The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 31, 1902, Image 7

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Have you seen our line
-this season.
We have some Elegant
Alliance, Neb.
vBf SvSfl
and all points cast and points west and
Tuaiks Leave as Follows, Mountain Time
No. 41 Passenger dally. Deadwood,
Billings, all points north una
west 10:35 a.m.
No. 42 Passenger dally, Lincoln,
Omaha, Chicago and all
points oast 1:40a.m.
No. 301 Passenger dally, for Denver
Ogdon.salt Lake, San Fran
Cisco and all Intermediate
points, departs at 1:40a.m.
No, 303 Passenger dally from Denver
and all Intermediate points,
arrives at 10:10a.m.
No. 43 Local passenger dally from
Omaha, Lincoln ana Inter
mediate points arrives at.... 5:5b a.m.
No. 44 Local passenger dally, for
Omaha, Lincoln and Interme
diate points, departs at 4:00 a.m.
No. SOODally, excopt Sunday, for
points south and west, do
parts...., 8:20 a. m
No. 306 Dally, except Sunday, from
south and west, arrives 3:30 p. m.
J'No. 45 Freight, daily, Dead wool.
Billings and intermediate
stations 7:30 p.m.
No. 40 Freight dally, for Lincoln
and Intermediate stations.. 6:30p.m.
No. 47 Freight dallr.except Sunday,
for Deadwood and Hillings.. 10:50a. m
No. 43 Freight dally for Lincoln
and intermediate stations.. 8:05a.m.
No. 40 Freight, for northwest 1:00a.m.
No. 50 Freight from northwest, ar-
rlvo 12 p.m.
Denver freight, dally except
Monday, arrives at 0:15 am.
No. 304 Denver freight, dally except
Saturday, leaves at 5:20 a.m.
Sleeping, dinlngund reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baggago checked to any point in tlio
United States or Canada. For Information,
timo tables and tickets call on or wrltb to J.
Kjieideluauoh, Agent, or J. Francis, Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Nebraska.
Flour I Feed.
Comfort '
Is Our Leader. Try It.
'PHONE 105.
Cattle Wanted to Winter.
I am prepared to winter about forty head
ot cattle on my ranch near Dnnlap. Plenty
of feed and water and best of care,
W. Bauk, Dnnlap, Neb,
Ladies, do not fail to see Mrs, Regan's
new line of cloaks.
Any stock of harness in stock or made
to order. Clough & Collins.
Fob Sals Cattle at the Gahagan ranch
two miles north of the, poor farm. There
ate five good milch cowa in the bunch.
and Suits
Things, that are
in Men's,
Boys' and
They fit as fine as the best tailors can take your measure
and fit you.'
We take Special Orders.
Remember, wo give you a ticket with each purchase.
iPast TiestV
H. C. Armstrong,
JVVho came here to
And will never be
And Sold to His Customers
This is the Beer that Waked Up
Alliance, and it Stands to
Reason It's the ....
Best In the World!
Just order a. case of " Red, White and Blue "
for family use. We'll deliver the same at any
hour, day or night; for we're out for business
and lose no time
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
EXTRA "PALE and Other Popular Brands.
. . Eria.m.Il3r QTra.d.e Solicited.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Come and See Us.
Phone 136
Dray and Transfer Line
The only spring dray
Phone 139.
Try tie '
'cmwtr.MZ cnotnd&BRfiHocceeCtTrm mwywuc"
driven away,
about what to do with your Household Goods.
S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store them
in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship
wncrcver uesireu. inarces reasonable.
line in the city.
A. Miller.
era! for Job Won.
I.canlAih fcrttacincntn.
Sheriffs Sale.
lly virtue of an order of salo Issued by the
clerk of the dlitrlct court nf Dux Hutto coun
tv. Nebraska, unon h decree rendered bv Mild
court III favor of M. F. Dunovait, plaintiff.
ana against nio American iionu ami trust
Company, Phillip Potter, Receiver of tho
American Loan and Trust Company, Joel M,
Kiimho.Tho Ansley Hanking Company, and
Kstey & ( nmj) Company are defendant. I
will on tho lltli day of November, A 1). HWJ,
nt 10 o'clock n, m, on said day, tit the west
front door of the court house In Alliance In
said county, soil tho following described real
estate, to-wll! sw M, sec. H5, t 80, n. r. 40.W,
Olh P. M., In Hox lluttu county, Nebraska,
nt public miction to the highest (bidder for
cash to satisfy said order of sale In tho
sum of $05.23 and Interest, costs and accruing
costs taxed nt 30.a:i.
IRA llKr.D.
Sheriff or Said County.
11. C. Not.tMAp. Attorney for l'latnllff.
First publication, Oct. 10.
Sheriff's Sale.
lly virtue of an order ot sale issued by the
cleric ot tho district court ot llox Uutto county.
Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said
court In favor of John Uarnstoad, plalntllT,
and against Mats O. Norcen. Mrs. Norcon, his
wire, M. 1- Cutting, Mrs. Cutting, his wife,
Thu Dqultnblo Laud Company, McKlnley
Laimlng Loan and Trust Company, defend
ants, 1 will, on the 11th dy of November, A.D.
line!, nt 10 o'clock a. m. on said day, at tho west
front door ot the court-houo in Alllanco In
said county, sell tho folowlng described real
ctnte, to-wlt; tho south l or tho northeast H
and north it ot tho southeast H. ot noctlon 6,
township 28 north ot raugo 49 west ot tho 0th
principal meridian in said llox lluttu
county, Nebraska, at public auction to thu
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order of
sale in tho sum ot $07.00 and interest, costs and
accruing costs ami taxed at 3l.l!l and tO.77 at
torney's fees. And MclClnley-Lanuliig 1inn
and Trust Company cross petitioner received
ot the said Mats O. Norcen tho sum of $140.37.
Bhorlff or Said County.
II. F. Qilmam, Attorney for PlalntllT ,
First publication, Oct. 10.
Sheriffs Sate.
Uy virtue of an order of halo Issued by tho
clerk ot tho district court ot llox Uutto county.
Nebraska, upon u deeroo rendered by said
court In furor of Hox Uutto county, plaintiff,
and against Trick Company and McKlnloy
Lunulug Ijoan and Trust Company are de
fendants. I will, on tho 11th day of November,
A. D. 1WJ, ut io o'clock a. m. on said tiny nt tho
vest front door of tho courthouse In Alllanco
in said county, sell tho following described
real estate, to-wlt: tho northeast M ot section
Ut of township 27 north ot range 52 west of
tho 0th prlncli'iil mcridlati in Hox
Uutto (county, Nebraeka, nt publlo auction
to tho highest bidder for cash, to
satisfy snid order ot salo In thu sum
ot it (Hi 07 and Interest, costs and acorulug
costs and taxed nt ?:U.D8.
Shcrl IT of Said County.
Wm. Mitchell, Attorney for Plulntlit.
First pnbllcntloji, Oct. 10.
Sheriff's Sate.
l!y irtno of nn ordor ot onlo issued by tho
clerk of the district court ot llox ilutto county,
Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said court
in favor ot Hox Butto county. plalntllT, and
ngnlnBt Frederick V. King MrN, King, his
wile, llrstnamo unknown, Unrgadluo McKlt
trick Dry Goods company, and Hays Mead
Hlce are defendants, I will on tho lltli day of
November, A .D. 1002, at 10 o'clock u.m. on said
day, at tho west front door of tho courthouse
in Alliance In said Hox Ilutto county ot Ne
braska, sell the following described real es
tuto, to-wlt: tho northwest quarter of section
31, township 20 north of range 4U west of
tho 0th principal moridlun in Box
Uutto county. Nebraska, at public auction to
thu highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said or
der of salo In tho sum of $40. 00 and Interest,
costs and accruing cmts taxed at $.11.53.
Sheriff of Bald County.
Wm. Mitchell, Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication, Oct. io.
Sheriffs Sale.
By -virtue of an order ot salo issued by the
clerk of tho district court ot Hox Ilutto coun
ty, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said
court In favor of James F. Whelun, plalntllT,
anu airuinst Auaio u. uanueiu, air. i;uniioiu,
her husband, and MoKInley Lanntng Loan
and Trust company aro defendants, 1 will, on
the 11th dy ot November, A. J, 1103, at 10
o'clock a. m. on said day at the west front door
ot tho courthouse in Alliance in said county,
sell the following described real estate, to-wlt:
the southwest 'A ot section IS ot township S3
noith of range 40 west or th 6th prlnclpallime
ridian in Dux Untto county.Nebraska, at publlo
auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy
said ordsr of sale in tho sum of $ 47.10 and Int
torest, costs and accruing oosts and taxed ut
$31.38 and $4.71 attorney's fees. And MoKIn
ley Lannlng Loan 'and Trust company, cross
petitioners, received of said Addlo L. Can
field tho sum ot $300.10.
Sheriff of Bald County.
11. F. Oilman. Attorney for 1'laltitltf.
First publication, Oct, 10.
Sheriffs Sale.
Dv virtue ot an ordor of salo Issued bv tho
clerk of tho district court of Hox Uutto coun
ty. Nobrnsira, upon a oocreo renaerea oy sum
court In favor of Hox Hutte county, plalntllT,
and against Frederick V. King. Mrs. King, his
wife, llargudlno McKIttrick Dry Goods com
pany and llays,Mead&HIcourodefeiidunts,I
will, on tho Uth day of November. A.I). 11K, ut
10 o'clock a. m. ou said day ut tho west front
door of tho courthouse in Alllanco lh said Hox
Ilutto county of Nebraska, sell tho following
described real estate, to-wlt: tho northeast
quarter of section sevuntcou (17), township
M north of rnngo 40 west of tho tith principal
meridian in Nebraska, In box Hutto county,
Nebraska, at public auction to thu highest
bidder for cash to satisfy said ordor of sulo
in thosum of $4.30 and Interest, costs and
uccrulng costs taxed at t-y.63.
Sheriff of Bald County.
Wm. Mitchell, Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication, Oct. 10.
Sheriffs Sale.
Dy virtue of nu order of salo Issued by tho
clerk ot tho district court of Hox Ilutto
county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by
said court In favor of Hox Hutto county, tho
county of Hox Ilutto is plaintiff and against
Frederick V. King, Mrs. King, his wlfo, liar
guuine AicKiitricK Dry tiooas company.!
Hays, Mean nice aro aeienaants, i win, ou
the lltli duy of November, A. D. 1902, at 10
o'clock a. in. on said day, at tho west front
door of tho courthouse In Alllanco In said
county, sell tho following described real es
tate, to-wit: tho southwest U of section 7,
township 27, north range 52, west of 0th prin
cipal meridian in Hox lluttu county, Nebras
ka, at public auction to tho highest bidder for
cash to satisfy said order of salo in tho sum
ot $38.08, and Interest, costs and accruing costs
taxed at K9.63. .. ..
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitchell, Attorney for Plaintiff.
First Publication, Oct. fo.
Notlco to Non-Rcsidcnt Defendants.
Wm. Mitchell, County Attorney, )
Alliance, Neb.
To the unknown heirs of Androw Zapp. de
ceased, and Ocrtrudo Zapp, wife ot Androw
Zapp, non-resident defendants.
Notlco is hereby given that on the 10th day
nf May. 1000. the county of Hox Uutto, plain
tiff, filed Its petition In thu district court of
Hox Uutto county, Nebraska, wherein Andrew
Zapp, Gertrudo Zapp, wlfo of Andrew Zapp,
CaV vfa Wildy, Anna K. Wlldy. wife of Culvin
Wildy, defendant, Nebraska Loan and Trust
company, were made defendants, the object
and prayer of which said petition Is to fore
close a tax lien for the delinquent taxes fur
tho years 1603, 1U94, 1806. 1806. 16V7 and 1608 upon
tho following desorlbod real estate, situated
in the county ot Hox Uutto, state of Nebraska,
to-wlt: tho southeast quarter of section 13 In
township 2t ot ranga So. The amount cUlmsd
by plaintiff upon said tax lien Is the sum ot
$52.65 with Interest thereon as provided by
law from tho 10th day ot May, 1000, the prayer
of said petition U for a decree declaring tho
aforesaid amount, together with interest
thereon and costs, to be a first and paramount
Uen upon the atoreatd real estate uud that
said real estate may b sold under an order of
the court to satisfy the same, and that said
defendants be forever barred and foreclosed
of all Interest or claim In and to sold real es
tate or any part thereof.
You are required to answer said petition on
or bafore the 17th ay of November, 1U
By Wm.Mitcubxx, its attorney.
Notlco to N'on-Hcsldcnt Dcfciidnnts.
WM. Mitchell County Attorney, i
Alllanco, Nvb.
To unknown holrs of Clinrlm f . Ailing, de
ceased. Mrs, Ailing or Mrs. loo, wife of de
fendant Charloi R Alllnr, deceased. (Irst
name unknown, mid Lucy lialiton, imii-resi-dent
Notice Is hereby given tlir.t on the 7th day
of Heptetnber. mil, tlf County of flux Hutto,
plalntllT, tiled Its petition In the district court
of llox Ilutto. county, Nebinskn, uheroln
Charles H. Ailing, Mm. Ailing or Mrs. Dw,
wife or defendant Charles 8. Ailing, llrst ami
real name unknown, and Lucy Hiibson, were
made defendants, tho object and prayer of
which said petition is to forroloso n tat Hen
for the delinquent taxes for tho year lww,
1K04 1MO, lo, 1807, 1HW and 1WM upon tho fol
lowing described i-cul estate, situated In tho
county of Hox Hut te. state of Nebraska, to
wlti, tlio west halt of the southwest mntrtur of
section 18 in tonHlilpU7ot mnge nt
Tho amount claimed by plaintiff hihw said
tax ltuu Is tho sum of woo with Interest
thereon as provided by law fromlho lUluta
of Heplemlier, 1 Wl. tho prayer of said petition
Is for a deoredeclarlin tho iiforosnld amount
together with interest thereon and costs, to
be a llrst and paramount Him upon the afore
said real citato nnd that said real estate may
lionold under an order of tho court to satisfy
tho same, and that said defendants bo forever
barred and foreclosed of all Interest or claim
in and to said real estate or any part thereof.
Ymi aro required to nnswor said petition on
or beforo tho 17th day of Novomls'r.llW.
lly Wm. Mitchell. Its attorney.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
To Emma 0. J. Austin, 11 . II. Austin, husband
of Emma C.J. Austin, n member of defend
ant Urm of Job Hathaway fe Co-, and hus
band nt Emma O. .1. Austin, defendant, Wil
liam Pnrrott and Janet Parrottor Mrs. Par
rot t, first name unknown, wife of defendant.
William Pnrrott, .lanot t'arrott
and Wllllum Parrott or Mr. Parrolt, llrst
name unknown, or Mr. Doe. real name un
known, husband of Janet I'arrott, defend
ant, non-resident defendants.
Notlco Is hereby given that on tho 4th day
of October, 1003. Vlrgll Young, plalntllT. tiled
his petition In tho district court of llox Hutto
county, Nebraska, wherein Job Hathaway &
company, a llrm or co-partnership unlneor
liorated, comiK)sed of Job Hathaway and Em
ma l . I. Austin, Job Hathaway, Annie L.
Hntbuway, wiroof Job Hathaway, n memlier
of defendant, firm Job Ilnthiiwuy and compa
ny, and wlfo of Job Hntlmway, defendant.
Kmimi C. .1. Austin, II. H. Austin, huslwud of
KminaC. J. Austin, a member of defendant
llrm ot tob Hathaway and company, and hus
band of Kmmn ('. J. Austin, defendant. . H.
Irfiunlng, W. II. Lannlnir. trustee, Thomas
Krnlim, benellclary of W. 11, Lannltig, trustee,
defendant. The Ktiltablo Laud company,
William Parrott mid Janet Pnrrott nr Mrs,
Parrolt, llrst mime unknown, wifo of dofend
tuit William Parrott, JHtiet Parrolt and Will
lam Parrott, or Mr. Parrott. llrst name un
known, or Mr l)oo, real nuino unknown, hus
band of Janet Parrott, defendant, were luailo
defendants, tlio object and prayer of which
said petition Is to foreclose a tax lien by rea
son of acert'ilvut'iof purchnscottav salo pur
chased on .Inutility u7, 11W, for tho taxes for
tho years 1R0I, IMO. Im 1MI7, 1WW, and for suh
seiiuent taxes paid for year 16m', 1C0O and 1001
upon tho following described real esiate. slt
tinted In tho County of Hox Unite, statu of Ne
braska, to-wlt! tlio northeast quarter of sec
tion SO in township ICOnf range 47.
Tho amount claimed by nlnlntlff hpo'n fnid
tax Hon is tlio sum or SlH.47, willilnt.-rest
thereon iw provided by law from tho 1st day
ot October, HW8, tho prayer of said petition Is
for n decree declaring thcafoircitd amount,
together with Interest thereon mid costs, to
be a llrst nnd paramount lien upon tho afore
said real estate and that snld real Cstuto may
bo sold under unorder of tho court to satisfy
the same, and that said defendants lw forever
barred and foreclosed of all Interest or claim
In and to said rent estate or any part thereof.
You aro required to answer said petition on
or before thu Uth day of November, 1WW.
VIliaiLYOUNCJ, PhilntlfT.
iiy wm. Mitchell, ins Attorney,
Irst publication, Oct. 10.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
To Charles IUchardeon, Mrs. Ktchardson, first
name unknown, wlfo of defendant Charles
ltlchardson, non-resident defendants,
Notice Is hereby given that on tho 4th day
ot October, ltttt. Vlrgll Young, plalntllT, filed
bis potitlon In tho district court of llox Hutto
county, Nebraska, wherein Charles ltlchard
son. Mrs. Htchardson, first namo unknown,
wlfo of defoudant Charles Richardson, W. II.
.tanning, W. It. Lannlng. trustee, Thomas
Frmhm. benoficlarv of W. II. Lannlnir. trimtee.
defendants, wero mmd defendants, tho object
and prayer of which said petition Is to fore
close a tax lien by reason of n certificate of
purchase ot tux salo purchased on January
LTth. IDOO, by plaintiff, for tho taxes for tho
years 1S93, 1804. 1805. 1600. 1687 and 1808 and for
subsequent taxes paid for years 1800. 1000 and
1001 by plaintiff, upon tho following described
real estate, situated In the county of Box
Huttc, state ot Nebraska, to-wlt: the south
cast quartr of section 10 In township SO of
rango 47. The amount claimed by plaintiff
upon said tux Hen Is tho sum of $133. frt. with
Interest thereon us provided by law from the
1st day of Octolier, 1002, tlio prayer ot said pe
tition Is for a decree declaring tho aforesaid
amount, tiwether with Interest thureon and
costs, to tie a first and paramount Hen upon
tho aforesaid real estate and that said real os
stato may bo sold under an order of tho court
to satisfy tho tmc, and that said defendants
bo forever bnrrod and foreclosed of nil inter
est or claim In and to said real estate, or any
part thereof.
You are required to unswer said petition on
or boforo the 17th day of November, lOOi
V1UGIL YOUNO, Pinintlff.
ny Wm. Mitchell, his Attorney.
First publication, Oct. 10.
Sheriff's Sale.
Uy vlrtuo of unorder of salo Issued by tho
clerk ot tlio district court of Hox Hutto
county, ujkhi a decree rendered by said court
In favor of Hox Hutto county, nlnlntlff, and
against Frederick V. King, Mrs. King, his
wife, llargudino McKIttrick Dry Uoods com-
fany mid Iltiys, Mead .V HIco are defendants,
will, on tho Uth day of Novcmbcr.A. D. 1002,
nt ten o'clock n. m. on said day, at tlio west
trout door of tho courthouse. In Alliance In
said county, sell tho following described real
estate, to-wlt: tho northeast l of section 'Jn
of township 27 north, rnngo 41, west of 0th
principal muridlnn in llox Hutto county, Ne
braska, nt public auction to thn highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of sulo
in the sum ot $30.05 uud Interest, costs and ac
cruing costs nnd taxed at J3I.M.
Sheriff of Said County,
Wm. Mitchkll. Attorney for Plaintiff,
First publication, Oct, 10.
Hy virtue of an order of salo Issued by the
clerk of tho district court of Hox Hutto coun
ty Nebraska, upon ,i decree rendered by said
court in favor ot Hox Huttu county, plaintiff,
and against Frederick V. King. Mrs. King,
his wife, first uumo unknown, Hngudlno Mc
KIttrick Dry Goods company, and llays, Mead
& Idee aro defendants, I will, on thu il day of
November, A D. 1U02, at 10 o.clock u. m. on
said day, at tlio west front door ot tho court
house In Alllanco in said county, sell tho fol
lowing described reul estate, to-wlt: south
east anarter of section 10, township -7, rango
51 in Vox Uutto county, Nebraska, ut public
uuctlon to the highest bidder for cash, to sat
isfy said order of sale, in the sum ot $33,43 and
Interest, costs and accruing costs taxed ut
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitchell, Attorney for Plaintiff.
hirst publication, Oct. 10.
5".e.vv . 'Steven.
Agent for the Caledonian, of
Scotland, which Insures town
ropcrtyonir, ana ino wium
in. which Insures town and
farm property and live stock.
Hoth are reliable old line com
panies Notarial Woric. ,
Furniture repairing neatly done. Phone.
139. Jo. Darling.
Order of Hearing on Petition for Hcttlemont
of Account
State or Nebraska i,,
llox Ilutto County ( "
AtBCOutitycourt.beld nttho county court
room In and for said county. Oct. Io, A. D. 1003.
Prnsent. D. K. Hniieht. County Judge.
In the Matter of tlio Kstate of Moses Ubm.
On rending and filing tho petition of Klvlra
Hiss, praying u final settlement and allow
unco of her limit account, filed on tho 10th day
of October, low, and torherdlsehnrgo as Ex
ecutrix. Ordered. That October ST., A D. 1002, at 10
o'clock a. in . Is assigned for bearing said pe
tition, when nil pt -sons Interested In said
matter may appear n, " county court to bo
held In and for snld con .y, imd show cause
why tho prayer of potlti er should not lw
grunted! and that notlco c tho pendency of
said petition, nnd the hearing thereof, bo giv
en to nil persons Interested In said matter by
publishing n copy of this order In the Alliance
IIkhald, a weekly newspaper printed In said
county, for two mccesslvo weeks, prior to
sold day of hearing. D K.HPAOllT,
A true copy.) seal. County Jttdgo,
For a Full
Line of...
Jest Cote,
tat Teas,
mv inniip
That Can't be Real
In Town....
Queen sware,
Tinware anrf
4 OAI.L ON- -
Rovers vt 5aY
o Nothing to
o Conceal
It is true that we use no s
destructive chemicals or
injurious methods in our 5
work. Nothing to spot, X
streak or fade the cloth. 5
Nothing to cat up the x
fabric or render it un-
Everything to
You are invited to in.
' spect every step taken by
your laundry from marking
to bundling. Then you
will know why your linen
is always clean, pure, white,
perfectly glossed, and ban
the general appearance ot
of being well laundered.
0 O000O 0OOOOOcHl
5ve. 5me o T&&
is when the price is
right. This is the way
we keep our prices all
the time. But at
presenflt is
House Cleaning Time I
and we are offering
odds and ends at
greatly reduced fig.
ures, regardless of
their cost. It will
pay you to take time
and come and see
hese bargains. . .
Mark'5 Studio
Latest and best. Snch are -the goods
carried in stock by Geo, Darlisf .
i. D.Mp I
Alliance Steam Lamidry