i ' tet i r 1 1 fc I tf A TftPg HERO. One oF tho Kind That Get Little Recognition Here DcIott. Did you ever know fi hero rent well? I know at least one and quite Intimate ly. Who? I am afraid you would hard ly recognize his name, and besides It would not be just right to give It here. He Is only an old bachelor who works In a shop, lie has been at one bcuch for something like well, from this you may judge: When ho began, he was fresh from school, lie lives In n little frame house, with an absurd little back yard hardly moro than big enough for the syrlnga bush and tho ash bar rel. "The first morning I started for the Bhop," ho once told me, "I cut across the back yard and climbed the fence. I lmvq been doing It ever since, and It has been n long time." In the tiny lawn Is worn a deep footpath. The top rail of the back fenco Is smoothly pol ished. Ills feet wore tho path. Ills hands polished the rail. And all these years ho has worked at tho .same bench, doing the same work. Not that ho lacks Intelligence or that ho never had an ambition. Intelligence he most certainly has, no mean lore of books and a wide, generous grasp of affairs and tho drift of things. Ambi tion ho had, too, but that was before bis feet had worn a path across the back yard. I am qulto sure that ho onco loved. In fact, I suspect that I know the one ho loved, and that she loved him. But he never married. She did, though sho has been widowed for a dozen years. But why, you nsk, with Intelligence and ambition, did he stick to bis bench? In an upper room of his little cottage Is a window blind which Is never opened. Behind that blind, peer ing out through tho shutters with un recognizing gaze, sits one who bears tho outward form of manhood, yet lacks manhood's mental qualities. Tho onb behind tho blind Is his brother. Downstairs, puttering feebly about and speaking only in high, thin, querulous tones, Is a wan and bent old woman Ills mother. For tho sake of these two ho has worn the path in the lawn; for them he put away ambition; for them ho stifled the lovo that onco stirred .within him. He Is past middle age now, thin as to hair, stooped as to shoulders. Yet is there a tenderness in hiB voice, a cheer ful sweetness in his smile, a patient resignation In his pale blue eyes, that make his manner of such mild gentle ness as you might expect in a saint. From him comes never a word of com plaint; about him is no trace of dis appointment, no hint of bitterness. And so, though few know his name, though he wears no glittering gauds, though he goes his way unhampered by pomp or circumstanco and all un recognized by church or state, I can not help but count him one of earth's truo heroes. Don't you? fiewell Ford In Brandur Magazine. Moses and Ilia Horns. Did Moses havo horns? Certainly not, but if you havo ever bad tho pleasure of examining a copy of Mi chael Angelo's great picture of "The Lawgiver" you have wondered why the great painter surmounted tho pa triarchal face, gray beard and becom ing priestly gown with a pair of horns much resembling those of a two-year-old animal of the bovine tribe. Tho reason is this: Jerome's Bible, tho Latin Vulgate, tells that when Moses came down from tho mountain top his face was "radiant' (rayed) with the great light shining from his pure soul. In tho Greek Septuaglnt the transla tion said It was "cornua," meaning "radiant" Jerome used this later ver sion in making his Latjn Vulgate and translated "cornua" as "cornuta," tho last meaning horned. Angelo made his picture accordingly. Soil la a Living OrKiinlsm. Formerly tho soil was regarded as mineral matter, simply decayed rock mixed with dead organic matter, says an exchange. Now wo know that the soil Is a living organism whoso llfo is os important as that of tho animal or the plant Itself. If the soil be killed, it Is absolutely sterile. In other words, if tho life of organisms which make soil fertile are destroyed tho soil is Incapable of producing a crop. Plants, as n rule, eat only mineral food, such as phosphoric acid, potash and nitric acid, but animals usually eat only or ganic foods, such as fats, sugars and protein matter. Ilia Cne Not So Dad After AH. "Ah, it's a sad old world," sighed the man who had been cheated out of ?20. "Yes," assented his neighbor. "One of my horses got his head fast in the hayrack last night and' broke his neck. I was offered $200 for him less than n month ago." "Pshaw! That's too bad. Looks as though it was going to brighten up, doesn't it?" And he went on bis way Whistling cheerfully. Chicago Becord-Uerald. Hla Revense. M. Colombles, a merchant of Paris, had his revenge on a former sweet heart, a lady of Rouen, when ho left her by will a legacy of $ 0,000 for hav ing some twenty years before refused" to marry him, "through which," states the will, "I was enabled to live inde pendently and happily as a bachelor." Straneera Notv. "You ought to see tho lovely letters my husband writes," said the bride of a month to one of her girl friends. "Ob, I'vo seeu a few," rejoined tho dear girl friend. "In fact; I've got near ly a trunkful of them in the attic." Exchange. -s y Act! In action there is wisdom and glory and happiness. Action rouses, hope, and hope rouses action. Freedom. CHOATE'S ADVICE. It lrd a Cholerlo Client Into tho Paths) of Pence. It eccms always to have lain within tho power of the distinguished lawyer and humorist, Rufus Choate, to lead a choleric client from wnys of anger into the paths of peace Just beforo tho war a southern gentleman was dining with a friend In one of tho best hotels of Boston. lie was of French Creole extraction, and his name was Dclacour, says a writer In Llpplncott's Magazine. Tho waiter was a colored man, and tho southerner gave his or ders In n very domineering fashion, finding fault freely with what wob put before him and tho way In which It was served. Finally tho waiter becamo incensed nnd told Mr. Dclacour to go to a place warm and remote. The lat ter sprang furiously to his feet nnd would havo shot tho offender dead If hp had not been restrained by his wiser friend, who said: "You can't do that sort of thing here. You will havo to remember where you are." "Do you supposo that I am going to put up with Buch Insolenco and not bo revenged?" said the enraged man. "Certainly not But do it by process of law." The landlord was first interviewed and tho waiter discharged. That was not su indent to satisfy tho wounded feelings of Mr. Dclacour. Ho asked Who was tho best lawyer in tho city and was told it was Rufua Choate. Making his way to his ofilce, ho said: "Mr. Choate, I want to cngago you in a case. What will your retaining fco bo?" "About $50." Tho check was mado out and banded over. "Now," said tho lawyer, "what aro tho facts of tho caso?" Ho was told. Said Mr. Choato thoughtfully: "I know tho United States law on tho subject wclL and I know the. law of tho commonwealth of Massachu setts, and I can assure you, sir, that there is no power on earth strong enough to force, you to go to that place If you don't want to go. And If I were you I wouldn't" "Well," said tho southerner, accept ing tho situation, "I think I'll take your ndvlce." And they parted good friends. POULTRY POINTERS. Supply plenty of gravel to fowls that are being fattened in confinement Chickens should never bo allowed to go on tho roosts until ten or twelve weeks old. Lime is a purifier nnd should be used as a wash on the coops, perches and nest boxes. If a hen lays soft shelled eggs, give her plenty of gravel, oyster shells and crushed bone. Ducks should be allowed as much liberty as possible. They are not par tial to confinement Flat eggs, eggs within eggs, double yolked eggs nnd other unnatural for mations aro duo to the hens being over fat Geese may bo futtened on any kind of grain if fed nil that they will eat for about ten days before sending them to market Corn, peas and barley ore best Young chicks of fancy breeding should not bo permitted to roost on perches until after they aro eight months old, as it often causes crooked breast bones. Accumulating filth is a prolific source of disease, especially gapes. After tho poultry yard is cleaned up sprinkle it well with diluted carbolic acid and a Uttlo copperas. Addlnc Insult to Injury. Sho hod Just handed him tho frosty mitt but he was game to the last hur dle. "If you are ever in trouble," ho said, "do not hesitate to lift up your voice, and you will find me 'Johnny on the spot " "I'm in trouble now," answered tho human refrigerator, with a sigh long drawn out "And, behold," exclaimed tho unsus pecting youth, "I am here." "Yes," she said, "that" s tho trouble.". Chicago News. No, Not You. "Mamma, what was that fuzzy bun dlo you took out of papa's vest pocket and threw in the fireplace Just now?" "That was an accumulation of house hold recipes your father cut out of the papers downtown and put away for my beueflt I have to clean them out of his pocket about ouce a month." Chicago Tribune. A Faulty Appraisement. Mr. Sprlgglns prides himself on un derstanding tho value of money." "And that's where Mr. Sprlgglns makes a mistake," said the liberal man. "Ho expects a dollar to buy two or three times as much ns It has any right to and Is continually being an noyed and disappointed." Washington Star. Fatal to Hta Condldncy. "You have just as much right and theoretically just as good a chanco as anybody else to bo president" says the patriotic citizen to his neighbor. "I cannot agree with you," Blghs the neighbor. "We have no children, and that fact alono would lose roe the pho tographers' vote." Judge. A Corner In Ecca. "That old hen Just seems to be burst ing with pride." remarked the farmer's dog. "Pride? Nothing of the sort Ifs eggs," replied tho Loghorn rooster, "Sho thinks she's a financier, and she's trying to stop laying until there's a rise in prlc.'- Exchange. A MAN'S BLUSHES. " He Will Fir the Ilcd Signal Morn Quickly Than n Woman, "If there Is any ono thing that makes mo want to get up and talk right out in meeting It is to hear It Bald of n man that 'ho blushes llko n woman.' " BaM tho social philosopher to a repre sentative of the New York Times. "ilow women ever gained the repu tation of having run up n corner In blushes is beyond my comprehension. Tho report does her a grave Injustice, for as a matter of fact she not only has no monopoly In blushes, but docs not make use of the share that properly belongs to her. Thero are somo wo men, of course, who blush if you even blink an eyelid In their direction, but ns a general thing men blush much more readily and moro violently than women. "This is not a random statement that I am making for tho purposd of hear ing myself talk, but a sober deduction founded on careful observation. For years I havo mado It a point to study tho sexes in moments of embarrass ment and the statistics I havo Jotted down prove that in nlilo cases out of ten tho nvcrngo man will fly tho red signal of distress milch moro quickly than the averago woman. This holds good in all sorts of situations. "Crack n joko at a man's expense, ho blushes; ply him with awkward questions, ho blushes; subject htm to some humiliation or let somo ludicrous accident befall him in public, nnd ho straightway rivals tho boiled lobster In hue. A woman may redden slightly under tho samo circumstances, but her blush is diluted and perfunctory com pared with tho brilliant, sunlit glow that suffuBcs tho countcnanco of man. "I don't attempt to explain the phe nomenon physiologists and moralists may do that If they can but -merely glvo tho facts for what they are worth in tho hopo that tho next time a story writer has a crop of blushes to dispose of ho will ring a few changes on tho old phraso that has dono duty for gen erations nnd say of tho heroluo that Bho 'blushed llko n man.'" FIRE ALARM BOXES. Tho System In New York nnd Hott It In Operated. Greater New York Is thickly studded with lamppost flro alarm boxes. Tho directions on each box, which Is paint ed red and Is surmounted at night by a red light are: "Turn handle to right until door opens; then pull Inside hook onco and shut tho door." Tho opening of the box rings a large bell In the door, which alarm Is Intended to notify any ono In tho neighborhood, especially the nearest policeman, that tho box has been opened. The policeman will then make sure that tills was not dono out of mischief by some ono who wanted to Bee tho engines arrive or, as recently happened, by a raw maidservant who wanted to mall a letter. When tho in side lever Is pulled down nnd let go, It sots in motion a certain clockwork that ticks out tho number of the box three times In succession at headquarters In Slxty-Boventh street Not only that but It makes a record upon a tape, showing tho number of tho box and tbo exact second at which tho lever was pulled. A clerk who sits night nnd day be sldo tho headquarters Instrument notes the number nnd selects from a drawer a certain disk which when Inserted In tho proper apparatus causes tho alarm to be rung In the station houses of the district in which that firebox is situat ed. Tho average time required to se lect this disk and send out the alarm Is ten seconds. Thero are always two clerks and sometimes three In this de partment Not a word is spoken. An outsider would hardly know that an alarm Is going out In order to prevent several alarms coming at tho same time from people who boo tho Bame flro and run to different boxes no two neighboring boxes arc on tho same cir cuit Scribner's. Who Told the Fib? The bell rang, and the occupier of tho npartment started to the window to boo who tho visitor might be. To his annoyance he saw a persistent creditor who had evidently called again for payment of his long out standing account. Tho Impecunious one Instantly called to .his youthful Bon and said: 'iTommy, go to tho door at once. 1 don't want to see that man. Tell him I'm not at home." "Oh, papa, I thought you never told fibs," remarked Tommy. "I don't, my boy. It's you that's go ing to tell one. Now run off." New York Times. Fiztnar the Dlnme, Mr. Snow was seen holding tho week ly paper as far away as he could get it and working bis head from side to side, with squinted eyes. "Sohol Your Bight's begun to fall ye at last," said tho visitor bluntly. "Well, 'tain't sur prising at your age." Mr. Snow glared. "My eyesight's ull right!" he roared. "The only trouble is my pesky urra isji't long enough I" Youth's Companion. Fame. "When I grow up," remarked Bobby Tougbinuscles, "I am going to be the people's choice." "Pugilist or president?" asked Tom my Sharpboy. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Every one should occasionally say "Whoa!" to himself. Becaupo his friends do not say it docs not indicate that he doesn't need it Atchison Globe. An orange tree in full bearing has been known to produce 15,000 oranges; a lemon tree, 0,000 lemons. Lcifal Advertisements. .SSN 1118, IShcrlfr Sale. lly vlrttioof in order of mile Issued by tho clork of tho dlsfylct court otllox llutto coun ty, Nebraska, ujVn n decreo rendered by wild conrt In favor or M. P. Duuovan, plaintiff, nnd against Thci American Loan nnd Trust Company, Phillip Potior, Rocolvor Of tho American Loan nnd Trust Company, .Tool M, Kambo.Tho Ansley Ranking Company, nnil Kstoy & Cimin Company aro defendants, l will on tho lull day of November, A. 1). line at 10 o'clock n, in. on Bald day, at tho west front door of tho court homo In Alliance In said county. Roll tho following described real QstlltO, to-wltt sw if, sec. 35, t co. ii. r, 40. w. 0th 1. M., in ltox. llntto county, Nebraska, at public auction to thu highest bidder for cash to satisfy tiaUl order of sale In tho sum of fXt.'Zi and Interest, costs and accruing costs taxed at 30 III. . IRA KEKD. Sheriff of Said County. R.C. Nolkman, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication, Oct, 10. Sheriff's, Sale. lly vlrtuo ot an order of salo issued by tho clerk or tlio district court of Uox llutto county. Nebraska, upon a decreo rendorod by said court In favor of John llarnstcad, plaintiff, and against Mats O. Noroen, Mrs. Noreon, his wlfo, M. Ii Cutting, Mrs. Cutting, his wlfo, Thu Equitable Land Company, McKlnloy Dunnlng Iioan nnd Trust Company, defend ants, I will, on thu mil dy of November, A.D. 1002, at 10 o'clock a. iu. on said day, at tho west front door of the eoiirt-houio in Alllanco in snld oounty, sell tlio folowlng described ronl estato, to-wit. tho houUi i of tho northeast M and north H of thu southeast i of section 6, township 28 north of range 4U West of tho flth principal lnorldlau In said Uox llutto county, Nebraska, at public auction to the highest bidder for caul! to satisfy said order of salo In tho sum of $07.00 and Interest, coiits ami accruing costs and taxed at $31.13 and 0.77 at torney's fees. And McICInlcy-Luunlhg I;oan and Trust Company cross petitioner received of thu said Mats I). Noroen tho sum of IUU.37. , , 1UA ItKKD, BhorlfT or Said County. II. P. Oilman, Attorney for riatntllT, Plrst publication. Cut. 10. Sheriff's Sale. 1118 I)y vlrtuo of an order of salo Issued by tho clork of tho district court of Uox llutto county, Nebraska, upon a decreo rendered by Mild court In favor of Uox Uutto county, plaintiff, ami nalnst Prick Company and McKlnloy limning 1oan and Trust Company are de fendants. I will, ou tho 11th day or November, A. 1. 100".', at 10 o'clock n. in. ou said day at tho west front door of tho courthouse in Alliance In said county, soil tho following described real estate to-wlt: tho northeast, !( of section ill of township 27 north of ruugu M west of tho Oth principal meridian in Uox Uutto county, Nebraska, at public miction to tlio hlghost bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of salo tn tho sum of fep.07 and Interest, costs nd accruing Costs nud taxed at $!.08. IKA KEKD, Sheriff of Said County. Wm. Mitoiikll, Attorney tot Plaintiff. First publication, Oct. 10. Sheriffs Sale. 1358 Uy vlrtuo of an ordor of salo issued by tho clork of the district court of Uox Uutto county, Nebraska, upon a decree rondored by said court in favor of Uox Uutto county, plaintiff, and against Prodorick V. King Mrs. King, his wlfo, first numo unknown, liargadlnu McKIt trick Dry floods company, and Hays Mead lticu aro defendants, I will on tho lull day of November, A.l). 100'.', lit 10 o'clock a.m. on said day, at tho west front door of thu courthouse In Alllanco In said Uox llutto county of No brasku, soil tho following described real eg tato, to-wit: tho northwest uuurter of suction HI, township 2H north of range 40 west of tho Oth principal meridian in Uox Uutto county, Nebraska, at public auction to tho highest ladder fur cash, to satisfy said or der of salo In thu suuu of mo. 00 and interest, costs und accruing costs taxed nt Ml. 53. 1HA iitiiil), Hliorlff of Bald County. Wm. Mitchell, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication, Oct. 10. Sheriff's Sale. ia Dy vlrtuo of unorder of salo issuod by tho clerk of tho district court of Uox Uutto coun ty, Nebraska, ujxin a decree rendered by said court In favor of James P. Whelan, plaintiff, und against Addle Ii. Caufield, Mr. Oanllolrt, her husband, and McKlnloy Lannlng Loan and Trust company aro defendants, X will, ou tho 11th dy of November, A. , 1002, at 10 o'clock a, m. on said day nt the west front door of tho courtliuuso in Alllanco In said county, sell the following described real estate, to-wit: tho southwest H of section 1H of township 28 noith of range 4u west of tho Gtli princlpall.mo rldlan iu Uox Uutto county.Nebrnska, at publlo auction io the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said ordsr of sale in the sum of $47.10 and lnt terest, costs and accruing costs and taxed ut $5.' 38 and $1.71 attorney's fees. And McKln loy Launlng Loan mnd Trust company, cross petitioners, received of snld Addle 1. Oau llcld tho sum of 590.10. , , IKA KEED. ,. . ShorllT of Said County. H. P. Q H.MAK, Attorney for l'lulntltr. First publication, Oct. 10. Sheriff's Snlc. 1300 Uy vlrtuo of an ordor of sale Issued by the clerk of tho district court or Uox Uutto coun ty. Nebraska, upon u decree rendered by said court in favorof Uox Uutto county, plaintiff, and against Frederick V. Kliu, Mrs. King, his wife, liargadlnu McKittrlck Dry Goods com pany. and ilays.Mcad A. IUcouru defendants, I will, on tho llth day of November, A.l), 100J, at 10 o'clock u, m. on said day ut tho west front doorof tho courtbouso In Alllanco In said Uox llutto county of Nebraska, hell tho following described real estate, to-wit: thu nortlieust quarter of section seventeen (17), township W north of rnrigiHu west of tho oth principal meridian In Nebraska, in Uox Uutto county, Nebraska, at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order of salo lutbobumof $ts.30 und interest, costs and accruing costs taxed ut ti.M. , IKA KEED, Sheriff otSald County. Wm. Mitchell, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication, Oct. 10. Sheriff's Sale. 1303 Uy vlrtuo of an order of salo Issued by tho clerk of thu district court of Uox llutto county, Nebraska, ujkjii a decreo rendered by said court lu favorof Uov Uutto county, tho county of Uox llutto Is plaintiff and against Frederick V. King, Mrs. King, his wife, Har gadluo McKittrlck Dry floods company, and Hays, Mead ft Klco are defendants, 1 will, on tho llth day of November, A. D. UXtt, at 10 o'clock a. m. on said day, at thu west front door of tho courthouse In Alllanco In said county, soil tbo following described real es tate, to-wlt: tho southwest H of section 7, township 27. north rango&'A west of oth prin cipal meridian In Uox llutto county, Nebras ka, at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order of salo in tho sum of 38.08, and Interest, costs and uccrulng costs taxed at 0.03. IKA KEED. Sheriff of Said Oounty. Wm. Mitchell. Attorney for Plaintiff. First Publication, Oct. 10. Notice to Non-Kcstdcnt Defendants. Wm. Mitchell, County Attorney, J Alliance, Neb. J To tho unknown belrs of Andrew Zapp. de ceased, and Gertrude Zapn. wlfo of Andrew Zap 1 1, nun-resident defendants. Notice Is hereby given that on tho lOtli day of May, Woo, tho county of Uox Uutto. pluin tlff, filed Its petition in the district court of Uox Uutto county, Nebraska, wherein Andrew Zapp. Gertrude Zapp, wlfo of Andrew Zapp, Calvin Wlldy, Anna K. Wlldy.wlfoof Oulviii ildy, defendant, Nebraska fxxin and Trust company, were made defendants, tho object and prayer of which said petition Is to fore close u tux lien for tho delinquent tuxes for the years 18U3, ibVI, 18U0, 1MW. l8U7nudloaupou tho following deocrltxxl real estate, situated in the county of Uox Uutto, state of Nebraska, to-wlt: tho southeast quarter of section 13 Iu township 25 of rungoSO. Thu amount clulmwl by plaintiff upon said tax lien Is tbo sum of f-MMwltb Interest thereon us provided by law from tho 10th day of Muy, 1HX), tho prayer of said petition is fgr a decree declurlug thu uforesuld amount, together with interest thereon und costs, to be a first und parumouut lien upon the aforesaid real estato and that said real estato may bo sold under an order of tho court to sdtlsfy tho same, and that said defendants bo forever burred aud foreclosed of ull Interest or claim In and to said real es tate or any part thereof. You uro required to answer said petition on or beforo the 17th day of November, KttJ. THE COtfN'TV OP UOX UUTTE. .. , .. , Plaintiff. Uy Wm. Mitcuell, Its attorney. Notice to Non-Hcsldctit Defendants NO. 1350. Wm. Mitchell, County Attorney. I Alliance, Neli. ' f To unknown holm of Oharlc 8. Ailing, de ceased. Mrs. Ailing or Mrs. Doit, wife of de fendant Charles 8. Ailing, deceased, first tjamo unknown, nnd Lucy uubson, nou-resl-deut defendants Notice Is hereby gtVen that on tho Ttli day of Keplembcr. 1P0I, tlu County of Uox Hutto, plaintiff, filed Us petition In tho district court of llpx Uutto comity, Nebraska, wherein Charles S. Ailing. Mrs, Ailing or Mrs. Doe, Wlfo of defendant Charles 8. Ailing, first and real name unknown, aud Lucy Uabson, woro mado defendants, tlio object and prayer of which said petition Is to foreclose a tax lion for tbo delinquent taxes for tho years ltt 1U 1PKS, 1KHT, iw7, WW and I8tt) upon tho fol lowing described real estate, situated In tho county of Uox Unite, statu of Nebraska, to wltiUio west half of the southwest quarter of section 18 lu township U7 of range 61 A Tho amount claimed by plaintiff upon said tax Hen is the, sum of $38.00 with interest thereon as provided by law (mm the 17th day of September, I KM. tlio prayer of said petition Is torn. ducroddeclurlngtho nforosald amount together with Interest thereon and costs, to be a Hrstnnd paramount lien upon tho nforo sald real estato and that said real estato may bo sold undor an ordor oft ho court to satisfy thu same, and that said defendants bo forever barred and foreclosed of all Interest or claim In aud to said real estate or any part thereof. l ou are required to answer said petition on or boforo tho 17th day of Novotnlior, ntt. THE COUNTY OP UOX IlUTTH, ,., .. . Plaintiff. lly Wm Mitcuklu lu nttomey. Notice to Non-KcNldcnt Defendants. To Dmma C. .T. Austin, 11 11. Austin, huslvind of Emma O.J. Austin, iiuiombur of defend ant firm of Job Hathaway t Co.. and hus band of Emma O. J. Austin, dofeiulnnt, Wil liam Parrott and Janet Parrottor Mrs. Pnr rott, first namu unknown, wife of defendant, William Parrott, ; - Janet Parrott and William Parrott or Mr. Parrott, first namu unknown, or Mr. Doe. real namo un known, husband of Janet l'nrrott, defend ant, non-resident defendants. Notice Is heroby given that on tho h day of October, inotl. Virgil Young, plaintiff, llled hi? petition in tho district court of Uox llutto county, Nebraska, wherein Job Hathaway & company, u firm or co-partnership unincor porated, composed of Joli Hathaway and Em ma o. J. Austin, Job Hathaway, Annie L. Hathaway, wlfo of Job Hathaway, a memlier firm of .lob Hathaway and company, and hus- iiaiiu oi I'.inma u. j, Austin, ueienuant, . a. Launlng, W. 11. Dinning, trustee, Thomas Kralim, beneficiary of W. ll, Lannlng, trustee defendant, Tho Equitable Land company, William Parrott and Janet Parrottor Mrs. Parrott. first namo unknown, wiro of defend ant William Parrott, Janet Parrott and Will iam Parrott. or Mr, Parrott, first namo un known, or Mr. Hoe. real namo unknown, hus band of Janet Purrott, defendant, worn mado defendants, the object und prayer of which said petition Is to foreclose a tax lion by rea son of a certlllcato of purchase of tax salo pur chased on January 27, 1P0O, for tho taxes for tho years 18(M, 180J. lmifl, lwrf, 18IW, and for fluli sequont taxes paid for yoors.lSDD, 1000 und Ul upon tho following described real estate, sit uated In tho county of Uox llutto, stato of Ne braska, to-wlt tho northeast quarter of sec tion 30 In township 2fl of range 47. Tho amount claimed by plaintiff upon said thereon us provided by law from tho 1st day of October, Jtvw, tho prayer of said potltlon Is for a decreo declaring tho aforesaid nmount, togothor with Interest thoreon and costs, to bo a first und paramount lien uikmi tlio afore said real estato and that said real estato may 1 sold under an ordor of tho court to satisfy tlio samo, and that said defendants bo forever barred and foreclosed of all Interest or claim in and to said real estato or uny part thereof. You aro required to answer said petition on or beforo tho 17th day of November, 1PQ2. VIKOILYOUNO, Plaintiff. Uy Wm Mitchell, his Attornoy, First publication, Oct. 10. Notico to Non-Kcsldcnt Defendants. T,o Charles Klchardson, Mrs. Klcliardson, first namo unknown, wlfo of defendant Charles Klchardson, nou-rctddent defendants. Notico Is hereby given that on tho 4th day of October. 1KB. Virgil Young, plaintiff. fTlod his petition in tho district court of Uox Uutto county, Nebraska, wherein Charles Klchard son, Mrs. Klcliardson, first namo unknown, wlfo of defendant Charles Klcliardsoii, W. 11. Lannlng, W. II. Lannlng, trustee, Thomas Frahm, beneficiary of W. II, Lannlng, trustee, defendants, were made defendants, tho object and prayer of which Raid petition Is to fore closo n tax lien by reason of a certificate of purchaso of tax salo purchased on January 87th lono.lty pla'ntirr, for tho taxes for tho years 1803, im, 18115, 181X1. 1807 and 1808 and for subsequent taxes paid for years 1809. 1000 and 1001 by plaintiff, upon thu following described real estate, situated in tho county of Uox Uutto, stnto of Nebraska, to-wltt the south east quarter of section 10 In township SO of rango 47. Tho amount claimed by plaintiff upon snld tax lien is tho sura of tl33 88. with Interest thereon us provided by law from tlio 1st day of Octolier. i002, tho prayer of said pe tition Is for u decreo declaring tho aforesaid amount, together with Interest thereon und costs, to be a first nnd paramonnt lien unon tho aforesaid real estate and that said real es ktuto may behold under un ordor of the court to satisfy tho same, und that said defendants bo foroyer barred and foreclosed of all Inter est or claim In and to said real estate or any part thereof. You arc required to answer said petition on or beforo the 17th day of Novembor, 11KB. VIRGIL YOUNO, Plaintiff. lly Wm. Mitchell, Ids Attorney. First publication, Oct, 10. , Sheriff's Sale. 1370 Uy vlrtuo of unorder of salo Issued by the clerk of tho district court of Uox llutto county, upon a decreo rendered by said court In favor of Uox llutto county, plaintiff, aud ngalnst Fredorlck V. King, Mrs. King, Ills wife, Hargadlue McKittrlck Dry aoods com pany und Hays. Mend &. Kiqo uro defendants, I will, on tho llth day of November.A. D 1002, at ten o'clock a. m. on said day, at tho west front door of the courthouse, In Alllanco In said county, sell tho following described rn.-il ostutc, to-wltt tho northeast M of section 3o of township 27 north, rango 51, west of flth principal meridian In Uox Uutto county, No bruska, at public auction to the highest bidder for cahh, to satisfy said order of salo In the sum of KiO.05 and Interest, casts nnd uc crulng costs and taxed at :il.M. IKA KEED, Sheriff of Hald County. Wm. Mjtchkll, Attorney for Plaintiff. Plrst publication, Oct, 10. Shcrlff'sSnlc. 1373 . lly vlrtnopf an order of salo Issued by tho clrk of tho district court of Hov Uutto coun ty Nebraska, upon a decreo rendered by said court In favor of llgx llutto county, plaintiff, und ugulnst Predorlck V. King. Mrs. King, his wlfo, tlrst namo unknown, Hngadlno Mc Kittrlck Dry Hoods company, und Hays, Mead &, Klco aro defendants, X will, on tho n day of November, A D. 1102, at 10 o.clock a. m, ou said day, ut the west front door of tho court bouso in Alliance in said county, sell tbo fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt: south east ouarter of section U, township 27, rango 51 In Uox Uutto county, Nebraska, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to sat isfy said order ot sale, lu tho sum ot &3.13 and Interest, costs aud accruing costs taxed at ."9.53. IKA KEED, Sheriff of Kuld County. Wm. Mitchell, Attorney for PlalntltT. hirst publication, Oct. 10. oooooooooo Fire 0 Insurance. $ Hemingtokd, Nebraska. Agont for tho Caledonian, of Scotland, which insures town property only, und the Colum bia, which Insures town and farm property and llvo stock. Doth aro reliable old lino com panies Notarial "Work, 00tO00OYO0O0 Furniture repairing neatly done. Phone. : 39. G eo. Daxling . uLiioiuuuiiiiturrn joii iiauuiwny aim compa ny, and wlfo or Job Hathaway, defendant, Kmina C. J. Austin, II. 11. Austin, linslwnd of EmmaC J. Austin, a tnemlior nf iliirnnilitnt. Notico. Order of Hearing on Petition for Hettlomont of Account. ? tato of Nebraska I. . lox llutto County " At a county court, hold nttho county court room In nud for said county, Oct. 10. A. D. lSOti. Present, D. 1C. Hpaeht, County Judge-. In tho Matter of the Estate of Moses Dans. On rending and filing tho petition of Klvlr Diss, praying u final settlement nnd allow ntiruof her final account. Died on tho 10th day of October, 1002, and for tier discharge as Kx ecntrlx. Ordered, That October S-1, A. D. 1002, at 10 o'clock a. tn., Is assigned for hearing said pe tition, when all p -sons Interested in wild matter may appear n. s, county court to ho held In and for said con Hy, and show cuuso why tho prayer of petit i lor should not bo grunted: and Mint notico c tlio pendency ot snld petition, and tho hearing thereof , boglv on to all persons Interested In said matter by publishing u copy ot this order In tho Alliance llKitALD, u weekly uowspupor printed In said county, for two ruccesslvo wocks. lirlor to said day ot hearing. D. K. BPACllT, A truo copy.) Seal. connty Judgo. 10-10-2W HflMHMHtAAAMAAfAAH 1 Hnf n n.iii 1 v ci Ull Line of... Staple AND Fancy Groceries Best Coles I? 1 aiui Rn w mt That Can't he Real In Town.n. Queensware, Tinware nd Enameled ware rvv' 4 OALL ON. 0MTS fat 5&Vf srvsr Vv tin c w w v C w w- 3 w 0 w v- 0 v v 5 ALLIANCE 5 5eam &&iwiiv&. 5 Is t Is a good dog, but Hold fast is better. Without any boasting wo wish to say, our old customers stay with us new cus tomers come to us be cause they find their linen done up as they like it $ 3 COLLARS and CUFFS Given that nice, firm finish' so suitable for hot weather. Shirts finished anyway you want them. ? Try us and bo satisfied. 2: Nelson, Pierce & Co., . PROPHIETORB. ." j K f j? tf ' K f? tf s? K iv s p trm Hwz "5me o lx is when tho price is right. This is the way we keep our prices all the time. But at present it is . . House Cleaning Time ! and wo are offering odds and ends at greatly reduced fig ures, regardless of their cost. It will pay you to take time and come and sec these bargains, , . Mark'5 Studio Mini 4 wv.W k 4 k 4 ilModpl ?? TTT WWWWW9WII& FINE BOOTSand SHOES MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRING A SPEOIAWY. ORDERS CALLED POR AND DEHVEBED r. madsen;