The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 24, 1902, Image 7

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Alliance, Neb,
and all points oast and . points west and
south. ,
Tuains Leave as Follows, Mountain Time
No. 41 Passengor dally. Doadwood,
Billings, all points north ana
west 10:35 a.m.
No. 12 Passenger dally, Lincoln,
Omaha, Chicago and all
points oast 1:40 a.m.
No. 301 Passenger dally, for Denver
Ogdcn.Salt Lake, San Fran
cisco and nil Intermediate
points, departs at, 1:0 o-ro.
No. 303 Passenger dally from Denver
and all Intermediate points,
arrives at 10:10a.m.
No. 43 Local passenger dally from
. Omaha, Lincoln and Inter
mediate points arrives at..., 5:5b a.m.
No. 41 Local passenger dally, for
Omaha, Lincoln and Interme
diate points, departs at 4:00 a.m.
No. 305Dally, except Sunday, for
points south und west, do-
Barts..., 8:20 a. m
ally, oxcopt Sunday, from
south and west, arrives 3:30 p. m.
No. 45 Freight, dally, Deadwool.
Killings und intermediate
stations. 7:30 p.m.
No. 40 Freixl.t ''ally, for Lincoln
and Intermealato stations.. 6:30p.m.
No. 47 Freight dally.oxcept Sunday,
for Doadwood and Hillings.. 10:50 u.m
No. 43 Freight dally for Lincoln
und intermealato stations., 8:05a.m.
No. 49 Freight, for northwest 1:00 a.m.
No. 50 Freight from northwest, ar-
rlvo 13 p.m.
Denvor freight, dally except
Monday, arrives at 0:15 am.
No. 304 Donver freight, dally excopt
Saturday, leaves at 5:20 a.m.
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
und baggage checked to any point in the
United States or Canada. For information,
time tables and tickets call on or write to J.
KnEiDELDAuau, Agent, or J. Francis, Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Nebraska.
Flour i Peed.
la Our Leader. Try It.
'PHONE 105.
Cattle Wanted to Winter.
I am prepared to winter about forty head
of cattle on my ranch near Dunlap. Plenty
of feed and water and best of care.
V. Bame, Dunlap, Neb.
Ladies, do not fail to see Mrs. Regan's
new line of cloaks,
Any stock of harness in stock or made
to order. Clough & Collins.
For Sale Cattle at the Gahagan ranch
two miles north of the poor farm. There
are five good milch cows in the bunch.
Come! Come!
OR SEND your neighbors to W. W. NORTON'S to
get the choicest-selection of Dry Goods, Carpets, Clothing and
Shoes in the city. A big lino of ladies' Tailor Mado Suits,
Cloaks and Skirts just in. Suitings, Flannelettes, Outings, Wool
Challies, Dress Goods, Comforts, and Rlankcts at right prices
And See Our New
Stock of Underwear which is complete, will bo sold at pjices
lower than oyer before. Ilcavy fleece lined at 45c; all wool at
05c, and other grades in tho same proportion Our now
Clothing lino opens up with an elegant selection of fall novel
ties direct from New York. Sco our now neckties.
Fall and Winter Goods
.. C.
Who came here to stay,
And will never be driven away,
And Sold to
This is the Beer that Waked, Up
Alliance, and it Stands to '-'
Reason It's the ....
Best in the World!
Just order a case of " Red, White and Biuo"
for family use. We'll deliver the same at any
hour, day or night; for we're out for business
and lose no time. . ,
Finest "Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
EXTRA PALE and Other Popular Brands.
. . 1am.Il3r I'rsLd.e Solicited.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Come and See Us.
Phone 136
Dray and Transfer Line.
Phone 139.
Try to
His Customers
A 7HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry
lJ about what to do with your Household Goods.
S. A. Miller will take charge of them; stora ihem
gig in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship
vfl1J them wherever desired. Charges reasonable.
The only spring dray line in the city
A. Mille
it for
ol) Work.
Legal Advertisements.
14 IB,
Shcrirfu Sale.
lly vlrtun of an order of salo Issued by tho
clork of tho district court of llox Ilutto coun
ty, Nebraska, Uton h decree rendered by Raid
court In favor of M. 1 Dunovnn, plaintiff,
and against Tho American I-onii and Trust
Company, Phillip Potter, Receiver of tho
American Loan and Trust Company, Joel M.
Kamho, Tho Ansley Hanking Company, and
Kstoy & Cnmp Company nro defendant. I
will on tho Uth day of November, A. 1). HWi
at 10 o'clock a, m. on said day, at tho west
trout door of tho court house In Alliance In
paid county, sell tho following described real
estate, to-wlt: sw M, hoc. 03, t 20, ti. r, 49, w.
6th P. M., in llox ilutto county, Nebraska,
at public auction to tho highest bidder for
cash to satisfy said order of sale In tho
sum of $05.33 ami Interest, costs and accruing
costs taxed al M.X.
ShcrlfT of Said County.
R.C. NolimAn, Attorney for 1'lalnttfT.
First publication, Oct, 10.
Sheriffs Sole.
lly virtuo of an order ot
salo issued by tho
crk of tho district court of llox ilutto county.
or too district court oi iiox iiutio count:
Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said
court in favor of John Hamstead. plalutllT.
and against Mats O. Norton, Mrs. Noreon, hln
wife, Si. K. Cutting, Mrs. Cutting, hl) wife,
The Kiultablo Lund Company, MeKlnloy
Luiinlng Loan and Trust Company, defend
ants. 1 will, on the lllh day ot November. A.l).
1003, at 10 o'clock a. in. on said day, at the west
front door of the court-house In Alliance In
said count)', noil tho folowlng described real
cstato, to-wlt: ttin south l of tho northeast H
and north H of the southeast .li of section 5,
township 1M north ut rnngo 4W West of tho nth
principal tncrtdinu lu said llox Ilutto
county, Nebraska, nt public nuotlon to tlio
blithest bidder for cash to satisfy Mild order of
salo In tho sum of $07.00 and interest, costs and
accruing costs and taxed at $31.13 and $0.77 at
torney's fees. And McKluloy-Lanntng Loan
and Trust Company cross petitioner received
ot the said Mats O. Noreon tho sum of (140.37.
HhorlfTof Said County.
n. P. Oilman, Attorney for Plalutltr.
First publication, Oct. 10.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtuo ot nn order ot salo issued by tho
clerk of tho dUtrlct court ot llox Ilutto county.
Nebraska, upon a decroo rendered by Mild
court In favor ot llox Ilutto county, plnluttlf,
and against Friek Company and McKlnloy
Launlng Loan and Trust Company am de
fendants. 1 will, on tho Uth day ot November,
A. 1). 1002, at 10 o'clock a. m. on salt! duy ut tho
west front door Ot the courthouse in Alliance
in said county, sell tlio tollowlug dcscrllicd
real estate, to-wlt: tho northeast H or Miction
ill of township 27 north of range W west ot
tho Gth principal meridian in llox
Hutto county, Ncuratka, at public auction
to tho highest bidder for cash, to
satisfy said order ot sale In tho mini
of $80.07 and Interest, costs .nd accruing
costs and taxed at :i2.l8.
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitchell, Attorney for Plalntlir,
First publication, Oct. 10.
Shcrltt's Sale.
I)y virtuo ot an order ot suit) Issued by tho
clork of the district court ot llox iiutte county,
Nebraska, upon u decroo rendered by said court
in favor of llox Butto county, pUintltl', mid
against Frederick V. King Mrs. King, his
wife, first natno unknown, Unrgndluo MoKlt
trlck Dry Uoods company, uud Hays Mead
Itlco aro defendants, 1 will on tho lltli day of
November, A D. 1U02, ut 10 o'clock u.m. on said
day, at tho west front door of tho courthouse
in Alltanco In Bald Uox Ilutto county ot Ne
braska, soil tho following described real es
tate, to-wlt: tho northwest iuurtcr ot section
ill, township 20 north ot range 41) west ot
tho Gth principal meridian In llox
Ilutto county, Nebraska, at public auction to
the highest Didder for cash, to satisfy said or
der of salo in tho sum of 48. 00 and Interest,
costs und accruing costs taxed ut W1..VJ.
IHA Ar.rlD,
Sheriff of Said County.
Wm. Mitciikm,, Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication, Oct. 10.
Sheriffs Sale
By virtuo of an order of salo Issued hy tho
cleric of tho district court ot Hox Ilutto coun
ty, Nebraska, upon a decroo rendered by said
court In favor of James F. Whelan, plaintiff,
and against Addlo L. Caufield, Mr, Cunllold,
her husband, and McKlnloy. .Launlng Loan
and Trust company aro defondants, I will, on
the 11th dnyof November, A. -, 1003, at 10
o'clock a. m. oa said day at tho west front door
ot the court houpo in Alliance in said county,
sell the following described real estate, to-wlt:
tho southwest H ot section IB ot township 28
noith of range 4o wost of tho 0th
rldian in Uox Uutte county.Nebraska, at public
auction to the highest bidder tor cash to satisfy
said ordir of sale In the sum ot 847.10 and int
torest, costs und accruing oosts and taxed ut
fSJ W und $1.71 attorney's fees. And McKln
loy Launlng Loan 'and Trust company, cross
Sctltloners, received of said Addlo L. Oan
cld tho sum of $390.10.
Sheriff of Said County.
li. V. Oilman, Attorney for Plalntlir,
First publication, Oct. 10.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtuo of an order of sale issued by the
clerk of tho district court of Uox ilutto coun
ty, Nebraska, upon a uecieo rendered by said
court in favor of Uox Uutte county, plalntlir,
und uguliiBt Frederick V. King, Mrs. King, his
wlfo, Hurgadlnu Mcivlttrlck Dry Goods com
pany and Hays, Mend ifcIMe.ouro defendants, I
will, on tho llth day of November, A.l), 100J, nt
10 o'clock a. m. on said day at tho west front
doorof the corrtbousolnAlllancoin said llox
Ilutto county of .Scbrasku, sell tho following
described real estate, to-wlt: tho northeast
quurtor of section seventeen (17), township
wl north of rungo 40 west of-tlio Uth principal
meridian in Nebraska, in llox Hutto county,
Nebraska, at public auction to tho hh?
bidder for cash to satisfy said order of salo
lntbosumof $18.30 and Interest, costs and
accruing costs taxed at (20.A3.
Sheriff of Said County,
Wm, JliTCiiEO,, Attorney for Plulntlff.
First publication, Oct. 10.
Sheriff's Sole.
Hy virtue of on order of salo lssuod
fderlt of tho district court of Hox
by tho
county. Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by
said court In favor ot iiox Hutto county, tho
county of llox Ilutto is plaintiff and ngalnst
Frederick V. King, Mrs. King, his wlfo, liar
gadlno McIClttrlck Dry Uoods company, and
Hays, Meud & Klce aro defendants, 1 will, on
tho Uth day of November, A. I). 1WW, at 10
o'clock a. in. on said day, at tho west front
door ot tho courthouse In Alliance In said
county, soil tho following described real cs
tute, to-wlt: tho southwest H of section 7,
township 27, north range 52, west of 0th prin
cipal meridian in Hox Hutto county, Nebras
ka, at public auction to tho highest bidder for
cash to satisfy said order ot salo in tho sum
ot 3S.m, and Interest, costs and accruing costs
taxed at 1 2U.53.
Sheriff of Huld County,
Wm. Mitciielu Attorney for Plulntlff.
First Publication, Oct. 10.
Notice to N'on-Hcsldcnt DcfcnUnnts.
Wm. Mitchell, County Attorney,
Alliance, Neb. )
To tlio unknown heirs of Androw Zap p. de
ceased, nnd OertrudoiJapn, wlfo of Andrew
Zapp, non-resident defendants.
Notlco is hereby given that on tho 10th day
of May, 1000, tho couuty of Hox Hutte, plain
tiff, tiled Us petition in the district court of
Hox Uutte couuty. Nebraska, wherein Andrew"
Zapp. Gertrude Zapp, wife of Andrew Zapp
Calvin WHdy. Anna li, Wildy, wlfo of Calvin
WJldy, defendant, Nebraska Loan and Trust
company, were made defendants, tho object
aim prayer or wnicu said petition is to lore
cloo u tax lien for tho delinquent tuxos for
tho years ifcPO, IWI, 1M6.M. lbtf7uudls!Wuioii
tuerouowing uoscriutMi roui estate, suumeu
in tho lummy of Hox Hut to, state of Nebraska,
to-wlt. the southfiist quarter of section lain
township 'i "f rung" W. The amount clalnil
by plaintiff upon said tax lien is tho sum of
52.b6wlUi Interest thtnoii us provided by
law from t ji loth duy of May, Jtw, the pruyur
of said petition Is for a decrco decls -lng tho
ufnrosuill amount, together with InturtHt
thereon and .. ts. to Imj u first nud paramount
Mm upon the ntorosald real estato uud that
Mid nsil estate may Ikj sold under un order of
the court to satisfy the sumo, and that said
defendants bo foro ur burred ami foreclosed
of all luterost or claim iu and to said rail es
tate orany iart. thereof.
You aro roqufretl to uuswer said petition on
or but oro tho 7th day of NoTOiubor, 10U2.
,., . . Plaintiff.
Hy Wm. Mitchell, its uttornoy.
Notice to N'on-Hcsldcnt Defendants.
NO. 13T.0.
Wm. Mitoiikli., County Attorney. I
Alliance, Nub. f
To unknown heirs of Charles H. Ailing, de
ceased. Mrs. Ailing or Mrs. I toe, wlfo of do
fondant Charles 8. Ailing, deceased, first
niiino unknown, and Lucy iialwon, non-resident
Notice Is hereby given that on tho 7th day
of September. iTOl.tlu County of llox Hutto,
plalntlir, filed Its petition In the district court
of llox Ilutto county, Nebraska, wherein
Charles 8. Ailing, Mrs. Ailing or Mrs. Doe,
wlfo of defendant Charles H. Ailing, first anil
real nnmo unknown, anil Lucy Uubson, woro
inudo defendants, tho object and prayer of
which said petition Is to forecloso a tax Hen
for tho delinquent taxes for tho years lmn,
1804 1HW, 1KW. 1W7, iMHnnillRPO uixm tho fol
lowing described real estate, situated In tho
county of Dox Hutto. stuto ot Nebraska, to
wn: uia wesmniioiino
southwest quarter Of
section IS In township 517 of range 61
Tho nmnunt claimed bv nlnlnlltr
dalntltr Uon said
irm.drtwltb Interest
tax lien is tho. sum of with Interest
thereon as provided by law from tho 17th day
of September, loot, tho prayer of said petition
is ror a tieerea declaring t ho arorcsald amount
together with Interest thereon and costs, to
boa llrst i.nd parumount lion upon tho afore
said real cstato and that said real cstato may
bo sold under an order of tho court to satisfy
tho same, and that said defendants bo forever
barred and foreclosed of till Interest or claim
Inandtosaldroulostutoorany part thereof.
You aro required to answer said petition on
or before tho 17th day of November, 1112.
.. . .. . Plaintiff.
lly Wm MiTcnisLU Its attorney.
Notlco to Non-Hcsldciit DcfcnUnnts.
To Emma O. J. Austin, II. 11. Austin, husband
otKmmaC. J. Austin, a member ot defend
ant firm nt Job Hathaway ,V Co.. and hus
band ot Emma 0. .1. Austin, defendant. Wil
liam Parrott and Janet Parrott or Mrs. Par
rot t, llrst name unknown, wlfo of defendant,
William Parrott, Janet Parrott
and William Parrott or Mr. Parrott, llrst
natno unknown, ur Mr. Doe. real uanio un
known, husband of Janet i'nrrott, defend
ant, non-resident dofomlants.
Notice is liorohy given that oti tho 4th day
of October, JOitt, Virgil Young, plaintiff, llled
his petition in thedistrlctcotirtof llox Ilutto
county, Nebraska, wherein Job Hathaway Jc
company, a linn or co-imrtuershlp unincor
porated. cotniMised of Job Hathaway and Em
ma C. J. Austin, Job Hntlmwuy, Annlo L.
Hutluiway, wlfo of Job Hathaway, a member
of defendant firm Job Hathaway and compa
ny, and wlfo ot Job Hathaway, defendant,
Emma C. J. Austin, II. 11. Austin, huslmiid ut
EiniuaC. J. Austin, a member ot defendant
(Inn of Job Hathaway and company, and bus
band of Kintua C, J. Austin, defendant. W. H.
tanning, W. 11. Launlng, trustee, Thomas
Krahtn, beneficiary of W, It, Lannlng, trustee!,
defendant, Tho Equitable Lund company,
William Prtfrott and Janet Parrott or Mrs.
Parrott, llrst name unknown, wlfo of defend
ant William Parrott, Janet Purrott and Will
iam Parrott, or Mr. I'nrrott, llrst natno un
known, or Mr Dnu. real nurno tinknmvii. hus
band of Janet Purrott, defendant, weru mado,
defendants, tho object and prayer ot which
said petition Is to foreelosu it tax Hon by reu
fcou of u certificate of purchase of tax sale pur
chased on January S7,11XX), for tho taxes for
tho years mil, 1M5. 1H00, 1R07, lSfti, and for sub
sequent, taxes paid for years lSpo, 1000 and 1001
upon tho following described real cstato. slt
uutcd In tho county of llox Uutte, stuto of Nu
braska, to-wlt: tho uorthoust quarter of sec
tion so In township SO of rango 17,
Tho amount claimed by plaintiff ujwn said
tax Hen is Ihn sum of tw.4", with Interest
thereon as provided by law from tho 1st day
of October, 1002, tho prayer of said petition is
for a decree declaring tho aforesaid amount,
togethur with Interest thereon and costs, to
bo a llrst and parumount lien upon tho afore
said real estato and that said real cstato may
Iki sold under an order of tho court to satisfy
tho same, and that said defondants Iki forovcr
barred and foreclosed ot all Interest ur claim
tn uud to said real estato or any part thereof.
You aro required to answer said petition on
or before tho 17th duy of November, 1002.
VIUOIL YOUNO, Plaintiff.
lly Wm. MiTCiiEU., his Attorney,
First publication, Oct. 10.
Notlco to Non-Resident Defendants.
To Charles Hlchardson, Mrs. Itlchardson, first
namo unknown, wlfo of defendant Charles
Hlchardson, non-resident defendants.
Notlco Is hereby given that on tho 1th day
of October, 1KB. Virgil Young, plalntlir, llled
his petition In tho district court of llox Ilutto
county, Nebraska, wherein Charles Hlchard
son. Mrs. Hlchardson, llrst namo unknown,
wlfo of defendant Charles nichardson, W. II.
Launlng, W. H. Lannlng. trustee. Thomas
Frahm, bonodctary of W. H. Lannlng, truntco,
defendants, wore mado defendants, tlio object
and prayer of which said petition is to fore
close n tux Hon by reason of a certificate of
purchase ot tax salo purchased on January
27th. woo, by plaintiff, for tho taxes for the
years 1801, im, 1805, 1800, 1807 und 1808 and for
suiuoquent taxes paid for years 1S0O, IW0 nud
1001 by plaintiff, upon tho following described
real estato, situated In tho county ot llox
Uutte, state of Nobrasku, to-wltt tho south
east quarter ot section 10 tn township SO ot
rango 17. Tho amount claimed by plulntlff
upon said tax Hen is tho sum of $13.1 US. with
Interest thereon ns provided by law from tho
1st day of October, 1002, tho prayer of said pe
tition Is for a decree declaring tho aforesaid
amount, together with Interest thereon and
costs, to be a llrst and paramount lion upon
tho aforesaid real estato and that said routes
state may bo sold under nn order of tho court
to satisfy tho same, and that said defendants
bo forovcr barred und foreclosed of all Inter
est or claim In and to said real estato or any
part thereof.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before tho 17th day of November, 1002.
, VIKOIIj YOUNO, i'lnlntlff.
ny Wm. Mitchell, his Attorney.
First publication, Oct. 10.
Sheriff's Salo.
Hy virtuo of un order of salo Issued by tho
clerk of tho district court of Hox Ilutto
county, upon a decrco rendered by said court
in favor of Hox Hutto county. tilalnttfT. and
ugaliiHt Frederick V. King, Mrs. King, his
rife, Hargudlno McIClttrlck J
rv (foods com
any und Hays, Meadi Itlco aro defendants,
will, on tho 11th duy of Novcmher.A.
in. on tno inn uay oi itovcuuicr.A. u. iw.',
at ten o'clock a. in. on said day, at tho west
frontdoor of tho courthouse In Alliance In
said county, sell tho following described real
estate, to-wlt: tho northeast H of section So
of township 27 north, rungo Si, west of flth
principal meridian In Hox Hutto county, No
brasku, ut public auction to tho highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of salo
In the sum of ?3a03 and interest, costs uud ac
cruing costs and taxed at 831.K).
Sheriff of Hald County.
Wm. Mitchkll, Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication, Oct, lo.
Hy virtue of ail order of salo Issued by tho
clerk bf tho district court of Hox Hutto coun
ty Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said
court in favor of Hox Hutto county, plaintiff,
nnd against Frederick V. King, Mrs. King,
his wlfo, first namo unknown. HngiidlnoMc
Klttrlck Dry Goods company, und liuys, Mead
A Itlco aro defendants, I will, on tho 11 day of
Novomber, A. 1). 1U02, ut 10 o.clock a. m, on
said day, ut tho wost trout door of tho court
bouso in Alllanco In said county, sell tho fol
lowing described real estate, to-wltt south
east quarter of section 1, township 27, range
51 In llox Hutto county, Nebraska, at public
auction to tho highest blddor for cash, to sat
isfy said order of salo, lu tho sum of 53,(3 and
Interest, costs and accruing costs taxed at
Bhcrlff of Kaid County.
Wm. Mitchell, Attorney for Plaintiff.
blrst publication, Oct. 10.
sTkevWi . Yvevce.
Ac nt for tho Caledonian, ot
Scotland, which Insuros town
jiroporty only, und tho Colum
bia, which Insures town und
farm property und live stock,
itoth are reliable old lino com
panies Notarial Work.
Furniture repairing neatly done. Phone.
J 139. Geo, Darling.
Notlco. i
Order of Hearing on Petition for Hettlemonft
of Account
Btuto of Nebraska I
llox Ilutto County fM
At n county court, hold atlho county conrb
room in and for said county. Oct. 10. A. I), 1002.
Present, D. 1C. Btmcht. County Judge
In tho Matter of tho Kstato of Moses Hass.
On reading and filing tho potttton of Elvira,
H.ISS, praying u final settlement and allow
unco of her dual account, filed on tho loth rlnv
of October, 1002, and for her dlschargo as Ex
Ortlorod-ThatOi'totierSS. A.D. InftL ut m
o'clock a. in., Is assigned for hearing said po
tmen, wuon an pc -sons iniurosieu in said
matter may appear a s. county court to bo
held In ana for said con Hy, and show causo
why tho prayer of petlU ucr should not bo
granted t and that notlco o tho pendency ot
said petition, and tho hearing thereof, bo giv
en tn nil persons Interested In said matter by
publishing a copy ot this order In tho Alllanoo
iiKHAi.D. a weoKiy newspaper printed in sum
county, for two ruccosslvo weeks
tn. nrlnr tn
sain uay or Hearing.
(Atruocopy.) Soul.
County Judge.
For a Full
Line of...
That Can't he Real
In Town,. i.
Tinware na
Enameled ware
4 - n!
i r
,iowrs far 5aVr
l i Dloip
t & & jx j jt & & & & o ot je jn jt
Is a good dog, but Hold
fast is better. Without
any boasting wo wish to
say, our old customers
stay with us new cus
tomers come to us be
causo they find their
linen dono up as they
like it
Given that nice, firm
finish so suitable for hot
weather. Shirts finished
anyway you want them.
Try us and bo satisfied.
Nelson, Pierce & Co.,
'SVto &v o T&
is when the price is
right. This is the way
wo keep our prices all
the time. But at
present it is
House Cleaning Time
and wo arc offering
odds and ends at
greatly reduced fig
ures, regardless of
their cost. It will
pay you to take time
and come and see
these bargains, . ,
Mark'3 Studio
M Coffees,
tat Teas,
Superior Flours,