The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 12, 1902, Image 5
V Wy I i 3 ?t- , K. l ' ?'.l& : ft 1-1 W Tj t.. " TauvVs AJDa o "SVuxvkvw.., j w FROM CRADLE TO ORAVK. Rocked in a cradle the furniture trust Sold at n price that's extortionate quite; The woolen trust furnished to cover his form A tariff-taxed blanket of white. The doctor who called with his medicine case To minister unto his infantile pains Used glass trust bottles to hold the old drugs A drug trust had gobbled to add to its gains. Shod in poor shoes that the feather trust made i Happy his way to the schoolhouse he took, The school supply trust made the bench where he sat, And a trust also made his first spelling book. ' Homewaid at night, there were chores to bo done, His was a boyhood of unending toil The pail that he milked in a tariff-taxed one, He studied his books by monopoly oil. Plowing with plows that the plow trust had made. Harvesting grain with a tariff-taxed twine; Toiling from sun-up to evening's dark shade Threshing with thresher made by a combine. Hauled grain to market in wagon well taxed, Gouged by the trust that bought all his - grain; On cy'ry side he was beautifully "flaxed" To give "infant industries" plenty of gain Toiling through life taxed on every hand, Gouged by the trusts those wee "infants" so poor, Till finally called to the angelic band, Ushered at last through St. Peter's door. Laid out at last 'neath a taxed coffin's lid In a taxed shroud was his poor form arrayed; 'Midst tears of sorrow his poor form was laid In a grave dug by a tariff-taxed spado. Tom Piatt says the republicans can elect a yellow dog governor of New York. New York republicans have done it more than once Mickey-was selected by the railroad manageis ten days befoie the republi can state convention met, and Prout and Weston have been owned body and soul by the railroads ever since they bobbed up for office. A vote for Mick-, cy, Prout and Weston is a vote for three humble and servile tools of the railroad corporations. Some of these days some discerning and euterprising newspaper publisher who wants to make his paper the best edited democratic paper in America is going to employ "Dick" Metcalfe, take him east and pay him a salary up in the five figures. But it will bo a sorry day for democracy in Nebraska when "Met" goes to some other state. If the Chicago Chronicle's democracy were as sound as its news service is ex cellent, it would be the best democratic newspaper in America. But the Chica go Chronicle is an assistant republican organ. Republicans are good at proportion. Their claims of prosperity have just as much foundation as their statements concerning the cost of Bryan's house. The latest report concerning the house is that it will contain two mantles, each costing $5,000. Bryan will sell them both, pay freight to any point in Ne braska and set them up for 10 per cent of the alleged cost of one. ,How is this for an estimate of Presi dent Theodore Roosevelt: "he has BEKN CALLED A MEDIOCRE MAN, HUT THIS IS UNWARRANTED FLATTERY. HE IS A POLITICIAN OF MONUMENTAL LIT TLENESS. HIS ClIIBr MENTAL AND MORAL ATRIDUTES ARE PEEVISHNESS, FRETFUL ODSTINACV, INCONSISTENCY, INCAPACITY TO MAKE UP HIS MIND, TO GETHER WITH INORDINATE VANITY." Anarchy! Treason! The man who would thus speak of a president of the United States should be lynched. Such utterances conduce to anarchy and af fect weak minds to the point of commit ting murder! A million republicans would shout for the blood of a man who would speak thus of a republican president, and denounce him as an anarchist and no hotter than an assassin nerved to murdor by euch utterances. But hold on, my good republican brother. No democrat made that es timate of a president. Theodore Roose velt pouncd those words, and he penned them concerning a president of the United States John Tyler. You ou find them in Roosevelt's Life of Thoma II. Benton." AWvwWVn;i "Dtt tt. "KUwpt. - WWWVmV Scvoral republican organs arc sneer ing at Uncle John Powers and declar ing that ho is unfit to perform the duties of secretary of state. Uncle John is the youngest old man in Nebraska, as all those who saw him act as chairman of tho populist state convention at Grand Island wilUtcstify. We'd walk twenty miles to hear a debate between Uncle John and any republican editor in the state. But we'd feel almighty soiry for the republican editor who debated with him. Dave Mercer is an expert handshaker. And as a whole lot of union printers in Omaha have discovered he is also an expert promise shaker. Chailey DeFranco has smoked out tho statistical gentlemen who aro com piling tho tax figures for tho railroads. When they started out the statistical sharps declared that their figures were official because taken from tho "reports of the interstate commerce commis sion." Now they are declaring that the interstate commerce commission's figures are unrealiablc, full of palpable errors and utterly worthless to those seeking tho truth. Charley forced them to claim errors in the commission's re ports by showing that if the commis sion's figures were correct the statisti cal sharps wcro deliberately trying to deceive tho people. Dr. Lyman is the fusion candidate for state treasurer. Dr. Lyman was trcasmer of Adams county for four years. During those four years ho covercdhe gathered into the Adams coun ty treasury interest on county funds amounting to moie than all the repub lican state tieasuters of Nebraska ever turned into the treasurer. That's a recoul that should elect him by an overwhelming majority. Jim Biennan is a sly joker. Tho other day Jim went up to Dakota City to attend a reunion and mingle with tho people. Mickey was theie and some friends wanted to introduce Jim. ' Not now," said Brennan. "Wait a bit. O'ill mate him afther whoile." Pretty soon Mickey began circulat ing through the crowd, shaking hands and giving the warm smile. Presently he approached Jim, grasped his hand and asked: "What is the name?" "My naine is Brennan," replied Jim. "And my name is Mickey," said Baldwin's man. "indade, now, and ain't thot funny," remarked Jim. "My name is Brennan and your name is Mickey, an by th" powers I had a cousin onct named Mickey Brennan. I t'ink you ought t' vote f'r me on th' strength of it. O'im the democratic candidate f'r commis sioner. Have one o' my cards." But "Our man Mickey" only shook his head, looked dazed and reached out for more handshakes. It has been said that Mr, Hitchcock deserves election because he has sacri ficed much for tho democratic party. He has made sacrifices, to be sure, but that's not the reason why he should be elected. He should be elected because lis is a democrat, enthusiastic in his ad vocacy of democratic principles, a gentleman and not a political wirepuller, a scholar and not a trafficker in politi cal pie, a student of affairs and able to work intelligently for the best interests of the people at large. I happen to know Mr. Hitchcock quite well. Hav ing worked for him almost eight years I am in a position to know what I am talking about when I say he is a gentle man, a scholar, a democrat, a man of brains and full of tho zeal that makes men useful when entrusted with the duty of representing an intelligent con- tituency. In a speech recently "Our Man Mickey" paraded his wonderful honesty by relating a personal experience. "I boarded a street car in Omaha recently with my family," said Mickey. "There were seven of us in the party. I gave the conductor 50 cents and he gave me back 10 cents too much by mistake. Now 10 cents is a little thing, but I immediately called the conductor's attention to it and gave him the dime, because I wanted to improea a lesson in honesty upon my children." Whon a Polk county fanner read "Our Man Mickov's" apooch, in which this pleasing little incident was related,, he exclaimed: "It's darned jjood. thing for that conduct-'that he vrai't trying to do business with Mickey through tho bank window. He'fl a lost that dime and everything el- be had that wasn't nailed d wn tight and fast." If Frank Prout is ro elected tho rail road combitio of Nebraska will provide the brains to run the attorney gcneialn office. Prout can provide nothing bul tho stomach. If you want. to know a man who stands four-square to ovory wind that blows, knows tho right and daros to fight for it, has a mind of his own and is free to express it, and who is a demo crat ftom skin to coro, just cast your eyes in tho direction of Cleveland, Ohio. There's wheta Tom Johnson lives, and Johnson's tho man. Tho worst that has over been said about ,Mr. Hitchcock is that he is an "aristocrat." That depends on what wo mean when we say "aristocrat." If bathing regularly, wearing good clothes, avoiding tough resorts, attend ing to business during business hours and enjoying the society of friends after business hours makes a man an "aris tocrat," then Mr. Hitchcock is one. But if by "aristocrat" we mean one who thinks he is better than anybody else, too good to associate with those who toil and made of a superior grade of clay if that's what wo mean, then Mr. Hitchcock is not an aristocrat. He is a genial, wholcsoulcd, kindly, considerate gentleman. He manages a business that requires the payment of over $250,000 n year in wages, and he meets every one of his employes on a common level. It will be a gloiious day for this country when "aristocrats" like Gilbert M. Hitchcock arc elected to congress in place of the ' good fel lows" who seem to have the inside track now. It's time we sent some brains and less ability to carry booze; more thinkeis and fewer drinkers, more men of affairs and fewer men with pulls, to congress to make laws for us. ,j. Five thousand sheep wanted to winter. Sec VanBoskirk. Consider your own interests and buy furniture of George Darling. Window shades, all si?es upto sixty three inches in width, always in stock. We put thorn up for you if so desired. Guo. Darling. Wanted Five hundred head of cattle to winter on tho McCarty place, twelve miles southeast of town. The best of care and attention guaranteed, 1- 1. Montgomery, Alliance, Neb M n njiTr"oTloTMTuiTn re . Send me a two cent stamp and I will mail you free a copy of Campbell's Soil Culture Manual .1 valuable work that every farmer ought to have J. FllANCIS, Oon'l Passenger Ag'l., Omaha. Northwest in September and October. Low rates every day via tho Burling ton Route, to points in the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming, in Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and British Co lumbia the Burlington will sell one way tickets at uncommonly low rates every day in September and October. Ask tho nearest Burlington agent, or write J. Fjiancis, Qen'l Passenger Ag't., Omaha. Hack to ttic Old Home. The Burlington Route has authorized the low rate of one fare plus $3 for the round trip from all points on the B. & M, R. R. to many points in Ohio and Indiana. Tickets on sale Septem ber 9, 1(5 and 23. Good returning for 30 days. Tickets sold via Chicago, reoria or St. Louis. Ask the Burling ton agent, or write J. Francis, Qen'l Passenger Ag't., Omaha. Low Kates To California. Every day in September and October via the Burlington Route. To San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Diego and many points in Cali fornia the Burlington Route has made the extraordinarily low rates of 00. 75 from Alliance, Neb. Tourist sleeper daily from Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings and other main line points. Stopovers allowed at many California poiuts. Ask the Burlington ugeut, or'writo J. Fhaxcih, Gen'l Passenger Ag't., Omaha. Choice Cattle For Sale. Ten cows with calves. Eight three-year-old heifors. All thoroughbred Hcrefords. At my residence five miles southwest of Marsland Lko Buandle. Sheep For Sale. Three thousand one-, two-, three and four-year-old ewes for sale. Large sheep and will shear from 10 to 12 pounds. Tho band averaged q)4 pounds this yeai. Two hundred Ram baulett bucks that will shear from 20 to 30 pounds. Address II. A. Peti.ks, Moomaw, Neb. Notice to Creditors. In Count? CViurt lit ami for lto Ilutto conn ty. XutiuibUi, 1MB In the Biuttrr of the eo- unooi i renins uariKTHBr, din'uastHi. To then1llirbif Mtltl eahiU" oVou me hereby nmlflcvl thxt Twill sit nt tho county courtroom In Allium In walil county oti ilii' Jth diii of MhM-li, 1003, to receive nn iixamliK' fl cUIiiik Hiralnst wild o.tnto with u viuw lollieli udjiibiuitmi ami allowance Tho tUm-Uiiiltuil firrtMttUutiniof'luluMajriUii!t said RttaittiH&ix months from tlioind ilu of buiiiDiuiMir, V.U l!Xi;, ami lliutlum llinlltnlfor tlio ti)iiH.'iii of dohw W ono j oar from buld IbiritUy of$ttidiii)er, 100!.' S luitM my hural anil mhi! of atil eoiinty court thlt ftid day of SanU'iiiber, IftK. Atruocopy I). K. Sl'ACllT, feEAi.j County Juilh'o A. . V - !184SN4 NEWBERRY'S -f T J ROOM FOR ALL GRADUATES Nature AdJuntH Slattern mill Alwnr" I'rciicrvcM nit Iiiinlllbrliiui. Once n year the schools and colleges of tho country harvest a crop of grad uates, and once n year tho wlso men of the land wiito essays for publica tion on the HurphiB of men who nro entering tho law, medlclno nnd other callings that are open to tho newcom ers If tho wlso men are to bo be lieved, It would Bcein that nil tho oc cupations wero filled and that tho youne; man had arrived too Into. Fortunately for tho tenderfoot, thn wIbo men lune nhviiye boon wrons. No philosopher has ever presented a logical argument that did not leave something to be Ktild on the other side. Every year since tho world set up for business n new crop of joung nion has arrived, and that new crop has even tually become the may of tho race. What hns boon going on eternally will continue. Tho young -eliupc will locale themselves. It U no nigument that lawyers 'linu thdr tlgns utrrhig at you from every hillwny on h.-flf the streets within Boveinl blockn of every cpurthouse In tho country. The har vest that Includes n now lot of law yers also rnlfscn a lot of new litigants. Nntiiru takes earo to preserve nn equilibrium. If the fledgelings of the medical schools do not find bones to saw, some of thorn turn to sawing wood. The boy who has gone through college with thp Intention of becoming president of the United States finds a satisfactory Job as master cf ceremo nies In a coalyard. A few Jostles and tho new mnn adjusts himself to cir cumstances, and then-ho has becomo a part of tho machine, which runs on as usual. It is unnecessary to becomo alarmed about tho surplus man. If he H hi law, medicine, theology, horso trading, ped dling mill: or anything else, ho finds it out, nnd he arranges the matter in some way without any upheaval In so ciety, The surplus man Is surplus only until ho gets his first Job. After that ho Is one of the establishment Pittsburg Times. SCIENCE SIFTINGS. The sun's flumes spring at times to a distance of 350,000 miles from Its Bur faco. In dry air sound travels 1,412 feet per second, In water 4,000 feet and in iron 17,500 feet. Tho amplitude of vibration of the diaphragm of tho telephone receiver in reproducing speech is about tho ono-twcnty-niillionth of nn inch. Fresh air contains nbout threo parts of carbonic acid in 10,000, respired air about 411 parts, and about flvo parts will cause the air of a room to become "close." nolophano glass is a pressed glass resembling cut glass, having vertical pi Isms on the inside for diffusing tho light and horizontal prisms on tho out side for directing the light. Tho following nre found to bo tho densltlos of the planets, water being 1: Mercury, 3; Venus, B.14; enrth, 5.50; moon, 3.84; Mais, 4; Jupiter, 1.35; Sa turn, 0.0S; Uinnus, 1.09; Neptune, 2.29. The star Arcturus, tho hottest of ce lestial bodies, gives us as much heat as n standard candle six miles away. This fact was ascertained by tho ra diometer, an instrument whlou will show the amount of heat given off from a man's faco nt 2,000 feet dis tance. Ho AVn "In tho Soap." "Mon anil,' said tho Marquis do Crolslc tfio other day, "the hotel keep er's life Is nn unhappy one. If ho does not look to tho lelist little detail, tho wholo thing goes what do you call it? Ah, yes, on the blink. "Here Is cxnmplo of what I say. When I had the LogoroL thero was once a dinner there nt which Clinuncoy Depow was u guest. I told tho chef to put lu tho menu some dish In honor of him, and I forgot to look at tho menu before It vfoiit to tho print or. "Whnt 0 you think that imbectlo of a chef hod done? There" And the mnrquls produced an old menu card on which among the "soupos" nppenred the following: 'Turee do marrons a la Dopew.' M. L3Hx --. JL. T MX assess m t I" ' w Newberry' Hardware Establishment. V M v J EADQUARTERS for all kinds of Galvanized Steel, 1 Dip Supply and Water Agent for Chloro Naptholcum. If your cat tle have the Itch or Lice, try this disinfectant. It is. a sure cure. Carry a full line of Builders' and Shelf Hardware, Stoves, Wagons, Buggies, Windmills, Pipe and Cylin Two of Our Churches. w..., .First One Mack Wct and Tyto Ulocks North of TIMES BUILDING. GltOUOE COIUNS JttFFKRS, PASTOR. Sviwu.aya SctvAccs. Sunday School 10.00 a.m. Preaching. ........... . ,11.00 a.m. Junior McetiDg 3,00 p.m. C. 1. Meeting 7.15 p.m. Preaching 8,00 P.M. PrayurSorvice.Thursday. 8,00 r.M. t A Hearty Welcome & I TO ALL SERVICES. .Miscellaneous NELSON FLETCHER, ire Insurance Agent. REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING IN8URANOE COMPANIES. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. North American of Philadelphia. Phoenix of Hrooklyn, New York. Continental of New York City, Niagara Fire Insurance Co. New York Underwriters, New York. Cgmmcrcial Union Assurance Co., of Loudon. Liverpool, London and Globe In Office L'p-Stnlrs, I'lctchcr lllock. I 3'amons Watches, Souvenirs Repairing in all its flail orders promptly Branches. - "" attended to. M. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician. JOHN PILKING-TOIST. $ratn, Jflour anb 3feeb. , SOT-jBJ .A.CH3JNT FOR The Aurora Milling Company. A OtlC PlOUVy 500 pounds,"cash'. !'.!!'. Leave Your Orders for Alfalfa. The Herald has the best equipped Job Office in the west, and turns out the best work. Victor 1-oJtfe, rsiunbur 10, Utilclitti of 1 thins If.ot.. iMiurv Tmicrlnv fvrtniiw at fi ' -.!... I. a. 11aIIu I.n11 Vtailinrr m.mlur. IIVIWVB, 111 IJ5U3 IIUII 1 . .,....'t0 in t'io w.y cordially invitod to xttand, C. A. Uankin. C. C. J. T. O Strwart, K. of R, and S. 2S Tanks. OS9909 . fy ...Cfwrch... AI- r:n, NJQHTiASKA. REV. E. C. HORN, Ph.D. 1 s PAOTOm,..- SUNDAY SERVICES. Sunday School 10.00 a.m. Preaching. 1 1. 00 a.m. Class Meeting. .......... 12,00 M. Junior Epuorth League. . 3.00 r. m. w Knwnrlh I.Mrriin... t.nn t. M n f reaching ,.,..... n ..... ,. ...... 8.00 1 M, 8.00 v. M. 0 PrayerSorvicc,Thurscl8y. o e o Everyone Is Welcomed to All itenlcos. ooeeoo0O9Beeea699 .d crtlsctncnts. surance Co. German American Insurance Co., New York. Fanners and Merchants Insurance Co., of Lincoln. Columbia Firo Insurance Co. Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoenix Insurance Co., of Hart ford, Conn. Alliance, Nebraska. Gold Jewelry, S 1. IP .10 .50 nrvQi Tho Hhkai-d has the best Job Office in western Nebmska, and turns bat the host work. We are not I1k.. ks but we make nhetjj, Ray & Petcfe ' - Z V m f