyer of said petition is for u decrco declaring tho aforesaid amount, together with Interest thereon and costs, to bo a first and paramount Hen upon tho a fore said real cstiito and that said real estnto may Ixi sold nnder nn order of tlm court tomillufv tho same, and that said defendants ho forover oarreii una lorcciosiM or nil interest or claim lu and to said real ostatooruny part tlieifof. You are required to unswor said putltlou on or befoio tho 17th day of Novoinlier, lOOi. VIUOILYOUNO, Plaintiff. lly Wm. Mitchell, his Attorney, First publication, Oct. 10. Notice to NoifKcsidcnt Defendants. To Charles Iltchardron, Mrs, Itlchardson, first name unknown, wife of defendant Charles Itlchardson, non-resident defendants. Notlco Is horoby given that on tho 4th day of October, 1002, Virgil Young, plaintiff, filed his petition lu tho district court of llox Btttto county. Nebraska, wherein Charles Itlchard son. Mrs. ltlclmrdson, llrst tuimu unknown, wlfo ot defendant Charles Itlchardson, W. II. Lannlng, W. 11. Lannlng. trustee, Thomas Frahm, boneflclary of W H. Lannlng, trustee, defendants, were mnda defendants, tho objoct atid prayer of which said petition is to fore close u tax lien by reason of n certificate of purchase ot tax bale purchusod on January 57th. MX), by plaintiff, for the taxes for tho years 1MU, 1801, 1805. IWKl, 1807 and WW and for subsequent taxes paid for years lfuii, 1000 und 1001 by philntlir, uion thu following described real estate, situated In tho county ot Uox Hutte, stato of Nebraska, to-wltt tho soutli oast quarter of section 111 In township SO of range .j". Thi amoant 'IuIjihmi j,v plulutlir uixin Mild tax Hen Is the sum of jl'n KS. with Interest thereon as provided by law from the 1st day of Octolier, iiWJ, tho prayer ot said pe tition Is for u decree declaring the aforesaid amount, together with Interest thereon and costs, to bo n first and paramount Hen upon tho aforesaid real estate nnd that wild real ns stntu may be hold under ail order of the court to satisfy the same, and that said defendants bo forever barred and foreclosed of all inter est or claim In and to said real estato or any part thereof. You ore required to answer said petition on or before thu 17th day of November, HKi VIKU1L YOUMJ. L'lntnUir. lly Wm. Mitchell, his Attorney. First publication, Oct, 10. Shcrlff'H Salo. l'J70 Uy vlrtuo ot an ordor of salo Issued by the clerk ot the district court of llox llutto county, upon u decree rendered by said court lu favor of llox Uutto county, plaintiff, und against Frederick V. King, Mrs King, his wlfo, llargadlno McKittrick Dry Uoods com pany and Hays, Mead & Ulco aro defendants, I will, on tho mil day of Novemher.A. D HUB, at tun o'clock a. m. on said day. at thu west front door ot the courthouse. In Alliance In said county, sell tho following described real estate, to-wlt : tho northeast U ot section So of township 37 north, rnngo 51, westof Oth principal meridian lu Uox Uutto county, Ne braska, at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of Miln In the sum of $30.05 and Interest, costs, and ac cruing costs and taxed at 11. w. JUA uei:d. Sheriff of Bald County. Wm, Mitchell. Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication, Oct. 10. Shcrlff'HSalc. 1373 lly vlrtnoofanordor ot sulu Issued by the clerk of tho district court of Uox Uutto coun ty Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said court in favor of Uox nutte county, plalutiff, nnd against Frederick V. King. Mrs. King, his wife, first name unknown, Hoirudlno Mc Kittrick Dry Goods company, and Hays, Mead & Hlce aro defendants, I will, on the U day of November, A D. 1WK, nt 10 o.clock a. m. on suld day, at tho west trout door ot the court houso In Alliance in said county, sell tho fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt: south east quarter of section 10. township 17, range 5t In Uox Uutto county, Nebraska, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to sat isfy said order ot sale. In the sum of &3.I3 and interest, costs and accruing costs taxed ut 829 53. IHA ItKED, Sheriff of Paid County. Wm. Mitchell, Attorney for Plaintiff. hirst publication, Oct. 10. 0000003HtO00! tzi Z. Ywce. Fire Insurance. Hemingford, Nebraska, Agent for tho Caledonian, of Scotland, which insures town property only, and tho Colum bia, which insures town und farm property and live stock, lloth ure reliable old lino com panies ,. ........ Notarial "WorJc. . AKr Any stock of harness in stock or made 1 to order. Clougii & Collins. Notice. Order of Hearing on Petition for Hottloment of Account Plato of Nobraska l llox llutto County fM At n county court, held nttbo Coilntycourt room In nnd forhald county, Oct, 10. A. D.1P03. l'rosont. D. K. Bjiacht, County Judgo. In tho Matter of tho Hstato of Moses DaM. On reading and filing tho petition of Klvlra Bass, praying a final sottlemont and allow nneoof her final account, filed on tho 10th day of Octolier, IWi, and for hor dlschargo iw Kx ocutrlx. Ordert'd, That October S", A. D. 1P03, at 10 o'clock a. tn., Is assigned for hearing said pe tition, when nil pc sous Interested In said matter may nppoarai i county court to bo held lu and for said con ny, and show causo why tlm prayer of petlU nor should not bn granted! and that notice c tho pendency of said petition, ami tho hearing thoi-jof, 1k giv en to nil persons interested in said matter by publishing n copy ot this ordor In tho Alllanco Herald, n, weekly tiowspapcr printed in said county, for two ruccesslvo weeks, prior to said day of hearing. D. K. PAOllT. (Atruocopy.) Seal. County Judgo. 10-10-iiw Sf Al For a Full Line of... Staple AND I Fancy Groceries Jest Coffees, Fi 3 ; Superior Flours, That Can't lie Real In Town.... Queenswarc, Tinware Enameedware CALL ON. "Joxt5 ot 5aVr ! 1 D.Mfs lnrwr'vwt"w TTTriryyTTTi't KooP.ottoitoP,ooir,ofcooi4oH'oto o o o o o o o o o o Nothing to Conceal It is true that wo uso no destructive chemicals or injurious methods in our work. Nothing to spot, streak or fade tho cloth. Nothing. to cat up the tabric ov sightly. tendcv it un J X o o t o o . o o o o . o o s a Everything to Reveal You are invited to in spect every step taken by your laundry from mat king to bundling. Then you will know why vqur linen is always clean, pure, white, perfectly glossed, and has the general appearance ot of being well laundered. I Alliance Steam Laundry oo-frooooo-frooooo i0CZzp3B "2.e "5m& o T&w, is when the price is right. This is the way we keep our prices all the time. But at present it is . , House Cleaning Time ! and wc aro offering odds and ends at greatly reduced fig ures, regardless of their cost. It will pay you to take time and come and see hese bargains. . . Mark'5 Studio FINE BOOTS and SHOES MADETOORDEH, KEPAIHINO A SPECIALTY. OBDEBS CALLED FOB AND DKLIVIBHD R. MADSEN, " .