The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 07, 1902, Image 6

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Victim Refuses to Tell How the Injury
Wat Received.
SILVER CREEK-Monfiay after
noon a man was found at tho coal
house west of town yelling for dear
life. He was taken In chargo and on
examination was found to havo been
shot directly under tho left shoulder
blade. Tho man Is about SO years of
age, gives his namo as James J. Fran
cis, says he 1b from Baltimore, but
refuses to talk further.
Three hours after tho shooting a
man boarded an eastbound freight
west of town and persons seeing him
say he answers the description of the
bub who was with Francis. The doc
tor gives little hopes of the woaadeel
aaa's recovery.
COLUMBUS. Chief of Police Shack
received a description of a man wanted
at Silver Crook and within twenty
minutes had hlB man in Jail. Ha was
afterwards sweated by Sheriff Burnes,
but absolutely rofuBod to say a word.
,When searched ho had a new Smith
ft Wesson 38-callber revolver and a
bottle of somo kind of acid. Sheriff
Byrnes says ho is confident that this
man and tho ono who was shot aro
both wanted for postofflco robbery at
Belgrade. The descriptions tally ex
actly. The Merrick county officers
will be after tho man. He stands per
fectly dumb all questioners and
if he has a voice the officers have had
no evidence of it
Prepsse to Build a Ditch One Hun
dred and Fifty Miles Long.
LINCOLN Ono of tho largest irri
gation projects conceived In Nebraska
is Involved In a hearing begun be
fore State Engineer Adna Dobson, be
ing tho matter of a protest filed by
the Farmers' Canal company and the
Farmcre' Irrigation District against
tho replication of William Frank. Mr.
Xtank's application for wator from tho
North Platto river in Scotts Bluff
county was filed last April and tho
Irrigation district filed ono subsequent
to that date, but tho real contest dates
back five or ten years. Bonds to tho
amount of $400,000 wcro onco voted
by the irrigation district, but they
have never been disposed of. The
Farmers' Canal company built twenty
one miles of what was intended to
be an extensive lino of ditches and
then Btoppod work. Now two contend
ing companies deslro to complete the
original plan. Mr. Frank proposes to
build a ditch 150 miles long, at an
estimated cost of $580,000. Tho dis
trict expected to build eighty miles
-with tho $400,000 bonds voted. Rob
ert Walkor succeeded to the rights of
the Farmers' Bond company. Ho has
sold his rights to William Frank, who
baa associated with him H. G. Lcav
itt of tho Ames Sugar company. They
are admitted to havo a prior claim,
dating from 1887, but tho other Bide
alleges that theso rights have been
Anton Chrlstenson Must Pay Heavy
Penalty for Killing His Wife.
OMAHA. The solemn hush that at
tended the sentencing on Monday aft
ernoon of Anton Chrlstenson to spend
all tho rest of his days behind prison
walls was broken by the quick, ve
hement clapping of the sister of the
wife whom he had murdored. Never
was applause less expected and never
has it been more startling to thoso
who heard it. The little group about
tho condemned man had been breath
less as the Judge pronounced his blast
ing words, and shuddered to hear that
sound of exultation which is so rare in
court rooms, even when the pro
nouncement is one of hope instead of
withering doom. The prisoner ut
tered not & sound, but bowed beneath
the blow, meekly and with all hope
gone. Chrlstenson shot and killed his
wlf last August
Wolves Attack Hogs.
TECUMSEH. For many years
Johnson county farmers have been
troubled but little with wolves, but
this is not the experience of W. P.
McCoy, who lives northeast of this
city. Ills herd of hogs has been pest
ered with the animals considerably of
late. Ono evening recently Mr. McCoy
heard a disturbance at his hog pen,
and upon going out found two big
wolves attacking an old porker. Be
fore Mr. McCoy succeeded In driving
them off they had wounded the hog
to the extent that be died soon after.
Sneak Thief Robs York Store.
YORK Some sneak thief entered
the store of W, O. Boyer somo time In
the night and took $35 from a drawer
behind the prescription case. It is
supposed he crawled in through a cel
lar window.
dog but holdfast is a better one."
ould hardly be improved on at this
Tho first automobile has made its ap
pearance in Fremont
A movement Is on foot at Grand Isl
and for starting a canning factory.
Tho Boldlers' monument on the court
house square at Beatrice has been com
pleted. Rev. Hess of Beatrico last Sunday
preached his farewell sermon. He will
locate at Tipton, Iowa.
Nebraska produced in 1902 the fol
lowing: Wheat, 60,216,670 bushels;
oats, 68,503,007; rye, 11,707,123; barley,
Fifteen houses havo been built In
Yutan during the last few months. One
$5,000 church has been erected and two
moro churches were renovated.
P. W. Blrkhouscr of Sarpy county
has been showing his friends a second
growth of strawberries that ho picked
from his farm south of Papllllon.
While threshing near Ellis, Gage
county, Chris Knochc, a prominent
German farmer, had tho misfortune to
run the tino of a pitchfork in his right
Nebraska's corn crop for tho past
five years shows the following: 1902,
224,201,950 bushels; 1900, 241,035,627;
1899 244,125,093; 1898, 180,611,944; 1897,
Alfred J. Anderson, a farmer living
east of Oakland, had a valuable riding
pony stolen. Tho animal was taken
while its owner was attending an en
tertainment In town.
From some unknown cause the High
school building at Arrapahoe was
burned and is an entire loss, not even
the brick walls remaining Intact Tho
aggregate loss 1b $20,000, with $8,000 in
surance. One of the largest stones ever quar
ried in the stato was cut at tho Blue
Springs quarry, recently. Tho stone
is forty-five feet long, four feet wide
and eighteen inches thick, and made a
good carload.
A horse driven by E. B. Cowlcs, for
mer county superintendent of Jefferson
county, ran away and, whllo crossing
tho railroad tracks, overturned the
buggy, throwing Mr. Cowles to tho
ground, severely Injuring him.
Capt A. H. Holllngsworth, who pi
loted company C while the First Ne
braska regiment was on duty during
the Philippine war, and Miss Myrtle
Roes, a leading society girl of Wilbor,
were married at the bride's home last
At a special meeting of tho Board of
Directors of the Luther Acadomy at
Wahoo it was decided to erect a new
school building at a cost of $18,000. P.
L. Plym, an architect from Lincoln
was appointed to draw up the plans
and specifications.
At a danco glvon at tho home of Da
vid Kluck, a farmer living two miles
north of Richland, a man named
Young, about 25 years old, was serious
ly stabbed during an altercation with
a fellow from Schuyler. Young's con
dition is said to bo serious.
Charles Ogoms committed suicide at
his home eight miles northwest of Gib
bon. Ho was a farmer in good circum
stances, owning a farm of 160 acres
with Btock and a good crop. He leaves
a wife and five children. His home re
lations were nleasant and comfortable;
Land in Boono county is changing
hands rapidly. Within tho past two
weeks 8,000 acres of the ranch and
farm lands recently purchased by a
New York syndicate, has been sold by
MoKillip & Swallow, their agonts. This
land has all gone to Individual land
A peculiar freak of nature occurred
on Martin Kllm's farm, near Adams, a
few days ago. About twenty-two days
ago ono of his cows gave birth to a
calf which was dead when it was born.
Sixteen days later the some cow gavo
birth to another calf which is alive and
doing well.
The verdict of the Jury in the Lillle
murder case at David City before Dr.
Sample, the coroner, was rendered af
ter being locked In a room three days
and threo nights, and is as follows:
That Harvey Lllllo came to his death
by a gunshot wound, feloniously in
flicted by a party unknown.
The senior class of the State uni
versity has received a report from the
committee to select a list from which
the class orator shall be picked. The
names submitted embrace Henry Wat
terson, Senator Beccrldgo of Indiana,
Mark Twain, Thomas B. Reed and
Hamilton Mable, editor of Outlook.
The list was presented to Chancellor
Coroner McCabe of Lincoln county
was called on to examine into the cause
of the death of two men. Word was
receivea irom wanaco mat a man,
namo not given, was found dead under
a wagon box. All evidence Indicated
an accident R. A. Brown, moll driver
between North Platte and Gandy, was
found dead in his wagon. The team
pulled up to the Myrtle postoffice' with
the dead body. The mall was undls
turbed and all Indications were that
he had simply dropped dead.
Each Ballot Cast for a Republican
Congressman Is a Vote to Maintain
the Trusts In PowerSupport the
Democratic Candidates.
All Republicans believe in protec
tion, but thcro is a shade of differ
ence between tho schools Into which
they are divided. Tho Massachusetts
school believes in free raw material;
the manufacturers there aro demand
ing It Then there is tho Iowa school,
which believes that tho tariff fosters
trusts, which so shockedSpeakor Hen
derson that he declined to bo a candi
date, especially as ho found a "great
many" Republicans In his district who
believed that the trust-protecting tar
iff should bo revised.
Tho largest school, what might be
called tho college of protection, Is still
the dominant faction. These oxtrom
nd uncompromising protectionists
have an organ, the American Econo
mist. It constantly denounces and do
rides tho reformers and preaches that
It would bo dangerous to disturb tho
present tariff law. This being also
the idea of Senator Hanna, may there
fore bo known as tho "Stand Pat"
Tho Economist has been sorely trou
bled lately, and has eased its mind by
formulating a "tariff plank" in which,
It says, "is told tho whole story of tho
operation and effect of protection upon
American labor and business." That
statement, of course, Is very mislead
ing, for it would require several largo
volumes to tell such a Btory, but such
exaggeration Is constantly Indulged in
by the Economist and its protection
ist followers. It ends Its "plank" with
this declaration:
"We therefore heartily commend the
Dingley law and demand that when
any of Its schedules aro revised it
shall bo for the strengthening, rather
than the weakening of the protective
policy as expressed therein."
That means oven higher duties and
that war Is declared against tho Mas
sachusetts and Iowa schools of pro
tectionists. So far it has not scared
tho New Englanders, but the Iowaltcs
havo backed down, from Gov. Cum
mlngs to Senator Allison, and tho can
didates for congress are now occupied
& r.
In the perilous feat of riding the pro
tection horso and the tariff-fosters-trusts
horse at tho same time and it
need hardly bo said that their paths
tie in a different direction their only
object being to fool the voters to
again vote tho Republican ticket.
The Iowa idea was undoubtedly
meant as a sop to the tariff-reform
Republicans, who abound on tho Iowa
prairies, but even the wayfaring man,
though a fool, must see tho Republi
can leaders have determined to quash
the reform movement The Economist,
or "Stand Pat" school, will dominate
the next congress If the Republican
party has a majority to organize it,
and the tariff will be continued as a
trust breeder.
The only chance for revision and for
stopping tho fostering of trusts Ib for
those Republicans who believe that it
Is time to cry a halt on trust exactions
to vote for candidates for congress
who are not afraid to declare for radi
cal reform that is, to place trust pro
ductions on tho free list and thus
make the trusts sell as cheaply in the
United States as they now do In Eu
rope. That is the Democratic plank
and the Republican tariff reformers
must adopt it if they wish to accom
plish anything.
A Republican member of congress
who believes In tariff reform, when
he enters the portals of tho capltol,
will be like a sheep In the hands of
the shearers dumb, and open not hlB
mouth, or he will be ostracised and
driven Into tho political woods. Polit
ical history tells of but few such pa
triots. Some may be found to talk In
dependently before election, but when
they reach Washington and tho full
power of the Republican machine and
King Caucus is turned on them, they,
like their fellows, will be clay in tho
hands of the oligarchy that dictates
The only relief in sight for those
voters who believe In tariff reform la
to vote for the Democratic candidates,
who are pledged to revise the tariff
and are not under obligations to com
bines and corporations.
The Negro In Politics.
The Republican politicians in the
louthern States and that means tho
Federal officeholders havo ostracised
tho negroes from being delegates to,
stato conventions, with tho evident in
tentlon of preventing them from tak
ing part in tho next national Ropubli-i
can convention. President Roosovolt
seemB to be helping the matter along,
by appointing white men to federal of
fices In tho southern States. Tbreo,
bishops and some other colored uota-j
bles called on the President for an ex
planation. Ho explained to the satis-!
faction of tho bishops that ho was not'
discriminating against the colored
brother. Yet ho Is known to favor tho
building up of a whlto Republican
party in the south and Is appointing
renegade Democrats to fill tho offices.,
In Indiana and In some other states
where tho colored voters hold the bal
ance of power, how many state, coun
ty or town offices are gtven to them,
to repay tholr devotion to tho Repub
lican party? The negro will never get
his fair share of the spoils until hi
shows his power by occasionally de
feating tho Republican ticket
Is the Question to Be Decided on Elec
tion Day, and It Is Now Up to the
American People.
Tho election 1b at band. Tho re
sult will be much more far reaching
than the election of congressmen gen
erally Is.
If tho Republicans hold their own
or aro able to organize tho Houso of
Representatives, it will bo heralded
as deciding that the protective tariff
Is endorsed by tho voters. Such a
result will even bo interpreted tc
mean that thero are no bad trusts,
and that the American people are
willing to pay moro for truBt products
than tho trust is asking tho foreigner
to pay. In short, tho voter will
"stand pat" with Senator Hanna, al
though they know they have a losing
hand in tho trust and tariff game.
If tho Democrats gain tho lower
houso of Congress and carry the legis
latures of some states that are now
represented by Republican United
States senators, it will be notice to
tho protectionists that their days are
numbered and that monopoly is to bo
To Bhow that these issues between
the parties are not exaggerated, and
that the Republicans really stand foi
protection to the trusts, and the Dem
ocrats for placing trust productions on
tho freellst, it is only necessary to
tako the known utterances of th
nominees of both parties on these
Of all the three hundred and ovef
Republican candidates, only one, Mr
Foss of Massachusetts, has been
quoted as declaring for any relief from
trust exactions. Ho wants free coal,
free Iron, free hides and free wool
He does not say he wants It to help
tho people, but as a relief to the man
ufacturcrs of tho country who use
those raw materials. For such a small
expression of free trade the Repub
lican machine, managed by Senator
Lodge, the Home Market club and the
other Republican auxiliary organiza
tlons, did all they could to defeat
It Is true that Secretary Moody and
perhaps others have declared for free
anthracite coal, but as there is no true
anthracite nnywhero In the known
world that equals the Pennsylvania
product, it require b no argument tc
show that after the extraordlnarj
prices that now prevail for hard coal
recede to tho normal level, nono will
be imported. So tho taking off the
duty of anthracite and leaving it on
bituminous coal will not affect the
price of the American consumer.
Is any other Republican candidate
for Congress In favor of free ravt
product? If so, now is the time for
him to lift up his voice and deelare it
On the other hand, nearly every Dem
ocratic candidate Is either pledged by
his platfrom or has openly declared
for free trade in trust productions.
The declarations of tho Democrats
also call for a reduction of the tarlfl
to a reasonablo basis.
So thero Is no doubt of the Issue,
and It Is almost Impossible to believe
that thero 1b any doubt of the result
It Is improbable that a majority of the
American peoplo will vote to hurt
themselves and help tho trusts.
No Effort to Suppress Trusts.
No real effort has ever been made
to enforce any law regarding trusts.
And It Is very doubtful whether any
law adequate to the condition exists.
It has certainly not been brought to a
full test Many legal expedients have
not been tried at all. There has been
no heart in the work.
Q. Is tho Philippine qoustlon set
tled? A. No, V
W. how can It bo settled 7
A. Either by applying American
principles to tho Filipinos or by aband
oning those principles in the United
Q. Why do republicans declaro that
the question is settled?
A. Because they do not dare to dis
cuss the principles involved.
Q. Is It possible to havo self-government
In the United States and a
colonial policy in the orient?
A. Not permanently. As a man for
a while may lead a double life, so our
nation may for a whllo proclaim the
principles of tho declaration of Inde
pendence here and deny those princi
ples to tho Filipinos, but the irresisti
ble teedency to reconcile preaching and
practice will ultimately compel us to
stop preaching self-government here or
to stop practicing colonialism across
tho Pacific.
Q. By what title did we acquire the
Philippine islands?
A. Wo have no tltlo to tho Philip
pine islands that can be recognized or
defended by American citizens.
Q. What tltlo is asserted?
' A. Somo argue that we bought tho is
lands and the people from Spain, and
others say that we obtained title by
Q. Did Spain have a right to sell us
eight millions of Filipinos at two dol
lars and a half a piece?
A. No. A Spanish king had no
more right to sell Filipinos to us than
our presldont or congress would have
to sell seventy-five million American
citizens to the Spanish king.
Q. Could we buy the islands and then
claim the peoplo as "fixtures that go
with the land?"
A. No. The purchase of cold, Inan
imate matter can not be held to carry
with it title to living beings possess
ing souls and made In the image of
their Creator. To claim that the peo
ple were "thrown In" with the land
would be as bad aB to buy them at so
nanch per head.
Q. Can title be secured by conquest?
A. No. Seventy-five millions of peo
ple can no more secure title to eight
millions by whipping them than a big
man can secure title to a little man by
whipping him. If the governments de
rive their Just powers from the con
sent of the governed then it is Im
possible to secure title to people either
by purchase or by the exercise of su
perior force.
Q. Docs the suppression of tho In
surrection change the situation?
, A. Not at all. Tho rights of tho Fili
pino are the same whether ho 1b able
to enforce them or not
, Q. But has our nation not promised
to bo good to the Filipinos?
A. Yes. But what tyrant ever prom
ised less to his subjects?
Q. Will it not bo better for the Fili
pino to be a subject of our government
than to bo a citizen under a govern
ment of his own?
A. No. Because citizenship stimu
lates progress, whllo the conditions of
a subject destroys hope and ambition.
Q. Could our country afford to have
subjects oven if it were best for the
A. No. We can not afford to
abandon our theory of self-government
even if it would enable us to help peo
ple hold as subjects under a colonial
system. Our duty to ourselves and to
the world requires our nation to assert
and to exemplify tho self-evident
truths: That all men are created
equal, that they are endowed with In
alienable rights; that governments are
instituted among men to securo these
rights, and that governments derive
their just powers from the consent of
the governed. No destiny can be high
er than this and no advantage obtain
able from a colonial system could com
pensate us for lowering our nation's
Q. How have the republicans been
able to avoid the Issue of imperialism?
A. At first they denied that they in
tended imperialism, then they said that
they could not discuss tho future un
til tho Filipinos laid down their arms,
and now they Bay that the Filipinos
having laid down their arms the ques
tion Is settled and that there is noth
ing to discuss.
Q. Have the American people ever
indorsed imperialism?
A. No. The republicans have never
gone into a campaign advocating a
colonial policy. Even after tho election
of 1900 President McKinley declared
that "no thought of Imperialism lurked
In tho American mind."
Q. Do all republicans favor imperial
ism now?
A. No. But few republicans actual
ly favor imperialism. If the really fa
vored It they would boldly proclaim
thelm belief in imperialistic principles.
Q. Why do republicans fall to pro
test against Imperialism?
A. Because they have not studied
the question sufficiently to understand
its dangerous tendencies. They have
faith ia their party and believo that
it will do right in all things.
Q. Will faith save them?
A. No. Faith wltnout wows is aeaa.
Each republican Is a part of his party
and he can not shirk responsibility for
what his party does. He can not expect
other republicans to save his country,
he must help save It He ought to have
his opinion on the subject and ought
to express that opinion at tho polls.
Q. Has the democratic party any
plan for settling the Phillpplns ques
tion? . ,
A. Yes. It not only has a plan, but
it has the only plan that has been pro
posed. . .
Q. What Is the democratic plan?
A. It 1b set forth In the Kansas City
The Washington city man who was
sent to Jail for sixty days for stealing
a pickled plgsfoot should have stolen
a huge slice of the public demaln and
posed as a trustee of Providence.
A German scientist advocates isola
tion as a cure for the habit of lying.
But how could republican campaign
managers frame party platforms if this
method were adopted?
What were those republican con
gressmen doing when the anthracite
coal duty was "secretly and covertly
smuggled" into the coal schedule.
Comment- .
platform and is as follows: "Lot the
nation immediately announce its pur
pose to givo the Filipinos, first a sta
ble form of government; second, inde
pendence, and, third, protection from
outside Interference as wo have pro
tected tho republics of Central and
South America, It Is, in other words,
to do in the Philippines what wo have
done in Cuba.
Q. How can a republican show his.
approval of such a plan?
A. By voting the democratic ticket -
'An unexpected increase of moro than
five hundred millions In the nation's -currency
has temporarily saved the re
publican party from the result of Its
own logic and gives us higher prices
In spito of tho republican party, aad
yet the leaders of that party, blind to
the lessons of experience and encour
aged by the indefference of republican
voters, has set the Fowler bill for con
sideration the first day of the next ses-4
sion of congress. This bill provides for
an asset currency, a branch bank and
a redeemable silver dollar.
Not only are they planning danger-
ous innovations In finance, but they
allow national banks to be conducted
in such a way as to aggravate tho se
verity of every panic The worst fea
ture of a panic is the withdrawal of
money from the banks because of the
insecurity of deposits, and tho samo
money is loaned so many times that
tho withdrawal of one thousand dollars
means tho skrlnkage of loans to an
amount equal to several times that
sum. National banks arc permitted to
loan their reserves to other banks and
thus tho samo money is counted in the
deposits and loans of several banks.
When times are good the loans are)
thus fictitiously multiplied and when a
reverse comes tho shrinkage Is also
multiplied and tho shock made more
If banks are required to keep their
reserves In their own vaults there
would be less Inflation in good times
and less contraction in bad times.
Then, too, there is no fixed propor
tion between a national bank's stock
and its liabilities. Some banks loan as
high as thirty dollars for every dollar
of stock and surplus. This leaves a.
margin of less than 4 per cent to cover
shrinkage In value of assets before the
bank becomes unsafe.
Thero ought to be a law providing
for a small tax on deposits until a
guarantee fund is raised sufficient to
protect -depositors when a bank falls.
Why is the government turned over
to tho financiers and the Interests of
tho rest of the people disregarded? Be
cause the financiers demand it as tho
condition on which their political sup
port is secured.
To conduct the business of the coun
try on a safe basis would require not
only all the gold we havo now, but all
the silver that could be coined under
free coinage, but the financiers prefer
to reduce the volume of real money so
that It can bo more easily controlled
and use the same money several times
over in fair weather, leaving tho pub
lic to bear tho storm as best it can.
Tho contest between the money
changers and the common people Is on
unending one and it behooves tho voter
to look well to the selection of con
gressmen and senators, for only
through these can reforms be secured.
Tho great financiers not only stand
back of our financial policy, but they
are behind the trusts, the high tariff
and imperialism. Nothing can be done
to secure relief from any national evil
until their domination of congress Ib
Mr. Rockefellor has offered $250,000
to a college as a thank offering for the
escape of himself and family from
death in a fire. While disclaiming any
intention of drawing invidious compar
isons it must bo admitted that some
how or other there comes to the mind
the case of another wealthy man who
ultimately found hlmsolv in grave need
of a drop of water.
The superintendent of the Nebraska
City, Neb., starch works says he will
open up if corn drops enough to enable
the mills to compote with eastern
starch mills. As the Nebraska City
mills are owned by the trust the people
are inclined to believe that the super
intendent Ib a great Joker.
A pension bureau clerk hasb cen pro
moled because he attended strictly to
business and did not secure an advance
by political influence. Several thou
sand clerks In other departments are
inclined to believe that he should have
been taken before the lunatico inqul
rendo. After denying for some years with
much 8trenuoslty that Admiral Dewey
treated the Filipinos as "friends and al
lies" tho authorities at Washington are
declaring that he did so treat them,
seeking thereby to evade a payment
of prize money claimed by the admiral.
Mr. Mitchell experienced difficulty in
persuading the miners to return to
work, and they were the same miners
that Mr. Baer declared so eager to
work and prevented by intimidation.
Mr. Baer should spend a few weeks in
getting his veracity on straight
Mr. Knox says the trust evil may be
remedied by the enactment of common
sense laws. But Mr. Knox may labor
under the Impression that his former
clients also have a monopoly on com
mon sense.
The coal combine, however, did not
offer to arbitrate Its difference with the
public. The coal combine knows when
it has a good thing.
Mr. Roosevelt has had much to say
concerning a bad trust and a good
trust, but he has not yet told us the
difference between the two. Indeed it
is doubtful whether any republican
speaker would dare to undertake speci
fications on this interesting question.
It appears that the coal barons yield
ed, not because they loved themselves
less, but because they feared justice
Pitt puff is a new game, and its name
sounds like a republican editorial on