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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1902)
"5vfc 3lVia,ttca .waV. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. Official Publication of Box Butte county. T. J. O'KCKFE. JAMES WILCOX . EDITORS tEnleml attlia I'osUimco nt Alliance, Nebraska, n Bccoml-Oltud Mnll Matter. RATCB OP SUQBOniPTION. l'crycftr(ln advance) aMI Three tnontlm. -i0," Blxinoittiw 75 ISamploeople free to any address J3T Advertising tvtt mmln known on application. The City of Alliance. Alliance U thriving, puililng, growing Httlo city of 3M0 souls, Willi ft future full of promiseIndeed, no bright Is tlio outlook, It Is freely predicted that within five years It will have a popula tlon of from 5000 to 6000. In ull of Northwest Nobraska thoro Is no town, In point of popultttlon iintl volume of business, that can approach It. Its railroad facilities are tho best, being located on tho main lino Of thogrent Hurllngtoti find Missouri IMver railroad system i and Its schools and churchM nro not surpassed liny whore. Itspcoplo nro hospitable, enterprising nnd Intelligent. Its ell mat u Is healthful, Invigorating nnd Inspiring. In short, no town In Nebraska prcscn U superior Inducements for men of capi tal, enterprise nnd push to locnlo within her borders. Letters of Ituulry addressed to tho Ai.uanoi: Hehalu will bo answered promptly and In detail, ......... Fusion Ticket STATE. For Governor V, H. THOMPSON, 01 Hall County. Lieutenant-Governor E. A. GILBERT, Ot York County. Secretary of State JOHN II. POWERS, Ot Hitchcock County. Auditor C. Q. DeFRANCE, Of Jefferson County. State Treasurer J. N. LYMAN. Of Adams County. Superintendent Public Instruction CLAUDE SMITH, Of Dawson County. Attorney-GeneralJ. H. BROADY, Of Lancaster County, Land Commissioner J. C. BRENNAN, Of Douglas County. CONGRESSIONAL. For Congressman, Sixth District Ghn. P. H. Barry. Of Greeloy County. Some Laugh, Some Wonder, More Sleep. Thu truth is that those who nro enjoying monopolies arc every day laughing at the inertness of tho pcoplo and wondering how long tho reign of Inactivity will continue. Gov. Cummins of Iowa. And tho monopolies are not the only ones wondcting how long tho magic of a name will be used as a spell to kcop former adherents stilt bound while they go on amass ing princely fortunes at tho expense of those who by their blindness make it possible for them to do so. That a man of sound mind enn vote for a party favoring a policy that makes it possible for a manufacturer to sell goods to his countrymen at from one-fourth to one-third more than to foreign buyers, seems incredible, when by voting to place all articles controlled by trusts on the free list ho could do himself an incalculable favor. Yet for the sake of tho g. o. p. that -'saved tho nation" ho votes for a policy that further enriches the rich and impoverishes tho poor, that makes wealthy tho few at the expense of tho multitude. A m1 Attn ''!tnMlio!(i rtrt ! Ann linrwl nnrl tlin 1niltr1itnrf I Ul lliu twtlltl Vlfcj uu itiv wiu iiuiiu iv itau iuuguivi on the other will continue until tlio majority ot voters cara more for principlo than for party name, until they refuse to longer Bhut their eyes to the fact that American infant in dustries are sufficiently grown to need no further protec tion. ---, A year ago tho democrats of Ohio repudiated tho Kan sas City platform This year they reaffirm it in emphatic torms. Ohio democrats learn by experience, and there is yet hope for the democrats of Iowa and Wisconsin. Goot) morning, Uncle Moses P. Kinkaid! Ate you too cowardly to state your position on the Fowler currency bill? M. RosnwA'lEit says Governor Savage is a "white livered falsifier," and Governor Savage says Mr. Roscwatcr is a "confirmed and despicable hypocrite." As yet noithcr has undci taken to impoach tho other's testimony. Tint siren voice of Senator Charles 11. Dcitrich has not yet been heard in the land. If Deitrich will tako tho stump for the republican ticket and agiee to meet some democrat or populist tho fusion committee will cheerfully pay the senator's campaign expenses and something "on the side." Andrew M. Morrlssey. No man in this senatorial district could have been nom inated for senator who is more able or deserving than An drew M. Morrisscy tho choice of tho convention held at Valentine. Mr. Mouissey lcsided at Chadron for several years and his friends in Dawes county arc legion. The Newport Eagle, commenting on his nomination says: A, M. Morrissoy, thu democratic candidate for senator, is a young man who possesses every rccpiisUe necessary for a good legislator, and one who if elected will be a credit to the district and give it a reputation which it is in need of J for energy and ability. He is a lawyer of ability, now serving his second term as county attorney, having been elected the last time by a greatly increased majority, though the county is strongly republican. True to his principles, ho refused a nomination for a third term, though such nomination was equivalent to election, and expected to de vote his etitiro time to his private practice, which is large; but on pressure from his friends ho at last consented to ac cept the nomination for senator, and wo believe he will bo elected. The people of Valentine, where he has lived for mote than four years, can testify to the truth of the above, regardless of their political affiliations. Politically patriotic, legally bright, and morally an honest man, ho will make an deal senator. Ezra P, Savage, the republican governor of Nebraska, says that "arbitration is the crutch upon which anarchy leans when lawlessness has proven of no effect." How do the railroad men, tho printers, and other organized labor men liko that? Remember, those are the words of a re publican governor. When organized workingmen prevent men from work ing at cut wages they arc called "anarchists." When cor porations starve wageworkcrs into submission tho corpora tion munagcrs arc called "captains of industry." See? The voters should vote against the proposition to patch up tho stato constitution. Nebraska needs a new constitu tion one built for it, and built by honest hands. It indicates a lack of honor to an alarming degree when the officials of a city bind themselves by a pledge into a combine which has for its object the making of money by the sale of their votes, as is the case with nine of tho eight een city officials of St. Louis. And these did not have even the honor one is told exists among thieves, either as to keeping promises or secrecy. It docs one's soul good to hear of men of such staunch adhoienco to principlo as Governor Cummins of Iowa and Governor La Foliotto of Wisconsin. If Nebraska boasted enough such republicans to fill out a state and congression al ticket the fusion candidates would have to "go some" to get there. But somehow that kind of republicans fails percilially aud eternally to get nominated for anything in Nebraska. Do you want a financial system adopted that will give the noteholder absolutely no security except the money of depositors that may be in the bank? Do you want yoxt deposit to bo liable for seizure at any timo to make good the notes of a dishonest bunk cashier? That's the security the Fowler bill offers you. If that suit3 you, vote to elect the lcpublican candidates to congress. If it does "not, vote for the fusion nominees for congress, who will vote to kill the bill when it comes up for passage in tho next congress. George Darling jthc rurnlturo Dealer $ I """fc t J r r-'enrecrriori - TS ONLY ATTAINED in another sphere. We' 5 ? do not live there, hence errors sometimes ? C nrnttf Af ! nvf nnln XII 1 IMfl ! )i '"''' w Maw UVb UlUJ HILlLlinU IMi- t S Li A AiNAiuufc to matte them right. Q&l Q S oSHfc We want yur trade Patterns and Kg C Li, m prices which we willingly submit should U S T S VA J A J J m 11 H M ' secure t. Always a little more tnan your ? S money's worth, should retain It. 3 S Respectfully Yours, v -.1 'iitW tmmtr m JL. JL. JL. s, .,11 JL. JL L i m m r C Druggists and Pharmacists. I School 1 I Supplies, ' 1 I . Tablets, Slates, Jj- -fa - Pencils.. Inks, I I Pees, Etc., -it w Democratic Kcprcscntntlvo Convention. Tho Democratic electors of the counties comprising the Fifty-third representative district of Nebraska are requested to send delgates to a convention to be held in Alliance, Nebraska, on the 27th day of September, 1902, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of nominating -a candidate for representative for said district. The various counties comprising tho district are entitled to representation as follows: Box Butte 5 Sheridan G Dawes .....6 Sioux 3 S. Mr Smysur, Chairman. Fok Salb Two thoroughbred shorthorn bulls. Cheap for cash. J. F. Yandkrs. Professional Cards. ATTDIINEYS. WILLIAH MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, The Iowa democrats have tucked their tails between their logs, staggered into tho republican ditch and afforded great merriment to those alleged democrats who are always free with advice to the democratic -party and give their votes to their republican candidates. The democracy of low a deserves to be defeated by such an overwhelming majority that tho re-organizers will never dare to show up again with their cowardly make-shift platforms. The judges of many of tho courts are tightening up on divorce decrees. The tendency is a good one. Judge Cavanaugh of Chicago says that a man who mairies takes upon himself certain obligations and wives arc not to be cast aside like shoes. Not even when the matrimonial shoes pinches? No. If tho shoe pinches, wear it until it becomes more comfortable. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred it is a matter of time and adjustment. Judge Spring of New York says; "A man takes a wife for better or worse, and because she does not conform her expendi tures to his notions of economy thero is no ground for cast ing her from him." For better, for worse, for weal or for woe." Thero is a need of revival of those old words of the marriage ceremony. In most cases men and women who cast away the matrimonial shoo do not desire to go bare footed. They want to try another shoe. Omaha News. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Office Piionk lbO. Hfsidknck 1'iionb S03. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNY AT LAW. Kooms 1, 2 nnd 3, l'lrst National hank build ing, Allliuice, Nob. .Notury In olllce. Alliance Pharmacy, J. S. HEK1NNEY, Proprietor. T '" T.WT jrrr r j-jj !- tsv - ------. iwfe,vfcfc tfw& twv Af- vfess'-t, vwfe vXL. vw&easaBKw v a; j - j i . "jm - ft -jkj if fj mjjj wy B ! iIITT IT.T; W. Q. SIMONSON... Attorney at Law.... Ofllco Up-stalri Ot er Postuillcc L. A. BERRY, ATTORN AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. SMITH P. TUTTLE. . IUA E. TA8H. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Main SL, - ALLIANCE, NEB, Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y X Y ? X Y Y Y Y I Y :M..:...MH4Ha3ajfeS F. J. Brennan & Co.... 1 DEALERS Drugs, Perfumes Toilet Articles. Y Y Y Y Y Y tWryMWlWl"yMM and Paints, Oils and Wall Paper. 'arnsiT bnlaotcal Alliance, Nebraska. Mr. Rooshvklt expresses himself as grieved beyond tae&sure by the difiiulties in the coal-producing states. If Congress could take on a little of his feelings it might do something to protect the country from great coal combines and other unrighteous conspiracies against consumers. Sf. Louis Post-Dispatch. In comparing tho ideas of the republican party of 1890, when 'Gene Webb assumes to have left it, and now, wheu he returns to it, tho Kearney New Era Standard naturally desires to know on what grounds he ever was a populist, and says: "When Mr. Webb left it, it had many principles that were good enough for populists. It has nono now. Then it advocated bimetallism, and now it is wedded to the single gold standard: then it boasted of having been the author of the greenbacks, now it is their destroyer; then it claimed to bo the true friend of the silver dollar, now it is pledged to its extermination; then it was labor's helper, now tho trust promoter; then it guaranteed civil rights to all, white and black; now it denies these to the Filipinos; then it policies were measured by patriotism, uow by dollars and cents; then it had a voice for struggling liberty, now it speakes against liberty with shot and shell; then it was a power for peace, now an armed force for plunder; then its platforms extrolled the teachings of its Lincolns, Garfields and Blaines, now it boasts of its ill-gotton gains; then it passed a national anti-trust law, now it refuses to enforce it." PHYSICIANS. II, H. lir LI.WOOD, M. D. - W. S. BELI.WOOD. M. D. Bellwood & Bellwood, PHYSICIANS and ir SURGEONS. Holstcn Uulldlnrj, - ALLIANCE. NEB, L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offlco in first National Bank block. Alli ance, Nebrnska. Q. W, MITCHELL. M. D newspaper up north run by an amateur kid, who isn't old euough to know anything and who won't know anything when be is old enough, sagely remarks that the true news paper man is the man who only puts in his paper what tho people want to read. "The people" iudeodl Who are the people? Eery loag-onrcd human jackass we ever saw tiought he was "tha people" and the longer his ears the tore of "the people I18 thought lift was. In the news jprr world there are no "people. " There is only the truth. Better 1 thousand timugtejl the truth, whether "tho people" IKo it are not, than to Ha to suit "the people." It is an nsn proposition with thu writer whether "Tell tho truth," "The people be d "ought to be the motto of the sue- ifnl newspaper. Exeter Enterprise. Wit You Tell Us, Moses? The Fowler currency bill is on tho house calendar. It has been recommended for passage by tho republican ma jority of tho house committee on banking and currency, The Fowler bill provides for the following: Bank currency based on bank assets. Branch banks. Redeemable silver dollars." Retirement of tho greqnbaoks. Moses P. Kinkaid, you aro asking men to vote for you for congress. Before going anv further, will you tell the voters of your district how ou stand on the Fowler bill? Are you for it, or aro yoa opios-d to it. Don't dodge the question, MosCb State your position liko a tunu. Jump, Moses; JUMP! 1 ' PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Ofllco In Lockwood 1 ALLTANOE, NEB. Phono 203. Night 'Phono 37, HOLSTEFS PHARMACY.... Is One of tho Most Up-to-Dato Drug Stores in Nebraska Prescriptions Carefully -&,, Compounded -& Watches and Diamonds. A SELECT STOCK OF Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. Uulldlng. Pay J. E. MOORE, M. D. rurrciiKK. hlock, ALLIANCE, NEH. Calls answoreil from Telephone No. &!, ofllco day or night. Sheriffs Sole, lly virtue of an order of oxecutlou directed to me from tho district court of bcotts lllutr county, Nebraska, ou a Judpment obtained by district court of Scotts Illuff county, Ip bruBkn. on the 7lh day of January, lwe. in favor of McKluIey-Lanntntr Loan and'lrubt fa as plaintiff nnd against Charles S ONon us defendant, for tho sura of four bundled ttudflfty eight dollars and thirty-two ciuts (S458.J2) and costs taxed at six dollars and nlnt'ly cents iS'J.W'1 mill uccrulng-c sts r bao lvlut upon tho the following real ohtutw taken us tho property ot said dofuudant to ,utls.fy said Judgment to-wlt. tho uortlioast fiuarlorot bi-rtlou thlrti-llvo (i. township iwunty-eight CM. raiuo forty-nliu ) in no amo for s.Uo to the highest bWdor for ooili In hand on tho tfltb day of September, l!K, ( In front or tlio eounuouso ju Aiuiuur, ... Uutte county. NebrasUa, thai beliiir w bulldlngwhiirolii tho bust terui .f court wa held, at tlio hour of 10 o'clock of said day when and whero dn attouduwa. v 11' br l von by tho nndorslgned 1UA UEKU.ShorlBotSataCounti-. Dated August 83. 1WM. t P & F. E. HOLSTEN, Froprietor. Alliance, Nebraska. Mrs. Thos. Regan.., Has a Large and Complete Assortment of MILLINERY, & T ADIES' TAILOR MADE Suits, J J Shirt Waists, Huslin Under- wear, Fancy Notions, Chil dren's Headware, Battenberg Haterials, Embroidery Materials, Stamped Linens, Hair Goods, etc. Opera House Block... 3 I m f) rx JL" 1 ioM O )r : i 'Jb r J, 1 r M ffTflfiiacBsw-arpft- ump&p -a w tiTJinirif Mtww sjvyyTtI