The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 12, 1902, Image 3

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BMC As rretldont MsT
It is said in Washington that when
two Bostonlans who wore calling upon
President Roosovolt the other day ex
pressed tho hopo that the Monroe doc
trino might not lead tho government
Into war with any foreign power tho
president replied: "War? Do you
think I'm going to have a war whllo
Cm cooped up here in the whlto house?
Well, I guess not."
Set New Fit lit on.
Mrs. Alfred Harmsworlh, wife of tho
London publisher, has raado a sensa
tion In Paris by appearing In a most
novel automobile coat, mado of th
hide of a perfectly whlto colt, trimmed
with sable tails and havlug a largo
collar, which can be turned up and but
toned so as to leave only her eyes and
tho tip of her nose exposed.
Signal Under the Sea.
A discovery waB made In Boston
harbor recently, when representatives
of the Submarine Signal company
found that the blows on their sub
marine boll, striking in the upper har
bor, caUBed vibrations, and, further
more, that the sound could bo heard
distinctly by Blmply placing tho ear
against wharf piles.
Immigration Inspector la Trouble.
Prank Saxton, a nephew of Mrs. Mc
Ktnley, has been dismissed from tho
position of supervising Immigrant in
spector at Ellis island. He and two
Inspectors were accused of dereliction
of duty regarding the admission of Im
migrants who were not entitled to
w J jm 9i ftp F
tr 7A TKnfJmfiWK l If R
Y. 8. A0HE80N.
Successors to DECK & CO.
Plumbing and
Furnace Work.
nojoott German Artists.
Tn conseauenco of the demonstra
Uons against the engagement of Ger
man artistes at the music halls in Bud
apest the proprietors have been obliged
to sign an undertaking to employ nd
more performers of German national
ity under pain of being boycotted.
Flot Against the Sagllta.
In consequence of tho plot recently
discovered in Johannesburg to murder
officers, Lord Kitchener has Issued a
confidential order directing offlcerB who
are in town at night to walk in tho
middle of the road and to invariably
carry a loaded revolver.
Ancient Irish Iloat.
In a bog near Tuam, an ancient Irish
corrack, or canoo boat, has been found
several feet below the surface, well
presorved. It measures flfty-two feet
In length and will be placed among
the Keltic remains in the Dublin mu
seum. To Dlaoontlnne Freneh Custom.
The' itfstom in France, of posting
on tho dead walls of every commune
throughout the country the speeches
of ministers 1b to be discontinued.
Every time it is done it costs the gov
ernment 5GO.000.
Msnr Poatofflco Employe!.
Normally tho postofflce staff employ
ed In tho London postal district num
bers about 21,000 of al ranks. For pur
poses of Christmas and Now Year's
work about 4,000 supernumeraries were
Mr. John Flfor, No. 1600 Washing
ton street, a gentleman well known in
this city, and whoso many friends have
known of his having bo much trouble
with his eyes, and which has greatly
retarded Iiis work, eta, expresses his
gratitude for what Is being done for
him and the improvements that have
already taken place in his general con
dition. ' LINCOLN, Neb., Fob. 17, 1900. Dr.
W. I. Seymour, City. Dear Sir: I am
Indeed grateful for the great assistance
rendered me by yourself and Dr. Cox.
It was impossible for mo to rtad In
jtho evening, and I have mado soveral
unsuccessful attempts to bo fitted with
proper glasses. My means being lim
ited, I did not feel It possible to under
take Buch ari expensive treatment and
fear that I should havo lost my Bight
mtirely had it not been for tho skill
md generosity of these Justly noted
specialists, who have made it possible
lor mo to secure their valuable ser
vices at a very moderate prico. I am
yery much improved and for tho first
(time In many months have been able
to read in tho ovonlng without tiring
my oyes. Yours most respectfully,
1C00 Washington Street,
Tho following lotter.whlch was writ
ten in Miss Young's own handwriting,
will appear in the near future in fac
simile, together with tho first letter
written by her to Dr. Seymour, when
sho was able to seo for tho first time
In her llfo sufficiently to use a pen.
This will bo dono that thoso who ore
interested in this moBt remarkable cbbq
may seo for themselves what wonder
ful progress has been mado in tho two
years' use of her glasses:
LINCOLN, Nob., Jan. 31, 1900. Dr.
Seymour. Dear Sir: I am among the
many who havo becomo indebted to
you since your first visit to this city,
and wish to thank you for your ser
vices. My glasses, upon which you
spent bo much of your valuablo time,
havo nover ceased to bo a bonoflt and
a great blessing to me. Yours very
gratefully, LIZZIE YOUNG,
1G10 A Streot
Your Patronage
Opera House Block.
,ii'.,f,,.l.jujmv- ;.' '.', i
Lumber and Itulldlng Material.
Dierks' Lumber! Coal Co.
Lumber and Building
Don't forget Dr.
J Consultation Free.
Seymour's date.
CoaY axi& 'MOocA.
We Can Also Make You
a Loan In the - -
Nebraska Central Building and Loan Association
'-Jaff EAR
I Forest Lumber Co.
First Door south of Houchscnsteln's Cigar
Factory, 'l'bunn 163.
For a Full
Line of...
Jest Coffees,
That Can't be
In Town....
Miss Emma Peterson, another young
Jady, was seen in Dr. Seymour's offlco,
and in talking of tho matter of hor
eyes to a friend, expressed herself as
"It has been very hard for mo to
consent to the wearing of glasses, and
only after being advised by my pro
fessor, Mr. Menzendorf, to take a sen
Bible view of it. could I bring myself
to this point My left eye was con
tinually watering, but through the
treatment of Dra. Seymour and Cox
and tho fitting of proper glasses, I
havo been very much relieved."
In justice to Miss Peterson, wo would
Bay, that this was not said for publica
tion, but we havo taken tho liberty of
publishing the statement, as sho has
many personal friends here who will
be pleased to learn of her Improved
Tinware ttna
Enameled ware
In talking of the work dono by Dr.
Seymour, Miss Josle Morrlsey, No. 2119
P street, speaks in tho following
"One year ago last Aprlh I went from
Lincoln to Omaha to consult Dr. Sey
mour to havo my eyes treatod and
fitted with glasses. I had consulted
everj' eye specialist here in Lincoln,
but failed to receive relief. After be
ing treated so successfully by Dr. Sey
mour, it gives me pleasure to say at
the present time that I consider his
work simply wonderful. Tho glasses
havo practically cured my eyes. I can
now read without them, If necessary,
when before It was Impossible for me
to use my eyes any length of time
without glasses,. before receiving those
fitted by him. I really cannot say
enough in praise of his work."
Tho following veiy complimentary
statement comes from Mrs. S. A.
North, No. 827 H Btreet.
"Yes, DrB. Seymour and Cox are
treating me. Dr. Soymour has made
new glasses for me, and Dr. Cox. has
been treating my ears. I have now
been treating with them for two
weeks, and am perfectly happy over
tho wonderful Improvement that has
been mado In my hearing. Beforo I
could not hear ordinary conversation
In tho room at all, although when any
one stood closo to me I could hear
them. After my second treatment Dr.
Cox asked mo if I noticed any differ
ence, and I was perfectly amazed, as
I could hear every word ho Bald very
distinctly, although ho was not speak
ing In an unusual voice. I thought
last night when I went homo I would
watch myself and found that I could
hear tho clock ticking and also tho
conversation of those in tho room,
something most remarkable to me, as
my caao Is of twenty years' standing.
I might odd that I simply consulted
the doctors to ease my own conscience,
as I had heard so much of their skill,
but at the sarao time I had no faith
In the fact that they could help me.
I am extremely grateful for this mar
velous Improvement, and I only hopo
that my friends and acquaintances who
knew of my affliction wH embrace this
opportunity of consulting such suc
cessful specialists if troubled with
either defective sight or hearing."
'SVW TSauls o SftmW awii 1
BmAu$ T&ama.
Estimates Cheerfully Given-
Fanny Side of tJrlnsr Often Treated!
of In Literature
"Death," said a publisher, "hns bcti
treated humorously In our literature,
often. Indeed I mil qulto sure that;
collection of many thick volumes ml gift
bo nmde under tho title of 'Dcntlija
Funny Side.' Thomas Hood was one,
of our best writers of this sort ,
verso. Don't you remember his bnllaft
on tho young sailor who died heart
broken over his girl's unfulth? Tko
last stanza vub;
"His death, which happened In his berth,
At forty odd befall.
They went and told the sexton, nnd
Tho sexton tolled tho bell.
"Ilootl did another bnllnd on tho sub
Jcct of n soldier who lost both legs in
bnttle, who was in consequonco jllteS
by his sweetheart nnd who then hungi
himself. Now, that Is rather tragic, to
it not? It hns n bizarre but none the!
less polgnnnt trnglc note. Guy s
Maupassant indeed once handled al-t
most this eamo situation, but ho bxtt-
died It from tho opposite vlewpaML
and don't you remember how ho uar
rated thu flral, the cruclnl, meeting S;
tho lovers after Den Duttlo's donbfe
"Dut when he called on Nolllo Gray
Sho mndo lilm qulto a scoff,
And when sho saw hts wooden leirs
Began to taka them off.
"This treatment drove Ben to de
spair: "So round his melancholy neck
A rope he did entwine
And for tho second tlmo in llfo
Unlisted in tho line.
"And there ho hung till ho was dead I
As any null in town:
For, though despair had cut htm up,
It could not cut htm down.
"There is a tromendous literature oft,
humorous epitaphs. Thcro must bo, lEj
fancy, 10,000 of these, but two of lliak
arc nil I can recall. Tho first goes:
"Horo lies tho body of mild Maria;
Bho went ono day to start tho fire,
Dut the wood was green,
80 sho used kerosene.
And now sho's where tho fuel Is drier,
"Tho other Is grimmer: 4
"Life is a He, nnd all things show It;
I thought so once, and now I know U.
"Then thero aro songs on tho side
splitting aspects of death, somo et
which havo caused tender hearted la
dles to double up with mirth. 'Johni
Jones nnd Ills Sister Sue' is ono sum
song, nnd I bet that six peoplo out t
ten lti Aruoricn know it by heart
"Yes," tho publisher concluded, ''uh
dcr tho title of 'Dentil's Funny Sido n
anthology of many, many volume
could bo made. Tho anthology shoultf
bo bound in black pigskin, with grJ-,
nlng skulls and crosBboucs tooled i
gold on it" Philadelphia Record.
B. & M. MOTEL.
G. A. WHITE, Proprietor.
Dr. Seymour will bo accompanied on
his coming visit by a noted ear, noso
and throat specialist.
owrs fat 5avv
Ing lslt are
&00& "BoavA &tA CVeau, (LomfavaVfcT&ooms.
Lunch Counter in Connection.
Opp. Hila, Grand, A.lliario3, Netoretshiei..
Seymour will be accompanied on
hts coming visit by ono of his noted
assistants, who will glvo special at
tention to the treatment of all troubles
pertaining to eye, ear, noso or throat
The doctors aro permanently located
In Omaha, which has been Dr. Sey
mour's homo for many years, and those
wishing to consult them on their corn-
write a
postal card to Dr. Seymour, giving
their name and address and a special
appointment will bo made them with
out oxtra charge. Adrdess 307 New
York Life Dldg.. Omaha, Neb.
Many readers who are Interested in
Dr. Seymour's wonderful success as an
eye specialist will be pleased to know
how he successfully conducts such a
largo business, giving personal atten
tion to all his patients, even though
their numbers run Into thousands.
Dr. Seymour lived for many years
in Chicago beforo coming to Nebraska,
and oven though he has returned to
Chicago to live, he has In no wise
neglected his Nebraska patients, as he
has a permanent office and hospital In
Omaha, which is constantly In charge
of his assistant, one of the best quali
fied eye, car, ncse and throat special
ism In the west Tho doctor spends
much of his tlmo in Omaha and his
offices In the New York Life building
present u busy scone whenever tho
doctor makes appointments with his
patlonts at that address.
Dr. Seymour can in no wise be
classed as a traveling specialist, u Mb
recular trips through the state l
braska requlro only a short period fall
and spring, and are "ver a well estab
lished route, paying regular visits to
the same patients year after year. In
fact, the doctor has not added a new
town to his list for over Ave years.
These regular trips enable hundreds of
people to visit him who could not af
ford the expense of going to Omaha
for that purpose.
Ho will be accompanied on his com
ing trip by an EXPERT EAR, NOSE
havo direct charge of all medical treat
ments which aro supplied from tho
Omaha office.
The doctor especially requests that
those wishing to visit him during his
coming trip will drop hlra a card, room
307, N. Y. Llfo Dldg., Omuha, as his
time will bo very fully occupied, and
by so doing patients can receive special
appointments. CONSULTATION AB
A Matter of Principle.
"Why is it," says tho girl, "thntin
giving an nccount of nn accident thear,
always glvo tho ago of tho pctboii in
jured? I can seo the senso of tbair
talking about blonds nnd brunettes,-'
mustacho or full beard If It hjyi maa
or n red, green or blue gown flyt is a
woman, for that is a means of identifi
cation for acquaintances nndrrleus
who may bo Interested. Thcr dotft
oven put tho ago in tho death notices
now, but if you meet with an accldcat
out it comes in nil tho papers in town.
But they will nover publish mine. I
havo it on my mind every tlmo I cross
tho street, nnd when thero is n particu
larly bad crowd I sny to myself, "Now,
remember, If you nro run over here, a-
matter how bndly hurt, you nro to re
member never to tell your age. It's
matter of principle." New York.
Times. f1
rtejectert rortanes, j
Professor Bell hnd n strenuous tltae
oyer his Invention of tho telephone, Ho
took tho first working model of his
instrument to John A. Logan nnd of
fered him n hnlf interest for .?2,C00,
saying that it would do away with tho
telegraph and that thero would be mil
lions In it Logan replied: "I dare hay
your machine works perfectly, but who
would want to talk through such a
thing ns that, anyway? I ndvlso you
savo your money, young mnn." Bell
then offered n tenth interest to nn x
nmlner In tho patent offlco for 100 in
cash. It was refused. That tenth In
terest was worth $1,DOO,000 in fifteen
yenrs. Pearson's.
Ilatlicr Airy.
"There Is nn acquaintance of mine,"
remarked tho doctor, "who gives him
self airs because ho was given up to
dlo thirty years ago and has kept lilw
self nllve till now by taking oxygen."
"How old Is he now?" asked the pro
fessor, "Over eighty."
"He's what you would call an oxyge
narlan, Is ho?" Bald tho professor, .look
ing at him with half shut eyes. Chica
go Tribune.
As Appropriate Name.
"It is n pretty name," the Impres
sionable traveler murmured, "but tall
mo why do they call you Munltn?"
There was an nrch smile on tho sav
age maiden's face.
"Evidently," sho said ns she Blgnaittl
to her brothers, who were concealed te
tho brush with clubs, "you do not
know our favorite food."
Suspected It.
Cashier I can't honor that check,!
madam. Your husband's account to
Woman nun! Overdrawn, is it? T
suspected something was wrong wheu1
bo signed this check without waltiajr
for me to get tho hysterics.
Did It ever occur to you how inuetit
harder It Is to lift a mortgage than it its
to raise one? Boston Trauscrlpt
Ever notlco that when you partlea-j
Iarly try to bo entertaining you -!
Blp more? Atchison Qlobe. '