The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 12, 1902, Image 2

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BSTIHAVB "on and talked with
1 1 Florence Maybrlck, tho Amor
al lean woman who for thirteen
8 years baa languished In an
EnglUh prlBon for a crlmo
which she haa protested from the
first cho never committed tho mur
der ot her husband.
Wra. Maybrlck vras condemned to
be hanged, but Ave daya boforo tho
tlmo act for her execution hor con
tenco was commuted to lite Imprison
ment becauso (I quoto from tho court
records) "tho evidence dpcB not ox
cludo a reftBonablo doubt whether
James Maybrlck's death was In fact
caused by tho administration ot
Tho commutation of MrB. May
brick's sentence for tho reason given
by tho English court attracted ex
traordinary attention and sympathy
Mrs. Maybrlck.
Whon She Was Sontenccd.
for tho American woman, and no pris
oner accused of a capital oflonso has
evor had such powerful friends oxort-
ing all their combined strength to ei
feet rcloaso as sho has had.
Floronco Maybrick'B unhappy fato
has always lain heavily on my heart
So when I reached London, in May, I
at onco sot at work to get permis
sion to visit Aylesbury prison, whoro
Mrs. Maybrlck has for tho paBt sovon
years boon confined.
Mrs. Maybrlck was about twonty-slx
years old, as I recollect It, whon sho
Was convicted of tho murder of hor
husband. Sho has been In prison thir
teen years and is thoreforo at least
approaching her fortieth birthday.
Her faco is an absolute blank ex
cept for that torrlblo sort of dumb pro
test felt In each feature Floronco
Maybrlck might bo sixty or thirty,
or any ago between. Sho typifies
dumb anguish as no other human be
ing I havo ever Been.
I stretched out my hand toward tho
poor woman and tho frail llttlo flguro
shrank back. "I am so sorry," sho
said, In a volco soft and low and ut
terly hopeless; "wo aro not allowed to
hako hands or touch nny one."
Mrp. Maybrlck is a llttlo ovor flvo
'feet in height Sho cannot possibly
wolgh over nlnoty pounds. Her faco
Iiqb the deadly waxen look which long
deprivation of sunlight and fresh air
inevitably produce
Her foaturcs aro not regular, but
very pleasing vory gcntlo. Her eyes
aro blue and largo, and excepting
when sho looks ouo dicctly in tho faco,
they aro bo expressionless as to mako
ono wonder If thero is any Bight in
But I looked into Mrs. Maybrlck's
eyes determined to ovoko a response
determined to send a llttlo message
to that poor hapless soul no matter
what followed.
"I am from America," I said, and bo
foro I could bo interrupted, "you havo
thousands of friends there. You must
not think you aro forgotten. Wo hopo
soon you will bo free."
Tho bluo eyes grew human and ten
dor and looked Into mine, still with
tho despairing gazo. Tho colorless
lips parted in a painful attempt to
I havo lived. I think It must bo be
causo my belief ban never died that
ono day, Booncr or later, my inno
cmico will be proved. I am willing to
dio whon that tlmo comes. I must
live till then."
"And your children?" I asked.
Tho bluo eyes filled with big tears,
"I know nothing of them for tho past
seven years. During tho first six
years of my imprisonment tho May
bricks allowed mo to see pictures of
them twice a yar and I was to keep
tho photographs in my cell for twenty
four hours each tlmo.
"It was such a comfort to mo! Out
they stopped without explanation
sovon years ago and I know nothing
nothing at all about them. My llt
tlo girl Is sixteen, my llttlo boy a man
about twenty. I havo novor seen
them since they wcro taken away from
mo all thoso years ago,
"I believe they aro told their mother
is dead."
"What do you do, Mrs, Maybrlck?"
I asked. "How do you manago to Uvo
through thoso weary days and
"And years," tho prisoner said, con
cluding my sentence for mo. "Tho
prison routino never varies. Tho
samo, day and week, month and year."
I was told that Mrs. Maybrlck has
not only been a model prisoner hor
self, but has had an unparalleled In
fiuenco for good on tho other prison
ers, who adore her. Several women
convicts havo offered and begged to
bo permitted to servo a life sentonco
if It would earn Floronco Maybrlck's
Whllo Mrs. Maybrlck was Bpcaklng
tho door oponed and another attend
ant appeared. Onco more I stretched
forth my hand, a friendly woman's
hand to Florence Maybrlck, and Bho
shook hor head and throw mo a Bad
llttlo kiss from tho tips of her waxen
like fingers.
In another Instant tho door had
closed and I found myself In tho cold
Btonc corridor, free to leavo this houso
of misery. ,
Ab soon as I reached London on my
roturn from Aylesbury I got tho ad
dress of Mrs. Maybrlck's mother, tho
Baroness do Roques, and wroto hor
asking If she would seo mo If I wont
to Rouen, Franco, whero sho Is liv
ing. I rccolved an answer saying I should
bo welcome.
Tho Baroness do Roques lives on
tho outskirts of Rouen In a tiny houso
Qrotvenor and Other Leaders Reveal
the True Attltudo of tho Party
Voters Have It In Their Power to
Curb Protected Monopolies.
kkV?D tfjr tMttWjmKKULKnk
Mrs. Maybrlck.
As Sho Is To-day.
of a fow rooms of Ullputlan dimen
sions, for which she pays about $10
a month. In thla poor llttlo refuge
for ten long years sho has lived, at
tended only by a faithful Breton
During these yearn Florence May
brlck's mother has devoted her every
hour, her every energy, her last avail
able penny, to an effort to secure a
now trial or a release for her unfor
tunato daughter. A now trial,
Baroness do Roques has always con
tended, would show conclusively that,
as Sir Charles Russell, tho Attorney
Goneral and Lord Chief Justlco of
England said ropeatedly: "Mrs. May
brlck ought to bo set free, for Bho
was never legally convicted."
At tho end of my visit the Baroness
do Roques gavo mo tho picture of Mrs.
Maybrlck, taken shortly before sho
was accused of tho crlmo for which
sho was tried, which is hero repro
duced. Harriet Hubbard Ayor in New
York World.
Tho question of a revision of the
tariff is causing considerable anxioty
to tho Republican leaders. Tho speech
of Representative Grosvchor at
tho convention which nominated him
was on both Bides of tho question, as
is usual with that political acrobat.
Ho favored revision of tho tariff when
tho "proper tlmo" camo, and of course
only Orosvcnor and tho Republican
party were capable of undertaking tho
revising. Tho Washington correspond
ent of tho Boston Transcript, a
sturdy Republican nowspaper, says of
"Mr. Orosvenor did not say when
tho "proper tlmo" for tariff revision
would arrlvo.but It Is well known that
he fully agrees with tho other Repub
lican leaders of tho House that thero
probably will bo no revision in -which
tho Houso which Is to bo elected this
fall will share. When, thoreforo, Re
publican politicians commend Mr.
Qrosvenor's remarks they mean that
tho men who rulo tho Republican
party have not the slightest intention
that tho tariff shall be disturbed
until they aro compelled to revlso It
"Nobody hero regards with any seri
ousness tho recent declarations of
Senator Cullom, Representative Taw
ney and other Republican members of
Congress in favor of tariff reform.
Thero aro others who say tho Repub
lican "tariff reformers" do not wish
to be taken seriously by anybody out
side their constituencies. They are
tariff reformers of. tho Babcock vari
ety, but whether they aro Bincoro or
not, thero Is not the slightest reason
apparent to Washington politicians for
expecting that any considerable
movement for tariff revision will bo
dovolopcd In the Republican party
next winter. Secretary Shaw, for ex
ample, thinks the Republicans of
Iowa should not have made tho dec
larations which embarrass tho party
at largo, Ho says they Know quite as
well as ho that tho tariff is going to
"Btay put" for several years to como
unless the Republicans get tremen
dously shaken up In tho fall elections,
and In that way Beared Into making
some revisions."
Tho tariff-protected trusts evidently
havo too firm a grasp on tho leaders
of tho Republican party to permit any
of tho tariff subsidy they are now re
ceiving to bo disturbed. This is tho
attltudo of tho leaders. But what of
tho peoplo who pay tho tax? Will
they voto for members of Congress
or for members of the legislatures,
who will select one-third of tho mem
bers of tho United States senate at
tho election this fall, who will con
tinue tho tariff tax on trust produc
tions The opportunity to turn down tho
politicians who secretly, if not openly,
favor tho tariff subsidy to the trusts is
in tho hands o the voters. They can
Indorse the Hanna-Grosvcnor plan of
letting well enough alone or they can
voto for thoso who aro pledged to
lift tho tariff burden of double prices
on many of tho necessities of llfo
which the "letting well enough alone"
program compels them to pay. In de
ciding this question, it is well to
remember that the trusts aro now sell
ing their productions In this country
for nearly double wbat they sell them
for In other countries.
filets with tho president's declaration!!
with referenco to trusts, and Its
Bilence on tho Bubject of reciprocity
doubtless furnish sufficient reason for
tho president's friends to be dissatis
fied with it"
As the Times Is good Republican
authority and Is noted as an organ of
tho administration, this extraordinary
announcement is probably true. If It
Is, it is unparalleled in political his
tory that a campaign book should bo
withdrawn on account of tho protests
of tho head of & political party nnd
his friends.
These bo strenuous times and Re
publicans will havo to decide whero
tlioy stand. Democrats can view tho
disorganization of their opponents
with a lively hopo that when rogues
fall out honest men may get their
Commoner Comment
Extracts Prom W. J. Bryan's Paper.
Judge Harman.
Who Sentenced Mrs. Maybrlck.
smile, disclosing beautiful white teeth,
and in a low, refined volco, very Eng
lish in pitch and Inflection, Mrs May
brick Bald:
"Thank you. Yes, I know I havo
friends in America, I bad ono great
and noble champion In Miss Dodge
Gail Hamilton and while sho live
I bad strong hopes. But sho is dead
my dear unknown friend is dead."
I asked : "I there any messago yoa
have to send to America?"
"Only the same message," said Flor
ence Maybrlck "my thanks, my pray
ers for the happiness of all who have
given me a word of sympathy, and
remember. I am innocent."
"How havo you lived?" I ventured.
"I cannot tell." Mrs. Maybrlck re
plied; "I often wbnder how it is that
Strange French Tax Law.
Possession may bo nine-tenths of tho
law, but tho remaining tenth oc
casionally makes trouble, especially in
France. A man In Paris had two
motor cycles, on which ho paid tho an
nual tax uncomplainingly until tho
motor cycles were stolen from him
two years ago. Tho law insists ho
should go on paying the taxes indefi
nitely, as ho cannot proro ho no
longer possesses tho cycles by return
ing tho taxing plaques which wore
attached to tho machines, and, of
course, vanished with them. As long
as he does not return tho plaques
the law considers he is in possession
ot the cycles and Insists on the taxes
being paid.
Play Both Ends,
la Guatemala, the Indian population
tries to double its chances for the ef
ficacy of prayer by worshiping at a
Christian altar with Images ot its
heathen deities hidden behind it
Where Are the Pennies?
Somewhere In the world thero aro
119.000.000 big conaer nenniea. but no
body appears to know whero they are.
Republican Factions at War.
An open schism between tho war
ring factions of tho Republican party
on- Cuban reciprocity, the tariff and
tho trust questions would seem to bo
On tho one sido Is tho president and
his supporters; on tho other tho old
and tried leaders of that party. Tho
president said that Cuban reciprocity
must bo accomplished and would be
"sura as fate." Ho Is also supposed
to favor a revision of tho tariff and
has, after a fashion, been trying to
curb tho trusts, though nothing in that
lino has yet been accomplished, On
the other hand tho Republican ma
chine, headed by Senator Hanna as
chairman of tho Republican National
committee and Mr. Babcock and the
other members of the congressional
committee, havo just published the
campaign book, which makes no men
tion of Cuban reciprocity and defends
the trusts.
Citing tho Industrial commission's
report as authority tho book Bays, on
tho subject of trusts, "as far as sta
tistics wcro available, tho report
shows In general a greater number of
persons employed and higher wages
paid in tho samo establishments after
tho combination than, before." The
argument based on this statement is
hardly consistent with a policy hos
tile to trusts.
Tho whole spirit of the book is in
conflict with tho president's attitude
as to reciprocity and his declarations
on tho subject of trusts. It 1b said
that the president will not give his
sanction to tho avoidance of the
Cuban reciprocity question in the
campaign. The Republicans who op
nosed Cuban reciprocity during the
Bession ot Congress are extremely
anxious to evade that question in tho
congressional fight, and some of them
are apprehensive lest the president,
during his tour this fall, should agi
tato tho question.
The Washington Times of Aug. 14,
says: "It is understood that tho book
has beon withdrawn to bo re-edlted or,
perhaps, rewritten' on account of ob
jections raised to It by close friends
nf tho president. Us apparont con-
Spirit of Democracy.
Soldom havo the truths and princi
ples of Democracy been better Btated
In contrast to tho greed, Bpeclal priv
ileges and plutocracy of the Republic
an party than In an editorial in tho
Now York Journal of Aug. 4, 1902,
from which we quote tho following:
"The duty of the Democratic party,
as well as its Interests, Is to fight the
Republican party, not to compromise
with it and imitate it
"Republicanism, as wo now seo it, is
a formidable foe. It Is tho party of
wealth not honest wealth, but preda
tory wealth, wealth founded on privi
lege and monopoly.
"Every eminently respectable thief
in tho country is a Republican.
"All tho criminal trusts which make
a business of plundering the peoplo
aro officered and directed by men who
mako tho cause of tho Republican par
ty their own.
"All tho railroads which conspire
with tho trusts to kill off competition
back the Republican party.
"All tho 'protected interests' which
fatten under the tariff and sell goods
cheaper to foreigners than they do to
Americans aro ardently Republican.
"The food trust is Republican. Tho
coal trust 1b Republican.
"Tho Republican party continues to
employ tho language of patriotism and
to assert devotion to tho peoplo's wel
fare, but it has ceased to bo moved by
concern for tho public good.
"The Republican party of 1902 rep
resents only prlvato interests.
"These private Interests, organized
to tax tho people for private profit,
possess in combination enormous
power. They own tho Republican par
ty, domlnato Congress, and havo in
their service most of tho newspapers
of tho country, nearly all of tho maga
zines, not a few pulpits and tho ma
jority of tho colleges.
"Tho exploiters of tho peoplo need
respectability' in their business, nnd
they know how to get it now quite as
well as they did a century ago, when
about everything that was 'respecta
bio' and 'conservative' lauded tho cen
tralizing and monarchical Hamilton;
and exhausted tho resources of hatred
and calumny upon tho Democratic Jef
ferson. "Nevertheless Hamilton, who want-1
ed government by 'property' and thd
'better classes,' was abandoned by the1
people for Jefferson, who believed In
equal rights to all and privileges to
none, and thus a real republic was created.
"Equal rights to all and special
privileges to none that Is tho princi
ple upon which whatever 'reorganiza
tion tho Democratic party of 1902
may need must proceed.
"War upon tho trusts, war upon
monopoly, war upon government by
money without conscience or sense of
patriotic obligation that is Democ
racy. ;
"And that is the antithesis of mod
ern Republicanism, which has become
but tho political lackey of a plutoc
racy that has no respect for property
until property has passed into its own
possession and out of that of its rlght-j
ful owners.
"Against this plutocracy, which has
no purpose but to fill Its pocket, no
aim In politics save to get from gov
ernment, through tariff and other
class legislation, a continuing license
to plunder tho peoplo, tho Democratic
party must battle ceaselessly If It is
to be worthy of its name and mis
sion. "Tho Democratic masses understand
tho great, tho vital issue between tho
parties, if many of tho advising sages
do not."
What Democrats Need.
What we need is tho leadership and
tho leaders that find roward in tho
work dono, that prido themselves on
something other than the cash ac
cumulated and despUo tho common
ambition of the average man. Until
tho Democracy can find such leader
ship it is spiritually dead, and the
voter is justified In refusing to follow
a funeral procession that preaches no
resurrection. Thero Is no hopo in
quitting a hospital merely to resume
a march to tho cemetery, and If this
be treason, mako the most of it
Whon w get togothor merely to win,
we neglect tho best of our fighting
material It is tho soul of tho Democ
racy that has kept her alive whllo all
her rivals perished. Florida Times-Union,
Issues and Arguments.
If the Democratic congressional
committee Is well advised it will de
vote a largo sharo of Its energy to
tho dissemination of information re
specting tho workings of protection
as shown Mx the fact that the protect
ed manufacturer charges tho Amer
ican consumer 40 per cent more than
the foreign purchaser,
Peoplo may dlffor respecting the
colonial policy of tho country, but
ovory man who is being robbed by tho
Republican tariff can appreciate the
40 per cent larceny without argument
President Roosevelt has progressed
far enough in his campaign tour to
show that he appreciates tho serious
ness of the trust issue and his discus
sion ot the subject gives evidence of
a complete change in bis method of
treatment since his elevation to the
presidency. It was quite certain from
his Minneapolis speech, delivered just
before President McKlnley's assassina
tion, that he expected the administra
tion to havo a pro-trust candidate and
that ho (Roosevelt) expected to make
his -fight against the trusts and ap
peal to the anti-monopoly sentiment In
his party. But ho was suddenly usher
ed Into the White houso and given a
chance to "shackle cunning" and he
hoe ever since been apologizing for
rather than denouncing trusts. Take
his Providence speech as an illustra
tion; he spent more time in trying
to pacify those who cililclse the trusts
than in pointing out a remedy,
speech will be found on another page.
Through It runs the Idea that the
enormous fortunes wrung from the
people by monopoly are a natural and
necessary result of good times a re
sult that wo can not prevent "We
may like this or not, just as we please,
but It la a fact, nevertheless, and as
far as we can see It is an inevitable
result of the working of certain causes,
prominent among which has been the
immense importance which steam and
electricity hn-ve assumed in modern
life" that is tho way he announces
his submission to tho man-made in
equalities which have grown up under
republican rule. Again he says! "For
some of the evils which have attended
upon the good changed conditions we
can at present see no complete rem
edy," and in the next breath he finds
fault with thoso who try to find a
remedy, saying: "Much of the com
plaint against combinations is entirely
unwarranted." He oven tries to con
fuse the private monopoly with the
labor organization in order to soften
the laboring man's hostility to trusts.
Ho says: "Exactly as labor organiza
tions, when managed intelligently and
in a spirit of justice and fair play, are
of great service, not only to wage
earners, but to the whole community,
as the history of many labor organi
zations baB shown, so wealth, not
merely individual, but corporate, when
used aright is not only a benefit to
the community as a whole, but in
dispensable to the upbuilding of the
conditions, which at tho present the
country has grown not only to accept,
but to demand as normal." The pre
sident fails entirely to distinguish be
tween an association of God-made
men, with bodies to reea, ramiiies to
provldo for and with consciences to
guide them and a fictitious person
called a corporation organized for
gain, having no heart" to restrain It
here and no soul to punish hereafter.
He fails to discriminate between the
the labor organizations which have
not yet succeeded In securing living
wages and reasonable conditions and
tho overgrown corporations which de
clare enormous dividends on watered
stock and enable the managers to be
come multi-millionaires from enforced
contributions collected from the
people. Thla hiding behind tho labor
organization is a favorite device of
the monopolist and the president be
trays his leanings when he falls Into
the samo habit A careful reading of
the president's speech will convince
any candid man that the executive Is
more alarmed lest the people may in
jure themselves morally by hating the
trusts too much than he Is lest they
bo hurt by tho trusts. Note his sollcl
tudo: "Wo are passing through a
period of great material prosperity and
such a period is as sure as adversity
Itself to bring mutterlngs of discon
tent" Acain: "If In a spirit of sullen
envy they (the people) insist In put
ting down those who have profited
most by the years of fatness, they will
bury themselves in tho crasn or com
mon disaster." And still again:
"Probably the most serious harm re
sulting to us, tho people of moderate
means, Is when we harm ourselves
by letting the dark and evil vices of
envy and hatred toward our fellows
eat Into our natures."
No trust magnate could have made
a more abject and servile plea for law
less wealth and heartless greed. When
we see great corporations violating the
laws of tho land and riding rough
shod over the rights of the people,
Instead of annlylng a remedy we must
constantly restrain our Indignation for
fear "the dark and ovll vices of envy
and hatred will eat into our na
tures." Instead of trying to catch tho
horse thief would he lecture tho man
who lost his horse? And does he
think the horse raising Industry would
be Jeopardized by the completo exter
mination of the norso tmeir
No ono finds fault with wealth that
results from honest toll whether it
be toil of the hand or toil of the head,
and no ono but an apologist for the
trusts would confuse such wealth with
the Illegitimate accumulations that
como from monopolizing trade, strang
ling competition and cornering the
markets. Every honest man is bene
fitted, not injured, by the prosecution
of dishonest men? every legitimate in
dustry is helped, not hindered, by tho
elimination of the Illegitimate con
cern organized not to furnish a fair
product at a fair price, but to prey
on the people at large.
When the president finally gets
through with his multiplied warnings
agalnBt "ignorant meddling." and ap
proaches a remedy ho exhausts his
energy in pointing out tho difficulties
In the way and has no strength left
to urge effective means for meeting
these difficulties.
He insists that it is "highly un
desirable to attempt too much or to
begin by stringent legislation." Thoso,
who are looking for "strenuoslty" in
dealing with the trust evil will not
find it in the president's speech. It
Is weak and puerile. Instead of a war
rior leading his men up San Juan Hill
we seo the politician anxious for a
renomination and afraid either to ig
nore the subject or to deal with it
firmly and aggressively. He need nbt
havo protested against "stringent leg
islation," his failure to enforce tho
criminal law against tho beef trust
while his marshals scour tho country
for petty offenders is proof positive'
that he will not err on the side of
Beverity when influential law breakers
are to be dealt with.
The only definite suggestion ho
makes is in regard to publicity and
evon this nrusl bo "non-lnquIsltorlal."
Publicity as an aid to other remedies
would be useful, but publicity alone
would be of no benefit To expect any,
real relief to come from mere publi
city is as absurd ns it would be to
propose the repeal of laws agalnBt Iar-'
ceny and the substitution of a law,
simply requiring the thief to file a
Schedule of the things stolen and
then keep them. Publicity would' give
some protection to tho stockholders
but none to the consumers or trust-
controlled articles.
Not only docs he fail to propose any
real remedy, but he advocates a con
stitutional amendment that would tako
from tho states tho power they al
ready have. While Btato remedies aro
woefully insufficient they must not b
surrendered, for if they are surrend
ered the people will then have to de
pend entirely upon the federal gov
ernment for protection. j
The federal romedy should be added
to, not substituted for, the state
romedy. The republicans two years ago
attempted to pass through tho house
of representatives a resolution sub
mitting such an amendment as tho
president now advocates and tho demo
crats opposed It on 'the ground that
congress already has power to exter
minate the trusts and shoult exercise
that power instead of trying to rob,
tho states of their power. In the sum
mer of 1900 the republicans brought an
anti-trust bill to a vote Intho house"
of representatives and tho democrats
supported it, but it died in tho senate.
This year congress adjourned without
getting an anti-trust bill through the
house. Why talk about an unneces
sary constitutional amendment when
tho republicans in congress refuse to
use tho power they already have? j
The republicans are in absolute con
trol of tho federal government; they
have the president the senate, tho
houso and the supreme court They
have it in their power to lnforce exist
ing laws and to make new ones, nut
the trusts grow rich while the at
torney general, whom they selected,
goes through tho farce of enjoining
two combinations. The rest of tho
trusts enjoy immunity from all attack
and the two referred to are not dis
turbed by criminal prosecution. While
tho Injunction 3ults languish the trusts
go on making money and use the rail
roads, the malls and the telegraph
lines to control' interstate commerce.
A republican must bo dull indeed
if ho cannot discover from the presi
dent's recent speeches that he has
come to an agreement with tho trust
magnates. From now on republican
speakers and republican editors will
devote their energies to praising tho
benevolence of trust-made million
aires, to asserting the necessity for
great combinations of capital and to
threatening dire calamity If radical
action agalnBt tho trusts Is attempted.
xne repuuncan leaaers went inrougn
the same maneuvers on the money
question and on imperialism. They
first denounced the gold standard, then
apologized for it, and then defended It;
they at first denied that anybody
wanted imperialism, then defended It
as a necessity, nnd now they are pre
paring to praise It as a good thing.
To be a republican today one must
sleep In his fatigue uniform and be
ready to march in any direction at tho
command of the officers temporarily In
It was not always so, and It Is only
a question of time when farmers,
laboring men and small business men
will demand of the republican party
fidelity to the people's Interests and,
failing to compel fidelity, will desert
tho party.
It seems that Secretary Shaw be
lieves in tariff revision that does not
revise anything.
It is said that Mr. Morgan refuses
to tip waiters, but Mr. Morgan Is so
rich he can afford to do It
When tho editors of Manila Free
dom get out of Jail their first act will
be to change the namo of their paper.
A large number of Iowa republican
organs are frightened lest the Iowa
republican tariff plank be taken in
Another Labor Day has come and
gone.and its lessons have been learned.
Who, watching the parades that
took place In most of the cities, was
not Impressed anew with the dignity
of labor? Who would not prefer to
have his son employed as a wage-earner
In some honorable occupation than
to have him waste his time on the
streets spending the money of his
parents? Tho day also gave opportu
nity for the discussion of thos ques
tions which concern the laboring man,
and what important qut'on doos not?
If American naval vessels, officered
and manned by Americans, failed to
effect a landing on American shores
it 1b useless for any other nation's ves
sels to try It
It is not sufficient to Bay that labor
organizations make mistakes all
people and all organizations makes
mistakes. "To err is human," but
thoso who insist upon living wages
and reasonable hours are nt,t as like
ly to err as those who aro endeavoring
to collect dividends upon watered
The labor organization has been of
service to those outside of its ranks
as well as to those within, for the
former get the benefit of tho rate
of wageo fixed and the hours pre
scribed by the organization.'