The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 12, 1902, Image 7

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First the Vessel Is Fired, After Which
Thirty Shells 8hatter It to Pieces
Uncle 8am Is Not Involved in the
CAPE HAYTIEN, Haytl, Sept. 8.
Tho gunboat Crete-a-Plerrot, which
was In tho service of tho Firmlnlst
party, has been sunk at tho entrance
Of tho harbor of Gonalves by tho
Gorman gunboat Panther. Details of
the occurrence are lacking. Tho crew
of tho Crete-a-Picrrot left It before It
went down.
PORT All PRINCE, Haytl, Sept. 8.
Tho German gunboat Panther arrived
hero September 5 and received Instruc
tions from the German government to
capture tho Firmlnlst gunboat Crete-a-Plerrot
It left Immediately for Qon
alves, tho seat of the FirmtnlBt gov
ernment. Panther found Crcte-a-Pler-rot
in tho harbor of Gonalves and tho
commander of the German gunboat In
formed Admiral Kllllck on Crete-a-Plcrrot
that ho must remove his crew
and surrender his vessel In five min
utes. Admiral Kllllck asked that this
time bo extended to fifteen minutes.
Tho request was granted on the con
dition that tho arms and ammunition
on board Creto-a-Pierrot should be
abandoned when Its crew left it. Tho
crew of Crete-a-Plerrot left that ves
sel amid great disorder. At tho end
of fifteen minutes Panther sent a small
boot carrying an officer and twenty
sailors, who were to take possession
of the Firmlnlst gunboat.
When these men arrived at a point
about thirty yards from Crete-a-Plerrot
flames wero seen to break out on
board of it. It had been fired by Its
crew before they left It Panther
then fired on Crete-a-Plerrot until It
was completely Immersed. Thirty
shots all told were fired.
There is much feeling here against
the Flrmlnists and their cause is con
sidered to be a bad one. Soldiers are
leaving hero to attack St. Marc. Port
au Prlnceia calm.
MANCHESTER, Mass., Sept 8.
Count Quadt Wykradt Isny of tho
German embassy was seen In relation
to tho sinking of the gunboat Crete-a-Plerrot
by tho German gungoat
Panther. He said that he had not
heard of tho Incident until Informed
of it by the Associated Press and for
this reason he was not prepared to
make any statement. He did say,
however; "I have given tho matter
little thought, as It la entirely out
side of this country and for that rea
son I do not expect to receive any
Civics concerning It from my gov
ernment. While I do not care to make
any prediction as to tho outcome, I feel
quite sure and safe In saying that no
international complications will arise
with this country. This is all I care
to say In regard to the affair."
In Manila Trouble is Expected in the
Near Future.
MANILA, Sept 8. Captain J. J,
Fereshing, who is In command of the
American force at Camp Vicars, Min
danao, reports to General Chaffee that
several of tho Moro chiefs, whoso
forces have attacked Americans, have
rejected all fciendly. overtures and
that ho has been unable to reach any
understanding with them.
The breaking of negotiations with
tho Moros will probably bring on a
crlBis in the Moro situation.
It is believed in Manila that a re
newal of Moro attacks will result In
retaliation by tho American forces.
The military record shows that since
the Bayan fight last May. the Moros
have made twelve attacks on Amer
ican soldiers, killing four Americans
and wounding twelve, Including ono
Die Blaming the Trusts.
DES MOINES, Sept 8. Because
they could not get work, James B.
Taylor and his wife, Ann Taylor,
wrote a letter to the public blaming
the greedy corporations and trusts for
their failures.
Then they turned on tho gas and
at noon the husband was found dead
and the wife dying in their room at
a boarding house at 202 West Eighth
They came here from Ottumwa two
weeks ago.
Former 8enator Dies.
NEW YORK, Sept 8. William Na
thaniel Roach, United States senator
from North Dakota from 1893 to 1899,
died hero yesterday. He had been 111
from cancer for a long time.
Guldi to Be Consecrated.
ROME, Sept 8. Mgr. Guidl, who
was recently appointed apostolic dele
gato In tho Philippines, will bo con-
. eecrated September 29, Cardinal Ram-
polla officiating
Formal Announcement of Places to
Be Visited and the Time.
CHICAGO, Sopt 8. -Tho Itinerary ot
tho special train that will take Presi
dent Roosevelt on his western trip
has been arranged as follows:
ChicagoArrive on Pennsylvania
railroad at midnight, Tuesday, Sep
tember 23; leavo by Chicago, Milwau
kee & St Paul railway 12:15 a. m.,
September 24.
Milwaukee Arrive 3 n. m., Septem
ber 21; leavo midnight.
Lacrosse Arrive 8 a. ni., September
25; leave, 11.
St Paul Arrive 2:45 p. m., Sep
tember 25; train to bo dcltvcrcd to
Great Northern railway for movement
to Minneapolis and Sioux FallB.
Yankton Arrive 11:05 a, m., Sep
tember 26; leave, 11:20 a. m., Septem
ber 20.
Sioux City Arrlvo 1 p. m., Septem
ber 26; leave, 3 p. m.
Arlon Arrlvo C p. m., September
26; train to be delivered to Illinois
Central at Arlon, to go to Denlsou,
thenco to Omaha.
Omaha Arrive at Omaha lato night
and start early in the morning of Sep
tember 27 over tho Union Pacific for
tour of state, going west as far as
Kearney. Transfer at Kearney to the
B. & M. and return to Omaha, arriv
ing In Omaha at 7 o'clock, when th
president will review the electrical
Vigorous Measures Adopted by Com
mander McCrea.
WASHINGTON, Sopt 8. Tho navy
department has received from Com
mander McCrea of Machias a mall re
port, under date of Capo Hayllen,
August 16, setting out In detail tho
steps taken by that official to prevent
interference with the world's com
merce as a result of tho bitter Insur
rectionary struggle now in progress in
Hnytlen waters.
Commander McCrea was, from the
nature of the case, obliged to move
without . opportunity to consult tho
state or navy departments, but It is
stated that his vigorous measures aro
thoroughly approved. It appears from
the commander's report that ho took
under his charge the commerce ot
nearly all the European countries, In
addition to that of his own.
His attltudo toward Admiral Kllllck,
the Insurgent commander, as revealed
In the report, is significant, as indicat
ing tho adoption of a stronger policy
than has been pursued heretofore in
the treatment of South and Central
American revolutions, which injuri
ously affect the commerce of tho
Body Found at Rlcevlllc Identified as
that of Chicago Murderer.
RICEVILLE, la., Sept. 8.The body
which was burled here yesterday nnd
which was believed to bo that of
William Bartholin, was exhumed and
positively Identified as that of the
Chicago doublo murderer.
Tho identification was made ,by
William Mitchell, a brother of ono
of Bartholin's victims, and Detective
Andrew Rohan of Chicago, who ar
rived hero this morning from Chicago.
Dr. A. J. Coey of Chicago, who camo
here with Detective Rohan, cut out
tho lower Jaw of tho dead murderer,
which contained tho- two gold crown
ed teeth which havo figured so large
ly In tho description sent broadcast
throughout tho country for purposes
of identification. Tho jaw will be
taken to Chicago by -tho detective.
Bartholin's body was found last
Friday afternoon about six miles from
Rlcevillo, by J. G. Pratt, a resident of
Rlcevlllc. Mr. Pratt was driving to
Elm and when passing a flax field
saw tho body lying against a stack
of flax. Thinking it was a man
asleep, he paid no attention, but on
returning found tho man still thero
and upon investigation discovered he
was dead, with a revolver lying by
his left hand.
After Flfty-Ono Years.
SPRINGFIELD, O., Sopt 8. Mrs.
John Doley and Mrs. John Carney,
sisters, met here today after fifty-one
years of fruitless searching on the
part of Mrs.. Doley. They became
separated In New York harbor after
landing from Ireland.
Jesse Walker, colored, was lynched
at Hempstead, Tex., by a crowd of
several hundred citizens for criminal
nhsault upon a whlto woman.
Porcupines Start a Scare.
CHEYENNE, Wyo Sept. 8. The
forsets on tho headwaters of Crow
creek, thirty-five miles north of Chey
enne, In the Silver Crown forest re
serve, are threatened with destruc
tion. It Is not forebt firs that Is do
ing tho damage, but porcupines and
worms, which aro more effective, A
Cheyenne man who returned a few
days ago from the reserve says that
almost every young tree has been
"ttUlnnnrl" liv nnmillilnnd nn.1 will lfjv
1 eventually.
That la Now What Is Apprehended of
the Island Volcano Crater Is En
larging with Each Recurring Erup
tion. POINT-A-PITRE, Guadaloupo, Sept
6. It Is generally believed that the
Island of Martinique Is doomed to
total destruction and the fear is that
when tho catastropho comes Guada
loupo will bo visited by an all-destructive
tidal wave.
Business Is absolutely at a stand
still. Few shops aro open and If It
wero not for the efforts ot a small
number ot moro valiant souls hun
dreds would starve to death hero bo
causo of their fear of a moro terrlblo
Details that have beon received dur
ing tho last two days prove that tho
eruption of Mont Pclco ot August 30
was far moro violent than any of the
earlier explosions. As tho eruptions
continue tho mouth of Mont Poleo
grows In size. It Is now ot enormous
proportions. Morno Lncrolx, ono of tho
peaks that reared skyward from the
side of Pelee, ha3 fallen bodily Into
tho crater and has been completely
Bwallowed. There seems to be a side
pressure in tho crater and the burning
chasm widens perceptibly every day.
Clouds no more hang about the
crest of Mont Pelee. Tho terrific heat
seems to drive everything away. Tho
column of flame and smoko rears di
rectly into tho heavens, so that Its
top Is lost to Bight In the darkness
ot tho night It has the appearanco of
a stream of molten Iron, standing
fixed between heaven and earth, From
Morne Capote tho relief troops wero
compelled to mako a quick retreat,
although they succeeded In taking out
a few wounded.
Tho entire country nearly to Fort
de France, 1b burled under a deep
cover of ashes. This has made It al
most Impossible to find the bodies ot
those who have perished while fleeing
to tho seacoast.
Constantino Carra, one of tho few
who succeeded in escaping from Morne
Rouge after the explosion, found
refuge on the steamer Esk. She was
with twelve others In her house when
Pelee gavo Its first warning of tho
dlsastor which it was about to pour
upon tho village. She said that the
first explosion destroyed many houses.
She was hurled with great force
against the wall of tho room in which
she was sitting. On recovering from
the shock sho ran outside and thero
saw three separate tongues ot fire
sweeping down from tho mouth of tho
The earth shook with so great vio
lence that she could not retain her
feet She was blinded by tho glare of
the flames. The heat was so terrific
that her flesh was blistered. Sho
awaited death which sho believed to be
inevitable. Fortunately the fires swept
a little to one sldo of her and she was
Governor Fixes Next Thursday as the
Date for a Conference.
. HARRISBURG, Pa., Sept 6. Gov.
Stone fixed next Thursday to meet a
committco appointed by the people's
alliance at Hazleton to discuss the best
means of ending the anthracite cpal
strike. The governor said he would
bo glad to meet any and all persons
who might want to see him on mat
ters pertaining to tho strike.
NEW YORK, Sept. 6. Senator M. S.
Quay of Pennsylvania, who- held 0
long conference with Senator Piatt at
the Fifth Avenuo hotel, denied that
they talked about tho coal strike, di
rectly or Indirectly. He would not say
what they talked about
"It was," said Mr, Quay, "merely a
long friendly talk."
Senator Piatt said: "I saw Senator
Quay a little whllo last night and dis
cussed private matters with hjm. In
our discussion the coal strike was noC
mentioned." "
Lord is Detained In Kansas.
INDEPENDENCE, Kan., Sept, 6.
Wllliam D Lord of Minneapolis wa&
arrested here, charged with having
embezzled 115,000 from S. H. Hall &
Co. of Minneapolis. Officials have
been looking for Lord elghtcer
Quits Army for Civil Life.
WASHINGTON, Sopt. 6. Tho pres
ident has accepted tho reslgnatloi
of First Lieutenant Orant T. Trent ol
tho Eighth Infantry, in order to per
mlt that officer tp accept an impor
tant position In Uifl civil government
of the Philippines. Lieutenant Trent
has rendered valuable service to the
Taft commission, and for somo time
held tho office ot assistant attorney
general at Manila, His regiment It
ordered home.
Investigation Into the Accident fo tho
President's Party.
PITTSFIHLD, Mass., Sopt 5. With
tho excitement which followed tho ac
cident to President Roosevelt In this
city In a great measure abated tho
citizens wero discussing tho question
of rosponBlblltty for tho occurronco,
which on all Bides Is considered as
having marred tho city's famo, in
(hat a street car in disputing tho right
of way with tho president of tho
United States, at least, was cxtroraoly
That tho attempt to do thts result
ed In a fatality and In tho vory nar
row escape from death or Injury to
tho president himself and to tho gov
ernor of tho commonwealth aro con
sidered as only adding to tho gravity
of tho offense.
It is argued also that tho Plttsflcld
Street Railway company should not
havo disregarded tho request of tho
mayor that no cars should havo been
run whllo tho president was In tho
city. It Is sold tho city govornment
takes this view of the caso. At any
rato at n meeting a committee of in
vestigation was appointed, Including
members of both branches of tho city
govornment, with tho mayor at tho
Business Suspended and Government
Employes Desert Their Posts.
KINGSTON, Jamaica, Sopt 5. Lot
tors received from Haytl, dated Sep1
tombor 1, say that tho situation In that
republic 1b becoming moro complicat
ed. In tho chamber of deputies, as
now constituted, M. Plorro, ono of tho
candidates for the presidency, has a
majority ovor his rival, M. Fouchard,
whllo M. Flrmln's revolutionary party
Is making headway In tho field.
No settlement of tho difficulty Is In
sight, entirely suspended
in the chief towns and tho public em-'
ployos aro leaving their work bo
causo they havo not been, paid sinco
General Sara resigned tho presidency
and left tho couutry.. ,
According to theso advices thoso
who aro guilty of burning tho town
of Petit Goave havo sought rofugo on
the island ot Curacao and aro bound
for Jamaica,
Men Who Have Not Returned to Work
Ready to Do So.
FLORENCE, Italy, Sept. C. Tho
strike hero began becauso tho metal
workers employed by tho Plgnono Iron
vorks wero discontented pver tho fact
that the directors of the company ex
ecuted orders for a firm at Leghorn
during tho recent strike there.
This dissatisfaction led ,to friction
and the workmen of tho PIgnon works
niado demands which tho directors of
tho company refused to entertain.
The PIgnone company began dismiss
ing tho malcontents In Us employ and
the strike ensued.
One of tho directors of the Plgnono
;ompany aroused tho enmity ot tho
workmen becauso ho refused to recog
nize the labor organization and the
strikers demanded his removal. Thoy
also attempted to set fire to his houso.
St. Louis World's Fair Board to Con
vene and Effect Organization.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 3. a call for a
meeting of tho board of lady manag
ers of the world's fair, to be hold In
St Louis on September 29, to organ
ize, has been made by Secretary
Joseph Flory of tho national commit
tee. General Chlcoye Captured.
PORT AU PRINCE, Haytl, Sept 5.
General Chicoyo, tho Firmlnlst com
mander, who, It is claimed, set fire to
and almost entirely destroyed tho
town of Petit Goave, previous to evao
uatlng It August 8, after having been
attacked by a force of government
troops and volunteers, and who sub
sequently escaped on a schooner, has
been arrested at Balnet, near Jacmel.
Destination is Monterey.
men of tho Fifteenth Infantry reglj
ment, en routo from Manila on the
transport -Aieade, will bo disembark
sd at Monterey, where a post is about
to bo established and whero tho Fif
teenth will bo stationed. Tho Meado
Is now out twenty-seven days from
Manila, by way of Nagasaki. It Is
therefore due about September 13,
Tho naval hospital transport Solace
(a out thirty-four days from Manila
Chicago Cut's Them Off.
CHICAGO, Sept 5. Luke P. Col
'eraln, ex-chlef of detectives, in com
pany with thirty annuitants, was dis
missed from tho disability list ot tho
police pensioners. The wholesale
pruning of the pension lists followed
;ho investigations of the medical board
and will effect a saving of ?15,C15 a
year to tho funds. Out of forty-seven
Usability men who took tho physical
ixamlnation, thlrty-oue wore disqual
ified from further annuities.
The Report Is that They Aro Driven
Away by Another Volcanic Eruption
Constant Detonations Are Being
CASTRIES, St Lucia. B. W. I., Sept
5. 8 p. m. Tho Royal Mall stoamct
Yaro arrived horo this evening from
tho Island ot Martinique. It brings
tho report that a violent volcanic erup
tion occurred tlioro last night and that
about 2,000 persons aro said to havo
porlshod. Lurgo number of people aro
leaving tho Island.
It was qulto dark here at 5:30 o'clock
this morning, At that hour tho sun
was obscured as It Is during an ccllpso.
Tho British steamer Bavan, Captain
Hunter, arrived horo today from the
Island of Trinidad. It was covored
with dust and reports that It ran Into
a denso cloud of dust whllo twenty
miles south of St Vincent
PARIS, Sopt. 6. Tho ministry for
tho colonics received a cable dispatch
today from tho governor ot Guadeloupe,
M. Morlln, saying that Mourne Capoto
was much damaged and that flames
surrounded Mourno Parnasso, but
stopped at tho St. James houso. Basse
Point heights wero burned.
The minister of tho colonics, M.
Doumarguo, In placing $100,000 at tho
disposition ot tho governor ot Martin
ique, M. Lomalro, to rollovc tho dis
tress In that Island, has"ufged"tho gov
ernor not to congrcgato refugees at
Fort do Franco, but to distribute them
In tho south, whero their necessities
can be most easily supplied.
Recognizing the danger ot a tidal
wave at Fort ds Franco tho minister
has lnstruced (lovcrnor Lomalro to
adopt all methods to cnablo tho Inhab
itants to Immediately vacato tho placo
it nccesfsary and seek refugo on tho
heights above tho town, whero food de
pots should be established. Tho min
ister has ordered tho establishment of
observation posts whero tho first sign
of disturbance of Mont Pelee can bo
Tho Paris edition of tho Now York
Herald publishes a dispatch from
PoInt-a-Pltrlo, dated September 4,
which says that constant detonations
heard thero last night indicate a ter
rific volcanic eruption on tho island of
Martinique. Thick, black clouda wore
seen to tho southward ot Guadeloupe
and tho heat at Polnt-a-PItrio was' In
tense. The population was said to be
greatly alarmed, fearing a tidal wavo
in the event of tho collapse of Mar
A Special 8ession of the Legislature
Likely to Be Called.
HAZLETON. Pa., Sept. 5. A com
mittee appointed today by tho citizens'
nllianco to draw up a plan for ending
tho strike, reported unanimously In
favor of a special session of tho leg
islature to enact tho following:
Compulsory arbitration; that present
legislation may be revised so thatthe
Btato may havo more power over for
eign corporations doing business with
in Its borders; the passage of a law
making 1t illegal for any person under
21 years of age to bo employed moro
than eight hours a day, and that those
articles of tho state relating to tho
control vested In tho state legislature
over charters of corporations, and giv
ing tho legislature power to revoko,
annul or withdraw these charge for
any violation of tho constitution, and
forbidding common carriers from being
interested In the production of any In
dustry, be made effective.
8hy at Beef Trust Hearing.
ST. JOSEPH, Sept 5. Notwlthstand
ing that Attorney General Crow was
represented at tho opening hour for
tho beef trust hearing In this city to
day, no session was held. At the last
moment a telegram was handed to tho
attorneys In the case stating that Judge
Kinley, who presides at tho hearing,
was unablo to reach here from Kansas
City today. Assistant Attorney Gen
eral Lee said he could give no reason
for a postponement of the case, but
nevertheless postponement was taker
and tho attorney left the oity for his
home at Jefferson City. No date way
fixed for continuing the evidence and
It Is freely stated tonight among tho
attorneys that this is the last of the
investigation at this point
Largest Tree In the World.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 5. A few
weeks ago it was sold thero was dis
covered to tho west of Frosno, In the
Slorras, tho biggest tree In tho world.
At tho time it was said that It meas
ured 150 feet In circumference. John
Mulr, tho great naturalist, has just
visited tho trco and reports that it
moasuros at the baso only 109 feet
and at four feet abovo tho ground
It was only ninety-seven feet in circumference.
Cnohlor Chamberlain Took Everything
In Sight When Ho Fled.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Sept. 8. Poor
judgment, recklessness In tho Invest
ment of funds, then dissipation nnd
finally embezzlement and disappear
ance, all on the part of the trusted
cashier and solo manager, Charles M.
Chamberlain, wero tho combined
causes of tho financial wreck of tho
Chamborlaln banking house ot this
city. A few days ago this was sup
posedly one ot tho strongest institu
tions In the community. Tho people
generally thought Chamberlain was
square and thoy gavo him their confi
dence and their money, and both wero
manipulated by tho shrewd banker la
a maimer which shows now that ho
was a master in tho art of deception.
It Ib impossible for thoso now in
chargo of tho bank to estimate safely
what percentage of tho deposits will bo
paid. From all that has been learned
thus far, however, It would bo con
servative to say that tho bank will
not pay over 50 per cent The divi
dends may amount to a trlflo moro
than that, but will probably bo much
Today tho Chamberlain banking
houso stands about as docs a building
which has beon gutted by fire. Tho
walls remain 'and hero and thero a
pillar or somo part ot tho structuro
Is found Intact, but the greater part
of tho Interior 1b literally cleaned out
Tho value of the mass of notes left
In tho bank, showing 80,000 on their
face, is problematical. In tho plla aro
securities that aro long . past duo,
some that havo been paid off and many
that aro worthless.
Comparatively little Is known by the
people of Tccumsoh regarding tho ac
tual condition of tho bank. They
know that tho institution Is closed
and that Cashier Chamberlain has dis
appeared, but as to tho Btato of tho
funds, they aro almost as far In tho
dark as they wero before the failure.
Riley Talks of Electric Lines ancf
Platte Power Canal.
PLATTSMOUTH, Sept. 8, J. vt
Riley, tho promoter of tho Platto
river canal project, was In tho city anil
stated that "The hydraulic engineers,
nro expected In Omnhn soon, and will1
mako a thorough Investigation of tho
project In rofcrenco to tho electric
railway, I can say that it will bo
built, whether tho power Is canal or
not Whllo the first survey is com-,
pleted to tho city of Lincoln, another
is contemplated cast of this placo,
which has Nebraska City for Its objec
tive southern terminal, instead of Lin
coln. Tho Mortons of Nebraska City
want to build and own tho lino frotm
thero to .Wcoplng Water,
"Tho Plattsmouth branch will bo
built, but tho Plattsmouth people will
ho expected to give tho right of way.
to our main line. We nre receiving?
encouragement all along the line." '
Train Backs Into a Depot.
SUPERIOR, Nob., Sopt 8. A Santa'
Fo freight train mado a pretty com
plcto wreck of tho Santa Fe-Nortl-western
freight houso hero. Tho
freight house, which Is a largo frame
affair, stood upon a foundation ot
plies. Tho engineer Bent tho train
down tho freight track too hard and
It weut ploughing through ten feet
of heavy platform and Into the freight
houso. Tho whole building was knock
ed off tho pIIcb about four feet and
racked out ot shape.
Abundant Crops In Brown County.
AINSWORTH, Neb., Sept 8. A
careful investigation reveals the fact
that Brown county has tho largest
crop of small grain ever grown horo.
Thb prospects for a large corn crop
wero never bettor. In the canons of
tho Nlobrar rlvor and Pine, Plum and
Bono creeks there aro thousands of
bushels of wild plums and grapes. Tho
growth of all kinds of vegetables la
something wonderful.
Edgar Man Badly Scalded.
EDGAR, Neb., Sept 6. Oscar Byers,
ono of tho employes In the Edgar
canning factory, was very badly Ecald
ed, Whllo carrying a pall of boiling
water he tripped and fell, and In fall
ing tho boiling water was thrown
upon his right shoulder, tho right sldo
of his head, neck and face and also
his right arm and hand. 'His right
leg is also scalded below the knee.
Refunding Bonds Defeated.
WYMORE, Neb., Sept. 8. The re
funding bond proposition was" sub-'
mltted to the voters of this city and
was defeated by nine votes.
Crushed In a Horse Power.
ULYSSES. Neb., Sept 8. N, Mo,
lone, a well known resident of this
place, 70 years old, while driving a
horso power had his foot caught In
tho cogs and was crushed in a horri
ble manner. ;
Month's Rainfall In Gage.
BEATRICE. Nob., Sept Tha
rainfall for tho month of Augut 1902,
amounted to 4.07 Inches. InAugu8t
19Q1, it was 3.00 inches.