The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 12, 1902, Image 6

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air tho Former Obtained Some Cash
Orrcil for ! Latter.
An Englishman Iibb just bad a very
carious experience, Bays tlio London
Telegraph. Ho had lent n Turk somo
money, but tbo inan Wbb unnble to
ly nnd on his deathhed laid a par
ttcular charge on his wlfo nnd chil
dren to meet the debt. Tbo eldest son
was making arrangements according
ly, but also died, nnd bo, too, begged
his family to pay ibo money hb soon
B they could.
, Ono day tbo Englishman received n
Tlslt from n member of the family,
who said that thcro wcro now four
members of it left, nnd they were
ready to pay, but one of tbo dnughtcrs
refused to Bubscrlbo her share, dcclar
lag tbnt tbo money was never really
lent The others, however, wished to
settle the matter, and if tho English
man would como to the bouso it would
be arranged. "But," tbo Turk ndded,
If you boo thero Is any difficulty Just
say that you leave It to bn settled In
tbo next worldl"
Accordingly tbo Englishman went to
tho house at tho appointed tlmo nnd
met the fnmily In tho presenco of n
wollnh, the ladles being behind n
screen. Tho mollnh began by asking
If ho had truly lent tho money, bow
much It wns nnd If ho would take nny
leal. Ono of tho women behind kopt
saying It was nil n fraud. Tbo English
man then declared that bo bad lent the
money, that ho had not asked for It,
that they had Wold him to como and nnd if they did not want to pny
It bo would leave tho matter to bo set
tled in tbo next world.
Thcro wob dead sllenco for a few mo
ments, nnd then tho women called
their brother, and each paid her share
without n word. It seems tho prospect
f meeting tho father in tho other
"world without haying carried out bis
Irishes was too serious n thing to face.
In baking bread It ia better to overdo
rather than underdo tho work.
To mako a good dlgestlblo pio crust
bso cream Instead of lard, nnd it will
be light nnd healthful.
If thero is not batter enough to fill
tbo gem pan, put cold water In the
empty spaco beforo Betting tbo pan in
tbo oven.
Tbo rich cheeses, which havo tbo
largest pcrccntago of fat, aro tboso
Which blend well with bread in sand
wiches or with macaroni or rice.
For n quick cako beat until thick
four eggs. Add four tablcspoonfuls of
sugar, half a cup of Hour, n little cin
namon nnd lemon rind. Beat well nnd
spread on a baking pan. Bako in quick
even and cut nt once.
Sweet potatoes nro much richer twlco
ceoked. Baked or boiled merely, this
vegetable is good, but when tho bak
lag or boiling is followed by u subse
quent cooking in tho pan or in tho
oven they nro far better.
A flno checso pudding is made by
grating flvo ounces of bread and thrco
of cheese. Warm two ounces of butter
la n quarter of u pint of fresh milk nnd
mix thoroughly. Add two well beaten
eggs, Bait and bnko half nil hour.
Death In Their Work.
Gliders, photographers nnd tboso who
bundle tho bydrlc and potnsslc cyanides
aro llnblo to Buffer from chronic poison
ing by bydrocyuulc acid. They hnvo
bendache, giddiness, noises in tho ear,
difficult respiration, pain over the
bcart, loss of appetltoIn short, show
all the evidences of mild poisoning.
Zinc workers, too, suffer. Zinc is used
as n pigment In calico printing, lu dls
colorlug glass, in polishing optical
glasses and In making artificial meer
schaum pipes.
So men die In harness In theso nud
a hundred other occupations, hilled by
tbo very nlr they breathe, nnd other
toch Btcp Into their shocs.-New York
The European Plan.
Some queer customers nro seen nt
JSow York hotels. An old fnrmer from
tho country tells how ho got nbead 6f
ono of the clerks. "I walked in," he
Bays, "nsked tho young man nt tho
desk, 'What aro your prices?' Ameri
can or European?' ho nsked me. Now
I wasn't going to tell where I was from
until 1 bad seen tbo lay of tho land.
'What difference does tbnt make?' says
I. 'If American,' he answered, 'It's ?4
per day; If European, $1.50.' I thought
a moment, and then an Iden struck me
bow to get ahead of him. I walked . p
boldly nnd registered from London."
Now York Tress,
f. .
The StnndlnK A"uy.
Old Lady Poor fellow! And so you
wro a soldier?
Corporal Cnunon Yes, ma'am.
Old Lady I'm nwfully sorry for you.
My, my, to think they never allow you
to Bit down I
Corporal Cannon Ma'am?
Old Lndy I said I wns sorry for you.
and It Is heartless nnd cruel for the
government to keep n standing nrmy
nil the time.
Corporal Cannon Ma'am? Oh. yes.
ma'am, thank you. London Chums.
Dlicoverr of Iron,
Teacher Johnny, can you tell me
how Iron wns first discovered?
Johnny Yes. sir.
"Well, Just tell the class what your
Information Is ou that point."
"I heard pa suy yesterday that they
smelt It" Spare Moments.
Oh, So I'olllel
"Politest people I ever knew down In
that fever nud ague country." remark
ed tho traveler. "In other places they
ubake bauds when they greet you, but
lown there they shako all over." Chi
wgo Post
American Aeatene Dae la Vmrt to
the MIdilny Repaf.
A great many peoplo feel they havo
done their wholo duty by sound hy
giene when they denounco tbo "quick
lunch" of tho American business world
as tho sum of nil gastronomic iniqui
ties, But in bo far ns the quick lunch
is n light lunch, nnd it usually .s this,
it may bo a blessing in disguise. In
fact, an observing foreigner lays much
of tho neutcness nnd business energy
of Americans to tho fact that for tho
moot part the American business nnd
professional man oatB lightly, oven if
hurriedly, nnd drinks but llttlo nt tho
midday meal; henco bis mind ia clear,
ho is not sluggish and ho is nblo to do a
good dcnl between 1 o'clock and 0.
As a contrast the foreign observer
mentions tbo heavy midday eating
habits of certain European countries,
notably Germany, nnd to that bo at
tributes tho lethargy that is calling for
all tho highest efforts of the best minds
to counteract In this ho Is in' har
mony with an American specialist,
who in decrying u heavy midday meal
said that "tho plan of eating a heavy
meal at noon nnd returning to work
almost directly from tbo dinner tablo
explains tho prevalence of dyspepsia
in countries not enjoying tbo long aft
ernoon recess of tho tropica." Since
tho light lunch nnd tho quick lunch do
not fit in with this criticism tboso who
havo blamed our national dyspepsia
on tho "busy man's bite" had better
look a llttlo further into tho mnttcr.
Terhnps wo do cat too much, ns cer
tnln dlntotlc specialists tell us, but It
looks as if we wcro slowly approximat
ing, tho country over, to nn ideal dietet
ic system, for Americans, which makes
tho lunch tho slightest meal and the
evening meal tho most substantial
meal of the day, whatever it may bo
called. And if the quick lunch of tho
business world has had any effect ,in
this direction it is not tho unmixed ovll
some declare it to be. Philadelphia
It Wm nn Ancient, Self Moving
Shrine of Bncclian.
Few, perhaps, aro awnro tbnt tho
first automobile, considered lu tbo senso
of a vehicle containing within itself
powers of locomotion, of which thero
is nny nuthentlc account wns n self
moving shrlno of Bacchus.
This was tho invention of Heron of
Alexandria, who describes it In his
work ou automatic mechanism. Tho
shrlno in question was mounted upon
two supporting nnd two driving wheels.
On tho n'xlc of the driving wheels was
a drum, about which was wound a
rope, which passed upward through
tho Bpaco on ono sldo of the shrlno over
pulleys and was fastened to tbo ring of
n pondorous lead weight, which rested
upon n quantity of dry, fine snnd. Tho
escnpo of this sand through n small
hole In tho middle of tho floor of tho
comparfocnt containing it allowed tho
lend weight gradually to descend and
by pulling upon the cord cnused tbo
shrlno to raovo slowly forward in a
straight line.
Heron describes tbo method of ar
ranging nnd proportioning tbo wheels
in case It wns desired that tbo shIno
move in n circular path. He also shows
how tho shrlno enn bo constructed to
movo in n straight lino nt right nngles
to each other.
Officials of the patent offico overlook
ed tho device of Heron when they
granted patents on slot machines, not
withstanding that previously Thomas
Eubank, commissioner of patents in
1850, illustrated nnd described Heron's
lnvontion. The mechanism of tbo lat
ter Is almost identlcnl with tbnt in tho
modern devlco nnd simply serves ns nn
other proof of the sayiug, "Thero is
nothing now under tho Bun." Wash
ington Times.
Sprunir n. Sarprlae.
Tho man had not settled with the
grocer for nearly bIx months.
The grocer, needing some money,
presented his bill,
"Surely," said tho man, looking in
surprise at tho long list of items,
"there must bo some mistake In this."
"No mlstnko nt nil, sir," nnswercd
tho grocer belligerently. "I nm pre
pared to mako affidavit that ovcry Item
is correct nnd that the footing Is right
to a cent When an account runs ns
long ns this one has run and the cus
tomer hasn't kept track of It, ho nenr
ly nlwnys kicks."
"Oh, I'm not kicking," said the man,
proceeding to write a check for the
amount "Whnt surprises me Is tbnt
the bill Is only nbout half ns big as I
expected." Chicago Tribune.
Dreaded the Rcanlta.v '
Doctor You'll have to accustom
yourself to ono cigar after meals.
Patient Ob, doctor, that's pretty
Doctor Tut'tut! After n tlmo you'll
find It easy to give up oven the cigar
after meals.
Patlent-But I'm sure I'll be giving
up my meals after tho cigars. I've uev
cr smoked, you kuow. Catholic Stand
ard and Times.
An Artful Dodder.
"How Is your boy getting along nt
"Splendidly, splendidly 1 I tell you,
my friend, this boy of mine will make
his way In the world, don't you fear.
During the time he's been going to
school they hnvo bad thirty-two exam
inations, and he's managed to dodge
every one of them." Glasgow Evening
The man who never makes mistakes
does not know the real pleasure thore
Is In being right. Saturday Evening
Tbo domestic fowl Is not mentioned
in the Old Testament
MUMllancoaa Advertisements.
The Best
Give Us a Trial Order.
Jas. Graham.
'PHONE 60.
m& & ,jt & & & t & o .J & Jt & M J Jt
Ssam anv&v.
Is a good dog, but Hold
fast is better. Without
any boasting we wish to
say, our old customers
stay with us new cus
tomers come to us be
cause they find their
linen done up as they
like it
Given that nice, firm
finish so suitable for hot
Wt weather. Shirts finished
anyway you want them.
Try us and be satisfied.
Nelson, Pierce & Co.,
IJ. & M. Time Tnblc.
Alliance, Neb.
nnd nil points east and all points west and
Tuains Leavb as Follows, Mountain Time
No, il Passenger dally. Deadwood,
DIUlngs, nil points north una
west .... .10:35 a.m.
No. 43 russenger oany, iincum.
Omaha" Chicago ana all
points east ... ..............
No. 301 Passenger daliy, for Donvor
1:40 a.m.
UgUCIl.Saib JJIKU, ouill-ruu-
clsco unu all Intermediate
points, departs at 1:40 n.xo.
No. 302 Passenger dolly from Denver
and all Intermediate points,
arrives nt ... 10:10a.m.
No. 43 Local passenger dally from
Omaha, Lincoln and Inter-
medtato points arrives at.... 0:6!) a.m.
No. 44 Local passenger dally, for
dlato points, departs at 4:00 a.m.
No. 305 Dally, except Sunday, for
points south and west, do-
parts ...........8:20 a.m.
No.3081)ally, excopt Sunday, from
south and west, arrives..... .3:30 p. m.
No. 45 Freight, dally. Deudwpoi.
llllltngs and intermediate
stations , T:30p.m.
No. 48 Freight dally, for Lincoln
nnd Intermediate stations.. 6:S0p.m.
No. 47 Frelghtdally.except Sunday,
for Deadwood aud DIUlngs.. 10:50a. m
No. 43 Freight dally for Lincoln
and Intermediate stations.. :0a. m.
No. 49 Freight, for northwest i00a.m.
No. 60 Freight from northwest, ur-
rlvo". :15a.m.
No. 304 Denver freight, dally except
Monday, arrives at 8:15 am.
No. 303 Denver freight, dally oxcopt
Saturday, leaves at :30 a.m.
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars
iseats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baggago checked to any point In tho
United States or Canada. For Information,
time table and tickets call on or write to j.
Kiikideuuuoh, Agent, or J. Francis, Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Nebraska.
Nature's Remedies
For Kidney and Liver diseases, Dyt
n.,r.ctn Ttiiomnntlsm. Catarrh. Heart
disease. General Debility, und In fact
every mseiibe iue nnuwu j,dumm "
to can ho cured by the Lewis Medicine
Company's remedies. Your money
will be cheerfully refunded if a cure is
not effected. Wm. Kkttelman, Agent,
Uox Hntte, Neb.
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
Flour Feed.
Is Our Leader. . Try It
'PHONE 105.
Ice Cream Parlor,
Wholesale and
Ice tarn, $1.00 per Gal.
Quart, 30 Cents. -
Brick, Three Colors and Flavors In One,
' 50 Cents per Brick.
We Also Carry a Full Lino of
Contractor and Bolder.
Turning and Scroll
- Work and all
Kinds of Shop
Estimates Furnished.
Llacmfthdb?nopf f Alliance, Neb.
Will Cry Sales in This and
Adjoining Counties. . . .
On. COMltlSSIOJSr, or
ggr Salisfaction guaranteed. If
you want to buy or sell ranch prop
erty, list it with me
Hemingforp, Neb.
W. H, ftorton'B Lnttnt Announcement.
Come! Come!
OR SEND your neighbors to W. W. NORTON'S to
get tho choicest selection Of Dry Goods, Carpets, Clothing and
Shoes in the city. A big lino of ladles' Tailor Made Suits,
Cloaks and Skirts just in. Suitings, Flannolottos, Outings, Wool
Challies, Dress Goods, Comforts, and Blankets at right prices
And See Our New
Stock of Underwear which is complete, will be sold at prices
lower than oyer before. Heavy fleece lined at 45c; all wool at
05c, and other grades in tho same proportion Our new
Clothing lino opens up with an elegant selection of fall novel
ties direct from New York. See our now neckties.
Fall and Winter Goods
II. C. Armstrong's
iT?a)s TisfcY
H. C.
Who came here to stay,
And will never be diiven away,
And Sold to
This is the Beer that Waked Up
Alliance, and it Stands to
Reason It's the ....
Best in the World!
Just order a case of " Red, White and Blue"
for family use. We'll deliver the same at any
hour, day or night; for we're out for business
and lose no time
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
EXTRA PALE and Other Popular Brands.,
. . Eria,m.Il3T Trade Solicited.
Goods Delivered to any part of tho city. Come and See Us.
Phone 136
Dray and Transfer Line.
The only spring
Phone 139.
Try the Herald
His Customers
about what to do with your Household Goods.
. S. A. Miller will take charge o! thera: store them
in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship
wherever desired. Charges reasonaoie.
dray line in the city.
J. Miller.
for Job fork.
n rwwuitunrntifg
tn iiium.i
v -r -mmtmmf Mi taWwaMaMtMiMMte