The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 26, 1902, Image 7

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Officer at Once Start In Pursuit Mur
derer Draws a Revolver When Over
hauled Hlo Movement Brings Three
BANCROFT, Neb., Sept 22. Peter
Olsen, who shot Mary Peterson In
Omaha on the night of September 8,
was shot and almost Instantly killed
here yesterday. He came to town lasi!
evening and registered at tho Park
hotel as W. Johnson, having supper,
bed and breakfast, paying for the came
In tho morning. He was around town
all evening and got shaved at the bar
ber shop, 'but was not recognized bji
anyone. Yesterday morning Led1
Fletcher came to town, and although
he only saw Olsen onoo about si
months ago, he recognized him, bui
was not certain enough to cause hid
arrest. He left a man to watch him
and hurried out in the country for Mi
P. Johnson, an uncle of the murdered
girl, and with whom Olsen had visited
lost June.
Olsen also recognized Mr. Fletcher
and seemed to know they were after
him and left town. As. Mr. Johnson
was coming in he saw Olsen going up
the railroad and recognized him by
his walk. He at once notified Con
stable J. O. Copplo, who organized a
posse and started In pursuit, overtak
ing him about three miles from townj
Constable Copple and John Farley,
armed with rifles, were the first to be.
on tho Bcene, and when about fifty"
yards from Olsen they dismounted, and
taking refuge back of a culvert ordered
him to surrender. Ho reached for his
revolver and the second command was
given, when tho revolver flourished.
The order was given to shoot; three
Tlflo shots were fired, only one taking
effect, entering about three inches
above the navel and passing entirely
through tho body. Upon examination
It was found that the revolver contain
ed only one shell and that had been
snapped three times. There were no
papers on his person. The revolver
and $15.65 In money was all that was
found. He was loaded Into a buggy
and brought to town, where a closer
examination wis held.
The clothes he wore, the scars on
his neck and the scar qn his side
where he was operated on for appendi
citis tallied exactly with the descrip
tion sent out by tho Omaha police.
Coroner Sammons, Sheriff Kloke
and County Attorney Hunter came
over from "West Point and upon exam
ination said that there was no ques
tion but that he was the right man.
London Papers Predict that the Trusts
Have Nothing to Fear.
LONDON, Sept. 22. The Dally Tel
egraph, in an editorial article this
morning, expresses tho belief that In
proposing to regulate tho trusts by
amending the constitution President
Roosevelt has undertaken a task bo
colossal that the remedy will bo more
dangerous than the disease and that
the trusts have nothing to fear for a
long time to come.
Referring to the same subject the
Dally. News says: "It would almost
seem as though President Roosevelt
wore destined to ploy as great a part
In American history as did Abraham
Lincoln, by seizing and directing tho
growing sentiment against the enslave
ment of the whites by huge and con
scienceless combines."
Going to the Isthmus.
BOSTON. Mass.. Sent. 23. Rear Ad
mlral Coghlan has raisod his flag on
tho Olympia, and awaits orders to pro
ceed to the Isthmus of Panama and as
sumo charge of affairs there. The
Olympia Is provisioned and coaled foi
three months.
Must Pay the Fiddler.
LONDON, Sept 22. The Daily Mail
says that tho government has decided
that the new South African colonlet
are to be required to pay $500,000,000
toward the cost of the South Afrlcat
Rear Admiral Watson.
VALLETTE, Island of Malta, Sept
22. The death Is announced of Reai
Admiral Burges Watson, R. N. He
died on board tho British battleshlr
Will Not 8upport Appeal.
LONDON, Sept 22. Cabling from
Vienna, the correspondent of the Dally
Chronicle sayB he learns that nelthei
Austria or Russia are willing to sup
port the appeal mado by the United
States in behalf om the Jews in Rou
mania. It is admitted, Bays the corre
spondent that the treaty of Jews in
fringed upon the treaty of Berlin ol
1878, but it is one of the many in
frlngement without the powers pro
When that Is 8olved No Trouble to
Reach the North Pole.
NEW YORK, Sept 20. Dr. Fred
crick A. Cook of Brooklyn, who was
with Lieutenant Peary on one of his
Arctic trips and with the Delglca
expedition to tho south polo as chief
surgeon, expresses tno opinion mat
Peary's latest ondewor was by no
means a failure, and that tho explorer
has added "material to the annals of
science which will bo found Invalu
able, In fact moro valuable than tho
actual discovery of tho polo Itself."
"All this talk about the torrlblo
dangers to be met before reaching tho
polo is sheer rot," continued Dr.
Cook, "A man, all things taken Into
account Is just as safe on tho Arctic
Ice fields as ho is In Now York. Thero
not so severe as tho cut of tho sallno
giouB diseases, no miasmatic swamps,
no sewer gas, no decaying vegetables,
no rotting rags. Everything Is on ico.
Thero is no danger In traversing tho
ice fields, nor from the cold, which is
not sosevcre as the cut of the saline
blasts on the Atlantic seacoasts.
"It Is the food question," ho added,
"that closes up tho way to tho polo."
When this problem Is solved reach
ing tho pole will, In his opinion, bo
quite a simple undertaking.
Gunboats Are Hurrying Toward
City of Chen Tu.
PEKIN, Cept 20. The situation at
Chen Tu, capital of Szo Chuan prov
ince, and the scene of tho recent box
er activities has improved. British
and French gunboats aro now within
ninety miles of tho city. A squadron
of French marines has raeched Cheng
Tun Fu and they aro expected to re
turn to their gunboat with the French
consult there. An investigation is to
be made by the French consular agent
Into the murder of tho missionary,
Bruce and Lewis, at Chen Chow, Ho
Nan province, by a mob has disclosed
tho fact that military officials of
Chen Chow are culpable In the matter
because they refused to receive or
protect the missionaries.
At Baltimore Next Year.
DES MOINES, la., Sept 20. Tho
Sovereign Grand I. O. O. F. will ad
journ at noon today, after tho instal
lation of officers, to meet tho third
Week in September, 1903, at Balti
more, Md. The location was deter
mined by a voto of 95 for Baltimore
to 93 for Hot Springs, Ark. An
amendment to tho constitution was
adopted providing that "attentive
benefits" which involve tho payment
of money shall be only given thoso
members who aro entitled to weekly
benefits. f
Queen Is with Her Father.
COPENHAGEN, Sept 20, Queen
Alexandra arrived hero today from
England on board tho royal yacht
Victoria and Albert, which was met
outside tho harbor by King Christian,
aer father, and other members of tho
royal family, and was escorted Into
the roadstead by a Danish squadron
of warships. All tho cabinet minis
ters and members of tho diplomatic
corps met tho royal party at tho land
ing place and they all drove to Bern
Btoff castle through cheering crowds.
Wreck on the Baltimore.
CHILLICOTHE, O., Sept 20. No.
2, the Royal Blue flyer on tho -Baltimore
& Ohio Southwestern, was
wrecked at Leesburg last night, the
train having run into an open switch
while running at the rate of fifty
miles an hour. To add to the dlsas
ter, the engine exploded and Engineer
Philip Roe and Fireman Charles Stu
der, both of this city, were killed out
right Every coach on tho train left
the track but passengers were not se
riously Injured.
To Release Ten Millions.
WASHINGTON, Sept 20. Secretary
Shaw announced before leaving Wash
ington this afternoon for the west
that during the week he had author
ized the distribution In round num
bers of $10,000,000 at public funds
among banks throughout tho country
which have bonds avallablo for se
curity. The money will be released
and deposits will all be completed
within a fow days and just as rapidly
as the bonds are received at the treas
ury. Smallpox in Jamaica.
KINGSTON, Jamaica, Sept 20.
News has reached here that 266 cases
of smallpox occurred at Barbadoes, B.
W. I., during tho fortnight ended Sep
tember 15.
British Flag Over It
NEW YORK, Sept. 20. Ofllclals
here have been told that the British
government has raised the British
flag on the Island of Patos, which is
near Trinidad, notwithstanding tho
protest of tho Venezuelan govern
ment Bays a dispatch from Port of
Spain, Trinidad. Sovereignty ovei
the Island of Patos has been In dispute
between Great Britain and Venezuela
for a long time.
8tampcde Follows Quarrel Between
Delegates and Choir Master Suffo
cation Causes Most Deaths Heaps
Ten Feet High at Doors.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala,, Sept 20. Sov-enty-olght
pooplo known to bo dead
and eighty Injured, somo perhaps fa
tally, Is tho result of a panic which oc
curred in Shlloh negro Baptist ohurch
horo last night during tho ovenlng ses
sion of tho national Baptist conven
tlon. Fifteen hundred dolcgatcs were
crowded into tho church, which had
only a seating capacity of 400, when
tho audtenco was thrown Into a stam
pede by a conflict between two of tho
delegates in tho rear of tho church.
Tho cries of "fight" tho audlenco mis
took for an alarm of "fire," and In tho
wild rush sovonty-olght persons wore
crushed to death and eighty moro re
ceived Injuries some of which may
provo fatal. Tho list of dead and In
jured included only negroes in attend
ance. In tho case of tho visiting dele
gates the Identification has been diffi
cult Tho catastrophe occurred at 9
o'clock, just as Booker T. Washington
had concluded his address to the na
tional convention of Baptists, and for
three hours tho scenes around the
church were indescribable. Dead
bodies were strewn In every direction
and the ambulance service of tho city
was utterly incapacitated to mpve
them until after 10 o'clock. Dozens of
dead bodies were arranged In rows on
the grounds outside of the house of
worship, awaiting removal to tho va
rious undertaking establishments,
while moro than a score were laid out
on tho benches inside.
Tho church is tho largest house ot
worship for negroes In Birmingham,
and tho pastor says there wero at
least 2,000 persons in the house when
tho stampedo began. Instructions had
been Issued to allow no more to en
ter, but tho negroes forced their way
Inside and wero standing In every
aisle. Even tho entrance to tho church
was literally packed.
Just as Booker T. Washington con
cluded bis address, Judge BUlou, a
negro lawyer from Baltimore, engaged
in an altercation with tho choir lead
er concerning an unoccupied seat and
It is said a blow was struck. Someone
In tho audlenco cried "They're fight
ing." Mistaking tho word "fighting"
for "fire," the congregation arose en
masse and started for the door. Ono
of the ministers quickly mounted tho
rostrum and admonished tho people
to keep quiet He repeated the word
"quiet" several tlmeB and motioned
hiB hearers to be seated. Again the
excited people mistook tho word
"quiet" for "fire" nnd renewed their
efforts to get out Men and women
crawled over one another to get to
the door. Tho ministers tried again
to Btop the stampede, but no power on
earth could stay tho struggling mass
of humanity.
Tho level of tho floor la about fif
teen feet from the ground and long
stopB lead to the sidewalk from the
lobby just outside of tho main audi
torium. Brick walls extend on either
side of these steps for six or seven
feet, and these proved a veritable
death trap. Negroes who had reached
the top of the steps wero pushed vio
lently forward and many fell. Before
they could move otherB foil on them,
and in fifteen minutes persons wer
piled upon each other to a height of
ten feet, where twenty died from suf
Resume Next Month with Case
Against Dewey.
WASHINGTON, Sept 20. Tho Unit
ed States supreme court will reoBsem
bio October 13. No business will bo
transacted on tho opening day. Tho
court will make its customary call on
President Roosevelt. On tho. follow
ing day tho court will resume the
hearing of cases.
Among the first cases to be heard
are those of Bird against tho United
States, brought to determine the le
gality of a murder trial in Alaska;
the Lino Wolf case, involving the
validity of an act of congress relat
ing to Kiowa Indian lands, and the
prize money cases of tho United States
against Admirals Dewey and Samp
son. Stamped Envelope Contract.
WASHINGTON, Sept 20. Acting
Postmaster General Madden today
awarded the contract for furnishing
stamped envelopes and newspaper
wrappers for tho postofflce depart
ment for the four years, beginning
January 1, 1903, to the Hartford Manu
facturing company of Hartford, Conn.,
It being the lowest bidder. Upward of
$3,000,000 will be paid this company
under the contract Their bid is $85
000 less than the next lowes
Man Suspended in Air One Hundred
Feet High Twenty Minutes.
CHICAGO, Sept. lO-r-Suspendod
only by his hands, McNaughton
Wright, ft prominent .member of tho
Board of Trade, hung between Ufo
and death for twenty minutes at (ho
top of a grain chuto in tho Rock Is
land clovator.
When rescued Mr. Wright was ox
hauBted and on the point of rolcastng
his hold, which would havo meant a
fall of 100 feet to tho hard floor of an
empty bin, and almost certain death.
He had entered tho olcvator to ln
spoct somo wheat Making a mis
step, ho fell Into tho chuto, but suc
ceeded In clutching tho edgo and
hanging by his hands. Mr. Wright's
calls for help were finally hoard by
an employe who pulled him out Ho
fainted then and was unconscious for
nearly an hour, so great hod boon tho
In Debt Because the Government Has
Made Allowance Too Small.
LONDON, Sept 19, At a mooting
today of tho creditors of Prlnco Vic
tor Dulep Singh, who waa declared a
bankrupt September 4, tho chairman
Bafd tho prince's debts amounted to
$471,C00, of which $3G0,00O waa secur
ed. Tho debts wore attributed to Btock
exchango speculation and gambling.
Among tho assets Is a claim for $3,
000,000 against tho Indian government
with respect to tho estate of tho bank
rupt's father.
Tho prlnco ascribes his bankruptcy
to tho "ridiculous Insufficiency" of
his allowance from the Indian govorri
mont To maintain his' position th'o
prlco received $35,000 yearly and hla
wife received $10,000.
Botha Telegraphs Brussels Not to Pre
pare Demonstrations.
BRUSSELS, Sept 19. Tho Boor
reception committee hero haa recolv
ed tho following telegram from Gen
eral Botha: "Wo shall bo glad If you
Inform tho population of Brussels that
wo desire no anti-English demonstra
tlon to occur upon tho occasion of
our visit to Brussels, our missing be
ing non-political and purely charlta
ble.'V Dr. Leyds, the Boer representative
in Europe, has Issued a denial ot tho
report that tho Boer generals Botha,
Delarey and Dowot would abandon
their tour. He declares tho genorals
to be In complete agreement with
himself and the other European Boor
Protest Against Their Treatment In
Roumanla Approved.
LONDON, Sept 19. Tho United
States' initiatlvo In protesting to tho
countries which aro parties to tho
treaty of Berlin of 1878, against tho
treatment of Jews in Roumanla, mocts
with approval here.
Tho Globe, however, tho only after
noon paper which comments on Sec
retary Hay's note on tho subject sees
nothing In Mr. Hay's action but oolf
Interest The Globe, novortholess,
hopes that It will lead to a check be
ing placed on the wholcsalo exporta
tion of undesirable persons from east
ern Europe to Great Britain and Amer
ica. Tho Boxer Attack.
PEKIN, Sept. 19. Tho Boxer
tack on Cheng Tu Fu, capital of Szo
Chuan province, in which 50,000 Box
ers mado an ineffectual attempt to
take tho city, began September 14.
When tho rebels endeavored to enter
the city a conflict ensued. Tho at
tackers were driven back and ' tho
gateB of tho city wero closed and
guarded by troops. Soldiers quelled
the disorder within tho city. Four
teen Boxer leaders and several other
rebels were executed,
Senator Bard Improving.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Sept 19.
The condition of Senator Bard this
morning was more hopoful than at
any time since his illness, and it is
felt that his chances for recovery aro
now excellent
Will Remain for Short Session.
DUBUQUE, la., Sept 19. It Is an
nounced tonight that Speaker Hen
derson does not Intend to resign tho
speakership at the coming session of
Union Pacific Goes Higher.
WASHINGTON, Sept 19, Tno
question of the right of a telegraph
company to occupy, through condem
nation proceedings, right of way. own
ed by a railroad company in Colorado
is Involved In the case of tho Union
Pacific Railway company, plaintiff In
error, against the Colorado Postal Tel
egraph company, tho appellants, plead
ings in which were docketed in the
supremo court. Tho railroad com
pany lost in the court of Colorado.
Several Points In Iowa and Nebraska
Will Come In for the Executive
Presence A Number of Speeches
by the Way.
OYSTER BAY, N, Y., Sept 19. Sec
retary Cortelyou has mado publlo tho
following outllno ot President Roooo
volt's tour of tho northwest September
19 to October 7:
Tho president, Secretary Cortelyou
and Assistant Secretary Loeb will lcavo
Oyster Bay Friday, September 10, at
10:30 o, m. Tho first public stop sched
uled la at Cincinnati at 10 a, m., Sat
urday, tho 20th.
Leaving Cincinnati at midnight, the
prcstdont nnd party will reach Detroit
early the following morning and re
main thero until Tuesday morning, tho
23. 8unday will bo spent quietly with
out public program.
On Tuesday three or four hours will
bo spent In Indianapolis, whoro tho
president will attend the third annual
encampmont of tho Spanish-American
War veterans and tho party will bo
entertained at luncheon nt tho Colum
bus club. Ono hour will bo Bpent in
Fort Wnyno Into In tho afternoon and
Milwaukee will bo reached during the
night Tho program for Milwaukee
contemplates a visit to tho Soldiers'
homo, a drive in the afternoon and a
banquet In tho ovenlng.
About two hours will bo spent at La
Crosa, Thursday morning, tho program
Including a drlvo to tho fair grounds
and an address by the president St
Paul and Minneapolis will bo visited
later In tho day.
On Friday tho 26th Sioux Falls and
Yankton will bo visited In tho morn
ing. Two hours will bo spent in Sioux
City In tho afternoon and stops will
bo mado at Arion and Dcnlson, la.
Sovoral points In Nobraska will bo
visited Saturday, Including Kearney,
Grand iBland, Hastings, Lincoln and
Fremont Omaha will be reached late
In tho afternoon and tho president and
party will be escorted to tho Omaha'
club, where dinner will bo served. In
tho ovenlng tho president will review
an electrical pageant
Sunday, the 28th, will bo spent quiet
ly In Topeka, where on Monday morn
ing tho president 1b to address a public
meeting In Auditorium. A brief stop
will bo made late in the morning at
Lawrence, Kan. Kansas City, Mo., will
bo reached about noon. Tho program
there, coTerfng about four hours, In
cludes tho two cities of Kansas City,
Mo., and Kansas City, Kan. Leaving
Kansas City, Kan., Jato In tho after
noon brief otopa will bo made at Leav
enworth and Atchison. St Joseph will
bo reached after C o'clock. Thero tho
president will deliver an address and
tho party will dlno at the hotel.
A number of brief stops will be mado
on Tuesday, September 30, at points
in Iowa, Including Clarlnda, Van Wert
Osceola, Des Moines and Oskaloosa.
At Ottumwa In tho ovenlng tho pres
ident will deliver an address. Leaving
Ottumwa during tho night the train
will go by way of Keokuk, Qulncy, 111.,
Hannibal, Louisiana and Clarkavile,
Mo., to St Louis, arriving at tho last
named placo about 4 o'clock and leav
ing tho following morning. In St
Louis tho president and party will be
taken for a drlvo through tho city,
Forest park and tho World's ' fair
grounds. They will bo entertained by
tho Mercantile club and in the ovenlng
tho president will deliver an address at
tho Coliseum. From St Louis tho train
will proceed to Springfield, 111., arriv
ing shortly after noon and leaving
about midnight In the afternoon a
drive will be taken to tho fair grounds
and In tho evening the president and
party will bo entertained at dinner at
tho governor's mansion.
Collides with Switch Engine, but No
Passengers Are Hurt.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Sept 19.
Tho Big Four train No. 2, which ar
rived hero today with William J. Bry
an on board, struck a yard engine at
tho New Jersey street crossing.
Tho pilots if tho engines were
smashed and they wero sent to the
shops for repairs. The wreck caus
ed considerable delay, and Mr. Bryan,
who was not in the least Injured, dis
embarked and held an Impromptu re
ception In the Btreet None of the
passengers wero injured.
Ready for Western Trip.
OYSTER BAY, L. I., Sept 19.
Lyman Abbott of New York and Pres
ident J. W. Jenks wore President
Roosevelt's guests at luncheon yes
terday. Tho president will leave here
today on his western trip. He will go
to New York on the Sylph, which
sails about 9:30 o'clock. He will be
accompanied by Secretary Cortelyou,
Assistant Secretary Loeb and the
White House stenographers and mea
Asieo-tient Mado by State Board of
Equalization lo to Stand.
LINCOLN, Neb., Spt 22rIn a
slxty-pago opinion the supremo court
denies tho application for a mandam
us naked by tho Omaha Bee Building
company against tho state board of
equalization. Tho, court holds that
as tho board Is legally constituted a
special tribunal for tho purpose of
assessing railroad and telegraph prop
erty It is clothed with quasi judicial
powers, and when it has onco acted
on sufficient information and express
ed an honest judgment as to valua
tion its judgmont cannot bo controlled
by tho writ of mandamus, which Is a
writ to compel action and not to cor
rect action.
The court holds that In tho case at
bar under tho ovidenco tho Inference
Is not warrantable that tho respond
ents acted with Impropor motives nnd
fraudulently In making tho assess
ment complained of, with tho wrong
ful intention ot discriminating In fa
vor of tho railroad and telegraph com
panies whoso property was assessed.
An assessment may be treated as
fraudulent when well known rules of
valuation are disregarded, whero ro
llablo and pertinent information is
declined and. an arbitrary assessment
nt grossly lnadcquato figures mado.
Tho court holds, however, that tho
board of equalization must include
and assess tho valuo of franchises
with tho tangible property, but that
whoro It assesses tho property of a
railroad as a unit and considers tho
purposes for which It Is used, the fact
that It Is earning an incomo and
exercising tho rights of such corpora
tion, such aascssment would Include?
tho IntanglbSo property alsd and bo
an assessment of Its franchise. In
thlG caso tho franchises wero assess
ed. It is held, too, that tho market
valuo of a railroad's stocks and bonds
aro an important factor to determine
cash valuo of tho property represent
ed bv thoso stocks and bonds, and
that tho earnings is ovldonce of a
most important character in determin
ing tho truo valuo of tho property,
is ono of tho chief elements that glvq
it valuo and should bo considered in
making tho final assessment 1
Apparent Attempt te Wreck a Burling
ton Train.
SEWARD, Nob., Sept 22. An at-,
tempt was apparently mado to wreck!
passenger train No. 43 about one and,
one-half miles cast of Uttca. Fifteen
or twenty spikes had been placed on
the rails, the pointed end of the spikes
being placed to tho cast and tho pro
jecting head of tho spiko being placed
between tho ends of tho rails at tho
joints and wero scattered along tho
track for a considerable distance. Af
ter running over two or three of thesa
spikes the engineer applied tho ain
and stopped tho train, and somo of
the trainmen went ahead and gathered
up tho spikes. Tho matter has been!
kept as quiet as possiblo by tho rail'
road people with tho hope, no doubt,
of discovering tho guilty parties.
Irrigation Congress Delegates.
LINCOLN, Nob., Sept 22. Oovor
nor Savage has appointed tho follow
ing partial list of delegates to attend
the national irrigation congress,
which will meet at Colorado Springs
October 6: Edgar S. Bradloy, Oma
ha; O. V. P. Stout Adna Dobson, Lin-
coin; B. E. Forbes, Beatrice; H. O.
Smith, Lexington; James Forrier, Cul
bertson; R. H. Willis, Bridgeport; E.
F. Seeberger, North Platte; P. T.
Francis, Crawford; L. D. Cox, Mln
tare; C. H. Meeker, McCook; H. W.
Fanning, Crawford; A. M. Allen,
Gothenburg; F. C. Hamcr, Kearneyr
A. G. Wolfenbarger, Lincoln; Samuel
C, Smith, Beatrice; Peter Janson,
Jansen; Robert C. Kyd, Beatrice; J.
P. Preston, Oxford; Irving F. Mont
gomery, Bloomlngton; It J. Kllpat'
rick, Beatrice.
Stacks of Oats Burned. '
DEWITT, Neb., Sept. 22. Sparita
from a threshing machine engine set
flro to tho straw where a company
of men wero working and burned four
stacks of oats containing about 400
bushels belonging to John Kubovcc,
five and one-half miles west ot here,
and a new separator valued at $1,300
and owned by Halsey Cook. Tho sep
arator was insured for $600.
Beet Sugar Making Begins.
FREMONT, Neb., Sept. 22. Tho su
gar factory at Leavitt began opora
tions with a full force of workmen.
Farm 8ell for $16,000.
SILVER CREEK, Neb., Sept 22.
Tho Georgo Hutcblngs farm of 280
acres, east ot town, was sold by Da
vis & Hill to Robert Murray of Saun
ders county for $57 an acre.
Rural Routes In Saline County.
, DEWITT. Nob., Sept 22. Three
routes from this place aro belhg in
ajiectcd by Captain Clark, special
agent, with a good prospect of being