The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 26, 1902, Image 6

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Why One Olrl Ilnd to Koep flcclnded.
For Orcr n Week. '
They wcro tvro pretty girls, nnd when
fcioy happened to meet on ouo of tho
Rulet streets or the city tho girl In
fcrny turned mid walked In Uio dlrec
Uon tho other ono had tnken.
"Now, 1 uo know nil about tho par
ty," Bald tho ono tt'ho hnd turned. "I'vo
boon Just dying to boo you and havo
you toll me."
"Oh, but I wnsn't thcro at all," Bald
her companion. "This Is tho first time
I'vo been out of tho houso for mora
lhan a -week."
"Why, have you been HI?" her friend
Inquired, surprised and solicitous.
"No, I really think it itob worao than
that," she replied.
"Xou know I'm a Httlo proud of my
balr, for It's my ono redeeming point"
tnodestly "and becauso It 1b naturally
fcravy It 1b always fluffiest after it has
been shampooed.
"A day or two bororo tho party 1
trashed my hair, using what I thought
iwas borax In tho Water. When I at
tempted to dry my erstwhllo 'bonnlo
brown curls' thoy wcro stringy nnd
bard nnd looked ns if they had been
frozen In wisps. Then to my horror I
fllseovercd that I had used powdered
slum In tho water. It took mo a whole
Wreck to get It out of my hair. I mhss
ed tho party I had set my heart upon
attending nnd wouldn't lot any of my
friends boo me, for I was a perfect
frightl" Duluth NowB-Trlhune.
Bins of tilts Tobrbb.
Tho sins of tho tonguo all point to
tho necessity nnd proflt of self mastery.
There is danger in tho tonguo that
often brings tho deepest sorrow to in
nocent ones, as well ns throws n re
flection on a puro character. If this
confession of failure nnd magnifying
of tho ofllco of tho tonguo seem exag
gerated, let any ono sit down quietly
and think of tho Bins and cruolttes of
human speech. Tho careless words
svhlch no rcpentanco can- call back
again, tho rash promises which it has
cost us so much to fulfill, tho expres
sion of tho lower tmturo which has
shamed tho higher, tho confessions of
evil and yloldlng to falsehood, tho hot
and angry words which sober thought
condemn theso aro somo of tho perils
of tho tonguo. On tho other hand, like
moat of tho uses of tho world which
turn so easily to ovll, tho tonguo mny
bo tho instrument of great and lasting
'S A Rejected Wovel.
Before ho had achieved famo tho
French novelist Xavler do Montepln,
D concluding a long nnd elaborate
tale of adventuro took it, full of hope,
to a publisher, who promptly declined
It on bvon tho, .most advantageous
farms, to tho wrltepB poignant raortl
ifaUon. Twenty years afterward" this
niicntlcaV publisher "bcsoughT nF Tils
feands a sensational story. Snoot hono
serials which were tho delight of grl
Jgttcs, offering any price within rea
son. "'Wcll," said Do Montepln, "I
Will oblige you, but my terms must bo
omowhat heavy, I want 1,000." Aft
r many protests it was paid.
In telling tho story Do Montepln
eed to add, "Tho best of the business
Was that it was tho very same story
ivrhlch ho had previously rejected nnd
Wflilch I had In various directions en
4eavored in vain to dlsposo of."
A Curious Tree.
Thero is a peculiar tree in tho forests
1st central India which has most curl
feus characteristics. Tho leaves of tho
treo are of a highly sensitive nnturc
and bo full of electricity that whoever
touches ono of them receives nn elec
tric shock. It has a very singular ef
fect upon a magnetic needle and will
Influence it nt a distance of oven soven
ty feet Tho electrical strength of the
trees varies according to the tlmo of
&ay, it being strongest at midday nnd
Weakest at midnight In wet weather
its powers disappear altogether. Birds
never approach the tree, nor have in
sects over been seeu upon it
Wanted All Good Pcotilc Nice.
Those who havo complained that vlr
tuo Is uninteresting havo usually been
branded ns cynics or, worse, ns people
trying to be clever. To all such this
true story of a little girl may come as
consolation, for "out of tho mouths,"
Little Alice had been put to bed and
told to say her prayers. "O God," she
prayed, "make nil the bad people good
and make nil the good people nil the
good people nil tho good people
nice!" New York Tribune.
Cruel Blow.
"Arc you aware of the fact," re
marked Miss Cutting, "that I am a
mind reader?"
- "Ncvah suspected It, weally," an
swered young Softlelgh. "Would you
aw object to weadlng my mind, don
cherkuow?" "Certainly not," sho replied. "Bring
It with you the next tlmo you call."
Chicago News.
He Needed the Money.
"Will you pleaso ralso my salary?"
"Why. 1 gavo you n ralso only last
week becauso you told me that you
bad your mother to support."
"I know, but my mother got mar
ried, and now I havo two to support"
Ohio State Journal.
flow tlio Trne Angler fit-ail Trtrxt
For III Noomlnr Mcnl.
In the deep shade of the treo tho bnB
kets nro laid, nnd now a fire Is started
nearby, ono of Vnn Dyke's little
"friendship fires," which ehnll also
cook n few trout "Get two flat stones,
friend nnd they'll bo hnrd to And In
this bowlder country, but they nro
sometimes worn quite flat while 1
gather somo sufficient wood." Into tho
flro the stones go, and tho wood Is
heaped about them. Boon tho Intense
glow of Hvo wood embers Indicates
that tho tlmo has come.
Tho trout, n Bllvcr of bacon in each,
arc placed on one stone, flrflt well dust
ed of ltd ashes, nnd tho other stono la
laid upon them. Now tho hot embers
aro raked about and over tho stones,
and tho lunch is spread on tho big
rock near the spring.
O yo epicures, who think nothing
good unless served by a Delmonlco or
a Sherry, go yo into tho mountains, fol
low a brook for half a day, get wet and
tired and hungry, Bit down by nn Ice
cold spring nnd cat brook trout cooked
on the spot nnd delicious bread and
butter liberally spread with clover hon
ey. Not till then have yo dined. "Trout
nnd ridlosophy on n Vermont Stream"
in Outing.
A "Lot" of Land.
A Hartford lawyer is of tho opinion
that tho term "lot" aB applied to a par
cel of land is an American product, not
derived from any other uses of the
word. Ho says: "I havo been reading
up somo of tho old histories of my
Btatc, of Long Island and other colo
nial sections recently, nnd I And that
tho terra 'a lot of land was originated
in the colonies; that It is today consid
ered nn Americanism and stands apart
from other uses of tho word. It origi
nated from tho custom of dividing
grants for townships, etc., into parcels
of land nnd then numbering each par
cel, putting tho numbers into a bat or
whatever was used and then having
them drawn out; by thoso who were to
occupy tho land. Each man took the
parcel corresponding to his number, so
his land came by lot literally, and
hence tho use of tho term. This, I pre
sume, is ancient history, but perhaps
ancient enough to havo been forgotten
by most real cptato dealers and other
people who deal in land and not lan
guage." t
LiE&tBlBg nd Watches.
"An electrical atom seems to have
a peculiar effect on somo timcplcccB,"
remarked tho Junior partner of a big
downtown Jewelry firm. "Every tlmo
lightning and thunder get active iu
this vicinity ono of tho results is that
our watch repairing department hj
overworked for savcrnl days there
after. Tho damago wrought chiefly
oddedtho. Jowercjr"joidnKlyJ ,'wo.jrc
qulro"nll our employees" to "pray for a
thunderstorm. Falluro to comply with
this order is considered sufficient cause
for discharge. I am unable to mako
clear tho whys and wherefores, but it
is nn established fact that after tho
lightning has frolicked awhllo in como
tho watches with mnlnsprings wreck
ed." Washington Star.
Ills Straddle.
Ho I see Oldboy is pretty gay yet.
if ho Is aging.
She Oh, yes; he's got ouo foot in tho
gravo and tho other in society. Yon
kers Statesman.
"Wanted Rainwater.
"Boy, bring me a large pitcher of
rainwater and a small pitcher of well
water," said tho woman from tho coun
try who Just had been nsslgned to n
room In one of the fashionable uptown
hotels. "Yes'm," said tho boy, with nn
air of "Now, what kind of a drink's
that? It's a now one on me."
At tho bnr thoy turned him down.
"It's no mineral waters fho wants.
Just drnw two pitchers of Croton from
tho faucets nnd pass 'em up to her.
Rainwater! I ain't heard of It since I
was a boy and lived Iu tho country,"
said the bartender. "You couldn't use
It if you could And tt In New York."
Now York rress.
Society's Illelit to Con0scatc.
What shall become of a man's prop
erty after ho Is dead is a matter for so
ciety to determine. If it seems inexpe
dient to allow a rich man to leave a
child reared In luxury without means
of support or to leave a quarrel on tho
hands of his heirs, It is entirely within
society's right to retitrlct his license in
that particular. Tho whims of testa
tors aro a good deal of a nuisance and
aro too much respected by law, though
uot by courts. Life.
Composite Success.
Sidney Rodney, you live by your
"Wits, don't you?
Rodney Well, partly and partly by
other people's lack of wits. Detroit
Free Press.
Superstitious Aliout IJecs,
Tho superstitions which connect bees
with tho death or sickness of tho mem
bers of tho particular family in which
they aro kept aro interesting. In Scot
land and Ireland the entrance of a bee
into a cottage, moro particularly if it
bo a bumblebee, is looked upon as a
certain sign of tbo death of somo ono
then residing there. In other locall
'ties If bees In swarming settle upon
dead wood it is regarded as equally
Genuine Surprise.
Tess I told that old beau of yours
that you wero married.
Jess Did you? Did he seem sur
prised? Tess Yes, Indeed I Ho Bald, "How
on earth did that happen?" Philadel
phia Press.
Accustomed to Luxuries.
Mr. Courting (exhibiting penknife)
This handle is puro silver. What do
you think of that?
Llttlo Girl nub! That's nothing.
Sister's teeth Is on a" plato of puro
A Subtle Distinction.
When a person of wealth Indulges lu
unusual tuste or hobbles, ho lo de
scribed as being eccentric. If ho Is a
poor man, ho is merely called a crauk.
This New Store is the Cheapest !
Cheapest in the sense that we give you more for
your moneybetter and more reliable merchandise
for less money. There may be as good clothing as
ours, but not at the price, at least not in this part
ot tne country.
On 500 Suits,
Way below the price, and we will sell them the same way. These are UP-TO-THE-MINUTE
merchandise, made of all the new fabrics, by expert tailors, for
fall and winter 1902-19O3. You know as well as we that clothing don't im
prove with age, so an old suit is dear at any price. Every winter garment in
our store is ABSOLUTELY NEW, as we opened with spring and summer goods.
It is dear at any price. And why buy it when you can
buy the New, Fresh, Up-to-the Minute Kind, as cheap and
cheaper. Remember, we are .
Setting the Pace!
In the Olothing line, and will ne"ver be undersold, even
if we have to give you the New, Up-to-the Second mer
chandise, at less prices than others get for the other kind.
We are Agents It r 1 A9 D . .
1lf Ul .l.U IS oc
for the ....
In Olothing, Furnishing G-oods, Shoes and Hats.
Tv "ft U-i Boys' Cassimere Suits i 50
ln L.OTilfTl) Boys' Fine Cheviots 225
A JB.WJLA 1 -WIVPHAIAA Young Men's Fine All Wool Mixtures 600
Good Black Cheviots, per suit $4 95 tsst w-t -g
Good Vicunas, per suit ., 5 95 iViCtlS I" tlffl 3 Sill 11 CTS.
Splendid Heavy Weights, per suit 7 5 itlVH J A tVAJL A Ar JL A J.l?o
Harris Cassimeres, pet suit 7 50
Elegant Worsteds, per suit , 885 tjum, n..-.'.,. cm- ..r
SSfe:::::::::::::::::::.::::::: ; tl HS&;'iV:::::::::::::::::--::::: .1
rSffiS&:::::::::::::::::-:::.-::::: S FSfS;":::::::::::::;::::::::-:::::::::: :
California Cassimere Suits '. xa 50 rnlSSFxintor o
Fine Hand Tailored Worsteds 15 00 SmKliM, w!f - 6
Three-dollar Corduroy Pants : , 75 WHUlk F J J : : !I " J ! "i ! II! ! J ! ! ! ,5
P'wJ&Y Dr. Wright a Lambs' Wool 1.25
Jack Rabbit Cassimeres. , Brooklyn Mills Stripe Merino 1.0S
Carhartts Black Worses 125 An wil Derby Ribbed Gray v :.oo
Best Jack Rabbit Corduroys 3 5 Wool Hose, two pairs 25
. Cotton Sox 05
FVrCl' C Cinic Boys' Ironclads 25
IJllY ' UlLdt See Our New Combination, Wool and Cotton for Boys, only .35
S:MUrfiSS::::::V.::::::::::::::::::::::::'.:,.'.'.' '11 Trunks very cheap. suit cases very Low.
Stetson Hats. Tierer Hats. Champion Hats, De Eeon Hats.
Ideal Shirts. Wachusetts Shirts, Monarch Shirts, Lion Shirts.
Hanan Shoes, Tennent Shoes, Wells Shoes, Weber Shoes.
Agents for Carhartt's Aortc Clothes.
Qet Your Tickets With Your Purchases on Our
The Famous Clothing House,
Inaugurators of Low Prices.
Two Doors South