The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 24, 1902, Image 5

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    Rev. Horn Readies Utah
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Thompson, John Powers, DcFrancc,
They'll make the republicans dance.
The g. o. p. crew ,
Will vanish fioin view
With a kick on the seat of their pants.
Nebraska republicans can't get over
tlteir sorrow because the president had
fo go home with a sore leg. The sor
'fow is not that the president suffers
,from a sore leg, but because of the fail
ure of the president to make a non
partisan tour of Nebraska" in the in
terests of the g. o. p. state ticket.
. Perhaps Moses T. Kinkaid is work
ing on the supposition that we'll have
lo'scnd him to congress to get rid of
his importunings.
Elmer J. Burkett, republican candi
date for congress in the First district,
is making speeches in other districts in
the state. The other night ho spoke in
St. Paul, and after the speaking a man
approached him and said:
"Are you a candidate in the First
"Yes, sir," said Burkett.
"What are you doing up here in this
"O, I'm sure to be elected by an
oveiwhelming majority," said Burkett,
"swelling up like a toad, "so I do a little
' ihissionary work for my friends in other
The stranger gazed at the bloviating
Burkett for a moment and then exclaim
ed: "Well, b'gosh, all I can say is that I
think it darned mean for a district to
have such a brutal republican majority
that it can let men like you roam
around the country and pretend to be
Now wouldn't it frost you to see a
republican paper accusing Colonel
Mosby of having democratic leanings?
Mosby got his mouth over the republi
can teat in the early 701s and he's had
it there so long his facial orifice looks
like the letter O.
All Lincoln went wild last week be
cause a team of husky young men went
up to Minneapolis and defeated another
team of husky young men in a football
game. Everybody celebrated and be
came intoxicated with joy. And all be
cause eleven Nebraska boys won victory
of muscle. But a Lincoln man who
received more votes for" the highest of
fice in the gift of the people than any
man before him, who has carved his.
name on the pages of history and whose
magnificient intellect ..has made him a
commanding figure in American history
is daily insulted by the greatest news
paper in that city and is the victim of the
jealousy of a lot of smoothbore politi
cians who are unworthy to unlace his
Moral: If you want to achieve dis
tinction in Lincoln, cultivate your
. muscle; if you vnnt to be insulted by a
majority of Lincolnites cultivate your
brains and endeavor to be of service to
the people.
' But we whooped as loud as any of
'em when we got the news from Min
neapolis. Dave Mercer makes affidavit that his
renomination cost him 5325. John N.
Baldwin and other corporation mana
gers, however, are not required by law
to make affidavit to how much they
spent in Mercer's behalf.
"Slippery Elmer" Burkett says the
republican caucus met and decided not
to support the Fowler bill. That's the
way Annanias talked when he lied.
The republican caucus has not consid
ered the Fowler bill. That bill has
merely reached the stage of having
been recommended for passage by the
house committee on banking and cur
rency and placed on the calendar for
discussion. Not until the bill comes
up for consideration will the republi
can caucus consider it.
Every week I see from 3,000 to 5,000
newspaper from all sections of the
world, and here just I want to say that
the Alliance Herald is' ranking
among the top-notchers in points of
typography, excellence of its news ser
viceand evidences of enterprise. The
Herald is the best adveitisement Alli
ance could possibly have of its enter
prise, thrift and progress.
Every time a republican undertakes
to ijuote statistics concerning republi
can management of the state's affairs,
Charley DeFrance pulls the records and
proves that the republican either is
woefully ignorant or wonderfully mendacious.
Tho Lincoln Star is propounding
questions to H. H. Hanks. But the
Star pays no attention to a question
asked it. The Star is owned by D. E.
Thompson, late republican candidate
for tho United States senate, and the
question asked the Star is this:
"Do you believe it to bo right and
proper for a republican candidate for
the United States senate to sign an
agreement at the behest of populist and
democrats to refuse to enter tho re
publican caucus aui) to vote against
your party's financial policy?"
The Star is weeping over tho finan
cial difficulties of Mexico. Yet tho
Star's owner is investing immense sums
of money in Mexican enterprises. Tho
Star promises to become the court jest
er of Nebraska republicanism.
Even at this late day you often hear
some wild-eyed republican fanatict
not a thinking republican declare that
"not all democrats were rebels but all
rebels were democrats." And then we
have to laugh because we think of
Mosby the Guerilla and Chalmers, the
memory of whom recalls the massacre
at Fort Pillow. Mosby and Chalmers
made a fino pair of republicans.
All this furore about removing the bi
ble from the public schools is worse than
useless. If the biblo is taught at home
it should be there will be no need to
have it read in the public schools.
When it is read in the schools a whole
lot of parents who pretend to be Chris
tians think that is enough and fail to
read and teach it to their children in
the homes. It would seem that tho
parents most disturbed by the supreme
court's decision are the parents who
want to shift the burden of religious
instruction from their own shoulders to
the shoulders of tho public school
teachers. I 'think tho decision is far
fetched and calculated to do great in
jury, for the schools do riot teach
enough of morality. But the decision
will be a good thing if it has the effect
of stimulating parents to more thorough
observance of the work of teaching the
bible to their children.
The man who casually remarked
that "There is no perfection in' this
life" never saw a fair sample of autumn
weather in Nebraska.
The next time John N. Baldwjn
selects a standard bearer for the repub
licans, of Nebraska he will doubtless
keep the fact- to himself until the
scheme is worked to a finish.
In a recent speech Mr. Mickey de-1
clared that on the first of January the
books of tho vaiJQUs,s.taio institutions
would show that none of them had a
deficit. Mickey is mistaken. The
penitentiary has been running on wind
since March 1, and by January 1, will
show a deficit of upwards of 20,000.
The Kearney institution is another that
exhausted its appropriation long since.
Is there a man of property in -Nebraska
who trusts his private legal af
fairs to Frank N. Prout? Prout is a
man of less than, mediocre ability, the
servile tool of the corporations and a
mail every varying breeze.
He should be allowed to resume his
residence in Beatrice. . ,
The Atkinson Graphic sneeringly, de
clares that Patrick Barry neyer rose
from the rank of private, and that his
title "General'' is a mighty thin cam
paign card. Well, the records show
that Barry made a mighty good private
soldier- When John Allen - of Missis
sippi was first a candidate for' the dem
ocratic congressional nomination he
was opposed by an ex-general in the
confederate army. The general parad
ed his record and asked support be
cause he had been a commissioned of
ficer. Allen met his opponent in de
bate and after hearing the general's ap
peal for votes said:
"I, too, was a soldier, but I never
wore shoulder straps. My opponent
was a general, and many a night when
it was sold and wet and disagreeable I
have inarched in the rain and sleet and
snow in front of the general's tent,
guarding him while ho slept in comfort.
Now, I only ask that all of you who
guarded teuts vote for me, while all oi
you who wore shoulder straps and slept
in comfort vote for my opponent."
The result showed Allen's success by
a tremendous majority. That's the
way he got his title of "Privato John"
Allen. And as for Patrick Barry, we'll
bet a four-dollar dog against a couple
of two-dollai coonskins he'd rather be
called "Private Pat" Barry than Gen
eral Barry any day.
Describes Trip from Donvcr to Salt Knkc
City, by way of Vuoblo. Visits
Cine of the Winds, on
Pike's Peak.
Salt Lake City, Oct. 14, 1902.
Leaving Denver via the Denver and
Rio Grande railroad, tho route lends
southward along the Rocky Mountain
foothills, in plain view, however, of
many towering peaks. This lino is
very properly called "the scenic lino of
the world."
Passing Palmer Lake, Colorado
Springs is reached, where nature grows
wild as evinced in the Garden of tho
Gods. Here strange freak's of nature's
handicraft present to the tourist much
that is quaint as well as grotesque,
causing speculation as to how tho form
ations were produced.
Not less than 1,400 feet up tho side
of Pike's Peak is the Cave of tho
Winds, a wonder which is the pride of
Colorado, but a curiosity that becomes
a dwarf when compared with Wind
Cave of South Dakota. I told tho
guide he would be ready to change his
adjectives used in his description as
soon as his eyes beheld the most note
worthy cave in America, tho northern
wonder. From Pike's Peak, the view
is never to be forgotten. The Rockies
seem to roll away like tho waves of an
angry ocean, with white caps stationary
and white caps rolling in the form of
clouds, as if hurrying to some distant
place of rest.
The next point enroute westward is
Pueblo, the Pittsburgh ofthe West; so
called on account of its numerous
smelters, iion and steel works stretch
ing along the Arkansas river. Having
run over 100 miles southward from
Denver, in order to break through tho
mountains, the track now turns to the
westward, follows the canon of the
Arkansas, thcnceover the great divide
into the canon of tho Grand and on
over the Wasatch mountains into the
Utah valley.
For a considerable distance tho road
threads its crooked way along the Ar
kansas, where the walls tower on either
side more than 3,000 feet high in
places. "This is called the Royal Gorge
and here it is that the genius of the
builder scores its highest triumph.
Here the word-painter excuses himself
and says,
"let nature alone in her
But what if a boulder
vastness Hut wnat it a
should become loosened and come
crashing down from yonder craggy
height of more than half a mile? A
boulder falling from such a dizzy height
would crush a locomotive to worse than
a scrap heap. One is thrilled and
chilled as he contemplates the vastness
of this deep rock-riven river-encompassed
gorge. But why not let the
river have full possession and not dis
turb its plaintive murmur by introduc
ing the loud-scieeching, panting and
puffing locomotive? Such would have
been well, but not the best. And now
not only the D. & R. G. follows this
natural thoroughfare, but the Colorado
Southern also uses a part of this vale
as an outlet toward the land of the
setting sun. The day I made the jour
ney the trains of both roads were very
late and by some unknown cause two
splendid passenger trains were making
their way side by side. Now the op
portunity was given for a race: Each
road had boasted of its ability to make
the best time. Here was a chance.
Tho engineers saw the opportunity.
The firemen worked like Titans heaving
coal that the engines might do their
utmost. The iron horses puffed, strain
ing every nerve and muscle; the pass
engers filled the windows of the
respective trains; handkerchiefs waved
in the air to encourage the enginemen,
who glanced back now and then to see
if their trains were coming, mail clerks
noticed the situation and each wished
for the success of his own train. It
was a race. The trains flew ahead.
Sharp curves were rounded, tunnels
were threaded, steep grades were
ascended, now one train is away below
only a few feet from tho angrily roar
Alliance Cash
Fresh and
Cash Paid for Hides'
The above is from a rhotograph, taken by H. A. Mark, of tho car of steel dipping tanks recently Bhippcd to Texas
by C. A. Newberry. It Is an advertisement for Alliance as wellas for Mr. Newberry.
ing river, the next few minutes wit
nessed tho same train crawling its
serpentine way far up tho mountain
side, half hidden from view by the
tolling smoke of the two iron steeds
which poured forth black clouds which
having now and then come quite close
to each other, seemed to join into one
mass and darken the raco course.
Brave hearts which had exulted until
now, swooned when at an unexpected
moment, the Colorado Southern train
seemed fo leap tho track and plunge
squarely at our train. But recovery
was complete when it was noticed that
the other track lead directly over our
track and instead of plunging into our
tram, the engine sped across directly
over the car in which I was sitting, and
sped on, having tied our train fot the
honors. Thereupon our conductor
manifested regret because our engineer
did not win tho race, saying: "If we
should haye had any other engineer on
the road at our engine, wo would have
taken the lead, as our huge compound
engine can outrun anything on the
other road, even if we have the heavier
train by three sleepers and a diner,"
I was glad we had that very engineer,
for a mountain pass with a river below
and towering mountains above is not
an ideal place for speeding avestibuled
train of human freight.
The poot Ferguson pays the follow
ing poetic tribute to the Royal Gorge:
In the Royal Gorge I stand,
With its mountain forms around me,
With infinity behind me, and infinity be
fore mo;
Cliff and chasm on every hand,
Peaks and pinnacles surround me;
At my feet tho river rushes with its
never-ceasing roar.
Oh, the power that piled these wonders,
As the mountains took their station,
As the great red belt rose upward in a
glittering zone of fire1,
Oh I the crash of blended thunders
Shaking earth to its foundations.
As each struggling cliff rose upward,
climbing higher, ever higher.
Oh! the crashing and the groaning,
And the deep and awful shudder
As that great red belt was parted and the
moutains crashed in twain;
And the Arkansas came roaring,
Raging with Its dreadful thunder,
Sweeping through the mighty chasm dash
ing madly towards the main.
Oh I this myriad crested canon,
With its walls of massive marble,
With the granite and red sandstone piled
jn peaks that pierce the sky;
Where no bird dare dip its pinion
In the narrow veil of azure,
Where the solemn shadows linger o'er
the river rolling by.
Mortal! ere yon eriter here,
Pause and bare thy brow before Him,
You ore entering a temple which the
Mighty One did rear,
Put thy shoes from off thy feet,
And with sacred awe adore Him,
Throned in awful might and majesty,
(he Great One dwelleth hero.
Meat Market.
Salt Meat
Two of Our
fr (
Qtto ttlock West ami Two
atochs North of
Gkouob Collins Jeffurs, Pastor.
Svkv&o. SgtxAccs.
Sunday School 10.00 a.m.
Preaching...., ..11,00 a.m.
Junior Meeting 3,00 r. m.
C. II. Meeting , 7,15 p.m.
Pleaching 8.00 p.m.
Prayer Servico.Thursday. 8.00 p.m.
A Hearty Welcome &
Fire Insurance Agent!
Hartford Fire Insurance Co,
North American of Philadelphia.
Phoenix of Brooklyn, New York.
Continental of New York City,
Niagara Firo Insurance Co.
Now York Underwriters, New York.
Commercial Union Assurance Co.,
of London.
Liverpool, London and Globe In
Office Up.Stalrs,
I'lctcHcr Jllock.
Jiamonds, Watches,
0 0
Repairing in all its
R !-- hoc - - -
al uiiwiibi, 1 w
w. o.
Jeweler and Optician.
(Stain, 3flour anb fech.
The Aurora Milling Company.
A One Flour,
Lcac Your
The Herald has the best equipped Job Office in the
west, and turns out the best work.
Victor Lodge, Number 10, Knights of
Meets every Tuesday evening at 8
o'clock, at Bell's hall. Visiting members
in the city cordially invited to attend.
C. A. Rankin. 0. C,
J. T. O. Stewart, K. of R. and S.
I TtfUWvo&sfc
S ...Church.., 3
Atntyr. K012. - njqiikasica.
. t.r. E. O. HORN. PM. D
J t'JSTon... - J
Sunday School.......... 10.00 a.m. s
Preaching 11.00 a.m.
Class Meeting. ,. .12.00 m J
Junior Epworth League.. 3.00 p.m.
Epworth League 7.00 P.M.
Preaching , . 8.00 p. m. J
Prayer Scrvlce,Thursd8y. 8.00 p.m.
0 Etcryono It Welcomed to 5
All Services,
surance Co.
German American
Insurance Co.,
New York.
Farmers and Merchants
Co., of Lincoln.
Columbia Fire Insurance Co,
Philadelphia Underwriters.
Phoenix Insuranco Co., of
ford, Conn.
Alliance, Nebraska.
Gold Jewelry,
. Hail orders promptly
y nt-t-fnrl(fl r -v. a.
v.w .
Orders for Alfalfa,
Tho Hekald has the best Job Office
in western Nebraska, and turns out
the best work.
Look at that underwear window,
Norton's. It's a fine selcetion. N